Title of Invention


1. Field of the Invention
The invention relates to image processing method and imaging system, and it relates
generally to the field of digital imaging and computer graphics. More specifically, the
invention relates to methods for performing digital image processing and compression.
2. Description of the Related Art
In small, portable devices such as digital still
cameras, image compression schemes should be suited to
reduce the storage requirements and processing time of
captured sensor images still maintaining acceptable
picture quality even after compression and
decompression. When storage requirements and processing
time are reduced, the overall power consumption of the
device is also reduced since the VLSI (Very Large Scale
Integration) chip performing the processing is more
compact. The reduction of the bit rate for transmission
or storage of still image and motion video will also
speed the process of capturing images and thus, speed
the downloading of them to a PC (personal computer) or
other more complex data processing systems. Quick
capture and compression of an image will allow such
cameras to transition to the next image, i.e., to the
next click of the camera speedily.
Image compression, whether performed by hardware
such as VLSI chip or by software, can be classified as
either "lossy" or "lossless". With lossless
compression, the original image prior to compression can
be retrieved exactly when the compressed image is
decompressed. Consequently, lossless techniques, whose
compression ratios depend greatly upon the entropy of an
image, do not achieve high compression ratios and, since
they preserve a high percentage of original image
information, are computationally expensive. By
contrast, lossy compression provides only an
approximation of the original image. Thus, with lossy
compression, greater compression ratios can be achieved
but traditionally with lower image quality compared to
lossless techniques. One such lossy technique, referred
to as "predictive coding" (also called Digital Pulse
Code Modulation (DPCM), well-known in the art), predicts
the value of a successive pixel by linearly combining
the properties of already processed neighboring pixels.
An error pixel is defined as the difference between the
original image pixel and the corresponding predicted
pixel. The error pixel, represented as a color value,
is quantized and then binary encoded. Traditionally,
the quantization has been performed distinct from the
encoding, which lends to complexity in the processing
Even with lossy compression schemes, the process of
quantization and encoding is often very compute
intensive. Thus, it would be desirable to reduce or
eliminate the computing of quantization and encoding
within a small device such as a digital camera. Doing
so would reduce the circuitry or chip area required and
also, the power consumption.
With lossy techniques, as traditionally employed,
image quality suffers. It would also be desirable in
situations where captured image quality is important,
such as a digital camera, to employ a compression scheme
that is "visually-lossless". A "visually-lossless"
scheme would technically be lossy, but due to certain
properties would model the human visual system. To the
naked eye, images compressed using a "visually-lossless"
scheme would appear approximately identical to the
original image.
The implementation of such computationally
intensive techniques demands more VLSI circuitry than is
suitable for digital cameras and portable, small devices
desiring image compression. Thus, there is a need for a
more efficient process to perform techniques while
conserving power. Also, there is a need to preserve
image quality as it relates to the human visual system
such that a lossy image appears to the unaided eye as
A method is disclosed having the step of compiling an image compression table that
models a visually-lossless image compression scheme. The image compression table is
utilised for compressing an image which appears visually-lossless upon decompression.
Accordingly, the present invention provides an image processing method comprising
the steps of:
generating an image compression table that models a visually-lossless image
compression scheme, said scheme polynomially relating an error value, which is the
difference between two pixels, and a quantized error value, said Polynomial being
characterized by the human visual perception system; and
utilizing said image compression table for compressing an image, said compressed
image appearing visually-lossless upon decompression.
According to the present invention there is also provided an imaging system
an image compression circuit coupled to receive input from an image capture device;
an image compression table coupled to said image compression circuit, said image
compression table providing quantized error values and codeword equivalents thereof which
are suitable to compress images, said table providing a compression scheme that
polynomially relates an error value, which is the difference between two pixels, and a
quantized error value based on a polynomial characterized by the human visual perception
The objects, features and advantages of the method
and apparatus for the present invention will be apparent
from the following description in which:
Figure 1 is a flowchart of one embodiment of the
Figure 2 is a detailed flow diagram of compiling
an image compression table according to one embodiment
of the invention.
Figure 3 is a flowchart of yet another embodiment
of the invention.
Figure 4 is a flowchart of computing quantized
error values according to one embodiment of the
Figure 5 is an image compression table with sample
values according to one embodiment of the invention.
Figure 6 is a system diagram of one embodiment of
the invention.
Referring to the figures, exemplary embodiments of
the invention will now be described. The exemplary
embodiments are provided to illustrate aspects of the
invention and should not be construed as limiting the
scope of the invention. The exemplary embodiments are
primarily described with reference to block diagrams or
flowcharts. As to the flowcharts, each block within the
flowcharts represents both a method step and an
apparatus element for performing the method step.
Depending upon the implementation, the corresponding
apparatus element may be configured in hardware,
software, firmware or combinations thereof.
Figure 1 is a flowchart of one embodiment of the
In this embodiment, one step in attaining a compact
and efficient image compression is to pre-compile a
table of quantized error values and codes (step 110).
The total number of possible error values, where error
is defined as the difference between a predicted pixel
(or average of pixels) and the current pixel, will be
based on the desired color resolution of each pixel
(described below). For each possible error value, a
corresponding quantized error value is calculated by
some data processing system such as a computer. As will
be detailed below, each quantized error value will have
a Huffman (or other entropy encoding) code equivalent.
Huffman coding is well-known in the art of digital
encoding and data compression. A single table of
integrated original quantized error values, and Huffman
code equivalents and the like will be stored in table
form on the data processing system.
Once the table is pre-compiled, prior to any image
capture or compression, the table is loaded into RAM
(Random Access Memory) or ROM (Read Only Memory) units
within the camera (step 120). Since memory is
inexpensive and power-preserving compared to
logic/arithmetic circuitry, pre-compiling such a table
offers significant cost and design advantages.
Once the table is loaded into the camera, for the
image compression scheme represented by that table, the
table need not be re-compiled or reloaded. As shown in
Figure 3, if the image compression scheme changes, the
table can be re-compiled and loaded to replace or append
the prior table. According to step 130, images that are
captured by the lens-sensor system of the camera can be
compressed on-the-fly using a look-up table approach.
The captured pixels are composed of R, G, and B (Red,
Green and Blue) color planes, and the procedure of
predictive coding is applied to each captured pixel in
the R, G, and B planes simultaneously.
When the image is completely captured and
compressed, the next image may be similarly processed,
without any reload or re-compile of the table. Either
one by one, or in groups, the compressed images may then
be downloaded to a data processing or computer system
which can perform decompression of the image(s) (step
140). Utilizing the "visually-lossless" approach
described below, the resultant image will appear to the
eye as a near perfect reconstruction of the captured
image. An advantage to the methodology of table look-up
compression is the speed at which a captured image can
be compressed, thus allowing the camera to be ready to
capture the next image. A further advantage is that the
decompression, which decodes and inverse quantizes to
approximate the captured image, can also be achieved
using the same table loaded to the camera. These
details, as well as the-visually-lossless algorithm, are
described below.
Figure 2 is a detailed flow diagram of pre-
compiling an image compression table according to one
embodiment of the invention.
The first step in pre-compiling an image
compression table is to compute a quantized error value
for each designated error value. An image pixel can be
split into R, G and B plane components and, assuming
that N bits is utilized for each color plane, then the
pixel in total would be defined in 3*N bits. Predictive
coding schemes operate on each color plane independently
and simultaneously. Thus, the error, which is the
difference between a predicted pixel component and the
original pixel component, would range from -(2N-1) to 2N-
1 yielding a total number of possible error value of
2N+1-1. For example, a 24-bit color image would consist
of pixels that have 8-bit R components, 8-bit G
components and 8-bit B components. For each pixel
component, the lower limit of error is 0-255 = -255,
while the upper limit is 255-0 = 255, giving a total of
28+1-1 = 511 error values. According to step 210, then,
for each of the 2N+1-1 error values, a quantized error
value is calculated. The quantized error value,
according to the visually-lossless scheme proposed in
various embodiments of the invention, takes the form of
y = (x-C)a+C, where y is the quantized error, x the
original error and C, the threshold, and "a" the entropy
encoding factor derived from the response of the human
visual perception system (response of the human optical
system to visual input and its interpretation by the
human brain). Further details of the quantization
computation are described below with respect to
Figure 4.
The above example is a form of predictive coding
which can be one or multi-dimensional in its prediction.
A one-dimensional would take as a predicted pixel
component, the predicted "West" neighboring pixel
component, which is the pixel component (R,G,B) of the
same row, but the previous column in the image. A two-
dimensional predictive coding scheme will first take,
for instance, the predicted "North" pixel component
neighbor and the "West" neighbor and average the two
together. This average of previous predicted pixel
components is then subtracted from the current original
image pixel to obtain the error value. To minimize the
propagation of errors due to quantization of these error
values, a feedback recovery may be applied to "recover"
by inverse quantization and approximation of the error.
This approximation obtained by inverse quantization can
be summed with the predicted pixel component (or
average) to recover the error, at least in part.
Referring still to Figure 2, the next step in the
process is to classify the quantized error values into a
distinct set of classes (step 220). The number of
classes will depend upon both the number of bits
required to encode the quantized error value and upon
the value of C, the threshold in the quantized error
formula. Binary encoding which is utilized in this
embodiment of the invention is inherently bitwise.
Thus, the decoding of a binary coded value is
computationally complex since bitwise processing is
necessary. However, by classifying the quantized error
values, the decoding of the generated Codeword
equivalent is greatly simplified. An example is
provided below. After classifying the quantized error
values, a Codeword equivalent can be generated for each
quantized error value (step 230) . Each quantized error
value can be represented by a pair of binary values
(H,M), where H is the Huffman code of the class and M is
the one"s complement representation of the quantized
error value in that class. The pair (H,M) when
concatenated together as the sequence of bits "HM"
represents the prefix Codeword. As will be shown, this
prefix Codeword greatly simplifies the decoding
process. Once the Codeword equivalent is generated for
each quantized error value, the integrated quantized
error values and their corresponding Codeword
equivalents are stored into the image compression table
(step 240). Further, the next step is to store, for
each Codeword equivalent, the bit length of the Codeword
equivalent (step 250).
The Codeword equivalent generated by the (H,M) pair
is a variable length prefix code. The Codeword
equivalent is stored into a table as a decimal value,
e.g., if the Codeword equivalents of unquantized error
values 2, 25, 100 are 0, 10111, 111010, they are stored
into the table in a byte as a decimal value 0, 23, 58,
respectively. Though the Codeword equivalents 0, 23,
and 58 are actually stored in eight bits (bytes) as
00000000, 00010111, 00111010, respectively, only one bit
is significant for the Codeword equivalent 0. Likewise,
only the last 5 bits of 00010111 are significant for the
Codeword equivalent 23 and only the last 6 bits of
00111010 is significant for the Codeword equivalent 58.
Hence, since all Codeword equivalents are stored
optimally as the same number of bits, length information
is desired to be able to extract the variable length
code from the memory bytes of the look-up table. The
variable-length Codeword equivalents are packed together
in eight-bit bytes and output to the compressed file.
For example, let us assume that the quantized error
values are 99, 25, -2, 0, 9, 0, 0, 55, 100, the output
codes are 111011, 10110, 0, 0, 10101, 0, 0, 111000,
111011. They are packed in eight-bit bytes as
and output to the compressed file. Hence, the length
information is needed to prepare the output bytes such
that they be "unpacked" correctly upon decompression.
The image compression table(s) can contain an index
of quantized error values and for each quantized error
value, the Codeword equivalent and the length of the
Codeword equivalent. The same table can be utilized for
all the color planes. Thus, the image compression table
at most has 2N+1-1 indexes or addresses where N
represents the number of bits in each color component
(R,G,B) of the pixels in the image. The procedure of
pre-compiling the image compression table need only be
performed once and can be applied to each color plane
without modification. Thus, the R, G and B compression
processes can share a single image compression table.
The image compression table, by representing
Codeword equivalents for quantized error values,
integrates the quantization and binary encoding process.
The table integrates quantization and binary encoding by
providing, for each quantized error code submitted as an
index to the table, a Codeword equivalent. Thus, the
steps architecture of separate binary encoding is
Figure 3 is a flowchart of yet another embodiment
of the invention.
A single image compression table represents a
particular image quality or compression ratio. Testing
and experimentation have shown that for the quantized
error formula y = (x-C)a+C, a value of "a" = 0.45
derived from human visual system response gives
excellent visually-lossless properties. Such visually-
lossless image compression is excellent for still images
since it represents "perception" of the human brain of
received visual stimulus such as color and shape. The
threshold value, C, has also be found through testing to
be good at a value of 3. The rigors of the formula are
described below. If a different level of compression is
desired, the level of "visual-losslessness" may be
reduced and the image compression ratio increased.
The human visual perception system, upon which
various embodiments of the invention are based, consists
of the optical system (lens, cornea, etc.) as well as
the brain and nervous systems which interpret what the
eye gathers from its surroundings. The eye and human
optical system will, based on reflected light, send to
the brain a set of image data much like a camera but far
less discrete. The brain interprets what the eye
"captures" and this interpretation is what is "seen" by
humans. The fineness of the image, clarity, and color
resolution depends on the discernibility of the part of
brain processing visual stimuli. Thus, if the human eye
can only distinguish, for example, 1,000,000 colors, for
the purposes of presenting it to a human an image
printed or displayed with more colors is extraneous.
Likewise, certain other characteristics of the human
visual perception system such as edge detection can, if
understood, be used to simplify the image compression
scheme for an application such as a digital camera.
In the digital camera instance, the modeling of the
human visual perception system will produce the
"visually-lossless" result referred to in various
embodiments of the invention. The formula for
quantization y = (x-C)a+C with an "a" of 0.45 and "C" of
3 closely models the human visual perception system to
still images. The error is tolerable and virtually
indistinguishable to the naked eye if those parameters
are utilized. Though the invention in various
embodiments contemplates the use of look-up tables so
that the quantization is pre-computed and compiled, one
skilled in the art would readily be able to adopt the
human visual perception modeling herein to a non-look-up
table based approach, where quantization is computed on-
the-fly. One such approach may include software
compression where a computer programmed application
executes visually-lossless compression using y = (x-
C)a+C or a variation thereof, within the computer system
on an already stored image or upon images that are
streamed to the application.
Different image compression ratios and qualities
will be desired for different types of applications. To
facilitate this, the user of the imaging system can
select on the data processing system on which the table
is pre-compiled or from the camera/imaging system the
desired quality and/or compression level (step 310).
Next, the software queries the memory or disk where
image compression tables may be stored if the image
compression table corresponding to the desired
quality/compression level exists (step 320). If the
corresponding image compression table does exist, then
the data processing system loads the corresponding table
into the camera/imaging system (step 340). In an
alternative embodiment, more than one different image
compression table may be stored in the camera/imaging
system, but in small digital cameras, a single optimal
table at any given time is adequate and least intrusive.
If the camera/imaging system were to have multiple table
capability, then the imaging system may as well be
queried for already containing the proper table.
If no corresponding image compression table exists,
the next step is to set a gamma, "a", and a threshold C
for the quantized error value formula y = (x-C)a+C (step
330) . The gamma and threshold values will vary from
compression scheme to compression scheme, but can be
readily tabulated to be available in case a certain
scheme (compression ratio/quality) is desired. Using
the gamma and threshold corresponding to the desired
scheme, the next step is to compile a new image
compression table using those values (step 335). The
compiling of the image compression table has been
described with respect to Figure 2.
Once the image compression is located or compiled,
the table is loaded into the camera (step 340). After
the table is loaded into the camera, images may be
compressed on the camera (step 350). These images will
have a quality/compression ratio commensurate with the
selected quality/compression. Alternatively, the
selection of quality/compression ratio may be arrived at
automatically by the data processing system or imaging
system based on the specific application which will use
the image.
Figure 4 is a flowchart of computing quantized
error values according to one embodiment of the
Assuming that the gamma "a" and threshold C are
already determined, the following methodology is used to
compute quantized error values. The appropriate form of
the basic equation y = (x-C)a+C depends upon the range
of x, the error value. If x is greater than C (checked
at step 410), then the form y = (x-C)a+C is applied. To
apply this form, the first step is to calculate the
intermediate value I1 = (x-C) (step 412). Next, I1, is
raised to the power of a to yield I2 (step 414).
Finally, the value of C is added to the value I2 to
arrive at Y1 which will be a positive quantized error
value (step 416). Only the integer portion of the
quantized error value y is stored, and thus, the value y
is to be truncated (step 418) prior to table insertion.
If x is greater than -C but less then or equal to C
(checked at step 420), then y is judged to be zero (step
422) .
If the error value falls below -C (checked at step
430), then the next step is to take the absolute value
of the error value (step 432). Then, the intermediate
value J1 is calculated by subtracting C from the absolute
value of the error value (step 434). Next, J1 is raised
to the power a, to yield J2 (step 436). Next, the value
C is added to J2 to form J3 (step 438) . Finally, since
the error value is a negative number, the quantized
error value should also be a negative. This is achieved
by negating J3 (step 440). These quantized error values
are utilized to compress an image by compressing the
error of the image.
Figure 5 is an image compression table with sample
values according to one embodiment of the invention.
The table of Figure 5 has sample values for 8-bit
color plane values. Each color plane, R, G and B, if
composed of 8 bits will yield an image when decompressed
with pixels of 24-bit color resolution. The image
compression table of Figure 5 is equally applicable to
all three color planes, since all three planes have the
same range of possible error values. As described
above, the possible error values between a pixel and a
predicted pixel will be -255 to +255 for each plane
assuming 8-bit color planes. The table of Figure 5
shows 28 of the possible 511 error values as they would
be quantized. One embodiment of the invention
calculates the quantized error value using the
expression y = (x-C)a+C, where x is the error value
(column 1 of Figure 5) and y, the quantized error value
(truncated, column 2 of Figure 5). The quantized error
values shown in Figure 5 correspond to a gamma "a"
value of 0.45 and a threshold C of 3. As Figure 5
shows, by applying the methodology of Figure 4 with a =
0.45 and C = 3, 511 error values have been compacted
into only 25 quantized values. Though these error
values relate to only one R, G or B pixel, interpolation
may be used to combine neighboring pixels into a higher,
such as 24-bit pixel, resolution image.
Once the quantized error values shown in column 2
of Figure 5 are compiled, then classification of the
error values can be performed. The threshold C
determines the classification by identifying the number
of classes. In this case, C is 3, so the number of
classes is 3. The first class, class 0, are the error
values that lie between -C and C, or in this example, -3
and 3. All these error values correspond, using the
methodology of Figure 4, to quantized error values of
0. The second class, class 3 is so named because a
maximum of three bits are preferred to encode the
unsigned quantized error values between 4 and 7 and -4
and -7. The next class, class 4, consists of the
quantized error values between 8 and 15 and -8 and -15
which require four bits to encode.
Once classification is achieved for the quantized
error values, then the Codeword can be constructed. The
Codeword equivalent for each quantized error value takes
the form "HM" where H is the Huffman code of the class
to which the quantized error value belongs and M is the
binary representation of the quantized error value.
Negative quantized error values take on M values of the
binary complement of the unsigned number in its binary
form. The Huffman code of the class and M are
concatenated to form the Codeword equivalent. As a
first example, an error value of 31 has a quantized
error value (as computed with a=0.45 and C=3) of 7. A
quantized error value of 7 belongs to class 3. The
Huffman code of "3" is "10" and thus, H is 10. The
value 7 in binary form is 111 in three bits, and thus, M
is 111. Thus, the Codeword equivalent for a quantized
error value of 7 is "HM" or 10111. The value "10111" is
stored next to the quantized error value of 7. As an

second example, an error value of -119 has a
corresponding quantized error value of -11. "-H"
belongs to class 4, and thus H (the Huffman code of "4")
is 11 (binary). M is the complement of the unsigned
decimal number 11 which is "0100." Thus, the Codeword
equivalent is "110100" for a quantized error value of -
The quantized error values and Codeword equivalents
are likewise compiled for all possible quantized error
values between -255 and 255. As discussed above, the
length of each Codeword equivalent should also be stored
in order to packing of the Codeword equivalents into
suitable data structures for communications transport.
The Codeword equivalents represent an integration of the
traditional distinct processes of quantization and
Additionally, the image compression table can also
store the inverse of the quantized error values. When
the image is being recovered or decomposed, the inverse
quantized error values are utilized. The inverse
quantized error values are calculated by using the
formula Xinv = (y-C)a+C, where y is the quantized error
value and Xinv is the inverse quantized error value.
Though the inverse values only approximate the original
error values prior to quantization (e.g., 255 is
quantized as 15, and inversed as 253), this is quite
adequate for visually-lossless compression since the
error introduced is imperceptible by the human visual
perception system.
Figure 6 is a system diagram of one embodiment of
the invention.
Illustrated is a computer system 610, which may be
any general or special purpose computing or data
processing machine such as a PC (personal computer),
coupled to a camera 63 0. Camera 63 0 may be a digital
camera, digital video camera, or any image capture
device or imaging system, and is utilized to capture a
sensor image of an object 640. Essentially, captured
images are compressed by an image compression circuit
632 so that they can be efficiently stored in an image
memory unit 634, which may be a RAM or other storage
device such as a fixed disk, miniature card, etc. In
most digital cameras, images are stored first and
downloaded later. This allows the camera 63 0 to capture
the next object quickly without additional delay.
Image processing in this embodiment of the
invention operates as follows. First, an image
compression table, if not already compiled, is compiled
using computer system 610. The methodology described in
various other embodiments of the invention is executed-
using a processor 612 such as the Pentiumâ„¢ (a product of
Intel Corporation) and a memory 611, such as RAM, which
is used to store/load instruction addresses and result
data. The application used to compile the image
compression table may be an executable file compiled
from source written in a language such as C++. The
instructions of that executable file, which correspond
with instructions necessary to compute quantized error
values. Codeword equivalents and index these and other
values into a table, which may be stored to a disk 618
or memory 611. It would be obvious to one of ordinary
skill in the art to program a computing machine to
compile the image compression table, provided that the
described methodology is disclosed.
Computer system 610 has a system bus 613 which
facilitates information transfer to/from the processor
and memory and a bridge -614 which couples to an I/O bus
615. I/O bus 615 connects various I/O devices such as a
display adapter 616, disk 618 and an I/O port, such as a
serial port. Many such combinations of I/O devices,
buses and bridges can be utilized with the invention and
the combination shown is merely illustrative of one such
possible combination.
Once the table is compiled, it can be sent through
I/O port 617 and loaded into image compression circuit
632 as a RAM or memory utilized by the image compression
circuit 632. The table, once loaded, can thereafter be
utilized by the image compression circuit 632.
When an image, such as an image of object 640, is
captured, the image is sensed by R, G, and B pixels and
these pixel values are sent to the image compression
circuit 632. Image compression circuit 632 consists of
ICs and other components which execute an image
compression scheme such as predictive coding. The image
compression circuit 632 calculates initial error values
according to a predictive coding formula, and then,
looks up both the corresponding quantized error value
and Codeword equivalent for the error value and stores
that into the image memory unit 634. By looking up the
values in the image compression table, the steps of
quantization and encoding do not have to be performed by
the camera. The total cost of the camera is reduced by
avoiding the additional circuitry used to perform
quantization and encoding of error values. Once all
pixels are processed for the image, the camera 630 can
capture the next image. When the user or application
desires/requests a download of images, the compressed
images stored in the image memory unit as packed
Codewords are transferred from image memory unit 634 to
the I/O Port 617. I/O port 617 uses the bus-bridge
hierarchy shown (I/O bus 615 to bridge 614 to system bus
613) to temporarily store the Codeword into memory 611
or, optionally, disk 618. The compressed images are
decompressed by suitable application software (or
hardware), which may utilize processor 612 for its
execution. Since the image compression table will have
been compiled on the computer system, it can be reused

to "look-up" in reverse the actual error value
corresponding to the Codeword. The error values are
used in an inverse predictive coding (or other
corresponding image decompression scheme) to produce a
decompressed image 650. Decompressed image 650 may then
be rendered visually using a display adapter 616 onto a
monitor 620 to which the computer system 610 may be
The decompressed image 650 will be "visually-
lossless" if an image compression table with an "a"
value of 0.45 and a threshold C of 3 is compiled and
used in camera 630. The image is visually-lossless
since the formula y = (x-C)a+C, when utilized to compute
and compile the image compression table will model the
human visual system. Thus, to the user, the
decompressed image 650 will appear virtually
indistinguishable, given adequate display devices
(monitor 620 and adapter 616), with the appearance of
the original object 640. Likewise, other images
captured by the camera can be decompressed and output on
monitor 620 and each will maintain a visually-lossless
quality if the methodology of the various embodiments of
the invention and alternatives thereof, are followed.
The exemplary embodiments described herein are
provided merely to illustrate the principles of the
invention and should not be construed as limiting the
scope of the invention. Rather, the principles of the
invention may be applied to a wide range of systems to
achieve the advantages described herein and to achieve
other advantages or to satisfy other objectives as well.
1. An image processing method comprising the steps of:
generating an image compression table that models a visually-lossless image
compression scheme, said scheme polynomially relating an error value, which is the
difference between two pixels, and a quantized error value, said Polynomial being
characterized by the human visual perception system; and
utilizing said image compression table for compressing an image, said compressed
image appearing visually-lossless upon decompression.
2. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein, prior to the step of using, said table is
loaded into an image capture system.
3. A method as claimed in claim 2, wherein, after loading said table, images captured by
said image capture system are compressed by applying values of said table to said captured
4. A method as claimed in claim 3, wherein said compressed images are downloaded to
a computer system.
5. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the step of generating comprises the steps
computing, using said visually-lossless image compression scheme, a quantized error
value for each of a set of possible error values, said set being a result of all combinations of
the difference between one pixel value of said image and another; and
generating for each of said quantized error values, a corresponding codeword
equivalent, each said quantized error value and corresponding codeword equivalent being
stored in said table for each of said possible error values.
6. A method as claimed in claim 5, wherein said quantized error values are classified
into a distinct set of classes.
7. A method as claimed in claim 5, wherein length information for each said codeword
equivalent is stored into said table.
8. A method as claimed in claim 5, wherein an inverse error value is computed and
stored into said table, said inverse error value being exponentially related to said quantized
error value.
9. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the image compression table is generated by
compiling quantized error values and codeword equivalents for a given image compression
scheme into a look-up table and wherein said image image compression table is used by
using the look-up table for image compression without recompiling the values thereafter for a
given image compression scheme.
10. A method as claimed in claim 9, wherein the compiling is achieved independent of
the characteristics of the images being compressed.
11. A method as claimed in claim 9, wherein a second table of values is compiled for
image compression if the given image compression scheme is modified.
12. A method as claimed in claim 11, wherein the given image compression scheme is
modified based on a choice of desired image quality by a user.
13. An imaging system comprising:
an image compression circuit coupled to receive input from an image capture device;
an image compression table coupled to said image compression circuit, said image
compression table providing quantized error values and codeword equivalents thereof which
are suitable to compress images, said table providing a compression scheme that
polynomially relates an error value, which is the difference between two pixels, and a
quantized error value based on a polynomial characterized by the human visual perception
14. An imaging system as claimed in claim 13, wherein said image compression circuit
and said table are both coupled to the image capture device.
15. An imaging system as claimed in claim 13, wherein said image capture device is for
coupling to a computer system, said computer system being configured to compile said
quantized error values and said codeword equivalents for said image compression table.
16. An imaging system as claimed in claim 14, wherein said image capture device is
configured to store said compressed images.
17. An imaging system as claimed in claim 14, wherein said image capture device is
configured to transfer compressed images to a computer system.
18. An imaging system as claimed in claim 14, wherein said image capture device is
coupled to a computer system, said computer system being configured to decompress and
render said compressed images to an output device.
19. An imaging system as claimed in claim 13, wherein said table is adapted to integrate
quantization and encoding of image error values.
20. An imaging system as claimed in claim 15, wherein the computer system is to
compute a quantized error value for each of a set of possible error values, said set being a
result of all combinations of the difference between one pixel value and another, and to
generate for each of the quantized error values a corresponding codeword equivalent, wherein
each quantized error value and its corresponding codeword equivalent is to be stored in said
image compression table for each of the possible error values.
21. An image processing method substantially as herein described with particular
reference to the accompanying drawings.
22. An imaging system substantially as herein described with particular reference to the
accompanying drawings.
There is disclosed an image processing method comprising the steps of generating an
image compression table that models a visually-lossless image compression scheme, said
scheme polynomially relating an error value, which is the difference between two pixels, and
a quantized error value, said Polynomial being characterized by the human visual perception
system; and utilizing said image compression table for compressing an image, said
compressed image appearing visually-lossless upon decompression.






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1066-cal-1998-granted-translated copy of priority document.pdf

Patent Number 212297
Indian Patent Application Number 1066/CAL/1998
PG Journal Number 48/2007
Publication Date 30-Nov-2007
Grant Date 28-Nov-2007
Date of Filing 16-Jun-1998
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G06K 9/36
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 08/884,923 1997-06-30 U.S.A.