Abstract | A complex for researching and testing substances, materials or devices with the use of X-ray on several analytical devices simultaneously, comprising a radiation source, channels for radiation transporting to the analytical devices and apparatus of the analytical devices (5), wherein the said complex comprises a source (1) of the divergent X-rays as a radiation source, at least one channel for radiation transporting to the analytical devices (5) includes an X-ray lens (2) as a package of the curved channels (10) with the use of multiple total external reflection of the X-rays from their walls (11), and the said lens is placed and made with a capability of capturing a part (3) of the divergent X-rays of the source (1) and transforming it to a quasi-parallel beam (4). |
Full Text | FORM-2 THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 (39 of 1970) COMPLETE SPECIFICATION [Section 10; Rule 13] 1. "The complex for researching and testing substances, materials or devices with the use of x-rays" 2. (a) KUMAKHOV, Muradin Abubekirovich (b) ul. Narodnogo Opolcheniya, 38-55, Moscow, 123298 Russian Federation (c) Russian Federation The following specification particularly describes the nature of the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed. 1 The invention relates to the technique of researching and testing substances, materials or devices with the use of X-rays, namely to the complex for carrying out the researching and testing the specified objects simultaneously on several analytical devices The complexes for carrying out the mentioned researches and simultaneously testing on several analytical devices are known (see: Synchrotron Radiation. Ed. by K. Kunts. Moscow, "Mir", 1981, pp. 80-89 [1]). A radiation source, common for all analytical devices, is used in such complexes. The said source represents a synchrotron, or a storage ring in more modern complexes. The synchrotron radiation, emerging from the synchrotron or the storage ring, is transported to the analytical devices (work stations). A spectral band, needed for carrying out the particular researches or tests, is extracted from the quite broadband synchrotron radiation (in the case, the suggested invention is related to, this band is in the X-ray range). The components of the apparatus of each analytical device is defined by its specialization in one or another type of researches and tests. However, it is known, that the synchrotron radiation sources, including the storage rings, represent very complicated major constructions, which cost reaches hundreds of millions of dollars. So, the storage rings, which radiation spectrum includes the X-ray range, are of not less than 50 m diameter ({1], p. 80). When the said synchrotron radiation sources are in use, taking into account the huge sizes of the said constructions, the most complicated problem is the maintenance of the tolerable vacuum level, both in the synchrotron radiation transporting channels (open to the accumulator) to the analytical devices, distanced from the ring periphery on tens meters, and in the experimental volume of each analytical device. The vacuum deterioration in any analytical device can put out of action the device not only in the accumulator itself, but as well in all devices, connected with it ([1], p. 80). The X-rays extracting and forming some beams according to the number of the analytical devices from the narrow directed beam emerging from the synchrotron or the storage ring, which must be realized in the vacuum, represent a serious task, which can be solved by means of the system of the grazing mirrors and the crystals. When using the channels of the mentioned extent, the special steps should be taken to ensure the control and maintenance of the position of each formed beam, which width in a vertical plane is unities of mrad. So, if at the distance of 40 m the beam is displaced no more than at 10 mm, one or two orders of the intensity are lost, depending on the aperture of the analytical device ([1], p. 85). For the synchrotrons and the storage rings of the said sizes it is difficult as well to solve the problem of the radiation shielding of both the staff, working with a synchrotron or an accelerator, and the research staff of the analytical devices. 4 At least, the complexes on the basis of the synchrotrons or the storage rings are so expensive, that only few governments can finance their building. Therefore there are only very few of them, and for the last decades the governments must unite to build such complexes. The European center of synchrotron radiation is an example of such complexes (Grenoble, France). In spite of the noted disadvantages the sources of a synchrotron radiation, nowadays they are practically unique type of the sources^ making possible to obtain a spectral plane of the narrow directed radiation, being enough for the research and test aims, in the required working range simultaneously for some analytical devices. Therefore it is very important to create a complex, available for scientists and engineers, where a high brightness of a radiation on the input aperture of the analytical devices at the usage of the cheap sources can be obtained. 3 The suggested invention provides the creation of a complex, being free of the said disadvantages (huge sizes, very high price, the problems of the vacuum maintenance, providing the radiation safety, some beams forming and controlling when a radiation is transported to the analytical devices). The suggested measuring and testing complex for researches in the X-ray range on several analytical devices simultaneously, as well as the known one, comprises a radiation source, channels of radiation transporting to the analytical devices and apparatus of the analytical devices. As distinct from the known one, the suggested complex contains a divergent X-ray source as a radiation source, each channel of radiation transporting to the analytical devices comprises an X-ray lens made as a package of curved channels with the use of multiple total external reflection of X-rays from their walls, the said lens is placed with a capability of capturing a part of the 6 divergent X-rays of the source and with a capability of transforming the said X-rays to a quasi-parallel one. An X-ray tube, laser or plasma source can be used as a source of the divergent X-rays. Thus the said types of the technical results is provided by the suggested invention owing to the refusal from a synchrotron or a storage ring as a radiation source and the usage, in particular, of a standard X-ray tube as the said source, and X-ray lenses for radiation extracting and forming the narrow directed quasi-parallel beams, which transport X-rays to the analytical devices. Besides, the complex can comprise in addition an X-ray lens as a package of curved channels with the use of multiple total external reflection of X-rays from their walls, and the said lens is located with a capability of capturing a part of divergent X-rays of the source and the said lens is made with a capability of transforming the said X-rays, as well as an analytical device made with a capability of an object under study placing together with aligning the required part of the said object with an area of X-rays focusing. When a divergent X-rays of an X-ray tube is used as a source in the suggested complex, the said tube can be made with different types of an anode, in particular, it can be microfocal, through, rotating, complex, tungsten. It is worthwhile to use an X-ray tube with a microfocal or through anode in order to produce the radiation, diverging in a wide solid angle; a tube with a complex anode to provide a possibility of obtaining different spectral lines of a radiation with respect to chemical elements, being a part of the anode; a tube with a rotating anode to provide a capability of obtaining more density owing to the improvement of heat removal; a tube with a tungsten anode for a broadband X-rays producing. In cases when the suggested complex includes a tube with a rotating, complex or tungsten anode as a divergent X-ray source, the said complex can comprise in addition at least one monochromator, placed on a path of a quasi- s parallel beam, formed by an X-ray lens, with a capability of extracting and reflecting a part of this beam toward the analytical device. In such cases a quasi-parallel beam, formed by one X-ray lens, is used to provide X-rays for at least two analytical devices. In a case when an analytical device, being a part of the suggested complex, is intended for carrying out spectrometric researches, it includes a means for placing a sample under study, a detector of the radiation, excited in the sample, a spectrometric channel, connected up to the output of the detector, and a means of data processing and imaging, connected up to the output of the spectrometric channel. Such an analytical device is placed on the part of the output focus region of the X-ray lens, being a part of the complex, and the said lens is placed with a capability of capturing a part of a divergent X-rays of the source and the said lens is made with a capability of focusing the said radiation. This analytical device must be made with a 9 capability of aligning the required part of the sample under study with the focus region of the said lens. Analytical devices, a quasi-parallel beam of the radiation is transported to, have, in particular, the following possibilities. If such analytical device is intended for carrying out the spectrometric researches, it comprises an X-ray lens in the form of a package of the curved channels with the use of multiple total external reflection of an X-rays from their walls, the said lens is placed and made with a capability of focusing a quasi-parallel beam of the radiation. The said analytical device comprises, as well, a means for placing the sample under study with aligning the required part of it with the focus region of the X-rays. Besides, the given analytical device comprises the detector of the radiation, excited in the sample under study, a spectrometric channel, connected up to the output of the detector, and a means of data processing and imaging, connected up to the output of the spectrometric channel. 10 In a case, when the analytical device, being a part of the suggested complex and a quasi-parallel beam of a radiation is transported to, is intended for carrying out diffractometric researches, the said analytical device comprises a means for placing and orienting the sample under study with respect to the direction of the beam propagation, a radiation detector diffracted on the sample under study, and a means for relative positioning the detector and the sample under study, and a means of the data processing and imaging connected up to the output of the detector. In a case, when an analytical device, being a part of the suggested complex and a quasi-parallel beam of a radiation is transported to, is intended for image forming of the internal structure of the objects, the said analytical device comprises a means for the object positioning and a detector of the radiation, passed through the object, with the means of the image visualizing and registering. In a case, when an analytical device, being a part of the suggested complex and a quasi-parallel beam of a radiation is transported to, is intended for carrying out X-ray lithography, the said analytical device comprises a means for placing a mask, and a means for placing a substrate with a layer of a resist, applied on its surface, thus the said means for placing a substrate is placed behind the said means for placing a mask. The suggested invention is illustrated with the drawings, which depict: - fig. 1 depicts a composition and relative placement of the main parts of the suggested complex; - fig. 2 depicts an X-rays propagation with multiple total external reflection along a separate channel of the X-ray lens; - fig. 3 depicts a diagram of an X-ray lens for a divergent radiation focusing (a "full" lens); - fig. 4 depicts a diagram of an X-ray lens for a divergent radiation transforming to a quasi-parallel one (a "half lens); - fig. 5 depicts a composition and relative placement of apparatus of the analytical device, intended for carrying out spectrometric researches, in a case when the radiation of the source is transported to the said device by the "full" X-ray lens, which focuses the divergent radiation of the source; - fig. 6 depicts the same in a case, when a quasi-parallel radiation, formed by a "half lens, is transported to the analytical device; - fig. 7 depicts a composition and relative placement of apparatus of the analytical device, a quasi-parallel radiation is transported to, and the said analytical device is intended for carrying out diffractometric researches; - fig. 8 depicts a composition and relative placement of apparatus of the analytical device, a quasi-parallel radiation is transported to, and the said analytical device is intended for image forming of the internal structure of the object; - fig. 9 depicts a composition and relative placement of apparatus of the analytical device, a quasi-parallel radiation is transported to, and the said analytical device is intended for carrying out X-ray lithography; & - fig. 10 depicts a variant of "the geometry" of placing the components of the suggested complex when using monochromators for a quasi-parallel beam splitting into parts, being transported to some analytical devices. The suggested complex (fig. 1) includes an X-ray tube 1, being a common X-ray source for the analytical devices (work stations) 5, each has a composition of apparatus, corresponding to the specialization of the analytical device on the definite type of researches, measurements or tests. Some X-ray lenses 2 (according to the number of the analytical devices 5) are placed in the solid angle, which corresponds to the radiation, being formed by the X-ray tube 1. Each of the said lenses captures a part of the radiation of the X-ray tube 1 in the solid angle 3 and transforms the divergent radiation, absorbed by it, to the beam 4 of the quasi-parallel radiation. The focus regions of the X-ray lenses 2 from the part of their input faces are aligned with each other and with the center of the output aperture of the X-ray tube 1, wherever possible. The output beam 2 of each of the lenses 2 is directed to the input aperture of the corresponding analytical device 5. The analytical devices 5 are placed from the X-ray lenses 2 at a distance, being chosen from accessibility considerations (the distance between the beams in the zone of the analytical devices placement must be enough for the apparatus and staff placing). The X-ray lenses 2, made with a capability of transforming a divergent X-rays to a quasi-parallel one, together with the quasi-parallel beams 4, formed by the said lenses, form channels of X-rays transporting from the source (X-ray tube 1) to the analytical devices (work stations) 5. In a specific case the complex can include, as well, one or more X-ray lenses 6, focusing the divergent radiation of the X-ray tube, absorbed by them, on the small area, being in the predetermined place on the input of the specialized analytical device 8, which demands precisely the character of the X-rays, acting on the object under study. The solid angle 7 corresponds to the focused output beam of the X-rays of the lens 6 in the fig. 1. When needed the action, equivalent to the mentioned above, can be obtained in the complex, which does not include the focusing lenses 6 in the immediate radiation region of the X-ray tube, by way of the incorporation of the lens 5, analogous to one of the lenses 2 but being oriented oppositely to it, into the analytical device 5. Such lens transforms the X-ray quasi-parallel beam 4 to a focused one. The protection of the staff of the analytical devices against the direct X-rays of the tube 1 is provided by the screen 9, having holes to size of the sections of the beams 4, 7. The protective screen 9 can be placed close to the 16 analytical devices 5, 8 (fig. 1 depicts this case), as well as close to the output faces of the X-ray lenses 2, 6. As the length of the beams 4 can be some meters and more, the sizes of the screen 9 in the first case are considerably more than in the second one. However it should be expected more action of errors of the protection screen production on the probability of the direct radiation acting of the X-ray tube 1 on the staff. The most important components of the suggested complex are the X-ray lenses, owing to their usage it is possible to provide obtaining the technical results, which components were listed above in the summary of the invention. The first lenses for X-rays controlling (focusing a divergent radiation, forming a parallel flux from the divergent radiation, focusing a parallel radiation, etc.) represented a package of curved, as required, channels 10 (fig. 2) of the radiation transporting, where the radiation suffers the multiple total external reflection from the walls 17 11. The polygonal line 12 in the fig. 2 shows the process of the multiple total external reflection of a separate quantum of X-rays when being propagated along of the channels 10 of the X-ray lens. Such lenses were made as a set of capillaries or polycapillaries, passing through the holes or cells of the supporting structures, placed on the definite distance along the lens length (see: V.A. Arkadiev, A.I. Kolomiitsev, M.A. Kumakhov, et al. Broadband X-ray optics with wide angle aperture. Uspekhi Phisicheskikh nauk, 1989, volume 157, issue 3, pp. 529-537 [2]; USA patent No. 5,192,869 (published 09.03.93) [3]). A lens as a whole is barrel shaped (i.e. it narrows toward the both faces), if it is intended for the divergent radiation focusing, or it is half-barrel shaped (i.e. it narrows only toward one of the faces), if it is intended for the divergent radiation transforming to a quasi-parallel one or for the such radiation focusing. Thereafter the terms correspondingly a "full' lens and a "half lens receive acceptance for designating the lenses of 18 two said types, including the lenses which differ from the described ones in constructional embodiment. The appropriate nomenclature is used below when the suggested invention is described. A lens is known, in which the walls of the neighboring radiation transporting channels contact each other along their full length, and the channels themselves have a cross-section, variable along its length and changing according the same law as a total cross-section of the lens (V.M. Andreevsky, M.V. Gubarev, P.I. Zhidkin, M.A. Kumakhov, A.V. Niskin, I.Yu. Ponomarev, Kh.Z. Ustok. X-ray waveguide system with a variable cross-section of the sections. The IV-th All-Union Conference on Interaction of Radiation with Solids. Book of Abstracts (May 15-9, 1990, Elbrus settlement, Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR, USSR, pp. 177-178 [4]; USA patent No. 5,570,408 (published 29.10.96) [5]). A "full" lens and a "half lens with such channels are shown diagrammatically in fig. 3 and fig. 4 correspondingly. 19 A "full" lens (fig. 3) has channels, curved so that their left and right continuations from the corresponding faces converge in the left 13 and right 14 focus regions, which size is a diameter of a separate channel order. The channels, placed closer to the periphery of the "full" lens, are curved more than the channels, placed closer to the lens optical axis 15, coinciding with the longitudinal axis of symmetry. To focus a divergent X-rays a quasi-point source must be in one of the focus regions, then focusing is realized in the other focus region. When a divergent radiation falls on the "half lens, shown in fig. 4, from the left, the said lens transforms it to a quasi-parallel radiation, emerging from the right face. The curvature of the channels, being various on the different distance from the optical axis 15 of the "half lens, provides crossing of the continuations of their left ends in the focus region 16 of the "half lens, thus the focus region 16 must coincide with the placement of the quasi-point source of the divergent X-rays; and the 20 channels of the "half lens are parallel to each other at the output face (the right one in fig. 4). When a quasi-parallel X-rays falls on the right face of the "half lens, according to fig. 4, the said radiation is focused on the focus region 16, placed at the left face. Owing to the usage of a source (an X-ray tube), forming direct X-rays, it is no need to use any means for extracting the radiation of X-ray range from the radiation of the source in the described complex. The extraction of the radiation and its distribution over the channels of transporting toward the analytical devices does not require any special means or techniques as well. It is sufficient to place the lenses 2, 6 in the zone of radiation exiting from the tube 1 at the distance, providing the vicinity of the focus regions of the lenses to the effective geometric center of the radiation of the tube 1. It is no need to use any special means for maintenance the required trajectory of the formed rays (X-ray beams 4, 7) on the way to the analytical devices 5, 8 as well. It is sufficient to provide the relative mechanical immobility of the X-ray tube 1 and the lenses 2, 6. The features of the X-ray tube 1 and the X-ray lenses 2, 6 are stable and make it possible to do without any adjustments after the first proper installation. As the beam length of the quasi-parallel radiation being transported, i.e. the distance between the output faces of the X-ray lenses and the analytical devices, does not exceed some meters (this distance is sufficient for convenient placement of the apparatus of the analytical device and for the staff), the X-rays damping and divergence are insignificant. Therefore the radiation transporting is possible directly in the air medium without taking any efforts for evacuation. Owing to this fact there are no problems with vacuum maintenance in the suggested complex. The radiation protection, realized by means of the screen 9, is very simple constructively and can be provided by usual structural constructions at the low- ~>-> power X-ray tube 1 (it will be shown below that it can be quite acceptable). As against a synchrotron, which is characterized with the pulsed character of radiation, which parameters can not be changed by the staff of the analytical devices, an X-ray tube radiation may be both continuous and pulsed one with the desired parameters of the last one. Owing to the possibility of work at the continuous radiation, the researches can by carried out in the suggested complex, for which the pulsed radiation is unacceptable (for instance,'because of the mean intensity of the pulsed radiation, being equal to the continuous radiation, the relations of nonlinear effects in the medium under study, caused by the high intensity in the pulse, are possible). The analytical devices, being a part of the suggested complex, can be intended for solving a great number of different fundamental and applied tasks, for example, diffractrometry and topography of simple, complex and protein crystals, the X-ray fluorescence analysis by means of focused X-ray beams, the image formation of the internal structure of different object, including biological in medical applications, the analysis of new materials and medicinal, the analysis of chips, features and quality of surfaces, etc. In a case if an analytical device, being a part of the suggested complex, is intended for carrying out spectrometric researches, it comprises (fig. 5) a means 17 for placing a sample under study 18, a detector 19 of the radiation excited in the sample, a spectrometric channel 20 connected up to the output of the detector 19, and a means 21 for data processing and imaging connected up to the output of the spectrometric channel 20. Such an analytical device 8 is placed on the part of the output focus region 22 of the "full" X-ray lens 6, being a part of the complex (see as well fig. 1), and the said lens is placed with a capability of capturing a part of the divergent X-rays of the source 1 and made with a capability of focusing the said radiation. The means 17"for placing the sample under study must 24 provide a possibility of aligning the required part of the sample under study 18 with the output focus region 22 (a right one in fig. 1, fig. 5) of the "full" lens 6. The information about the members of the spectrometric channel (an amplifier, a rejector of superpositions, a multichannel amplitude analyzer, and others), as well as about the means 21 of data processing and imaging are given, in particular, in the book: R. Volsdet. Applied spectrometry of X-rays. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1977 [6], chapter 2. A main field of application of the spectrometric researches is the determination of the elemental composition of the sample with the assessment of quantitative content of different chemical elements in the said sample. An analytical device, analogous to the described one, can use a quasi-parallel X-rays, as well, which beam is formed by one of the "half lenses 2 (fig. 1). It is enough for this purpose to complete the device 8, shown in fig. 5, with the "half lens 23 (see fig. 6, where the device 5 with 25 such and addition is shown). The focus region 24 of the "half lens 23 plays a role of the output focus region of the "full" lens. In a case, if an analytical device 5, being a part of the suggested complex and a quasi-parallel beam is transported to, is intended for carrying out the diffractrometric researches, it comprises (fig. $1) the means 17 for the sample under study 18 placing and its orienting relatively the direction of the beam 4 propagation, the detector 19 of the radiation, diffracted on the sample under study, and the means 25 for relative positioning the detector 19 and the sample under study 18, as well as the means 26 for data processing and imaging connected up to the output of the detector 19. The means 25 for relative positioning the detector and the sample under study and the means 17 for placing the sample under study and its orienting relatively the direction of the beam 4 propagation should provide the high angular accuracy, and the said means are made as eoniometric mechanisms. The main field of application of such an analytical device is the research of the crystal samples. In a case if the analytical device 5, being a part of the suggested complex and a quasi-parallel beam is transported to, is intended for the image formation of the internal structure of the objects, the said device comprises (fig. 8) the means 17 for the object 18 positioning and the detector 27 of the radiation, passed through the object. In the simplest case a usual X-ray film in a packaging, protecting the film from the light action, is used as the said detector. The said film is functioning simultaneously as a means of image registering and a means of image visualizing, after it is developed. The other diagrams of image formation, applied in the analytical devices of the suggested complex, are described, for example, in. the European application No. EP 0 742 150 (published 31.07.96) [7]. In a case, if the analytical device 5, being a part of the suggested complex and a quasi-parallel beam is 27 transported to,, is intended for realizing the X-ray lithography, the said device comprises (fig. 9) the means 28 for the mask 29 positioning and the means 30 for the substrate 31 placing with a layer of the resist 32 applied on the said substrate, and the said means 30 is placed behind the said means 28. More complicated diagrams see, for example, in the USA patent No. 5,175,755 (published 29.12.92), [8]. A number of other examples of the structure of the analytical devices, including the usage of X-ray "full" and "half lenses in them, is described, for instance, in USA patent No. 5,497,008 (published 05.03.96) [9] and in European patent No. EP 0 555 376 (published 18.03.98) [10]. If an anode of the tube is made of tungsten, it is possible to extract various wavelengths by means of monochromators, as the tungsten radiation is rather broadband and intensive. 28 If a complex target, made of some chemical elements, is used as an anode, so monochromators will extract selectively one or other wavelengths of characteristic radiations of the complex anode. The choice of the type of the source of the divergent X-rays, being in usage, is defined, in particular, by the task to be solved. So, the radiation of laser and plasma sources of soft X-ray band can be used when the researches in biology, medicine are carried out, for microscopy, and others. Besides such sources, as well as the X-ray tubes of the sufficient power, can be used in the complexes, including the analytical devices (work stations), the tasks of the X-ray lithography (both contact and projection) and LIGA-technology are solved by means of. The use of variable "geometry" of placing the anode of the tube, the X-ray lens and the analytical device depends on a type of an X-ray tube. The geometry, described above and shown in fig. 1, when each analytical device corresponds the X-ray lens, 29 forming a radiation beam only for this analytical device, is one of possible as well. In this "geometry" it is appropriate to use, for example, the tubes with a through or microfocal anode. Such tubes practically radiate in the half-space, therefore major number of the "half and "full' lenses can be placed in the solid angle of the said tube radiation. Fig. 10 depicts another "geometry", being characteristic to a greater extent for an X-ray source made as a tube (the position 1 depicts it conventionally) with a rotating anode. When such tube is used, the radiation source is linear. The tube has two output windows. The X-ray optical devices can "takes" only the radiation, emerging from these two windows. Several (5-10) monochromators 33 are placed at different angles on the path of the quasi-parallel beam 4, formed by the X-ray "half lens 2, to provide a capability of working of plenty of the analytical devices. The said monochromators "intercept" different parts 34 of the cross-section of the initial beam 4, emerging from the "half lens 2, and direct the reflected parts 35 of the said initial beam 4 to the analytical devices 5. Crystals with shear planes, being nonparallel to the crystal planes, and layer structures can be used as the monochromators 33. A type of a monochromator and its orientation angle relatively to the X-ray beam direction, emerging from the "half lens, define the required degree of collimation of the part of the beam, diffracted on the said monochromator. Thus, when an X-ray tube is used as a source of the divergent radiation, the channels of radiation transporting to the analytical devices can be divided in the following parts: in the "geometry", shown in fig. 1: - a space between the X-ray tube 1 (more exactly an anode of the said tube) and the input face of the X-ray lens 2 or 7 (in limits of the solid angle 3); - the channels of the X-ray lens 2 or 7; - a space between the output face of the X-ray lens 2 or 7 and the analytical device 5 or 8 (in limits of the cross- 31 section of the output beam 4 of the lens 2 or the solid angle 7, corresponding to the output beam of the lens 6); in the "geometry" shown in fig. 10: - a space between the X-ray tube 1 (more exactly an anode of the said tube) and the input face of the X-ray lens 2 (in limits of the solid angle 3); - the channels of the X-ray lens 2; - a space between the output face of the X-ray lens 2 and the monochromator 33 (in limits of the cross- section of the part 34 of the output beam 4 of the lens 2); - a space between the monochromator 33 and the analytical device 5 (in limits of the cross-section of the beam 35, reflected by the monochromator). Let's compare the parameters of a radiation of the modern synchrotrons and an X-ray tube, being a part of the complex of the suggested construction. In the book [1] in fig. 15 (p. 20) a radiation brightness curve of the English synchrotron "Doris" (E = 2 GeV, the current is equal to 300 mA) is given. As one can see in this figure, at approximately 10 keV this synchrotron radiates 10 foton/s eV (mrad) , i.e. in the narrow solid angle equal to 1 mrad and the narrow spectral range equal to 1 eV, "Doris" radiates of 1010 photons order per a second. An X-ray tube of 1 W power radiates isotropic approximately 3 TO11 photons per the same time. These photons are quasi-monochromatic photons in the spectral range of about 10 eV width. Correspondingly a tube of 10 kW power radiates 3-1015 photons per a second. The following quantity of photons, being transported quasi-parallel with the angular divergence of about 3 mrad, can be produced by means of the X-ray "half lens, transforming a divergent radiation to a quasi-parallel one and being used in the suggested complex: N = 3-lO15-a-7r(A03)2/47rphot/s-(3 mrad)2-10 eV, where A03 - is an aperture of the radiation capture of the X-ray tube by the "half lens, a is a transmission coefficient of the "half lens. Considering that A03 = 0,1 rad, a = 0,3, we get N = 2,5-10u-phot/c-eV-(mrad)2, i.e. the X-ray tube of the suggested complex of a mean power of 10 kW, conjugated with the optics, gives the intensity, being 25 times larger than the synchrotron "Doris" gives, in the same spectral and angular range. It is obvious that it is possible to obtain the radiation density about 10 keV, being equal with the synchrotron "Doris", in the suggested complex at the tube power only of 400 W. Such and even more powerful tubes are widely used in the scientific researches, for instance, in diffractometry. So, Philips Company uses a tube of 2,5 kW power for diffractometry. Nowadays, the tubes with a rotating anode of 30-100 kW power are produced and freely sold. The cost of the said tubes including a generator is about 100,000 USD, i.e. is about 3 orders lower than the cost of a synchrotron. The efficiency and utility of the usage of the suggested solution are obvious from the given calculations. The suggested complex in view of its relative simplicity and low cost in comparison with the traditional means is available for wide range of specialists and it makes possible to widen significantly the applications of X-ray researches, tests and measures, providing an acceptable brightness of the radiation in the input aperture of the analytical devices. One can suggest, that in future the said complex will enjoy wide applications in big and medium physical laboratories. , 1. Synchrotron Radiation. Ed. by K. Kunts. Moscow, "Mir", 1981. 2. V.A. Arkadiev, A.I. Kolomiitsev, M.A Kumakhov, et al. 35 Broadband X-ray optics with wide angular aperture. Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 1989, volume 157, issue 3, pp. 529-537. 3. USA patent No. 5,192869 (published 09.03.93). 4. V.A. Andreevsky, M.V. Gubarev, P.I. Zhidkin, M.A. Kumakhov, A.V. Noskin, I.Yu. Ponomarev, Kh.Z. Ustok. X-ray waveguide system with a variable cross-section of the sections. The IV-th Ail-Union conference on Interaction of Radiation with Solids. Book of Abstracts (May 15-19, 1990, Elbrus settlement, Kabardino-balkarian ASSR, USSR, pp. 177-178). 5. USA patent No. 5,570,408 (published 29.10.96). 6. R. Volsdet. Applied spectrometry of X-rays. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1977. 7. European application No. EP 0 742 150 (published 31.07.96). 8. USA patent No. 5,175,755 (published 29.12.92). 9. USA patent No. 5,497,008 (published 05.03.96). 10. European patent No. EP 0 555 376 (published 18,03.98). WE CLAIM: 1. A complex for researching and testing substances, materials or devices with the use of X-ray on several analytical devices simultaneously, comprising a radiation source, channels for radiation transporting to the analytical devices and apparatus of the analytical devices (5), wherein the said complex comprises a source (1) of the divergent X-rays as a radiation source, at least one channel for radiation transporting to the analytical devices (5) includes an X-ray lens (2) as a package of the curved channels (10) with the use of multiple total external reflection of the X-rays from their walls (11), and the said lens is placed and made with a capability of capturing a part (3) of the divergent X-rays of the source (1) and transforming it to a quasi-parallel beam (4). 2. The complex according to claim 1, wherein the said complex comprises additionally an X-ray lens (6) R/37 as a package of the curved channels with the use of multiple total external reflection of the X-rays from their walls, and the said lens is placed and made with a capability of capturing the part of the divergenf X-rays of the source (1) and focusing the said radiation, an analytical device (8), placed from the part of the output focus region (22) of the said X-ray lens (6) and made with a capability of positioning the object under study (18) in order to align the required part of the object under study with the output focus region (22) of the said X-ray lens (6). The complex according to claim 2, wherein the analytical device (8), placed from the part of the' output focus region (22) of the said X-ray lens (6), is intended for carrying out the spectrometric researches and the said analytical device comprises the detector (19) of the radiation, excited in the sample under study (18), the spectrometric channel (20) connected up to the output of the detector, the means (21) for data processing and imaging connected up to the output of the spectrometric channel (20). 4. The complex according to any one of claims 1-3, wherein the said complex comprises the X-ray tube (1) as a source of the divergent X-rays. 5. The complex according to claim 4, wherein the X-ray tube (1) is made with a microfocal anode. 6. The complex according to claim 4, wherein the X-ray tube (1) is made with a through anode. 7. The complex according to claim 4, wherein the X-ray tube (1) is made with a rotating anode. 8. The complex according to claim 4, wherein the X-ray tube (1) is made with a complex anode. 9. The complex according to claim 4, wherein the X-ray tube (1) is made with a tungsten anode. 10. The complex according to any one of claims 7-9, wherein the said complex comprises additionally, at least, one monochromator (33), placed with a capability of extracting and reflecting a part (34, 35) of the quasi-parallel beam (4) toward the analytical device, the said quasi-parallel beam (4) is formed by the X-ray lens (2), made with a capability both of capturing a part of the divergent X-rays of the source and transforming the said beam to a quasi-parallel one. 11. The complex according to any one of claims 1-3, wherein the said complex includes a plasma or laser X-ray source as a source of the divergent X-rays. I 12. The complex according to any one of claims 1-11, wherein at least one of the analytical devices (5), the quasi-parallel beam (4) of the radiation is transported to, is intended for carrying out diffractometric researches and comprises a means '(17) for the sample under study (18) placing and orienting with respect to the direction of the quasi-parallel beam (4) propagation, 40 the detector (19) of the radiation, diffracted on the sample under study, the means (25) for the detector and the sample under study relative positioning, and the means (26) for data processing and imaging, connected up to the output of the detector (19). 13. The complex according to any one of claims 1-11, wherein at least one of the analytical devices (5), the quasi-parallel beam (4) of the radiation is transported to, is intended for image formation of the internal structure of the object and comprises the means (17) for the object (18) positioning and the detector (27) of the radiation, passed through the object, including the means of the image visualizing and registering. 14. The complex according to any one of claims 1-11, wherein at least one of the analytical devices (5), the quasi-parallel beam (4) of the radiation is transported to, is intended for carrying out X-ray lithography and comprises the means (28) for the 41 mask (29) positioning and the means (30) for placing the substrate (31) with the layer of resist (32), applied on it, and the said means (30) is placed behind the said means (28). 15. The complex according to any one of claims 1-11, wherein at least one of the analytical devices (5), the quasi-parallel beam (4) of the radiation is transported to, is intended for carrying out spectrometric researches and comprised the X-ray lens (23) as a package of the curved channels with the usage of the multiple total external reflection of an X-rays from their walls, placed and made with a capability of focusing the quasi-parallel beam of radiation, the means (17) of positioning the sample under study (18) in order to align its required part with the region (22) of X-ray focusing, the detector (19) of the radiation, excited in the sample under study (18), the spectrometric channel (20) connected up to the output of the detector (19), and 42 the means (21) for data processing and imaging ,'•■■1 connected up to the said spectrometric channel (20). Dated this 9th day of July 2002. Dr. Rajeshkumar H. Acharya Advocate & Patent Agent For and on behalf of Applicant. |
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Patent Number | 198150 | ||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | IN/PCT/2002/00937/MUM | ||||||||
PG Journal Number | 41/2007 | ||||||||
Publication Date | 12-Oct-2007 | ||||||||
Grant Date | 16-Jan-2006 | ||||||||
Date of Filing | 11-Jul-2002 | ||||||||
Name of Patentee | KUMAKHOV MURADIN ABUBEKIROVICH | ||||||||
Applicant Address | UL. NARODNOGO OPOLCHENIYA, 38-55, MOSCOW, 123298 RUSSIA | ||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | N/A | ||||||||
PCT International Application Number | PCT/RU00/00324 | ||||||||
PCT International Filing date | 2000-08-07 | ||||||||
PCT Conventions: