Title of Invention


Abstract A process to produce a consistent quality producer gas with high calorific value of about 1400 to 1650 Kilo Calories for use in furnaces to generate flame temperature upto 1800 oC to replace furnace oil, comprising of the following steps, passing air steam mixture through ash zone containing hot bed of coal at a temperature of 1200°C in a reactor; thereafter reacting with the coal and passing to the oxidation zone where carbon of coal is oxidized to carbon dioxide CO2 & steam (H2O) & Nitrogen (N2) from air flow upward to primary reduction zone wherein production of CO, and H2, excess steam and N2 of air takes place, thereafter passing the said gases through the secondary reduction zone where further reduction results in the production of methane (CH4) carbon monoxide (CO) and Nitrogen (N2) and mixture of products such as Benzol, Toluol, light oils, Phenols, Cresols, Naphthelene, Cresole oil, Anthracite oil; thereafter passing the said products through the distillation zone wherein, the volatile matters as herein described become dissociated from coal and the feed coal gets fully carbonized to char, and the said volatile matters are carried upward along with the gas to the next preheating and drying zone wherein the diluents like moisture are removed and volatile matters are carried away along with the gas, and the desired producer gas is thus obtained.
Full Text The present invention relates to a process to produce a consistent quality producer gas with a high calorific value for use in furnaces.
Earlier Single Stage Gasifiers of 19th Century design or later version of Double-stage Gasifiers with slightly Extended shaft had got the disadvantages of inconsistent supply and poorer quality of Producer Gas of comparatively lower calorific value Also a reasonably better quality of gas with a more or less consistent supply is obtainable from these gasifiers with the use of much higher grade of fuel, say 'A' or 'B' grade. This limited the field of application of this gas both due to non-availability of higher-grade fuel or attainment of flame temperature only up to limited value of about 1500°C.
As shown in FIG 1 and FIG 2, in earlier design mostly available in the market, the product gas comes out from the top of single stage or major quantity comes out from the middle of double stage gasifier at a temperature of 470°C to 500°C As in these gasifiers, the feed remains mostly in 'Coal' form rather than carbonised fuel form before gasification, lot of tar must comes out with the product gas which, at a temperature of 470°C to 500°C cracks lo soot or gummy matters which remain in the gas stream and choke the downstream equipment necessitating frequent shut down and 'Burnout' operation for de-choking of pipe lines and burners. For continuous operation of downstream equipment, these gasifiers require extensive cleaning operation with high investment in cleaning unit as shown in FIG 2.
These gasifiers have got no distillation zone over the Oxidation and Reduction Zones and so even the Volatile Matters of fuel are converted to CO, CO2 and H2 as per normal oxidation and reduction reactions Even if there is a second-stage over the bottom shell as in the conventional Double-stage gasifier, the small quatity of gas

moving through this extended column is not adequate to strip the volatile matter of the fuel along with the lean quantity of gas and so the calorific value of this gas from single or conventional Double stage is limited to around 1250 Kcal/Nm3 only. With extensive cleaning, calorific value further comes down The average compositions of gas from such type of gasifiers from carbonized Fuel (Coke) or Coal are given below:
Coke gasification Coal gasification(C, Grade)
Without distillation without distillation of
of Volatde Matters. Volatile Matters
Composition/% V/V Dry) Composition:(% V/V Dry)
Co2 4 to 6 4 to 6
O2 0.4 0.4
Co 28 to 29 25 to 27
H2 10 to 12 14 to 16
Mixed • 0.4
CH4 : 0 4 to 0.6 1.2 to 1.5
N2 53 to 56 51 to 54
Calorific Value- 1150-1250 Kcal/Nm3 1200-1250 Kcal/Nm3
The absence or very low quantity of high calorific value components are very much conspicuous in above sample of gases and as a result, the calorific value is also lower.
As in the case of prior art, mostly Coal is gasified instead of carbonized fuel, therefore, energy level of conversion is more, because reactivity is less than carbonized fuel and so conversion is slower, gas make is less and thermal efficiency is also less.

In the prior art (Figure No 1), the Producer gas after the Second Reduction zone conies out from the side at a temperature of 470 C to 500 C. At this temperature, the minimal mixed volatiles comprising Benzol, Toluol, Zylol, Cresol, Phenol, Naphthalene, Anthracene Oil, Pitch etc cracks to soot which gets deposited in the pipe line, burners and other equipment, necessitating frequent short shut downs for cleaning up. So the gas flow becomes inconsistent and composition of gas also varies due to variable degree of cracking of hydrocarbons. The calorific value also remains limited to 1100 to 1250K.Cal/Nm3
It may be noted that in the prior art (Figure 1), coal is directly facing the Reduction and Oxidation zones without passing through any pre-heating, drying and distillation zones. As a result, the variable moisture content in the coal and widely varying mixture of volatile matters as per description take part in the reactions with the production of CO2 CO, H2, CH4 and Nitrogen which have got low or zero heating values as described further in the prior art, there is no possibility of pre-distillation of very high calorific value volatile matters that could otherwise increase the calorific value of the producer gas, before being converted to low calorific value gases.
In the prior art, due to the presence of various diluents like moisture, volatile matters and ash over and above the fixed carbons, the coal becomes less reactive and rate of gasification is slower with the result of less coal throughput per unit time and overall less gas output per unit lime.
As given above the following disadvantages of the prior art emerge out:
i) The single or Conventional Double stage gas Producer can gasify only higher grades, viz, A & B grades of coal
ii) Thermal Efficiency is lower, viz, 60% to 70% only.

iii) Gas make is lower, viz, 1700 to 2500 Nm3per MTof Coal.
iv) Calorific Value of gas is lower, viz, 1100 to 1250 Kcal/Nnr in General.
v) The gas quality is not consistent and there is frequent choking due to soot and gummy matters present in the gas. which require regular shutdowns at short intervals for 'Burning Out' operations.
vi) Chances of Clinker formation is more, requiring more steam per MT of Fuel.
vii) As volatile matters of Fuel arc also gasified to CO, CO2 and H2, process steam consumption is more.
vii) Pollution problem is more in these designs.
ix) Extensive gas cleaning is required to improve the gas purity and consistency of operation and this further brings down the Calorific Value of gas.
The object of the present invention is to overcome the above disadvantages and develop a process not only to overcome above disadvantages but also to make it efficient and cheap. The modifications are shown in Figures 2A, 3 & 3A.
The main objective of this invention, therefore, as indicated above, was to produce a clean and consistent quality producer gas of high calorific value from majority of Indian Coal from 'A' to 'F' grade without any outside carburation of the lean gas and to achieve a faster rale of gasification with high degree of consistency and continuity of operation with the help of homogeneous and central charging of fuel, semi carbonization of input coal in the Gasifier itself with simultaneous built in carbunsation of lean gas with the distilled volatile matters of coal with the addition of adequate distillation zone and with introduction of twin rotation system of the rotary grate to have consistent and continuous movement of coal down-wards without formation of clinker lumps, maintaining at the same time consistent draught and better distribution of reactants. This could render the quality and calorific value of earlier

quality Producer Gas to consistent, clean and higher calorific value gas so that it can replace pelro-fuels in any field of application most economically.
Various grades of coal from 'A' to 'F: All grades of coal 'A' to 'F' particularly
'C', 'D' and 'E/F' are available in Indian market But gasification of prior art being of one stage only and directly gasifying raw coal before drying and distillation, can work only with A and B grades of lowest ash content and higher reactivity which arc scarcely available in the country But accordingly the present invention being fortified with extended shaft of pre-hcating, drying and distillation zones and carbonizing the coal to much higher reactivity which can gasify successfully all grades of coal from 'A' to 'F' The composition of various grades of coal are given below:

In order to achieve above objectives, following modifications were envisaged and successfully implemented also.
i) In order to ensure a better and faster gasification and higher calorific value of gas it is necessary to carbonize the Fuel before gasification and at the same time carburate the product gas with high calorific value components which could be only possible with low-temperature distillation of feed in the gasifier itself. So an extended fuel column was introduced, the height of which is more than the upper stage of conventional double state gasifier and has been precisely calculated to attain as much heat transfer and interaction between fuel and gas as possible, so that the feed fuel distills off its volatile matter and carbonizes to 'char' or nearly coke before gasification As a result the reactivity of fuel increases with faster rate of gasification which results in higher fuel throughput per unit grate area and higher efficiency of

gasification The increased throughput per grate area as compared to single stage gasifier has been shown in Fig 4.
ii) This coal distillation has been achieved by 100% top-draft to get about 80% of volatile matters stripped off and simultaneous cooling of gas to approximately 140°C by exchanging its heat to the incoming feed.
iii) The proposed deep fuel bed has a tendency to crumble at the lower end of the gasifier shaft and jam it which has been overcome by introducing a twin rotation system of the grate, one at a very slow speed to keep the coal and ash-bed moving at a slow speed and the other at an interval of about 40 to 50 minutes to give a jerk and allowing the ash to come out into the ash bowl. This unique system helps to keep the fuel and ash in a homogeneous and flowable condition for a clean and uniform draught throughout the coal bed
IV) Simultaneously, a central fuel charging system has been introduced to avoid piling of fuel on one side and automatic diversion of the draught to the other side resulting in unequal distribution of gas, steam and air and inconsistent gasification This is all the more necessary in a deep fuel-bed.
v) In order to maintain a uniform gas pressure throughout the operation period, especially at the time of fuel charging, automatic steam flashing inside the Gasifier operated by a solenoid valve has been introduced. This not only prevents gas leakage in the environment at the time of fuel charging, but also maintains the pressure of output gas
vi) Adjustable ash plough for uniform and better removal of ash to ensure proper flowability of fuel and ash in the gasifier.
The advantages accrued from above modifications are given below:

i) A deep fuel column with 100% up ward draft of product gas with top off take and associated twin rotating system of the grate and central fuel charging system has not only resulted in auto carbunsation of Producer gas by stripped volatile matters to a much higher calorific value but at the same time increased the gasificalon rate by carbonization of Fuel to a 'nearly coke' state. This novel feature has optimized the kinetics of gasification with generation of more potential heat per MT of fuel as compared to prior art and increased the rate of reaction commensurate to carbonized fuel The improved gas yield, calorific value of gas and generation of heat per unit weight of fuel in the modified system has been shown in Fig 5 in comparison with prior art
ii) A deep fuel bed in the Extended Column has helped to adsorb, dust, soot etc from the product gas and no extensive cleaning facilities arc required for clean and consistent quantity of gas
iii) Better adaptability to almost all grades of fuel from A to F grade which is not possible in prior art, which on the other hand can gasify higher grades of coal with limited success.
iv) The process is continuous and is as controllable and mancuverable as oil firing but at the same time much cheaper than oil firing.
v) In the proposed modification, the distribution and movement of fuel is uniform and smooth.
vi) The proposed scheme is cco-friendly, operation-friendly and conforms to all PCB norms.
vii) The coal containing moisture is dried up before pre-distillation in the
temperature range of ambient to about 140 °C.

viii) The coal gets pre-heated to a distillation temperature of about 450 °C.
IX) The distillation of volatile matters of coal lakes place with liberation of Benzol, Toluol, Cresol, Xylol, Phenol, Anthracene oil with various ratios of carbon and hydrogen with very high calorific value of 20,000 to about 35,000 K.Cal per normal cubic meter (Nm ). The product gas which flows upwards, carries away with it these high calorific value volatile matters, before these are gasified as in the prior art and thus the calorific value of the Producer gas itself comes up from 1150/1250 KCal to about 1500/1650 KCal per normal cubic meter
x) Any dust or soot present in the gas gets absorbed in the deep coal-bed of the newly introduced extended shaft and thus a cleaner gas comes out from the top.
xi) The most important aspect is that, the feed coal gets almost fully carbonized to carbon and other diluents like, moisture and volatile matters etc are carried along with the gas. Thus the reactivity of coal increases and gasification becomes faster with production of more gas per unit time.
xii) As there is no gasification of mixed volatiles or cracking of tar as in the prior art and only fixed carbon of carbonized fuel gets gasified, the composition and production remains consistent without any fluctuation or stoppage of gas from choking of soot. In the present invention, the gas conies out from the top of extended shaft at a temperature of about 140 C (Fig.3), which is much below the cracking temperature of 400 C to 500 C or more Thus the gas in the present invention comes out at a steady rate at following proportions -

Prior Art ( % Vol/Vol) Present Invention ( % Vol/Vol) (Wider range) (Closer range)
CO2 4-6 4-5 O2 0 2-0.4 0.3-0.4 CO 25-27 28-29 H2 14-16 15-16 CH4 1.2-1.5 1.2- 1.3 N2 51 to 54 49-50
Higher 0 4 2.8-2.9 Hydrocarbons
Flow from a 0 to 2700 3300 to 3500 3.2 Mtr Dia Gasifier (0 due to chokage) (Nm3/Hr.)
There is marked difference in the presence of mixed volatiles in the gas, which is more in the gas from present invention due to distillation and stripping of volatile matters in the pre-heating and distillation zones The calorific value increases as calculated below: -

Components (% V/V) Average composition Net C.V. of (Dry) components Prior Art Present Invention (K.Cal/Nm3)
CO2 5.0 4.50 0 O2 0.3 0 30 0 CO 26.0 28 50 3015 H2 15 0 15.00 2575

CH4 1.3 1.25 8570 Mixed 0.4 2.80 20,000 (Mm) Volatiles N2 52 47 65 0 100.00 100.00
Contribution of Calorific Value of Individual Component (In Dry Gas )

According to the present invention, there is provided a process to produce a consistent quality producer gas of composition such as herein described with high calorific value of about 1400 to 1650 Kilo Calories for use in furnaces to generate flame temperature upto 1800°C to replace furnace oil, which comprises of the following steps
(i) passing air steam mixture through ash zone containing hot bed of coal at a temperature of 1200°C in a reactor called Gas Producer;

(ii) the air steam mixture of the above step after reacting with the coal passes to the oxidation zone where carbon of coal is oxidized to carbon dioxide CO2 & steam (H2O) & Nitrogen (N2) from air flow upward to primary and secondary reduction zones as herein described,
(iii) passing the above gas of step (ii) (i.e.) carbon dioxide CO2 & steam (H2O) & Nitrogen (N2) from the oxidation zone to the primary reduction zone where reduction of CO2 with steam (H2O) and carbon of coal takes place with the production of CO, and H2, excess steam and N2 of air as herein described,
(iv) passing the above gases of step (iii) through the said secondary reduction zone where further reduction of CO2 and steam takes place with the liberation of methane (CH4) carbon monoxide (CO) and Nitrogen (N2) and mixture of products such as Benzol. Toluol, light oils, Phenols, Cresols, Naphthelene, Cresole oil. Anthracite oil in proportions as herein described;
(v) Passing the products of step (iv) through the distillation zone as herein described wherein, the volatile matters comprising high calorific value products like Benzol, Toluol, light oils, Phenols, Cresols, Naphthelene, Cresole oil, Anthracite oil, become dissociated from coal and the feed coal gets fully carbonized to char, and the said volatile matters are carried upwatd along with the gas to the next preheating and drying zone
(vi) passing the above gas of step (v) through the preheating and drying zone wherein the soot and dust present in the above gas of step (v) gets absorbed in the deep coal bed of the shaft of the preheating and drying zone and other diluents like moisture are removed and volatile matters comprising of high calorific value mixture of products such as Benzol, Toluol, Cresol, Xylol, Phenol, Anthiaccne Oil & medium oil which are in vapour phase are carried away along with the gas, and the desired producer gas is thus obtained

Further according to the present invention wherein the product of step (iv) is passed through the distillation and preheating zone and allowed to come out fully from the top of the gasifier, at a lower temperature of 140°C which is below the cracking temperature of tar and volatile matters carried by the gas comes out unchanged with high heating value and consistent quality producer gas resulting in faster rate of gasification.
Still according to the present invention the obtained producer gas generated from various grades of coal varying from A to F is having composition with higher calorific value as under: -

CO2 3-5 4-5 4-6 5-7 5-7 O2 0.2-0 4 0 2-0.4 0 2-0.4 0.2-0.4 0.2-0.4 CO 28-29 27-29 26-28 25-27 23-25 H2 14-16 14-16 13-15 13-15 11-12
Mixed Volatilcs 2.5-2.7 2.4-26 24-26 20--2.5 20-2 5 CH4 1.8-2 0 1.8-2.0 1 8-2.0 0.8-1.2 0.7-1 0
N2 46-48 47-49 48-50 50-53 52 55
NET CALORIFIC 1 1550-1650 1550-1600 1500-1550 1400-1500 1300-1440
the mixed volatiles comprising a complex mixture of various coal chemicals such as
Benzol, Toluol, light oils, Phenols, Cresols, Naphthelene, Cresole oil, Anthracite oil,
Producer gas is generated with the reaction of air and steam with red-hot coal at a temperature of 1200 C and below down to 500 C in a Reactor called Gas

Producer. The Reactor basically consists of a water-jacketed cylindrical shell (Figures 1 & 2A) over a rotating grade and ash-bowl sealed with water. Coal from the Bunker is introduced into the reactor from the top and air and steam mixture is introduced from the bottom of the rotating grate, which pass through the ash-zone to the Oxidation zone at a temperature of 1200 C. From this zone, where carbon of coal is oxidized to carbon-di-oxide (CO2), the product gases containing CO2 , steam (H2O) and Nitrogen (N2) from air, flow upward to primary and secondary reduction zones as per following reactions •
Oxidation Zone (Span of about 150 mm or 6")
C + O2 CO2 + Heat
(Carbon) (Oxygen) (Carbon-di- Oxide)
The reaction is exothermic and so heat is liberated
Primary Reduction zone (Span is about 355 mm)
Here the product gases, i.e. CO2, H2O and N2 from the oxidation zone pass
upward to the Primary Reduction zone where following reduction of CO2 with steam
(H2O ) and carbon of coal takes place with the production of carbon monoxide (CO),
and Hydrogen (H2) as per the following reactions.
C + H2O - CO + H2 -Heat
(Carbon) (Steam) (Carbon monoxide) (Hydrogen)
C + 2H2O - CO2 + 2H2 - Heat
C + CO2 = 2CO - Heat
The products of this zone are thus CO2, CO, H2, excess steam, and N2 of air. All these reactions are endothermic, i.e. absorb heat which comes from liberated heat of oxidation zone. So the coal bed temperature comes down to about 700 °C to 800 °C. (Fig 2A & 3).

Secondary Reduction Zone
In this zone, the reduction of CO2 and steam reactions of carbon Monoxide of Primary Reduction zone are nearly complete as per the following reactions: C + CO2 = 2 CO C + 2H2 = CH4 (Methane) CO + H2O = CO2 + H2
After this zone, the product gases contain CO2, Hydrogen (H2). Methane (CH4) Carbon Monoxide (CO), a mixture of Higher Hydro-carbons and Nitrogen (N2) as per following properties:

In the above Producer Gas, the combustible components are Carbon-Monoxide (CO), Hydrogen (H2), a mixture of Higher hydrocarbons and Methane (CH4). Each normal Cubic Meter of above components liberates heat after combustion as per the following rates
CO 3015K.Cal/Nm3
H2. 2575 KXal/Nm3
CH4 8570 K.Cal/Nm3
Volatiles: 20000 to 35000 K.Cal/Nm3
The average heating value of the above quality of Producer Gas is 1150 to 1250 K.Cal/Nm3.

Distillation Zone (span-2500mm)
After passing through the Secondary reduction zone, the gas comprises of CO2, Hydrogen (H2), Methane (CH4) Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Nitrogen (N2) and a mixture of high calorific value volatile matters is now directed to pass through an Extended shaft with precisely calculated height, which is divided into a Distillation Zone (span-2500mm) and preheating and drying zone (Span-4000 mm).
In this distillation zone, the feed coal gets fully carbonized to char and distillation of volatile matters of coal takes place with the liberation of a mixture of products such as Benzol, Toluol, Cresol, Xylol, Phenol, Anthracene Oil & medium oil etc., which become dissociated from coal due to heat at a temperature of about 450 °C. Thus the said gas comprising of CO2, Hydrogen (H2), Methane (CH4) Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Nitrogen (N2) earners away with it these high calorific value mixtures of products, before these are gasified to carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methane.
Pre heating and Drying Zone (Span-4000 mm)
In the preheating and drying zone, any soot or dust present in the gas gets absorbed in the deep coal bed of this shaft of preheating & Drying zone and thus a cleaner gas conies out. Further, other diluents like moisture are removed and volatile matters such as Benzol, Toluol, Cresol, Xylol, Phenol, Anthracene Oil & medium oil which are in vapour phase is carried away along with the gas, and the producer gas thus obtained goes into the system for consumption.

1 A process to produce a consistent quality producer gas of composition such as
herein described with high calorific value of about 1400 to 1650 Kilo Calories for use in furnaces to generate flame temperature upto 18OO°C to replace furnace oil, which comprises of the following steps.
(i) passing air steam mixture through ash zone containing hot bed of coal at a temperature of 1200°C in a reactor called Gas Producer;
(ii) the air steam mixture of the above step after reacting with the coal passes to the oxidation zone where carbon of coal is oxidized to carbon dioxide CO2 & steam (H2O) & Nitrogen (N2) from air flow upward to primary and secondary reduction zones as herein described;
(iii) passing the above gas of step (ii) (i.e.) carbon dioxide CO2 & steam (H2O) & Nitrogen (N2) from the oxidation zone to the primary reduction zone where reduction of CO2 with steam (H2O) and carbon of coal takes place with the production of CO, and H2, excess steam and N2 of air as herein described;
(iv) passing the above gases of step (111) through the said secondary reduction zone where further reduction of CO2 and steam takes place with the liberation of methane (CH4) carbon monoxide (CO) and Nitrogen (N2) and mixture of products such as Benzol, Toluol, light oils, Phenols, Cresols, Naphthelene, Cresole oil, Anthracite oil in proportions as herein described;
(v) Passing the products of step (iv) through the distillation zone as herein described wherein, the volatile matters comprising high calorific value products like Benzol, Toluol, light oils, Phenols, Cresols, Naphthelene, Cresole oil, Anthracite oil, become dissociated from coal and the feed coal gets fully carbonized to char, and the said

volatile matters are carried upward along with the gas to the next preheating and drying zone
(vi) passing the above gas of step (v) through the preheating and drying zone wherein the sool and dust present in the above gas of step (v) gels absorbed in the deep coal bed of the shaft of the preheating and drying zone and other diluents like moisture arc removed and volatile matters comprising of high calorific value mixture of products such as Benzol, Toluol, Cresol, Xylol, Phenol, Anthracene Oil & medium oil which are in vapour phase are carried away along with the gas, and the desired producer gas is thus obtained
2. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the product of step (iv) is passed
through the distillation and preheating zone and allowed to come out fully from the top
of the gasifier, at a lower temperature of 140°C which is below the cracking
temperature of tar and volatile matters carried by the gas comes out unchanged with
high heating value and consistent quality producer gas resulting in faster rate of
3. The process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the obtained producer gas generated
from various grades of coal varying from A to F is having composition with higher
calorific value as under.

CO2 3-5 4-5 4-6 5-7 5-7 O2 0.2-0.4 0.2-0 4 0 2-0 4 0.2-0 4 0.2-0.4 CO 28-29 27-29 26-28 25-27 23-25 H2 14-16 14-16 13-15 13-15 11-12
Mixed Volatiles 2.5-2.7 2.4-2.6 2.4-2.6 20-2.5 2.0-2.5 CH4 18-20 1.8-2.0 1.8-2.0 08-1.2 0.7-10
N2 46-48 47-49 48-50 50-53 52 55

the mixed volatiles comprising a complex mixture of various coal chemicals such as
Benzol, Toluol, light oils. Phenols, Cresols, Naphthelene, Cresole oil, Anthracite oil,
A process to produce a consistent quality producer gas with high calorific value of about 1400 to 1650 Kilo Calories for use in furnaces to generate flame temperature upto 1800 oC to replace furnace oil, comprising of the following steps, passing air steam mixture through ash zone containing hot bed of coal at a temperature of 1200°C in a reactor; thereafter reacting with the coal and passing to the oxidation zone where carbon of coal is oxidized to carbon dioxide CO2 & steam (H2O) & Nitrogen (N2) from air flow upward to primary reduction zone wherein production of CO, and H2, excess steam and N2 of air takes place, thereafter passing the said gases through the secondary reduction zone where further reduction results in the production of methane (CH4) carbon monoxide (CO) and Nitrogen (N2) and mixture of products such as Benzol, Toluol, light oils, Phenols, Cresols, Naphthelene, Cresole oil, Anthracite oil; thereafter passing the said products through the distillation zone wherein, the volatile matters as herein described become dissociated from coal and the feed coal gets fully carbonized to char, and the said volatile matters are carried upward along with the gas to the next preheating and drying zone wherein the diluents like moisture are removed and volatile matters are carried away along with the gas, and the desired producer gas is thus obtained.


00289-kol-2004 abstract.pdf

00289-kol-2004 claims.pdf

00289-kol-2004 correspondence.pdf

00289-kol-2004 description (complete).pdf

00289-kol-2004 drawings.pdf

00289-kol-2004 form-1.pdf

00289-kol-2004 form-18.pdf

00289-kol-2004 form-2.pdf

00289-kol-2004 form-26.pdf

00289-kol-2004 form-3.pdf

00289-kol-2004 letters patent.pdf


289-KOL-2004-FORM 27.pdf


Patent Number 202603
Indian Patent Application Number 289/KOL/2004
PG Journal Number 09/2007
Publication Date 02-Mar-2007
Grant Date 02-Mar-2007
Date of Filing 31-May-2004
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C 10 J 3/20
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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