Title of Invention


Abstract An "IMPROVED BATTERY OPERATED VEHICLE" Comprising two batteries having equal charging and discharging time, an inverter including a pulse generator, a driver and a power amplifier section connected to the said batteries such that only one battery can feed to it at one time, the output of the inverter being fed to a motor and one end of the shaft of the motor being used to transmit the rotation to the vehicle wheel through conventional means and a magnetic assembly arranged on the other end of the shaft of the motor for charging the other battery through charging circuits, a battery voltage level indicating means indicating the voltage of the both charging and discharging batteries by LEDS, a charging voltage level monitoring means in cooperation with the overload sensing means ensuring that charging and discharging being done in same and equal ratio characterized in that the inverter shifts itself from the battery which is on discharging mode once the battery is discharged below a critical level to the other battery and a speed controlling means including phototransistors for controlling the speed of the vehicle:
Full Text FORM - 2


Maharashtra Nationality - INDIAN

The following specification particularly described ascertains the nature of this invention and the manner in which it is to be performed.

The present invention is related to Battery operated vehicle. The whole invention is .divided in ten sections.

Pulse Generator, Driver, Power Driver Section's are described in Inverter Section.
An RC coupled oscillator has been chosen for developing the gate drive for the final MOSFET power amplifier circuit as it is inherently stable. There are two basic configurations : high pass & low pass.
The low pass type is generally preferred because the feed back network attenuates harmonics of the fundamental frequency, resulting in purer sine way output.
According the low frequency model has been adopted here, which as resistor In series arm and capacitors in the parallel arms. The applicable formulas tor the given configuration are
(a) Frequency
Where C denotes shut arm capacitance and R the series arm resistance values

The present invention is related to Battery operated vehicle. The whole invention is divided in ten sections.

Pulse Generator, Driver, Power Driver Section's are described in Inverter Section.
An RC coupled oscillator has been chosen for developing the gate drive for the final MOSFET power amplifier circuit as it is inherently stable. There are two basic configurations: high pass & low pass.

Where C denotes shut arm capacitance and R the series arm resistance values
The low pass type is generally preferred because the feed back network attenuates harmonics of the fundamental frequency, resulting in purer sine way output. According the low frequency model has been adopted here, which as resistor in series arm and capacitors in the parallel arms. The applicable formulas for the given ' configuration are

(b) Minimum required current gain = 56 (in common emitter configuration for sustaining oscillations).
As amplitude of sine wave output from transistor is quite low, it is amplified by transistor (T2 & T3). The collecter load for transistor T3 is a drive transformer. Capacitor (C7) was test selected for the optimum pulse shape and amplitude. The value of capacitor (C7) would depend upon the driver transformer used, as its parameter may differ widely from one manufacturer to the other.
With this circuit, as sine wave with a peak amplitude of 6 volts across secondary of driver transformer could be observed during testing. Phas^-splitting^ (T80°) of the output across secondary of driver transformer'faken place because of transformer action. The centre tap of secondary winding of transformer (XI) is connected to positive rails via 4.7 kilo-ohms resistor, while two ends are connected to amplifier comprising transistor (T4 & T5) for rasing the level of the input 50Hz signal to around 10 volt peak.
The 50 Hz sine wave outputs from transistor amplifier (T4 & T5) is applied to base terminal of transistor (T7 & T8). This transistor (T7 & T8) amplify signal and fed to power Amplifier section.
The power amplifier section has two sets of power MOSFET connected in parallel for push-pull operation. These MOSFET come with integral protective diode between source and drain. At 50 Hz we are not utilising high switching speed capability of MOSFET, we are utilising their low driving power capability. Fast-recovery diodes in conjuction with parallel combination of resistor and capacitor are used as free-wheeling diode, current limiting resistor and speed-up capacitor respectively. Zener diode (D3, D4 & D5, D6) are used for protection between gate and source. MOSFET's are very prone to get damaged due to voltage stresses / spikes in excess of their rated values. Hence all precautions are taken against their occurance.

An RC Coupled oscillator is use to produce oscillation. This oscillation is further amplified by transistor (T2 & T3). Transistor (T3) give output by inducting transformer (XI). The output of transformer (XI) is further amplified by transistor (T4, T8 & T5, T7)' and fed to power driver section through diode. This diode allow positive half cycle to pass. This positive half cycle is amplify by the MOSFET (T6 to T16), other positive half is amplify by the MOSFET (T17 to T27). At a same time one positive half pulse get to MOSFET (T6 to T 16) just next other positive half pulse get to MOSFET (T17 to T27). This high speed switching induce high voltage across step-up transformer (X2)
Batter level Indicator Section (See fig. No. 2 & 3) ; IC LM 3914 is used in dot mode to display the battery voltage and also to operate the circuit low to over charged condition of battery voltage with the help of preset, we can set the lower limit.
Ten LED are used for voltage indication. The consecutive LEDs thus indicate a voltage difference of 0.5 to 0.7V. We may use different coloured LEDs to indicate low, normal and high voltage range. Pin 5 is use to set upper voltage limit and Pin 4 is use to set lower limit. This upper & lower limit is set with the help of preset. This limit is divied in 10 stage and give 10 different output, this output is fed to transistor though diode and invertor gate. The upper limit output given to other transistor to operate transistor via SCR.
Two IC's are use in two different circuit and output is given to corresponding
transistor. This transistor operates SCR for charging batteryl& other battery 2 to
In this way, one battery 1 is in charging mode is monitored by the IC1 and other battery 2 which is in discharging mode is monitored by the IC5. This charging and discharging process is done alternet.

BATTERY : The battery has property of charging and discharging time is same. The anode is made of Ag2 02 (Silver oxide) and cathode of Zn (Zinc). The electrolyte is KOH (25%) in the from of paste, wettable is thin semipenneable membrance coverd by cadmium power.
Active materials are separated by wettable and semipenneable organic membrance as cellophane, a poly-propylene with absorberts like nylon or rayon. On complete charge, the battery shows 1.82 V. per cell. 1} Reaction during charge & discharge :
Ag202 + 2 Zn + 2 KOH «-> 2Ag + 2 KOH + Zn02
On discharge Ag9 02 becomes Ag (silver) & Zn (Zinc becomes potassium ziricate)
For reliability, NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) is used as an electrolyte, For longer life, Zinc is replaced with cadmin. It must stored at 32° - 90° f temperature.
This project contains two battery. So, to monitor charging and discharging
level, two separate Circuit is used (See fig No. 2 & 3),Ten different outputs taken
from IC 1 3914 and fed to switching IC 14 to 25, in forward order Zl to Z10 (Low
to high level).
Ten different outputs are taken from IC5 3914 and fed to switching IC 14 to 25
in reverse order Zl 1 to 20 (high-to low level). This switching IC 14 to 25 operated
on basic of Input voltage and fed to op-amp IC 5 to IC 13 & IC 24 741 to campaired
voltage. After comparing voltage and found equal, output is giveri to transistor
through invert gate. This invertgate invert the volt (e.g. 0 to 1, 1 to 0) that's mean's
output from op-Amp is inverted and become zero is fed to transistor TR 52 base
terminal fcln absen&of base bias voltage, transistor TR 52 stop conducting, as a
result, SCR stop Conducting but at a same time IC 6 741 Compaires the input and

not found equal & hence output is Zero. This output is given to transistor through invertgate. This invertgate invert the voltage and fed to transistor TR 53 base terminal. As soon as base to emitter forward bias voltage gets, transistor TR 53 Start Conducting as a result SCR5 start conducting. IC6 741 Op-Amp Campaires input condition, as soon as, input voltage found
equal, output is high and fed to invert gate. This invertgate invert the voltage and
give zero voltage to transistor TR 53 base terminal and in absent of forward bais
voltage, transistor TR 53 stop conducting, same time IC 7 Op-Amp compaires
voltage and not found equal, output is zero, this zero output is fed though invert
gate and become one. This one voltage to transistor TR 54 and transistor start
In above way, 2XCS (TCI & 1C5) outputs is compaired by ten Op-Amp IC5 (IC5
to 13 & IC 24) and maintain's charging & discharging voltage level equal to
both Battery 1 & Battery 2 by compairing.
OVER LOAD SENSE SECTION : (See fig No. 5 & 1)
This section is introduced to sense load and supply high voltage (12v to 36v) for
maintain voltage charging & discharging process equal same proportion at equal
& same time.
The Current.transformer (X3) is Connected in series with the secondary of output transformer (X2) and load. It Consists of two turns 15 SWG enamelled copper wire on the primary side and 1000 turn's of 35 SWG wire on the secondary side using forrite. Using appropriate former and insulation (e.g. mylar tape) between primary and secondary winding. This current transformer (X3) produce approximately 5 volt AC output at a primary, Current 4 Amperes and 8 Volt AC output at primary, Current of 6 Amperes. This output is converted to DC and Smoothed using capacitor filter. (See flgNo5) This output is applied to IC23 3914. This IC divied applied voltage in 10 different output. This 10 different output is shown with the help of 10 different LED & same 10 output fed to the gate terminal

of 10 different SCR 6 to 15 through Not gate. TEN SCR, Anode is Connect to ten different voltage Generator terminal is taken form magnet Generator. (See fig No-10) and Cathod is Common Connected to Bridge Rectifier (BR2) for Charging battery through SCR5.
The Current transformer (X3) given output to Bridge Rectifier BR1. This output depend on load which passing current though it primary winding of current transformer (X3). This output voltage converted to DC and given to IC23, 3914, Compairs input voltage, with VR5 and VR6 for high & low limits and give's 10 different output, showing voltage rating. This outputs Connected to SCR 6 to 15 througrmot gate, to Switch on/off SCR. This 10 SCRs are connect with 10 different voltage range (F, G to O) and Cathode is connected commonly and fed to Bridge Rectifier BR2 for converting AC to DC and Smoothed using capacitorTT filter, fed to SCR5 for charging battery.
Load is sense by means of current, drawn through current transformer (X3) This voltage is compaired by IC23 and same amount of voltage is fed back to charge other battery. By sensing load, discharging and charging process is done in same, equal ration.
. This Section control the speed of motor with the help of photo transistor, IC/85 and SCRs.
Thorn is a device, which has cylindical round tube and it has a Light passing hole. When thorn is inserted inside it's round, Cylindical machanism, it can move up and downwards, depending upon the position of punched hole on the thorn, particular SCR switch ON, each SCR allow different voltage as a result motor speed increase or drecrease.
The circuit used, seven Photo-transistors, when thorn iscompletly inserted
in the mechanism, the light will fall only on one photo-transistor, So that photo-

transistor will be 'ON' and other Photo-transistor will be in 'OFF' state. This transistor is ON, its collector voltage falls, making Photo-transistor to cut-off, as a result, collector voltage of transistor (T9) increases and transistor (T9) Start Conducting, the output from transistor (T9) is taken form Collector and fed to IC24,74244. This Causes pin 18 of IC24 also go high, Switching LED 'ON'. This output is fed to pin 1 IC25 ULN2003, for Switch 'ON' SCR by operating
gate voltase.
Seven variable Resistance is set, in seven different position to obtain seven different voltage in out-put by mean's of gate operating voltage of SCRs.
Thorn was completly upwards in the mechanism, light will fall only LED light
will fall through hole on thorn to upper Photo-transistor (T7). if Collector voltage
falls and provi^base bias voltage to transistor (T15). This transistor (T15) Start
Conducting and output is fed to pin 15 (IC24), as a result pin 5 (IC24) go high. This
Causes pin 10 (IC25) give gate voltage to SCR and SCR Start Conducting.
In this Circuit IC24-74244 is used as buffer with Schmitt trigger. All output of
this IC24 are connected to IC25 ULN2003 which is used as SCR driver. IC25
consists of seven high-current SCR drives having intergrated diode, when input
of this IC25 is made logic high. The corresponding output will to logic low
Connect to gate terminal get energised.
The thorn is able to move upward as well as downward, just an accelerater of
any vehical.
Inverter output is fed to motor .This motor run the Clutch, Gear box through rear wheel of vehical. Motor Shaft has two end, one end of shaft is used to transmit rotation to engine by mean's of Chain transmiting system and other end is frabracated with magnet Assy. Called as dynamo. (See fig No. 11)
Single phase motor, having 8 HP, 3000 RPM, working voltage 230 Volt's/Totally

Enclosed fan Cooled (TEFC) with both end Ball Beaiing, Single Phase Capacitor
Start Capacitor Run, 50 Hz, Class B insulation, Model No.6217 of Crompton Greaves.
The dynamo output is used to Charge battery through Charging Circuit.
ENGINE SECTION : (SeefigNo.7 to 10)
It contains Constant meash gear box, Clutch, motor transmition system. The motor shaft rotation is transmit through Cultch. This rotation (RPM) is divided in 4 gear system, transmit rotation force to rear wheel of battery operated vehicle.
While the present invention has been described and illustrated in terms of certain specific embodiments, those of ordinary skill in the art will understand and appreciate that it is not so limited. Additions to, deletions from and modifications to these specific embodiments may be effected without departing from the scope of the invention as defined by the claims. Furthermore, features and elements from one specific embodiment may be likewise applied to another embodiment without departing from the scope of the invention as defined herein.

I Claim:
1. An "IMPROVED BATTERY OPERATED VEHICLE" Comprising two batteries having equal charging and discharging time, an inverter including a pulse generator, a driver and a power amplifier section connected to the said batteries such that only one battery can feed to it at one time, the output of the inverter being fed to a motor and one end of the shaft of the motor being used to transmit the rotation to the vehicle wheel through conventional means and a magnetic assembly arranged on the other end of the shaft of the motor for charging the other battery through charging circuits, a battery voltage level indicating means indicating the voltage of the both charging and discharging batteries by LEDS, a charging voltage level monitoring means in cooperation with the overload sensing means ensuring that charging and discharging being done in same and equal ratio characterized in that the inverter shifts itself from the battery which is on discharging mode once the battery is discharged below a critical level to the other battery and a speed controlling means including phototransistors for controlling the speed of the vehicle:
2. An "IMPROVED BATTERY OPERATED VEHICLE" as claim 1, wherein the batteries have anode made of silver oxide, cathode made of zinc and the electrolyte is KOH (25%) in the form of paste.
3. An "IMPROVED BATTERY OPERATED VEHICLE" substantially describes as here in with reference to the accompanying drawings.

Dated this 25th February 2004.
Hemant Gopal Lodhi.


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Patent Number 205366
Indian Patent Application Number 227/MUM/2004
PG Journal Number 42/2008
Publication Date 17-Oct-2008
Grant Date 29-Mar-2007
Date of Filing 25-Feb-2004
Applicant Address N-26, RESHIMBAGH, NAGPUR - 440009. INDIA.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B60L 11/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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