Title of Invention


Abstract A tobacco product with other ingredients like lime, water, menthol oil, spices & flavour of predetermined ratio is prepared by the different steps like (a) removing of the impurities from the plant material (b) drying the leaves below 60 C (c) grinding the leaves within a particle size of below 80 mesh (d) mixing the said powder with other ingredients as herein described and (e) packing the formulated the tobacco product in hygienic condition within a food grade cellulose filter paper under the absence of the oxygen.
The present invention concerns to a 'Tobacco' products particularly
known as 'Khaini' in a novel pouch pack for easy use without
affecting the organs and the method for the preparation of the
Tobacco is anciently used in different forms because of the Presence of different alkaloids e.g. nicotine, nicotimine and nornicotine etc. in the leaves of the tobacco plant - Nicotaiana tobacum. The pharmacological action of the tobacco is to produce transient stimulation due to rapid depolarization, and subsequently persistant depression due to hyperpolarization of the ganglion cells in all the autonomic ganglia. It also produces initial stimulation of adrenal medulla leading to discharge of apinephrine in to the blood. It also markedly stimulates the CNS and produces tremor and in Large doses convulsion. Due to its marked effect it is used traditionally for the purpose of pleasure after developing fatigueness in the nervous system.
The ancient people used tobacco in the different forms as per their Culture which are known as Bidi, Snuff, Khaini, Zarda etc. to meet the demand of pleasure. In the past, it is used generally in the crude form without purifying and testing the contents of the active
Ingredients which are some times causing harmful effect to the users. At the different times it has been developed scientifically keeping in mind the harmful effect of the product for different reasons. The conscious of the people are changing day to day to use the said product in a scientific manner to live in a modern society. The defects of the said product are mainly concerned with the use of low varieties of tobacco, unhygienic preparation of the product & poor quality of packaging.
Moreover, the plant materials which are used for the preparation of the same are not of pure quality and directly used in such a way so that the different parts of the organ are exposed to that plant material creating a obnoxious smell in the mouth and making injury to the gum and teeth. To remove the defects in the prior art the present invention aims to prepare a product which are free from the said defects.
The regular products available in the market are prepared in the different processes which require different mode of processing before chewing like removal of impurities e.g. chunna (lime), dusts and other foreign particles. The user has to take product in his hand and rubbing it for sometime to prepare the actual product and blow-off the impurities before chewing. This results inconvenient for using. Further, during the said preparation his hands may not be
Clean and the working environment may not be in hygienic condition, which can induce other toxic particles into the product causing health hazard. It is also observed that by the said process 60% of the plant material is wasted and only 40% can be in use. To remove those defects a novel product is developed which can be simply placed inside the mouth between the either sides of rear end of tooth without chewing. The aim of the invention is also to eliminate the toxic materials coming with saliva after chewing because it will cause the harmful effect of the internal glands.
The object of the invention is to prepare the product in such a way
that it will not adversely affect the gum and teeth.
That further object of the invention is to use the active component
of the tobacco by a means to arrest the plant materials.
The further object is to prepare the product in a novel manner so
that the question of chewing tobacco does not arise.
Further the dose of every pack is maintained in such a way that it
will serve the purpose of pleasure avoiding large amount of use
and the misuse can be prevented, which ultimately reduces the
uses of the product in a cost effective manner.
According to this invention there is provided a formulation of tobacco with Lime, Water, Menthol, oil Spices and Flavour in a different proportion to make the product palatable and useble form. The percentage of different ingredients is chosen as per the quality and the active components present in the tobacco. So, the variation of composition requires making the product softy & increasing the self-life to use it for a longer period.
The process for the preparation of the formulation and preserving it within a food grade cellulose filter paper in hygienic condition by a automatic packing machine so that it does not contaminate with other toxic material and dusts. The process comprises of the following steps.
(a) Removing the impurities adhered with raw tobacco leaves by
a conventional process
(b) Drying the said leaves in oven not over 60 Cor in sunlight
With a cover so that any particulate matter can not come
Into contact with the said leaves
(c) Grinding the dried leaves in a powder from (not over 80
(d) Mixing the said powder leaves with the ingredients like lime.
Water, menthol, oil, spices & flavour in a mixer at
the rate of 40-60 RPM for 25-30 mints
(e) Packing the pre-determined portion of the product obtained
from step (d) into the food grade cellulose filter paper in the
hygienic condition through an automatic packing machine.
(f) Preserving the individual pouch in the poly pack under inert
medium so that the final oxidation of the finish product can
be prevented
The composition of the tobacco formulation is as fallows:
Ingredients Percentage (W/W)
Tobacco 70-75
Lime 3.0-7.0
Water 15-20
Oil 4.0-8.0
Spices 2.0-3.0
Menthol 1.0-2.0
Flavour 1.0-2.0
The invention is to prepare a tobacco which can be used without chewing and a fixed weight can be taken for the purpose of pleasure. To achieve this product, it is developed in such a way that only fixed formulated materials are packed in the food grade cellulose filter paper to allow the active principles of the tobacco coming to the saliva. The undesirable materials within the filer pack shall be arrested and could not come into the human system to cause injurious to health.
It is also observed that some tobacco leaves have sharp edges like small hard pieces. While chewing the regular tobacco, this type of sharp hard pieces can pierce through the soft skin inside the mouth which make punctures and wounds into the gum and in the long run it could develop the serious health problems like throat cancer or gum cancer etc.
For the above reasons the chewing tobacco is injurious to health. The product of this invention totally avoids those kind of hazards and health problems to ensure the product safely in use. Pure high quality of tobacco leaves are taken and dried as herein described before grinding. This process requires 5-6 days to achieve the moisture content 10-15%. The moisture content of the
Leaves is measured in every day to reach into the idea whether the plant materials are ready for use.
The dried leaves are grinded to the powder form of particles size within 80 mesh because it is bserved that the size of particles are capable of giving maximum pleasure to the users because of maximum extraction of active components stated in the prior art. To achieve into the said particle size multiple sieving of powder material from the net of fixed mesh size is required.
The powder leaves of desired size is mixed with the other ingredients like lime, water, menthol, oil, spices & flavour at a different proportion to get the maximum charging effect of the formulation by generation the active components (alkaloids). The proportion varies wide range as per the requirement of the pleasure. So no fixed formulation is suggested for this purpose. The major beauty of the invention is to pack the said tobacco formulation into a food grade cellulose filter paper in such a way that only allows the active components required for pleasure outside from the pouch. The other components cannot be either extracted by the saliva or cannot be coming out from the said filter paper. This will minimize the health hazards.

A comparative chat of the regular products of tobacco is in
invented product and the other en below
Product of invention Regular Tobacco Product

Pure product hygienically Packed in filter paper to ensure Convenient use.
Impure, impurities to be removed Manually by rubbing and sorting by hand.

No dirty colour or marks left on hand after using because it is a packed product.
Dirty colour left on hand after Processing the product.

No chewing required only pure flavour nicotine extract coming outside from the pouch Chewing required. Impurities along with plant material with toxic principles entered with saliva causing harmful effect.

No skin, tooth or gum problems reported. Gum and tooth problem arises due to the punchers & wound created from the sharp edge of plant material leading cancer and other dreadful disease.
No wastage of product.
60% product wastage.
the r Regular tobacco product, designed to make the product maximum use of the active provision considering the health of product particularly by the of the society.
In view of the above benefits the product of the invention is user friendly, cost effective, principles & overall safeguard hazard arising by using the kind middle class and the weaker sectibn
The best formulated product of the invention is as follows:
Ingredients Percentage (W/W)
Tobacco 70 to 75
Lime 3.0-7.0
Water 15to20
Vegetable Oil 4.0 to 8.0
Spices 2.0 to 3.0
Menthol 1.0 to 2.0
Flavour 1.0 to 2.0

The varied of composition of the

invented products are possible as

per the requirements of the usen without limiting the scope of invention.

1. A tobacco products comprising of
Ingredients Percentage (WAV)
Tobacco 70 to 75
Lime 3.0-7.0
Water 15 to 20
Vegetable Oil 4.0 to 8.0
Spices 2.0 to 3.0
Menthol 1.0 to 2.0
Flavour 1.0to2.0
The process for the preparation of the formulation as claimed In claim 1, wherein it comprises of the following steps.
a) Removing the impurities adhered with raw tobacco leaves
by a conventional process
b) Drying the said leaves in oven not over 60 C or in
Sunlight with a cover so that any particular matter cannot
come into contact with the said leaves
c) Grinding the dried leaves in a powder from (not over 80
d) Mixing the said powder leaves with the ingredients like
lime, water, menthol, oil, & flavour in a mixer at the rate
of 40-60 RPM for 5-6 hours
Packing the pre-determind portion of the product
obtained from step (d) into the food grade cellulose filter
paper in the hygienic condition through an automatic
packing machine
e) Preserving the individual pouch in the poly pack under
inert medium so that the final oxidation of the finish
product can be prevented

3. The process as claimed in claim 2, wherein the removing of
impurities and drying are made in conventional process.
4. The process as claimed in claim 2, wherein the desired
particle size of the plant material is 60-80 meshes.
5. The process as claimed in claim 2, wherein the mixing of the plant
material with other ingredients is made in automatic mixing
machine to maintain hygienic condition.
6. The process as claimed in claim 2, wherein the packing of
3.0-5.0 gram formulated product is made in every pouch.
7. The process as claimed in claim 2, wherein the preservation
of the tobacco product in individual pouch is done in the
absence of oxygen.
8. A tobacco product is substantially herein described.
9. The process for the preparation of tobacco product as
claimed in the preceding claims is substantially herein






693-del-2003-description (complete).pdf






Patent Number 208724
Indian Patent Application Number 693/DEL/2003
PG Journal Number 35/2007
Publication Date 31-Aug-2007
Grant Date 07-Aug-2007
Date of Filing 13-May-2003
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A24B 3/04, 15/26, 15
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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