Abstract | This single Micro controller based Digital energy meter system can calibrate the power consumption of many number of consumers through wireless network (1) and transmit to the department through wireless network (2), so it is named as WIRELESS MULTIPLEXED ENERGY METER SYSTEM shown in figure (2). This multiplexed energy meter is used to install in the electrical pole or in the Pillar-box to read the current consumed by the group of consumers. If anybody tries to tamper the power or any malpractice in any part of the power line this system gives immediate information to your mobile phone by making a call immediately and stores the data in the system registry. This system is helpful to find the exact location of power theft or losses and stores in the system database in the billing section. No need of many Assessors to go to every house to collect the electrical power readings consumed by the consumer. Using a dedicated wireless network (2) or mobile phone network or telephone line network we can read the electrical energy consumed by the group of consumers. This system has inbuilt battery backup and automatic charging system helps during power fails and informs to the department automatically. Every multiplexed energy meter system has a unique password code number, which is used to control by the authorized personal only. All types of sensors or detectors can be interfaced through wireless or GSM / CDMA based network system or telephone line network etc. Since, I used the dedicative mobile phone or wireless network (2) and any one of the consumers telephone line network to communicate to the billing department of the organization we can find the power theft easily at particular location. This system of monitoring the collecting of consumed readings and controlling the power supplies of consumers and Grid controls are equipped with any type of Latest Technology during the period of implementing this project. |
Full Text | INTRODUCTION: ! This invention relates to the Energy meter reading system from commercial 3 phase and domestic single phase or anyuhere in power line. This system helps us to reduce the manpower, saves the monevand the electrical energy. Existing disc t>pe analogue energy meter is converted into the digital system to transmit the consumed reading data to the multiplexed energy meter through wireless Transmitter.This multiplexed energy meter is introduced to store all the consumed energy meter readings through wireless receiver and to compare with the overall energy supplied. All These counts of old disc type or latest digital energy meter are collected and stored in the multiplexed energy meter and the identify the power theft or losses, with reduced manpovser and full remote control through wireless network. So I named this methodology o 'automation as '•FLYING SPY"", PURPOSE OF THE INVENTIONS: We knou that there are niun> possibilities of power theft happening in our countr> due to the security weakness and lack of development. The old ddis type energ> meters a e not sat'e to protect so 1 converted into digital system lo transmit through wireless. And i introduced the muUipleved wireless energy meter system. which helps to store the group of consumed energy readings data like .Apartments. colonies, etc. 1 developed Advanced Automations of the LleciricitN board met Kulologv to protect from power theft and to take read ngs through wireless or teleph».>ne network with reduced manpower, 1 his helps to reduce the power ihet't and saves more mone> and the electrical energv of the department. SUMMARY OF THE INN ENTIONS: This single Micro controller based Digital energv nicier svsiem can calibrate the power consun)ption of man nany numbers of eonsu(ners through wire!es\ and transmit to the department through wireless; it is named as WIRFLHSS NfULTIPiJiXlT) hNi:R(.V Mill R SVSTFM shown in figure (2). This multiplexed energv meter is used to install in the eiecliical pole or m the IMIar-box \o read ihe curreni consumed bv the group of consumers. If anybodv tries to tamper the power or anv nialpraciice m anv part of the power line this system gives immediate information to your mobile phone by making a call immediately and stores the data in ihe system registry. To intimate you quickly, this system will call you directly or SMS to your mobile. This system is helpful to find the exact location of pow.;r theft or losses and stores in the system database in the billing section. No need of many Assessors to go to ever>' house to collect the electrical power readings consumed by the consumer. Using a dedicated wireless network (2) or mobile phone network or telephone line network we can read the electrical energy i onsumed by th'." group of consumers. I developed this Electronic wireless energy meter system to reduce the manpower ami to avoid the possibilities of power theft. So it helps us to save the power and money. This system has inbuilt battery backup and automatic charging s\stem helps during power fails and informs to the department automatically. E\ery multiplexed energy meter system has a unique password code number, which is used to control by the authorized personnel onl>. All i)pes of sensors or detectors can le inicrtaccd through wireless or GSM / CDMA based network system or telephone line network etc. Since. 1 used the dedicuii^e mobile phone or wireless network (2) and any one of the consumers telephone iine network to communicate to the billing depanmeni of the organization we can t1nd the pow .-r theft easil\ at particular location. The readings have b.en taken only the particular telephone is not in ue. And nobod> can distutb this sNsiem physically becaus: of equipped with full wireless control and reading sssieni. DESC RIPTION OF THE DIAGRAMS: This insention is described with reference to the accompanying figures.... Figure I shows the connecciun diagram of the electrical line to the consumer's ener^v nieier through the multiplexed energy meter, Figure 2shows the Multiplexed wireless recei\er with 3 phase 2U .Xmps energy meter, which has wirele>s receiver to receive the pulses from the group of ene.g> meier and stores in the mcniory. I'igure 3 shows the IJlock diagram of'he Digitally Convened disc tspe .Analogue eneriis met er of singala phase or three phase. Figure 4 shows the digital single phase or three-phase digital energy meter energy meter Imked with the wireless transmitter to transmit the stored information to the multiplexed energy meter. BREIF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTIONS The system consists of an innovative subsystem, which is to conven the existing disc type analogue meter into digital meter. Eiy courting ih^ number of rotations of the disc using infrared Transceivers and transmitting it as pulses .o the muhiplexed energy meter through wireless transmitter. To store the energy consumed by the consumer digitally in the memory I developed this con\ersion using senaoTS. The power supply to the consumer's digital energy meter or digitally con\erted disc type energy meter (b) is applied through the multiplexed energy meter. The purpose of the multiplexed meter is to tlnd out the losses in a particular section, to reduce the o\erall cost of the wireless s\ stems and it acts as a mediator between consumer's meter and the control room recei\er. All the ener iv meters generate pulses on e\er> unit or e\er> rotation. These pulses trigger the micro controller ihrougli \v ireless transmitter network (I) to increment the counter in the memor\ of the multiplexed energy neter. .Ml these collected datas are stored in the memory of multiplexed energy meter and transmits to iht control room through wireless network (2) when ret^iired. The multiplexed energ) meter recei\es inp'it data from the consumer's energy meters and transmits the stored data to the control room recei\er. This multiplexed energs meter is designed to install in the electrical pole or in the pillar-box where the input electrical lino of the group of consumers or at the central place to cover wireless network (1), the group ot consumer'N energy meter. I his multiplexed energy meter may collect A: store all other data of Temperature. hunudii\. etc tor t'uture reference. Fhe wireless data transmission can be made by an\ t)pc of modulations tcchnicjues like C'I).\I.\. TDM A, FSK, FD\!A. -'tc or any other latest techniques. This sssiem of collecting the data can be upuated as per our requirement in the future. The data formats can Ix* transmitted in the form of packets. DTMl" (Dual tone Multi Frequency), serial data, synchronous. Asynchronous, etc.. or b> using an\ t\pe of latest technology as per our requirement. I he speed of data Transmission can be used in an> baud rate c.s per our requirement. Ihe datas are retrieved Irom the multiplexed energ\ meter at an> time through wireless network (2). The digital energy meter or disc type digitally converted energy meter (b) is linked with electrical power line to transmit the consumed energy readings through wireless transmitter (1). All these transmitters have lis own dedicated digital code so no possibilities of conflict problems in between the energy meters transmitters. Every energy meter has the display and verified after received the oiils by the consumer. Since it has full wireless link nobody can tamper or malpractices. This method is applicable to an>Avhere because of invisible wireless link. This Wireless multiplexed energy meter has advanced futures to communicate to the central billing department through wireless medium or cell phone network or the telephone network, it has inbuilt wireless receiver (1) system which is used to read the pulses of the digital energy meter or digital con\erted disc type energy meter. All these pulses are counted and stored in the registry of the multiplexed energy meter. The power supply to the digital energy meter or digitally converted energy meter is applied through this multiplexed energy meter to measure the incoming current consumption to compare with consumed result received through v ireless receiver. This technology helps to find the theft or losses at a particular location by comparing with the consumed reading with the overall incoming power reading. The diagram (g) shows the wireless receiv .^r, which helps to receive the pulses tYom the digital energv meter or digitally converted disc type energ> meter though wireless transmitter and stores in the memory. .Ml the data is transmitted to the billing depanmeni at any time through telephone network or dedicated wirelos network (2) or any cell phone network. The circuit board is designed to store the collected viata of incoming electrical power and consumed power, the voltage, etc and transmits all the data through w ireless network. The block diagram of the existing Analog disc tvpe energe meter shows trie digital)) converted analogue meter. Ihe digital display shows the readings of the power consumed. 1 he Infrared I'ransceivers or anv other detector are used to count the rotation of the disc and transmits the stored data throuuh wireless whenever the multiplexed energy meter requests through vureless transceiver. Ihe RF transmitter, dc convened step down [x>wer supply and microprocessor section are intert'aced to comniunicaie to the multiplexed energv meter. Ihe infrared rays are shown in the disc io detect the presence of Black coitu paint or tape in the region. Ihese sensors alv\ays increment the count even if anvbodv tries to rotate the disc in reverse direction. The new digital energy meter is linked with wireless transmitter to transnit through wireless network (I) of all the cons imed unit pulses of ih^ group of consumers to the multiplexed energy meter or all the required parameters stored in the n-'w digital energy meters of the group of consumers to store in the multiplexed energy meter. This system for collecting of consumption of the electrical energy, comprising: the wireless network (I) means the short rarge, w ireless network (2) means the long range, A ireless multiplexed energy meter, wireless digital energs meter, digitally converted analogue disc type eneigy meter, Hlectrical power supply and wireless host transceiver ^vstem tor control Room. Wireless network (I) communicates between the group of consumers end wireless energy meter and the corresponding wireless multiplexed energ\ meter, which has common electrical link and the wireless network (2) communicates beiween all the n)ultiplexed energ\ meter, and the host wireless transceiver s\>iems in the control room. This wireless multiplexed ent'rgv meter keeps stores of all the readings of electrical energv meters through vureless network (I), The wireless digital energy meters have digitallv coined RF Iransceivers to link with corresponding receiver in the multiplexed energy meter through wireless network (11. Ihe digiiallv converted analogue disc ivpe energv meter are converted into digital svstem bv sensing the rotation of the disc using infrared transceivers and transmits each pulses to the multiplexeJ energv meter through vwreless network ( I). This inlVared transceiver sensors or RV wireless networks might be rephiced in tuiure as per our requirement. I hese energv meters are single phase or ihree-pliasc energv nieier that is interlaced with wireless transmitter to sio^e the consumed unit pulses in the memorv of the wireless multiplexed energv meter. I he electrical power suppK is applied to the consumer's energv meter through the three phase energv meter of the wireless ni'iltiplexeu energy meter and receives the unit pulses of consumed energv through w ireless netv\ork (1) to store in the multiplexed energv meter tor tuture relerence and to detect the power losses or theft i*) intorm to the Ck)ntrol room immediaielv The wireless host transceiver system has full remote access of the entire multiplexed energy meter or consumer's end energy meter power line control through wireless network (2) or telephone line or cellular phone network. The wireless host transceiver system is communicated with all the wireless multiplexed energy meter to read the stored data at any time through wireless network (2) or telephone line or cellular phone network. All wireless multiplexed energy meters has unique identity digital codes and all wireless transmitters are digitally coded to avoid conflict problems. The wireless multiplexed energy meters have internal locking cabinet box and door open sensing system with all latest protection system to protect from theft. The wireless multiplexed energy meters further comprises with all types of latest sensors & detectors. The wireless multiplexed energy meters comprises with automatic rechargeable battery backup, micro controller circuit board, dedicated high ampere digital energy meter. Telephone line modem, RF wireless network (1) transceivers and RF transceivers of wireless network (2) with required towers or telephone line or cellular phone networks. The Remote controlling of Power Grids or individual Consumer's power line termination or switching are done by using RF transceiver, Micro controller & Relays with particular Password from the control room Host wireless Transceiver system. The wireless multiplexed energy meters has dedicated energy meter to measure overall inlet power consumed by the group of consumers to detect the power losses and stores in the memory. The wireless multiplexed energy meter intimate to the wireless host transceiver systems automatically during power fails or unauthorized tampering of energy meters immediately. The wireless host system is interfaced with the computer to monitor the readings of power consumed by the consumer, to printout the bills and to control the power grid switches in the transformer from the remote places or from the control room by using this wireless network 2 or telephone network or cellular phone network. The wireless network (1) and network (2) linked with the control room computer to monitor the power line rooting, to study the status of power grid transformer switches, to find out exact location of failure helps to troubleshoot the problems easily, quickly and effectively. This system of monitoring the collecting of consumed readings and controlling the power supplies of consumers and Grid controls are equipped with any type of Latest Technology during the period of implementing this project. The types of sensors, detectors, Transceivers, Technologies used in this system is not limited to the types explained above, any modifications or Updations can be done. ADVANTAGES OF THIS FLYING SP\ 2K 1. Easy identification ofelectrical power losses or the theft, 2. Reduced manpower, 3. Easy fault finding and trouble shtx)ting, 4. No disturbance to the consumer, 5. No dependence, 6. More flexible, 7. Fast and eftlcient billing and servicing, 8. Automatic power failure intimation immediately, 9. Protects from unauthorized servicing or tampering. 10. Any lime accessing of consumer end energy meter, 11. Full wireless control, 12. Full protection and controls. 13. Continous moniloring the rooting ofelectrical power line in the host system computer, 14. Helps to findoul the exact location of power failure 15. Troubleshoot the problems easily and quickly. I CLAIM: 1. A system for collecting of consumption of the electrical energy, comprising: the wireless network (1), wireless network (2), wireless multiplexed energy meter, wireless digital energy meter, digitally converted analogue disc type energy meter, Electrical power supply and wireless host transceiver system for control Room. 2. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said wireless network (1) communicates between the group of consumers end wireless energy meter and the corresponding wireless multiplexed energy meter which has common electrical link. 3. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said wireless network (2) communicates between the entire multiplexed enerjjy meter and the host wireless transceiver systems in the control room. 4. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said wireless multiplexed energy meter keeps stores of all the readings of el(2Ctrical energy meter through wireless network (1). 5. The system has claimed in claim I, wherein said wireless digital energy meter has digitally coded RF Transceivers to link with corresponding receiver in the multiplexed energy meter through wireless network (I), 6. The system has claimed in claim I, wherein said digitally converted analogue disc type energy meter are converted into digital system by sensing the rotation of the disc using infrared transceivers and transmits each pulses to the multiplexed energy meter through wireless network (1). 7. The system has claimed in claim 6, wherein said infrared transceiver sensors or RF wireless networks might be replaced in future as per our requirement. 8. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said energy meter are single phase or three phase energy meter which is interfaced with wireless transmitter to store the consumed unit pulses in the memory of the wireless multiplexed energy meter. 9. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said electrical power supply is applied to the consumer's energy meter through the three phase energy meter of the wireless multiplexed energy meter and receives the unit pulses of consumed energy through wireless network (I) to store in the multiplexed energy meter for future reference and to detect the power losses or theft to inform to the control room immediately. 10. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said wireless host transceiver system has full remote access of the entire multiplexed energy meter or consumer's end energy meter power line control through wireless network (2) or telephone line or cellular phone network. 11. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said wireless host transceiver system is communicated with the entire wireless multiplexed energy meter to read the stored data at any time through wireless network (2) or telephone line or cellular phone network. 12. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said all wireless multiplexed energy meter has unique identity digital codes and all wireless transmitters are digitally coded to avoid conflict problems. 13. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said wireless multiplexed energy meter further comprise with all types of latest sensors & detectors. 14. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said wireless multiplexed energy meter has internal locking cabinet box and door open sensing system with all latest protection system to protect from thefl. 15. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said wireless multiplexed energy meter comprises automatic rechargeable batteiy backup, micro controller circuit board, dedicated high ampere digital energy meter, Telephone line modem, RF wireless network (1) transceivers and RF transceivers of wireless network (2) with required towers or telephone line or cellular phone networks. 16. The system has claimed in claim 15, wherein said wireless multiplexed energy meter has dedicated energy meter to measure overall inlet power consumed by the group of consumers to detect the power losses and stores in the memory. 17. The system has claimed in claim 15, wherein said wireless multiplexed energy meter intimate to the wireless host transceiver systems automatically during power fails or unauthorized tampering of energy meter immediately. 18. The system has claimed in claim I, wherein said wireless host system is interfaced with the computer to monitor the readings of power consumed by the consumer, to ' remote places or from the control room by using this wireless network (2) or telephone network or cellular phone network, 19. The system has claimed in claim 1, wherein said wireless network (1) and network (2) linked with the control room computer to monitor the power line rooting, to study the status of power grid transformer switches, to find out exact location of failure helps to troubleshoot the problems easily, quickly and effectively. BY |
337-mas-2000-description(complete) filed .pdf
337-mas-2000-description(complete) grand.pdf
Patent Number | 212180 | ||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 337/MAS/2000 | ||||||||
PG Journal Number | 02/2008 | ||||||||
Publication Date | 11-Jan-2008 | ||||||||
Grant Date | 26-Nov-2007 | ||||||||
Date of Filing | 01-May-2000 | ||||||||
Name of Patentee | M.U.MAHESH | ||||||||
Applicant Address | NO.19A, MOOVANDER STREET, PALLIKARANI, CHENNAI-601 302, | ||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | G01R 11/02 | ||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||
PCT Conventions: