Title of Invention


Abstract An Interactive system for building and sharing one's own databank of wisdom bytes, such as Words of Wisdom, Basic Truths, and /or Facts and Feats, in one or more languages using a computer system comprising: i) a User Interface; ii) a well-classified Database comprising a. a wisdom bytes database; b. a translation database having a module to translate a record from one or more languages of a user's choice and a utility for global translation; c. a user database; and d. a configuration database having a module for Modifying a Record individually or globally; iii) a control system comprising a well classified data input organizing and management module enabling the user to classify the data by classifications selected or added in one or more of the groups consisting of Date, Source of Information, Type of Wisdom Byte, Subject and Sub subjects - bearing a parent-child relationship and attaching Image, Animation and/or Sound files and/or Associate More Information to the Record in the form of URLs, Files, Remarks and the like ; and iv) a module to allow the user to invoke and to store a Wisdom Bytes Session for continuous motivation as well as for 66 improving one's knowledge of wisdom like adages, aphorisms, apothegms, axioms, catchwords, dictums, epigrams, epithets, expressions, gospels, home truths, idioms , mantras, mottos, phrases, proverbs, quotations, sayings, slogans, and such others, Basic Truths and / or Facts and Feats, using the data from the database, such data having been selected by the user by finding the same from the database, based on none or one or more FIND conditions wherein said control system acts as the bridge between said User Interface and said Database
Full Text
(39 of 1970)
[See section 10]

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The present invention relates to an interactive System for building (including saving, appending, retrieving, modifying) and sharing one's own databank of WISDOM BYTES, such as Words of Wisdom like adages, aphorisms,
10 apothegms, axioms, catchwords, dictums, epigrams, epithets, expressions,
gospels, home truths, idioms, mantras, maxims, mottos, phrases, proverbs, quotations, sayings, slogans and such others, Basic Truths, and/or Facts and Feats, in one or more languages, for increasing and improving one's own knowledge of such data, it being accepted that such data is used in
15 daily life, in conversation, education and social life.
It is a well-accepted fact that over the years, holy books, fables, sages and
saints, great leaders and revolutionaries, poets and writers, artists and
entertainers, builders and titans, scientists and thinkers, heroes, have made
statements, announcements, proclamations, etc. that have also been
20 accepted as Words of Wisdom and Basic Truths, and people use such
Words of Wisdom and Basic Truths as a part of their daily conversation,
such Words of Wisdom and Basic Truths also being used extensively during
the grooming years of a person while being educated at schools, colleges,

universities, and that such Words of Wisdom and Basic Truths help to motivate people.
It is a well-accepted fact that people are always interested in knowing about
and remaining updated about various kinds of Facts and Feats, and that
5 such Facts and Feats continue to interest people, and several institutions,
organizations, business houses continue to record and publish such Facts and Feats.
It is accepted that, traditionally, it has always been such publishers who have been the ones to have recorded and published such WISDOM BYTES and
10 that, as individuals, one needs to refer to such publications from time to time,
to learn about, or obtain more information about Words of Wisdom, Basic Truths, and/or Facts and Feats.
it is also accepted that such publications are not published as and when new Words of Wisdom, Basic Truths become common usage, as well as when
15 new Facts are discovered and when new Feats are achieved and people
therefore have to wait for a long time to receive such updated information regarding the same.
It is also accepted that the recording and publishing of Words of Wisdom, Basic Truths, and/or Facts and Feats is an activity mostly restricted to such
20 publishers, and that, as such, recording and publishing is not an activity
conducted by an individual because this activity requires large amount of
resources and infrastructure. Consequently, people continue to remain
dependent on such publications, which are generally published with updated
information according to time schedules decided by such publishers.

It is also an accepted fact that such publications contain static information,
and are not customizable, in that, they do not allow the user to build and
share a "personalized" databank of such information which may be
proprietary and yet unpublished, and to further classify such information by
5 the Source of Information, Type of WISDOM BYTE, Subject, Sub subjects,
and which further allows the user to add more information like the Meaning
and details of Origin where applicable, Add Image, Animation and/or Sound
files to the same, Associate more information in the form of
File(s)/URLs/Remarks to the same; Delete unwanted information and Print
10 the stored information.
It is a well-accepted fact that Words of Wisdom and Basic Truths are part of
one's daily conversation and are extensively used in education and people
like to use Words of Wisdom and Basic Truths in their daily conversation. It
15 is a well-accepted fact that such Words of Wisdom and Basic Truths help to
motivate people. Because Words of Wisdom and Basic Truths are useful in general and are popular with one and all, there is a lot of literature written on such topics.
It is a well-accepted fact that new Facts are being discovered and new Feats
20 are being achieved, and that such new Facts and Feats are continuously
recorded for the benefit of people and that people like to be aware of the same for personal and/or professional reasons.

It is a well-accepted fact that such WISDOM BYTES continue to educate,
inspire and amaze people, and therefore there is a lot of literature written
about them, as well as there are several programs that continue to be
produced and broadcast through various media like the television, radio,
5 Internet among others, on them.
It is a well-accepted fact that people generally cannot remember a large
amount of data whether by classifications or not, without external help, and it
would be very helpful if there were to exist a System that would help people
to Add, Retrieve, Modify, Delete, Print, Export, Import, Schedule such
10 WISDOM BYTES, thereby helping people to remember such WISDOM
BYTES for use in daily life, for motivation, and to increase their knowledge on the same.
Chinese Patent No. CN1172683 relates to a kind of playing cards that has 52 cards of hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs, each including 13 cards
15 from A to K. The Chinese characters represent twelve animals which
symbolizes the year in which one is born are divided into 3 groups, each group being put on a set of playing cards. The twelve animals are put on three set of playing card respectively. Each card has an idiom relative to said animal. Said playing cards will enrich the knowledge on idioms for
20 players.
U.S. Patent No. 6,453,280 relates to an Electronic dictionary capable of identifying idioms, having an idiom processing function which can automatically identify idioms included in a present sentence from text of a

first language, and which can output corresponding translated expressions
in a second language. The electronic dictionary is operative to perform a
technique which comprises an idiom processing operation which makes
automatic identification possible by text capturing, sentence segmenting,
5 local parsing and transfer lexicon matching. The electronic dictionary
provides intelligent translation at the idiom level.
European Patent Document EP1215656 relates to Idiom handling in Voice Service systems. The grammar of the speech input to a voice service system is normally specified by the voice service system. However, this can
10 produce problems in respect of idioms, such as dates, which are expressed
different ways by different users. To facilitate the handling of idioms, a user is permitted to specify their own idiom grammar which is then used by the voice service system to interpret idioms in speech input from that user. Typically, the normal grammar of speech input is specified by grammar tags
15 used to mark up a voice page script interpreted by a voice page browser; in
this case, it will generally be the voice browser that is responsible for employing the user-specified idiom grammar to interpret the corresponding idiom in the speech input by the user. The user-specified grammar can be pre-specified directly to the voice browser by the user or fetched by the
20 browser from a remote location on the fly.
Chinese Patent No.CN1086622,relates to a Chinese proverb spelling game comprising of Chinese proverbs spelling cards as an entertainment tool for the learning and exercise of proverbs and phonetic letters features that the

chosen basic phonetic syllables are marked on cards falling into one of four groups and blank cards are used as variable phonetic cards. Two dices with special marks are also used. Said limited cards are combined to form unlimited proverbs.
5 U.S. Patent No. 6,507,811 provides a method for symbol manipulation in an
electronic data processing system that can be used to alter the representation of ages, names, and proverbs in ways that some people find to be highly amusing. Among other advantages, the representation of people's ages can be altered so that a younger person seems older and an
10 older person seems younger, and the representation of people's names can
be altered so that they appear to come from other cultures and are descriptive of the person. Similarly, the representation of proverbs can be altered so that they appear to concern matters of individualized interest. In a preferred embodiment, the method of the present invention comprises the
15 steps, using an electronic data processing system, of inputting an
expression of age in base 10 notation, converting the expression of age in base 10 notation to an expression of age in an alternate base notation, and outputting the expression of age in the alternate base notation. An alternate preferred embodiment of a method of the present invention comprises the
20 steps, using an electronic data processing system, of inputting an input
name and an input adjective, converting the input name to a cognate form,
converting the input adjective to a synonym, and outputting the cognate form
and the synonym. Another alternate preferred embodiment of a method of
the present invention comprises the steps, using an electronic data

processing system, of inputting an input phrase and an input adjective, selecting a proverb form corresponding to the input adjective, inserting the input phrase into the proverb form, and outputtind the proverb form with the inserted input phrase.
5 Chinese Patent No. CN1177779 relates to a hand-held Chinese idioms end-
to-end serially-connected computer which comprises two portions of
keyboard with 36 keys and computer whose internal memory includes 2000
Chinese idioms which are end-to-end serially-connected together. When
using, its switch key is pressed, on the screen of computer the first Chinese
10 idiom formed of four Chinese characters can be displayed, then the switch
"Key can be pressed again, the second Chinese idiom can be displayed, then the rest can be done in the same manner, so that said 2000 Chinese idioms can be displayed one-by-one, therefore it is convenient to learn Chinese idioms for people.
15 The prior art described in the foregoing descriptions have an inherent
limitation, in that, they do not allow the users to build their own databank of WISDOM BYTES by well-defined classifications, and further that none of the above prior art assist in the improvement of one's knowledge of WISDOM BYTES by allowing users to take Wisdom Bytes Session(s), and that none of
20 the above prior art allow the users to share such WISDOM BYTES with
Therefore, by dint of determined research and intuitive knowledge, our
inventor has devefoped an interactive System that enables users to build
(including saving, appending, retrieving, modifying) their own databank of

WISDOM BYTES in one or more languages, by well-defined classifications,
Translate the same into one or more languages, and which further enables
users to improve their knowledge of WISDOM BYTES by means of taking
Wisdom Bytes Sessions and Scheduled displays; which further enables
5 users to Export WISDOM BYTES to other users of this System, and which
further enables users to Import WISDOM BYTES built by other users of this System. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
An object of the present invention is to provide an interactive System for
10 building (including saving, appending, retrieving, modifying) and sharing
one's own databank of WISDOM BYTES for increasing and improving one's
own knowledge of such data for use in daily life, in one or more languages, it
being accepted that one may want to build (including saving, appending,
retrieving, modifying) such data in one or more languages based on one's
15 personal interest and further stored by various classifications like Source of
Information, Type of WISDOM BYTE, Subject, and Sub subjects, such classification of data not restricted to any already provided data.
Yet another object of the present invention is to allow users to FIND such data rapidly and efficiently by none or one or more FIND conditions.
20 Yet another object of the present invention is to allow users to Customize
the data by allowing the Modification of the same, allowing the addition of
Meaning and details of Origin where applicable, allowing the addition of
Bookmark Remarks, Associations, Files, including Media files, URLs and
more Remarks to the same.

Yet another object of the present invention is to allow users to Bookmark selected Records as "Favourite" and assign the same to specific users or user groups.
Yet another object of the present invention is to allow users to Navigate
5 efficiently between the Records.
Yet another object of the present invention is to allow users to Modify data individually and Globally, and further selectively.
Yet another object of the present invention is to allow users to share data created by the users using the Export/Import/Print modules, such
10 Exporting/Importing/Printing of data capable of being done selectively.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide users with the utility of Deleting the data, the scope of deleting data being singular or Global, sending the deleted data to the Recycle Bin Module of the System, and further permanently removing the same, singularly or plu rally, and/or
15 restoring the same, singularly or plurally.
Yet another object of the present invention is to allow users to invoke a Wisdom Bytes Session(s) using the stored data and finding the same by none or one or more classifications that the user may have used to create and/or Modify such data, and further to use the data selected for the
20 Session(s) as screen savers.
Yet another object of the present invention is to allow the user to Schedule the WISDOM BYTES, using the stored data by finding the stored data to be used, based on none or one or more FIND conditions, to be brought up on

the users computer, including hand held devices, at preset time intervals, with or without Voice.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide various Reports
selectively and having the further utility of customizing the same.
5 Yet another object of the present invention is to provide the necessary Tools
to the user for better customization and maintenance of the System in various ways.
Yet another object of the present invention is to allow one or more module(s)/utility(s) to operate within a browser and/or other viewing and/or
10 processing programs, and which can operate on one or more computers,
including hand held devices.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a utility for creating, editing, deleting, printing, navigating, finding Masters like User, Source of Information, Type of WISDOM BYTE, Subject and Sub subjects, etc.
15 Yet another object of the present invention is to provide users with a
Translation utility, allowing the user to consider any WISDOM BYTE as a parent language WISDOM BYTE and Translate the same into one or more languages of the user's choice, the translation activity happening from a Translation Module which is invoked in the Wisdom Bytes Bank Module, and
20 further that all of the features and/or utility(s)/functionality(s) of the System
remaining common to the translated WISDOM BYTE as would be applicable to the parent language WISDOM BYTE.
Yet another object of the present invention is to allow the user to Print any Record of the user's choice as well as to obtain a plurality of Reports.

Yet another object of the present invention is to provide sufficient security of
not allowing the deletion of a Record or a Master that may be in use.
Yet another object of the present invention is to allow the user to input and/or
Modify data in the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database by
5 Voice input, with or without a conjunction of input made by keyboard support,
and/or to use any other utility(s)/functionality(s) of the System, as may be supported by the System for such use, by Voice Command, and further to allow the user to receive Voice Output of the data so entered/modified by the user in the above Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database.
To complement the description that is being given and in order to promote a
better understanding of the characteristics of the invention in accordance
with a practical embodiment of the same and as an integral part of the said
description a set of drawings accompany it in which, in an illustrative and
15 non-restrictive way, the following are represented: -
FIG 1 is the diagram of the System block of the present invention.
FIG 2 is the diagram of the Multiple User System of the present invention
FIG 3 is the diagram of the Outline of the System Process of the present invention
20 FIG 4 is the diagram of the System Function of the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Module of the present invention

FIG 5 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Wisdom Bytes Bank Module of the present invention
FIG 6 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Wisdom Bytes Bank Module of the present invention
5 FIG 7 is the diagram of the System Function of the Global Association
Module of the present invention
FIG 8 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Global Association Module of the present invention
FIG 9 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Global
10 Association module of the present invention
FIG 10 is the diagram of the System Function of the Global Attachment Module of the present invention
FIG 11 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Global Attachment Module of the present invention
15 FIG 12 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Global
Attachment Module of the present invention
FIG 13 is the diagram of the System Function of the Wisdom Bytes Session Module of the present invention
FIG 14 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Wisdom Bytes
20 Session Module of the present invention

FIG 15 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Wisdom Bytes Session Module of the present invention
FIG 16 is the diagram of the System Function of Reports Module of the
present invention
5 FIG 17 is the diagram of the System Operation of Reports Module of the
present invention
FIG 18 is the diagram of the System State Transition of Reports Module of the present invention
FIG 19 is the diagram of the System Function of the Global Modification
10 Module of the present invention
FIG 20 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Global Modification Module of the present invention
FIG 21 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Global Modification Module of the present invention
15 FIG 22 is the diagram of the System Function of the Global Delete Module of
the present invention
FIG 23 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Global Delete Module of the present invention
FIG 24 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Global Delete
20 Module of the present invention

FIG 25 is the diagram of the System Function of the Global Bookmark/Unbookmark Module of the present invention
FIG 26 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Global Bookmark/Unbookmark Module of the present invention
5 FIG 27 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Global
Bookmark/Unbookmark Module of the present invention
FIG 28 is the diagram of the System Function of the Export Module of the present invention
FIG 29 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Export Module of the
10 present invention
FIG 30 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Export Module of the present invention
FIG 31 is the diagram of the System Function of the Import Module of the present invention
15 FIG 32 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Import Module of the
present invention
FIG 33 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Import Module of the present invention
FIG 34 is the diagram of the System Function of the Wisdom Bytes
20 Scheduler Module of the present invention

FIG 35 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Wisdom Bytes Scheduler Module of the present invention
FIG 36 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Wisdom Bytes Scheduler Module of the present invention
5 FIG 37 is the diagram of the System Function of the Recycle Bin Module of
the present invention
FIG 38 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Recycle Bin Module of the present invention
FIG 39 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Recycle Bin
10 Module of the present invention
FIG 40 is the diagram of the System Function of the Tools/Help Menu Options Module of the present invention
FIG 41 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Tools/Help Menu Options Module of the present invention
15 FIG 42 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Tools/Help Menu
Options Module of the present invention
FIG 43 is the diagram of the System Function of the Translation Module of the present invention
FIG 44 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Translation Module of
20 the present invention

FIG 45 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Translation Module of the present invention
FIG 46 is the diagram of the System Function of the Global Translation Module of the present invention
5 FIG 47 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Global Translation
Module of the present invention
FIG 48 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Global Translation Module of the present invention
FIG 49 is the diagram of the System Function of the Master Module of the
10 present invention
FIG 50 is the diagram of the System Operation of the Master Module of the present invention
FIG 51 is the diagram of the System State Transition of the Master Module of the present invention
A detailed description of the preferred embodiments and best modes for practicing the present invention are described herein.
Interactive System for building (including saving, appending, retrieving,
modifying) and sharing one's own databank of WISDOM BYTES for
20 increasing and improving one's own knowledge of such WISDOM BYTES in

one or more languages, wherein FIG 1 is the diagram of the different
functional blocks and their interaction of the present invention. The User
Interface renders the users actions, and with the help of the Control System
transmits the appropriate requests to the Database. The Control System
5 acts as the bridge between the User Interface and the Database.
The Database consists of Wisdom Bytes Bank Database, Translation
Database, User Database and the Configuration Database. Wisdom Bytes
Bank Database is the reservoir of an extensible collection of well-classified
data. The Translation Database is the reservoir of the translated data. The
10 User Database is the reservoir of the user information and also contains the
history of past user interaction with the System. The Configuration Database is the reservoir of the options used for the Customization of the System.
if the user requests for the Wisdom Bytes Bank Module through the User
Interface, then the Control System asks the Database Management System
15 to find the corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, resulting in the display of the relevant data, if available. The user then interacts further with the Wisdom Bytes Bank Module through the User Interface.
If the user requests for the Global Association Module through the User
20 Interface, then the Control System asks the Database Management System
to find the corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, resulting in the display of the relevant data,

if available. The user then interacts further with the Global Association Module through the User Interface.
If the user requests for the Global Attachment Module through the User
Interface, then the Control System asks the Database Management System
5 to find the corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, resulting in the display of the relevant data, if available. The user then interacts further with the Globai Attachment Module through the User Interface.
If the user requests for the Wisdom Bytes Session Module through the User
10 Interface, then the Control System asks the Database Management System
to find the corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, resulting in the display of the relevant data, if available. The user then interacts further with the Wisdom Bytes Session Module through the User Interface.
15 If the user requests for the Reports Module through the User Interface, then
the Control System asks the Database Management System to find the corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, resulting in the display of the relevant data, if available. The user then interacts further with the Reports Module through the User Interface.
20 Where any Report relates to user information, then the Control System asks
the Database Management System to find the corresponding data from the User Database.

If the user requests for the Global Modification Module through the User
Interface, then the Control System asks the Database Management System
to find the corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, resulting in the display of the relevant data,
5 if available. The user then interacts further with the Global Modification
Module through the User Interface.
If the user requests for the Global Delete Module through the User Interface,
then the Control System asks the Database Management System to find the
corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation
10 Database, resulting in the display of the relevant data, if available. The user
then interacts further with the Global Delete Module through the User Interface.
if the user requests for the Global Bookmark/Unbookmark Module through
the User Interface, then the Control System asks the Database Management
15 System to find the corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, resulting in the display of the relevant data, if available. The user then interacts further with the Global Bookmark/Unbookmark Module through the User Interface.
If the user requests for the Export Module through the User Interface, then
20 the Control System asks the Database Management System to find the
corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database resulting in the display of the relevant data, if available. The user then interacts further with the Export Module through the User Interface.

if the user requests for the Import Module through the User Interface, then the Control System retrieves the corresponding data from a valid database file resulting in the display of the relevant data, if available. The user then interacts further with the Import Module through the User Interface.
5 If the user requests for the Wisdom Bytes Scheduler Module through the
User Interface, then the Control System asks the Database Management
System to find the corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, resulting in the display of the relevant data,
if available. The user then interacts further with the Wisdom Bytes Scheduler
10 Module through the User Interface.
If the user requests for the Recycle Bin Module through the User Interface,
then the Control System asks the Database Management System to find the
corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation
Database and retrieves the corresponding data resulting in the display of the
15 relevant data, if available. The user then interacts further with the Recycle
Bin Module through the User Interface.
If the user requests for the Tools/Help Menu Options Module through the
User Interface, then the Control System retrieves the corresponding Options
available from the Configuration Database. The user then interacts further
20 with the Tools/Help Menu Options through the User Interface.
If the user requests for the Translation Module through the User Interface,
then the Control System asks the Database Management System to find the
corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation

Database resulting in the display of the relevant data, if available. The user then interacts further with the Translation Module through the User Interface.
If the user requests for the Global Translation Module through the User
Interface, then the Control System asks the Database Management System
5 to find the corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database resulting in the display of the relevant data, if available. The user then interacts further with the Global Translation Module through the User Interface.
If the user requests for the Master Module through the User Interface, then
10 the Control System asks the Database Management System to find the
corresponding data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, resulting in the display of the relevant data, if available. The user then interacts further with the Master Module through the User Interface. The relevant databases are updated on Adding, Modifying, and/or Deleting.
15 FIG 2 is the diagram of the Multiple User System of the present invention. It
explains that multiple users can use the system at the same time, and also explains that the system can be controlled by rights and privileges. It further allows to Store/Modify/Delete the User Details including User Name, Password etc. in the User Database.
20 FIG 3 is the diagram of the outline of the System process of the present
invention. it exhibits the modules of the System and their main functions.

FIGS 4 to 12 explain the System Function, System Operation. System State
Transition of the Wisdom Bytes Bank Module, the System Function, System
Operation, System State Transition of the Global Association Module, the
System Function, System Operation, System State Transition of the Global
5 Attachment Module, respectively of the present invention. The Wisdom
Bytes Bank Module accepts data in one or more languages (such data capable of being accepted from more than one user at the same time), with or without voice, by well-defined classifications like (1) Date (2) Source of Information (to record the Source from where the user obtained the details
10 the User is entering - EXAMPLE - The User may have read a SAYING etc.
in a particular book or magazine - say "XYZ" and would like to store this Source of Information), (3) Type of WISDOM BYTE (to record the Type of data the user is entering, e.g. adages, aphorisms, dictums, epigrams, expressions, gospels, home truths, idioms, mantras, mottos, nuggets,
15 phrases, proverbs, quotes, quotations, sayings, slogans, Basic Truths,
Facts, Feats - EXAMPLE - the data may be in the form of a "ADAGE" like "Look before you Leap" and the user may like to store the same under Type 'ADAGE" ), (3) Subject (to record the Subject under which the data that the user is entering is to be stored - EXAMPLE - The user is entering a FACT
20 which may be a GEOGRAPHICAL FACT and the user may want to store the
FACT under the SUBJECT GEOGRAPHICAL FACTS) (4) Sub Subject(s) (to record the Sub Subject (s) under which the details that the user is entering is to be stored - EXAMPLE - The FACT may be based on a GEOGRAPHICAL SUBJECT and the user may want to store the FACT "Though Mt. Everest is

called the tallest mountain on earth, Mauna Kea, a volcano on the island of
Hawaii is actually taller", under the SUBJECT GEOGRAPHICAL FACTS and
further classify the same up to 5 levels {Sub-Subjects} e.g. SUBJECT
SUB-SUBJECT4 > MOUNTAINS > SUB-SUBJECT5 > TALLEST MOUNTAIN. The Module further allows the user to search for existing WISDOM BYTES by none or one or more of the above classifications, in order to avoid the duplication of entries.
10 The Module further allows the user to add the meaning and the origin of the
Wisdom Byte - EXAMPLE - the idiom "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" means " An interesting idea, worth thinking about". This idiom originated in the early 1800s when people associated the mind as a mouth that "chews" ideas, thereby making "ideas" as the "FOOD FOR THOUGHT". The Module further
15 allows the user to Attach and/or Associate any kind of additional information
like File(s), URLs and Remarks, File(s) and URLs being able to be opened by the System, the Remarks being simply displayed - EXAMPLE - The user may want to Attach an IMAGE and/or an ANIMATION and/or a SOUND file to the Record, or the user may also want to "associate" more information to
20 the Record by means of associating some information that may be on a file
or a Web Site, and hence the user would Associate a file or URL to the Record. Such file(s) would be opened by the System. In case of a URL, the same would be opened by the System provided the user is connected to the

Internet. The user may also simply wish to add a REMARK to the Record.
Such REMARKS are displayed to the user on demand using a browser.
The System also provides a utility to add specialized Remarks as "Bookmark
Remarks", as well as a utility to Bookmark any selected Record(s) as
5 "Favourite" and further assign the same to specific users or user groups. A
Global utility allows the user to Bookmark a set of Records as "Favourite" Globally, across multiple Record(s), by finding the same from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions, instead of Bookmarking the same one by one.
10 All of the above classifications and additional details and information are
user defined, and can be modified to suit the user, thereby providing full flexibility to the user.
The System also comprises of the utility, while adding a new data Record, of
copying an existing entry with respect to at least the above classifications
15 under which the entry may have been stored, such "Copy Current Entry"
utility being of immense use to the user to simplify the creation of Records having at least common classifications.
The System also comprises of the utility of Printing a Record stored in the
Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database. The Records can be
20 Printed by finding the same from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database based on none or one or more FIND conditions, the Results being displayed to the user in a grid format with a further utility to Sort the Results, Ascending or Descending, by the relevant

classifications, and further allowing the user to select the Records to be
Printed from the result grid. The Printing utility offers further selections to be
made by the user with respect to various Print conditions such as Printing a
single Record, or Printing the results without further selections, or Printing
5 the results selectively, or Printing the entire set of Records available in the
database with further selections, if needed. The Printing utility further
comprises of the Print reports to be Exported to various destinations in
various file formats. The Printing utility provides the user with the ability to
customize the Header and Footer details.
10 The System also comprises of the utility of Navigating between Records in
the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database.
The System comprises of the utility of finding Records in the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more of the above classifications and/or keywords, File Attachments or Bookmark Remarks
15 including, but not limited to, whether the Wisdom Bytes is Bookmarked as
"Favourite", the Find Results being displayed to the user in a grid format with a further utility to Sort the Find Results, Ascending or Descending, by the relevant classifications that may have been used by the user to enter and/or Modify the Records in the Wisdom Bytes Bank Module. Double clicking on
20 any Record will take the user to the concerned Record.
A further utility allows the user to send the Record as SMS/MMS and/or via Email and/or Network Messaging.

The user is allowed to input and/or Modify data in Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database by Voice input, with or without a conjunction
of input made by keyboard support, and/or use any other
utilities/functionality of the System, as may be supported by the System for
5 such use, by Voice Command, and further that the text to speech technology
used enables the System to speak out the data so entered/modified by the user in the above Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, The Wisdom Bytes Bank Module also accepts data built by another user (Exporting user) of the System, by the above classifications, and which data
10 may be further manipulated by the Importing user to suit the Importing user's
requirements - EXAMPLE - the Exporting user may have classified the subject of the Fact "Though Mt. Everest is called the tallest mountain on earth, Mauna Kea a volcano on the island of Hawaii is actually taller" as GEOGRAPHICAL FACTS, but the Importing user may like to classify the
15 subject of the same as GEOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICA.
Any data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database can be deleted by the user by finding the same based on none or one or more FIND conditions.
Any Record can be translated by the user into one or more languages by
20 finding the same from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation
Database based on none or one or more FIND conditions and translating the same into the selected language.
Any data entered or imported into the Wisdom Bytes Bank Module is further used as part of the functions of the other Modules of the System.

FIG 4 is the diagram of the System Function of the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Module of the present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises
the following functions, which allow a user to build, append, save, Modify
and Delete WISDOM BYTES by well-defined classifications, and add other
5 details like Meanings and details of Origin (where applicable),
Attach/Associate Files/URLs/Remarks, with the help of the User Interface.
The Wisdom Bytes Bank Module through the User Interface causes the Control System to find and retrieve the relevant data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database. The Module allows a user to:
10 ■ Find existing data by none or one or more FIND conditions
■ Sort &Select data
■ Add, Modify, Delete & Save data by classifications
■ Translate data
■ Send data as SMS/MMS and/or Network Messaging and/or via Email 15 ■ Copy Current Entry
■ Print Current Wisdom Byte by different classifications
■ Go To a Wisdom Byte and Navigate between Wisdom Bytes
■ Bookmark/Unbookmark Wisdom Bytes with various Remarks, as well as
Bookmark the same as "Favourite"
20 ■ Attach/Associate File(s)/URL/Remarks to a Wisdom Byte
FIG 5 describes the System Operation of the Wisdom Bytes Bank Module explaining that the Module is based on user actions, which are performed by loops.

The Add functionality allows the user to Input data in the relevant fields. The functionality is controlled through a top-level loop. The Control System updates the Database and then the System waits for the next user action.
The Find functionality is controlled through a top-level loop wherein the user
5 is asked to enter/select a find criterion, to bring forth WISDOM BYTE(S) from
the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database based on the Find
criteria. After finding the WISDOM BYTE(S), the user can sort the WISDOM
BYTES etc. by different classifications and then can Modify, Delete or Print
the WISDOM BYTE(S). After Modification, if the user saves the WISDOM
10 BYTE(S), the database gets updated and then the System waits for the next
user action. Similarly, after deleting a WISDOM BYTE(S), the database gets updated and then the System waits for the next user action.
The Copy Current Entry functionality is controlled through a top-level loop.
The System comprises of this utility, while creating a new data Record, of
15 copying an existing entry with respect to at least the above classifications
under which the entry may have been stored, such "Copy Current Entry" utility being of immense use to the user to simplify the creation of Records having at least common classifications - EXAMPLE - If a user has an existing Record classified as:
And the new Record being entered by the User also happens to be falling
under the above classifications, the "Copy Current Entry" would make the

new entry easier for the user, in that, the user would not have to reclassify the new entry.
The Control System updates the new WISDOM BYTE in the Database and then the System waits for the next user action.
5 The Printing functionality is controlled through a top-level loop. The user can
Print the WISDOM BYTE facing the user, or can Print WISDOM BYTES that
may have been found from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation
Database by a FIND criterion. The Control System retrieves the WISDOM
BYTE(S) from the Database and then the System waits for the next user
10 action.
The Bookmark/Unbookmark WISDOM BYTES functionality is controlled
through a top-level loop. The user can Bookmark/Unbookmark the WISDOM
BYTE facing the user, or can Bookmark/Unbookmark WISDOM BYTE(S)
that may have been found from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
15 Database/Translation Database by a FIND criterion. Bookmarking requires
that the user add some Remarks to the Bookmark. The Control System updates the Database and then the System waits for the next user action. This functionality also allows the user to Bookmark WISDOM BYTES as "Favourite"
20 The Translation functionality is controlled through a top-level loop. The user
can Translate WISDOM BYTE facing the user, or can Translate WISDOM
BYTE(S) that may have been found from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database by a FIND criterion. The Translation

functionality allows the user to consider any WISDOM BYTE as a parent language WISDOM BYTE and translate the same into one or more languages of the user's choice. The Control System updates the Database and then the System waits for the next user action.
5 The user can send as SMS/MMS and/or Network Messaging and/or via
Email the WISDOM BYTE facing the user, or can send that may have been found from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database by a FIND criterion.
The user can Attach/Associate file (s) including Image, Animation and/or
10 Sound Files/URL/Remarks to the WISDOM BYTE facing the user, or can
Attach/Associate file (s) including Image, Animation and/or Sound Files,
URLs/Remarks to the WISDOM BYTES that may have been found from the
Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database by a FIND criterion.
The Attach/Associate file (s) including Image, Animation and/or Sound Files,
15 URL/Remarks functionality to a desired WISDOM BYTE(S) is controlled
through a top-level loop. The Control System updates the Database and
then the System waits for the next user action.
The Navigation functionality allows the user to navigate between WISDOM BYTES
20 On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes
out from the Module.

FIG 6 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Wisdom Bytes Bank Module explaining that the Module is based on the different States. The System receives events from the user(s), and each event causes the transition from one state to another within the Module.
5 Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
10 ■ FIG 7 is the diagram of the System Function of Global Association Module of the present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the following functions, which allow a user to Associate File(s)/URL/Remarks to WISDOM BYTES Globally by finding the WISDOM BYTES from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND
15 conditions with the help of the User Interface. The Global Association
Module, through the User Interface, causes the Control System to find and retrieve the relevant data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database and to Associate File(s)/URI_s/Remarks to WISDOM BYTES Globally across several selected WISDOM BYTES at a
20 time.
FIG 8 describes the System Operation of Global Association Module explaining that the Module is based on user actions, which are performed by loops. Through this Global Association Module, the user can Associate

File(s)/URL/Remarks to WISDOM BYTES Globally by finding the WISDOM BYTE(S) from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions with the help of the User Interface.
Once the user finds the WISDOM BYTES from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
5 Database/Translation Database, by various classifications, the user can sort
& select the WISDOM BYTE(S) and then the System waits for the next user action. Then the user can Associate File(s)/URL-s/Remarks to WISDOM BYTES Globally through the User Interface. The System then waits for the next user action.
10 On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes
out from the Module.
FIG 9 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Global
Association Module explaining that the Module is based on the different
States. The System receives events from the user(s), and each event
15 causes the transition from one state to another within the Module.
Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are
possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of
which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line
20 indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
FIG 10 is the diagram of the System Function of Global Attachment Module of the present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the

following functions, which allow a user to Attach a File to WISDOM BYTES
Globally by finding the WISDOM BYTE(S) from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions
with the help of the User Interface. The Global Attachment Module, through
5 the User Interface, causes the Control System to find and retrieve the
relevant data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database and to Attach File(s) to the WISDOM BYTES Globally across several selected WISDOM BYTE(S) at a time.
FIG 11 describes the System Operation of Global Attachment Module
10 explaining that the Module is based on user actions, which are performed by
loops. Through this Global Attachment Module, the user can Attach File(s) to WISDOM BYTES Globally by finding the WISDOM BYTE(S} from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions with the help of the User Interface.
15 Once the user finds the WISDOM BYTES from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, by various classifications, the user can sort & select the WISDOM BYTE(S) and then the System waits for the next user action. Then the user can Attach File(s) to WISDOM BYTES Globally through the User Interface. The System then waits for the next user action.
20 On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes
out from the Module.
FIG 12 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Global Attachment Module explaining that the Module is based on the different

States. The system receives events from the user(s), and each event causes the transition from one state to another within the Module.
Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are
5 possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of
which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
The System generates a new Record Id each time a new entry is made by a user or when a Record is imported by the user.
10 FIGS 13 to 15 explain the System Function, System Operation and System
State Transition respectively, comprises of a Module allowing the user to invoke and store a Wisdom Bytes Session, (such Wisdom Bytes Sessions being capable of being taken by more than one user at the same time), using the data stored in the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation
15 Database, and by finding the same based on none or one or more FIND
conditions, the find results being displayed to the user with a Timer, the time of display as may be selected by the user, for displaying each of the Records, and the Records being displayed one by one, until the number of Records found by the above FIND conditions are exhausted, or until the
20 user exits the Module, as well as further allowing the user to manually
navigate between the Records being used in the Wisdom Bytes Session, as well as further allowing the user to make a selection as to whether the user wishes to listen to the Background Music Sound File during the Wisdom

Bytes Session, as well as further allowing the user to make a selection as to
whether the user wishes to listen to the text of the WISDOM BYTE(S), which
is simultaneously displayed and spoken by a character through an
embedded text to speech engine. The Module further comprises of the utility
5 of allowing the user to select the number of Records that the user wishes to
use for the Wisdom Bytes Session, the Records being randomly selected from the database, but based on the FIND conditions, and displayed to the user on the user's computers, including hand held devices. The Module further comprises of the utility of allowing the user to repeat the Wisdom
10 Bytes Session from the previously stored Wisdom Bytes Session(s). The
Module further comprises of the utility of allowing the user to assign any previous Wisdom Bytes Session as the data input for the purpose of showing the data on the user's screen as a screen saver. A further utility allows the user to send the Record as SMS/MMS and/or via Email and/or
15 Network Messaging during the Wisdom Bytes Session.
• FIG 13 is the diagram of the System Function of Wisdom Bytes Session
Module of the present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises
the following functions, which allow a user to invoke a new Wisdom Bytes
Session using the data stored in the Wisdom Bytes Bank
20 Database/Translation Database, and by finding the same based on none or
one or more FIND conditions, to Repeat a Wisdom Bytes Session with the help of the User Interface.

The Wisdom Bytes Session through the User Interface causes the Control System to find and retrieve the relevant data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database. The Module allows a user to:
■ Select a language
5 ■ Take a New Wisdom Bytes Session by finding the WISDOM BYTE(S)
from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions
■ Repeat a Wisdom Bytes Session
■ Navigate manually(Manual Scroll) or automatically (AutoScroll) 10 between WISDOM BYTES during the Wisdom Bytes Session
■ Activate Background Music Sound File during the Wisdom Bytes
. Activate Voice Assistant during the Wisdom Bytes Session
■ Send WISDOM BYTE(S)as SMS/MMS and/or Network Messaging
15 and/or via Email during the Wisdom Bytes Session
FIG 14 describes the System Operation of the Wisdom Bytes Session Module explaining that the Module is based on user actions, which are performed by loops.
To invoke a New Wisdom Bytes Session, the user selects the language,
20 User Name, Wisdom Bytes Session Title, No. of WISDOM BYTE(S) and
Time per WISDOM BYTE and then finds the WISDOM BYTE(S) from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions. The System then waits for the next user action. The

user can also listen to the Background Music Sound File or can activate the
Voice Assistant during the Wisdom Bytes Session. The System then waits
for the next user action. The user can also assign any previous Wisdom
Bytes Session for the purpose of showing the data on the user's screen as a
5 screen saver. The user can also navigate between the WISDOM BYTES
and can also jump to any WISDOM BYTE at any point of time during the
Session, and after this the user can notify the System that the Session is
finished. The System stores the Wisdom Bytes Session and the database
gets updated. The user can also send the WISDOM BYTE(S) as SMS/MMS
10 and/or Network Messaging and/or via Email. The System then waits for the
next user action.
To Repeat a Wisdom Bytes Session, the user selects the desired Wisdom
Bytes Session from the previously stored Wisdom Bytes Session(s)
containing the User Name and the Wisdom Bytes Session Title. The System
15 then waits for the next user action.
On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes out from the Module.
FIG 15 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Wisdom Bytes
Session Module explaining that the Module is based on the different States.
20 The System receives events from the user(s), and each event causes the
transition from one state to another within the Module.
Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are

possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
FIGS 16 to 18 explain the System Function, System Operation and System
5 State Transition respectively of the utility of obtaining the following Reports:
■ List of WISDOM BYTES Count by Category
■ User Details
10 FIG 16 is the diagram of the System Function of Reports Module of the
present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the following functions, which allow a user to print Reports and/or Graphs (In case of WISDOM BYTES Count by Category and WISDOM BYTES Count by Multiple Categories) by finding the Records from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
15 Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions
with the help of the User Interface.
The Reports Module, through the User Interface, causes the Control System to find and retrieve the relevant data from Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database. The Module allows a user to:
20 • Select a Report Type
• Find existing WISDOM BYTE(S) from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions to be printed
• Print Report/Graph

FIG 17 describes the System Operation of Reports Module explaining that the Module is based on user actions.
The user selects the Report/Graph to be printed and then Finds & Selects
the Records from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database,
5 by none or one or more FIND conditions to be included in this selected
Report/Graph. The System waits for the next user action. The user can print the selected criteria, if needed. Then the System waits for the next user action. The user can mark the Records to be printed based on the selected criteria. Then the user is able to print the Records. Then the System waits for
10 the next user action. The user can print the Report and/or Graph based on
the selected criteria. The System then waits for the next user action. On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes out from the Module. FIG 18 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Reports
15 Module explaining that the Module is based on the different States. The
System receives events from the user(s), and each event causes the transition from one State to another within the Module. Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the State are
20 possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of State 4 to occur, each of
which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another State,
FIGS 19 to 21 explain the System Function, System Operation and System State Transition respectively of the utility of Modifying a Record stored in the

Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database - EXAMPLE - The
System allows the user to Modify any part of an existing Record by using the
Edit utility. A Record entered under the subject GEOGRAPHICAL FACTS,
being decided by the user to be Modified, can be instead stored under the
5 subject VOLCANOES. This would hold true to any part of the Record being
wanted to be Modified by the user, in that, any part or parts of the Record is allowed to be Modified by the user. There is a further utility of "Global Modification" wherein Record(s) can be "found and Replaced/Modified" Globally. The Records can be Replaced/Modified Globally by finding them
10 from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database based on
none or one or more FIND conditions, the Results being displayed to the user in a grid format with a further utility to Sort the Results, Ascending or Descending, by some of the relevant classifications, and further allowing the user to select the Records to be Globally Replaced/Modified from the result
15 grid. - EXAMPLE - The user may want to change the subject of some or all
WISDOM BYTES classified under the subject GEOGRAPHY to the subject HISTORY. The Global utility would permit the user to make this Modification across multiple WISDOM BYTES instead of Modifying the same one by one.
FIG 19 is the diagram of the System Function of Global Modification Module
20 of the present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the
following functions, which allow a user to Find & Modify/Replace part(s) of
the WISDOM BYTES Globally, as desired, by finding the WISDOM BYTES
from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database by none or
one or more FIND conditions with the help of the User Interface.

The Global Modification Module, through the User Interface, causes the Control System to find and retrieve the relevant data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database. The Module allows a user to:
• Find existing WISDOM BYTES by none or one or more FIND conditions
5 . Sort & Select WISDOM BYTES
• Find & Replace/Modify part(s) of WISDOM BYTES Globally
FIG 20 describes the System Operation of the Global Modification Module explaining that the Module is based on user actions.
Once the user finds the WISDOM BYTES from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
10 Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions
the user can sort & select the WISDOM BYTES and then the System waits
for the next user action. The Control System retrieves that particular
WISDOM BYTE from the Database. Then the user Modifies (Finds &
Replaces) part(s) of the selected WISDOM BYTES Globally through the
15 User Interface. The System then waits for the next user action.
On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes out from the Module.
FIG 21 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Global
Modification Module explaining that the Module is based on the different
20 States. The System receives events from the user(s), and each event
causes the transition from one state to another within the Module.

Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are
possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of
which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line
5 indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
FIGS 22 to 24 explain the System Function, System Operation and System State Transition respectively of the utility of Deleting a Record stored in the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, and having the further utility of "Global Delete" wherein the user can select the Records to be
10 Globally Deleted. The Records can be deleted Globally by finding them from
the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database based on none or one or more FIND conditions, the Results being displayed to the user in a grid format with a further utility to Sort the Results, Ascending or Descending, by some of the relevant classifications, and further allowing the
15 user to select the Records to be Globally Deleted from the result grid. Any
Record deleted is sent to the Recycle Bin Module of the System.
FIG 22 is the diagram of the System Function of Global Delete Module of the
present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the following
functions, which allow a user to Delete WISDOM BYTES Globally by finding
20 the WISDOM BYTES from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation
Database by none or one or more FIND conditions with the help of the User Interface.

The Global Delete Module, through the User Interface, causes the Control System to find and retrieve relevant data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database. The module allows a user to:
• Find existing WISDOM BYTES by none or one or' more FIND conditions
5 • Sort & Select WISDOM BYTES
• Delete WISDOM BYTES Globally (which goes to Recycle Bin of the
FIG 23 describes the System Operation of the Global Delete Module
explaining that the Module is based on user actions. Once the user finds the
10 WISDOM BYTES by from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation
Database, by none or one or more FlND conditions, the user can sort & select the WISDOM BYTES and then the System waits for the next user action. Then the user deletes the selected WISDOM BYTES through the User Interface. The System then waits for the next user action.
15 On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes
out from the Module.
FIG 24 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Global Delete
Module explaining that the Module is based on the different States. The
System receives events from the user(s), and each event causes the
20 transition from one state to another within the Module.
Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each

of which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
FIGS 25 to 27 explain the System Function, System Operation and System
State Transition respectively of the utility of Bookmarking or Unbookmarking
5 one or more already Bookmarked Records in the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, and having the further utility of "Global Bookmark/Unbookmark" wherein the user can select the Records to be Globally Bookmarked/Unbookmarked, and where the user can make further selections before actually Globally Bookmarking/Un bookmarking the
10 Records. The Records can be Bookmarked/Unbookmarked Globally, in the
Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by finding the same from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database based on none or one or more FIND conditions, the Results being displayed to the user in a grid format with a further utility to Sort the Results, Ascending or
15 Descending, by some of the relevant classifications, and further allowing the
user to select the Records to be Globally Bookmarked/Unbookmarked, from the result grid. Bookmarking the Records with any kind of Remarks, including, but not limited to Bookmarking the Records with remarks like "Favourite" (indicating that the Records are the user's preferred Records)
20 helps in finding the Records by such Bookmarks.
FIG 25 is the diagram of the System Function of Global Bookmark/Unbookmark Module of the present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the following functions, which allow a user to Bookmark/Unbookmark WISDOM BYTES Globally by finding the WISDOM

BYTES from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database by none or one or more FIND conditions with the help of the User Interface.
The Global Bookmark/Unbookmark Module through the User Interface
causes the Control System to find and retrieve the relevant data from
5 Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database. The Module allows a
user to:
• Find existing WISDOM BYTES from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND
10 • Sort & Select WISDOM BYTES
• Global Bookmark/Unbookmark WISDOM BYTES
FIG 26 describes the System Operation of the Global Bookmark/Unbookmark Module explaining that the Module is based on user actions.
15 Once the user finds the WISDOM BYTES from the Wisdom Bytes from the
Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions, the user can sort & select the WISDOM BYTES and then the System waits for the next user action. The Control System retrieves the particular WISDOM BYTES from the Database. Then the user can
20 Bookmark/Unbookmark the selected WISDOM BYTES through the User
Interface. The System then waits for the next user action. Any Bookmark Remarks added through this Module would overwrite the Remarks added through the Wisdom Bytes Bank Module.

On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes out from the Module.
FIG 27 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Global
Bookmark/Unbookmark Module explaining that the Module is based on the
5 different States. The System receives events from the user(s), and each
event causes the transition from one state to another within the Module.
Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are
possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of
10 which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line
indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
FIGS 28 to 30 explain the System Function, System Operation and System State Transition respectively of the utility of Exporting Records (by means of a database file created by the System) stored in the Wisdom Bytes Bank
15 Database/Translation Database, by finding the same from the Wisdom Bytes
Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions, the Results being displayed to the user in a grid format with a further utility to Sort the Results, Ascending or Descending, by some of the relevant classifications, and further allowing the user to select the Records
20 to be Exported from the result grid. Records can also be Exported to various
destinations by using the Print utility. A further utility allows the user to Export the Record(s) as SMS/MMS and/or Email and/or Network Messaging.

FIG 28 is the diagram of the System Function of Export Module of the
present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the following
functions, which allow a user to Export WISDOM BYTE(S) by creating a
database file and/or as SMS/MMS and/or via Email and/or Network
5 Messaging with the help of the User Interface.
The Export Module through the User Interface causes the Control System to find and retrieve the relevant data from Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database by none or one or more FIND conditions. The Module allows a user to:
10 • Find existing WISDOM BYTE(S) from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions
• Sort & Select WISDOM BYTE(S)
• Validate Data
• Export WISDOM BYTE(S) as Database File and/or as SMS/MMS and/or 15 via Email and/or Network Messaging.
FIG 29 describes the System Operation of Export Module explaining that the Module is based on user actions, which are performed by loops.
Once the user finds the WISDOM BYTE(S) from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions,
20 the System returns to the top-level loop, and waits for the next user action.
The user can sort & select the desired WISDOM BYTE(S) and then after data validation can Export WISDOM BYTES as Database File and/or as

SMS/MMS and/or via Email and/or Network Messaging. The System then waits for the next user action.
On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes out from the Module.
5 FIG 30 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Export Module
explaining that the Module is based on the different States. The System receives events from the user(s), and each event causes the transition from one state to another within the Module.
Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
10 transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are
possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
FIGS 31 to 33 explain the System Function, System Operation and System
15 State Transition respectively of the utility of Importing Records from a
database file that may have been built by another user(s) of this System,
with the utility of appending the data already stored by the user in the
Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database. The utility further
comprises of displaying the Importable Records to the user in a grid format
20 with a further utility to Sort the data, Ascending or Descending, by the
relevant classifications. The utility further allows the user to make a selection of the data to be imported; thereby allowing the user to Import only such data as may be required.

FIG 31 is the diagram of the System Function of Import Module of the
present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the following
functions, which allow a user to Import WISDOM BYTE(S) with the help of
the U ser Interface from a database file that may have been created by
5 another user(s) of this System.
The Import Module through the User Interface causes the Control System to retrieve the relevant data from a valid Database file. The Module allows a user to:
■ Select a File
10 ■ Validate the File
- Sort & Select WISDOM BYTE(S)
FIG 32 describes the System Operation of Import Module explaining that the
15 Module is based on user actions, which are performed by loops.
Once the user retrieves the WISDOM BYTE(S) after File Validation, the
System returns to the top-level loop, and waits for the next user action. The
user can sort & select the desired WISDOM BYTE(S) and can then Import
the WISDOM BYTE(S) selectively, if needed. The Database gets updated
20 and the System then waits for the next user action.
On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes out from the Module.

FIG 33 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Import Module explaining that the Module is based on the different States. The System receives events from the user(s), and each event causes the transition from one state to another within the Module.
5 Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
10 FIGS 34 to 36 explain the System Function, System Operation and System
State Transition respectively, of the utility of allowing the user to Schedule the WISDOM BYTES by finding the same from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions, to be displayed on the user's computer, including hand held devices, at preset
15 time intervals, with or without Voice, in the case of with voice, the text of
such WISDOM BYTE(S) being additionally displayed on the users computer, Including hand held devices and simultaneously being spoken by a character, through an embedded text to speech engine and further that the user has the ability to selectively Schedule the WISDOM BYTE(S). A further
20 utility allows the user to send the Record as SMS/MMS and/or via Email
and/or Network Messaging at any time before the Scheduling Session is over.

FIG 34 is the diagram of the System Function of WISDOM BYTES
Scheduler Module of the present invention. The architecture of this Module
comprises the following functions, which allow a user to find the WISDOM
BYTES by from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by
5 none or one or more FIND conditions, and Schedule them as desired with
the help of the User Interface.
The WISDOM BYTES Scheduler Module, through the User Interface causes the Control System to find and retrieve the relevant data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database. The Module allows a user to:
10 ■ Select a language
■ Find existing WISDOM BYTES from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions
■ Sort & Select WISDOM BYTES
■ Schedule time interval between the selected WISDOM BYTES 15 - Activate Background Music Sound File
■ Activate Voice Assistant
- Send WISDOM BYTE(S) as SMS/MMS and/or via Email and/or Network Messaging when the WISDOM BYTE is displayed
NOTE: The user can decide whether the Scheduler should remain active in
20 the system tray of the users computer, irrespective of whether the System is
running or not.

FIG 35 describes the System Operation of the WISDOM BYTES Scheduler Module explaining that the Module is based on user actions, which are performed by loops.
The user selects the language, No. of WISDOM BYTE(S) and then finds the
5 WISDOM BYTE(S) from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation
Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions. The System then waits
for the next user action. The user can also select to listen to a Background
Music Sound File or can select to activate the Voice Assistant during the
scheduling activity and after this the user can notify the System that the
10 session is finished. The System then waits for the next user action. The
Scheduled WISDOM BYTE(S) gets displayed according to the specified time. The user can also send the WISDOM BYTE(S) as SMS/MMS and/or via Email and/or Network Messaging. The System then waits for the next user action.
15 On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes
out from the Module.
FIG 36 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the WISDOM
BYTES Scheduler Module explaining that the Module is based on the
different States. The System receives events from the user(s), and each
20 event causes the transition from one state to another within the Module.
Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are
possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of

which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
FIGS 37 to 39 explain the System Function, System Operation and System
State Transition respectively, of the utility of Restoring or permanently
5 removing a Record, which may have been deleted by the user from the
Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, and having the further utility of selectively Restoring or deleting a Record or a group of Records, the Records being displayed to the user in the Recycle Bin of the System in a grid format with a further utility to Sort the Results, Ascending or
10 Descending, by some of the relevant classifications, and further allowing the
user to select the Records to be Deleted or Restored from the result grid. Any Record that is Restored is sent back to the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, with its original ID Number. Any Record that is Deleted from the Recycle Bin Module is permanently removed from
15 the System.
FIG 37 is the diagram of the System Function of Recycle Bin Module of the present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the following functions, which allow a user to Restore/Delete WISDOM BYTE(S) with the help of the User Interface.
20 The Recycle Bin Module of the System, through the User Interface, causes
the Control System to display the deleted data of Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database. The Module allows a user to:
• Sort & Select WISDOM BYTE(S)

• Restore/Delete WISDOM BYTE(S)
FIG 38 describes the System Operation of Recycle Bin Module of the
System explaining that the Module is based on user actions.
The selection utility of the Recycle Bin Module displays all the WISDOM
5 BYTE(S), that may have been deleted earlier, arid still lying in the Recycle
Bin of the System. The user can sort & select the displayed WISDOM
BYTE(S). The System then waits for the next user action. The user is
allowed to either to Delete or Restore the selected WISDOM BYTE(S)
through the User Interface. The System then waits for the next user action.
10 The System exercises sufficient caution to ensure that any Record(s) or
Master of Records that are in use in a Wisdom Bytes Session or a Scheduled Session are not permanently removed-
On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes out from the Module.
15 FIG 39 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Recycle Bin
Module of the System explaining that the Module is based on the different States. The System receives events from the user(s), and each event causes the transition from one state to another within the Module.
Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
20 transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are
possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of
which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line
indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.

FIGS 40 to 42 explain the System Function, System Operation and System
State Transition respectively, of the Tools/Help Menu Options Module
comprising of software maintenance tools such as Back Up, Repair,
Restore, Compression of the entire database and System Check. There are
5 other tools such as Start Up options, Data Entry Options, Change Sound,
Customize Header and Footer, Graphical User Interface Manager, Labels, Select Skin, Remove Wisdom Bytes Session(s), and Help. The System allows the creation of Sub users who are able to set their own preferences with respect to the relevant tools.
10 The System wherein one or more Module(s)/utility(s) or program(s) of the
same can Operate within a browser and/or other viewing and/or processing programs, and can operate on one or more computers, including hand held devices.
FIG 40 is the diagram of the System Function of Tools/Help Menu Options
15 Module of the present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises
the following functions, which allow a user to select any option for Customization including software maintenance and updating of database.
The Tools/Help Menu Options Module through the User Interface retrieves and brings forth the following options:
20 ■ Back Up - This utility allows the user to back up the Database(s)
■ Repair/Restore/Compress - This utility allows the user to repair/restore/compress the Database(s)

■ Change Sound - This utility allows the user to change the background sounds
■ System Check - This utility allows the user to initiate a System check
■ Start Up Options - This utility allows the user to set conditions like Login
5 Screen and Quick Start Screen to appear each time the System is
■ Customize Header and Footer - This utility allows the user to customize
the Header and Footer for the Printed outputs.
■ Select Skin - This utility allows the user to select the "skins" for the User
10 Interface.
■ Data Entry Options - This utility allows the user to copy an existing classification and previously entered data for new data input.
■ Label Printing - This utility allows the user to Print user information labels.
15 ■ Graphical User Interface Manager - This utility allows the user to change
the Labels that appear on the Graphical User Interface.
■ User Information - This utility allows the user to modify the information
entered during registration of the System.
■ Subject wise WISDOM BYTES Count - This utility allows the user to
20 view WISDOM BYTES stored under particular Subject(s).
■ Remove Wisdom Bytes Session(s) - This utility allows the user to Delete
earlier Wisdom Bytes Session(s), such deletions being capable of being
made selectively.

■ Help - This utility allows the user to invoke the Help files, which provide Help on how best to use the System.
FIG 41 describes the System Operation of the Tools/Help Menu Options
Module explaining that the Module is based on user actions. Through this
5 Module, the user can select any option for customization, including software
maintenance and updating of Database.
FlG 42 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Tools/Help
Menu Options Module explaining that the Module is based on different
States. The System receives events from the user(s), and each event
10 causes the transition from one state to another within the Module.
Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are
possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of
which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line
15 indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
FIGS 43 to 48 explain the System Function, System Operation and System
State Transition respectively, of a Translation utility, allowing the user to
consider any Record as a parent language Record and translate the same
into one or more languages of the users choice, the translation activity
20 happening from a Translation Module which is invoked in the Wisdom Bytes
Bank Module, and further that all of the features and/or
utility(s)/functionality(s) of the System remain common to the translated
Record as would be applicable to the parent language Record. There is a

further utility of "Global Translation" wherein Record(s) can be found and
part(s) of the Record(s) can be translated Globally. The Records can be
translated Globally by finding them from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions,
5 the Results being displayed to the user in a grid format with a further utility to
Sort the Results, Ascending or Descending, by some of the relevant
classifications, and further allowing the user to select the Records to be
Globally translated from the result grid. - EXAMPLE - The user may want
to translate the Subject of some or all WISDOM BYTES having been
10 classified under the Subject GEOGRAPHY from English to Spanish. The
Global utility would permit the user to translate this across multiple Records instead of translating the same one by one.
FIG 43 is the diagram of the System Function of Translation Module of the
present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the following
15 functions, which allow a user to consider any WISDOM BYTE as a parent
language Record and Translate the same into one or more languages of the user's choice.
The Translation Module through the User Interface causes the Control
System to find and retrieve the relevant data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
20 Database/Translation Database. The Module allows a user to:
- Find existing WISDOM BYTE(S) from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database by none or one or more FIND conditions ■ Sort & Select WISDOM BYTE(S)

■ Select/Add a language
■ Add Translations
■ Modify Translations
■ Delete Translations 5 ■ Print
FIG 44 describes the System Operation of Translation Module explaining that the Module is based on user actions, which are performed by loops. The user finds the WISDOM BYTE(S) from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database, by none or one or more FIND conditions.
10 The user then sorts & selects the WISDOM BYTES and the System then
waits for the aext user action. Then the user selects a WISDOM BYTE(S) to be translated and translates the same, field by field, through the User Interface. The user can also Modify an earlier translation or Delete the same. The System then waits for the next user action. The user is able to
15 Print the Record from this Module after selecting the appropriate Print
criterion. The System then waits for the next user action.
On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes out from the Module.
FIG 45 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Translation
20 Module explaining that the Module is based on different States. The System
receives events from the user(s), and each event causes the transition from one state to another within the Module.

Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are
possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of
which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line
5 indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
FIG 46 is the diagram of the System Function of Global Translation Module
of the present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the
following functions, which allow a user to translate a selected part of the
parent language WISDOM BYTE(S)across several WISDOM BYTES etc.
10 Globally in any language of the user's choice.
The Global Translation Module through the User Interface causes the Control System to find and retrieve the relevant data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database by none or one or more FIND conditions. The Module allows a user to:
15 ■ Find existing WISDOM BYTES by none or one or more FIND conditions
■ Sort & Select WISDOM BYTES
■ Select/Add a language
■ Select part for Global Translation
■ Translate Globally
20 FIG 47 describes the System Operation of Global Translation Module
explaining that the Module is based on user actions.
Once the user finds the WISDOM BYTES from the Wisdom Bytes Bank
Database/Translation Database by none or one or more FIND conditions,

the user can sort & select the WISDOM BYTES and the System then waits
for the next user action. Then the user can select part of the WISDOM
BYTES and translate the same across multiple WISDOM BYTES through
the User Interface, instead of translating the same one by one. The System
5 then waits for the next user action.
On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes out from the Module.
FIG 48 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Global
Translation Module explaining that the Module is based on different States.
10 The System receives events from the user(s), and each event causes the
transition from one state to another within the Module.
Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are
possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of
15 which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line
indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
FIGS 49 to 51 explain the System Function, System Operation and System
State Transition respectively, of a Master Module which accepts data (such
data capable of being accepted from more than one user at the same time),
20 with or without Voice, from the user. The System provides the utility of
creating, editing, deleting, printing, navigating, finding Masters like; User, Source of Information, Type, Subject & Sub subjects, Language with

sufficient security, so as not to allow the deletion of any Master of a Record that may be in use.
FIG 49 is the diagram of the System Function of Master Module of the
present invention. The architecture of this Module comprises the following
5 functions, which allow a user to create and store Masters with the help of the
User Interface.
The Master Module through the User Interface causes the Control System to retrieve the relevant data from the Wisdom Bytes Bank Database/Translation Database. The Module allows a user to:
10 ■ Find existing Master(s) by none or one or more FIND conditions
- Sort & Select Master(s)
- Add & Save Master(s)
- Modify & Save Master(s)

■ Delete Master(s) 15 ■ Copy Current Entry
■ Print Master(s)
■ Go To a Master
FIG 50 describes the System Operation of the Master Module explaining that the Module is based on user actions, which are performed by loops.
20 The Add functionality allows the user to Input data in all the fields. The
functionality is controlled through a top-level loop. The Control System updates the Database and the System then waits for the next user action.

The FIND functionality is controlled through a top-level loop wherein the user
is asked to enter/select the find criteria, to bring forth Masters based on the
FIND criteria. After finding the Masters, the user can sort the Masters by
different classifications and can then Modify, Delete or Print the Masters.
5 After Modification, if the user saves the Master, the database gets updated
and the System then waits for the next user action. Similarly, after deleting a Master, the database gets updated and the System then waits for the next user action.
The Copy Current Entry functionality is controlled through a top-level loop.
10 This functionality allows the user to copy the data existing in one or more of
the fields of the current Master and make the necessary Additions/Modifications in the other fields. The Control System updates the new Master in the Database and the System then waits for the next user action.
15 The Printing functionality is controlled through a top-level loop. The user can
Print the Masters. The Control System retrieves the Master(s) from the Database and then the System waits for the next user action.
The Navigation functionality allows the user to navigate between Masters.
On giving the Close command the System gets notified and the user comes
20 out from the Module.
FIG 51 describes the System State Transition Diagram of the Master Module explaining that the Module is based on different States. The System

receives events from the user(s), and each event causes the transition from one state to another within the module.
Each State contains its own separate Terminal State. A double lined
transition arrow from State 4 indicates that multiple instances of the state are
5 possible. So it is possible for multiple instances of state 4 to occur, each of
which has its own Terminal State. A transition shown with a dotted line indicates that it is leaving from one State and entering another state.
Thus, while there have been shown and described and pointed out fundamental novel features of the present invention as applied to preferred
10 embodiments thereof, it will be understood that the described embodiments
are to be considered in all respects only as illustrative and not restrictive and various omissions, substitutions, and changes in the form and details of the methods described may be made by those skilled in the art without departing from the spirit of the present invention. For example, it is
15 expressly intended that all combinations of those elements and/or method
steps which perform substantially the same function in substantially the same way to achieve the same results are within the scope of this invention. Substitutions of elements from one described embodiment to another are also fully intended and contemplated. It is the intention, therefore, to be
20 limited only as indicated by the scope of the claims appended hereto. All
changes which come within the meaning and range of equivalency of the claims are to be embraced within their scope.

An Interactive system for building and sharing one's own databank of wisdom bytes, such as Words of Wisdom, Basic Truths, and /or Facts and Feats, in one or more languages using a computer system comprising:
i) a User Interface;
ii) a well-classified Database comprising
a. a wisdom bytes database;
b. a translation database having a module to translate a
record from one or more languages of a user's choice
and a utility for global translation;
c. a user database; and
d. a configuration database having a module for
Modifying a Record individually or globally;
iii) a control system comprising a well classified data input organizing and management module enabling the user to classify the data by classifications selected or added in one or more of the groups consisting of Date, Source of Information, Type of Wisdom Byte, Subject and Sub subjects - bearing a parent-child relationship and attaching Image, Animation and/or Sound files and/or Associate More Information to the Record in the form of URLs, Files, Remarks and the like ; and
iv) a module to allow the user to invoke and to store a Wisdom
Bytes Session for continuous motivation as well as for

improving one's knowledge of wisdom like adages, aphorisms, apothegms, axioms, catchwords, dictums, epigrams, epithets, expressions, gospels, home truths, idioms , mantras, mottos, phrases, proverbs, quotations, sayings, slogans, and such others, Basic Truths and / or Facts and Feats, using the data from the database, such data having been selected by the user by finding the same from the database, based on none or one or more FIND conditions
wherein said control system acts as the bridge between said User Interface and said Database.
2. The system according to claim1 comprises a module to allow the user to schedule the wisdom byte(s) by finding the same, from the database, based on none or one or more FIND conditions and which are brought up on the user's computer, including hand held devices, at preset time intervals.
3. The System according to any one of the preceding claims comprises a module allowing the user to Export data from the database, such data having been selected by the user by finding the same, from the database, based on none or one or more FIND conditions.

4. The System according to any one of the preceding claims comprises a module allowing the user to Import data built by another user using the same System.
5. The System according to claim 4 comprises a utility for selectively Importing the data.
6. The System according to claim 1 comprises a utility for copying of existing classification and previously entered data for new data input by the user, for ease of data entry.
7. The System according to any one of the foregoing claims comprising a utility for deleting a Record individually or globally and further a utility for restoring or permanently removing a Record individually or plurally from the System that is deleted.
8. The System according to any one of the foregoing claims wherein the FIND conditions to find the Wisdom Byte(s) from the database are defined by none or one or more classifications, like the Date, Record lD, Language, Source of Information, Type of Wisdom Byte, Subject, Sub subjects, as well as by keywords, File Attachments or Bookmark Remarks, including "Favourite".
9. The System according to any one of the foregoing claims comprises a utility for Bookmarking or Unbookmarking Records individually or globally, as well as Bookmarking one or more Record(s) as "Favourite".

viewing and/or processing programs and to operate on one or more computers, including hand held devices.
15. The system according to any one of the foregoing claims further comprising a utility to translate a Record from one language into one or more languages of the user choice and a further utility for global tanslation
Dated this 15in day of October, 2003








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Patent Number 205348
Indian Patent Application Number 1068/MUM/2003
PG Journal Number 31/2008
Publication Date 01-Aug-2008
Grant Date 29-Mar-2007
Date of Filing 15-Oct-2003
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G06F 17/30
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA