Title of Invention


Abstract A poultry feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks is provided by homogeneously mixing together, electrolytes dextrose, organic acids gelling material; purified water utilizing a polypropylene drum and an electric stirrer made up of SS metal , with motor at 0.5 horse power. The electrolytes used in the above supplement are sodium chloride(50-70 mg), magnesium chloride (25-30 mg), calcium chloride (27- 33 mg) sodium acetate(50-70 mg) .potassium acetate ( 10-15 mg) and sodium citrate (50-80 mg). The feed supplement also comprises dextrose in the range of 50-80 mg and direct organic acid which are among the group of formic acid, organic acid, prop ionic acid and Sorbic acid is used to improve the strength of poultry chicks by effectively preventing dehydration in chicks when in transit. The supplement is simple, efficient and inexpensive to make and use. The supplement utilizes the above mentioned constituents in admeasured quantities to provide an effective feed supplement for increasing immunity in chicks by curing dehydration and blocking the growth of bacteria, fungi and pathogens. k^^ 45
Full Text THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 (39 OF 1970)

1. Tiltle of the invention


2. Repeat the cohmins (a) to (c) if there are more than one applicant




3. Insert die name in full
The family or principal name in the beginning if the applicant is a natural person.
4. Insert the complete address including postal index number/ code, state and country.
5. Insert the nationality.
6. Strike out in case of provisional specification.

The following specification......
(particularly)6 describes 6 the nature of the invention and die manner in which it is to be performed 6

'. Description of the invention

4. I/We claim:8
1. SPRING is an edible water for chicks.

2 0 NOV 2001

An edible water enriched with electrolytes, energy and acidified to desired pH.
3. An Invention With Substantially The Same Features As Described In This Patent Application.
Dated diis 11th day of OCTOBER, 2001

9. To foe signed by die applicant or his authorised registered patent agent
10. Name of die natural person who has signed.
11. (a) Not applicable in case of
provisional specification.
(fo) Separate sheet to be used for this column

Abstract of die invention.

The Controller of Patents
The patent Office,

The poultry feed which accounts for over 70% of the cost of production in poultry is manufactured by 100 plus medium and large feed mills and account for about 40% of total feed consumed. The balance 60% is either custom made by small feed mills or hand mixed by poultry farmers. The Poultry medical care including vaccines etc is well developed and available in all poultry pockets. The human expertise in the form of Poultry consultants is of highest standards through the university and govt, laboratory support. The marketing of eggs is supported by NECC (National Egg co-ordination committee). The NECC issues prices on daily basis depending on market needs. The broiler prices too are governed by supply and demand. The industry growth over the last 5-6 years has been steady with some ups and towns.
The layer growth annually has been around 2% and broiler growth is estimated at 10-12%.
In brief Indian poultry Industry is well developed and supports several thousand farmers and allied industry people.
FIELD OF INVENTION- The invention is poultry feed supplement which is able to cure dehydration in baby chicks. The commercial and parent chick supply from 500 hatcheries is made to various parts of the country involving the transportation time up to 15 to 20 hours by road, rail or air. The climatic conditions at different times of the year make the day old chick's life difficult. The chicks suffer from dehydration and stress. The conditions at times are so extreme that there may be more than 5% losses due to mortality and 20-30% due to morbidity, (prevention) These losses are estimated around Rs. 400

crore or more each year. The need to keep the chicks healthy at the end of their journey from hatchery to a new farmhouse is greatly felt by all concerned.
Prior art - With reference to the above mentioned invention there is no prior art available in the form of granted patents at USPTO, EPO and WIPO. Before, when chicks in transit suffered from tremendous dehydration, the only supplement provided to the chicks was watermelon or water. The disadvantages in using a water melon were that chicks were placed in cardboard boxes where number of the chicks in each box was greater than the box could contain. As a result large number of chicks was cramped together in these cardboard boxes which resulted in gross dehydration and increased rate of mortality. Only 0.2 % of these chicks survived in transit because of sordid, unhygienic and inhuman conditions. In such a situation water melon was used as poultry feed supplement to prevent dehydration. A lot of disadvantages were incurred in usage of water melon as poultry feed supplement . Water melon being of a reasonably large size could not be fed to the chicks without being cut into small pieces. The exposed flesh of the water melon was susceptible to growth of bacteria thus inviting a lot of infections. Further more the water melon is 76 % water and hence a dangerous breeding ground for fungal growth thus rendering itself unpalatable as well as unhygienic for the G.I tract of newly born chicks . One more factor that needs due consideration is watermelon being a seasonal fruit is available only in the summer season in the month of May and

thus chicks face further deprivation where poultry farmers rely only on
the availability of water melon.
Watermelon is not only cooling but is also a natural diuretic.
Watermelon is very alkaline in nature. It has a soothing effect on the
stomach and prevent bilousness. It is a thirst quencher and is
beneficial for those suffering from kidney problems and urinary tract
infections. Water melon helps rehydrate the body and is low in
calories and high in nutrients. The basic disadvantage of water melon
is that it is subject to decomposition and hence should be fed to the
chicks soon after extraction as it loses its properties.
Reference- anjali mukherjee, diet file, flirt with fruit page 81 Femina
issue January 15th 2001.
The nutrients available in the water melon are mentioned in a tabular
format below-
NDB No: 09326
Watermelon, raw
Scientific Name: Citrullus lanatus


Value per 100 grams Units of
edible portion

Sample Std. Count Error

Proxi mates

Water g 91.51 49 0.208
Energy kcal 32 0
Energy kj 134 0
Protein g 0.62 45 0.018
Total lipid (fat) g 0.43 12 0.048
Carbohydrate, by difference g 7.18 0
Fiber, total dietary g 0.5 0
Ash g 0.26 44 0.010
Calcium, Ca mg 8 8 2.303
Iron, Fe mg 0.17 45 0.009
Magnesium, Mg mg 11 40 0.263
Phosphorus, P mg 9 40 0.506
Potassium, K mg 116 24 4.439
Sodium, Na mg 2 27 0.278
Zinc, Zn mg 0.07 12 0.006
Copper, Cu mg 0.032 44 0.002
Manganese, Mn mg 0.037 43 0.003
Selenium, Se meg 0.1 2
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid mg 9.6 8 0.879
Thiamin mg 0.080 1

Riboflavin mg 0.020 1
Niacin mg 0.200 1
Pantothenic add mg 0.212 6 0.026
Vitamin B-6 mg 0.144 7
Folate, total meg 2 14 0.342
Folic acid ncg 0 0
Folate, food ncg 2 14 0.342
Folate, DFE ncg_ _DFE2 0
Vitamin B-12 ncg 0.00 0
Vitamin A, IU U 366 7
Vitamin A, RE_ mcg_ .RE 37 7
Vitamin E mg_ATE 0.150 0
Fatty acids, total saturated g 0.048 0
4:0 g 0.000 0
6:0 g 0.000 0
8:0 g 0.001 0
10:0 g 0.003 0
12:0 g 0.002 0
14:0 g 0.001 0
16:0 g 0.023 0
18:0 g 0.018 0

Fatty acids, monounsaturated total
g 0.107 0
16:1 undifferentiated g 0.000 0
18:1 undifferentiated g 0.107 0
20:1 g 0.000 0
22:1 undifferentiated g 0.000 0
Fatty acids, polyunsaturated total
g 0.146 0
18:2 undifferentiated g 0.146 0
18:3 undifferentiated g 0.000 0
18:4 g 0.000 0
20:4 undifferentiated g 0.000 0
20:5 n-3 g 0.000 0
22:5 n-3 g 0.000 0
22:6 n-3 g 0.000 0
Cholesterol mg 0 0
Phytosterols mg 2 0
Amino acids
Tryptophan g 0.007 1
Threonine g 0.027 1
Isoleucine g 0.019 1
Leucine g 0.018 1
yk> iov,.fc ^


Lysine g 0.062
Methionine g 0.006
Cystine g 0.002
Phenylalanine g 0.015
Tyrosine g 0.012
Valine g 0.016
Arginine g 0.059
Histidine g 0.006
Alanine g 0.017
Aspartic acid g 0.039
Glutamic acid g 0.063
Glycine g 0.010
Proline g 0.024
Serine g 0.016
Caffeine mg 0
Theobromine mg

The importance of water to the chicken is related to its chemical and physical properties. These include its polarity and use as a solvent in the digestion and absorption of food, the transport of nutrients in the body and the elimination of waste products via the urine. Its low viscosity contributes to its ability to move freely through the small blood capillaries throughout the body, thereby distributing nutrients to,

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and removing waste products from tissues. It also has a high specific heat and heat of vaporization which means that large amounts of heat can be transported in the blood and dissipated through respiration. A satisfactory intake of water is necessary for the maintenance of normal food intake, the growth of tissues and egg production. Water intake varies with age, rate of egg production, dietary composition and ambient temperature. The latter factor contributes most to variations in water consumption since respiration is the major route of heat loss from the body at high temperatures, which greatly increase water requirements. The water: food intake ratio Increases from approximately 2:1 at moderate temperatures to about 5:1 at 35C. Therefore, the presence of nutrients in drinking water can markedly influence nutrient intakes.
The importance of water is accepted without question by poultry producers who also recognize other advantages. These include its use in electrolyte replacement therapy and in treatment with drugs where water medication is particularly important when food intake is reduced by fever or stress. However, for the unwary producer, the visual purity of water can mask many problems that may affect the profitability of an enterprise. In particular, chemical and biological contaminants are found in many natural sources of water. These include contamination from fertilizers, pesticides and decaying organic material; the latter also being associated with bacterial contamination.
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An important aspect of water quality, which can potentially affect poultry performance, is the mineral content. Until recently this aspect of poultry nutrition had received little attention and little definitive information was available to assess water quality from this viewpoint. The inventor reviews the current situation with respect to broiler and egg-layer performance.
Minerals in Water
While the nutritional importance of minerals in the diet has been examined extensively, the role of minerals in drinking water has received much less attention. This is surprising since underground water supplies are a common source of drinking water for poultry in many countries and such water often contains high concentrations of dissolved mineral salts. These salts can contribute to the mineral requirements of poultry although their presence is usually not considered when estimates of requirements are made. (Ross, 1979). However, when present in high concentrations many minerals can prove toxic and it is under these conditions that reductions in growth and laying performance can occur.

It appears that biological responses to minerals may vary depending on whether they are present in the diet or drinking water. Ross (1979) compared the responses of broiler chickens to sodium chloride (NaCI) in the diet and drinking water and reported that, when allowance was made for differences in food and water intakes, sodium in the drinking water was used more effectively than sodium in the diet. Also, Yoselewitz and Belnave (1989a) have shown that when hens consume similar total intakes of NaCI, egg shell quality differs depending on whether the NaCI is included in the diet or drinking water.
Studies with dietary supplements have shown variability in individual bird tolerances to NaCI. Also, the tissue edema observed in chickens dying from salt poisoning was less marked the longer chickens received NaCI supplements prior to death (Blaxland, 1946). Older birds were more tolerant of NaCI than newly-hatched chickens and overcame the problem of high-NaCI intakes by drinking large amounts of water and, therefore, producing very wet excreta. This method would not appear to be advantageous for chickens receiving NaCI in drinking water, since an increase in water intake automatically increases the intake of NaCI. It is worth noting that in recent studies at Cornell University (Balnave and Austic, Unpublished data), where NaCI supplements of up to 2 g/l of drinking water or 4 g/kg of diet were given between one and six weeks of age to broiler chickens receiving a commercial-type diet containing 2.5 g NaCI/kg, observed increases in the intakes of drinking water of up to 15% were insufficient to visually alter the texture and consistency of the excreta.

Detailed information on the responses of growing birds to minerals in the drinking water is limited. Seyle (1943) reported that when 9g NaCI/l of drinking water was given to 19-day-old chickens, some died within five days, but others survived up to 20 days. When 3g NaCI/l was given to four-week-old chicks, all survived for the two weeks of the experiment. Blaxland (1946) reported that 9g NaCI/l of drinking water gave 100% mortality in one-week-old chickens. In these studies, and in that by Kare and Biely (1948), all birds died when chicks received drinking water containing 20g NaCI/l within one week of hatch. Seyle (1943) reported that chickens consumed large amounts of this salt water and all died within three days, whereas Kare and Biely (1948) reported that chickens drank little and died within one week. These latter workers reported that at low concentrations, the toxicity of sodium chloride given in the drinking water was approximately the same as an equivalent intake from the diet. They also found that a supplement of 3g NaCL per litre of drinking water was not toxic to two-day-old chicks.
For better health chicks must learn quickly to drink & eat. There is an old concept that chicks can get along without water and feed supplement up to 3 days after hatching but such a delay is detrimental because birds undergo lot of stress due to handling, vaccination, de beaking, transportation etc. which are the causes of


morbidity and morality in chicks. Any delay only dehydrates and weakens them, weak chicks do not learn to drink and eat readily. For best results chicks should be given water as soon as they are hatched. As per scientific evidence one day old chicks needs approx 4 ml (4gm) of water in 12 hours at 21°C. Which can be approx period for transportation from hatchery to commercial farms.
Ref. commercial chicken manual III edition pq. 201 by MACK O NORTH published by VAN NOSTRAND Reinhold. Newvork.


Scientific evidence also confirms the pH of the crop of chicken to average approx, 4.5 and the proventriculus at pH 4.4. the pH of the gizzard is lowest at 2.6. the pH of the remainder alimentary tract ranges between pH 5.7-6.5 (crop, proventriculur, gizzard are different parts of the alimentary canal).
Fuerst and Kare (1961) found that baby chicks would accept the water acidified to a pH as low as 2. Water acidified by organic acids was readily accepted if pH was a 3 or 4.
Ref. Acidified poultry diets and their implications for the poultry industry. Miller B.F. Dept. of Animal Sciences, Colorado State, University Colorado 80523. Animal Feed supplements Biological Additives, Proceeding No. 119 13th June
Water plays a very vital function in chicken life.
One of the most important, yet most neglected nutrients is water. Water carries waste products, helps cool the bird by evaporation, softens feed and carries it through the digestive tract.
The constitution of a baby chick is about 70% percent water. As the bird gets older, the percentage changes, but not the need for water. A young chick needs a constant supply of fresh water to stay healthy. It doesn't drink a lot of water at one time; therefore, it has to drink often.

If you fill the waterers only in the morning, the bird may run out of water by mid-afternoon. This can cause dehydration and increased morbidity among chicks.
Thus water helps to cool the bird by evaporation through lungs and air sacs. It makes up high percentage of the body 70% of day old chick is water. It forms a carrier for transportation of feed supplement in the intestinal tract. Water is an important part of blood and lymph.

Scientific proof further confirms as follows:-
Water should be provided to chicks before feed is given. Sanitized water to be provided. The addition of sucrose to the first drinking water has shown to reduce growing mortality. Water with soluble electrolytes is given when chicks are stressed.
Ref. commercial chicken manual III edition pq. 200 by MACK O. NORTH published by VAN NOSTRAND Reinhold, Newvork.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS: Water is the most abundant liquid on earth, covering about 70% of the earth's surface. In its pure form it is odorless, tasteless and transparent, and is essential to the development, growth and survival of all animals. A fertile chicken egg, when laid, contains approximately 65% water, or 74% on a shell-free basis. This latter figure is similar to the water content of the day-old chicken. Body water content decreases with age, the water content of the adult laying hen declining to about 55%.
The importance of water to the chicken is related to its chemical and physical properties. These include its polarity and use as a solvent in the digestion and absorption of food, the transport of nutrients in the body and the elimination of waste products via the urine. Its low viscosity contributes to its ability to move freely through the small blood capillaries throughout the body, thereby distributing nutrients to, and removing waste products from tissues. It also has a high specific heat and heat of vaporization which means that large amounts of heat can be transported in the blood and dissipated through

16^ ^« ^

respiration. A satisfactory intake of water is necessary for the maintenance of normal food intake, the growth of tissues and egg production. Water intake varies with age, rate of egg production, dietary composition and ambient temperature. The latter factor contributes most to variations in water consumption since respiration is the major route of heat loss from the body at high temperatures, which greatly increase water requirements. The water food intake ratio increases from approximately 2:1 at moderate temperatures to about 5:1 at 35C. Therefore, the presence of nutrients in drinking water can markedly influence nutrient intakes.
The importance of water is accepted without question by poultry producers who also recognize other advantages. These include its use in electrolyte replacement therapy and in treatment with drugs where water medication is particularly important when food intake is reduced by fever or stress. However, for the unwary producer, the visual purity of water can mask many problems that may affect the profitability of an enterprise. In particular, chemical and biological contaminants are found in many natural sources of water. These include contamination from fertilizers, pesticides and decaying organic material; the latter also being associated with bacterial contamination.
An important aspect of water quality, which can potentially affect poultry performance, is the mineral content. Until recently this aspect of poultry nutrition had received little attention and little definitive information was available to assess water quality from this viewpoint.

Poultry birds drink water about twice as much as they eat. Water
requirements increase with ris§ in temperature.
Water requirements increases by 7% for every 1°C rise in temperature above 21°C. Water forms a large percentage of body weight of Poultry.
Day Old Chick 70% water.
Growing Chick 58% water.
Egg 60% water.
Contamination of drinking water in Poultry )s a serious concern. Depending on the source, water can get contaminated with various organic and inorganic substances resulting in high pH and growth of pathogens including Salmonella sp., E-coli and fungi.
Water with high pH has adverse impact on efficiency of water medication i.e. antibiotics, vitamins, minerals and vaccination. Higher pH also offers favorable medium for growth of microorganisms. If the pH of water is not attended to it can have big impact on the health and production of Poultry. Birds have high basal metabolic rates & so use energy at high rates Water helps to cool the bird by evaporation through lungs and air sacs. BMR is related to mass, with larger birds expending less energy per unit weight than smaller birds.
Scientific proof further confirms as follows:-
Water should be provided to chicks before f§ed is given.

18 fi -u ^h

Sanitized water to be provided. The addition of sucrose to the first drinking water has shown to reduce growing mortality. Water with soluble electrolytes is given when chicks are stressed.
Ref. commercial chicken manual HI edition pg. 200 by MACK Q. NORTH published by VAN NOSTRAND Reinhold. Newvork.
Thus Water plays a very vital function in chicken life.

Summary of the invention - Safe drinking water is essential for poultry health .After the chicks are hatched at the hatchery, they undergo various stresses on the 1st day of the hatch.
1st Day of birth stresses are as follows :-
1. Chicks come out of the egg shell from a controlled temp. To a normal room temp. And are taken out of the brooder which is a cause of 1st stress.
2. Chicks come out of the egg shell from a sterile environment to the environment which may not be as sterile - this will cause stress as the immune system is not fully developed in chicks during this infancy stage and hence are susceptible to bactero-viro infection and more specifically G.I. tract /intestinal infections.
3. Sexing i.e. in layer chicks male chicks are separated out by hand by an expert sexsier. During infancy the skin is relatively globerous also muscular and nerval strengths are not fully developed hence this manual handling exposes the baby chicks to widespread attack of bacteria and germs at the intestinal level referred to as primary infection site. The same infection leads to secondary flow to the nerval structures which lacks immunity.
4. Chicks are vaccinated at the hatchery by injection which causes stress due to injection and manual handling.
5. Chicks are also vaccinated at the hatchery by oral vaccination and manual handling. Q^

vUA^ 20

6. Debeaking is the severest form of stress. De beaking is incinerating the upper beak to a level of lower beak portion to prevent cannibalism.
Now chicks are ready for market dispatches to various farms
For Indian market delivery of chicks are made by tempos, trucks, train and / or aero plane depending upon distances. In transit, there are no facilities to feed supplement chicks healthy drinking water as well as feed supplement which results in severe hunger followed by dehydration due to lack of mineral contents in the body. This situation can be fatal for chicks unless addressed in time. For deliveries chicks are packed in new cardboard boxes -which have holes for ventilation and are specially created for chicken deliveries.

While the nutritional importance of minerals in the diet has been examined extensively, the role of minerals in drinking water has received much less attention. This is surprising since underground water supplies are a common source of drinking water for poultry in many countries and such water often contains high concentrations of dissolved mineral salts. These salts can contribute to the mineral requirements of poultry although their presence is usually not considered when estimates of requirements are made. (Ross, 1979). However, when present in high concentrations many minerals can prove toxic and it is under these conditions that reductions in growth and laying performance can occur.
It appears that biological responses to minerals may vary depending
on whether they are present in the diet or drinking water. Ross (1979)
compared the responses of broiler chickens to sodium chloride
(NaCI) in the diet and drinking water and reported that, when
allowance was made for differences in food and water intakes,
sodium in the drinking water was used more effectively than sodium
in the diet. Also, Yoselewitz and Belnave (1989a) have shown that
when hens consume similar total intakes of NaCI, egg shell quality
differs depending on whether the NaCI is included in the diet or
drinking water. r

Most nutritional studies with minerals have been carried out using dietary supplements, with little attention given to the role of minerals in drinking water. This is important since underground water supplies, often containing high concentrations of dissolved salts, are a common source of drinking water for poultry in many countries. Recent evidence suggests that some minerals may exert adverse effects on the performance of growing broilers and laying hens when present in drinking water at concentrations similar to those found in natural sources.
The Applicant has identified this need and developed an effective feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks.
The FEED SUPPLEMENT is feed supplement in gel form enriched with electrolytes, energy and acidified to desired pH. Following is a tabular representation of the constituents involved in making the feed supplement.

(in milligrams)
1 ELECTROLYTES Sodium Chloride 50-70 mg
1.1 Magnesium Chloride 25-33 mg
1.2 Calcium 27-33 mg

Ml .3 Sodium 50-70 mg
1.4 Potassium 10-15 mg Acetate
1.5 Sodium Citrate 50-80 mg
2 Energy Booster Dextrose { 50-80 mg
3 Direct acting organic acid ,
3.1 Formic acid j 5 - 10 mg
3.3 Propionic Acid 4- 8 mg
3.4 Sorbic Acid 0.3 to 1mg
4 Gelling material CMC sodium | 5 mg to10 mg
5 Colour Edible red i colour
6 Preservative Anti fungal 5 mg to10 mg
7. Water Purified Water
that is filtered PH around 7.4
water free i to make one

from smell and liter of the bearing no formulation, offensive


Step 1 : Take 25% of purified water required for full
formulation in a pre cleaned drum in which product is to be formulated.
Step 2 : Add measured quantity of Sodium Citrate to Step 1
and mix thoroughly with electric stirrer.
Step 3 : Add Citric Acid to Step 1 and mix thoroughly with
electric stirrer. Go on adding Citric Acid gradually and measure pH continuously till pH reaches 4.5. Record the quantity of citric acid used.
Step 4 : Add measured quantity of Sodium Chloride in Step
1 under continuous stirring.
Step 5 : Add measured quantity of Magnesium Chloride in
Step 1 under continuous stirring.
Step 6 : Add measured quantity of Calcium Chloride in
Step 1 under continuous stirring.
Step 7. : Add measured quantity of Sodium Acetate in Step
1 under continuous stirring. ^


Step 8 : Add measured quantity of Potassium Acetate in
Step 1 under continuous stirring.
Step 9 : Add measured quantity of Dextrose in Step 1
under continuous stirring.
Step 10 : Add measured quantity of formic, Sorbic, propionic, acetic or any direct acting organic acid in step 1 with continuous stirring.
Step 11 : Take 10% of purified water out of requirement for full formulation in a pre cleaned drum.
Step 12 Add measured quantity of CMC sodium under
continuous stirring in Step 2 and pour the liquid in Step 1 under continuous stirring.
Step 13 : Add measured quantity of organic acid in Step 1 with continuous stirring.

Step 14 Take approx 1% of purified water quantity required for full formulation in a pre cleaned beaker or jar and put measured amount of color and stir till it is mixed uniformally-
Step15 : Pour colored liquid from Step 14 to Step 1 under continuous stirring and mix thoroughly.
Step 16 : Add balance quantity of purified water to make desired Volume in Step I.The above said ingredients are mixed in a drum of polypropylene. The Stirrer is made of SS grade steel with motor of 0.5 HP for mixin (mixing by stiring pcocess to Mixing, of one batch of 500 liters will take approximately, 3 hours)

This feed supplement is packed in a high density Thermo Cole tray of the following dimension.

Outer: - Length X Breadth X Height

17 cm X 4.4cm X 4cm
The tray has got a depression the top of following size

Length X Breadth X Height
2.2cm X 1.3cm X 14.8cm
The formulation is put inside the above depressed portion which holds 60g of material enough for 15 chicks feed supplementing / water requirement for 12 hours or more. Pack : - It is packed in a tray which contains 60gm of the FEED SUPPLEMENT enough for 15 chicks for 10-12 hours. So every chick consumes 4 gm of the above mentioned formulation which prevents dehydration in chicks for 10 to 12 hours.

The top of the tray is covered with water proof covering with details printed regarding usage instruction e.g. FEED SUPPLEMENT -POULTRY FEED SUPPLEMENT AN AID TO TRANSPORTATION OF HEALTHY CHICKS. And NOT FOR HUMAN / MEDICINAL USE
Bottom of the tray is provided with two double adhesive tapes of 2.5 cm each one on each end of the tray.
Fix the preprinted water proof label on top of the tray to cover the feed supplement . Giving details for the product quantity batch No. date of manufacture, use before date, Mfg. Co. name and address and usage instruction.
Step 19 : Fix 2.5cm x 2 double adhesive tape at the two ends on the bottom of the tray.
Step 20 : FEED SUPPLEMENT the feed supplement be packed in seven ply carton 100 units per carton. Carton to be sealed with tape and product name and pack with date of Mfg. Quantity to be put on the outer carton before shipping

Application of FEED SUPPLEMENT : the feed supplement is supplied in disposable trays that are part of the chick boxes under transportation. It provides chicks with necessary acidified water, electrolytes and energy source. The availability of water and other nutrients keep the chicks safe and healthy.
Explanation with accompanying drawings
Figure no. I displays the above feed supplement packaged within the thermo cole tray bearing the above mentioned dimension.
Figure no. 2 is an illustration of the normal PH of the POULTRY digestive system.
Figure no. 3 is a tabular representation of the approximate PH range of the microbial growth of different kinds of bacteria usually found in the G. I tract of baby chicks.
The obvious benefit of formulation is the prevention of dehydration. Young chicks in general and day old chicks in particular have their own specific problems. Dehydration during transportation and resultant stress can severely affect the chick's health. The affect can range from stress and early infection to mortality.

f. ,.'. F- -


In addition the microflora in the G. I. Tract of poultry is a complex ecosystem consisting of many types of bacteria. Young chicks have a limited number of types of bacteria in the G. I. Tract therefore they do not yet have a stable microbial balance.
In the case of young chicks, the pH in the G. I. Tract is still relatively high. This results in limited production of lactic acid and volatile fatty acids. This reduces the energy levels in the chicks.
As a result the Gram-ve bacteria (such as E.coli) grow better in the G. I. Tract of young chicks.
The solution to this serious problem lies in preventing dehydration during transportation and simultaneously reducing pH in the G. I. Tract of chicks before the chicks are transferred to the brooding house. Also prevention of infection in the chicks will go a long way in protecting the health of chicks. Reduces pH of the G.I. tract of chicks reducing of the growth of pathogenic micro-organism and moulds both in water and the G.I. tract. Reduces disease incidence and cuts cost of treatment.

The feed supplement is acidified for preventing infection and reducing the pH in G. I. Tract of chicks. In addition this feed supplement is enriched with ready source of energy and electrolytes. Each FEED SUPPLEMENT tray contains 60 g. of feed supplement, which is sufficient for about 15 chicks for 18-24 hours. This alone means a saving of up to 5% chicks in transit. (Costing around Rs.200 crores). Healthy chicks grow better and faster as per their genetic potential compared to the chicks that are listless weak and dehydrated.
The chicks that enjoy and eat FEED SUPPLEMENT in transportation are also protected from the infection because FEED SUPPLEMENT reduces intestinal ph (acidified). The ready energy in FEED SUPPLEMENT ensures that the chicks are delivered in good health at the new poultry farm with least stress and in healthy condition.
Since the composition of the inventions consist of organic acids which are from the group of Direct acting organic acids like Formic Acid, Propionic Acid, Sorbic Acid, these acids in the above mentioned inventions help in lowering the ph in the intestinal tract of the poultry chicks, as a result bacteria like e coli cannot survive in the intestinal Tract of poultry chicks Also prevention of infection in the chicks will go a long way in protecting the health of chicks.
The feed supplement is acidified for preventing infection and reducing the pH in G. I. Tract of chicks. In addition this feed supplement is enriched with ready source of energy and electrolytes.

V-\N >

The name of the product is FEED SUPPLEMENT which helps delivery of healthy chicks to the poultry farms economically.
Costly parent chicks and the chicks that are transported for long distances can be safely delivered in good health and could save money for both breeders and poultry farmers.


In the case of young chicks, the pH in the 6- I Tract is still relatively high. This results in limited production of lactic acid and volatile fatty acids. This reduces the energy levels in the chicks.
The invention is a feed supplement enriched with electrolytes, energy and acidified to desired pH.
FEED SUPPLEMENT is supplied in disposable thermo cole trays of about 6 inches x 1 inch. Each tray contains 60 g. of FEED SUPPLEMENT . The tray is closed with detachable plastic paper cover. Bottom of each tray is provided with double adhesive tape for easy fixing in the chick box.
FEED SUPPLEMENT is acidified with organic acids to protect chicks from infection. It is particularly important because chicks do not have a stable microbial balance and the intestinal pH is on the higher side. Water + Electrolytes + Energy prevent dehydration and stress in chicks.
The amount of water in each tray is sufficient for at least 12 hours to 18 hours for 15-18 chicks. Chicks easily pick up FEED SUPPLEMENT as the composition contains red colour. Chicks are attracted by natural instinct towards the red colour. Therefore, chicks readily consume the feed supplement which helps prevent dehydration and stress. The consumption of the said feed supplement therefore saves losses due to stress and mortality. This provides healthy head start for good growth- Once the chick receive

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sufficient amounts of mineral, glucose, nutriments the immunity of the chicks also increases as well as dehydration is prevented this helps the chicks stay in good health in transit. Losses of the poultry framers are effectively reduced and farmers make more money as they are able to deliver healthy chicks.
Clinical Trials
With respect to the feed supplement have Deen administered where in the weight of the chicks is considered directly proportional to the dehydration or hydration in chicks.
As per the research conducted at the Hebrew University in Israel demonstrated that weight loss in newly hatched chicks prior to removal from the incubator could be materially reduced by feed supplementing them on hatching trays.
Trial conducted on newly hatched chicks and poults showed that they lost weight at the rate of 0.14 to 0.17 grams per hour. Early hatching chicks or poults which remained on the trays for 48 hours could lose 6-8 grams when water or any feed supplement is not administered to them.

In the feed supplement the edible water appears to have a promise for prevention of mortality & morbidity during transportation of chicks. A trial was undertaken as follows:
Objective of Trial
To find out the effectiveness of the feed supplement, the same was administered for prevention of dehydration in chicks during transportation particularly in summer months.
Two identical chick boxes of 60 chicks each were sent to four
different destinations by road transport. Out of the two chick boxes
one was fixed with 4 trays of feed supplement, one tray in each
compartment and the other box was used as control. Here the term
control means that constitution of chicks before administration of said
The four destinations where the chick boxes, for trial, were sent in second week of April 2002 from Mumbai and their relative distances and time required for transit are given below :-

SL. No. Destination Distance from Mumbai Total time in transit (Approx)
1 Nasik 300 km 6Hrs.
2 Meeraj 470 km 10Hrs.
3 Vadodara 400 km 8Hrs
4 Hyderabad 600 km 16Hrs.

All boxes were booked in the early morning hours between 6 AM & 7 AM.
The chicks were weighed before dispatch and after receipt at the poultry farm.
The details of the number of chicks and average weight of chicks at the start of the transportation is as follows:-

Destination No. of chicks in each box Average weight per chick
Control Feed supplement Control
(g) Feed supplement (g)
Nasik 60 60 35 35
Meeraj 60 60 37 36.5
Vadodara 60 60 36 36.5
Hyderabad 60 60 36 36

The Observations were recorded after arrival of chicks at the farm. The findings are tabulated below

Destinatio n Control Feed
nt Difference % Improveme
1 Nasik 54 59 +5 8
2 Meeraj 53 58 +5 8
3 Vadodara 52 58 +8 12
4 Hyderaba d 50 57 +7 14
Chicks or poults in trays with feed supplement showed some initial weight loss but then tended to plateau, while those without feed supplement lost weight on a continuing linear pattern. Thus, when removed from the hatching trays and placed in growing pens, chicks or poults which had been fed were always heavier than those not fed in the hatching trays. These differences were still evident at 21 days of age.

Poultry farmer received 5-7 extra chicks per box of 60 chicks.

Destinati on At the start c transportations At the end after reaching poultry farm
Control FEED
Improvemen t in weight with feed supplement
1 Nasik 35 35 30 33 10%
2 Meeraj 37 38.5 31 34 9.7%
3 Vadodar a 36 36.5 31 34 9.7%
4 Hyderab ad 36 38 30 33 10%






1. The poultry farmer gets 5 to 7 extra chicks compared to control which is 9 to 14% more than control. This is a significant Improvement in number of chicks to start with. The actual benefit will be when the farmer sells more number of finished boilers.
2. The survived chicks have 9 to 10% higher weight compared to control which is an important advantage for a healthy head start.
3. The savings in case of transportation of Breeding chicks could be several times more than the commercial chicks.
(Cost of a commercial chick : Broiler Rs. 17.00 Layer Rs. 12.00
4. Cost of breeding chick is Rs. 150.00 to 170.00)
Cost of one tray of FEED SUPPLEMENT to the farmer is Rs. 6.00 is sufficient for 15 chicks.
It is recommended that hatcheries and farmer use FEED SUPPLEMENT as edible water during transportation of chicks to prevent dehydration and provide a healthy head start.


I claim,

1. A feed supplement f6r preventing dehydration in chicks comprising electrolytes, dextrose, gelling material , red color, preservative and purified water mixed in a polypropylene drum with an electric stirrer of SS material with motor at 0.5 Horse Power where the Ph\ of the feed supplement is in the range of 4.5 to 5.5.
2. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 where in the nutritive agglomerating constituents like electrolytes are amongst sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride sodium acetate, potassium acetate, sodium citrate used in measured quantities.
3. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 where in the sodium chloride as claimed in the no. 2 is in the range of 50-70 mg.
4. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 where in the Magnesium chloride as claimed in the no. 2 is in the range of 25-33 mg.
5. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 where in the calcium chloride as claimed in the no. 2 is in the range of 27-33 mg.
6. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 where in the sodium acetate as claimed in the no. 2 is in the range of 50-70 mg.

7. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 where in the potassium acetate as claimed in the no. 2 is in the range of 10-15 mg.
8. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 where in the sodium citrate as claimed in the no. 2 is in the range of 50-80 mg.
9. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 wherein dextrose is in the range of 50 - 80 mg.

10. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 wherein formic acid is used in the range of -to - %.
11. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 wherein CMC Sodium is used in the range of 5-10 %
12. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 wherein preservative (please specify the preservative range) is used in the range of 5-10 % which has anft fungaf properties to prevent growth of pathogens in the G.f tract of baby chicks.
13. A feed supplement for preventing dehydration in chicks as claimed in claim 1 wherein water is purified water which is filtered water and free from odor and bearing no offensive taste.

14. the process of manufacture of the feed supplement as
claimed in claim no.1 said process consisting essentially of:
(a) homogeneously mixing about 25% purified water and sodium citrate in the range of 50- 80 mg, citric acid in the range of, sodium chloride in the range of 50- 70 mg., magnesium chloride in the range of 25 - 30 mg, calcium chloride in the range of 27- 33 mg, sodium acetate in the range of 10- 15 mg , potassium acetate in the range of 10- 15 mg, dextrose in the range of 50-80 mg,
15. the process of manufacture of the feed supplement as claimed in claim 14 where by the purified water is now taken out of the full formulation in a precleaned drum, and CMC sodium is added in the range of 5-10 % to the formulation.
16. The process of manufacture of the feed supplement where by organic acid is in the range of is further added to the process claimed in claim 14.
17. The process of manufacture of the said feed supplement where by artificial red colour 'is added to 1 % ot purified water and the said mixture is further added to the formulation achieved by the process as claimed in claim 14.

18. The process of manufacture of the said feed supplement as claimed in claim 14 where the constituents from claim 2 to claim 13 are homogenously mixed in ?» polypropylene drum by an electric stirrer made up of SS material by a motor of 0.5 horsepower.
19. A poultry feed supplement as d^scribed in the complete specification accompanied by drawings in the complete specification.


1103-mum-2001 abstract.doc

1103-mum-2001 abstract.pdf

1103-mum-2001 cancelled claims.pdf

1103-mum-2001 claims.doc

1103-mum-2001 claims.pdf

1103-mum-2001 correspondence(ipo).pdf

1103-mum-2001 correspondence.pdf

1103-mum-2001 description(granted).doc

1103-mum-2001 discription(granted).pdf

1103-mum-2001 drawing.pdf

1103-mum-2001 form 1.pdf

1103-mum-2001 form 2(granted).doc

1103-mum-2001 form 2(granted).pdf

1103-mum-2001 form 2(title page).pdf

1103-mum-2001 form 3.pdf

1103-mum-2001 form 5.pdf



1103-mum-2001-cancelled pages(12-05-2005).pdf

1103-mum-2001-cancelled pages(12-05-2005).tif






1103-mum-2001-form 1(20-11-2001).pdf

1103-mum-2001-form 19(31-05-2004).pdf

1103-mum-2001-form 2(granted)-(12-05-2005).doc

1103-mum-2001-form 2(granted)-(12-05-2005).pdf

1103-mum-2001-form 3(20-11-2001).pdf

1103-mum-2001-form 5(20-11-2001).pdf


Patent Number 207769
Indian Patent Application Number 1103/MUM/2001
PG Journal Number 30/2008
Publication Date 25-Jul-2008
Grant Date 22-Jun-2007
Date of Filing 20-Nov-2001
Name of Patentee MS. RAVITA BEDI
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A23L 1/30
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA