Title of Invention


Abstract The Engineless Battery operated energy saving electric Motor Cycle and operating method thereof. In the two wheeler motor cycle vehicle the fuel consumption and bulky weight are consuming more energy per Km. run of the vehicle. A new Engineless pollutionfree Motor Cycle which runs on optimum speed for the distance covered each times has been developed for running the motor cycle in energy saving manner a main driving circuit & speed control circuit, an efficient braking means, an aerodynamic front and mirror, and efficient battery recharging system and energy level indicator have been incorporated in this Motor Cycle.
Full Text Field of Invention :-
This invention relates to a battery-operated motorcycle replacing the conventional type motorcycle. It is a lightweight, economical, pollution free vehicle. This invention replaces the conventional type of vehicle parts like engine, transmission and speed control system, frame or design of the vehicle, brake, and most important fuel system, horn and indicating system. The conventional type motorcycle uses petroleum as source of energy, which is converted into vapour by internal combustion, but in our invention we have used rechargeable battery as source of energy. In this vehicle electrical energy of the battery is converted to mechanical energy by an electric motor. Introduction of new technology and rearrangement of the old principles has been done to develop this vehicle. New accessories like speed control switch, aerodynamic front sheet, magnetic & mechanical brake, meter system, battery state indicator, and battery capacity tester and motor brush has been developed by applying new technologies. This invention also attempted to improve and rearrange the old technologies in varied field and applied in this vehicle. In these respect parts like motor, frame or chassis, transmission system, speed control system, speed control circuit, wheel, mirror, horn, light, seat, charger etc is worth mentioning. The chassis has been designed in such a way that the weight of the vehicle is reduced than the conventional type with a capacity of carrying 120 Kgs. The maximum speed of the vehicle is 80 Km / hr with a 48 volt battery. The battery used as a fuel is a 24 to 48V rechargeable battery. It can be obtained from various manufacturers. The cost of maintenance of the vehicle is very low and in these days when stock of petrol is getting exhausted, the invention attempts a

perfect replacement of the conventional type motorcycle. The invention does not spread pollution in the atmosphere by producing harmful gases. The expenditure per kilometer running is much less than the conventional type motor cycle.
Background of the Invention:-
The conventional motor cycle use petrol as source of energy, which is converted into vapour by internal combustion. This vapour pressure is converted into mechanical energy, which helps to run the vehicle. Practically in conventional motorcycle, by rotating the accelerator flow of petrol is controlled which consequently control the energy and speed of the vehicle. Silencer is used for reduction of excessive sound of internal combustion. Engine power is transmitted to the rear wheel of the vehicle through chain, sprockets, clutch and gear system. Burning of the fuel in the engine produces smokes, which pollutes the air and environment.
The conventional motorcycle relates to a petroleum-operated motorcycle. In this regard the design or framework of the vehicle is done in such a way to accommodate a fuel storage tank, internal combustion engine, silencer, a heavy metallic body and seat, dynamo, carburetor, gearbox large size break drum with shoe, wheel, high consumption horn, 12 volt lighting system. The present invention replaces the conventional motorcycle parts extensively. The combustion engine of conventional motorcycle is replaced with a electric motor, fuel storage tank is replaced by battery, heavy metallic body and seat of conventional motor cycle is replaced by light weight but hardy specially designed framework or chassis, method of control of speed

by controlling the flow of fuel is replaced by controlling the flow of electric current to the motor armature and field coil, large size break drum with shoe is replaced with smaller size but more effective system, wheel of conventional motorcycle is replaced with larger front wheel and smaller rear wheel, high consumption horn is also replaced with low consumption electronic speaker horn, 12 volt lighting system is replaced with 24 volt system. Silencer, dynamo, carburetor, gearbox, clutch and other features are abolished in this invention.
The technical comparison between the prior art of conventional motorcycle with the present invention draws the following points.
A. Internal combustion engine
TECHNICAL COMPARISON: In Conventional motorcycle engine operates on combustion of petroleum fuel External force {kick or battery} is required to start the engine. Chemical energy of fuel is converted into mechanical energy by internal combustion. The shaft of the engine rotates due to the movement of pistons due to pressure of internal combustion of fuel.
The main drawbacks of the conventional motorcycle engine are production of harmful gases like carbon monoxide etc, which pollutes the environment, excessive noise pollution occurs due to internal combustion. The mechanism is very complex. Starting problems occur due to accumulation of carbon in spark plug, carburetor, impurities in fuel. Considerable amount of energy is lost in conversion of energy.

In present invention conventional engine is replaced with electric motor, which operates on electric power supplied by rechargeable battery. No external force {kick} is required to start the motor. Electrical energy of battery is converted into mechanical energy by a electric motor. The shaft of the motor rotates due to the movement of the armature of the motor due to magnetic force acting upon the armature.
The drawback of prior art is overcome in the following manner. As no internal combustion is there, no gas and noise is produced, as a result there is no air or noise pollution. Mechanism of the electric motor is much simpler as the contents of the motor are only few parts. Due to simplicity of the motor and as there is no combustion of fuel, starting problem is fully overcome. Loss of energy in converted process is much lower.
B. Transmission system
Technical Comparison : In Conventional motor cycle power of the engine is transmitted to the rear wheel of the vehicle through chain, sprocket, gear, clutch.
The main drawback of this system is that it is complex mechanism. The system is not smooth and results in loss of energy.
In present invention the power of the motor is transmitted to the rear wheel of the vehicle directly through chain and sprocket system.

The drawback of the conventional transmission system is overcome by simple mechanism. Transmission of power is smooth and loss of energy is minimized.
Speed control system
Technical comparison : In Conventional motor cycle it is a mechanical system. The speed of the vehicle is controlled by rotating the accelerator and by changing the position of clutch and gear. By rotating the accelerator, flow of fuel is controlled which in turn controls the speed of the engine and by changing the clutch and gear position, torque and speed at the engine shaft is changed.
The system of operation is not smooth and the operation of the system requires skill and practices.
The present invention is a electronic system. The speed of the motor is controlled by controlling the flow of current through the armature and field coil of the motor. The current control is achieved by a electronic power control circuit using power MOSFET, IC, SCR, Transistor, Resistance diode, capacitor, potentiometer and electromagnetic relay.
The drawbacks of prior art are overcome in the following manner The speed is controlled by rotating the accelerator, which is smoother than the conventional system, which is explained in detailed description, and it requires no skill and practice. The mechanism is simple and energy loss is minimum.

D. Battery Charging System.
Technical Comparison : For quick charging of lead acid batteries used in this invention, about 400 watt capacity charger is necessary. Weight of such conventional chargers are more than at least 6 kg., which is unsuitable for carrying with the motor cycle, as it will increase the load upon the motor cycle to a considerable extent. Size of such charger is also large to fit within the motor cycle.
Conventional automatic chargers are made for automatic shut off or trickle charge condition when a certain battery voltage is reached. In such cases generally batteries do not get fully charged or becomes over. They are not charged according to the proper charge characteristics of the battery, which reduces the maximum serviceable life of the battery.
In the present invention, charger has been made on the basis of new concept of transformation of D.C. Power, without using transformer, which maintains the efficiency of me transformer, at the same time output is isolated from the source. Weight of such charger is reduced to 1/3rd of the conventional same capacity charger. So, it is easy to carry with the motor cycle.
Present charger automatically charges the battery (lead acid) according to the characteristics of the battery and it is shut off when the battery is fully charged. Thus more mileage is achieved from this charger and the maximum serviceable life of the battery is obtained. The D.C.

obtained through this process is also ripple free and smoother than the conventional process.
E. Brake System
Technical Comparison : The speed of conventional motor cycle is retarded and stopped by mechanical brake system attached with the hubs of the wheels. Efficiency of the brake depends upon the size of brake drum area.
The drawback of this system is, larger brake drum is required for effective braking and accident occurs if the brake wire cuts off.
The present invention consists of two types of brakes one is magnetic and other is mechanical. Magnetic brake operates without any brake wire and brake drum. Speed is retarded by magnetic speed control of motor, which is explained in detail description. Mechanical brake is attached with motor shaft, which rotates at much higher speed than the wheels of the vehicle. Thus much less torque is required to stop the motor.
The drawbacks of the conventional system is overcome in above way as no brake wire, drum and hub is required for magnetic brake and probability of tearing of brake wire is much reduced as much less torque is required to stop the brake drum attached with the motor shaft. Braking becomes easier.

F. Wheel
Technical Comparison : Sizes of the conventional motorcycle wheels are equal.
Though this type of wheels does not conclude with any drawback but considering the point in view that larger size wheels encounter less obstruction in rough road, in present invention size of the front wheel has been made larger which is advantageous over conventional motorcycle.
G. Mirror
Technical Comparison : The design of Conventional motorcycle mirror is almost flat, so the mirror used in conventional motorcycle faces much obstruction of air.
The design of the mirror in the present invention is conical in shape, as a result air obstruction is minimized as explained in detailed description.
H. Horn
Technical Comparison : The horn used in conventional motorcycle
consumes more than 2 ampere current at 12 V.
The horn designed for the invention is quite different from the conventional motorcycle. A small speaker (used in television) enclosed in a small box along with a electronic specially designed circuit form the horn

system. The horn automatically sounds continuously with eight breaks in the beginning. Then after a prefixed time gap automatically sounds with alternate two-tone frequency to disperse the passengers. This horn consumes maximum 500 milliampere ere current at 24 volt as found in practical observation but producing sufficient loud sound. Due to discontinuity of sound, average current consumption becomes 250 miliampere though it possess the capacity to disperse public. Thus energy consumption is minimized.
I. Light
Technical Comparison : The lighting system used in conventional motorcycle are all 12 volt system and the brightness of light vary with the speed of the vehicle. Light/horn facilities are not available at the static state of engine.
In present invention lighting system used is 24-volt system. In this system less current is required to produce the same output at 12-volt .Due to less current, wire resistance loss is minimized than the conventional motorcycle. The brightness of light doesn't vary with the speed of the vehicle and the light/horn facilities are available at the static state of the motor.
J. Aerodynamic front sheet
Technical Comparison : In conventional motorcycle a small front position is made aerodynamic design which is not effective to encounter air obstruction. Due to air obstruction energy loss is high.

In present invention necessary aerodynamic front design has been made to overcome air obstruction effectively. So Energy loss due to air obstruction is minimized in this invention.
K. Model
Technical Comparison : The chassis of the conventional motorcycle has been made to accommodate fuel tank, combustion engine, gear box, silencer etc and it is much heavy.
The chassis of the present invention is different from the conventional as it has been designed to accommodate battery, motor and some minor accessories. The total weight of the body along with wheels etc is much less than the conventional motorcycle and it comes up to 30 Kgs. Due to less weight range of the motorcycle per single charge of the battery has been increased.
L. Seat
Technical Comparison : In conventional motor cycle seat is made with
cushion based upon a heavy metal plate.
In the present invention the seat has been so designed that it weighs about one Kg. But whereas in conventional motorcycles weight of the same size of seat is much higher which is explained in detailed description. This also helps in achieving more mileage.

Due to replacement of fuel and introducing battery as an alternative, additional features like current consumption meter, battery state indicator meter, battery capacity tester, multiple pole multiple way switch, charger have also been introduced in the present invention, which are not used in the conventional motor cycle.
Object of the Invention :-
Modern civilization is largely dependent on petroleum energy though the total stock of this natural resource is limited. With the extensive use of this stock in vehicles it is decreasing gradually and at the same time spreading severe pollution, poisoning the human body and endangering the future generation. To over come this crisis an attempt has been made in these invention in which battery is used as source of energy instead of petroleum and at the same time the vehicle is affordable and cost effective. It is a pollution free vehicle and can prove to be a great alternative to present system of vehicle devised to run with minimum energy.
Statement of the Invention :-
Conventional motorcycles runs consuming energy more than at least 2HP. Running of vehicle on petroleum fuel has been possible as huge amount of energy is produced on combustion of fuel. But running of vehicle on battery is a very difficult problem as because energy available from a battery is much less than it is required to run a vehicle. In three wheeler or four wheeler vehicles much energy can be availed by using large number of

batteries. Whereas in two wheeler size and weight of the battery must be limited. So running a two wheeler using battery as driving power, is much more difficult to cover a standard distance.
Present invention has been made on the principle of running a two wheeler with minimum energy with minimum loss at the same time. Its practical utility for the public. Considering these points in view, following principles have been adopted to develop the present invention. Body of the motorcycle including all parts and accessories has been designed for optimum weight so to compensate the weight of the battery as well as be capable of running at desired speed to cover a standard distance. The model has been made with minimum parts for minimizing the weight of the vehicle. Motor has been designed for maximum efficiency (Field current kept optimum, Armature resistance + brush resistance and all losses of the motor kept minimum).
1. A new brush system has also been included.
2. A new Electrical circuits have been incorporated with minimum parts
so that the circuit loss becomes minimum.
3. A new electronic circuit has been incorporated for effective and auto
current control of motor and battery with minimum loss.
4. Another new feature has been introduced that a large size
aerodynamic front is incorporated to overcome the air resistance.
5. A further feature is accurate battery state indicator system, which is
provided to know the exact distance to be covered.
6. A new Low current consumption horn has been included.

7. A new high current auto shut off system has been included when
batteries current exceeds a certain limit.
8. A new multiple pole multiple way switch as indicated in detailed
description has been incorporated for proper functioning of all the
9. A new Lightweight regulated charger has been incorporated as built
charger so to extend the battery life as also to carry with the vehicle
and for getting maximum distance to be covered.
10. A new conical mirror has been incorporated to overcome air
11. A new lightweight seat has been included to minimise the weight of
the motor cycle.
Sizes of chain sprockets have been made according to size of the rear wheel, R.P.M, power of the motor and current consumption on normal load. Moving parts have been incorporated to run with minimum friction. Larger front wheel has been provided to run with less obstruction on rough road. Automatic current control system has been introduced for saving the energy. Direct transmission of power system has been provided for minimizing loss of energy. High battery current is controlled using number of power MOSFETS and high efficiency electronic chopper circuit.
Combining the above principles, the present new and useful vehicle has been produced by manufacture. The vehicle design is a combination of several devices functioning in combination to form a new product for performing a specified function. Features and technologies developed in this invention are different and novel in comparison to other vehicles running on any fuel or electricity. This new product has been developed suitable for use

of the common people which is cost effective than any other vehicle running on fuel or electricity.
Summary of Invention :-
The present invention is a new battery operated engineless energy saving two wheeler motorcycle which is a new product and which is very economical and useful. It has got following new features
1. A new main circuit operating at 20 to 48v.
2. A new control circuit operating at 20 to 48v.
3. A new brake system.

a) Electromagnetic brake.
b) Mechanical brake.

4. A new brush for motor commutator.
5. A new accelerator switch assembly.
6. A new horn circuit.
7. A new switching circuit for operation of lighting system from 24volt
to 48 volt.
8. A new battery state indicator meter.
9. A new battery capacity tester.
10. A new light weight, high power regulated battery charger.
Besides above, it has got following improved features :
1. An aerodynamic front sheet for reduction of energy consumption.
2. Conical shape mirror.
3. A current consumption meter.

4. A light weight seat.
5. Two low resistance electromagnetic relay.
6. Larger front wheel.
Conventional petroleum fuel used in present days vehicle has been replaced by rechargeable maintenance free battery of 24 to 48 volts developed by any reputed manufacturer. Replacement of fuel with such battery has made the invention possible for pollution free operation, as battery does not emit any poisonous gases in the atmosphere during running. Stock of conventional fuel is limited. So by use of this vehicle a considerable amount of fuel will be saved. If the batteries be lead acid type then these should have double clad protection PE envelop with glass mat so that it is protected against active material shading in the battery from the bumpy roads and difficult terrain, discharge of acidic fumes, leakage of electrolyte and having more charge acceptance, quick recovery from deep discharged states, superior energy density, spill proof and explosion proof and least weight. According to battery characteristics curve of Exide make MF70Z(12volt 75AH) 44000 kms. can be traveled with such two batteries, if the motorcycle runs 40Km per day at an average taking into account the cost of battery together with electricity charge. Expenditure for running this motorcycle for 1 Km. comes up to 20 paisa approximately. The detailed calculation is shown in detailed description. After replacing the old battery from the motorcycle it can be used to operate inverter or emergency light or such apparatus without any extra cost as the battery will retain more than 50% capacity after running above distance.

Engine of the conventional motorcycle has been replaced by a DC motor. According to the characteristics of DC motor series motors are used in traction apparatus as a convention. But in this invention shunt motor has been used considering the lower average current consumption. The design feature is given later in detail description. Motor has been designed to suit the vehicle for specific initial and running torque and for carrying standard load in normal road. This is a high efficiency motor having minimum loss for minimum armature resistance, brush resistance and optimum loss for field resistance. The motor has four poles having four brushes and maximum 2 HP capacity. Conventional brushes of the motor have been replaced by roller brush, which is explained in detailed description. This is a new addition to the motor due to which friction loss and also the brush resistance have been minimized and at the same time commutation has been improved. This motor is susceptible to less damage than the fuel engine and operates smoothly for long years without any disturbance. The maintenance cost of the motor is negligible. Power transmission system of this vehicle is made directly from motor to rear wheel replacing the indirect system of the conventional motorcycle. This also causes minimum loss of energy and simplicity of the mechanism.
Speed of the vehicle is controlled by a newly developed electronic circuit containing power MOSFETS in parallel and a electronic IC regulated chopper circuit with manual and automatic current control system for safety of the motor battery and all electronic parts. By using low internal resistance Power MOSFETS in parallel circuit resistance have been made negligible and high ampere current is fully controlled efficiently by controlling the duty cycle of the output. Resistive loss in total circuit has

been made negligible. By this system speed control operation has been made smoother with negligible loss of energy. After attaining 25 Km/hr speed with 24volt battery motor is connected directly with battery. Then the minimum loss due to the control circuit is further eliminated as the current from the battery reaches the motor directly through a thick and short wire only and this is done automatically by rotation of the accelerator. After attaining the said speed, speed is further increased by controlling the field current with minimum loss of energy. Thus the speed of the vehicle is controlled first by controlling armature current and then by controlling field current and this change takes place through a switch assembly connected with the accelerator. A new circuit has been included for this purpose.
Unlike in conventional motorcycle this motorcycle contains a magnetic brake specifically developed for the vehicle. By operation of a soft lever this brake is activated and motor speed is retarded efficiently. A Power Mosfet switching circuit has been developed for controlling the brake force. The same circuit is used for testing the capacity of the battery, which is also another aspect of this vehicle design. This additional brake system will help the rider to save from the accident if the mechanical brake fails due to any mechanical fault. The details of brake is given in detailed description.
Another brake system has been incorporated in the present invention. One brake disc is attached with motor shaft, which rotates at much higher speed than the wheels of the vehicle. Thus much less torque is required to stop the motor and the probability of tearing of brake wire is eliminated, as much less torque is required to stop the brake disc attached with the motor shaft. The brake force applied at the motor shaft disc is transmitted to the rear wheel through the chain & sprockets. The same lever

is used for operation of both the magnetic & mechanical brake applied at the motor shaft. When the lever is pressed downward, at first the motor armature circuit is disconnected and it is connected through a high load and thus the magnetic brake operates to retard motion and when the lever is pressed further mechanical brake is activated to stop the motion. Large size brake drum with shoes is replaced by mis method. Further explained in detailed description.
The next novel feature added in the invention is motor brush. It is an improvement of conventional DC motor. In all DC motors brushes are used for commutation of current. These brushes are placed upon the commutator with pressure. As the commutator rotates, loss of energy becomes unavoidable due to friction of brashes with commutator. Due to friction, length of the brushes decreases so a higher length brashes are used. For better commutation Graphite brashes are more suitable but it offers resistance for carrying high current. I n this invention brushes are used in the form of a roller and it rotates along with the rotation of commutator thus friction of brashes with commutator is minimized. At the same time due to low thickness of brush, resistance is also decreased.
A new type of switch assembly has been specifically made for this invention for proper and synchronous operation of different circuits used in the invention. This switch is operated through a wire by rotation of the accelerator. Plates of the switch carry current up to a lebel of milliamp ere so energy loss through this switch is negligible.

Another novel item included in the invention is a electronic horn. There is an electronic circuit operating on 24 to 36 volt The circuit produces two different types of sound at a prefixed time interval. On switching the horn, a beep sound is emitted for a prefixed time. If the switch is continued to be 'ON' then after a prefixed time interval a sound of two different frequencies will be produced alternately to disperse the crowd. The output of the circuit is fed to a small size(5" X 3") television speaker of 15 Watt capacity. The speaker is enclosed within a fibre enclosure producing large sound due to air resonance but consuming much less average energy which is only 250-milliampere current or 6 watt energy as the sound is not continuous, whereas in conventional motor cycle minimum current is 2 amp consuming 24 watt energy,
A new transistorised switching circuit has been developed for operation of light & horn system at 24 volt, from a 36 to 48volt power supply, without loss of energy. This is required for operation of the vehicle from 36 to 48 volt battery.
The another inventive feature of the vehicle is inclusion of the battery state indicator meter. Conventionally Battery State is known by using a voltmeter. For correct measurement of potential difference of the battery normally a moving coil voltmeter or for more accurately a digital voltmeter is used. Digital voltmeter though reads accurately but it requires a separate battery and the reading will not be correct when the battery falls below a certain level. The moving coil voltmeter does not require any separate power supply but reading cannot be very accurate because of small graduation of scale. In conventional moving coil DC voltmeter, scale is graduated from 0

to 10 or 0 to 25 or 50 or 100 or 200 or such. As the range increases accuracy decreases. In this innovation moving coil voltmeter has been developed for a range from 10 to 16 volt instead of 0 to 16 volt. Thus the total scale is for 6-volt range only and by making 60 small graduations one small graduation becomes equivalent to . 1 volt. Thus the accuracy of moving coil voltmeter has been increased largely without using a separate power supply as required for a digital voltmeter. Construction has been explained in detail description.
The brake current controlling circuit can also be used to test the capacity of the battery. It is a new type of battery capacity tester. In the conventional tester, high current is directly passed through a high load for measuring the drop of voltage. In this system, voltage drop is measured by sending the battery current through a switch mode Power Mosfet circuit, controlling the current at moderate level.
A new type of battery charger of this invention has been made on the basis of a new concept of transformation of D.C. power, without using transformer, maintaining the efficiency of the transformer, at the same time, output is isolated from the source of power. This has been done by charging a capacitor at high volt and then by discharging the same charge (being isolated from the source) to a higher value capacitor. As Q-CV, (Where, Q = Total charge of the charged capacitor and C = Capacity and V = Potential difference). Potential difference obtained at the higher value capacitor will be lower according to the above formula. By Quick charging & discharging smooth & ripple free D.C. is obtained. By using higher value of the capacitor, higher power can be obtained.

Charger should be used according to the type of battery to be used in the vehicle. Lithium ion batteries are most suitable for this invention where energy to weight ratio is high and quick charging can be done, but due to non availability of this battery in India, present charger has been designed for charging the rechargeable lead acid batteries of reputed make which are commonly available.
According to the characteristics of such battery, a 12 volt battery should not be discharged to less than 10 volt level and a 12 volt 75 AH battery should not be charged to more than 15.5 volts at 3 ampere. This new charger has been made to charge the battery from 10 volts to 14.4 volt at the maximum rate of 15 ampere. After attaining 14.4 volts, rate of charging is automatically reduced to 3 ampere and finally it charges upto 15.5 volts, the charger is automatically shut off. For some & old batteries, voltage may not rise 15.5 volt at 3 amp. current rating. In that case it is required to charge those batteries at 14.4 volt for about two hours. Such provision has been made in this charger to shut off automatically after two hours, reaching 14.4 volt, even if the volt does not rise to 15.5 volts.
Above features are not present in the conventional charger. Moreover, due to non existence of any power transformer, weight of this charger is much reduced keeping the other advantages of the transformer circuit. Lightweight of the charger enables it to carry with the motorcycle and it has been used as a built-in-charger.
Another new feature has been added in this motor cycle for minimizing further loss of energy. A moderate size, transparent,

aerodynamically designed fiber sheet has been installed (optionally) in front of the vehicle to overcome the air resistance. This sheet helps to reduce the current by 1 ampere when running at a 30-kilometer speed per hour. The design of the feature is given later in detail description.
The next new feature in this invention is aerodynamically mirror. Backside of the mirror is purely conical shaped which reduces the air obstruction and loss of energy is also minimized.
Current consumption meter designed for this motor cycle is a analog type moving coil meter but unlike conventional ampere meters ft has no shunt connection between the lids of the coil. The coil is connected with a small series resistance and the small voltage drop across the main thick wire connected with the battery and motor is measured in terms of ampere as the voltage across two fixed points of the wire depends upon the current passing through the wire. This system eliminates the joint loss at the terminals of conventional ampere meter, which occurs in case of high amperage. Thus the energy loss is minimized in each and every step contributing to achieving larger traveling distance.
Seat of the present invention has been so designed that it requires no lower heavy metal plate and the weight has been kept about 1 kg. Whereas in conventional motorcycle weight of such seat is normally 5 kg or higher.
A new addition has also been made to the electromagnetic relay used in this invention. To minimize the contact resistance of relay plates,

silver plates have been used with the normal copper plate and the resistance decrease up to less than .001 ohm. Thus the energy loss is minimized in each and every step of the invention.
The next new feature of the vehicle is larger front wheel. Conventional equal size wheels have been replaced in this vehicle. Larger size wheel encounters less obstruction in rough road. The rear wheel size should be limited according to the leg height of the rider. So to overcome road obstruction and for smooth running larger front wheel is advantageous than small size of wheel for the same set of shock absorber. Diameter of front wheel is 20" whereas that of rear wheel is 18".
Thus in each and every step of functioning of the motorcycle energy loss of the battery has been minimized abnormally and thus it has been possible to utilize maximum energy available from the battery to run the motorcycle for a standard distance at standard speed.

The invention is illustrated with 15 accompanying diagrams out of which mechanical portions have been shown in 10 sheets (sheet no 1 to 10) and electrical / electronical portions have been shown in 5 sheets (sheet no 11 to 15). No diagram is drawn according to scale.
Sheet no. 1 shows the front view of the structure of the body of the
motorcycle along with position of different parts, when
A ? Accelerator switch assembly
B ? Battery, C ? Electronic circuit box
D ? Electronic power control circuit box
E? Motor, F&G? Relay
H ? Battery charger I ? Magnetic & Motor shaft brake lever. J ? Conical mirror K ? Power transmission system from motor to rear
Sheet no 2 shows the side view of the structure along with different parts. Where-L ? Battery state indicator meter
M ? Front aerodynamic sheet
N ? Current consumption cum battery charging current meter.
O ? Vehicle turn indicator light
P ? Electronic speaker horn.
Q ? Leg guard, R ? Mud guard, S ? Fork with shock absorber.
T ? Head light, U ? Speedometer.

Sheet no. 3 shows the tope view of the vehicle from which the upper structure and battery position can be understood.
Sheet no 4 & 5 show the structural view of the accelerator switch assembly. Total switch assembly has been shown in sheet no 4 where.
21 ? Lower bakelite plate
22 ? upper bakelite plate, 10 ? inner bakelite plate
23 ? Spring, 24 ? Position of accelerator wire connection
25 ? Nylon chord connecting point,
26&27? Pulley, 28? Nylon chord
29 ? Spring, 30 ? Potentiometer with plastic drum.
Spare parts of the switch has been shown separately in sheet no. 5 where
1,3,6 & 9 ? Non conducting plate
2,4,5,7,8 ? Conducting plates
11 ? A middle rod around which the inner plate no 10 moves.
12, 13 & 14 ?Metal conducting points which has been shown in details in 15.
16 ? Spring filled with brass plate & steel rolling ball.
17 ? Spring, 18 ? Accelerator wire holder

19 ? Accelerator wire
20 ? 4 metal rods for holding the upper & lower plates.
21 ? Lower plate, 22 ? Upper plate.
Sheet no. 6 shows the mechanism of the magnetic brake. At the left hand side, front views is shown, and at the right hand side,, side view is shown. In this diagram_
31 ? Pedal, 32 ? Brake switch holder, 33 ? Switch, 34 ? Potentiometer, 35 ? Potentiometer support, 36 & 37 ? spring.

Sheet no 7 shows the construction of the front aerodynamic sheet which may be optionally fitted with the vehicle and position may be adjusted. In this diagram
38 ? transparent fiber sheet 39 ? clamp
40 ? washer 41 ? Transparent sheet with middle slot for capable of
42 ? Lower clamp plate, 43 ? sheet and clamp holder.
44 ? Upper clamp plate, 45 ? Flynut
Sheet no. 8 shows the construction of battery fixing system, where batteries of different sizes can be fixed in this diagram. 47? fiber plate, 46?clamp plate, 48 & 49 ? Bolt & nut.
Sheet no. 9 shows the construction of the mechanical braking system at the motor shaft. In this diagram- 50 ? Motor 51 ? Motor clamp, 52 ? Exhaust fan 53 ? Motor sprocket 54 ? Brake holder. 55 ? Brake shoe holder, 56 ? Brake shoe, 57 ? Metal disc. 58 ? Lever, 59 ? Brake wire, 60 ? Brakewire guide.
Sheet no. 10 shows construction of motor commentator roller brush.
In this diagram -61? roller brush
62? Front view of the copper plate holding the brushes 63? Top view copper plate
64? Side view of the side plates holding the brushes within the copper plate. 65? Side view of the copper plate and side plate holding the brushes. 66? Side plate attaching pin.

Sheet no 11 & 12 the main electrical and electronic circuit diagram of the vehicle. Total motor functional circuit has been shown in tow parts. Sheet no. 12 shows the portion of the power control circuit. Remaining portion of the circuit has been shown in sheet no 11.
In sheet no 11_
50 ? Motor. 71 ? Two way relay, 72? Voltage regulator, 73 ? D.P.D.T. switched used as magnetic brake switch 74, 75 & 76 ? Accelerator switch, 77 ? Motor field current control circuit. 78?Double pole two way relay. 79? Two way relay,, 80 ? Auto sheet off circuit 81 ? Optional jumper wire, to keep open doing 36 volt operation 82 ? Optional circuit box to connect, for operation at 36 volt 83 ? 2 Amp fuse.84 ? Key switch 85 ? two pole 4 way switch. 86 ? Battery state indicator meter, 87 ? Switch on indicator LED. 88?Battery charging cum battery consumption current meter. 89 ?D.P.D.T. switch. 90 ? light, horn and indicator circuit 91 ? magnetic brake and Battery capacity tester circuit 92 ? Battery connecting point for testing of capacity, 93 ? Voltage feed back point for auto shut off in case of excess motor current.
94 ? positive battery charging point 95 ? Negative battery charging point 96&97 ? Batteries 98 ? Battery (optional for 36V operation) 99 & 100 ? low current & high. Current positive supply to sheet no 12.
In sheet no. 12_ 101 & 102 ? Low & high power input from sheet no. 11.
103 ? Voltage regulator circuit
104 ? Pulse width modulated oscillator circuit
105,107 ?Resistances. 106 ? Diode, 108, 109 ? zener diodes 110 ? Parallel power mosfets circuits. 111 to 116? Diodes.

117? Diode
118 ? Negative connecting point
119 ? Automatic current control circuit.
120 ? Pulse width control point
121 ? Maximum current limiting preset resistor.
122, 123 ? Voltage feedback input point.

124 ? Potentiometer attached with accelerator switch.
125 ? Preset resistor for proper operation of the circuit.
Circuit of the electronic horn has been shown in sheet no 13. In this circuit -
126 & 127 ? Positive and negative supply point.
128 ? Supply filtering capacitor, 129 ? Voltage regulator
130 ? Oscillator, 131 ? Transistor with SCR switching circuit.
132 ? Beeping tone generator circuit 133, 148 ? gain adjusting present.
134, 149 ? Resistors matching input; of the power amplifier.
135,146, 147 ? Coupling capacitor. 136 ? Power amplifier.
137, 138 ? Output capacitor and speaker.
139? Decade counter IC. 140, 141,142, 143 ? Diodes & resistances.
144 ? SCR 145 ? Variable frequency tone generator circuit.
Sheet no. 14 shows the circuit diagram for operation of 24 volt light & horn circuit upto 48 volt. In this circuit diagram -151,152 ? Positive & negative power supply.
153 ? Voltage regulator.
154 ? Variable duty cycle oscillator.
155 ? Preset for adjustment of duty cycle.


156, 157 - Biasing resistors
158 ? Transistor switching circuit.
159 ? Filtering capacitor
160? 24 volt output.
Sheet no. 15 shows the circuit diagram of the novel battery charger. In this circuit diagram -
161 ? 3 pin plug point
162 ? Relay 163 ?Rectifier Diode 164, 167, 170 ? Choke coil.
165, 168, 171 ?Capacitors 166, 169, 172 ? SCR
173 ? Battery, 174, 175, 176 ? Diodes. 177 ? Low power transformer. 178,179? Rectifier diode. 180 ? Filter capacitor. 181 ? Voltage regulator, 182 ? Pulse width modulated oscillator. 183 ? Decade counter IC. 184, 185, 186 ? Buffer amplifier and triggering circuit, 187 ? Oscillator frequency adjusting preset. 188 ? Oscillator capacitor. 189 ? Feed back biasing preset. 190, 191 ? Op-amp biasing resistance & zener diode. 192 ? Op-amp IC 193, 194, 198, 199 ?Resistance, 197 ? Transistor, 195?Two Zener, 196?opto coupler IC. 200 ? Preset for adjust of current 201 ? Current limiting point. 202?voltage regulator, 203?preset for adjustment of charging voltage 204 ? Auto shut off circuit, 205 ? Delay circuit.

Detail description of the invention with reference to the drawing: -
This new motor cycle has been devised to run with minimum energy. In order to achieve this object several new features have been incorporated in this vehicle.
Two new electrical / electronic circuits have been designed for operation and control of the DC motor used in this vehicle. These circuits (sheet no 11 & 12) can run from a DC supply voltage of 20 to 48 volts. There are two positive line in these circuits, one is low current line and the other is high current line. Low current line passes through the key switch 84 and the high current line passes through the relay switch 71. High current circuit is activated and controlled by the operation of the low current circuit. As soon as the key switch 84 is closed (on), the LED 87 will lit, showing that the switch is on. Now, if the accelerator at the right hand handle is rotated, accelerator switch points 74,75 & 76 will move and the relays switches 71 & 78 will be on and the field coil circuit of the motor will be on. If the accelerator is further rotated, low power will go to point 101 of sheet no 12 and this will activate the variable duty cycle oscillator 104. It will start with prefixed lower duty cycle and the duty cycle will increase on rotation of the potentiometer 124, which will rotate on rotation of the accelerator. Output of this oscillator is fed to the gates of the power Mosfet circuit 110, through diode, voltage divider resistors and zener diode protection circuit. Output of the power Mosfet circuit passes through point 102, through power diodes 111 to 116 in paralleled. Diode 117 is used as reverse voltage protection diode. Mosfets conducts according to input duty cycle. On rotation of the accelerator, potentiometer 124 rotates and duty cycle of the high current time line increases and thus the speed of the motor increases. Gradual increase of the duty cycle, will gradually increase the speed. Starting current may be

adjusted to whatever value desired., by adjusting the starting position of the potentiometer 124. For adequate torque, it should be around 40 ampere, but this current will soon go down as speed will increase. At 20 km/h speed current consumption is around 10 amp. At 30 Km/h current consumption is around 16 amp. At 40 Km/h, current consumption is around 22 amp. This current consumption is for 24 volt battery and 60 kg load. Now if anybody rotates the accelerator very quickly, then current will quickly increase. This current will develop a small voltage at point 123 which is fed to the input of the automatic control circuit. This small voltage is first amplified and then fed to a transistor switching circuit, which consequently changes the voltage at point 120 of the pulse width modulated oscillator. Pulse width is limited by adjusting the preset resistor 121. Thus the maximum output current is limited which may be 40 to 50 amp. for total safety of the motor, battery & other accessories. By full rotation of the potentiometer 124 speed will increase upto 25 Km/h with 24volt battery. If the accelerator is rotated further low power supply to control circuit at sheet 12 will be cut off and just before that relay 79 of the sheet no 11 will be on and the motor will be directly connected with the high power line. If the accelerator is rotated further, the field voltage control circuit 77 will be on by triggering the SCR 77A. If the accelerator is rotated backwards, SCR, negative supply will be cutoff, and the field circuit will again be connected directly with the battery.
If the accelerator is fully rotated, field current control circuit will be on and the speed will be around 27 Km/h. At this stage, by gradual rotation of the potentiometer 77B placed adjacent to accelerator, speed will increase upto 40 + Km/h at 24 volt.

If at any circumstances, or due to any fault, motor current increases excessively, a small voltage will develop at the point 93 which will be fed to the input of the auto shut off circuit. This circuit will first amplify the input volt which will switch on a SCR. Consequently it will switch off the relay 71 and the total high power line will be cut off. To resume power, accelerator should be moved to zero position and then to be rotated. Thus the motor, battery and the circuit are totally protected.
There are two new brake systems incorporated in this vehicle. One is electromagnetic and the other is mechanical, both are applied for braking the motor speed. The electromagnetic brake consists of two parts. One is mechanical arrangement and the other is an electronic circuit. The mechanical portion has been shown in sheet no 6 and the electronic portion has been shown by block diagram in sheet no 11, reference no. 91. In sheet no 6, reference no 93 is a push on/off type D.P.D.T switch which is such connected that, while the pedal 31 is at its rest position, it pushes on the low power line and when the pedal is pressed downwards, it cuts off the low power line and connects the motor armature line with the braking circuit 91. By cutting of the lowpower line armature line is disconnected from the battery and it is connected with the braking circuit. At that state maximum field current continues to flow, as such the motor acts like generator and at 25 Kn/h speed, nearly equal to supply voltage (24 volt in this case) is generated at its armature output. This voltage is fed to a Mosfet switching circuit containing a low resistance load 91 A. In this circuit three power Mosfets are connected with a variable duty cycle oscillator circuit. The duty cycle is varied by rotating the potentiometer 34, (sheet no 06), which is connected with the oscillator circuit. This potentiometer rotates automatically by pressing the pedal of the brake. A pulley is fixed with the potentiometer and two nylon chords are fitted in opposite direction, so that

when the brake pedal is pressed downwards it rotates in one direction and when it is released, the potentiometer rotates in opposite direction and comes to previous position. Thus the brake current is controlled. It will be maximum, when the pedal is pressed maximum. This magnetic brake is effective at the high or moderate speed of the motorcycle for retarding the speed. But, by applying this brake the vehicle does not stop fully rather it moves slowly. So a new mechanical brake has been incorporated, which is shown in drawing sheet no 09. In this figure 5,7 is the brake disc attached with the motor shaft and 56 is the brake shoe which moves to the brake disc when the brake wire 59 is pulled. The end of the brake wire is connected with the pedal of the electromagnetic brake. As the pedal is moved at first the speed of the vehicle is retarded by the action of magnetic brake, then the vehicle is fully stopped by the action of mechanical brake . Force required to stop the vehicle by applying the breaking force at the motor shaft is much less than that required at the break drum attached with the wheel of the vehicle as because R.P.M. of the motor is much greater than the wheel .In this case it is 6.5 times. So force at the motor shaft is 6.5 times less than that required at the wheel. To accommodate this new system, motor breaking is also replaced with Thrust roller bearing instead of simple conventional ball bearing.
Motor used in this invention is a highly efficient D.C. motor having some new features. Shunt motor is used in place of conventional series motor used in traction purpose. Series motors are used for obtaining greater torque, but in this case of controlled motor current, greater torque is obtained using shunt motor. Average current consumption in this motor is 15 to 20 amp and amount of field current is 1 amp and number of turns in each field coil is 400 turns. So the magnetic force produced by each field coil is 400 x l=400"amp turn"(AT) and this is same for all armature current. Now to produce equal amount of magnetic

force by a series motor for 15 amp armature current, total number of turns for field coil will be 4x(400 /15)=108 turn. Resistance of these coils together with resistance of armature coil will be high enough in respect of energy loss.
A new brush has been incorporated in the motor for minimizing friction loss and brush resistance. The design of this brush has been shown in sheet no-10. Two roller brush are fitted with the copper plate by three side plates 64, one at the middle and two on both sides. This assembly is fitted into a brush holder with the pressure of a spring. As the commutator of the motor rotates these two rollers also rotates and thus friction is minimized and brush resistance is also minimized. While rotating, two brush touch two adjacent commutator segments and the connection is taken out from points 68, 69 by placing wires in these holes.
For proper functioning of the circuits, a new accelerator switch has been made, which has been shown in sheet no .4 & 5. In sheet no.4, 21 & 22 are lower and upper plates and 10 is middle plate which can move within upper and lower plates. Accelerator wire is connected at the point 24 and when fitted, end of the spring 23 presses the middle plate above the point 24 and keeps the middle plate in the portion as shown. When accelerator is rotated, the accelerator wire pulls the middle plate at the point 24. It moves towards right side and the connecting points 12,13&14(sheet No.5) touches plates 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9(sheet no.5) according to the position of the "middle plate and corresponding circuits are closed or open. Simultaneously, it pulls the nylon chord fixed at point 25 and this chord rotates the -potentiometer(30) in clockwise direction and thus the duty cycle of the control circuit(sheet no. 12) is varied according to the position of the acceleration. On variation of the duty cycle, the average motor current and consequently the speed of the vehicle is increased.

A new type of electronic horn with circuit has been incorporated in this invention. In drawing sheet no. 13, When positive supply is given to the horn circuit at the point 126, by closing the horn switch it passes through the voltage regulator 129 and then goes simultaneously to two circuits 131 & 130. 131 is a transistor switching circuit and normally it is on. So the current passes to 132, which is a beeping tone generator circuit. A beeping tone then passes to the power amplifier circuit 136, whose output is fed to the speaker. Simultaneously the oscillator circuit 130 is also activated and its output is fed to the pulse shifting decoder IC 139. It produces series of pulses according to the frequency of the incoming signal. Leaving first 5 pulses, output of sixth pulse is obtained and fed to the switching circuit 131, at the gate of a SCR. This cuts off the power supply to 132 and the beeping tone is stopped. The next i.e. 7th pulse is fed to the gate of the SCR 144 and consequently the circuit 145 gets the power comply. The circuit 145 is a variable frequency tone generator circuit, which produces sound of two frequencies alternately. This sound is then fed to the power amplifier, which produces strong sound at the loud speaker.
Thus it is seen that this circuit at first produces a beeping tone for sometime. Then automatically it stops and another two frequency tone is produced. The duration of the first beeping tone and the gap time between the two tones can be adjusted by changing the frequency of the oscillator and selecting the pulse point of the decoder IC. The tone generator, switching, oscillator and pulse shifting circuits operate at 12V, whereas the power amplifier circuit operates at 24volt. It produces output of more than 12 watt by adjusting the presets 133 and 148.

The loudspeaker is a 5"x3"- 15 watt speaker. It has been enclosed within a small fiber box. It produces sufficient loud sound. Current consumption at full output is only 500miliampere. But in this case, the sound is not continuous, there is always break of sound, so the average consumption of current becomes 250mA, which is much less than conventional motor cycle. Moreover, it start with beeping sound, if public disperses, no more sound is necessary but if public do not disperses, then automatically next attracting two tone sound will be produced, by which they are supposed to be dispersed.
This invention also posses a new switching circuit for operation of light & horn system of the vehicle from 24 volt to 48 volt If it is intended to run the vehicle on 36/48 volt, for getting higher speed, no change is required in the main or controlling circuit, but for operating the 24 volt lighting & horn system, a switching circuit has been included as shown in sheet no 14. It is to be connected with the main circuit (sheet no 11) as shown in dotted line. 36 volts positive supply will first pass through the 15 volt voltage regulator circuit 153, this will activate the variable duty oscillator circuit 154 of frequency 1000 cycles. Output of this oscillator is fed to the input of transistor switching circuit via bias resistors 156&157, Duty cycle of the output will vary according to the position of the preset 155, For smooth output supply a capacitor 159 along with a resistor 159A is connected at the output. Average voltage 24V is obtained at the point 160 by adjusting the preset 155. Due to switching action, power loss in this circuit is negligible.
An important new feature of this invention is the battery state indicator meter. It has been shown in drawing sheet no. 11, reference no. 86. One high sensitive moving coil microampere meter is taken for the purpose.

This is connected with two zener diodes (back to back) and a matching series resistance. When any voltage will be applied to this circuit no current will flow until the volt exceeds the breakdown voltage of the zener diodes. Current will flow only when voltage will exceeds zener voltage. So, if l0volt zeners are taken, meter will not show any reading below the volt. If a normal voltmeter is taken and if 11 volt is applied across this system, then it will show only one volt reading. Similarly if 15 volt is applied it will show only 5 volt in it's original scale. So, the original scale 0 to 16 has been newly calibrated as 10 to 16.
Thus the accuracy has been increased upto about 3 times than the original high sensitive voltmeter. By this meter, voltage reading upto 0.1 volt accuracy can be taken. It is nearly digital accuracy, but the disadvantages of the digital voltmeter have been overcome, which are -
1) It requires no extra power supply like digital meter.
2) Accuracy and reliability of digital meter hamper if old battery is used.
No such problem arises in this case.
3) For fluctuating voltage, reading could not be taken in digital meter, for
at random fluctuation of reading. No such problem occurs in this
meter, though the digital accuracy is obtained.
This invention includes a new, light weight, high capacity regulated charger which is a important feature of this invention.
This battery charger has been made on the basis of a new concept of transformation of D.C. power, with out using transformer, maintaining the efficiency of the transformer, at the same time output is isolated from the source of power. The diagram of this charger has been shown in drawing sheet no 15.

161 is a 3-pin plug. This is used so that the negative line of the circuit is always connected with neutral line of the supply AC The live line passes through the relay switch 162, which is normally on. The line passes through the diode 163 and charges the capacitor 165 through the choke coil 1164. 166, 169 and 172 are SCRS, which are serially triggered by the triggering circuits 184, 185 & 186 at prefixed time intervals. When the SCR 166 is triggered, capacitor 168 is charged through the choke coil 167. As soon as this capacitor is charged, SCR 166 becomes off. Now the circuit 185 triggers the SCR 169 and the capacitor 171 is charged by the previous capacitor 168. By this act of transfer of charge, final voltage at 171 will fall down according to formula, Q = CV; Where Q is the charge of the capacitor 168, C is the total capacity of two capacitors in parallel. Thus by increasing the value of the capacitor 171, desired D.C. voltage can be obtained. This low voltage charge is then passed to the battery by operating the third SCR 172. By quick charging & discharging process, smooth D.C. is obtained. This D.C. is ripple free. Higher power can be obtained, by using higher valuescapacitor and relevant parts (SCR, choke). Diodes 174, 175 & 176 are used so that those capacitors contain charges of battery voltage and are not fully discharged. A small transformer 177 has been used for supplying low D.C. power to electronic circuits. 181 is a voltage regulator through which regulated voltage is supplied to these circuits 182 is a pulse width modulated oscillator. The output of this oscillator is fade to a decoder counter IC 183. Three output pulses are obtained from this IC. Those are amplified and fed to SCRs for triggering one by one at definite time interval-Time interval can be adjusted by adjusting the oscillator frequency and selecting proper pulse output points.

If supply voltage increases, battery charging voltage/ current will normally increase. But in this circuit provision has been made for maintaining constant output.
A OP-amp 192 is adjusted with a reference voltage, if the supply voltage increases a certain level, the output of the OP-amp becomes high and is fed to the Point 193, which will decrease pulse width and thus the off time will increase, maintaining the average output constant.
On the other-hand, if the each battery voltage increases more than 14.4, Zener diodes 195 will conduct. It will operate the opto-coupler I.C. which will vary the output of Transistor 197. A feed back is taken from the collector of 197 to current limiting point of IC 182. Preset 200 is adjusted for limiting the current at desired level. Increase in collector voltage of TR 197 will decrease output current at the desired level.
If each battery volt rises 15.5 volts at the point 203, preset 204 is a auto shut off circuit, which will shut off the relay 162, on receiving the total battery volt at 203.
Some old batteries do not reach 15.5 volts, @ 3 amp. charging though charged for long hours. In that case, provision has been made such that if a battery is reached 14.4 volt and is charged @ 3 ampere, it will be shut off after two hours even if the voltage does not reach 15.5 volt. This has been done by inclusion of a delay circuit 205. When battery voltage will reach 14.4 volt/battery after two hours the output of this delay circuit will be high and it

will activate the auto shutoff circuit 204, and thus the battery will be disconnected from the power supply.
In this system battery is never connected with the power supply live line. So, it is fully shock proof and safe. It is much light than the conventional same capacity charger. So, it is suitable for carrying with the motor cycle without increasing the battery consumption.
Above features have been incorporated in the vehicle to make it light weight and to run with minimum loss of energy, consuming less energy in comparison to conventional vehicles and to make it pollution free economic & useful for common people. However, the maximum performing capacities will depend upon the batteries to be used in this vehicle. This vehicle can run with any rechargeable battery of 24 to 48 volts, which may be fitted within the battery enclosure. Speed of the vehicle will vary according to the volt of the battery and the maximum journey per single charge of the battery will depend upon the Ampere Hour capacity of the battery. A battery of highest energy : Weight ratio will give highest performance. As Lithium ion polymer batteries have got such ratio, performance of this battery for covering maximum journey per single charge is maximum.
Performance achieved with a commonly available battery is described below :-
Batteries used - 2 X 12 V - Model No. MF 70Z (Exide Made)/
Model No. 75D31R (Standard Furukawa made).

On practical test it is observed that this vehicle consumes 15 to 17 ampere current while running on plane & pucca road at a speed of 30 kmph. So the maximum journey that can be covered per single charge of this battery is 30 X 4 = 120Kms.
According to the battery characteristic curve of the Exide company, if these battery is discharged l/3rd of its capacity, i.e. the motor cycle runs 40 Kms. at an average, per each charge (one cycle) of the battery, then the capacity of the battery will be only 40% less after operating 1100 cycles. If such battery is used within 60% capacity, then total Kms. run within this capacity will be 1100X40 = 44000 Kms.
Expenditure for running 44000 Kms. :-
Cost of Battery Rs. 6600/- (In place of old batteries).
Battery charging Cost - 2 Unit electricity for 120 Km. Journey taking into account existing electricity rate in West Bengal in Urban area for upper grade consumers (Rs. 2.80 per unit)
Cost of charging becomes 2 X 2.80 = Rs. 5.60 for 120 Kms.
Electricity cost for 44000 Km becomes =
120 = 20 paisa (approx)

If the daily discharge of battery is more than above, then this cost will slightly increase and if the battery is discharged daily cent percent, then battery will loose 40% capacity after more than 300 cycle i.e. after running about 30000 Km, then the electricity cost will be 5.6 X 30000
120 = Rs. 1,400/-
Cost of Battery - 6,600/- (In place of old battery) Cost of Electricity - 1.400/-Total - 8,000/-
So, the cost for 30000 Km will be Rs. 8,000/-
Therefore cost per Km will be :- = Rs. 0.27 or 27 Paisa.
After exhausting 40% capacity battery may only be replaced if daily journey required is more than this capacity. In that case the replaced battery may efficiently be used in emergency lights or inverter or getting electricity during load shedding. Thus a huge amount of expenditure is saved for this purpose and same battery is used for dual purpose, without creating any pollution in the environment.

Claim :-
I claim -
1) An Engineless battery operated energy Saving
Electric Motor Cycle Characterised in that, it has means for
running the vehicle with minimum loss of Energy obtaining
optimum speed for maximum efficiency in the distance covered.
The said motor cycle having driving means in the form of a
main electric/electronic circuit ('X'), control means in the
form of a speed control circuit ('Y') for controling high
current, and a braking means (B1, B2 & B3), Accelerator Switch
as acclerating means ('V','W',& Ref. No. 7 4, 75, 76), level
indicating means ('2') & Recharging Means ('U').
2) The motor cycle as claimed in claim 1 wherein
driving means comprises a main electric/electronic Circuit
('X') consisting of a D. C. shunt motor (50) incorporating
a commutator Roller Brush system (T) and a protective auto
shut off circuit for excessive motor current.
3) The Motor Cycle as claimed in previous claim,
wherein the speed control means (for speed upto 25 Km.)
comprises an electronic circuit (Y) incorporating a pulse
width modulated variable duty cycle IC oscillator circuit
(104) along with a parallel Power Mosfets Cuiruit (110)
and manual and automatic current control system through
potentiometer 124 and automatic control circuit 119.

4) The motor cycle as claimed in preceding claim, wherein Speed control means as claimed in Claim 3, having
an aeeilerator switch (V) for changing the speed (within 25 Kms)
and for changing the mode of speed control from Armature current cotatrol to field current control.
5) The motor cycle as claimed in preceding claim ,
wherein the bracking means consists of a combination of electromagnetic and mechanical braking system (B1, B2 & B3), both applied on single pressure for braking the motor speed.
6) The motor cycle as claimed in preceding claim, wherein
The braking mean as claimed in preceding claim
having a (1) mechanical disc brake (B2) attached with the Motor
shaft for easier braking.
(ii) Electromagnetic bracke (B1) consisting of Brake switch
(33) and Potentiometer (34) and braking current control circuit B3 (Ref.No. 91).
7} The motor cycle as claimed in previous claim, wherein the acderating means comprising the accelerator switch (V.W and reference no. 74, 75, 76) connected to the motor armature and field current control circuit (Y and Yl) and electromagnetic relays (71, 78, 79) and the brake switch (7 3).
8) The motor cycle as claimed in previous claims, wherein

the battery state indicating means consists of a electric/electronic
circuit (z) comprising of a microamperemeter, zener diodes. Resistance and a band switch.

9) The motor cycle as claimed in previous claims, wherein the battery recharging means comprises a light weight battery charger incorporating an electronic circuit (U) consisting of 3 sets of SCR, Coil and Capacitor (164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172) for transformation of D.C. power with minimum loss of energy.
10)The motor cycle as claimed in preceding claim, wherein
The recharging of battery means as claimed in
claim 9, consists of SCR triggering circuits 184, 185, & 186
controlled by Pulse width modulator circuit (182), decade counter 183 opto-coupler IC (196), Transister (197), delay circuit 205, auto shut off circuit 204 and Relay 162, have made it fully automatic for getting maximum storage energy for the motor cycle.
11) The motor cycle as claimed in previous claim, wherein the front air friction reducing means comprises a Optimum size arrodynamic fibre transparent adjustable front sheet (38) and a conical shape mirror (J).

12) Method of starting the motor cycle as claimed in previous
claims is that after opening the lock the motor cycle starts on rotation of the accelerator simultaneously with starting of motor,
13) Method of stopping of the motor cycle as claimed in previous claims is that the motor becomes fully off as many times as the accelerator is released.
14) Method of braking the motor cycle as claimed in previous claims is that on pressing the soft brake pedal, at first the electromagnatic brake operates for retarding the motor speed. On farther pressing, the mechanical brake operates at the motor shaft and stops the vehicle.
15) Method of accelerating the speed of the motor cycle as
claimed in previous claims is that the speed of the motor cycle increases upto 25 Kmph (with 24 Volt Battery ) on rotation of the accelerator by controlling the motor armature current . On further rotation motor gets directly connected with battery for minimum loss of energy. After that the speed is increased by cqntrolling the motor field current by rotating the potentiometer knob 77B fitted adjacent to the accelerator.'
16) Method of accelerating the speed of the motor cycle
as claimed in previous claim wherein on very quick rotation of the accelerator. Motor current will try to rise high.

bat before that the motor current will shut off due to action of the automatic shut off circuit. Motor will start again after release of the accellerator,
17) Method of acclerating the speed of the motor cycle as
claimed in previous claims, wherein on gradual normal rotation of the accelerator, motor speed will increase gradually and the motor current will not rise beyond a prefixed, limit.
18) Method of charging batteries of the motor cycle as claimed in previous claims, is that, after making any journey, plug of the charging circuit (U) is to be connected with the main line and the batter/ will be charging automatically. After full charging of -the battery, charging circuit will be automatically disconnected from the main line and no ovecharge will be done However, at any time during charging, state of each battery will be known accureatly from the battery level indicating meter (86), by reading the Voltage of each battery. Battery charging current at any time during charging will be known from the current consumption meter (88).
19) Method of testing the capacities of batteries of the motor cycle as claimed in previous claims is that, at the stop
position of the' motorcycles on switching on the switch 92,

connected with the battery, brake pedal (31) is to be pressed
downwards such that the current consumption meter (88) shows
a current consumption of 20 Ampere current. At this stage,

the battery voltage reading at the battery state indicating meter will go down and the battery capacity reading in percentage of total capacity will be obtained from the second scale of the same meter (86) calibrated in percentage capacity. By rotating the switch (85), capacities of each battery can be known separately.

The Engineless Battery operated energy saving electric Motor Cycle and operating method thereof.
In the two wheeler motor cycle vehicle the fuel consumption and bulky weight are consuming more energy per Km. run of the vehicle. A new Engineless pollutionfree Motor Cycle which runs on optimum speed for the distance covered each times has been developed for running the motor cycle in energy saving manner a main driving circuit & speed control circuit, an efficient braking means, an aerodynamic front and mirror, and efficient battery recharging system and energy level indicator have been incorporated in this Motor Cycle.


01484-cal-1997 abstract.pdf

01484-cal-1997 claims.pdf

01484-cal-1997 description(complete).pdf

01484-cal-1997 drawings.pdf

01484-cal-1997 form-1.pdf

01484-cal-1997 form-13.pdf

01484-cal-1997 form-2.pdf




1484-cal-1997-granted-description (complete).pdf


1484-cal-1997-granted-examination report.pdf

1484-cal-1997-granted-form 1.pdf

1484-cal-1997-granted-form 13.pdf

1484-cal-1997-granted-form 2.pdf

1484-cal-1997-granted-letter patent.pdf


Patent Number 195531
Indian Patent Application Number 1484/CAL/1997
PG Journal Number 30/2009
Publication Date 24-Jul-2009
Grant Date 25-Nov-2005
Date of Filing 12-Aug-1997
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B62K 11/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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