Abstract | A multielectrode type fuse element manufactured by forming a shallow shaving portion of a definite width in teh long fuse material in a longitudinal direction so as to form a thin area, punching from protions of the thin area dependently on electrical conductrion capacities of fuses so as to form a plurality of blowout portions, forming a hook-like extending portion on one side across the thin area at an upper end of an input terminal disposed in a direction perpendicular to the longityudinal direction of the long fuse material, forming a plurality of output terminals by punching form the long fuse material on a side of the hook-like extending portion of the input terminal in parallel with the input terminal at an equal pitch, and forming the blowout portions to connect one side of an upper portion of a vertical section of the input terminal and a lower tip of the hook-like extending portion with top end of the plurality of output terminals. |
Full Text | TITLE OF THE INVENTION MULTIELECTRODE TYPE FUSE ELEMENT AND MULTIELECTRODE TYPE FUSE USING " 1 ' ' THE SAME BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a blade type multielectrode fuse to he used mai nly for automobiles which is characterized in that blowout portions and a plurality of terminals are formed integrally by punching from a long fuse material consisting of a single electrically conductive plate. 2. - Description of the; Related Art A fuse element which is disclosed by U.S. Patent No.4023264 is conventionally known as a general fuse which is tp be disposed in a fuse box for automobiles. This fuse element is manufactured by sequentially punching with presses and cutting out from a long fuse material 12 which has a thin portion 11 of definite width formed at in a longitudinal direction at a middle portion thereof ihto a piece having a predetermined shape and a predetermined lehgth, and configured as a bielectrode type fuse element which has a thin blowout portion 13 between a pair of right and left terminals as shown in FIGS. 7 and 8. In addition, a reference numeral 10 represents an insulating housing in which the fuse element is to bel dispused and fixed. Further, a fuse element disclosed by Japanese Patent Publication (KOKOKU) No. 61-H625 is known as a multielectrode type f usn el oinent wh ich Is con f i qured to prevent a blown fuse from i nfluencing on other fuses by arranging a plurality of output tormina is in parallel with an input terminal on a side of a power sf)urde by way of a blowout portion. This fuse element is manu factured by punching from a ,lonq fuse m^M a 1 plate mater i a 1 14, and cons ists of a common link 16 and a p1ura1i t y of fuse forming 1i nks 17, 17,... which are disposed on one side of a coupling link 15 so that they hang down in parallel with one another, and that they have blowout portions 18 which have sectional areas smaller than those of the other portions as shown in FIGS. 9 and 10. ■ ■ ■ ] The multielectrode type fuse element described above is (. ■ ■ ^ i ■ manufactured by punching from the fuse metal plate 14 which has a definite thickness and projecting a portion 19 from the common link 16, and the links hanq down in parallel with one another on ; I onn s i de of (under ) the coup] i ng link 15. Thouqh the fuse element disclosed by U.S. Patent No. 4023264 can be manufactured efficiently in a large number by isequentially I - r ^ i punching with presses from a long fuse material and cutting into a piece having a predetermined shape and a predetermined lehgth while feeding the long fuse material 12 which has the longitudinal ■ ■ " ! ■ ' thin area 11 of the definite width in the middle portion thereof, this fuse element is required in a large number for a single vehicle since the fuse element is configured to control electric conduction capacity between an input terminal and output terminals. Further, the multielectrode type fuse element disclosed by i > Japanese Patent Publication (KOKOKU) No. 61-14625 is limited from a viewpoint of working in its width to be pouched since the blowout portion 18 areformed by punching form the fuse metal plate 14 having the definite thickness. • . , Since it is required to reduce sectional areas of the blowout portion 18 dependently on electrical conduction capacities, these sectional areas can be adjusted only within a certain limited range by adjusting only a punching width from a plate-like metal which ! has a definite thickness (0,65 mm) required for the fuse links, i ■ ! In the blade type fuses which utilize fuse links and are widely used for various kinds of vehicles, the fuse links are 0.65 mm thick and the blowout portions have an sectional area of 0.3 mm2 for 30A (amperes) or 0.1 mm2 for 1 A: these blowout portions having sizes from 0.3 mm thick by 1 .0 mm wide to 0.1 mm thick by 0.1 mm wide. Accordingly, these blade type fuse elements having the r I ■ I ^ blowout portions with a small sectional area cannot be Manufactured, like the multielectrode type fuse element disclosed by Japanese Patent Publication (KOKOKU) No. 61 -14 625, only by adjusting a punching width from the plate-like metal 0.65 mm thick. 1 SUMMARY OF TEE INVENTION The present invention has solved the conventional problems described above and characterized in that it allows to blowout portions to be punched in a large width and facilitates to adjust a sectional areas of the blowout portions by forming prior to manufacturing a multielectrode type fuse element by punching from I ; a long fuse material consisting of an electrically conductive plate, a thin area which has a definite width dependently on electric ; conduction capacities of fuses at a predetermined location of the long fuse material in a long i tudi nal direction by a shaving work and then by punching a piece having a predetermined shape from the long fuse mat erial in a process to t ransfer the long fuse material. A first invention provides a multielectrode type fuse element which is characterized in that it has a configuration wherein a I ; ' ; ■ l> i thin area 2 is formed by forming a shallow shaving portion 1 having a definite width by cutting at a predetermined location of a long fuse material 9 consisting of an electrically conductive plate in a longitudinal direction, a plurality of blowout portions 3, 3 are ■"''; formed in a predetermined width by sequentially punching form portions of said thin area 2 dependently on eleptrical conduction capacity of a fuse and other portions are concurrently punched in a predetermined shape, a hook-like extending portion 6 is formed on one side across said thin area 2 at an upper end of an input , ■ ■ ■ ■ : ■ ■ I ■ termi nal 4 d i sposed in a direct i on perpendicular to the longitudinal ' i direction of said long fuse material 9, a plurality of output terminals 5, 5 are formed on a side hook-like extending portion 6 of said input terminal 4 in parallel with said input i terminal 4 at an equal pitch, and the blowout portions 3, 3 are formed to connect one side of an upper portion of a vertical section of said input terminal 4 and lower tip of said hook-like: portion 6 with top ends of said plurality of output terminals 5, 5. A second invention provides a multieleotrojle type fuse element which is characterized in that it has a configuration wherein a thin area 2 is formed by forming a shallow shaving portion 1 having a definite width by cutting at a predetermined ilocation of a long fuse material 9 consisting of an electrically conductive plate in a longitudinal direction, a plurality of blowout portions ^, .1 aro formod in a predetermined width by sequentially punching f rom port i ons of sa id th in a rea 2 dependently on electr ica 1 ly ronduction rapacit ies of fuses and other portions are concurrently punched in a predetermined shape, a T-shaped extending portion 6' is f romed across said thin area 2 at an upper end of an input terminal 4 which is disposed in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of said long fuse material 9, a plurality of output terminals 5, 5 are formed on both sides of saicj^ in^ut terminal 4 ' Ih ■ I' ■ ji ■ i ' i \ in parallel with said input terminal 4 at an egilal pitch| and the \ . : ■: . 1 ij.j .; I blowout portions 3, 3 are formed to connect both sides of^^n upper ■ portion of a vertical section of said input terminal 4 and lower tips of both sides of the T-shaped extending portion 6 ' with top ends of both sides of said plurality of output 'ter^minals 5, 5. A third invention provides ^ multielectrode type fuse which consists of the multielectrode type fuse element accordihg to the second i nvent ion whose upper hal f is disposed and fixfed in an i nsu1 at i nq hous i nq 10, ' ' i' T. I A fourth invention provides a multielectrode t^pe fii$e which consists of a pair of the multielectrode type fuse elements according to the first invention whose upper halves are disposed i ' j M : [ and fixed in an insulating housing 10 in a condition where the input ■ I i , ■ ' terminals 4, 4 are disposed adjacent to each other. Further objects and advantages of the present invention will he apparent from the following description of the preferred I I embodiments of the invention as illustrated in the; accompanying drawings. BRI£JEl_DjELSi:jRIPTIQN QF THE DRAWINGS I In the drawinq, a reference numeral 9 represents a long fuse mat erial which cons i sts of an electrically conductive plate and on wh ich a th i n area 2 having a def i nite width is f ormed in a 1ongitudinal direction at a location a little shifted upward from a cf>nt,er in a width direction with shallow shaving portions 1 formed by cutting both surfaces, • described above, the blowout portions 3, 3 are positioned so as !i to be located on the thin area 2. On the drawings, a reference numeral 7 represent a puriched ■ ■ ■ i"' ; ' ; pi hole which is to be used for engagement at a stage to insert the mult ielectrode type fuse element into an insulating housing and caulk it. FIGS. 4 and 5 are a front view of a longitudinal;; section i ■ i i; illustrating a condition where the upper half of the fuse element having the shape shown in FIG. 3 is disposed and fixed in an insulating housing 10, and a side view of a lonqitudinal section of the mi dd 1 e part or a cond i t ion where the mu;tielectrode type fuse is actually used . Many widely different embodiments of the present invention may be constructed without dparting from the spirit and scope of the present invent ion. It should be understood that the present invention is not limitecl to the specific embodiments described in the spec if icat ion, except as defined in the appended claims. WHAT IS CLAIMED IS: 1 . A multiele ctrode type fuse element, wherein a thin area 2 i s formed by forming a shal1ow shaving portion 1 having a definite width by cutting at a predetermined location of a long fuse material 9 consisting of an electrically conductive plate in a longitudinal direction, a plurality of blowout portions 3, 3 are formed in a predetermined width by sequentially punching from portions of said thin area 2 dependently on electrical conduction capacity of a fuse and other portions are concurrently punched in a predetermined shape, a hook-like extending portion 6 is formed on one Side across said thin area 2 at an upper end of an input terminal 4 disposed in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of said long fuse material 9, a plurality of output terminals 5, 5 are formed on a side of said hook-like extending portion 6 of said input terminal 4 in parallel with said input terminal 4 at an equal pitch, and the blowout portions 3, 3 are formed to connect one side of an upper portion of a vertical section of said input terminal 4 'and lower tip of said hook-like portion 6 with to ends of said plurality of output terminals 5,5. 2. A multielectrode type fuse element, wherein a-thin area ' 2 is formed by forming a shallow shaving portion having at definite width by cutting at a predetermined location of a long fus4 material 9 consisting of an electrically conductive plate in a longitudinal direction, a plurality of blowout portions 3,. 3 are formed in a predetermined width by sequentially punching from portions of said thin area 2 dependently on electrically conduction capacities of fuses and other portions are Concurrently punched in al predetermined shape, a T-shaped extending portion 6' is formed across said thin area 2 at an upper end of an input terminal 4 which is disposed in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of said 1 ong fuse material 9, a plurality of output terminals 5, 5 are formed on both sides of said input terminal 4 in parallel with said input terminal 4 at an equal pitch, and the blowout portions 3, 3 are formed to connect both sides of an upper portion of a vertical section of said input terminal 4 and lower tips of both sides of the T-shaped extending portion 6' with top ends of both sides of sa id plura 1 ity of output terminals 5, 5. : ; ! . 3. A multielectrode type fuse as claimed in Claim 2, wherein an upper half of the multielectrode type use element is disposed and fixed in an insulating housing 10. ! 4. A multielectrode type fuse as claimed in claim 1. wherein upper halves of a pair of the multielectrode type fuse elements are disposed and fixed in an insulating housing 10 in a condition where the input terminals 4, 4 are disposed adjacent to each other. I ■| I i b. A multielectrode type fuse element, substantially as herein [ i, described with reference to the accompanying drawings,. |
1518-mas-1998-claims filed.pdf
1518-mas-1998-claims granted.pdf
Patent Number | 210057 | ||||||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 1518/MAS/1998 | ||||||||||||
PG Journal Number | 50/2007 | ||||||||||||
Publication Date | 14-Dec-2007 | ||||||||||||
Grant Date | 17-Sep-2007 | ||||||||||||
Date of Filing | 08-Jul-1998 | ||||||||||||
Name of Patentee | M/S. PACIFIC ENGINEERING CORPORATION | ||||||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | H01 H 85/00 | ||||||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||||||
PCT Conventions: