Title of Invention


Abstract AMRCU consists of a terminal Block for incoming Supply (1) connected to the Electronic Energy Meter (2) which is further connected to an Intelligent Control System (3) with built in SMPS, comprising of Relay Control Drive, Interface for CMRI, Interface for GSM /CDMA Unit, Interface for Electronic Energy Meter and Interface for Limit Switch, this combination has three outgoing connections - the first one goes to a GSM Modem with power supply (4) which is connected to an Antenna (5), the second one to a limit switch (6) and the third one to the Latching Relay (7) for its control which is having connection from the output of the Energy Meter. This is connected to Isolator circuit breaker (8) and finally connected to the Terminal block for consumer load (9). Automated Meter Reader cum control unit as mentioned above where the system is capable for use either in single phase or three phase as per the requirement. Automated Meter Reader Cum Control unit as mentioned above is capable to function for a single or multi number of consumers irrespective of restriction of any load. Automated Meter Reader cum Control unit as mentioned above is fully factory built, is easy to install.
The Invention describes Automated Meter Reader cum Control Unit (AMRCU): The Unit is to provide service to consumers of electrical energy, single or three phase, with remote reading, monitoring, tamper proofing, switching off and on facility individually or collectively in case of multiple consumers. The complete unit as referred in the enclosed drawing comprising of: -
(1) Terminal Block for incoming supply
(2) Electronic Energy Meter.
(3) Intelligent Control System having: -

(a) Relay Control Drive: - This facilitates switching off or on activity of the
consumer load, on receipt of direction either form the operation of a limit
switch by way of tampering or from the distribution system.
(b) Interface for Common Meter Reading Instrument (CMRI): - This enables
the utility provider to download energy meter data by connecting hand
held meter reader unit through serial port if need be.
(c) Interface for Global System Mobile Communication (GSM) / Code
Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Unit: - This is for connecting Modem
for data transmission to and from main distribution system.
(d) Interface for Electronic Energy Meter: - This is to interact with the
Energy Meter for collection of different parameters measured by the
energy Meter.
(e) Interface for Limit Switch: - This is to monitor any unauthorised opening
of system enclosure, thus provide full protection against any tampering of
the system.
(f) Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS): - The combined system is
connected to its own SMPS to cater to its power requirement.
(4) Global System Mobile Communication (GSM) / Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Modem with power supply.

(5) Antena
(6) Limit Switch to ensure consumer load safety and protection from un
authorised opening of the enclosure.
(7) Latching Relay for switching OFF Or ON individual consumer load.
(8) Isolator circuit Breaker for protection.
(9) Terminal Block for consumer load.
The system thus is capable to monitor load, based on the information received about loading pattern. The micro - controller based control unit is capable of switching off or on the individual consumer load with LATCHING RELAYS of suitable rating from the load monitoring stations of utility provider.
The load for each consumer is routed through the Latching relay. The relay facilitates switching off - on as the case may be for the consumer as and when required by the utility provider, based on the power consumption pattern being monitored. Use of latching relay is to ensure proper connection of consumer load without any internal power consumption. These relays require power only to change the state i.e. either for switching on or off the consumer load. It remains in the same state unless it is again energized to change the prevailing state.
The system is to monitor the energy consumption of individual consumer as per required time interval or on continuous basis and send the information to monitoring control station through the GSM / CDMA transreceiver as and when require. Based on the information received, the monitoring control station ensures necessary action, which is conveyed to the GSM / CDMA transreceiver. The instruction received by the measurement system GSM / CDMA transreceiver is transmitted to micro - controller based Relay Control unit. On receipt of the information the Relay Control Unit ensure necessary action to operate the corresponding Latching Relay for OFF - ON operation of the consumer load.

1. At present Meter reading, monitoring, Load Connection and
disconnection can only be done after physically visiting the consumer
2. Human movement from one place to another either for Meter reading,
monitoring, Load Connection or disconnection is not only time
consuming but also costly.
3. Many a time the meter reader faces problem of premises locked etc.for
taking the reading.
4. In case of urgent need of mass scale Meter reading, monitoring, Load
Connection or disconnection in a single day with the existing system, is
virtually impossible or need huge manpower deployment vis - a vis
excessive cost.
5. The present system is not suitable for monitoring at regular interval, in
case of any particular need. The data thus collected manually is rather
difficult to analyse for management purposes and timely action cannot be
taken to monitor the same.
6. The present system is not suitable for instantaneous connection
disconnection of load at consumer premises. Also in the present system,
as all the action is to be done only on the physical movement of human at
the consumer premises, it is costly.
7. In the present system, possibility of the Meter tampering cannot be traced
easily without physical examination.
8. The present system is prone to human observation error also.

The invention relates to Automated Meter Reader Cum Control Unit (AMRCU), where the invention is a true AMRCU Solution including provision for remote monitoring, switching on or off facilities at the utility premises. Meter reading and facility for monitoring of consumption data as per required time schedule of the utility is built-in in the system. In case of misuse, load can be disconnected immediately without physically going to the consumer premises, resulting in saving time and manpower.
Because of limited man power movement the system is very much cost effective and fast in action.
The system being fully automatic, chance of human error is almost eliminated. The system is having inbuilt facility to check meter tampering.
The Limit switch provided in the system detects the opening of the system enclosure. In the event of opening the enclosure; the control system ensures disconnection of consumer load. This facility ensures detection of unauthorized access to the system also.
The invented design concept is shown in the accompanying illustrating drawing to show the invention.
As shown in the accompanying drawing, the invented Automated Meter Reader Cum Control Unit (AMRCU) consists of a terminal Block for incoming Supply (1) connected to the Electronic Energy Meter (2) which is further connected to an Intelligent Control System (3) with built in SMPS,

comprising of Relay Control Drive, Interface for CMRI, Interface for GSM / CDMA Unit, Interface for Electronic Energy Meter and Interface for Limit Switch. This intelligent control system has three outgoing connections - the first one goes to a GSM / CDMA Modem with power supply (4) which is connected to an Antenna (5), the second one to a limit switch (6) and the third one to the Latching Relay (7) for its control which is having connection from the output of the Energy Meter. The latching relay is connected to Isolator / circuit breaker (8) and finally connected to the Terminal block for consumer load (9).
The illustration shown in drawing is only representative to show the invention. There could be numerous version of this invention in shape or size and configuration depending upon the specific use and the system can be operated by other mode of mobile communication.
Therefore, many apparently different embodiment of the present invention could be made without departing from scope and spirit thereof, it is intended that the description of the invention stated herein be interpreted as being illustrating only and not limiting in any manner what so ever.
The salient features of the system are:
Basic construction of Automated Meter Reader Cum Control Unit (AMRCU) meant for remote reading, control, monitor, switching on or off the consumer load, protection and tamper proofing of a consumer meter installation.
The invented Automated Meter Reader Cum Control Unit (AMRCU) consists of a terminal Block for incoming Supply (1) connected to the Electronic Energy Meter (2) which is further connected to an Intelligent Control System (3) with built in SMPS, comprising of Relay Control Drive, Interface for CMRI, Interface for GSM Unit, Interface for Electronic Energy Meter and Interface for Limit Switch. This combination has three outgoing connections - the first one goes to a GSM / CDMA Modem with power supply (4) which is connected to an Antenna (5), the second one to a limit switch (6) and the third one to the Latching Relay (7) for its control which is having connection from the output of the Energy Meter. This is connected to Isolator / circuit breaker (8) and finally connected to the Terminal block for consumer load (9).
The system is fully programmed to monitor and send data via GSM / CDMA to the unit at a pre - determined interval as desired by the utility.
The system being automatic, helps the utility to drastically reduce physical movement of manpower for monitoring of data, switching on or off meter, thus it is very cost effective.
The system invented thus is suitable for the power utilities for effective remote control monitor, switching and tamper proofing of load for individual consumer utility premises.
The invented Automated Meter Reader Cum Control Unit (AMRCU) consists of a terminal Block for incoming Supply (1) connected to the Electronic Energy Meter (2) which is further connected to an Intelligent Control System (3) with built in SMPS, comprising of Relay Control Drive, Interface for CMRI, Interface for GSM / CDMA Unit, Interface for Electronic Energy Meter and Interface for Limit Switch. This combination has three outgoing connections - the first one goes to a GSM / CDMA Modem with power supply (4) which is connected to an Antenna (5), the second one to a limit switch (6) and the third one to the Latching Relay (7) for its control which is having connection from the output of the Energy Meter. This is connected to Isolator / circuit breaker (8) and finally connected to the Terminal block for consumer load (9). Is the invented system for remote reading, control, monitor, switching, protection and tamper proofing of a consumer meter installation.
The invented system helps the utility center to remote control, monitor of power consumption at regular interval also check misuse of power. Switching on or off power for individual consumer can be done at the utility center without any physical movement of man power, thus the system is quick in taking action as well as cost effective.

AMRCU consists of a terminal Block for incoming Supply (1) connected to the Electronic Energy Meter (2) which is further connected to an Intelligent Control System (3) with built in SMPS, comprising of Relay Control Drive, Interface for CMRI, Interface for GSM / CDMA Unit, Interface for Electronic Energy Meter and Interface for Limit Switch, this combination has three outgoing connections - the first one goes to a GSM Modem with power supply (4) which is connected to an Antenna (5), the second one to a limit switch (6) and the third one to the Latching Relay (7) for its control which is having connection from the output of the Energy Meter. This is connected to Isolator circuit breaker (8) and finally connected to the Terminal block for consumer load (9).
2. Automated Meter Reader cum control unit as claimed in claim 1 is
capable for use either in single phase or three phase as per the
3. Automated Meter Reader Cum Control unit as claimed in claim 1 - 2 is
capable to function for a single or multi number of consumers
irrespective of restriction of any load.
4. Automated Meter Reader cum Control unit as claimed in 1 -3 is fully
factory built, is easy to install.

5. Automated Meter Reader Cum Control unit as claimed in 1 - 4 eliminates
physical movement of man-power to the consumer premises for
connection or disconnection of power, causing faster action, reduces
human error, reduction of cost.
6. Automated Meter Reader Cum Control Unit as claimed in 1 - 5 is
capable of monitoring data of the consumer load either individual or
multi utility station.
7. Automated Meter Reader Cum Control Unit as claimed in 1 - 6 is
suitable for monitoring data continuously or at an interval as per the
requirement of the utility provider.
8. Automated Meter Reader Cum Control Unit subsequently as herein
described with reference to the accompanying drawing.






2278-del-2005-description (complete).pdf









Patent Number 208735
Indian Patent Application Number 2278/DEL/2005
PG Journal Number 33/2007
Publication Date 17-Aug-2007
Grant Date 08-Aug-2007
Date of Filing 25-Aug-2005
Name of Patentee DHARAM PAL GUPTA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G08C 19/16
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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