Abstract | This invention relates to system and the related machines for cleaning and sweeping having vertical gear attached to a rod connected to back side base movement wheel, front wheels with frames, side frames, handle bar, bearings attached in between cross bars having vertical big and small geared wheels and linking chains for multiplying vertical wheel force to reach the side gear (s) of the final cross rod set above front frame and cleaning brushes attached horizontal wheel having gears on its bottom to its full round resting on a pivot in centre and on the above said side gear in edge and rotating on the move of back side base wheel by manual push. |
Full Text | This invention relates to system(s) and the related vehicle like cleaning sweeping machine(s) having side frames , rod connected base movement wheels with bearings on frame joints on the back side, base movement wheels attached front frame, handle bar, bearings attached in between cross bars having vertical big and small geared wheels and linking chains for multiplying vertical wheel force to reach the fixed side gear (s) set above front frame connected to front base movement wheel and clening brushes attached horizontal wheel having gear(s) on its bottom to its full round nearer to wheel edge, resting in its centre with bearing set horizontally on a vertical rod like top closed projection with a metal base on the bottom ( resting on a pivot set over front frame with slanting provisions ) accommodating a rod pass through it in its centre which can rotate vertically on bearing with a chain linked fixed geared wheel at one place and fixed gear set at side edge and bearing based gear on the other side edge (of the rod) and the horizontal wheel rotating on the resting grip of its bottom full round gear on the rotation of the fixed side gear ( of the rod,) which is getting the roation force from its other fixed geared wheel which is getting chain linked rotation force from the vertical rotation of the geared wheel set on the back side rod connected to movement base wheel by manual push to the machine for cleaning and sweeping. (Ref fig 1 a) When the machine is manually pushed, the horizontal wheel in the slightly slanting position in the front with attached brushes or brooms will rotate much faster with multifold force and clean the floor Pivot set below the metal base of the horizontal wheel will be made as ball edged pin on the bottom of metal base as it sets on a steel box like portion on outer look having cavity inside to retain the ball portion within it and with the provisions to allow the metal base, rod and the horizontal wheel to rest straight and in slanting position at desired angle. Same way as above , cleaning / sweeping machine by manual push having fixed gear set nearer to one side front wheel and a bearing based gear set nearer to the other side of front wheel with out geared vertical wheels and chain links. (Ref.Fig lb) Same way as above, two horizontal wheels could be provided one after another keeping left and right sides, each having coverage capacity of more than fifty percent of the cleaning path area and maldng them to rotate as the left one in anti clockwise and the right one in clockwise, to clean the dust in the road in full and pass it to both side edges at a time. (ref. Fig 1c) Same way as above, machine as shown in Fig 1 D having attachment of water ( or any liquid) tank set at height on the frames and pipe line and holed pipe(s) in front for spraying of water before sweeping of the floor by horizontal wheel. Norrmaly it is a practice to spray water before sweeping to control flying of dusts. Fig 1 e also is an embodiment as shown in the drawing. As an embodiment, machine having attachment on the back side of the machine covering a small machine movement base wheel touching the floor, fit in frames, carrying above it a machine portion of cycle wheel like wheel attached with a leg pedal like part (and a sitting seat on its top ) having a shaft with fixed gears and chain connection to the other small and big vertical geared wheel{s) of the cross bar(s) ahead having bearings on its edge for forwarding and multiplying the vertical wheel force to the final front side gear(s) set above front frame connected to front base movement wheel and cleaning brushes attached horizontal wheel having gear(s) on its bottom to its full round nearer to wheel edge, slantingly resting on a pivot having slanting provision set on the centre of a rod (above the front frame connected to movement base wheel) having fixed gear(s) set at one side of the rod and bearing based gear(s) set on the other side of rod and rotating on the resting grip of its bottom gear(s) on the rotation of the side fixed gear(s) getting the rotation force by chain links from the vertical rotation of the leg pedaled geared wheel set on the back side above the small movement base wheel. when the vertical wheel force is passed on, for movement of the machine , a small cycle pedal like part is provided on the machine's back side top cross bar nearer and above the operator's sitting seat level and linked by chain to the bottom geared wheel fixed in the rod connected to back side machine movement base wheels. When the operator does leg pedaling, horizontal wheel will rotate and do cleaning and sweeping. When he does the hand pedaling, the machine will move. When he does both hand and leg pedaling, the machine will move and do the cleaning/ sweeping, (ref. Fig 2) As an embodiment, leg pedaling wheel can be connected with shaft having plurality of geared wheels of big and small with chain connection to both vertical force wheels and to the geared wheel attached to the bottom rod connected to back side base movement wheel. By this leg pedaling both machine movement and cleaning job will take place at a time, (ref.fig 2a) Same way, hand pedaling geared wheel fit on the top of cross bar can have a set of big and small gears in one wheel, the bigger gear having chain connection to vertical force gears and the small gear having connection to the geared wheel attached to the bottom rod connected to movement base wheels. By this hand pedaling both machine movement and cleaning job will take place at a time. (ref. Fig 2 b, 2c , 2d) As an embodiment, machine(s) made with rods connected to movement base wheels, handle bar with bearing on side frames, side frames and a bearings attached bottom cross shaft in the centre of front and back having leg pedal provision and sitting seat provision on top of it. The side frames will extend further on all four comers cross wise and gears will be fit on the ends over ball bearings. The centre cross shaft having pedal connection resting on side frames with bearings will have extension with gears on the ends, one with bearings on the bottom and the other with out bearings on the bottom. Now the horizontal wheel having gear on its bottom to its full round will cover the entire machine keeping the sitting operator in the centre. When the operator starts leg pedaling, the cross shaft connected with the pedal rotates and the fixed gear on the one end starts moving the gear based horizontal wheel. All the gears will be on a perfect circle with slight slanting at one side. The horizontal wheel rotating on the resting grip at one fixed gear, rests on the other five bearing based gears and rotates. The attached brushes in the full round of horizontal wheel will clean / sweep the floor. For movement of the machine a small cycle pedal like hand pedaling part is provided on the machine's front top cross bar above the sitting seat level and linked by chain to the bottom front side gear set rod connected to front wheels. Turning of machines could be done by simple provisions, (ref. Fig 3) Another embodiment is that the machine having wheel base with closer space in side frame settings. Hand pedaling geared wheel could be set on reasonable height for easy operation in standing position and could be linked by chain to the other vertical wheel(s) set on cross rods resting on bearings on side frames to make the wheel force to reach side gear{s) of final cross bar. The horizontal wheel will rotate as described earlier. By this machine, one can do cleaning by hand pedaling and the simultaneous maual hand push given to the hand pedal will make the machine to move. ( ref. Fig 4 ) Another embodiment is the system(s) and machine(s) as described above with pulling type operation instead of pushing type operation. The back side top cross bar will be linked on top by frames and the front end of top frame will be linked by chain or rod and it will be pulled by operator or motor vehicle. By this method, the operator will be in the front pulling the machine instead of pushing it from the back. Since the rotating horizontal wheel's cleaning sweeping is done behind the operator, he will be free undisturbed to certain extent from the dust when he is operating the machine. { ref. Fig 5a, 5b, ) . Another embodiments are shown in Fig 5C, 5d, 5e. Another embodiment is a machine as described earlier with back side leg pedaling wheels, connected shaft, attached geared vertical wheel chain links etc and the hand pedal unit on the front top cross bar and its chain link to the base movement wheel all are same. Horizontal wheels will be more in number. Bigger horizontal wheel in the front will be sweep bigger area and the following small, small horizontal wheels will pass on the dusts to the edge and the dust bag attached after the smallest wheel in the last, will collect the dust into it in support of attached sharp sloppy steel blades moving in floor. A horizontal wheel fit on the required height rotating on the opposite direction of other wheel could sweep the platform also at a time and the dust could be collected in the same dust bag described earlier { ref. Fig 6) Another embodiment to this invention is a machine as descrioed with back side leg pedaling wheels, connected shaft, attached geared vertical wheel, vertical gear chain links etc and the hand pedal unit on the front top cross bar and its chain link to the base movement wheel all are same. Instead of big round horizontal wheels, brushes attached vertical rods will be attached with bevel gear setting and made to rotate by usual chain links and bevel gear. These brushes will rotate and clean the walls, any vertical portion and this system will be more useful for cleaning road side platform barriers, fences, very particularly road dividers ( medians) separating left and right side of the road, (ref fig 7) As an embodiment, a tank could be provided on the machine with side wise frames and over head tanks and separate portions could be provided for cleaning material, soap and water and pipe lines could be attached to the brushes, so that the first second wheels could brush with cleaning chemical and the further brushes could do cleaning with soap and the subsequent brushes could do cleaning with water and the last brushes could be cotton or yam wrapped for wiping out water. ( Ref. Fig 7a, 7b, 7c) As an additional embodiment, a machine could be made as described above with double row brushes with connection on top so that fences or road divider (median) like items could be cleaned both sides at a time, making it as a full round cleaning at a time because of flexible brushes. ( ref. Pig 7d, 7e, 7f ) As an embodiment a machine could be made for road cleaning on the above system as shown in fig 8a. with vertical brush attachments at both sides for vertical cleaning with further attachment of rubber or comb like bottom attached crossly fit plates for passing of the waste articles side wise and collecting it in the bag with further attachment of horizontal wheels of big and small for sweeping the dusts and collecting it in the bag. As an embodiment, a machine could be made as shown in fig 8b . with liquid (water , soap or chemical) sprayer (pipe with holes) in the front followed by floor wiper brushes and a rubber blade attached cross wise plate for cleaning and passing of the waste liquid to a side with further clear water sprayer and rubber blades attached horizontal wheel for complete clean wiping of the floor. Fig 8c is further embodiments and the fig 8d shows the operating wheel portion. As a fixrther embodiment, a machine made as shown in fig 9a & 9b with wheel base, handlebar, side frames, bearings attached cross bars having vertical, horizontal wheels for passing of the rotation force horizontally to horizontal knife edged wheel set in front having comb like steel wire (or small rod) portion further in front followed by a over laping wire mesh or plate and collection bags in the end with the usual hand pedal, leg pedal provisions for machine working and movement. This machine could cut gross or plants in the ground to the set height. Comb portion will make the plants / grass straight, horizontal knife edged wheel will cut and the cut gross or plant will pass on the overlapped wire mesh above the horizontal wheels and get collected in the bags provided on the back. Same as above a machine as shown in Fig 9c. is an embodiment in which the plants to be cut are brought with in two sharp edge forward projecting plates having more gap in the front end and coming closer further where the horizontal wheel knife will cut the plants which remain straight easy for cutting. The cut plants top portion will fall on the machine's overlapped plate or wire mesh above the horizontal wheels According to the side frames considerable quantity of cut plants could be collected and carried by the machine. The machine could be operated by hand pedal and leg pedal system described earlier As a further embodiment, chain linked rubber / steel rollers as shown in fig. 9f could be used on top over lapping wire mesh and / or plate above horizontal wheel(s) for possible crushing separation of grains from the plants. Same as a above a machine as in fig 9d, 9c are another embodiments in which big horizontal knife edged wheel in front will cut the entire plants covered with in two side frames of the machine. The machine(s) described in this invention is operated only with manual force with out the need of electric motor, diesel or petrol and other power generating liquids. For cleaning the floor applying water , this system is more risk free as there is no electrical contacts with the water. Now in general, the floor sweeping is done manually by hand sweeping wth brooms and brushes. The system(s) and machine(s) described here give multifold performance result for the human labour employed. The US Patents No.3284830 / 1904881 / 1328521 / 2160 091 A have no connection to this invention. This the invention described is mainly on use of manual force and getting multifold output returns for employed manual force, in case of need for more capacity machine(s) could be attached with power driven vehicles like motor cycle, cars. (Ref. Fig 10a, 10b, 10c, & 10d ) Cycle dynamo like parts also could be attached with wheels and the machine performance could be carried on even during night time also with enough lighting. The parts of this machine(s) could be made as standard parts which could be assembled according to the need to handle various purposes. Also the machine could be made with frames and pipes which could go one inside another so that the length of the frames, and pipes could be increased or decreased according to the need of width, length and height of the machine by proper holes and joint connecting parts . Also the machine(s) could have provision of fixing attachable wheels at any convenient points other than the needed places of basic rod connection. I claim 1. Machine for cleaning and sweeping comprising side frames , rod connected base movement wheels with bearings on frame joints on the back side, base movement wheels attached front frame, handle bar, bearings attached in between cross bars having vertical big and small geared wheels and linking chains basically from the back side rod connected to back side base movement wheel and cleaning brushes attached horizontal wheel having gear(s) on its bottom to its full round nearer to wheel edge, resting by that gear on the fixed side gear set in a rod edge and resting in its centre with a bearing set horizontally on a vertical rod like top closed projection having a metal base on the bottom which is resting on a pivot set over front frame with slanting provisions and accommodating the above said fixed side gear set rod pass through it in its centre to rotate vertically on bearing with a bearing based gear on the other side edge of it. 2, Machine as claimed in claim 1 having fixed gear set nearer to one side front wheel and a bearing based gear set nearer to the other side front wheel with out rod above front frame and in between geared vertical wheels and chain links connection from back side wheel set on rod connected to back side base movement wheel. 3. Machine as claimed in previous claims with two horizontal wheels set one after another keeping left and right sides and the left rotating in anti clock wise with fixed gear on right wheel and the right wheel rotating in clock wise with fixed gear on the left wheel. 4. Machine as claimed in previous claims having attachment of a tank set at height on frames linked by pipe line to holed pipes in front. 5 Machine as claimed in previous claims having attachment on the back side, comprising small floor touching base movement wheel fit in frames carrying above it, a sitting seat on top and a geared wheel attached with a leg pedal below to the seat having chain connection to the other vertical geared wheels attached with in between cross bars of the machine and a small gear with hand pedal provided on the machine's back side top cross bar nearer and above the sitting seat and chain linked to the bottom fixed gear set rod connected to back side base movement wheels, 6. Machine as claimed in previous claims having plurality of geared wheels of big and small in the shaft cormected with leg pedal and its chain connection to vertical force wheel(s) and to the bottom fixed gear set rod connected to back side base movement wheels. 7. Machine as claimed in previous claims having big and small gear on the hand pedal having bigger gear chain linked to vertical force gear wheels and the small gear chain linked to bottom fixed gear set rod connected to back side base movement wheels. 8. Machine as claimed in previous claims having plurality of gears of big and small attached with leg and hand pedal with changeable chain connections. 9. Machine as claimed in previous claims with hand pedal performance operation with bottom bigger wheel resting on the floor having leg pedal and seat on top with steering provision 10 Machine as claimed in previous claims having side frames, rods connected to movement base wheels with bearings on frame joints, handle bar and bottom cross shaft in the centre of front and back having leg pedal provision and sitting seat provision on top of it, resting on side frames with bearings and extending further with fixed gear on one end and bearing based gear on the other end forming a perfect circle of gear base with the bearing based gears set on the cross wise shaft extensions of all four sides, allowing a full round gear based cleaning brushes attached horizontal wheel to comfortably rest and rotate on it, with a small cycle pedal like hand pedaling part on the machine's front top cross bar above the sitting seat level and linked by chain to the gear wheel attached with the rod connected to front movement base wheels. 11 Machine as claimed in previous claims, having wheel base with closer space in side framings and hand pedaling geared wheel set at reasonable height and linked by chain to the vertical wheels. 12 Machine as claimed in previous claims having pulling type provision as the back side top cross bar will be linked on top by frames and the front end of top frame will be linked by chain or rod. 13 Machine as claimed in previous claims with plurality of horizontal wheels in the front centre and sides with dust collectors on the back ends having sharp sloppy blade like parts touching the floor. 14 Machine as claimed in claim 13 with brushes attached vertical rods with bevel gear settings, instead of horizontal wheels. 15 Machine as claimed in claims 12,13 & 14 with tank(s) on top of the machine having pipe line attachment to pour cleaning liquid(s) on the cleaning point of the brushes. 16 Machine as claimed in claims 12 to 15 with double row brushes having connection in top to cover the to be cleaned vertical portion in between. 17 Machine as claimed in previous claims having liquid sprayer type holed pipe(s) in the front followed by floor wiper brushes and cross wise plate(s} with rubber blade attached on the bottom, and water sprayer(s) and horizontal wheel(s) 18 Machine as claimed in previous claims having knife edged horizontal wheel in the front with comb like steel wire / small rod followed by over lapping wire mesh or plate above horizontal wheels with collection bags , gear and hand pedal, gear and leg pedal provisions on the back end. 19 Machine as claimed in claim 18, with out comb like steel wire/ small rod frontage. 20 Machine as claimed in claim 18 & 19 having two sharp edged forward peojecting plates having more gap in the front end and coming closer further. 21 Machine as claimed in claims 18,19 & 20 having chain linked rubber / steel rollers in rows one below another, one row working clock wise and another row working anti clock wise , on top over lapping wire mesh / plate above horizontal wheel. 22 Machine as claimed in previous claims can be pushed or pulled by electric motor vehicle 23 Machine as herein above described and illustrated with reference to the accompanying drawings. |
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2187-mas-1996 drawings duplicate.pdf
Patent Number | 198249 | ||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 2187/MAS/1996 | ||||||||
PG Journal Number | 20/2006 | ||||||||
Publication Date | 19-May-2006 | ||||||||
Grant Date | 17-Jan-2006 | ||||||||
Date of Filing | 05-Dec-1996 | ||||||||
Name of Patentee | SEEMALLAIA PARAMASIVAM | ||||||||
Applicant Address | 43, SECOND CROSS ST, ELLIAMMAN COLONY, GOPALAPURAM (P.O) CHENNAI 600 086 | ||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | A47L11/22 | ||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||
PCT Conventions: