Title of Invention


Abstract An apparatus to test the decorative automotive commorients for combined effect of chemicals and mechanical wiping and predicting the life of the Component, the said apparatus CPmpflslhg a base frame, fourwiping rollers, four containers for chemicals; two mounting plates, an electronic timer, thesaid baseframe consisting pf arectangular base plate Made Up of mild steel with vertical plates welded On both sideis df the said base plate, the said wipihlg foilers mburrted bti a single rotating shaft So that motion to all the rollers carl be prbvided from a sfhgle pbwef source, a D.C, electric mbtbf to drive the shaft, spacefs being pfbvided between two consecutive rollers to riiarhtaih adequate distance and to avoid marking up of different chemicals, guiding^ chemicals are provided on both sidesi of said each roller for guiding the sprayed chemical into a tank, four containers providedonthebaseplate, pbsitibtied, so that one container below said each roller, a pump on said each container with pipes fof flowing chemicals on the saidroller allbws flow of the selected cnemical on the Said roller, the said chemicals Used may be Detergent of Soap or Brake fluid or Diesel of Pettol of Thinner of Soft drink of Edible oil of Acetic acid of Aniline of Carbon tetrachloride of Benzene of any required chemical, the said mounting plates to mount the specimens.
Full Text FORM 2
(39 of 1970)
Mahindra Towers,
MUMBAI-400 018. Maharashtra Stale, India
An Indian Company registered under the
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956
The following specification particularly desires the natiuire of this invention and the manner in which it is to be performed:-



The present invention relates to an apparatus for testing the decorative
automotive components for their combined effects of chemicals and mechanical wiping and for the purpose of predicting the life of a decorative automotive component
Following examples illustrate the deterioration of various decorative automotive component.
1. Automotiv vehicles are frequently washed with different solution such as
detergents or soap and wiped with soft cloth. This action affects glazing of chrome plating on componentsp Such as name plates on door handles and logos. this is the combined effect of chemicals and mechanical wiping.
2: when automotive vehicles are brought into garages for maintainance and
repairs; some of the decorative components such as swiwith screen-
printed or etched labels are smeared with oils/grease /brake
fluids /thinner/diesel/petrol. As a result appearance of these
components gets affected.
3. Many times components (like knobs on combination switches, key heads and other switches to operate power windows, hazard indicators) are operated with hands smeared with oily eatables or soft drinks which are acidic or alkaline in nature This deteriorates the appearance of these components.
In 'prior art, there exits no apparatus for such testing However testr processes in the form of standards are known for testing plastic material
under the action of different chemicals.
For examle the American standerd ASTM 543-87 describes changes
in properties like weight and dimensions of polyproplylene or ABS plastic

material strip when it is dipped in chemicals such Acetic acid, Ammonium Hydroxide, Aniline, Benzene, and Carbon Tetrachloride:
However the available Standerd does not described the combined effect of chemicals and mechanical wiping that happens in real life..
Deficiencies of Prior art: '
No test procedure and apparatus is available forstudying the combined effect of chemical and mechanical wiping on decorative automotive components.
The present invention aims to recently the deficiencies of the prior art by effect of chemicals and mechanical wiping on decorative effect of chemicals and estimate the life of such decorative automative components before tart deteriorating in appearance.
The Apparatus:
The apparatus is described with the help of the figure 1,which shows the front view of the apparatus. The apparatus for conducting the test consists of following main parts
1 Base frarne
2 Wiping rollers3 Containers
4 Specimeih mounting plate
The base frame consist of a mild steel rectangular plate (A) to which two vertical plates (B) are welded . The base frame is mounting on level bolts (M) to maintain the: level of the apparatus

Wiping Rollers:
Four wooden wiping rollers (D) are mbuhted oh a drive Shaft (C) supported between the vertical plates (B). The wiping rollers (D) are spaced away from each other by bushes (H). The distance between two rollers can be changed by using shorter or longer bushes, as required. A soft cotton cloth is wrapped around the wooden rollers. Sheet metal discs are provided on either side of each roller to avoid slipping of the cloth during wiping A D.C motor ( E ) mounted on one of the vertical plate (B). This drives the drive shaft (C) for rotating the wiping rollers. It is to be noted that the size of the specimen to be tested cannot be more than the length of the wiping roller. These wiping rollers may be replaced by wiping duster for linear movement.
Four plastic: removable containers ?(F)are mounted oh the base plate (A) using bottom brackets (J). Chemicals are stored in thesse removable containers.
AD.C. motor driven pumpp is provided to each container for pumping chemical on each roller through plastic tubes (L ) Plastic tubes are held in position by passing through a fabricated sheet metal channel. A wiping cloth on each rollers is required to be kept tvet with the chemical. Flow of chemicals is controlled by changing the speed of the motor An electronic timer is provided to control the duration of chemical flow. The chemical falling down from' the roller during test is collected irf the contaner: The angle of the container is adjustable to facilitate collection of chemical falling down from roller.
Mounting of the test specimen:
Two mounting; plates (G) which are bolted to vertical plates (B) , are provided on either side of the wiping rolled (D). Provison is made so that test specimen (N) is bolted to the mounting plate. A Total Pf 8 specimens can be mounted on these two plates'.

The chemicals which normally come in contact with automotive decorative components are:
• Detergent • Soap
• Brake fluid
• Diessel
• Petrol
• Thinner
• Soft drink
• Edible oil
• Acetic acid

• Aniline
• Car1>otiTetfacMoMdie ■ Benzene
This is not an exhaustive list of chemicals. It is not intented to preclude the use of any other chemical pertinent to a particular requirements.
Descriptiion of the process:
1. Duration : of test process
Duration of test for a particular specimen is to be worked out in the following manner
A Logo on a bonnet of an automobile may be wiped for 10 times a day, with each wiping lasting for2 (two) second .sl Hence in one year, the duration of wiping would be 7,300 seconds or 21.02 hours. The expected life of Logo of
service vehicles is 10 years Therefore the duration of combined action of chemical and mechanical wiping is 2.02*10=20.2 hours . (say21 hrs)
Thus the test duration of test for Logo is decuded as 21 hours for combined effect of chemicals and mechanical wiping

This is the accelerated testing. Hence following stepsare necessary during the test prbeess:;
a) Mount the specmien sucn that it comes in contact t with the wiping roller.
b) Inspect the specimen during test after every l-hrs for its deterioration.

2. The face of the component is decided for combined effect of chemicalss and mechanical wiping.
3. The size of the cbmponent is decided oil the basis of the mounting arrangement on test rig The size has to be suitable for the wiping action on the rig Since the component is to be tested for various chemicals, there would be a number of samples pf such component depending uponi the number of chemicals.

4. The test is carried out for the pre calculated life;
5. The test is repeated for different types of chemicals.
6. If the Sample component does not pass the test, its design may be modified and the test process is repeated This process may be repeated till the results obtained are satisfactory.
Life Prediction
Specemen with foiling or chrome plating:
If the specimen does not show any deterioration in appearance for 21 hours itmeans that the life of the decorative aspect of the component is 10 years.
If dot the other hand, the deteribratiPri'is"(observed at the end ofl(Say) 15 hrs then the life of tne component before it deteriorates in appearance is (15/21*10]) 7 yeatsr (approx)

The specimen mounted on the test rig is evaluated for a particular chemical for combined effect of chemicals and mechanical wiping till the
foil on the specimen vanishes This time to vanish can be converted back to actual years of use by the mrthod explained above. This will be the life of the component with the given foiling thickness and type of foil under the action of chemicals used .e g if the component runs for (say)40
hrsafterwhich it vanishes this, means that the life of this component (with
respect to its appearances)will be (40/20*10)=20 yeaers (approx)

plastic component with screen printed or etched letters:
Thespecimen is evaluated on the test rig for component effect of
chemical and mechanical wiping till the test letter become unreadable.
The duration of hrs of test bon test rig is converted to the useful life following
the test process explained above.
the specimen may be tested for different chemicals and life predication
may be done accordingly

An apparatus to test the decorative automotive components for combined effect of chemicals and mechanical wiping and predicting the life of the component, the said apparatus comprising a base frame, four wiping rollers, four containers for chemicals, two mounting plates, an electronic timer, the said base frame consisting of a rectangular base plate made up of mild steel with vertical plates welded on both sides of the said base plate, the said wiping rollers mounted on a single rotating shaft so that motion to all the rollers can be provided from a single power source, a D.C. electric motor to drive the shaft, spacers being provided between two consecutive rollers to maintain adequate distance and to avoid mixing up of different chemicals, guiding channels are provided on both sides of said each roller for guiding the sprayed chemical into a tank, four containers provided on the base plate, positioned, so that one container is below said each roller, a pump on said each container with pipes for flowing chemicals on the said roller allows flow of the selected chemical on the said roller, the said chemicals used may be Detergent or Soap or Brake fluid or Diesel or Petrol or Thinner or Soft drink or Edible oil or Acetic acid or Aniline or Carbon Tetrachloride or Benzene or any required chemical, the said mounting plates to mount the specimens.

The above process is repeated for different chemicals
* Acceptance Criterion:
♦ for bogi test (conducted for specific duration ) the acceptable criterion is the
deterioration in appearance of the specimen.
♦ For the Ufe test, however, the criterion will be disappearance of Chrome plating or foiling or screen-printed letters as the case may be.
Example 1:
The test fig was used for testing of the foiled letter of the nameplate on
door handle of the vehicle. The; plastic materials for nameplate was ABS plastic.
One type wasalumium foiled and the other was chrome plated. The
thickness of foiling was 14 micron The nameplate was tested for following
a) Detergent solution
bj Diesel
c) Brak fluid
d) oil
e) Thinner
1. The specimen with aluminium foiling as well as chrome plating did not show any deterioration during testing with detergent solution diesel and oil This show that the appearance of these components will not deterorate in 10 years.
2. The specimen with aluminium foiling indicated deterioration during testing with Brake fluid. Black linings were observed on the specimen surface at the end of 20 hrs of test. This indicate that the life df the alumiinium foil will he 10 year maximum beyond which it will not have acceptable appearance . However there was no such effect abserved on the chrome plated specimen during Brake fluid testing. This means that chrome plating will not suffer any deteroration in 10 years.
3. Aluminium foiling and chrome plating on the specimenh showed deterioration with thinner within 1 minute of testing. This shows that the

appearance of thesecomponents will get deteriorated in 0.0079 years or 3 days
Further tests showed that wheh the base material of the nameplate was changed from ABS to polyproplene the specimen with aluminium foiling did not show any deterioration during testing with any of above of the above chemicals for 21hrs.
The Logo- for the vehicle was also tested for the combined effect of chemical and mechanical wiping for all the above chemicals and no deterioration waS observed after 21 hrs of test.
These examples indicate the usefulness bf the apparatus and the test process for testing the decorative automotive components for combined effect of chemical and mechanical wiping.

1. An apparatus to test the decorative automotive commorients for combined effect of chemicals and mechanical wiping and predicting the life of the Component, the said apparatus CPmpflslhg a base frame, fourwiping rollers, four containers for chemicals; two mounting plates, an electronic timer, thesaid baseframe consisting pf arectangular base plate Made Up of mild steel with vertical plates welded On both sideis df the said base plate, the said wipihlg foilers mburrted bti a single rotating shaft So that motion to all the rollers carl be prbvided from a sfhgle pbwef source, a D.C, electric mbtbf to drive the shaft, spacefs being pfbvided between two consecutive rollers to riiarhtaih adequate distance and to avoid marking up of different chemicals, guiding^ chemicals are provided on both sidesi of said each roller for guiding the sprayed chemical into a tank, four containers providedonthebaseplate, pbsitibtied, so that one container below said each roller, a pump on said each container with pipes fof flowing chemicals on the saidroller allbws flow of the selected cnemical on the Said roller, the said chemicals Used may be Detergent of Soap or Brake fluid or Diesel of Pettol of Thinner of Soft drink of Edible oil of Acetic acid of Aniline of Carbon tetrachloride of Benzene of any required chemical, the said mounting plates to mount the specimens.
2. An apparatus to test the decorative automotive components as claimed in claim 1, whefeih the size of the specimen cannot be more than' the length of the wiping roller:
3. Ah apparatuss to test the decorative autbmbtive ccomponents as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said base frame is made up of mild steel of any metalllic material.
4. An apparatus to test the decorative automotive components as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said wiping; rollers are made up of wood of suitable materials.

5. An apparatus to test the decbratfre automotive components as claimed in
claim 1, wherein the said containers are made up of plastic.
6. Anapparatuss to test the debbrative automotive components as claimed in claimed 1, wherein the said wiping rollers may be replaced by wiping duster for linear movement.
7. An apparatus to test the decorative atomotive comopnents as claimed in
claimed 1, wherein not more than eight speimens can bemounted on the said two mounting plates.
8. An appariatus as claimed in claims 1 to 7 above substantially as herein
described with reference to the accompanying specification and drawings
Dated this 26th Dayof December; 2003


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Patent Number 205368
Indian Patent Application Number 941/MUM/2002
PG Journal Number 26/2007
Publication Date 29-Jun-2007
Grant Date 30-Mar-2007
Date of Filing 30-Oct-2002
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B 01 J 1/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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