Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a marine vessel with turbo-jet propulsion having honeycomb deck structure (24) and a hydraulic brake (24,23) comprising at least a pair of engines (11,11a) mounted on the top deck at two ends and the said engines are drivingly connected (12,12a) through chain pulley belts (13,13a) to the propeller shafts (1,1a,1b,1c,1d,1e) and the said propeller shafts are connected to intermediate shafts (2,2a,2b,2c,2d,2e) and thrust shafts (3,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e) provided with thrust bearings (4,4a,4b,4c,4d,4e), line shaft beaings (5,5a,5b,5c,5d,5e) and stern tubes (7,7a,7b,7c,7d,7e) with stern tubes bearings (6,6a,6b,6c,6d,6e) and mounted on the said propeller shafts are screw propellers (8,8a,8b,8c,8d,8e) and the said shafts and the propellers are mounted axially and centrally in at least one tunnel (20) with a divergent nozzle (15) at entry and a convergent nozzle (14) at exit, the said tunnel (20) is provided with spiral vane (21) fixed to the inside wall of the said tunnel (20) and disposed axially along the said tunnel (20), and the said marine vessel is provided with a hydraulic brake (22,23).
Full Text The invention relates to a marine vessel with turbo-jet propulsion system having honeycomb deck structure and a hydraulic brake particularly with conventional marine diesel engine. The marine vessel is provided with hydraulic brake and honey comb deck structure.
Presently turbo-jet propulsion is used restrictively to neuclear submarines where the power requirement is much less than a large marine surface vessel.
The turbo-jet propulsion system presently uses Electric motor directly driving a hydraulic turbine provided with an inlet at the two sides of the front end and exhaust at the end of the vessel. Electric power is provided by steam turbo-generator. There are disadvantages associated with the present system of turbo-jet propulsion. The unit is compact and sophisticated and limited to a small power unit which is unsuitable for a surface vessel.
Another disadvantage is that such units are very expensive requiring costly maintenance.
Therefore the main object of the present invention is to propose a turbo-jet propulsion system for surface marine vessel which is simple, inexpensive and efficient.
Another object of the invention is to propose a turbo-jet porpulsion system which does not require any new or sophisticated technology.
Yet another object of the present invention is to propose use of conventional marine diesel engine as power plant. Still another object of the present invention is to propose location of the diesel engines at the top deck derivingly
connected by belt to the shaft of turbine system located nearly at the the bottom.
A further object of the present invention is to propose a multi-stage turbo-jet- system along the length of a pair of circular tunnel with inlet and outlet at the front and rear end respectively.
A still further objective of the present invention.is to propose a honeycomb deck structure which will prevent sinking of the vessel in case of the lower hull is crushed.
Yet a further objective is to propose a hydraulic brake system for fast reduction of speed of the fast marine vessel. According to the present invention there is provided a marine vessel with turbo-jet propulsion having honeycomb deck structure and a hydraulic brake comprising at least a pair of engines mounted on the top deck at two ends and the engines are drivingly connected through chain pulley belts to the propeller shafts and the said propeller shafts are connected to intermediate
shafts . and thrust shafts provided with thrust bearings line
| shaft bearings and stern-tubes with stern-tube bearings and
mounted on the said propeller shafts are screw propellers and the said shafts and the propellers are mounted axially and centrally in at least one tunnel with a divergent nozzle at entry and a convergent nozzel at exit, the said tunnel is provided with spiral vane fixed to the inside wall of the said tunnel and disposed axially along the said tunnel, and the said marine vessel is provided with hydraulic brake. The nature of the invention, its objective and further advantages
residing in the same will be apparent from the following description made with reference to a non-limiting exemplary
embodiment of the invention represented in the accompanying
Figure 1 . Schematic of the marine vessel showing the position
of hydraulic brake, propellor and shaft with radar.
Figure 2. shows schematically the detail arrangement of the
power drive, driven shaft, propellers and convergent and
divergent nozzels etc.
Figure 3. Sectional views of the tunnel with spiral vanes.
Figure 4. Shows a longitudinal view of the tunnel with spiral
Figure 5. Shows the stainless steel net with bush and bearing
Figure 6. shows the detail of the hydraulic brake.
Figure 7a, 7b & 7c. shows the honeycomb deck structure

Figure 8a,8b shows the layout of the tunnels.
In accordance with the present invention the marine vessel according to a preferred embodiment as shown in figure 2 comprises a plurality of diesel engines (11,11",11a,11"a ) which are mounted on the top deck at two ends of the vessel. The diesel engines are coupled to the propeller shafts (1,1a,1b,1c,1d,1e) with chain pulleys (12, 12a) through a manhole (13,13a). In the present embodiment the chain pulleys (12,12a) are shown connected at shafts (8a,8d). With a configuration of 4 engines with 2 engines at each ends (11,11" and 11 a, 11 "a) .Apart from the top deck, there are 4 more decks and these deck structures are honeys comb (24) formation as as shown
in figure 7a, 7b, 7c. ln figure 3 it is shown the 1st step

honeycomb deck structure (16), 2nd step honeycomb deck structure
(-17) with the tunnel, 3rd step honeycomb deck structure (18) and the fourth step honeycomb deck structure (19). A pair of tunnel is provided as shown in figure 2 and 8(a), 8(b). At the front end of the vessel the entry of the tunnel is divergent (15) and at the rear of the vessel the tunnel is convergent (14). The pair of tunnels are disposed horizontally and equal distance from the longitudinal central axis of the vessel.
Inside the tunnel propeller shafts (1, 1a,1b, 1c, 1d,1e) are mounted with intermediate shafts (2,2a,2b,2c,2d,2e) and thrust shaft (3,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e). The shafts are interconnected and mounted in thrust bearing (4,4a, 4b,4c,4d,4e),line-shaft bearing (5,5a,5b,5c,5d,5e) and stern tubes (7,7a,7b,7c,7d,7e) and six screw propellers (8,8a,8b,8c,8d,8e) are provided. The twin rudders (9,9a) of the vessel are shown at the rear of the vessel and just after the last of the propeller (8).
To stop extraneous solid material to enter into the tunnel (20) along with water there is provided a circular net (10f) at the front end of the divergent(15) tunnel (20). Further circular nets has been provided at regular intervals (10e, 10d, 10c, 10b, 10a, 10).
Details of construction of the circular net is shown in figure 5. At the centre of the frame of the net there is provided with a bush with bearing (10",10"a, 10"b, 10"c, 10"d, 10"e, 10"f). The frame with nettings are made of stainless steel with the bush with anti-corrosive material. The thrust shafts (3,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e)are mounted through the bush (10") of the circular net frames (10). The tunnel (20) is provided with spiral vane (21) as shown in
figure 3 & 4. The spiral vane (21) is along the inside periphery
of the tunnel (20) and has the effect of twisting the flow of
water inside the tunnel. Thus with the spiral motion of the
water from divergent (15) entry to the convergent exit (14)
the speed of the water increase all along the length of the
tunnel (20) and exit at a very high speed like a jet. By
controlling the speed of the engines the speed of the jet and
accordingly the marine vessel can be controlled.
The tunnel, the propeller shaft, propeller and other shafts
are made of stainless steel, bronze, brass etc as per the design
The divergent nozzle (15) is generally 50 to 60% bigger than
the convergent nozzle (14).
The divergent nozzle (15) and or the convergent nozzle (14)
can be pivotably mounted so that they can be shifted horizontally
about the longitudinal axis of the vessel for precisian control
of the direction of the vessel.
To assist stopping the fast moving marine vessel a hydraulic
brake (22) is provided at front bottom end of the vessel. The
portion of the hydraulic brake is shown in figure 1 and detail
of construction is shown in figure 6. The brake (22) as shown
is plate structure of a V-section which is operated by twin
articulated hydraulically operated mechanism.
The invention described hereinabove is in relation to a
nonlimiting embodiment and as defined by the accompanying claims.
We claim
1. A marine surface vessel characterized in that the said vessel comprises honeycomb deck structure (24), a hydraulic brake (22, 23) and a turbo jet propulsion., comprising at least a pair of engine (11, lla) mounted on the top deck at two ends, the said engines drivingly (12, 12a) connected through chain pulley belts (13, 13a) to the propeller shafts, (1, la, 1b, lc, 1d, 1e) the said propeller shafts connected to intermediate shafts (2, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e) and thrust shafts (3, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e), provided with thrust bearings (4, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e), line shaft bearings (5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e) and stern-tubes (7, 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e) with stern-tube bearings (6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e), screw propellers (8, 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 8e) mounted on the said propeller shafts, the said shafts and the propellers mounted axially and centrally in atleast one tunnel (20) with a divergent nozzle (15) at entry and a convergent nozzle (14) at exit, the said tunnel (20) provided with spiral vane (21).
2. A marine surface vessel as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said divergent (15) nozzle is 50% to 60% bigger than the said convergent (14) nozzle.
3. A marine surface vessel as claimed in claim 1, wherein the tunnel (20) is provided with a spiral vane (21) fixed at the inside periphery of the tunnel and disposed longitudinally along a central axis of the said tunnel (20).
4. A marine surface vessel as claimed in claim 1, wherein the tunnel (20) is provided with a circular net (10f) at the front end of the divergent (15) tunnel.
5. A marine surface vessel as claimed in claim 1, wherein the tunnel (20) provided with circular net (10, 10a. 10b, 10c, l0d, 10c) at regular intervals immediately after each propellers.
6. A marine surface vessel as claimed in claim 1, wherein said circular nets (10) are made of stainless steel and at the centre of the said circular net (10) frames are provided with a bush with bearings (10") and a thrust shaft (3) mounted at the centre which couples with the propeller shaft (1).
7. A marine surface vessel as claimed in claim 1, wherein the tunnel (20), the propeller shafts (1), screw propellers (8) are made of stainless, bronze or other rust preventive materials as per design requirement.
8. A marine surface vessel as claimed in claim 1, wherein the four decks are provided with honeycomb structure (24).

9. A marine surface vessel as claimed in claim 1, wherein a hydraulic brake (22, 23) is
provided which is operated by pneumatic or hydraulic power.
10. A marine surface vessel / with turbo-jet propulsion having honey-comb deck structure (24) and a hydraulic brake (22, 23) as herein described and illustrated.
The invention relates to a marine vessel with turbo-jet
propulsion having honeycomb deck structure (24) and a hydraulic
brake (24,23) comprising at least a pair of engines (11,11a)
mounted on the top deck at two ends and the said engines are
drivingly connected (12,12a) through chain pulley belts (13,13a)
to the propeller shafts (1,1a,1b,1c,1d,1e) and the said propeller
shafts are connected to intermediate shafts (2,2a,2b,2c,2d,2e)
and thrust shafts (3,3a,3b,3c,3d,3e) provided with thrust
bearings ((4,4a,4b,4c,4d,4e), line shaft beaings
(5,5a,5b,5c,5d,5e) and stern tubes (7, 7a,7b,7c,7d,7e) with
stern tubes bearings (6,6a,6b,6c,6d,6e) and mounted on the
said propeller shafts are screw propellers (8,8a,8b,8c,8d,8e)
and the said shafts and the propellers are mounted axially and
centrally in at least one tunnel (20) with a divergent nozzle
(15) at entry and a convergent nozzle (14) at exit, the said
tunnel (20) is provided with spiral vane (21) fixed to the inside
wall of the said tunnel (20) and disposed axially along the
said tunnel (20), and the said marine vessel is provided with
a hydraulic brake (22,23).





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Patent Number 212100
Indian Patent Application Number 33/CAL/1998
PG Journal Number 46/2007
Publication Date 16-Nov-2007
Grant Date 15-Nov-2007
Date of Filing 07-Jan-1998
Name of Patentee AMITAVA RAY
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B 63 H 1/00,11/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA