Abstract | The present invention provides a method of preparing an elastomeric compound, comprising masticating in a mixer, silicon-treated carbon black and an elastomer, and optionally a coupling agent, for a time and temperature sufficient to form a masterbatch; wherein the silicon-treated carbon black when compounded with an elastomer imparts to the elastomer poorer abrasion resistance, comparable or higher loss tangent at low temperature and a lower loss tangent at high temperature, compared to an untreated carbon black; milling said masterbatch; cooling said masterbatch to facilitate the addition of a curing additive and avoid substantial premature cross-linking; masticating in a mixer a mixture comprising the niasterbatch and a curing additive, and optionally carbon, silica, carbon black having an organic group attached thereto, or combinations thereof, and optionally a coupling agent, for a time and temperature sufficient to form said elastomeric compound. |
Full Text | ELASTOMERIC COMPOUNDS INCORPORATING SILICON-TREATED CARBON BLACKS '"'""' m' ' ■■■Illlll | III HI I ■. By- I II II— ■ .|,_M>»|.I I FIELD OF TOE INVENTION The present invention relates to novel elastomeric compounds exhibiting improved hysteresis properties. More particularly, the invention relates to novel elastomeric compounds incorporating silicon-treated carbon blacks and products manufactured from such compounds, BACKGROUND OF TOE INVENTION Carbon blacks are widely used as pigments, fillers and reinforcing agents m the compounding and preparation of rubber and other elastomeric compounds. Carbon blacks are particularly useful as reinforcing agents in the preparation of elastomeric compounds used m the miinui&ctuiz ol ures Carbon blacks are generally produced in a furnace-type reactor by pyrolyzing a hydrocarbon feedstock with hot combustion gases to produce combustion products containing particulate carbon black Carbon black exists in the form of aggregates. Ihe aggregates, in turn are formed of carbon black particles- However, carbon black particles do not generally exist independently of the carbon black aggregate. Carbon blacks are generally characterized on-the basis of analytical properties, including, but not limited to parade size and specific surface area; aggregate size, shape, and distribution; and chemical and physical properties of the surface. The properties of carbon blacks are analytically determined by tests known to the art. For example, nitrogen adsorption surface area (measured by ASTM test procedure D3037- Method A) and cetyl-trimethyl ammonium bromide adsorption value (CTAB) (measured by ASTM test procedure D3765 [09.01]), are measures of specific surface area Dibutylphthalate absorption of the crushed (CDBP) (measured by ASTM test procedure D3493-&6) and uncrushed (DBP) carbon black (measured by ASTM test procedure D2414-93), relates to the aggregate structure. The bound rubber value relates to the surface activity of the carbon black". The properties of a given "carbon black depend upon the conditions of manufacture and may be modified, e.g., by altering temperature, pressure, feedstock, residence time, quench temperature, throughput, and other parameters. It is generally desirable in the production of tires to employ carbon black-containing compounds when constructing the tread and other portions of the tire. For example, a suitable tread compound will employ an elastomer compounded to provide high abrasion resistance and good hysteresis balance at different temperatures. A tire having high abrasion resistance is desirable because abrasion resistance is proportional to tire life. The physical properties; of the carbon black directly influence the abrasion resistance and hysteresis of the tread compound. Generally, a carbon black with a high surface area and small particle size will impart a high abrasion resistance and high hysteresis to the tread compound. Carbon bteck loading also affects the abrasion resistance of the elastomeric compounds. Abrasion resistance increases with increased loading, at least to an optimum point, beyond which abrasion resistance actually decreases. The hysteresis of an elastomeric compound relates to the energy dissipated under cyclic deformation. In other words, the hysteresis of an elastomeric composition relates to the difference between the energy applied to deform the elastomeric composition and the r-nri^v released as the elastomenc composition recovers to its initial undeibrmed state. Hysteresis is characterized by a loss tangent, tan 5, which is a ratio of the loss modulus 10 the storage modulus (that is, viscous modulus to elastic modulus). Tires made with a tire tread compound having a lower hysteresis measured at higher temperatures, such as AO^C or higher, will havereduced rolling resistance, which in turn, results in reduced fuel consumption by the vehicle using the tire. At the same time, a tire tread with a higher hysteresis value measured at low temperature, such as 0°C or lower, will result in a tire with high wet traction and skid resistance which will increase driving safety. Thus, a tire tread compound demonsnanng low hysteresis at high temperatures and high hysteresis at low temperatures can be said to have a good hysteresis balance There are many other applications where it is useful to provide an elastomer exhibiting a good hysteresis balance but where the abrasion resistance is not an important factor. Such applications include but are not limited to tire components such as undenread, wedge compounds, sidewall, carcass, apex, bead filler and wire skim; engine mounts; and base compounds used in industrial drive and automotive belts. Silica is also used as a reinforcing agent (pr filler) for elastomers. However, using silica alone as a reinforcing agent for elastomer leads to poor performance compared to the results obtained with carbon black alone as the reinforcing agent. It is theorized that strong filler-filler interaction and poor filler-elastomer interaction accounts for the poor performance of silica. The silica-elastomer interaction can be improved by chemically bonding the two with a chemical coupling agent, such as bis (3-triethoxysilylpropyl) tetra-sulfane, commercially available as Si-69 from Degussa AG, Germany. Coupling agents such as Si-oy create a chemical linkage between the elastomer and the silica, thereby coupling the silica ro the elastomer When the silica is chemically coupled to the elastomer, certain performance characteristics of the resulting elastomeric composition are enhanced When incorporated into vehicle nres, such eiastomsne compounds provide improved hysteresis balance. However, elastomer compounds containing silica as the primary reinforcing agent exhibit low thermal conductivity, high electrical resisuviiv, high density and poor processahilitv. When carton black ai^ne is used as a reinforcing aeent in elastomeric compositions, it does not chemically couple to the elastomer but the carbon black surface provides many sites for interacting with the elastomer. While the use of a coupling agent with carbon black might provide some improvement in performance tc an elastomeric composinon, the improvement is not comparable to that obtained when using a coupling agent with M1U;H. "it is an object of the present invention to provide novel elastomeric compounds exhibiting improved hysteresis balance. It is another object to provide an elastomeric compound incorporating silicon-treated carbon blacks. It is yet another object of the present invention to provide an elastomeric compound incorporating silicon treated carbon blacks, wherein the carbon black may be efficiently coupled to the elastomer with a coupling agent. Such a carbon black may be employed for example, in tire compounds, industrial rubber products and other rubber goods, It is a further object of the present invention to provide siheon-rtreated carbon black/elastomenc formulations using a variety of elastomers useful m a variety of product applications. Other objects of the present invention will become apparent from the following description and claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a schematic view of a portion of one type of carbon black reactor which may be used to produce the treated carbon blacks of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a graph demonstrating the results of a bound rubber test earned out on elastomeric compositions of the present invention. Figs. 3a, 3b and 3c are graphs demonstrating hysteresis values measured at different temperatures and strains on elastomenc compositions of the present invention. Figs. 4a - 4d are photomicrographs comparing carbon blacks useful in the present invention and prior art carbon blacks. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed to an elastomenc compound including an elastomer and a silicon-treated carbon black, and optionally including a coupling agent A variety of elastomers and formulations employing such elastomers are contemplated and disclosed. The silicon-treated carbon black imparts to the ela^xomer poorer abrasion resistance, lower hysteresis at high temperature and comparable or increased hysteresis at low temperature compared to an untreated carbon black. Elastomenc compounds incorporating an elastomer and an oxidized., silicon-treated carbon black are also disclosed. Also disclosed are methods for preparing elastomeric compounds with the silicon-treaied carbon blacks and products manufactured from such compounds. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION J^>——M —^y^— || || >|l^^^——— The present inventors have discovered that elastomeric compounds having desirable hysteresis and other properties may be obtained by compounding an elastomer with a silicon-treated carbon black. In the silicon-treated carbon black a silicon-containing species, including but not limited to, oxides and carbides of silicon, may be distributed through at least a portion of the carbon black aggregate as an intrinsic part of the carbon black. In an elastomeric compound including an elastomer and a silicon-treated carbon black, the silicon-treated carbon black imparts to the elastomer poorer abrasion resistance, comparable or higher loss tangent at low temperature and a lower loss tangent at high temperature, compared to an untreated carbon black. Silicon-treated carbon black aggregates do not represent a mixture of discrete carbon black aggregates and discrete silica aggregates. Rather, the silicon-treated carbon black aggregates of the present invention include at least one silicon-containing region either at the surface of or within the carbon black aggregate. When the silicon-treated carbon black is examined under STEM-EDX. the silicon signal corresponding to the silicon-containing species is found to be present in individual carbon black aggregates. By comparison, for example, in a physical mixture of silica and carbon black, STEM-EDX examination reveals distinctly separate silica and carbon black atnuetfates. The silicon-treated carbon blacks may be obtained by manufacturing the carbon black in the presence of volatizable silicon-containing compounds. Such carbon blacks are preferably produced in a modular or "staged," furnace carbon black reactor as depicted in Figure I. The furnace carbon black reactor has a combustion zone 1, with a zone of converging diameter 2; a feedstock injection zone with restricted diamexer 3, and a reaction : }i\t 4 To produce carbon blacks with the reactor described above, hot combustion gases are generated in combustion zone 1 by contacting a liquid or gaseous fuel with a suitable oxidant stream such as air, oxygen, or mixtures of air and oxygen. Among the fuels suitable for use in contacting the oxidant stream in combustion 2one 1, to generate the hot combustion gases, are included any readily combustible gas. vapor or liquid streams such as natural gas, hydrogen, methane, acetylene, alcohols, or kerosene It is generally preferred, however, to use fuels having a high content of carbon-containing components and in particular, hydrocarbons. The ratio of air to fuel varies with the type of fuel utilized. When natural gas is used to produce the carbon blacks of the present invention, the ratio of air to fuel may be from about 10:1 to about 1000:1. To facilitate the generation of hot combustion eases, the oxidant stream may be ore-heated. The hot combustion gas stream flows downstream from zones 1 and 2 into zones 3 and 4. The direcfiohToTfheTlow of hot combustion gases is shown in Figure 1 by the arrow. Carbon black feedstock, 6, is introduced at point 7 into the feedstock injection zone 3. The feedstock is injected into the gas stream through nozzles designed for optimal distribution of the oil in the gas stream. Such nozzles may be either single or bi-fluid Bi-fluid nozzles may use steam or air to atomize the fuel. Single-fluid nozzles may be pressure atomized or the feedstock can be directly injected into the gas-stream. In the latter instance, atomizanon occurs by the force of the gas-stream. Carbon blacks can be produced by the pyrolysis or partial combustion of any liquid or gaseous hydrocarbon. Preferred carbon black feedstocks include petroleum refinery sources such as decanted oils from catalytic cracking operations, as well as the by-products from coking operations and olefin manufacturing operations The mixture of carbon black-yielding feedstock and hot combustion gases flows downstream through zone 3 and 4 In the reaction zone portion of the reactor, the feedstock is pyrolyzed to carbon blade The reaction is arrested in the quench zone of the reactor. Quench 8 is located downstream of the reaction zone and sprays a quenching fluid, generally water, mto the stream of newly formed earhot: biack particles The quench serves-to cool the carbon black particles and to reduce the temperature of the gaseous stream and decrease the reaction rate. Q is the distance from the beginning of reaction zone 4"to quench point 8. and will vary according to the position of the quench. Optionally, quenching may be staged, or take place at several points in die reactor After the carbon black is quenched, the cooled gases and carbon black pass downstream mto any conventional cooling and separating means whereby the carbon black is recovered. The separation of the carbon black from the gas stream is readily accomplished by conventional means such as a precipitator, cyclone separator, bag filter or other means known to those skilled m the art. After the carbon black has been separated from the £as stream, it is optionally subjected to a peptization step. The; silicon treated carbon blacks of the present invention may be made by introducing a volatilizable silicon containing compound into the carbon black reactor at a point upstream of the quench zone. Useful volatilizable compounds include any compound, which is volatilizable at carbon black reactor temperatures. Examples include, but are not limited to, silicates such as tetraethoxy orthosilicate (TEOS) and tetramethoxy orthostHcate— silanes such as, tetrachforo silane, and trichloro methylsilane; and volatile silicone polymers such as octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (OMTS). The flow rate of the volatilizable compound will determine the weight percent of silicon in the treated carbon black. The weight percent of silicon m the treated carbon black should range from about 0 1% to 25%, and preferably about 0.^% to about 10%, and most preferably about 2% to about 6%. It has been found that injecting silicon containing compound into the carbon black reactor results in an increase in the structure (e.g., CDBP) of the product. This is desirable in many applications of carbon Mack The volatilizable compound may be premixed with the carbon black-forming feedstock and introduced with the feedstock into the reaction zone. Alternatively, the volatilizable compound may be introduced to the reaction zone separately from the feedstock injection point. Such introducnon may be upstream or downstream from the feedstock-injection point, provided the volatilizable compound is introduced upstream from the quench zone. For example, referring to Fig. i, the volatilizable compound may be introduced tc zone Q at point 12 or any other point in the zane in a second embodiment of the present invention, the volatilizable compound is introduced to the leaction zone at a point after carbon black formation has commenced but before the reaction stream has been subjected to the quench. In:this embodiment, silicon-treated carbon black aggregates are obtained in which a silicon containing species is present primarily at or near the surface of the carbon black aggregate. It has been found by the present inventors that the elastomeric compounds incorporating a treated carbon black may be additionally compounded with otig or more silanes such as, tetrachloro silane, and trichloro methylsilane; and volatile silicone polymers such as octamethyicyclotetrasiloxane (OMTS). The flow rate of the volatilizable compound will determine the weight percent of silicon in the treated carbon black. The weight percent of silicon in the treated carbon black should range from about 0.1% to 25%, and preferably about 0.5% to about ] 0%, and most preferably about 2% to about 6%. It has been found that injecting silicon containing compound into the carbon black reactor results in an increase in the structure (e.g., CDBP) of the product. This is desirable in many applications of carbon black The volatilizable compound may be premixed with the carbon black-forming feedstock and introduced with the feedstock into the reaction zone. Alternatively, the volatilizable compound may be introduced to the reaction zone separately from the feedstock injection point. Such introduction may be upstream or downstream from the feedstock injection point, provided the volatilizable compound is introduced upstream from the quench zone. For example, referring to Fig. 1, the volatilizable compound may be introduced to zone Q at point 12 or any other point in the zone. Upon volatihianon zzd exnosui= to his:h temperatures in the reactor, the compound decomposes, and reacts with other species in the reaction zone, yielding silicon treated carbon black, such that the silicon, or silicon containing species, becomes an intrinsic part of the carbon black. An example of a silicon-containing species is siiica. Besides volatalizable compounds, decomposable compounds which are not necessarily volatilizable can also be used to yield the silicon-treated carbon black. As discussed in further detail below, if the volatilizable compound is introduced substantially simultaneously with the feedstock, the silicon-treated regions are distributed throughout at least a portion of the carbon black aggregate. In a second embodiment of the present invention, the volatilizable compound is introduced to the reaction 2one at a point after carbon black formation has commenced but before the reaction stream has been subjected to the quench. In this embodiment, silicon-treated carbon black aggregates are obtained in Which a silicon containing species is present primarily at or near the surface of the carbon black aggregate. It has been found by the present inventors that the elastomeric compounds incorporating a treated carbon black may be additionally compounded with one or more coupling agents to further enhance the properties of the elastomenc compound, coupling agents, as used herein, include, but are not limited to, compounds that are capable of coupling fillers such as carbon black or silica to an elastomer. Coupling agents useful for coupling silica or carbon black to an elastomer, are expected to be useful with the silicon-treated carbon blacks. Useful coupling agents include, but are not limited to7 silane coupling agents such as bis(3-triethoxy$ilylpropyI)tetrasu!fane (Si-69), 3-thiocyanatopropyI-tnethoxy silane (Si-264, from Degussa AG, Germany), Y-mercaptopropyl-trimethoxy silane (Al 89, from Union Carbide Corp., Banbury, Connecticut); zirconate coupling agents, such as zirconium dijneoalkanolatodi(3-mercapto) propionato-0 (NZ 66A, from Kenrich Petrochemicals, Inc., of Bayonne, New Jersey); titanate coupling agents; nitro coupling agents such as N,N'-bis(2-methyl-2-nitropropyl)-l,6-diaminohexane (Sumifme 1162, from Sumitomo Chemical Co., Japan): and mixtures of any of the foregoing. The coupling agents may be provided as a mixture with a suitable carrier, for example X50-S which is a mixture of Si-69 and N330 carbon black, available from Degussa AG. The silicon-treated carbon black incorporated in the elastomenc compound of the present invention may be oxidized and/or combined with a coupling agent Suitable oxidizing agents include, but are not limited to, nitric acid and ozone. Coupling agents which may be used with the oxidized carbon blacks include, but are not limited to, any of the coupling agents set forth above. The silicon-treated carbon blacks of the present invention may have an organic group avu'.ched One process for attaching an organic group to the carbon black involves the reaction of at least one diazomum salt with a carbon black m the absence of an externally applied current sufficient to reduce the diazonium salt. That is, the reaction between the diazonium salt and the carbon black proceeds without an external source of electrons sufficient to reduce the diazonium salt. Mixtures of different diazonium salts may be used in the process of th-e invention. This process can be carried out under a variety of reaction In another process, at least one diazonium salt reacts with a carbon black m a protic reaction medium. Mixtures of different diazonium salts may be used in this process of the invention. This process can also be carried out under a variety of reaction conditions. Preferably, in both processes, the diazonium salt is formed in situ. If desired, in either process, the carbon black product can be isolated and dried by means known in the art. Furthermore, the resultant carbon black product can be treated to remove impurities by known techniques. The various preferred embodiments of these processes are discussed below. These processes can be carried out under a wide variety of conditions and in general are not limited by any particular condition. The reaction conditions must be such that the particular diazonium salt is sufficiently stable to allow it to react with the carbon black. Thus, the processes can be carried out under reaction conditions where the diazomum salt is short lived. The reaction between the diazonium salt and the carbon black occurs, for example, over a wide range of pH and temperature. The processes can be carried out at acidic, neutral, and basic pH. Preferably. the pH ranges from about 1 to 9. The reaction temperature may preferably range from 0JC to 10CTC. Diazonium salts, as known in the ait, may be f&rmed for example by the reaction of primary amines with aq**e©us solutions of nitrous acid. A general discussion of diazonium salts and methods for their preparation is found in Morrison and Boyd? Organic Chemistry, 5th Ed.s pp. 973-983, (Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 1987) and March, Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structures, 4th Ed.s (Wiley, 1992). According to this invention, a diazonium salt is an organic compound having one or more diazonium groups. The diazonium salt may be prepared prior to reaction with the carbon black or, more preferably, generated in situ using techniques known in.the art. In situ generation also allows the use of unstable diazonium salts such as alkyl diazomum salts and avoids unnecessary handling or manipulation of the diazonium salt. In particularly preferred processes, both the nitrous acid and the diazonium salt are generated in situ. i A diazonium salt, as is known in the art, may be generated by reacting a primary amine, a nitrite and an acid. The nitrite may be any metal nitrite, preferably lithium nitrite, sodium nitrite, potassium nitrite, or zinc nitrite, or any organic nitrite suchasibr- example isoamylnitnte or ethylnitrite. The acid may be any acid, inorganic or organic, which is effective in the generation of the diazonium salt Preferred acids include nitric acid, HN05, hydrochloric acid, HCi, and sulfuric acid, H2S0d. The diazonium salt may also be generated by reacting the primary amine with an aqueous solution of nitrogen dioxide. The aqueous solution of nitrogen dioxide, N05/H20, provides the nitrous acid needed to generate the diazonium salt. Generating the diazonium salt in the presence of excess HCl may be less preferred than other alternatives because HCl is corrosive to stainless steel. Generation of the diazonium salt with NCX/HnO has the additional advantage of being less corrosive to stainless steel or other metals commonly used for reaction vessels. Generation using H2S04/NaNO2 or HNO,/NaNO? are also relatively non-corrosive. In general, generating a diazonium salt from a primary amine, a ramie, and an acid requires two equivalents of acid based on the amount of amine used. In an in situ process, the diazonium salt can be generated using one equivalent of the acid. When the primary amine conrains a strong acid group, adding a separate acid may not be necessary. The acid group or groups of the primary amine can supply one or both of the needed equivalents of acid. When the primary amine contains a strong acid group, preferably either no additional acid or up to one equivalent of additional acid is added tc a process of the invention to generate the diazonium salt in situ. A slight excess of additional -arid may be used. One example of such a primary amine is para-aminobenzenestitfonic acid (sulfanilic acid). In general, diazonium salts are thermally unstable. They are typically prepared in solution at low temperatures, such as 0-5T\ and used without isolation of the salt. Heating solutions of some diazonium salts may liberate nitrogen and form either the corresponding alcohols in acidic media or the organic free radicals in basic media. However, the diazonium salt need only be sufficiently stable to allow reaction with the carbon black. Thus, the processes can be carried out with soma diazonium salts otherwise considered to be unstable and subject to decomposition. Some decomposition processes may compete with the reaction between the carbon black and the diazonium salt and may reduce the total number of organic groups attachfidJto the carbon black. Further, the reaction may be earned out at elevated temperatures where many diazonium salts may be susceptible to decomposition. Elevated temperatures may also advantageously increase the solubility of the diazonium salt in the reaction medium and improve its handling during the process. However, elevated temperatures may result in some loss of the diazonium salt due to other decomposition processes. Reagents can be added to form the diazonium salt in situ, to a suspension of carbon black in the reaction medium, for example, water. Thus, a carbon black suspension to be used may already contain one or more reagents to generate the diazonium salt and the process accomplished by adding the remaining reagents. Reactions to form a diazonium salt are compatible with a large variety of functional groups commonly found on organic compounds. Thus, only the availability of a diazonium salt for reaction with a carbon black limits the processes of the invention The processes can be earned out in any reaction medium which allows the reaction between the diazonium salt and the carbon black to proceed. Preferably, the reaction medium is a solvent-based system, fhe solvent mav be a protic solvent, an aprotic solvent. or a mixture of solvents. Protic solvents sre solvents, like water or methanol, ce-ntaimng a hydrogen attached to an oxygen or nitrogen and thus are sufficiently acidic to form hydrogen bonds. Aprotic solvents are solvents which do not contain an acidic hydrogen as defined above. Aprotic solvents include, for example, solvents such as hexanes, tetrahydrofuran (THF), acetonitrile, and benzonitrile. For a discussion of protic and aprotic solvents see Morrison and Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 5th Ed., pp. 228-231, (Allyn and Bacon. Inc. 1987). The processes are preferably earned out in a protic reaction medium, that is, in a protic solvent alone or a mixture of solvents which contains at least one protic solvent Preferred prone media include, but are not limited to water, aqueous media containing water and other solvents, alcohols, and any media containing an alcohol, or mixtures of such media. The reaction between a diazonium salt and a carbon black can take place with : any type of carbon black, for example, in fluffy or pelleted form. In one embodiment designed to reduce production costs, the reaction occurs during a process for forming carbon black pellets. For example, a carbon black product of the invention can be prepared in a dry drum by spraying a"solution or slurry of a diazonium salt onto a carbon black. Alternatively, the carbon black product can be prepared by pelletizing a carbon black in the presence of a solvent system, such as water, containing the diazonium salt or the reagents to generate the diazonium salt in situ Aqueous solvent systems are preferred. Accordingly, another embodiment provides a process for forming a pelleti2ed carbon black comprising the steps of; introducing a carbon black and an aqueous slurry or solution of a diazonium salt into a pelletizer, reacting the diazonium salt with the carbon black to attach an organic group to the carbon black, and pelletizing the resulting carbon black having an attached organic group. The pelletized carbon black product may then be dried using conventional techniques. In general, the processes produce inorganic by-products, such as salts. In some end uses, such as those discussed below, these by-products may be undesirable. Several possible ways to produce a carbon black product without unwanted inorganic by-products or salts ait; a^ ioilovvS. First, the diazonium salt can be purified before use by removing the unwanted inorganic by-product using means known m the art. Second, the diazanium salt can be generated with the use of an organic nitrite as the diazotization agent yielding the corresponding alcohol rather than an inorganic salt Third, when the diazoniurn salt is generated from an amine having an acid group and aqueous NO:, no inorganic saits are formed. Other ways may be known "to those of skill in the art, In addition to the inorganic by-products, a process may also produce organic by-products. They can be removed, for example, by extraction with organic solvents. Other ways of obtaining products without unwanted organic by-products may be known to those of skill in the art and include washing or removal of ions by reverse osmosis. The reaction between a diazonium salt and a carbon black forms a carbon black product having an organic group attached to the carbon black. The diazonium salt may contain the organic group to be attached to the carbon black. It may be possible-to produce the carbon black products of this invention by other means known to those skilled in the art. The organic group may be an aliphatic group, a cyclic organic group, or an organic compound having an aliphatic portion and a cyclic ponion. As discussed above, the diazonium salt employed in the processes can be derived from a primary amine having one of these groups and beirvg-capable of forming, even transiently, a diazonium salt TheorganK group may oe substituted or unsubstituted, branched or unbranched. Aliphatic groups include, for example, groups derived from alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxyhc acids, and carbohydrates. Cyclic organic groups include, but are not limited to, alicyclic hydrocarbon groups (for example, cycloalkyls, cycloalkenyls), heterocyclic hydrocarbon groups (for example, pyrrolidinyl, pyrrolinyl, piperidinyl, morpholinyh and the like), aryl groups (for example, phenyl, naphthyl, anthracenyl, and the like), and heteroaryl groups (imidazoiyl, pyrazolyl, pyridinyl, thienyl, thiazolyl, furyl, indolyl, and the like). As the stenc hinderance of a substituted organic group increases, the number of organic groups attached to the carbon black from the reaction between the diazonium salt and the carbon black may be diminished When the organic group is substituted, it may contain any functional group compatible with the formation of a diazonium salt. Preferred functional groups include, but are not limited to, R, OR, COR, COOR, OCOR, carboxylase salts such as COOLi, COONa. COOK? COO-NR/, halogen, CN, NR„ SO^H.'sulfonate salts such as SO,U SO,Nas SOJC, SO/NR4~, OSO.R OSO3- salts, NR(COR), CONR:, NO, ?0,H- phosphonaxe salts such as PO.KNa and P03Na2, phosphate salts such as OPOsHNa and OPO.Na., N=NR, NR/X. PR/X\ SkR, SSO3H, SS03 salts, SO.NRR', SO.SR, SNRR\ SNQ. SO?NQ. CO?NQ, S-fl.4 ' piperazinediyl^SR, 2-(l,3-dithianyl) 2-(l,3-dithiolanyl), SOR, ami S02R. R and R\ whict can be the same or different, are independently hydrogen, branched or unbraachjsd C,-C?A substituted or unsubstituted, saturated or unsaturated hydrocarbon, e.g-, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, substituted or unsubstituted aryl, substituted or unsubstituted heteroaryl, substituted or unsubstituted alkylaryl, or substituted or unsubstituted arylalkyl. The integer k ranges from i-8 and preferably from 2-4. The anion X* is a halide or an anion derived from a mineral or organic acid. Q is (CH2)wS (CH2)xO(CHU)r, (CH2)VNR(CH,)?. or (CHAS(CHj7. where w is an integer from 2 to 6 and x and z are integers from 1 to 6, A preferred organic group is an aromatic group of the formula AvAr-. which corresponds to a primary amine of the formula AvArNH2. In this formula, the variables have the following meanings: Ar is an aromatic radical such as an aryl or heteroaryl group. Preferably, Ar is selected from the group consisting of phenyl, naphthyl. anthracenyl, phenanthrenyl, biphenyl, pyridinyl, benzothiadiazolyl, and benzothiazolyl; A is a substttuent on the aromatic radical independently selected from a preferred functional group described above or A is a linear, branched or cyclic hydrocarbon radical (preferably containing 1 to 20 carbon atoms), unsubstituted or substituted with one or more of those functional groups, and y is an integer from 1 to the total number of -CH radicals in the aromatic radical. For instance, y is an integer from 1 to 5 when Ar is phenyl, 1 to 7 when Ar is naphthyl, 1 to 9 when Ar is anthracenyl, phenanthrenyl, or biphenyl, or 1 to 4 when Ar is pyridinyl. In the above formula, specific examples of R and R' are NH2-C6H4-, CH2CHrQH4-NH2, CHrC,Hr NH:, and (\H, Another preferred set of organic groups which may be attached to the carbon black are organic groups substituted with an ionic or an lOnizable group as a functional group. An ionizable group is one which is capable of forming an ionic group in the medium of use. J'he ionic group may be an anionic group or a cationic group and the ionizable group may form an anion or a cation Ionizable functional groups forming anions include, for example, acidic groups or salts of acidic groups. The organic groups, therefore, include groups derived from organic acids. Preferably, when it contains an ionizable group forming an anion, such an oiganic group has a) an aromatic group and b) at least one acidic group having a pKa of less than 1 L or at least one salt of an acidic group having a pKa of less than 11, or a mixture of at least on^ acidic group having a pKa of less than 11 and at least one salt of an acidic group having a pKa of less than 11. The pKa of the acidic group refers to the pKa of the organic group as a whole, not just the acidic substituent. More preferably, the pKa is less than 10 and most preferably less than 9. Preferably, the aromatic group of the organic group is directly attached to the carbon black. The aromatic group may be further substituted or unsubstituted, for example, with alkyl groups More preferably, the organic group is a phenyl or a naphthyl group and the acidic group is a sulfonic acid group, a sulfinic acid group, a phosphonic acid grnup, or a carboxylic acid group. Examples of these acidic groups and their salts are discussed above. Most preferably, the organic group is a substituted or unsubstituted sulfophenyl group or a salt thereof; a substituted or unsubstituted (polysulfo)phenyl group or a salt thereof; a substituted or unsubstituted sulfonaphthyl group or a salt thereof; or a substituted or unsubstituted (polysulfo)naphthyl group or a salt thereof. A preferred substituted sulfophenyl group is hydroxysulfophenyl group or a salt thereof Specific organic groups having an ionizable functional group forming an anion (and their corresponding primary amines) are p-sulfophenyl (p-sulfanilic acid)7 4-hydroxy-3-sulfophenyl (2-hydroxy-5-amino-benzene$uIfonic acid), and 2-sulfoethyl (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid). Other organic groups having ionizable functional groups forming anions can also be used. Amines represent examples of ionizable functional groups that form cationic groups. For example, amines may be protonated to form ammonium groups in acidic media Preferably, an organic group having an amine substituent has a pKb of less than 5. Quaternary ammonium groups (-NR3") and quaternary phosphomum groups (-PRD also represent examples of cationic groups. Preferably, the organic group contains an aromatic group such as a phenyl or a naphthyl group and a quaternary ammonium or a quaternary phosphonium group. The aromatic group is preferably directly attached to the carbon black. Qua^miz-^d cyclic amines, and even quaternized aromatic amines, can also be used as the organic group. Thus, N-substituted pyndinium compounds, such as N-methyl-pyridyh can be used in this regard. Examples of organic groups include, but are not limited to, (C5H4N)C,H;\ C An advantage of the carbon black products having an attached organic group substituted with an ionic or an ionizable group is that the carbon black product may have increased water dispersibilitv relative to the corresponding untreated carbon black. Water dispersibility of a carbon black product increases with the number of organic groups attached to the carbon black having an ionizable group or the number of ionizable groups auached to a given organic group. Thus, increasing the number of ionizable groups associated with the carbon black product should increase its water dispersibility and permits control of the water dispersibility to a desired level It can be noted that the water dispersibility of a carbon black product contaimng an amine as the organic group attached to the carbon black may be inrrpnsAH hv ftftirtifvmcr fhft anuamiR medium Because the water dispersibility of the carbon black products depends to some extent on charge stabilization, it is preferable that the ionic strength of the aqueous medium be less than 0.1 molar. More preferably, the ionic strength is less than 0 01 molar. When such a water dispersible carbon black product is prepared, it is preferred that the ionic or ionizable groups be ionized in the reaction medium. The resulting product solution or slurry may be used as is or diluted prior to use. Alternatively, the carbon black product may be dried by techniques used for conventional carbon blacks. These techniques include, but are not limited to, drying in ovens and rotary kilns. Overdrying, however, may cause a loss in the degree of water dispersihilitv In addition to their water dispersibility, carbon black products having an organic group substituted with an ionic or an ionizable group may also be drspersible m polar organic solvents such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), and formarrude In alcohols such as methanol or ethanol, use of complexing agents such as crown ethers increases the dispersibility of carbon black products having an organic group containing a metal sal: of an Aromatic sulfides encompass another group of preferred organic groups. Carbon black products having aromatic sulfide groups are particularly useful in rubber compositions. These aromatic sulfides can be represented by the formulas A^CH^S^CEQjAr* or A-(CH2)qSx(CH2)rAr" wherein Arand Ar' are independently substituted or unsubstituted aiylene or heteroarylene groups, Ar11 is an aryl* or heteroaryl group7 k is 1 to 8 and q and r are 0-4. Substituted aryl groups would include substituted alkylaryl groups. Preferred arylene groups include phenylene groups, particularly p-phenylene groups, or benzothiazolylene groups. Preferred aryl groups include phenyl, naphthyl and benzothiazolyl. the number of sulfurs present, defined bv k preferably ranges from 2 to 4. Preferred carbon black products are those having an attached aromatic sulfide organic group of the formula -(QHj-S^lQHj-, where k is an integer from 1 to 8, and more preferably where k ranges from 2 to 4. Particularly preferred aromatic sulfide groups are bis-para-(C6H4)-S2-(C6H4)- and para-(C phenyldithiophenylene, dithiodi-45l-(3-chiorophenyIene), ~(4-C6H4)-$-S-(2-C7H4NS), -(4-C6H4)-S-S-(4-C,H4)-OH, -6-(2-C7H3NS)-SH, -(4-C6H4)XH2CHrS-S-CH2CH2-(4.C6H4)^ -(4-C6H4)-CHXHrS-S-S-CHXH2-(4^C,H4)^ -(2-C6H4)-S-S-(2-C6H,)-5 K3-C6H4)-S-S-(3-C6H4K -6-(C,H,N2S)7 -6-(2-C7H5NS)-S-NRR' where RR' is -CH2CH5OCH2CH2., -(4-C6H4)-S-S-S-S-(4-C5H4>, -(4-C«H4)-CH=CH2, -(4-C6H4)-S-S03H, -(4-C6H4)-S02NH-(4-C,H4)-S-S-(4-C6H4) NHS0a-(4-CA)., -6-(2-C7H3NS)-S-S-2-(6-C7H3NS)-, -(4-C6H,)-S.CHr(4-C6H4)^ .(4-C.H,)-S07-S-(4-C6H4)^(4-QH4K^ CHv-S-S-CH:-(4-C,HJ)«, -(3-C6H4)-CH,-S-S-CHr(3-C6H4)-s -(4-C6H4)-S-NRR,where RR' is - CH?CH,OCH,CH2-7-(4-^ (1,3-dithianyl;), and -(4-QH4)-S-(l14-piperizinediy])-S-(4-QH4)-. Another preferred set of organic groups which may be attached to the carbon black are organic groups having an aminophenyU such as (QHJ-NIL (CtH4)-CH,-(C6Hj-NH:, (C6H,VS02~(C6H4)-NH2. Preferred organic groups also include aromatic sulfides, represented by the formulas Ar-Sn-Ar' or Ar-Srt-ArM, wherein Ar and Ar' are independently arylene groups, Ar" is an aryl and n is i to 8. Methods for attaching such organic groups to carbon black are discussed in U.S. patent applications serial nos. OS/356,660, 08/^72,525, and 08/356,459, the disclosures of which are fully incorporated by reference herein. As stated earlier, the silicon-treated carbon black may also be modified to have at least one organic group attached to the silicon-treated carbon black. Alternatively, a mixture of silicon-treated carbon black and a modified carbon black having at least one attached organic group may be used. Furthermore, it is within the bounds of this application to also use a mixture of silica and silicon-treated carbon black. Also, any combination of additional components with the silicon-treated carbon black may be used such as one or more of the following: a) silicon-treated carbon black with an attached organic group optionally treated with silane coupling agents, b) modified carbon black having an attached organic group; c) silica, d) modified silica, for example, having an attached organic group, and/or ,e) carbon black Examples of silica include, but are not limited to, silica, precipitated silica, amorphous silica, vitreous silica, fumed silica, fused silica, silicates (e.g., alumino silicates) and other Si containing fillers such as clay, talc, wollastonite, etc. Silicas are commercially available from such sources as Cabot Corporation under the Cab-G-Sil® tradename; PPG Industries under the Hi-Sil and Ceptane tradenames; Rhone-Poulenc under the Zeosil tradename; and Degussa AG under the Ultrasil and Coupsil tradenames. The elastomeric compounds of the present invention may be prepared from the treated carbon blacks by compounding with any elastomer including those useful for compounding a carbon black Any suitable elastomer may be compounded with the treated carbon blacks to provide the elastomeric compounds of the present invention. Such elastomers include, but are not limited to, rubbers, homo- or co-polymers of 1,3-butadiene, styrene, isoptene, isobutytene, 2,3-dimethyl-L3-butadiene, acrylonitnle, ethylene, and propylene Preferably, the elastomer has a glass transition temperature (Tg) as measured by differential scanning colonmetry (DSC) ranging from about -I20T ^o sbout O'C. Examples include, but are not limited, styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), natural rubber, pelybutadiene, polyisopren-e, and the:: oil- •i extended derivatives. Blends of any of the foregoing may also be used Among the rubbers suitable for use with the present invention are natural rubber and its derivatives such as chlorinated rubber. The silicon-treated carbon black products of th§ invention may also be used with synthetic rubbers such as; copolymers of from about 10 to about 70 percent by weight of styrene and from about 90 to about 30 percent by weight of butadiene such as copolymer of 19 parts styrene and 81 parts butadiene, a copolymer of 30 parts styrene and 70 parts butadiene, a copolymer of 43 parts styrene and 57 parts butadiene and a copolymer of 50 parts styrene.and 50 parts butadiene; polymers and copolymers of conjugated dienes such as polybutadicne, polyisoprenc, polychloroprene, and the like, and copolymers of such conjugated dienes with an ethyienic group-containing monomer copolymerizable therewith such as styrene, methyl styrene, chlorostyrene, acrylonitrile. 2-vinyl-pvridine, 5-methyl 2-vinylpyridine, S-ethyl^-vmylpyndme, 2-methyI-5-vinylpvridine, alkyl-substituted acrylates, vinyl ketone, methyl isopropenyl ketone, methyl vinyl either; atphanrethylene carboxylic acids and the esters and amides thereof such as acrylic acid and dialkylacrylic acid amide; also suitable for use herein are copolymers of ethylene and other high alpha olefins such as propylene, butene-1 and pentene-L The rubber compositions of the present invention can therefore contain an elastomer, curing agents, reinforcing filler, a coupling agent, and, optionally, various processing aids, oil extenders, and antidegradents. In addition to the examples mentioned above, the elastomer can be, but is not limited tos polymers (e.g., homopolymers, copolymers, and terpolymers) manufactured from 1,3 butadiene, styrene, isoprene, isobutylene, 2,3-dimethyl-1,3 butadiene, acrylonitrile, ethylene, propylene, and the like. It is preferred that these elastomers have a glass transition point (Tg), as measured by DSC between -120yC and 0°C. Examples of such elastomers include poly(butadiene)T poly(styrene-co-butadiene), and poly(isoprene'). Elastomeric compositions also include vulcanized compositions (VR), thermoplastic vulcanizates (TPV), thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) and thermoplastic Dolvolefins fTPOV TPV. TPE. and TPO materials are further classified bv their ability to be extruded and molded several times without loss of performance characteristics. In making the elastomeric compositions, one or more curing agents such as, for example, sulfur, sulfur donors, activators, accelerators, peroxides, and other systems used to effect vulcanization of the elastomer composition may be used. Formulation of the silicon-treated carton blacks of the present invention with elastomers are contemplated to have advantages not realized when such elastomers are formulated with conventional carbon blacks. Set forth below in Table 1A is a list of certain of the elastomers which are particularly useful for industrial rubber applications; and preferred loading ratios with the silicon-treated carbon blacks of the present invention, designated as parts of carbon black per hundred parts of elastomer (PHR); contemplated benefits obtained by such composition compared to the same composition employing a conventional carbon black; and useful industrial applications for each composition corresponding, where applicable, to the contemplated benefit obtained with such composition. It . ... -■„=■-■■*... ' — *-• ""*' It has been found that in certain tire usages, cut-chip resistance is a necessary property, especially with regard to trucks, for inst^ce, travelling between pavements and dirt surfaces. In particular, after travelling on a pavement, the tires build up heat, which, upon entering a job site, can result in excess cutting and chipping of the tire on a rough terrain. It has been discovered that when the silicon-treated carbon black of the present invention is incorporated into a tire tread compound (or other parts of the tire including sidewalls), the heat build-up of the"tire tread-draracterized by tan 5 (delta) at 70°, can be reduced, tear strength can be increased, and elongation properties can be increased, while maintaining acceptable tensile strength of the tread compound. With an improvement in these properties, the cut-chip resistance of the tread can improve substantially, resulting in a longer lasting, better performing tire tread. In order to improve the above-descnbed properties, thereby obtaining improved cut-chip resistance, the silicon-treated carbon black of the present invention may be used in a blend with other fillers such as silica and carbon black, as well as with a coupling agent. The silicon-treated carbon blacks of the present invention can also be used in a'wire breaker compound in tires. With the use of wire breaker compounds containing the silicon-treated carbon blacks, excellent adhesion can be obtained to the steel cord AdditionsHy, it is also possible to reduce heat buildup in this component of the tire. The contemplated benefits obtained with the compositions set forth in Table IA are characterized by expected properties compared to the same composition made with conventional (non-silicon-treated) carbon black. Evaluation of these properties for a given silicon-treated carbon black / elastomer composition is done by conducting comparative tests. Most of die properties set forth in Table 1A are determined by routine tests known to those skilled in the art. Other tests are briefly described below: Hardness refers to Shore A Hardness, which is determined according to the procedure set forth m AS'fM D-2240-86. Resilience may be determined according to the procedure set forth in ASTM D1Q54, utilizing a ZWICK Rebound Resilience Tester, Model 5109, manufactured by Zwick of America, Inc., Post Office Box 997, East Windsor, Connecticut 06088. The UHF microwave receptivity may be measured by a Dielecmetre (supplied by Total Elastomers in France). The UHF microwave receptivity is characterized by a coefficient a, which is defined as a - (I50oc - 80ccy(t!5rtso) foC/s] where t-^0 and t*0 are the times needed for samples to reach 150©C and 80oC respectively a is the heating rate between temperatures 80° and 150°C. The electrical resistivity of the composition may be measured by painting samples 2 inches wide by 6 inches long by 0.085 inch thiclTwith a half inch width of silver paint. The sample is then conditioned to produce a stable reading by cycling from room temperature to lOOoC and back to room temperature, followed by aging at 90oC for 24 hours. The stabilized resistivity was measured at the end of the aging cycle, and once again after the sample was allowed to cool back to room temperature. The resultant elastomeric compounds containing treated carbon black and optionally containing one or more coupling agents may be used for various elastomenc products such as treads for vehicle tires, industrial rubber products, seals, timing belts, power transmission belting, and other rubber goods. When utilized in tires, the elastomenc compounds may be used in the tread or in other components of the tire, for example, the carcass and sidewall. Tread compounds produced with the present elastomenc compounds incorporating a silicon-treated carbon black but without a co-upling agent, provide unproved dynamic hysteresis characteristics. However, elastomenc compounds incorporating a silicon-treated carbon black and a coupling agent demonstrate further imp?oved characterisi^cs v-'hen tested for dynamic hysteresis at different temperatures and resistance to abrasion. Therefore, a tire incorporating a tread compound manufactured with an elastomenc compound or* the present invention, incorporating both a silicon-treated carbon black arid a coupling agent will demonstrate even lower rolling resistance, good traction and better wear resistance when compared with a tire made with a tread compound incorporating the treated carbon black but lacking the coupling agent The following examples illustrate the invention without limitation. rVAMP? ^ r.\.amj]le 1 Silicon-treated carbon blacks according to the present invention were prepared using a pilot scale reactor generally as described above, and as depicted in Fig. 1 and having the dimensions set forth below; D,= 4 inches, D? = 2 inches, D5 = 5 inches, L-j = 4 mcbes, L? = 5 inches, L. = 7 inches, L These conditions result in the formation of a carbon black identified by the ASTM designation N234. A commercially available example of N234 is Vulcan One such new treated carbon black was made by injecting an organo-silicon compound, namely octamethyl-cyclotetrasiloxane (OMTS), into the hydrocarbon feedstock. This compound is sold as "D4" by Dow Coming Corporation, Midland, Michigan, The resultant silicon-treated carbon black is identified herein as OMTS-CB. A different silicon-treated carbon black (TEOS-CB) was prepared by introducing a second silicon-containing volatilizable compound, tetraethoxy silane, (sold as TEOS; by Huls America, Piscataway, New Jersey), wto the hydrocarbon feedstock Since changes in reactor temperature are known to alter the surface area of the carbon black, and reactor temperature is very sensitive to the total flow rate of the feedstock in the injection zone (zone 3 in Fig. 1), the feedstock flow rate was adjusted downward to approximately compensate for the introduction of the volatilizable silicon-containing compound, such that a constant reactor temperature was maintained. This results in an approximately constant external surface area (as measured by t area) for the resultant carbon blacks All other conditions were maintained as necessary for manufacturing N234 carbon black A structure control additive (potassium acetate solution) was injected into the feedstock to maintain the specification structure of the N234 carbon black. The flow rate of this additive was maintained constant in making the silicon-treated carbon blacks described throughout the following examples. The external surface area (t-area) was measured foiSowing the sample preparation and measurement procedure described in ASTM D3037 - Method A for Nitrogen surface area. For this measurement, the nitrogen adsorption isotherm was extended up to to5 relative pressure. The relative pressure is the pressure (P) divided by th* saturation pressure A scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) coupled to an energy dispersive X-ray analyzer, was used to further characterize the silicon-treated carbon black. The following Table 3 compares N234. OMTS-CB (prepared according to Example 1) and N234 to which 3.7% by weight silica (L90, sold as CAB-O-SIL® L90, by Cabot Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts) was added to form a mixture. As described below, the STEM system may be used to examine an individual aggregate of carbon black for elemental composition. A physical mixture of carbon black and silica will result in the identification of silica aggregates which show mostly silicon signal and little or background carbon signal. Thus, when multiple aggregates are examined in a mixture, some of the aggregates will show a high Si/C Signal ratio, corresponding to aggregates of silica. Five mg of carbon black was dispersed into 20 ml of chloroform and subjected to ultrasonic energy using a probe sonicator (W-385 Heat Systems Ultra Sonicator). A 2 mi aliquot was then dispersed into 15 ml of chloroform using a probe sonicator for three minutes. The resulting dispersion was placed on a 200 mesh nickel arid with aluminum substrate The grid was then placed under a Fisons HB50I Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (Fisons, West Sussex, England) equipped with an Oxford Link AN10000 Energy Dispersive X-ray Analyzer (Oxford Link, Concord, Massachusetts). Initially the grid was scanned for potential silica aggregates at low magnification (less than 200,OGOX). This was done by searching for aggregates that had a Si/C count ratio greater than unity. Aft$r this initial scan, typically thirty aggregates were selected for detailed analysis at higher magnification (from between 200.000X and 2,OOO,QQ0X). The selected aggregates included all of the aggregates which contained Si/C count ratios greater than unity, as identified by the initial scan. The highest ratios of Si/C counts thus determined are set forth in Table 3 for N234, OMTS-CB and a mixture of N234 and silica Thus, a well dispersed mixture of carbon black and silica having the same silicon content as the OMTS-CB shows 180 times higher peak Si/C counts. This data shows that the OMTS-CB> carbon black is not a simple physical mixture of silica and carbon black, but rather that the silicon is a part of the intrinsic chemical nsture of tke carbon black. fcxample 3 - HF Treatment Hydrofluoric acid (HF) is able to dissolve silicon compounds but does not react with carbon. Thus, if either a conventional (untreated) carbon black or a mixture of silica and carbon black is treated with HF, the surface and surface area of the carbon black will remain unchanged, because it is unaffected by the "dissolution of the silicon compounds removed from the mixture. However, if silicon containing Sf>ecies are distributed throughout at least a portion, including the surface, of the carbon black aggregate, the surface area will markedly increase as micropores are formed as the silicon compound is dissolved out of the carbon black "suuctuit,* Five gram* of the carbon black to be tested were extracted with 100 ml ot 10% v/v hydrofluoric acid for 1 hour. The silicon content and nitrogen-surface area were measured before and after the HF treatment. The results are shown in Table 4. Photomicrographs were taken of the carbon black samples before and after HF treatment. The photomicrographs are shown in Figs. 4a - 4d. These photographs show that the silicon-treated carbon blacks have a rougher surface, consistent with increased microporosity after the RF treatment, compared to the untreated carbon black. Example 3 A Another silicon-treated carbon black was made by injecting TEOS mm the reaction zone of the reactor immediately (one foot) downstream from the nyuroc4ri>arA feedstock injection plane, as indicated at injection point 12 in Figure I. Ail other reaction conditions were maintained as required for manufacturing N234 black, as described in Example 1. The TEOS flow rate was adjusted to 17.6 lbs per hour. The resultant black was analyzed for silicon content and surface area, before and after HF extraction as described in Example 3. The results are described in Table 4A. Thus, no increase in N: surface area was seen after HF extraction of the TEOS-CB\ Analysis of the aggregates by the STEM procedure described in Example 2 also showed silicon to be present in the aggregates and not as independent silica entities—Ihese results show that in this case the silicon-containing species of the silicon-treated carbon blacks are primarily located near the surface. Example 4 - Preparation of Elastomeric Compositions The carbon blacks of the previous Examples were used to make elastomeric compounds. Elastomeric compositions incorporating the silicon-treated carbon blacks discussed above, were prepared using the following elastomers: solution SBR (Duradene 715 and Cariflex S-1215, from Firestone Synthetic Rubber & Latex Co., Akron, Ohio), functionalized solution SBR (NS 114 and NS 116 from Nippon Zeon Co., SL 574 and 10^9 from Japan Synthetic Rubber Co.), emulsion SBR (SBR 1500, from Copolymer Rubber & Chemicals. Corp., Baton Rouge, LA), and natural rubber (SMR5, from Malaysia), The elastomeric compositions were prepared according to the following formulation: Flexzone 7P®, N-( 1,3-dimethyl butyl)-N,-phenyl-p-phenylene diamine, is an anti-oxidairt avail-able from Umtoy-al Chemical Co., Middlebury, CI. Durax&>, N-cyclohexane-2-ben20thiazole sulphenamide, is an accelerator available from R T Vanderbiit Co., of Norwalk, CT, and Captax®, 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, is an accelerator available from R.T. Vanderbilt; Co, The elastomeric compounds were prepared using a two-stage mixing procedure. The internal mixer used for preparing the compounds was a Plasti-Corder EPL-V (obtained from C. W. Brabender, South Hackensack, New Jersey) equipped with a cam-type mixing head (capacity 600 ml), In the first stage, the mixer was set at 80°C, and the rotor speed was set at 60 rpm. After the mixer was conditioned to 100°C by heating the chamber with a dummy mixture, the elastomer was loaded and masticated for 1 minute. Carbon black, pre-blended with zinc oxide (obtained from New Jersey Zinc Co., New Jersey), and optionally a coupling agent, was then added. After three minutes, stearic acid (obtained from Emery Chemicals, Cincinnati, Ohio) and anti-oxidant were added. Mixing was continued for an additional two minutes. The stage 1 masterbatch was then dumped from the mixer at five minutes total. This was then passed through an open mill (four inch, two-roll mill, obtained from C.W. Brahender, South Haekensack, New Jersey) three times and stored at room temperature for two hours In the second stage, the mixing chamber temperature was set to SOX and the rotor speed was set to 35 rpm. After the mixer was conditioned the masterbatch from stage one was loaded and mixed for one minute. The curative package (including sulfur, Durax and Captax) was then added. The materia] was dumped from the mixer at two minutes and passed through the open mill three times. Batches of the compounds were prepared as.described for the carbon blacks in the previous Examples. The same grade of conventional carbon black was used as a control. For each carbon black, two batches were prepared. The first batch was made using Si-69 as the coupling agent. The second batch was made without a coupling agent. After mixing, each of the elastomeric compositions was cured at 145°C to an optimum cure state according to measurements made with a Monsanto QDR. Rheometer. Elastomeric compounds employing the elastomers set forth in Table 1A may he formulated by following the foregoing procedure. Example 5^ Bound Rubber Test The bound rubber content of an elastomeric compound incorporating carbon black can be taken as a measure of the surface activity of the carbon black. The higher the bound rubber content, the higher the surface activity of the carbon black. Bound rubber was determined by extraction of an elastomeric compound with toluene at room temperature. The bound rubber is the elastomer remaining after extraction by the solvent. The elastomer used was solution SBR (SSBR) Duradene 715 without a coupling agent, as described above in Example 4. As seen in Fig. 24 the bound rubber was determined for a series of blends of silica and carbon black, which serve as a reference against which to compare the bound rubber of the siiicoa-treaxed carbon black. The results of the bound rubber measurements tor the two sets of compounds are plotted against their equivalent silica content m Fig. 2. For the treated carbon blacks, the equivalent silica content is a theoretical value calculated from the total silicon as measured by ashing, It is seen that silicon-treated carbon blacks yield a higher bound rubber than their conventional counterparts. This suggests that the treated carbon black surface is relatively more active. Moreover, as shown in Fig. 2, the bound rubber content of treated carbon black-filled compounds lie well above the reference line generated from the blends of carbon black and silica. This confirms that the treated carbon black is not a physical mixture of silica and carbon black. Example 6 - .Dynamic Hysteresis and Abrasion Resistance The dynamic hysteresis and abrasion resistance rates were measured tor the elastomeric compositions produced according to Example 4 above. Abrasion resistance was determined, using an abrader, which is based on a Lamboum-type machine as described in United States Patent 4,995,197/hereby incorporated by reference. The tests were carried out at 14% slip. The percentage slip is determined based on the relative velocities of a sample wheel and a grindstone wheel The abrasion resistance index is calculated from the mass loss of the elastomeric compound. Dynamic properties were determined using a Rheometrics Dynamic Spectrometer II (RDS II, Rheometncs, Inc., N.J) witlTstrain sweep. The measurements were made at 0 and 70C,C with strain sweeps over a range of double strain amplitude (DSA) from 0.2 to 120%. The maximum tan 6 values on the strain sweep curves were taken for comparing the hysteresis among elastomeric compounds as can be seen in Figs. 3a and 3b. Alternatively, hysteresis measurements were made by means of temperature sweeps at a DSA of 5% and a frequency of 10 Hz. The temperature range was from - 60°C to 1G0*C, as seen in Fig. 3c. As seen in Table 6 above, tan 5 at 70°C values were reduced by 7%, tan 6 at 0°C values reduced by 2.3% and the wear resistance was reduced by 15%, for the SSBR samples when GMTS-CB was substituted for N234. However, when the Si-69 coupling agent was incorporated into the composition, the wear resistance for the OMTS-CB sample improved .to 110% of the value for N234, The tan 6 at 70°C values decreased by 19.6% compared to N234 without coupling agent and 10.5% compared to N234 with coupling agent The tan 6 at 0°C values increased by 11% when the coupling agent was added to the OMTS-CB, compared to OMTS-CB without coupling agent. Similarly, for TEOS-CB, the tan 5 at 70°C value is reduced by 11.6%, the tan 5 at 0°C value is unchanged and the wear is reduced by 21.9%. When compounded with;the coupling agent, the tan 6 at 70QC value is reduced by 24.9%, the tan 6 at 0°C value is increased by 8.3% and the wear decreased by only 2.8%, It was determined that employing the treated carbon blacks and an elastomer -*- in an elastomeric composition of the present invention generally resulted in poor abrasion resistance, compared to an elastomeric composition including the same elastomer and N2i4 carbon black. However, as seen in Table 6, when Si-69 coupling agent was incorporated into the composition, abrasion resistance returned to approximately the same values as obtained with untreated carbon black. As used herein, "untreated carbon black" means a carbon black prepared by a process similar to that used to prepare the corresponding treated black, but without the volatizable silicon compound and by making suitable adjustments to the process conditions to achieve a carbon black with an external surface area approximately equal to that of the ucaied black. Kxample 6A The dynamic hysteresis and abrasion properties of a black made by following the procedure of Example 3 A (and containing 1.91% Si) were measured as in Example 6. As seen in Table 6A below, tan 5 at 70°C values were reduced by 14%, tan 6 at O^C values were reduced by 6% and the wear resistance was reduced by 22%, for the SSBR samples when^TEOS-CB was substituted for N234. However, when Si69 coupling agent was incorporated into the composition, the wear resistance for the TEOS-CB sample improved to 108% of the value for N234. The tan 6 at 70*C values decreased by 18% compared to N234 without coupling agent and 7% compared to N234 with coupling agent. The tan 6 at 0°C Example 7 * Improvement in Hysteresis by Three Stage Compounding The beneficial properties obtained using the Treated carbon blacks with the elastomeric compounds of the present invention may be further enhanced by using an additional mixing stage during the compounding process. The procedure for wo stage mixing used in the previous compounding examples, is described above in Example 4 For three stage mixing, the stage 1 mixer was set at 80°C and 60 rpm. After conditioning to 100°C by heating the chamber with a dummy mixture, the elastomer was introduced to the mixer at 100°C and masticated for one minute. The carbon black was added to the elastomer and mixing continued for an additional three minutes, in some cases, a coupling agent was also added with the carbon black, at a rate of 3 to 4 parts per hundred of elastomer. The stage 1 masterbatch was then dumped and passed through an open mill three times and stored at room temperature for 2 hours. The second stage chamber temperature was also set at 80CC and 60 rpm. After conditioning to 1QG°C, the masterbatch was introduced to the mixer, masticated for one minute, and the antioxidant was then added At four minutes or when a temperature of 160°C is reached, the stage 2 masterbatch was dumped and passed through the open mill 3 times and stored at room temperature for 2 hours. The third stage chamber temperature was set at 80°C and 35 rpm; The masterbatch from stage 2 w7as then added to the mixer and masticated for 1 minute. The curing package was then added and the stage 3 material was dumped at 2 minutes and passed through an open mill 3 times. Table 7 below compares hysteresis and abrasion characteristics for elastomers compounded with TEOS-CB using two and three" stage mixing. As can be seen from the Table, three stage mixing results in higher tan 6 at 0°C and lower tan 5 at 70°C. Elastomenc compounds employing the elastomer set forth in Table 1A may be formulated by following the foregoing procedure. Example 8 - OxidizC-4r,Carbon Black In another aspect of the present invention, it was determined by the present inventors that oxidation of the silicon-treated carbon black can fead to elastomenc compositions with enhanced hysteresis. For a black made using the conditions of Table i, but with OMTS as the volatiliz&ble silicon-containing compound, and 2.74% silicon in the final black, th^ improvement obtained with oxidstion is illustrated m the following Table. The hysteresis performance with the oxidized black is further enhanced by incorporating a coupling agent iirto the elastomeric compound. The oxidized carbon black was prepared by treating the black with nitric acid. A small stainless"steertrum was loaded with carbon black and rotated. During rotation a 65% nitric acid solution is sprayed onto the carbon black, until 15 parts per hundred carbon black had been added. After a soak period of 5 minutes, the drum was heated to about 80°C to initiate the oxidation reaction. During the oxidation reaction, the temperature increased to about 100-120°C This temperature was held until the reaction was completed. The treated black was then heated to 200°C to remove residual acid. The treated black was then dned overnight at 115°C in a vacuum oven. Table 8 below compares hysteresis characteristics tor elastomers compounded with OMTS-CB and oxidized OMTS-CB, with and without a coupling agent Additional elastomeric compounds employing the elastomers set forth in Table 1A may be formulated by following the foregoing procedure. For example, the tan 5 at 70°C is reduced by between 10.5 and 38/3% without a coupling agent, and by between 11.7 and 28.2% with a coupling agent, compared to the corresponding control Example 10 - Cut Chip Resistance A carbon black made as described earlier is used to make a truck-tire tread compound. The properties of the OMTS-CB are described in Table 10. The elastomeric composition is described in Table 11, The mixing procedure is similar to Example 4 except that ZnO and Circo Light Oil (obtained from Natrochem Inc., Savannah, GA) were added with the stearic acid, anti-oxidants (Flexzone 7P® and AgeRite Resin D (obtained from R.T. Vanderbilt Co., Norwalk, CT)) and the wax, Sunproof Improved (obtained from Uniroyal Chemical Co., Middlebury, CT). The tensile strength and elongation at break were measured using the method described in ASTM D-412. The tearing strength was measured using the method described in ASTM D-624. As can be seen from Table 12, OMTS-CB gave a 19% improvement in tear strength, a 13% improvement m elongation at break, and a 36% reduction in tan 6 at 70"C at comparable tensile strength. This shows thai the cut-chip resistance and heat build-up properties are improved with OMTS-CB, Example. JJ_ To evaluate the use of the silicon-treated carbon blacks cf th.e presem invention in a wire breaker compound, the following experiment was conducted. Nine compounds were prepared using N 326, N231 and the O.MTS-CB described in the previous example. The analytical properties of these carbon blacks are described in Table 13. Generally, heat build-up, as measured by tan 6 at 60°C, and adhesion, increases with increase in surface area and structure. The compound formulations are shown in Table 14. NR is SMR CV60 (obtained from Malaysia). Silica is Hi-Sil 233 (obtained fron: PPG Industries, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA). Naphthenic oil is a processing agent (obtained from Karwck CheerticaJ Corporation, Akron, OH). Resorcinol is a bonding agent (obtained, from Indspec Chemical, Pittsburgh, PAV Cobalt naphthenate is a bonding agent (Cobalt content 6%, obtained from the Shepard Chemical Co., Cincinnati, OH). Hexa is hexaraethyiariereiianime, a bonding agent (obtained from Harwick Chemical Corporation, Akron, OH). * Ctl-Control. without bonding agent, Co-cobalt containing bonding agent, HRH-silica-resorcinol-hexamethylene tetramine containing bonding agent. ** G^good covering, F-fair covering In the experiment, a passenger tire steel cord wire, 2 ^ 2 x 0.25 mm, was coated with a bran plate with 63,5% by weight copper. The adhesion rating was made using ASTM D-2229. This rating has two components: the force required to remove the cord from the adhesion compound and the appearance of the removed wire. In general, the higher the force required and the higher the rating of the appearance, the better the adhesion. It is seen that the OMTS-CB shows the favorable heat build-up properties of N326 and at the same time the favorable adhesion properties or\N23I. Example 1,2 Generally, in the production of carbon black, alkali metal salt additives are used to control carbon black structure, for example CDBP An increase in the amount of alkali metal salt added leads to a decrease in the structure of the carbon black. Two carbon blacks were made using the method described in Example 1. The conditions of manufacture were: a K+ injected as a Potassium Acetate solution. The resultant carbon blacks were analyzed for surface area, structure, and silicon content. These values are set forth in Table 17 below. Thus, in this case the CDBP is found to increase by 7 points, even though the K+ rate is'slighttyhtgher in the reactor. Example 13 - Attachment of Organic Groups OMTS-CB was made as described in Example 1, but having the followin properties. The carbon black was treated with 0.15 mmol of 4-aniinodiphenyidisulfid (APDS) per gram of black TO *ttach m organic group based or* the preferred proccdur described earli&r. Th^ OMTS-CB was then compounded according to the followin formulation. Tacktene 1203 is an elastomer obtained from Polysar Rubber Corporation, Canada. Vanax DPG and tetramethyl thiuraii disulfide (TMTD) are accelerators obtained from R.T. Vanderbilt Co., Norwalk, CT, and Akrochem Co, Akron, OH, respectively. The mixing procedure described in Example 7 was used. The oil and Si-69 were added m the first mixing stage. The performance of the compounds is described in Table 20. As shown in Table 20, attaching APDS to OMTS-CB results in a 31% reduction in tan 6 @ 70°C with a 20% reduction in tan 6 @ 0*C. Example 14 SUPPLIERS OF INGREDIENTS Rovaierve 509 EPDM Uniroyal Chemical Co., CT AZO-66 Zinc Oxide Marco, Inc., OH Hystrene Stearic Acid Humko Chemical CoM TN Sunpar 2280 Paraffinic Oil Sun Refining and Marketing, PA Rubbermakers Sulfur R.E. Carroll, NJ Methyl Tuads R.T. Vanderbilt, CT Rhenogran MBT-75 (75% active) Rhein-Chemie Corp., NJ Si-69 Polysuitidic Silane Stniktol, OH As seen from the above EPDM examples, the use of silicon-treated carbon black substantially improves tensile, elongation, and tear strength at comparable hardness levels. These improvements in physical properties would, provide advantages in useful lifetimes of seais, boots, and general molded rubber parts. Similar advantages for the silicon-treated carbon blacks would be envisaged in peroxide cured elastomers which, for example, do not contain unsaturated double bonds such as EPDM, or which may not need additional coupling agents to achieve their desirable properties. Advantages for the silicon-treated carbon blacks would also be expected in elastomers containing elements other than carbon and hydrogen which would give additional interactions with the silicon-containing domains in the carbon blacks. Examples of elastomers containing non-hydrocarbon groups would include but not be limited to NBR (acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber), XNBR (carboxylic-acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber), HNBR (hydrogenated-acrylomtrile-butadiene rubber), CR (chloroprene rubber), ECO (ethylene oxide-chloromethyl oxirane), GPO (polypropylene oxide-allyl glycidyl ether), PPO (polypropylene oxide), CSM (chloro-sulfonyl-polyethylene), CM (chloro-polyethylene). BUR (bromo-isobutene-isoprene rubber), CUR (chloro-isobutene-isoprene rubber), ACM (copolymers of ethyl or other acrylate 1. An elastomeric compound comprising an elastomer and a silicon-treated carbon black, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black imparts to the elastomer poorer abrasion resistance, comparable or higher loss tangent at low temperature and a lower loss tangent at high temperature, compared to an untreated carbon black. 2. The elastomeric compound of claim 1, further comprising a coupling agent. 3. The elastomeric compound of claim 1, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black includes silicon-containing regions primarily at the surface of the carbon black aggregate, 4. The elastomeric compound of claim I, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black Includes silicon-containing, region?. distrbuted throughout the carbon black aggregate. 5. The elastomeric compound of claim 1, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black is oxidized 6. The elastomeric compound of claim 1, wherein said elastomer is selected from the group consisting of solution SBR, natural rubber, functional solution SBR, emulsion SBR, polybutadiene, polyisoprene, and blends of any of the foregoing, 7. The elastomeric compound of claim 1, further comprising silica. 8. The elastomeric compound of claim 1, further comprising carbon black, silica, carbon black having an organic group attached thereto, or combinations thereof. 9. The elastomeric compound of claim ls wherein at least a portion of said silicon-treated carbon black has an organic group attached thereto, and optionally tretaed with a silane coupling, agent. 10. The elastomeric compound of claim 1, wherein said organic group is an aromatic sulfide represented by the formulas Ar-Sn-Ar' or Ar-Sn-Ar", wherein Ar and Ar' are independently arylene groups, Ar" is an aryl group and n is 1 to 8. 11. The elastomeric compound of claim 1, further comprising a carbon black having an organic group attached thereto. 12. The elastomeric compound of claim 1, further comprising carbon black. 13. The elastomeric compound of claim 1, wherein a portion of said silicon-treated carbon black has an organic group attached thereto and said elastomeric compound further comprises a carbon black having an organic group attached thereto, silica, carbon black, or mixtures thereof. 14. The elastomeric compound of claim 1 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 0.1% and about 25% silicon, by weight 15. The elastomeric compound of claim 14 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 0.5% and about 10% silicon, by weight, 16. The elastomeric compound of claim 15 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 2% and about 6% silicon, by weight 17. The elastomeric compound of claim 2, wherein said coupling agent is selected from the group consisting of silane coupling agents, zirconate coupling agents, utanate coupling agents, nitro coupling agents and mixtures of the foregoing. 18. The elastomeric compound of claim 2, wherein said coupling agent is selected from the group consisting of bis(3-triethoxysilylpropyl)tetrasulfane, 3-thiocyanatopropyl-triethoxysilane.-mercaptopropyl-trimethoxy silane,zirconiumdineoalkanolatodi(3-mercapto) propionato-0 , N^N'-bisl^-methyl^-nitropropylJ-l^-diaminohexane and mixtures ot tne foregoing 19. The elastomeric compound of claim 2 wherein said coupling agent is present in an amount of from about 0,1 to 15 parts per hundred of elastomer. 20. An elastomeric compound comprising an elastomer and silicon-treated carbon black, wherein said elastomer is ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber, poly chloroprene, natural rubber, hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber, nitrile butadiene rubber, chlororinated polyethylene, styrene butadiene rubber, butyl rubber, polyaciylic rubber, polyepichlorohydrin, ethylene vinyi a&efc&e or blends at the foregoing. 21. The elastomeric compound of claim 20 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black k present in an amount of from between about 10 and 300 parts per hundred parts of V i H Li v"l i L.% : v ; 1 1 ; C s . ■ ,1 22. The elastomeric compound of claim 21 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black is present in an amount of from between about 100 and 200 parts per hundred parts of said elastomer. 23. The elastomeric compound of claim 22 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black is present in an amount of from between about 10 and 150 parts per hundred parts of said elastomer 24. The elastomeric compound of claim 23 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black is present in an amount of from between about 20 and SO pans per hundred parts of said elastomer, 25. An-article of manufacture formed from the elastomeric compound of claim 20. 26. The article of claim 25 wherein said elastomeric compound is formed into weathei stripping. 27. The article of claim 25 wherein said elastomeric compound is formed into coolant hose 28. The article of claim 25 wherein said elastomeric compound is formed into hydraulic hos.tr. 29. The article of claim 25 wherein said elastomeric compound is formed into fuel hose 30. The article of claim 25 wherein said elastomeric compound is formed into an engine mount 31. The article of claim 25 wherein said elastomeric compound is formed into a ••) bushing. 32. The article of claim 25 wherein said elastomeric compound is formed into a power belt 34. The article of claim 25 wherein said eSastomeric compound is formed into a pov/ci transrniwoi) belt. 35. The article of claim 25 wherein said elastomeric compound is formed into a sea]. 36. The article of claim 25 wherein said elastomeric compound is formed into a gasket. 37. A method for improving the hysteresis of an elastomeric compound comprising compounding an elastomer with a silicon treated carbon black and optionally a coupling agent, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black imparts to the elastomer poorer abrasion resistance, comparable or higher loss tangent at low temperature and a lower loss tangent at high temperature, compared to an untreated carbon black. 38. The method of claim 37, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black includes Silicon-containing regions primarily at the aggregate surface of the carbon black. 39. The method of claim 37, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black includes silicon-containing regions distributed throughout the carbon black aggregate. 40. The method of claim 37, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black is oxidized 41. The method of claim 37, wherein said elastomer is selected from the group consisting of solution SBR, natural rubber, functional solution SBJL, emulsion SB&, polybutadiene, polyisoprene, and blends of any of the foregoing. 42 The method of claim 37 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 0.1% and about 25% silicon, by weight. 4"* The method of claim 42 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 0.5% and about 10% silicon, by weight. 44. The method of claim 43 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 2% and about 6% silicon, by weight. . 45. The method of claim 37, wherein said coupling agent is selected from the group consisting of silane coupling agents, zirconate coupling agents, titanate coupling agents, nitro coupling agents and mixtures of the foregoing. 46. The method of claim 37, wherein said coupling agent is selected from the group consisting of bis(3-triethoxysiIyIpropyl)tetrasulfane5 3-thiocyanatopropyl-triethoxy silane, y-mercaptopropyl-trimethoxy silane, zirconium dineoalkanolatodi(3-mercapto) propionato-0 , N,N'-bis(2^methyl-2-nitTopropyl)-l,6-diaminohexane and mixtures of the foregoing. 47 The method of claim 37, wherein said coupling agent is present m an amount of from about 0.1 to 15 parts per hundred of elastomer. 48. A method of preparing an elastomeric compound, comprising: masticating in 3 mixer, silicon-treated carbon black and an elastomer, and optionally a coupling agent, for a time and temperature sufficient to form a masterbatch; milling said masteibaich, coo-ling said masterbatch to facilitate the addition of a curing additive and avoid substantial premature cross-linking; masticating in a mixer a mixture comprising the masterbatch and a curing additive, and optionally a coupling agent, for a time and temperature sufficient to form said elastomeric compound. 49. The method of claim 48, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black includes silicon-containing regions primarily at the aggregate surface of the carbon black. 50. The method of claim 48, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black includes silicon-containing regions distributed throughout the carbon black aggregate. 5L The method of claim 48, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black is oxidized. 52. The method of claim 48, wherein said elastomer is selected from the group consisting of solution SBR, natural rubber, functional solution SBR, emulsion SBR, poly butadiene, polyisoprene, and blends of any of the foregoing. 53. The method of claim 48 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 0.1% and about 25% silicon, by weight. 54. The method of claim 53 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 0.5% and abo*if 10% silicon, by weight 55. The method of claim 54 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 2% and about 6% silicon, bv weight. 56. The method of claim 48, wherein said coupling agent is selected from the group consisting of siiane coupling agents, zirconate coupling agents, titanate coupling agents, nitro coupling agents and mixtures of the foregoing. 57. The method of claim 48, wherein said coupling agent is selected from the group consisting of bis(3-triethoxysilylpropyl)tetrasulfane, 3-thiocyanatopropyl-triethoxy siiane, Y-mercaPtoProPy^trimethox>T siiane, zirconium dmeoalkanolatodi(3-mercapto) propionato-O , N,N'-bis(2-methvl-2-nitropropyl)-l,6-diaminohexane and mixtures of the foregoing. 58. The method of claim 57 wherein said coupling agent is present in an amount of from between about 0.1 to 15 parts per hundred of elastomer. 59. Silicon-treated carbon black, which when compounded with an elastomer imparts to the elastomefpoorer abrasion resistance, comparable or higher loss tangent at low temperature and a lower loss tangent at high temperature, compared to an untreated carbon black. 60. The silicon-treated carbon black of claim 59 including silicon-containing regions primarily at the surface of the carbon black aggregate. 61. The silicon-treated carbon black of claim 59 including silicon-containing regions distributed throughout the carbon black aggregate. 62. The silicon-treated carbon black of claim 59, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black is oxidized. 63. The silicon-treated carbon black of claim 59 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 0.1% and about 25% silicon, by weight. 64. The silicon-treated carbon black of claim 63 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 0.5% and about 10% silicon, bv weicht. 65. The silicon-treated carbon black of claim 64 wherein said silicon-treated carbon black contains between about 2% and about 6% silicon, by weight, 66. A reinforcing agent, comprising: silicon-treated carbon black, which when compounded with an elastomer imparts to the elastomer poorer abrasion resistance, comparable or higher loss tangent at low temperature and a lower loss tangent at high temperature, compared to an untreated carbon black and a coupling agent. 67. The elastomenc compound of claim 2 wherein said coupling agent is present in art 'amount of between about 0.1 and 6 parts per hundred of elastome 68 The elastomeric compound of claim 37 wherein said coupling agent is present in an amount of between about 0.1 and 6 parts per hundred of elastomer. 69 The elastomeric compound of claim 58 wherein said coupling agent is present in an amount of between about 0.1 and 6 parts per hundred of elastomer. 70. An elastomeric compound comprising; an elastomer, and a silicon-treated carbon black, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black imparts improved cut-chip resistance and heat build-up properties to the elastomer. 71 A method of improving cut-chip resistance in an elastomer comprising adding m effective amount of & silicos-treated carbon bkck to the elastomer. 72 An elastomeric compound comprising: an clastomei, and a si If con-treated carbon black, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black imparts to th.e elastomer improved adhesion to a tire cord. 73. A method of improving- adhesion of an elastomer to a tire cord comprising adding an effective amount of a silicon-treated carbon black to the elastomer. 74. A method of increasing electric resistivity in an elastomer comprising adding an effective amount of a silicon-treated carbon black to the elastomer. 75. A method of lowering spring rates for a given tan 5 in an elastomer comprising addmg an effective amount of a alicon-treated carbon black to the elastomer. 68. The elastomeric compound of claim 37 wherein said coupling agent is present m an amount of between about 0.1 and 6 parts per hundred of elastomer. 69 The elastomeric compound of claim 58 wherein said coupling agent is present in an amount of between about 0.1 and 6 parts per hundred of elastomer. 70. An elastomeric compound comprising: an elastomer, and a silicon-treated carbon black, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black imparts improved cut-chip resistance and heat build-up properties to the elastomer 71. A method of improving cut-chip resistance in an elastomer comprising adding an effective amount of a silicon-treated carbon black to the elastomer. 72. An elastomeric compound eomoTisine: an elastomer, and a silicon-treated carbon black, wherein said silicon-treated carbon black imparts to the elastomer improved adhesion to a trre cord. 73. A method of improving adhesion of an elastomer to a tire cord comprising adding an effective amount of a silicon-treated carbon black to the elastomer. 74. A method of increasing electric resistivity in an elastomer composing adding an effective amount of a silicon-treated carbon black to the elastomer. 75. A method of lowering spring rates for a given tan 5 in an elastomer comprising adding an effective amount of ia silicon-treated carbon-black to the elastomer. 76. A method of improving tensile strength, elongation at break, or tear strength in an elastomer comprising adding an effective amount of a silicon-treated carbon black to the elastomer. 77. A method for increasing the CDBP of carbon black comprising introducing into said carbon black process a silicon containing compound to form a carbon black having silicon-containing regions. 78. A formulation for making an elastomeric composition comprising an elastomer and a silicon-treated carbon black, 79. The formulation of claim 783 further comprising a coupling agent, 80. The formulation of claim 79, wherein said coupling agent is APDS. 81. The elastomeric compound of claim 1, wherein said elastomer is a homopolymer, a copolymer, or terpolymer, 82. The elastomeric composition of claim ls wherein said elastomer has a glass transition point, as measured by DSC, of less than 20°C. 83. The elastomeric composition of claim 82, wherein said elastomer has a glass transition point, as measured by DSC, of between -12CTC and U°C, |
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Patent Number | 207290 | ||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 851/MAS/1996 | ||||||||
PG Journal Number | 26/2007 | ||||||||
Publication Date | 29-Jun-2007 | ||||||||
Grant Date | |||||||||
Date of Filing | 21-May-1996 | ||||||||
Name of Patentee | M/S. CABOT CORPORATION | ||||||||
Applicant Address | 75 STATE STREET,BOSTOM, MASSACHUSETTS 02109-1806. | ||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | C08K3/00 | ||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||
PCT Conventions: