Abstract | A process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes comprising the following steps : 1) Producing a Reinforced inner Metal Shell Section ; 2) Producing a inner layer of extruded Polyethylene / Polypropylene Material wrapped around the collapsable Mandrel ; or by layering inside the metal shell or by wrapping and welding Polyethylene / Polypropylene sheets inside metal shell section ; 3) Inserting the inner Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve into the Reinforced Metal Shell section ; 4) Applying bonding agent over reinforced inner Metal Shell section and outer surface ; 5) Producing a outside Polyethylene/Polypropylene layer on to the Metal Shell which has been coated with bonding agent ; 6) Finishing / Joining end connection and Trimming. To, The Controller of Patents, The Patent Office, Mumbai. |
Full Text | FORM 2 THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 (39 of 1970) COMPLETE SPECIFICATION (See Section 10) A PROCESS OF MANUFACTURING METAL REINFORCED HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE / POLYPROPYLENE PIPES; Mrs. CHITRA MOHANDAS Sole Proprietress of SCAN INDIA of 116, GURU GOBIND SINGH INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, OFF WESTERN EXPRESS HIGHWAY, GOREGAON (E) , MUMBAI - 400 063, MAHARASHTRA, India , INDIAN National hereby declare : - The following specification particularly describes the nature of the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed : - 3o I lo 102 The invention relates to a Process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced High Density Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes. More particularly the invention relates to a Process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced High Density Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes , wherein the pipes or the sections of pipe are corrosion resistant and of high strength which are generally used for Sewage System , water supply and industrial effluent disposal. The underground sewage system are laJ-d for supplying liquid waste and / or water flows from place to place. They are supposed to withstand the load of the above ground level as well as they should work efficiently for flow of waste water / potable water and the like. The environmental pollutions often create hazardous conditions due to certain failures of the underground sewage piping system. The brittlness of the pipe used as well as associated problems of formation of deposits inside the pipes which not only hinders the flow of water but also blocks the water flowing through the system and reduces the diameter of pipes resulting in less flow. The inventor with research has developed Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes wherein they have sandwhiched a Metal Pipe with Polyethylene / polypropylene . By extrusion layering process where the properties of metal as well as non corrosive plastic has been combined together to acheive the target thereby the problem of strength and resistance to corrosion has been solved apart from hindrances due to the deposit is also = 2 = and the eliminated! . continuity of the piping system has been solved by cutting profile opposing sections of the two separate pipes sealed by rubberised 0 - ring to make it leak proof from infiltration and exfiltration. The principle obj ect of this invention is therefore , to provide Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe which have sufficient strength , resistance to corrosion and does not collect deposits. Another object of this invention is to provide Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes which are free of maintenance and has a longer lifespan. Accordingly , there is provided a process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes comprising the following steps :- 1) Producing a Reinforced inner Metal Shell Section ; 2) Producing a inner layer of extruded Polyethylene / Polypropylene Material and applying bonding agent over it ; 3) Inserting the inner Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve into the Reinforced Metal Shell section ; 4) Applying bonding agent over reinforced inner Metal Shell section and outer surface. 5) Producing a outside Polyethylene / Polypropylene layer on to the Metal Shell. 6) Finishing / Joining end connection and Trimming . = 3 = The invention will now be described with reference to the following description in stages :-* PROCESS :- 1) Production of Reinforced inner Metal Shell section :- a) End Fabrication by :- i) Flange welding ii) Socket Spigot welding - Collars iii) Direct welding iv) Male - Female joint. b) Shell type c) Shell & Pre - Stressing by MS wire winding d) Shell & Pre - Stressing by bar steel wrapping 2) Production of Inner Layer :- i) Mandrel Loading ii) Extrusion Machine iii) Layering Process iv) Applying bonding agent v) Cooling & Removal . 3} Insertion of inner layer into the reinforced shell if required (tight fit pushing arrangements). 4) Loading of the metal shell with the inner layer inserted in side the shell , on to the Mandrel. 5) Applying bonding agent over the metal shell 6) Production of outside layer on to the shell. 7) End sealing by extruding the top layering section to the extra inner layer by electro fusion jointing. 8) Cooling & removal of the metal reinforced pipe from the mandrel. = 4 = 9) Final Finishing by flange end Trimming etc. The process involves the production of metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes. The pipes are manufactured by producing an inner sleeve of Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe over a mandrel, which is then inserted into a metal shell thus forming the inner sleeve of the pipe. The outer layer of the pipe is then produced by forming a Polyethylene / Polypropylene outer layer over the reinforced metal shell and the over lapping end segment of the inner sleeve electrofusion welded together with the outer sleeve so that the reinforced metal shell is completely embedded into the Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner and outer sleeves. PROCESS IN DETAIL : I. PRODUCTION OF REINFORCED INNER METAL SHELL SECTION Depending on the type of jointing required, metallic end profiles are prefabricated and then they are welded on to either end of the metal shell. The end profiles can be any of the four type: a) Flanges for flange joints b) Spigot end & socket end for spigot - socket ends c) Extended thicker metal shell section on either ends for direct welded joints. d) Male & Female sections for male - female joints. Metal shell fitted with suitable end profiles is then attached to = 5 = the tension winding machine for pre-stressing by wire winding or bar steel wrapping as desired. II. PRODUCTION OF INNER LAYER : The inner sleeve metal shell reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are produced over a suitable mandrel of required diameter. The mandrel is loaded on to the mandrel drive and the mandrel drive and extruder are synchronized to produce the extruded inner layer. The molten Polyethylene / Polypropylene material which comes out of the extruder in the form of flat strips of preset dimensions wrapped around the mandrel to form the inner sleeve , and the desired thickness is controlled by an overhead roller. Once the layer formation process is completed , the mandrel along with the Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve is rapidly cooled. The cooled Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve is then removed from the mandrel . III. INSERTION OF INNER POLYETHYLENE / POLYPROPYLENE SLEEVE INTO THE REINFORCED METAL SHELL. The Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner sleeve is prepared for insertion into the pre - tensioned metal shell after proper trimming and signing of the edges. Metal shell is horizontally anchored into position and the inner Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve is pushed into the metal shell to obtain a tight fit sleeve into position. = 6 = The inner layer is plasticized to form a tight sleeve with out voids or air bubbles. A bonding agent is applied over the Polyethylene / Polypropylene layer before insertion. If the inner layer is produced by direct layering of inner layer inside the metal shell or by wrapping and welding Polyethylene / Polypropylene sheets inside metal shell section then this stage is omitted. IV. PRODUCTION OF OUTSIDE LAYER ON TO THE METAL SHELL The metal shell , with the inner sleeve is attached to the mandrel drive for the outside Polyethylene / Polypropylene layering process. The shell is applied with bonding agents. The outer layering starts from the extended inner sleeve and proceeds further to overlap the reinforced metal shell and then ends up by other end of the extruded inner layer , resulting in the complete encapsulation of the reinforced metal shell. The completed outer sleeve is then cooled to normal temperature and the finished pipe is taken out of the mandrel for final trimming and finishing. The bonding agent helps to bond the Polyethylene / Polypropylene and MS. V. FINAL FINISHING & END CONNECTION TRIMMING Both the ends of the pipe is trimmed to suit the various type of end connection as desired. There are possible changes of structure of reinforcement by the following embodiments given in ANNEX 1 and the details of their construction are discussed here below .- comparison with the new invention:- COMPARISON OF NEW INVENTION WITH CONVENTIONAL ONE CONVENTIONAL 1. Concrete pipes, RCC pipes, PSC pipes , Brick Lined section pipes which are generally used on sewage rehabilitation are brittle in nature and have less life spans owing to the corrosion by sewer gas attacks. NEW INVENTION MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes & sections are by natureless brittle and have longer life span owing to higher resistance to corrosion 2. The " C " value which determines the flow rate in the pipes mentioned above decreases over the years, because of increase in resistance due to abrasion and formation of deposits on the walls of the pipes. MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are highly abrasion resistant & also the smooth Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe surface is less prone to the formation of deposits & hence the "C" value remains virtually the same as that of the new pipe over the years. 3. All the above mentioned pipes are prone to the development of cracks and then cracks propagation which lead to premature MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are resis--tant to crack their formation and therefore sudden pipe collapses and failures are pipe failure & collapses. virtually absent. 4. All the above pipes are susceptible to the damages during land shift & earth quakes etc. MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene are resistant to land shift & earthquakes owing to its flexibility. 5. External corrosion occurs in all the above pipe which decreases the over all life span of the pipes . The external layer of Poly¬ethylene/Polypropylene coating prevents any external corrosion and there by the life span of the pipes are also increased. 2] BENEFITS OF INVENTION OVER CONVENTIONAL ONE : Conventionally , sewage lines are laid using concrete, RCC pipes, PSC pipes. Brick lined sections which have less life span, because they are less corrosion resistant and more prone to structural failures owing to the brittle nature. To rehabilitate the above conventional sewage system, MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes which will have longer life span as they are more corrosion resistant and with less structural failures as Mild Steel & Polyethylene / Polypropylene are less brittle. For sewer and water pipe line applications , thicker HDPE pipes are required for higher ring stiffness and higher pressure ratings, {without reinforcement) which are more costly , & hence generally not used. = 9 = However , with the new process , by using thin walled Polyethylene / Polypropylene layers over mild steel reinforcement , the over all quantity of Polyethylene / Polypropylene required is reduced , and hence the over all cost is brought down lower than the other, pipes. By virtue of the combined qualities of Polyethylene / Polypropylene as well as mild steel reinforcement and the reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are more suitable for earthquake prone region. 3] OPERATIONAL PARTICULARS / DESCRIPTION OF MANUFACTURING PROCESS: MILD STEEL REINFORCED POLYETHYLENE / POLYPROPYLENE PIPES ARE MANUFACTURED IN THE FOLLOWING PROCESS:- The required Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner layer of appropriate thickness is formed around a mandrel, by an extrusion machine which produces the Polyethylene / Polypropylene molten material or the inner layer is directly extruded inside the MS pipe. The Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner layer is coated with bonding agent. The middle Mild Steel reinforcement pipe is then inserted over the inner layer of Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe. The MS pipe is then applied with bonding agent. The outer layer of Polyethylene / Polypropylene is then formed over the mild steel reinforcement pipe, making sure that the either end of the Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner and outer layers are electrofusion welded together so that the mild steel ring is not exposed at either side. = 10 = The reinforced pipe is then removed from the mandrel after allowing the Polyethylene / Polypropylene outer layer to cool down and harden. Whenever necessary , the required profiles are introduced at either ends of the pipes so as to form the required locking & sealing arrangements , when two sections of reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are joined together . 4] DESCRIPTION & CLAIMS PERTAINING TO NOVELNESS OF INVENTION WHICH NEEDS PROTECTION :- Mild Steel Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes are Corrosion Proof {internal & external) & have higher Ring Stiffness & pressure ratings. The sections of pipes are made as push fit which makes the joining process easier & no site welding or other operations are required in the normal conditions. Inside lining has not been done anywhere before and hence the product and the process needs protection. Double layering process has never been done before , & hence the product & the process needs protection. This is an embodiment of the invention , several modifications are possible which may be considered within the spirit and ambit of this invention. II I CLAIM: 1] A process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes comprising the following steps : 1) Producing a Reinforced inner Metal Shell Section; 2) Producing a inner layer of extruded Polyethylene / polypropylene Material wrapped around the collapsible Mandrel; characterized in that by extrusion layering process where the properties of metal as well as non corrosive plastic has been combined together to achieve the target thereby the problem of strength and resistance to corrosion has been solved apart from hindrances due to the deposit is also eliminated or by layering inside the metal shell or by wrapping and welding Polyethylene / Polypropylene sheets inside metal shell section. 3) Inserting the inner Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve into the Reinforced Metal Shell section; 4) Applying bonding agent over reinforced inner Metal Shell section and outer surface. 5) Producing a outside Polyethylene / Polypropylene layer on to the Metal Shell which has been coated with bonding agent. 6) Finishing / Joining end connection and Trimming. 2] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein extruding the molten Polyethylene / Polypropylene material wrapped around the mandrel to form the inner layer/ rapidly cooling and removing the Polyethylene / Polypropylene Sleeve. 3] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein joining the required metallic end profile prefabricated and welded on to either end of the metal shell, pre - stressing by wire winding or Bar - Steel wrapping. 4] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein Polyethylene / polypropylene inner sleeve are inserted into pre - tensioned metal shell. 5] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein Laying of outer layer Polyethylene / Polypropylene extruded material on to the pre - stressed metal shell with inner - sleeves inserted and cooling and taking out pipes for final trimming & finishing. Dated this 30th day of October, 2003. HIRAL CHANDRAKANT JOSHI AGENT FOR Mrs. CHITRA MOHANDA Sole Proprietress SCAN INDIA FORM 2 THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 (39 of 1970) COMPLETE SPECIFICATION (See Section 10) A PROCESS OF MANUFACTURING METAL REINFORCED HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE / POLYPROPYLENE PIPES; Mrs. CHITRA MOHANDAS Sole Proprietress of SCAN INDIA of 116, GURU GOBIND SINGH INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, OFF WESTERN EXPRESS HIGHWAY, GOREGAON (E) , MUMBAI - 400 063, MAHARASHTRA, India , INDIAN National hereby declare : - The following specification particularly describes the nature of the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed : - 3o I lo 102 The invention relates to a Process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced High Density Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes. More particularly the invention relates to a Process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced High Density Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes , wherein the pipes or the sections of pipe are corrosion resistant and of high strength which are generally used for Sewage System , water supply and industrial effluent disposal. The underground sewage system are laJ-d for supplying liquid waste and / or water flows from place to place. They are supposed to withstand the load of the above ground level as well as they should work efficiently for flow of waste water / potable water and the like. The environmental pollutions often create hazardous conditions due to certain failures of the underground sewage piping system. The brittlness of the pipe used as well as associated problems of formation of deposits inside the pipes which not only hinders the flow of water but also blocks the water flowing through the system and reduces the diameter of pipes resulting in less flow. The inventor with research has developed Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes wherein they have sandwhiched a Metal Pipe with Polyethylene / polypropylene . By extrusion layering process where the properties of metal as well as non corrosive plastic has been combined together to acheive the target thereby the problem of strength and resistance to corrosion has been solved apart from hindrances due to the deposit is also = 2 = and the eliminated! . continuity of the piping system has been solved by cutting profile opposing sections of the two separate pipes sealed by rubberised 0 - ring to make it leak proof from infiltration and exfiltration. The principle obj ect of this invention is therefore , to provide Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe which have sufficient strength , resistance to corrosion and does not collect deposits. Another object of this invention is to provide Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes which are free of maintenance and has a longer lifespan. Accordingly , there is provided a process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes comprising the following steps :- 1) Producing a Reinforced inner Metal Shell Section ; 2) Producing a inner layer of extruded Polyethylene / Polypropylene Material and applying bonding agent over it ; 3) Inserting the inner Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve into the Reinforced Metal Shell section ; 4) Applying bonding agent over reinforced inner Metal Shell section and outer surface. 5) Producing a outside Polyethylene / Polypropylene layer on to the Metal Shell. 6) Finishing / Joining end connection and Trimming . = 3 = The invention will now be described with reference to the following description in stages :-* PROCESS :- 1) Production of Reinforced inner Metal Shell section :- a) End Fabrication by :- i) Flange welding ii) Socket Spigot welding - Collars iii) Direct welding iv) Male - Female joint. b) Shell type c) Shell & Pre - Stressing by MS wire winding d) Shell & Pre - Stressing by bar steel wrapping 2) Production of Inner Layer :- i) Mandrel Loading ii) Extrusion Machine iii) Layering Process iv) Applying bonding agent v) Cooling & Removal . 3} Insertion of inner layer into the reinforced shell if required (tight fit pushing arrangements). 4) Loading of the metal shell with the inner layer inserted in side the shell , on to the Mandrel. 5) Applying bonding agent over the metal shell 6) Production of outside layer on to the shell. 7) End sealing by extruding the top layering section to the extra inner layer by electro fusion jointing. 8) Cooling & removal of the metal reinforced pipe from the mandrel. = 4 = 9) Final Finishing by flange end Trimming etc. The process involves the production of metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes. The pipes are manufactured by producing an inner sleeve of Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe over a mandrel, which is then inserted into a metal shell thus forming the inner sleeve of the pipe. The outer layer of the pipe is then produced by forming a Polyethylene / Polypropylene outer layer over the reinforced metal shell and the over lapping end segment of the inner sleeve electrofusion welded together with the outer sleeve so that the reinforced metal shell is completely embedded into the Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner and outer sleeves. PROCESS IN DETAIL : I. PRODUCTION OF REINFORCED INNER METAL SHELL SECTION Depending on the type of jointing required, metallic end profiles are prefabricated and then they are welded on to either end of the metal shell. The end profiles can be any of the four type: a) Flanges for flange joints b) Spigot end & socket end for spigot - socket ends c) Extended thicker metal shell section on either ends for direct welded joints. d) Male & Female sections for male - female joints. Metal shell fitted with suitable end profiles is then attached to = 5 = the tension winding machine for pre-stressing by wire winding or bar steel wrapping as desired. II. PRODUCTION OF INNER LAYER : The inner sleeve metal shell reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are produced over a suitable mandrel of required diameter. The mandrel is loaded on to the mandrel drive and the mandrel drive and extruder are synchronized to produce the extruded inner layer. The molten Polyethylene / Polypropylene material which comes out of the extruder in the form of flat strips of preset dimensions wrapped around the mandrel to form the inner sleeve , and the desired thickness is controlled by an overhead roller. Once the layer formation process is completed , the mandrel along with the Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve is rapidly cooled. The cooled Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve is then removed from the mandrel . III. INSERTION OF INNER POLYETHYLENE / POLYPROPYLENE SLEEVE INTO THE REINFORCED METAL SHELL. The Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner sleeve is prepared for insertion into the pre - tensioned metal shell after proper trimming and signing of the edges. Metal shell is horizontally anchored into position and the inner Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve is pushed into the metal shell to obtain a tight fit sleeve into position. = 6 = The inner layer is plasticized to form a tight sleeve with out voids or air bubbles. A bonding agent is applied over the Polyethylene / Polypropylene layer before insertion. If the inner layer is produced by direct layering of inner layer inside the metal shell or by wrapping and welding Polyethylene / Polypropylene sheets inside metal shell section then this stage is omitted. IV. PRODUCTION OF OUTSIDE LAYER ON TO THE METAL SHELL The metal shell , with the inner sleeve is attached to the mandrel drive for the outside Polyethylene / Polypropylene layering process. The shell is applied with bonding agents. The outer layering starts from the extended inner sleeve and proceeds further to overlap the reinforced metal shell and then ends up by other end of the extruded inner layer , resulting in the complete encapsulation of the reinforced metal shell. The completed outer sleeve is then cooled to normal temperature and the finished pipe is taken out of the mandrel for final trimming and finishing. The bonding agent helps to bond the Polyethylene / Polypropylene and MS. V. FINAL FINISHING & END CONNECTION TRIMMING Both the ends of the pipe is trimmed to suit the various type of end connection as desired. There are possible changes of structure of reinforcement by the following embodiments given in ANNEX 1 and the details of their construction are discussed here below .- comparison with the new invention:- COMPARISON OF NEW INVENTION WITH CONVENTIONAL ONE CONVENTIONAL 1. Concrete pipes, RCC pipes, PSC pipes , Brick Lined section pipes which are generally used on sewage rehabilitation are brittle in nature and have less life spans owing to the corrosion by sewer gas attacks. NEW INVENTION MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes & sections are by natureless brittle and have longer life span owing to higher resistance to corrosion 2. The " C " value which determines the flow rate in the pipes mentioned above decreases over the years, because of increase in resistance due to abrasion and formation of deposits on the walls of the pipes. MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are highly abrasion resistant & also the smooth Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe surface is less prone to the formation of deposits & hence the "C" value remains virtually the same as that of the new pipe over the years. 3. All the above mentioned pipes are prone to the development of cracks and then cracks propagation which lead to premature MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are resis--tant to crack their formation and therefore sudden pipe collapses and failures are pipe failure & collapses. virtually absent. 4. All the above pipes are susceptible to the damages during land shift & earth quakes etc. MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene are resistant to land shift & earthquakes owing to its flexibility. 5. External corrosion occurs in all the above pipe which decreases the over all life span of the pipes . The external layer of Poly¬ethylene/Polypropylene coating prevents any external corrosion and there by the life span of the pipes are also increased. 2] BENEFITS OF INVENTION OVER CONVENTIONAL ONE : Conventionally , sewage lines are laid using concrete, RCC pipes, PSC pipes. Brick lined sections which have less life span, because they are less corrosion resistant and more prone to structural failures owing to the brittle nature. To rehabilitate the above conventional sewage system, MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes which will have longer life span as they are more corrosion resistant and with less structural failures as Mild Steel & Polyethylene / Polypropylene are less brittle. For sewer and water pipe line applications , thicker HDPE pipes are required for higher ring stiffness and higher pressure ratings, {without reinforcement) which are more costly , & hence generally not used. = 9 = However , with the new process , by using thin walled Polyethylene / Polypropylene layers over mild steel reinforcement , the over all quantity of Polyethylene / Polypropylene required is reduced , and hence the over all cost is brought down lower than the other, pipes. By virtue of the combined qualities of Polyethylene / Polypropylene as well as mild steel reinforcement and the reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are more suitable for earthquake prone region. 3] OPERATIONAL PARTICULARS / DESCRIPTION OF MANUFACTURING PROCESS: MILD STEEL REINFORCED POLYETHYLENE / POLYPROPYLENE PIPES ARE MANUFACTURED IN THE FOLLOWING PROCESS:- The required Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner layer of appropriate thickness is formed around a mandrel, by an extrusion machine which produces the Polyethylene / Polypropylene molten material or the inner layer is directly extruded inside the MS pipe. The Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner layer is coated with bonding agent. The middle Mild Steel reinforcement pipe is then inserted over the inner layer of Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe. The MS pipe is then applied with bonding agent. The outer layer of Polyethylene / Polypropylene is then formed over the mild steel reinforcement pipe, making sure that the either end of the Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner and outer layers are electrofusion welded together so that the mild steel ring is not exposed at either side. = 10 = The reinforced pipe is then removed from the mandrel after allowing the Polyethylene / Polypropylene outer layer to cool down and harden. Whenever necessary , the required profiles are introduced at either ends of the pipes so as to form the required locking & sealing arrangements , when two sections of reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are joined together . 4] DESCRIPTION & CLAIMS PERTAINING TO NOVELNESS OF INVENTION WHICH NEEDS PROTECTION :- Mild Steel Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes are Corrosion Proof {internal & external) & have higher Ring Stiffness & pressure ratings. The sections of pipes are made as push fit which makes the joining process easier & no site welding or other operations are required in the normal conditions. Inside lining has not been done anywhere before and hence the product and the process needs protection. Double layering process has never been done before , & hence the product & the process needs protection. This is an embodiment of the invention , several modifications are possible which may be considered within the spirit and ambit of this invention. II I CLAIM: 1] A process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes comprising the following steps : 1) Producing a Reinforced inner Metal Shell Section; 2) Producing a inner layer of extruded Polyethylene / polypropylene Material wrapped around the collapsible Mandrel; characterized in that by extrusion layering process where the properties of metal as well as non corrosive plastic has been combined together to achieve the target thereby the problem of strength and resistance to corrosion has been solved apart from hindrances due to the deposit is also eliminated or by layering inside the metal shell or by wrapping and welding Polyethylene / Polypropylene sheets inside metal shell section. 3) Inserting the inner Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve into the Reinforced Metal Shell section; 4) Applying bonding agent over reinforced inner Metal Shell section and outer surface. 5) Producing a outside Polyethylene / Polypropylene layer on to the Metal Shell which has been coated with bonding agent. 6) Finishing / Joining end connection and Trimming. 2] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein extruding the molten Polyethylene / Polypropylene material wrapped around the mandrel to form the inner layer/ rapidly cooling and removing the Polyethylene / Polypropylene Sleeve. 3] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein joining the required metallic end profile prefabricated and welded on to either end of the metal shell, pre - stressing by wire winding or Bar - Steel wrapping. 4] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein Polyethylene / polypropylene inner sleeve are inserted into pre - tensioned metal shell. 5] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein Laying of outer layer Polyethylene / Polypropylene extruded material on to the pre - stressed metal shell with inner - sleeves inserted and cooling and taking out pipes for final trimming & finishing. Dated this 30th day of October, 2003. HIRAL CHANDRAKANT JOSHI AGENT FOR Mrs. CHITRA MOHANDA Sole Proprietress SCAN INDIA FORM 2 THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 (39 of 1970) COMPLETE SPECIFICATION (See Section 10) A PROCESS OF MANUFACTURING METAL REINFORCED HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE / POLYPROPYLENE PIPES; Mrs. CHITRA MOHANDAS Sole Proprietress of SCAN INDIA of 116, GURU GOBIND SINGH INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, OFF WESTERN EXPRESS HIGHWAY, GOREGAON (E) , MUMBAI - 400 063, MAHARASHTRA, India , INDIAN National hereby declare : - The following specification particularly describes the nature of the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed : - 3o I lo 102 The invention relates to a Process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced High Density Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes. More particularly the invention relates to a Process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced High Density Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes , wherein the pipes or the sections of pipe are corrosion resistant and of high strength which are generally used for Sewage System , water supply and industrial effluent disposal. The underground sewage system are laJ-d for supplying liquid waste and / or water flows from place to place. They are supposed to withstand the load of the above ground level as well as they should work efficiently for flow of waste water / potable water and the like. The environmental pollutions often create hazardous conditions due to certain failures of the underground sewage piping system. The brittlness of the pipe used as well as associated problems of formation of deposits inside the pipes which not only hinders the flow of water but also blocks the water flowing through the system and reduces the diameter of pipes resulting in less flow. The inventor with research has developed Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes wherein they have sandwhiched a Metal Pipe with Polyethylene / polypropylene . By extrusion layering process where the properties of metal as well as non corrosive plastic has been combined together to acheive the target thereby the problem of strength and resistance to corrosion has been solved apart from hindrances due to the deposit is also = 2 = and the eliminated! . continuity of the piping system has been solved by cutting profile opposing sections of the two separate pipes sealed by rubberised 0 - ring to make it leak proof from infiltration and exfiltration. The principle obj ect of this invention is therefore , to provide Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe which have sufficient strength , resistance to corrosion and does not collect deposits. Another object of this invention is to provide Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes which are free of maintenance and has a longer lifespan. Accordingly , there is provided a process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes comprising the following steps :- 1) Producing a Reinforced inner Metal Shell Section ; 2) Producing a inner layer of extruded Polyethylene / Polypropylene Material and applying bonding agent over it ; 3) Inserting the inner Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve into the Reinforced Metal Shell section ; 4) Applying bonding agent over reinforced inner Metal Shell section and outer surface. 5) Producing a outside Polyethylene / Polypropylene layer on to the Metal Shell. 6) Finishing / Joining end connection and Trimming . = 3 = The invention will now be described with reference to the following description in stages :-* PROCESS :- 1) Production of Reinforced inner Metal Shell section :- a) End Fabrication by :- i) Flange welding ii) Socket Spigot welding - Collars iii) Direct welding iv) Male - Female joint. b) Shell type c) Shell & Pre - Stressing by MS wire winding d) Shell & Pre - Stressing by bar steel wrapping 2) Production of Inner Layer :- i) Mandrel Loading ii) Extrusion Machine iii) Layering Process iv) Applying bonding agent v) Cooling & Removal . 3} Insertion of inner layer into the reinforced shell if required (tight fit pushing arrangements). 4) Loading of the metal shell with the inner layer inserted in side the shell , on to the Mandrel. 5) Applying bonding agent over the metal shell 6) Production of outside layer on to the shell. 7) End sealing by extruding the top layering section to the extra inner layer by electro fusion jointing. 8) Cooling & removal of the metal reinforced pipe from the mandrel. = 4 = 9) Final Finishing by flange end Trimming etc. The process involves the production of metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes. The pipes are manufactured by producing an inner sleeve of Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe over a mandrel, which is then inserted into a metal shell thus forming the inner sleeve of the pipe. The outer layer of the pipe is then produced by forming a Polyethylene / Polypropylene outer layer over the reinforced metal shell and the over lapping end segment of the inner sleeve electrofusion welded together with the outer sleeve so that the reinforced metal shell is completely embedded into the Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner and outer sleeves. PROCESS IN DETAIL : I. PRODUCTION OF REINFORCED INNER METAL SHELL SECTION Depending on the type of jointing required, metallic end profiles are prefabricated and then they are welded on to either end of the metal shell. The end profiles can be any of the four type: a) Flanges for flange joints b) Spigot end & socket end for spigot - socket ends c) Extended thicker metal shell section on either ends for direct welded joints. d) Male & Female sections for male - female joints. Metal shell fitted with suitable end profiles is then attached to = 5 = the tension winding machine for pre-stressing by wire winding or bar steel wrapping as desired. II. PRODUCTION OF INNER LAYER : The inner sleeve metal shell reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are produced over a suitable mandrel of required diameter. The mandrel is loaded on to the mandrel drive and the mandrel drive and extruder are synchronized to produce the extruded inner layer. The molten Polyethylene / Polypropylene material which comes out of the extruder in the form of flat strips of preset dimensions wrapped around the mandrel to form the inner sleeve , and the desired thickness is controlled by an overhead roller. Once the layer formation process is completed , the mandrel along with the Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve is rapidly cooled. The cooled Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve is then removed from the mandrel . III. INSERTION OF INNER POLYETHYLENE / POLYPROPYLENE SLEEVE INTO THE REINFORCED METAL SHELL. The Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner sleeve is prepared for insertion into the pre - tensioned metal shell after proper trimming and signing of the edges. Metal shell is horizontally anchored into position and the inner Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve is pushed into the metal shell to obtain a tight fit sleeve into position. = 6 = The inner layer is plasticized to form a tight sleeve with out voids or air bubbles. A bonding agent is applied over the Polyethylene / Polypropylene layer before insertion. If the inner layer is produced by direct layering of inner layer inside the metal shell or by wrapping and welding Polyethylene / Polypropylene sheets inside metal shell section then this stage is omitted. IV. PRODUCTION OF OUTSIDE LAYER ON TO THE METAL SHELL The metal shell , with the inner sleeve is attached to the mandrel drive for the outside Polyethylene / Polypropylene layering process. The shell is applied with bonding agents. The outer layering starts from the extended inner sleeve and proceeds further to overlap the reinforced metal shell and then ends up by other end of the extruded inner layer , resulting in the complete encapsulation of the reinforced metal shell. The completed outer sleeve is then cooled to normal temperature and the finished pipe is taken out of the mandrel for final trimming and finishing. The bonding agent helps to bond the Polyethylene / Polypropylene and MS. V. FINAL FINISHING & END CONNECTION TRIMMING Both the ends of the pipe is trimmed to suit the various type of end connection as desired. There are possible changes of structure of reinforcement by the following embodiments given in ANNEX 1 and the details of their construction are discussed here below .- comparison with the new invention:- COMPARISON OF NEW INVENTION WITH CONVENTIONAL ONE CONVENTIONAL 1. Concrete pipes, RCC pipes, PSC pipes , Brick Lined section pipes which are generally used on sewage rehabilitation are brittle in nature and have less life spans owing to the corrosion by sewer gas attacks. NEW INVENTION MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes & sections are by natureless brittle and have longer life span owing to higher resistance to corrosion 2. The " C " value which determines the flow rate in the pipes mentioned above decreases over the years, because of increase in resistance due to abrasion and formation of deposits on the walls of the pipes. MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are highly abrasion resistant & also the smooth Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe surface is less prone to the formation of deposits & hence the "C" value remains virtually the same as that of the new pipe over the years. 3. All the above mentioned pipes are prone to the development of cracks and then cracks propagation which lead to premature MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are resis--tant to crack their formation and therefore sudden pipe collapses and failures are pipe failure & collapses. virtually absent. 4. All the above pipes are susceptible to the damages during land shift & earth quakes etc. MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene are resistant to land shift & earthquakes owing to its flexibility. 5. External corrosion occurs in all the above pipe which decreases the over all life span of the pipes . The external layer of Poly¬ethylene/Polypropylene coating prevents any external corrosion and there by the life span of the pipes are also increased. 2] BENEFITS OF INVENTION OVER CONVENTIONAL ONE : Conventionally , sewage lines are laid using concrete, RCC pipes, PSC pipes. Brick lined sections which have less life span, because they are less corrosion resistant and more prone to structural failures owing to the brittle nature. To rehabilitate the above conventional sewage system, MS reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes which will have longer life span as they are more corrosion resistant and with less structural failures as Mild Steel & Polyethylene / Polypropylene are less brittle. For sewer and water pipe line applications , thicker HDPE pipes are required for higher ring stiffness and higher pressure ratings, {without reinforcement) which are more costly , & hence generally not used. = 9 = However , with the new process , by using thin walled Polyethylene / Polypropylene layers over mild steel reinforcement , the over all quantity of Polyethylene / Polypropylene required is reduced , and hence the over all cost is brought down lower than the other, pipes. By virtue of the combined qualities of Polyethylene / Polypropylene as well as mild steel reinforcement and the reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are more suitable for earthquake prone region. 3] OPERATIONAL PARTICULARS / DESCRIPTION OF MANUFACTURING PROCESS: MILD STEEL REINFORCED POLYETHYLENE / POLYPROPYLENE PIPES ARE MANUFACTURED IN THE FOLLOWING PROCESS:- The required Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner layer of appropriate thickness is formed around a mandrel, by an extrusion machine which produces the Polyethylene / Polypropylene molten material or the inner layer is directly extruded inside the MS pipe. The Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner layer is coated with bonding agent. The middle Mild Steel reinforcement pipe is then inserted over the inner layer of Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipe. The MS pipe is then applied with bonding agent. The outer layer of Polyethylene / Polypropylene is then formed over the mild steel reinforcement pipe, making sure that the either end of the Polyethylene / Polypropylene inner and outer layers are electrofusion welded together so that the mild steel ring is not exposed at either side. = 10 = The reinforced pipe is then removed from the mandrel after allowing the Polyethylene / Polypropylene outer layer to cool down and harden. Whenever necessary , the required profiles are introduced at either ends of the pipes so as to form the required locking & sealing arrangements , when two sections of reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes are joined together . 4] DESCRIPTION & CLAIMS PERTAINING TO NOVELNESS OF INVENTION WHICH NEEDS PROTECTION :- Mild Steel Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes are Corrosion Proof {internal & external) & have higher Ring Stiffness & pressure ratings. The sections of pipes are made as push fit which makes the joining process easier & no site welding or other operations are required in the normal conditions. Inside lining has not been done anywhere before and hence the product and the process needs protection. Double layering process has never been done before , & hence the product & the process needs protection. This is an embodiment of the invention , several modifications are possible which may be considered within the spirit and ambit of this invention. II I CLAIM: 1] A process of Manufacturing Metal Reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipes comprising the following steps : 1) Producing a Reinforced inner Metal Shell Section; 2) Producing a inner layer of extruded Polyethylene / polypropylene Material wrapped around the collapsible Mandrel; characterized in that by extrusion layering process where the properties of metal as well as non corrosive plastic has been combined together to achieve the target thereby the problem of strength and resistance to corrosion has been solved apart from hindrances due to the deposit is also eliminated or by layering inside the metal shell or by wrapping and welding Polyethylene / Polypropylene sheets inside metal shell section. 3) Inserting the inner Polyethylene / Polypropylene sleeve into the Reinforced Metal Shell section; 4) Applying bonding agent over reinforced inner Metal Shell section and outer surface. 5) Producing a outside Polyethylene / Polypropylene layer on to the Metal Shell which has been coated with bonding agent. 6) Finishing / Joining end connection and Trimming. 2] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein extruding the molten Polyethylene / Polypropylene material wrapped around the mandrel to form the inner layer/ rapidly cooling and removing the Polyethylene / Polypropylene Sleeve. 3] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein joining the required metallic end profile prefabricated and welded on to either end of the metal shell, pre - stressing by wire winding or Bar - Steel wrapping. 4] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein Polyethylene / polypropylene inner sleeve are inserted into pre - tensioned metal shell. 5] A process of manufacturing metal reinforced Polyethylene / Polypropylene pipes as claimed in claim 1, wherein Laying of outer layer Polyethylene / Polypropylene extruded material on to the pre - stressed metal shell with inner - sleeves inserted and cooling and taking out pipes for final trimming & finishing. Dated this 30th day of October, 2003. HIRAL CHANDRAKANT JOSHI AGENT FOR Mrs. CHITRA MOHANDA Sole Proprietress SCAN INDIA |
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Patent Number | 207346 | ||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 1143/MUM/2003 | ||||||||
PG Journal Number | 30/2008 | ||||||||
Publication Date | 25-Jul-2008 | ||||||||
Grant Date | 06-Jun-2007 | ||||||||
Date of Filing | 30-Oct-2003 | ||||||||
Name of Patentee | MRS. CHITRA MOHANDAS | ||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | B32B 15/08 | ||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||
PCT Conventions: