Title of Invention


Abstract Fluid pump using heat comprises of a heat receiver tank (1) to receive the heat from any heat source.Said heat receiver tank (1) is partially filled with working fluid (2) and is connected to a high-pressure vapor storage tank (4),which in turn is connected to an inflatable sac or balloon (7) by a supply pipe (6) and a supply valve (5) to regulate the vapor flow.Said inflatable sac or balloon (7) is placed inside a pump tank (8) and said pump tank (8) is connected to supply tank (9) and delivery tank (15) by interconnecting pipes (10 & 13) with non-return valves (11 & 14),said supply pipe (6) is connected to a heat exchanger (18) through a drain pipe (17) with drain valve (16).The condensate of said working fluid (2) is collected in condensate tank (19).
Full Text FORM 2
(39 of 1970)
(See section 10; rule 13)
2. CHANDAK AJAY GIRDHARILAL at "SHAMGIRI", AGRA ROAD, DEOPUR, DHULE: 424 005, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. PH: 02562-271795, MB: +91-9823033344, email: [email protected], NATIONALITY: INDIAN
The following specification particularly describes the nature of invention and the manner in which it is to be performed.
125/MUM/2004 27 JUL 2004

3. Present invention relates to a fluid pump using heat. Pumping of fluid is a common requirement for domestic and industrial applications. Varieties of pumps are used for lifting fluid from lower level to higher level or from lower pressure to higher pressure. Most of these pumps use mechanical shaft power for running the pump and deliver the fluid to the delivery pressure. Commonly used prime movers to drive the pumps are electrical motors and engines driven on diesel, petrol or such fuels.
These conventional pumps have following major shortcomings.
a. They require high-grade energy source like electricity to run motor or
diesel/petrol/kerosene driven engines etc. These pumps are not suitable
in the remote areas where there is no electricity or supply of costly
fuels like diesel, petrol, kerosene etc. is uncertain and financially not
b. Cost of conventional pumping system is high.
c. Conventional pumping systems are not suitable for very small
pumping requirement.
Object of the present invention, therefore aims at devising a low cost, ingenious pumping device, which is based on low-grade energy source like heat. Heat sources like solar thermal energy; biogas, wood, biomass, coal etc are available abundantly at local level even in the remote areas, which can be utilized for the envisaged pumping application. The waste heat in the envisaged application, after the pumping application, can be used for some other application like cooking, water heating etc.
Working of a proposed invention, a fluid pump using heat, is described with the help of Fig.l. This invention consists of a heat receiver tank (1) of suitable shape & size to receive the heat from any heat source. This heat receiver tank is partially filled with working fluid (2). This heat receiver tank (1) is connected to a vapor storage tank (4) through pipe (3). Vapor storage tank (4) will be an insulated tank for the purpose of storage of high temperature high-pressure vapor of working fluid (2). Vapor storage tank (4) is connected to an inflatable sac or balloon (7) by a supply pipe (6) with a valve (5). Valve (5) is used to regulate the vapor flow. The inflatable sac or balloon (7) is placed inside a pump tank (8). The pump tank (8) is connected to supply tank (9) and delivery tank (15) by interconnecting pipes (10 & 13) with non-return valves (11 & 14). Non return valve (11) allows flow of pumping fluid (12) only from supply tank (9) to the pump tank (8) while non return valve (14) allows flow from pump tank (8) to delivery tank (15). Supply tank (9) is at lower elevation than the delivery tank (15). The supply pipe (6) is connected to a heat exchanger (18) through a drainpipe (17) with drain valve (16). The condensate of working fluid (2) is collected in condensate tank (19).


The system operates at two different pressures supply pressure and delivery pressure. Supply pressure is the pressure developed by boiling the working fluid (2) in the heat receiver tank (1). Supply pressure is higher than delivery pressure. Delivery pressure is equivalent to the head to be developed by the pumping action. Operation of the system is described herewith. The supply valve (5) and drain valve (16) are initially closed. Supply tank (9) is placed at slightly higher elevation than the pump tank (8), hence the pump tank (8) will be filled with pumping fluid (12). As heat is supplied to the heat receiver tank (1) the working fluid (2) will reach its boiling temperature and start boiling. As the boiling takes placed in closed space the temperature and pressure of this working fluid (2) and its vapor will start rising. This high-pressure vapor occupies space in the heat receiver tank (1) and in insulated vapor storage tank (4). As this pressure reaches the supply pressure value the supply valve (5) will be opened allowing the high-pressure vapor of working fluid (2) to enter in the inflatable sac or balloon (7). This will inflate/blow the sac or balloon (7). Inflating this sac or balloon (7) in a closed pump tank (8) will displace the pumping fluid (12) in pump tank (8) to delivery tank (15). This delivery of pumping fluid (12) will be equal to the volume of inflation/blow-up of the sac or balloon (7). Inflation/blow-up of the sac or balloon (7) is responsible for the pumping action. As the vapor of working fluid at supply pressure expands in sac or balloon (7) the supply pressure drops to the delivery pressure and no further pumping is possible. Now the supply valve (5) is closed and drain valve (16) is opened. Pumping fluid (12) in supply tank (9) will flow to pump tank (8) and will deflate the sac or balloon (7), driving the vapor of working fluid (2) in the sac or balloon (7) in the heat exchanger (18). The condensate of working fluid if formed will be collected in condensate tank (19). If the vapor is not condensed then in may be used for sonie other application or wasted to atmosphere. The drain valve (16) is now closed and the system is ready for next pumping cycle. The pumping in this system is intermittent.
Even after expansion the vapor of working fluid (2) may contain large quantum of heat. This heat content of the vapor of working fluid (2) can be utilized for some other application like water heating through a heat exchanger (18). If the working fluid (2) is water then its vapor, that is steam, can be utilized for cooking, water heating or similar application. The working fluid (2) and pumping fluid (12) may be same as water or can be different. If it is possible to construct the heat receiver tank (1) of suitably large size then the vapor storage tank can be eliminated. In that case the heat receiver tank (1) also acts as vapor storage tank. Valves (5 & 16) can be made to work on vapor pressure to make the system automated. Cheaper working fluid (2) like water may be wasted to atmosphere after use while if costlier working fluids (2) other than water are used then such fluid can be condensed in the heat exchanger (18) which itself may be a condenser and the condensate so collected in the condensate tank (19) can be reused and recycled.


This invention has many advantages over the conventional system. This system provides a pump for which prime movers like electrical motor or engine is not required. This invention works on heat without converting the heat to rotary power. This invention has very few moving parts, hence there is no wear or tear of components and the system is almost maintenance free. Possibility of using the waste heat of working fluid (2) for other useful application increases the feasibility of using this invention for decentralized energy. This invention will be extremely useful in the remote areas where there is no electricity. Possibility of using heat sources like solar energy makes the invention more ecofriendly and economical. This innovation opens up the possibility of constructing a solar device with heat source, which can carryout many functions like solar cooking, pumping water and utilizing waste heat for heating water. Such multipurpose device can take up major share of energy requirement of a house reducing their dependence on conventional energy sources. Another ecofriendly fuel alternative like biogas can also be used. As there is no restriction on the heat source that can be used for the envisaged invention the cheapest fuel available in the region can be used.


I claim,
1. A fluid pump using heat comprising:
a. a pump tank,
b. a supply tank to supply water in said pump tank, through interconnecting ,
pipeline and non return valve, permitting one way flow of fluid from said
supply tank to said pump tank.
c. a delivery tank with interconnecting piping and a non return valve,
permitting one way flow of fluid from said pump tank to said delivery tank,
d. a heat receiver tank which receives heat from heat source and vaporize
working fluid,
e. a vapor storage tank to store high pressure vapor generated in said heat
receiver tank,
f. an interconnecting pipeline to connect said heat receiver tank to said vapor
storage tank,
g. a supply valve for regulating flow of vapor from said vapor storage tank,
h. a drain valve to drain vapor,
i. an inflatable sac or balloon, housed inside said pump tank, and high pressure vapor from said vapor storage tank is injected in said inflatable sac or balloon by opening said supply valve resulting in inflation of said sac or balloon and this inflation of said sac or balloon displaces fluid from said pump tank to said delivery tank, resulting in pumping action,
j. a heat exchanger, Vapor is allowed to flow through said heat exchanger when said drain valve is opened, When the vapor is being drained out, simultaneously, fluid flows from said supply tank to said pump tank, deflating said sac or balloon.
Dated this 28th day of January 2004.
(Chandak Ajay G.)




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Patent Number 212326
Indian Patent Application Number 125/MUM/2004
PG Journal Number 04/2008
Publication Date 25-Jan-2008
Grant Date 30-Nov-2007
Date of Filing 04-Feb-2004
Applicant Address 'SHAMGIRI',AGRA ROAD,DEOPUR,DHULE:424 005,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F04C15/00 F04C11/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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