Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to an instrument for geometrical applications using "oolproof plotter holes mechanism without performing any measurement as shown in igure 1, said instrument comprises a plotter body with suitable plotter holes for drawing, >ptionally along with a center leg assembly vertically connected to the plotter body to ocate point of reference, and optionally additionally consisting of a slide housing rertically connected to the leg assembly through a mechanism for fractional neasurement. The newly invented geometrical instruments such as scales, compasses and >rotractors as shown in figure 8 are made with the application of plotter holes which is >rovided in the instruments at the exact distance, degrees and with complete foolproof nechanism for drawing the required lengths, circles, arcs and angles very easily, very luickly and very accurately by performing the marking and drawing requirements in a ;ingle operation. "igure 1
Full Text

This invention in general relates to the geometrical applications such as drawing lengths, circles, arcs, concentric circles, degrees, angles, and triangles. More particularly this invention relates to geometrical application by the novel idea as foolproof mechanism of plotter holes. That is performing the geometrical applications directly with out doing any measuring activities with a center leg assembly and plotter holes bodies provided with plotter holes. PRIOR ART
The following description explains various prior art technologies and the constraints in the technology. The object of the invention is to over come the impediments in the technology.
Present conventional geometrical instruments in use of the entire world such as (1) Scales for measuring and drawing lengths, (2) Compasses for measuring and drawing arcs cum circles, (3) Protractors for measuring and drawing angles are all made and performed with the conventional practice, to meet out the geometrical applications. That is in the present traditional practice, the geometrical applications are all performed by the use of the above instruments vide two laborious operations in two stages as measuring and drawing. Especially while drawing the circles, arcs, concentric circles, concentric arcs and triangles, it is essential to use two individual instruments as scale and compass separately. Instated a newly invented center leg assembly attached with the respective plotter body and formed as a single instrument that it self will do both the functions of scale and compass as described in the document. They are made with the application of the novel idea as foolproof mechanism of plotter holes and that perform the geometrical applications in a single operation with out doing any measuring activities. The foolproof mechanism of plotter holes is an entirely new mechanism of applications for making such new instruments and not at all in practice of the entire world. Hence, there is no exact prior art for this new invention. However, since the new invention replaces all the present conventional geometrical instruments such as scales, compasses and protractors, the same are taken as the prior art for our new invention.

Millions of people all over the world in all the fields like education and industries are using the present conventional geometrical instruments such as scales, compasses and protractors for measuring and drawing the lengths, circles- arcs-concentric circles-triangles, degrees and angles respectively towards meeting their geometrical applications. While using these conventional instruments the users are experiencing uncomfortable and - consuming more time with minimum efficiency to meet out their geometrical requirements. Especially the studying kids and children are feeling more strain and laborious while using these instruments and they are not expressing the above problems to others. The reason may be, that the users are all in the opinion that the existing scales, compasses and protractors are all attained their final form and there is no scope for further invention on these instruments. Hence there is no inventions have been come out so far on these present conventional instruments in an entirely new form in the past centuries.
We the inventors having realized the above said problems and intended to over come the same and considered that, there must be a completely new mechanism should be invented and the same could be applied for making such instruments. Then only the existing problems could be solved. According to this approach, we struggled in the past few years and finally conceived the novel idea as foolproof mechanism of plotter holes for making the new geometrical instruments as described below. And by the application of the new foolproof mechanism of plotter holes we have also invented a center leg assembly and plotter bodies as A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H having different configurations for different geometrical applications.
The present invention relates to an instrument for geometrical applications using Foolproof plotter holes mechanism without performing any measurement, said instrument comprises a plotter body with suitable plotter holes for drawing, optionally along with a center leg assembly vertically connected to the plotter body to locate point of reference, and optionally additionally consisting of a slide housing vertically connected to the leg assembly through a mechanism for fractional measurement, also, a method of

manufacturing an instrument for geometrical applications, said method comprises steps of, Fixing a slide housing horizontally to a plotter body having suitable holes for drawing, Connecting a center leg assembly vertically to the fixed slide housing to locate point of reference, and Connecting a mechanism to the connected leg assembly along with the housing for fractional measurement and also a method of drawing geometrical applications using foolproof plotter holes mechanism without performing measurement activity wherein a plotter body with suitable holes is to draw distance, optionally along with a center leg assembly vertically connected to the plotter body to locate point of reference to draw degrees, and optionally additionally consisting of a slide housing vertically connected to the leg assembly through a mechanism for fractional measurement, and an instrument for geometrical applications using foolproof plotter holes mechanism without performing measurement activity substantially as herein above described with reference to the accompanying drawings, and also a method of assembling an instrument for geometrical applications substantially as herein above described with reference to the accompanying drawings.
Figure 1 shows assembled view and exploded view of the center leg assembly with
plotter body-A.
Figure 2 shows assembled view and exploded view of the center leg assembly with
plotter body-B.
Figure 3 shows in elevation an embodiment of the invention of plotter body-C.
Figure 4 shows assembled view of the center leg assembly with plotter body-D.
Figure 5 shows assembled view of the center leg assembly with plotter body-E.
Figure 6 shows assembled view of the center leg assembly with plotter body-F.
Figure 7 shows assembled view of the center leg assembly with plotter body-G.
Figure 8 shows in elevation an embodiment of the invention of plotter body-H.
The following specification particularly describes the nature of the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed.
The present invention relates to The present invention relates to a method of drawing geometrical applications using foolproof plotter holes mechanism without performing measurement activity wherein a plotter body with suitable holes is to draw distance,

optionally along with a center leg assembly vertically connected to the plotter body to
locate point of reference to draw degrees, and optionally additionally consisting of a slide
housing vertically connected to the leg assembly through a mechanism for fractional
In yet another embodiment of the present invention wherein the instruments are
geometrical instruments for the purpose of Scale, Compass, Protractor, or combination
thereof for drawing lines, circles, arcs, and/or degrees.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the plotter body is detachable and is
selected from a group comprising scale body, protractor body, or combination thereof
In still another embodiment of the present invention the scale body with the plotter holes
is to draw lengths.
In still another embodiment of the present invention wherein compass is obtained by
combining the scale body along with the centre leg assembly, inclined slide and slide
In still another embodiment of the present invention wherein protractor is obtained by
combining protractor body along with the center leg assembly.
In still another embodiment of the present invention wherein the center leg assembly
comprises a sleeve which is a hollow tube of strong material with bottom closed, has
small opening at its center provided with metallic internal threading to screwed the sleeve
along with matching part of a metallic guide; a cap has a small hole opening at its center
with threads to close the sleeve at the top; and a center metallic pointer or needle act as a
center leg of the instrument formed after connected with respective plotter bodies along
with a metallic helical spring into the center of the sleeve and top end of the needle is
inserted rigidly into a metallic or non-metallic stump passes through the center opening
of the screwed cap connected with a press button wherein connecting end of the metallic
guide has external threading to screw with the bottom of the sleeve of the center leg
assembly and the leg pointer passes through the center of metallic guide which moves
vertically inside the sleeve as up and down motion by pressing the press button and
releasing the same from the top due to spring action.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the plotter body is made up of small
strip of spring plate or plastic or any other material and could be folded or winded.

In still another embodiment of the present invention the plotter body is made up of small
strip of spring plate or plastic or any other material and could be folded or winded.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the scale body provides 60 numbers
of small Plotter Holes as four rows to draw lines in centimeters and each end of the scale
body provides additional 10 numbers of Plotter Holes to draw the lengths to every
increase of one millimeters and another 11 numbers of Plotter Holes to draw the lengths
to every increase of 0.5 millimeters.
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the plotter body provides
predetermined numbers of small Plotter Holes with rings or small concave impression
around the small plotter holes to serve as plotter body of the compass for drawing for
every increase of 1cm or 0.5 cm.
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the Leg Assembly in the compass is
fixed at a common center point for all the Plotter Holes.
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the Leg Assembly is made with or
without spring.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the mechanism is selected form a
group comprising dial & screw assembly, gear assembly, slide assembly, lever assembly,
cam assembly, eccentric circle assembly mechanism, or other mechanism.
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the Compass optionally comprises
Scale body with only one small Plotter hole and the Leg Assembly for drawing circle and
In still another embodiment of the present invention where entire length of the scale body
slides horizontally under the leg assembly to locate required length.
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the plotter body provides plotter
holes to draw the angles.
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the protractor provides 72 numbers
of main plotter holes for every 5 degrees.
In still another embodiment of the present invention where each side of the protractor
provides 9 number of sub plotter holes for every 0.5 degree for clock wise and anti clock
wise measurements.

In still another embodiment of the present invention, the Protractor optionally provides a
plotter hole at center to attach the center leg assembly.
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the protractor body is made up of
plastic or aluminum or any other material.
In still another embodiment of the present invention wherein shapes and size of the
plotter holes depends upon marker used for drawing.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the plotter holes of the instruments
for plotting is provided with metallic or non-metallic sleeves or rings for the drawing.
The instrument as claimed in claims 1 and 22, wherein the rings of the plotter holes is
also provided with internal or external threading. Instead, small concave impression
around the small plotter holes is provided.
In still another embodiment of the present invention is a method of manufacturing an instrument for geometrical applications, said method comprises steps of. Fixing a slide housing horizontally to a plotter body having suitable holes for drawing. Connecting a center leg assembly vertically to the fixed slide housing to locate point of reference, and connecting a mechanism to the connected leg assembly along with the housing for fractional measurement.
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the instruments are geometrical instruments for the purpose of Scale, Compass, Protractor, or combination thereof for drawing lines, circles, arcs, and/or degrees.
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the plotter body is detachable and is selected from a group comprising scale body, protractor body or combination thereof. In still another embodiment of the present invention wherein the center leg assembly comprises a sleeve which is a hollow tube of strong material with bottom closed, has small opening at its center provided with metallic internal threading to screwed the sleeve along with matching part of a metallic guide; a cap has a small hole opening at its center with threads to close the sleeve at the top; and a center metallic pointer or needle act as a center leg of the instrument formed after connected with respective plotter bodies along with a metallic helical spring into the center of the sleeve and top end of the needle is

assembly and the leg pointer passes through the center of metallic guide which moves
vertically inside the sleeve as up and down motion by pressing the press button and
releasing the same from the top due to spring action.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the plotter body is made up of small
strip of spring plate or plastic or any other material.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the mechanism is selected form a
group comprising gear assembly, slide assembly, screw assembly, lever assembly, cam
assembly, eccentric circle assembly mechanism or other mechanism.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the Protractor optionally provides a
plotter hole at center to attach the center leg assembly.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the protractor body is made up of
plastic or aluminum or any other material.
In still another embodiment of the present invention wherein shapes and size of the
plotter holes depends upon marker used for drawing.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the plotter holes of the instruments
for plotting are provided with metallic or non-metallic sleeves or rings for the marking
and drawing.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the rings of the plotter holes is also
provided with internal or external threading
In still another embodiment of the present invention is a method of drawing geometrical applications using foolproof plotter holes mechanism without performing measurement activity wherein a plotter body with suitable holes is to draw distance, optionally along with a center leg assembly vertically connected to the plotter body to locate point of reference to draw degrees, and optionally additionally consisting of a slide housing vertically connected to the leg assembly through a mechanism for fractional measurement.
The novel idea of foolproof mechanism of plotter holes for making new instruments in order to perform the geometrical applications with out doing measuring activities as follows.

The novel idea of foolproof mechanism of plotter holes for making new instruments in order to perform the geometrical applications with out doing measuring activities as follows.
'As per the present conventional practice with the existing geometrical instruments, it is essential to do measuring activity separately by using the scale or protractor, prior to drawing the lines circles, arcs, and angles etc., instead, by not doing any measuring activity the same may be drawn for the major measurements, directly through the small plotter holes, those are provided in the body of the instrument itself with suitable size, shape, location, degrees and with complete foolproof mechanism. Another foolproof mechanism may be also provided in the instrument, to get the required additional or fractional or extended measurement to all the above said major measurements for drawing the same very easily, very quickly, very accurately and without any strain."
One (common) center leg assembly and different configuration of plotter bodies as A, B, C, D, E, F, G& H are made by the application of the above novel idea as foolproof mechanism of plotter holes in order to perform the geometrical applications with out doing measuring activities. The newly invented center leg assembly and different configuration of plotter bodies A, B, C, D, E, F, G &H as shown in figures 1 to 8 all are made by the application of the above said novel idea as 'foolproof mechanism of plotter holes' are submitted for grant of patent. The new instruments are all made to draw the lines, circles cum arcs, concentric circles, triangles, degrees and angles by performing with out doing measuring activities. Especially while using the newly formed instrument in order to draw circles cum arcs, concentric circles and triangles there is no need to perform two individual operations separately with two individual instruments as scale and compass. That is not like the conventional method of measuring the dimensions as one operation by the use of scale and drawing the circle or arc as another operation by the use of compass individually. Instead, the geometrical applications are done directly through the plotter holes provided in the newly formed instruments very easily and quickly with out spending time and effort for measuring activities.
The circular plotter holes provided in the instruments could be also made as rectangular or triangular or any suitable shape, and the size depends upon the plotter (marker) that is

to be preferred like pen or pencil or ballpoint pen or micro tips or metallic pin or sketch pen or any other marking, drawing and cutting tools. The instruments could be made for FPS (measurement graduations in inches) system also.
The invention is described in the following pages and the salient future of the instrument is described fully and completely.
The center leg assembly is the prime and common one vertical unit. The same is integrated with replaceable second horizontal portions and formed as new instruments. The horizontal portions are named as plotter bodies acting as plotting tool. They are all made with plotter holes and foolproof mechanism. The plotter holes are provided in the plotter bodies it self by a novel idea. By connecting the single vertical portion of center leg assembly (and by changing the second horizontal portions for the required applications with the same leg assembly) with second horizontal portion of plotter bodies and formed complete new instruments for the respective geometrical applications. Depends upon the application and required accuracy level, anyone of the plotter bodies of the different configurations is selected and attached with the center leg assembly. Performing the geometrical applications with the newly formed instruments will completely eliminate the measuring activities and the efforts spending prior to drawing or drafting the lines, circles cum arcs and concentric circles cum arcs, triangles and angles. That is to meet out the geometrical applications directly with out doing any measuring activities. The new and novel features are not at all available in any other instrument of the entire world.
Refer figure l.The parts of the newly invented (common) central leg assembly (1) are made-up of metallic, non-metallic, or plastic materials. The center leg assembly (1) comprising a sleeve and a spring loaded center metallic needle or pointer (4). The sleeve (part no.9) is a hollow tube of strong material. The bottom of the sleeve is closed, and has a small opening at its center provided with metallic internal threading to screwed the sleeve with the matching part as metallic guide (3). The metallic guide is also one of the parts of the respective plotter bodies. The center metallic needle (4) or metallic pointer is

inserted through a metallic helical spring (7). Both are inserted in the exact center of the sleeve (9) and a screw cap (10) is screwed to close the sleeve at the top also. The cap also has a small opening at its center. The top end of the metallic needle is inserted rigidly in to a metallic or non-metallic stump (8) and the stump is passes through the center opening of the screwed cap and connected with a press button (13). Thereby the center metallic leg inserted in to the helical spring is fully covered. This metallic needle becomes the center leg of the complete instrument formed, after connected with the respective plotter bodies. The metallic guide (3) is the connecting part of the respective plotter bodies and respective slide housings. The connecting end of the metallic guide has external threading to screw with the bottom of the sleeve of center leg assembly. The center metallic leg pointer passes through its center also. The center metallic leg pointer inside the sleeve could move up and down in Z-axis vertically, by pressing the press button and releasing the same from the top due to spring action. The center leg assembly is connected with the plotter body (2) by a slide mechanism. The plotter (2) body is a small strip made-up of any strong and slightly flexible material such as metallic, non-metallic, or plastic strip. The center leg assembly (1), slide (6) and slide housing (5) are all connected by the metallic guide (3) and formed as a complete single instrument for drawing or drafting the arcing and circling applications. The plotter body-A (2) is connected to the slide housing rigidly by a screw and the same is easily detachable or attachable. The slide housing and slide are made-up of metallic, nonmetallic, or plastic material. Part no 11 & 12 are metal washer, and rubber washer respectively. This formation of new instrument by the novel idea is working with two different ftmctions. FIRST FUNCTION: The plotter holes are provided for the major measurements on the entire length of the plotter body. That is the plotter holes are provided in the strip itself with an exact distance of 0.5 centimeters pitch to each other (pitch), from the 0 position (from the center leg of instrument at its 0 position) to +x direction in X axis with complete foolproof mechanism to get the required major measurements as 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45 millimeters and so on. The drawing and drafting tools like pencil or ballpoint pen or micro tip pen or micro tip pencil etc., may be directly inserted through these plotter holes, and drawing or drafting of the circles cum arcs and concentric circles cum arcs are done directly in a single setting it self, very easily, very quickly, very

accurately and without any parallax error to the respective all major measurements by not
doing any measuring activity. Due to the very easy arrangement of plotter holes any type
of drawing, drafting, and cutting tools (like pencil or ballpoint pen, micro tip pen or
micro tip pencil, sketch pen and needle cutters for papers and rappers etc.,) may be used
by changing them very easily and very quickly with the same instrument. The plotter
holes are made with more accuracy and coated with metallic or non-metallic beading for
the easy access of any type of drawing or drafting or cutting tools. SECOND
FUNCTION: Another foolproof mechanism that is a slide mechanism is also provided in
the instrument, to move the center metallic leg of the instrument from 0 position, to a
maximum travel length equal to the pitch of the major plotter holes of the plotter body for
the required additional measurement to -X direction in the same axis. That is as the
extension measurement to all the above major measurements of respective plotter holes,
the minor measurements of 0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5 and 5 millimeters may be also
added. In addition, the required fractional increment of measurement between all the
minor measurements may be also added, to the highest accuracy. The slide mechanism is
made in such a way as to move the whole center leg assembly as to and fro (left and
right) movement from 0 position to -X direction in the same axis to the travel length
equal to the pitch of the major plotter holes of the plotter body. That is due to the
movement of slide in Y axis (top and bottom) in a prefixed Y: X ratio, the center of the
metallic leg pointer fixed in to the center of the leg assembly is moved along with center
leg assembly horizontally in X axis to the required fraction of centimeter. A locking
mechanism is also provided in the assembly to fix the center leg assembly rigidly at the
required fractional measurement position .The slide may be also made by changing the Y:
X ratio conveniently, so that the travel length of slide may be also altered, thereby the
required accuracy level may be increased.
Refer figure 2. The center leg assembly is attached with a plotter body-B (2) and dial & screw assembly mechanism and formed as a complete single instrument for further more accuracy. Wherein, instead of the slide mechanism, a dial&screw assembly mechanism is provided. In this, the metallic guide (3) is connected with a horizontal metallic screw (3A), and the screw is run through a metallic or non-metallic dial (6) which has the

metallic internal threading at it center. Due to this mechanism the rotational movement of the dial over the screw makes the horizontal movement of the center leg assembly to -X direction from its 0 position in the same axis to a maximum travel length equal to the pitch of the major plotter holes of the plotter body. Since the pitch of the screw and internal threading of dial is preferred as 1 millimeter, for every one complete rotation of the dial the center point along with center leg assembly is moved horizontally to 1 millimeter very accurately in -X direction in the same axis. For the required fractional horizontal movement of the leg assembly the dial is further subdivided in to the required equal parts for the required partial rotation of the dial. The pitch of screw and dial may be made with more then 1 millimeter resulting, the total no of full rotation of the dial may be also reduced for the horizontal travel of the leg assembly for the same travel length equal to the pitch of the major plotter holes of the plotter boy. The connecting end of the plotter body is provided with a small slotted hole for the easy movement of center metallic pointer without any interference. This detachable plotter body-B attached with slide housing by a small screw for rigid fixing of the same as said earlier or suitable connection mechanism could be also provided.
The new and novel idea of the slide mechanism and screw assembly mechanism is for the foolproof, accurate, smooth, and quick movement of the center metallic leg to the required location of the fractional measurement. That is to shift the whole center leg assembly in order to locate the metallic center leg pointer to the required fractional measurement, very accurately, very easily, and very quickly. The instrument may be made with other mechanism like gear assembly or lever assembly or cam assembly or eccentric circle assembly mechanism or any other mechanism in order to extend the major plotter holes measurements to the required fractional measurements as the additional measurement.
The new formation of instrument with (common) center leg assembly connected with plotter bodies, wherein unlike the conventional compasses, where the two arms of the compass i.e. the center pointer leg and the drawing tools holder leg are hinged at the top end. During operation, the legs will open and close like an elbow depends upon the increased or decreased measurement, but in the above formation of new instrument, only

one center leg assembly is available. There is no second leg at all. The drawing or drafting tools like pencil or ballpoint pen or micro tip pen or micro tip pencil etc may be directly inserted in to the plotter holes and during operation, the center leg, and drawing tool (Inserted in to any of the plotter hole) are vertical and parallel, that is independent to the center metallic pointer and working freely in to the plotter holes with running fit and there is no necessity to attach them rigidly with the instrument .So that higher length of applications is very easy without any additional attachments and eliminate laborious measuring activity. The center leg of the instrument where in the entire center metallic leg is fully covered throughout its length by a sleeve (9), also spring (7) loaded and has movement in Z axis vertically. Another very important feature is, the center metallic leg of the instrument could move horizontally towards -X direction in the same axis from 0 position to the required fractional measurement also, as the extension measurement to all the major measurements with foolproof mechanism. All these arrangements for the respective purpose are completely novel and that are, not at all available in any of the conventional instrument and prior art.
Refer figure 3. The center leg assembly (1) is attached through a metallic guide with the plotter body-C (3) and slide housing (5) and forms a complete single instrument. Wherein the horizontal movement of the leg assembly towards -x direction from its 0 position in X-axis to a maximum travel of 5 mm is done directly.
Refer figure 4. The center leg assembly (1) is attached through a metallic guide (3) with a plotter body-D (2) and a slide housing (5) and forms a complete single instrument. Wherein the horizontal movement of center leg assembly is avoided and fixed the same at the center it self, at 0 position. Here the plotter body is moved towards +x direction from its 0 position in x axis to a maximum travel of 5mm. For this purpose, the connecting end of plotter body-D is provided with a small metallic fork. That slides in to the slide housing horizontally to the maximum travel of 5mm.
Refer figure 5. The center leg assembly (1) is attached through a metallic guide (3) with a plotter body-E (3) and a slide housing (5) and forms a complete single instrument.

Wherein the horizontal movement of center leg assembly is avoided and fixed at the center it self at 0 position. Here the entire length of plotter body-E it self is moved horizontally, so that, the only one plotter hole provided in the body is moved away from the center of center leg assembly or towards to the same and fixed at required position. The plotter body is marked with the required dimensions.
Refer figure 6. The newly invented instrument, where in plotter holes are provided in a metallic or non-metallic or plastic body. Major dimensional plotter holes are provided from 0 position towards + x direction for 10, 20,30,40,50 mm and so on. Minor dimensions plotter holes are provided from 0 position towards - x direction for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 mm, those are for the extended dimensions of respective major dimensions. Center leg assembly (1) is directly inserted through these minor dimensional plotter holes of the plotter body-F (3) and through major dimensional plotter holes, the arcs and circles are drawn. By increasing the plotter holes suitably, further more fractional dimensions could be also possible.
Refer figure 7. The center leg assembly is attached with a plotter body-G (2) by metallic guide (4) and forms a complete single instrument' for drawing lines, arcs and circles. From the center of the metallic pointer (2), plotter holes are provided with respect to all the individual dimensions (distance) starting from 5mm to 150 mm. The plotter holes are arranged in a novel and systematic manner in order to identify them for the required dimensional plotter hole very easily. Through them, the required dimensions are drawn directly with out any parallax error and with out doing any laborious measuring activities, resulting increased efficiency and timesaving. By increasing the plotter holes suitably, further more fractional dimensions could be also possible
Refer figure 8. The center leg assembly (1) is attached with a plotter body-H (2) by a metallic guide at its center and formed a complete single instrument for marking degrees and drawing angles. Wherein the marking degrees for drawing angles is done directly through the plotter holes of the new instrument by not doing any measuring activity and without parallax error. That is unlike by measuring the same with the conventional

protractors with parallax error, resulting increased efficiency, and time saving. In this plotter body, plotter holes are provided in a metallic, non-metallic, or plastic body. Major degrees plotter holes H-0 are provided for 0,10,20,30,40,50 degrees up to 360 degrees in the outer orbit as one set and other major degrees plotters holes H-I are provided for 5,15,25,35,45,55 degrees up to 355 degrees in the inner orbit as another set. Minor plotter holes M-L & M-R are provided in the left and right ends, for 0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4 and 4.5 degrees from the 0 degree and 180 degrees positions for clockwise and anticlockwise applications those are all for the extended degrees of respective all major degrees. Through them, the required fractional degrees for every increase of 0.5 degrees to the maximum of 5 degree in addition to major degrees are marked directly with maximum accuracy and without any parallax error and by not doing any laborious measuring activity, resulting increased efficiency and time saving. The plotter body for circling and plotter body for degrees may be also integrated for the circular and angular applications as a single plotter body and the same may be connected with the newly invented common center leg assembly. That is plotter holes for drawing circles, plotter holes for drawing angles are all could be made in a single plotter body, and the same may be connected with the common center leg assembly
Advantages of newly formed instruments with center leg assembly and plotter holes bodies over the traditional geometrical instruments are all in the use of the entire world are detailed below.
1. Any marking or plotting tools like pencil, ballpoint pen, or micro tip pen, pencil, sketch
pen, metallic pin cutter or any other marking and drawing tools may be used.
2. Inconvenience in preparing and fixing the carbon led tips due to frequent breakage is eliminated since micro tip pen may be used directly.
3. Measuring activity is not required and the same is eliminated.
4. No parallax error.
5. Reliability is more.
6. Increased Efficiency in all respects like accuracy and fastness.

7. Handling of two instruments is avoided while drawing circles cum arcs.
8. Usage of special attachment is not required while drawing any bigger radius.

9. Number of different diameter of concentric circles may be drawn in a single setting itself
10. Triangles may be drawn directly by single instruments without doing measuring activity.
11. Circular cutting of papers, sheets, rappers, or any thin material may also be possible.
12. Making the instrument in big size to suit for industrial applications may be possible.
13. Life of the instrument is more.
14. Maintenance and repair of the instrument are very easy.
15. Lesser cost of the instrument when compare with the cost of the present instrument box-containing number of special instruments.
It is submitted that the newly invented center lug assembly and plotter bodies A, B, C, D, E, F .G and H will be available in the hands of millions of studying children all over the world for their help soon. The invention has been explained with reference to specific embodiment. The scope of the invention is not limited to specific details given in the embodiment.

We claim;
1. An instrument for geometrical applications using Foolproof plotter holes mechanism without performing any measurement, said instrument comprises a plotter body with suitable plotter holes for drawing, optionally along with a center leg assembly vertically connected to the plotter body to locate point of reference, and optionally additionally consisting of a slide housing vertically connected to the leg assembly through a mechanism for fractional measurement.
2. The instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein the instruments are geometrical instruments selected from a group comprising Scale, Compass, Protractor, and/or combination thereof
3. The instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein the plotter body is detachable and is selected from a group comprising scale body, protractor body, or combination thereof
4. The instrument as claimed in claims 1 and 3, wherein the scale body with the plotter holes is to draw lengths and other geometrical applications.
5. The instrument as claimed in claims 1 and 3, wherein compass is obtained by combining the scale body along with the centre leg assembly, inclined slide mechanism and slide housing.
6. The instrument as claimed in claims 1 and 3, wherein protractor is obtained by combining the protractor body along with the center leg assembly.
7. The instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein the center leg assembly comprises a sleeve which is a hollow tube of strong material with bottom closed, has small opening at its center provided with metallic intemal threading to screwed the sleeve along with matching part of a metallic guide; a cap has a small hole opening at its center with threads to close the sleeve at the top; and a center metallic pointer or needle act as a center leg of the instrument formed after connected with respective plotter bodies along with a metallic helical spring into the center of the sleeve and top end of the needle is inserted rigidly into a metallic or non-metallic stump passes through the center opening of the screwed cap connected with a press button wherein connecting end of the metallic guide has

external threading to screw with the bottom of the sleeve of the center leg assembly and the leg pointer passes through the center of metallic guide which moves vertically inside the sleeve as up and down motion by pressing the press button and releasing the same from the top due to spring action. The instrument as claimed in claim 2, wherein the plotter body is made up of small strip of spring plate or plastic or any other material and could be folded and winded.
The instrument as claimed in claim 4, wherein the scale body provides 60 numbers of small Plotter Holes as four rows to measure length in centimeters and each end of the scale body provides additional 10 numbers of Plotter Holes to measure lengths in millimeters and another 10 numbers of Plotter Holes to measure lengths in 0.5 millimeters.
, The instrument as claimed in claim 5, wherein the plotter body provides predetermined numbers of small Plotter Holes with rings to serve as plotter body of the compass for drawing for every increase of 1cm or 0.5 cm.
. The instrument as claimed in claim 5, wherein the Leg Assembly in the compass is fixed at a common center point for all the Plotter Holes.
, The instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein the Leg Assembly is made with or without spring.
. The instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein the mechanism is selected form a group comprising gear assembly^ slide assembly, dial & screw assembly, lever assembly, cam assembly, eccentric circle assembly mechanism, or other mechanism.
. The instrument as claimed in claims 1 and 5, wherein the Compass optionally comprises scale body with only one small Plotter hole and the Leg Assembly for drawing circle and arcs.
The instrument as claimed in claim 14, wherein entire length of the scale body slides horizontally under the leg assembly to locate required length. The instrument as claimed in claim 6, wherein the plotter body provides plotter holes to draw the angles.

The instrument as claimed in claim 6, wherein the protractor provides 72 numbers
of main plotter holes for every 5 degrees.
The instrument as claimed in claim 6, wherein each side of the protractor provides
9 number of sub plotter holes for every 0.5 degree for clock wise and anti clock
wise measurements.
The instrument as claimed in claim 6, wherein the Protractor optionally provides a
plotter hole at center to attach the center leg assembly.
The instrument as claimed in claim 6, wherein the protractor body is made up of
plastic or aluminum or any other material.
The instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein shapes and size of the plotter holes
depends upon marker used for drawing.
The instrument as claimed in claim 1, wherein the plotter holes of the instruments
for plotting is provided with metallic or non-metallic sleeves or rings for the
The instrument as claimed in claims 1 and 22, wherein the rings of the plotter
holes is also provided with internal or external threading.
A method of assembling an instrument for geometrical applications, said method comprises steps of,
i. fixing a slide housing horizontally to a plotter body having suitable holes
for drawing, ii. connecting a center leg assembly vertically to the fixed slide housing to
locate point of reference, and iii. cormecting a mechanism to the connected leg assembly along with the housing for fractional measurement.
The method as claimed in claim 24, wherein the plotter body is detachable and is selected from a group comprising scale body, protractor body or combination thereof

26. The method as claimed in claim 24, wherein the mechanism is selected fomi a
group comprising gear assembly, slide assembly, screw assembly, lever assembly,
cam assembly, eccentric circle assembly mechanism or other mechanism.
27. The method as claimed in claim 24, wherein the protractor body is made up of
plastic or aluminum or any other material.
28. The method as claimed in claim 24, wherein shapes and size of the plotter holes
depends upon marker used for drawing.
29. The method as claimed in claim 24, wherein the plotter holes of the instruments
for plotting are provided with metallic or non-metallic sleeves or rings for the
marking and drawing.
30. An instrument for geometrical applications using foolproof plotter holes
mechanism without performing measurement activity substantially as herein
above described with reference to the accompanying drawings.
31. A method of assembling an instrument for geometrical applications substantially
as herein above described with reference to the accompanying drawings.



708-che-2004-claims filed.pdf

708-che-2004-claims grand.pdf



708-che-2004-description(complete) filed.pdf

708-che-2004-description(complete) grand.pdf


708-che-2004-form 1.pdf

708-che-2004-form 13.pdf

708-che-2004-form 26.pdf

708-che-2004-form 3.pdf

708-che-2004-form 5.pdf

Patent Number 211885
Indian Patent Application Number 708/CHE/2004
PG Journal Number 02/2008
Publication Date 11-Jan-2008
Grant Date 13-Nov-2007
Date of Filing 20-Jul-2004
Name of Patentee MRS. N.M. HAMSA NANDHINI
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B 43 L -9 /00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA