Title of Invention


Abstract “METHOD FOR PROCESSING AUDIO DATA AND SOUND ACQUISITION DEVICE THEREFORE” The invention concerns the processing of" audio data,, characterized in that it consists in; (a.) reading signals representing a sound propagated in three-dimensional space and derived from a source located a I first distance(P) Prom a reference point, to obtain a representation of the sound through components expressed in a. spherical harmonic base, of origin corresponding to said referencc point, (b) and applying, to said components compensation of a near-field effect through filtering based on a. second distance R defining, for sound reproduction, a distance between a reproduction point (HP, ) and a point (P) of auditory perception where a listener is usually located.
Full Text The present invention relates to the processing of
5 audio data.
Techniques pertaining to the propagation of a sound
wave in three-dimensional apace, involving in
particular specialized sound simulation and/or
10 playback, implement audio signal processing methods
applied to the simulation of acoustic and
psycho- acoustic phenomena. Such processing methods
provide for a spatial encoding of the acoustic field,
its transmission and its spatialized reproduction on a
15 set of loudspeakers or on headphones of a stereophonic
Among the techniques of spatialised sound are
distinguished two categories of processing that are
20 mutually complementary but which are both generally
implemented within one and the same system.
On the one hand, a first category of processing relates
to methods for synthesizing a room effect, or more
25 generally surrounding effects. From a description of
one or more sound sources (signal emitted, position,
orientation, directivity, or the like) and based on a
room effect model {involving 3 room geometry, or else a
desired acoustic perception), one calculates and
30 describes a set of elementary acoustic phenomena
(Direct, reflected or diffracted waves), or else a
macroscopic acoustic phenomenon (reverberated and
diffuse field), making it possible to convey the
spatial effect at the level of a listener situated at a
35 chosen point of auditory perception, in three-
dimensional space. One then calculates a set of signals
typically associated with the reflections {"secondary"
sources, active through re-emission of a main wave

- 2-
received, having a spatial position attribute} and/or
associated with a late reverberation (decorrelated
signals for a diffuse field).
5 On the other hand/ a second category of methods relates
to the positional or directional rendition ot sound
sources. These methods are applied to signals
determined by a method of the first category described
above (involving primary and secondary sources) as a
10 function of the spatial description (position of the
source) which is associated with them. In particular,
such methods according to this second category make it
possible to obtain signals to be disseminated on
loudspeakers or headphones, so as ultimately to give a.
15 listener the auditory impression of sound sources
stationed at predetermined respective positions around
the listener. The methods according to this second
category are dubbed "creators of three-dimensional
sound images"t on account of the distribution in three-
20 dimensional space of the awareness of the position of
the sources by a listener. Methods according to the
second category generally comprise a first step of
spatial encoding of the elementary acoustic events
which produces a representation of the sound field in
25 three-dimensional space. In a second step, this
representation is transmitted or stored for subsequent
use. In a third step, of decoding, the decoded signals
are delivered on loudspeakers or headphones of a
playback device,
The present invention is encompassed rather within the
second aforesaid category. It relates in particular to
the spatial encoding of sound sources and a
specification of the three-dimensional sound
35 representation of these sources. It applies equally
well to an encoding of "virtual" sound sources
(applications where sound sources are simulated such as
games, a spatialized conference, or the like), as to an

- 3 -
"acoustic" encoding of a natural sound field, during
sound capture by one or more tnree-dimensional arrays
of microphones,
5 Among the conceivable techniques of sound
spatialisation, the "asibisonic" approach is preferred.
Ambisonic encoding, which will be described in detail
further on, consists in representing signals pertaining
to one or more sound waves in a base of spherical
10 harmonics (in spherical coordinates involving in
particular an angle of elevation and an azimuthal
angle, characterizing a direction of the sound ot
sounds). The components representing these signals and
expressed in this base of spherical harmonics are also
15 dependent, in respect of the waves emitted in the near
field/ on a distance between the sound source emitting
this field and a point corresponding to the origin of
the base of spherical harmonics. More particularly,
this dependence on the distance is expressed as a
20 function of the sound frequency, as will be seen
further on.
This ambisonic approach offers a large number of
possible functionalities, in particular in terms of
25 simulataion of virtual sources, and, in a general
manner, exhibits the following advantages:
- it conveys, in a rational manner, the reality of
the acoustic phenomena and affords realistic,
convincing and immersive spatial auditory rendition-
30 - the representation of the acoustic phenomena is
scalable: it offers a spatial resolution which may be
adapted to various situations. Specifically, this
representation may be transmitted and utilized as a
function of throughput constraints during the
35 transmission of the encoded signals and/or of
limitations of the playback device;
the ambisonic representation is flexible and it is
possible to simulate a rotation of the sound field, or

- 4 -
else, on playback, to adapt the decoding of the
atnbisonic signals to any playback device, of diverse
5 In the known ambisonic approach, the encoding of the
virtual sources is essentially directional. The
encoding functions amount to calculating gains which
depend on the incidence of the sound wave expressed by
the spherical harmonic functions which depend on the
10 angle of elevation and the azimuthal angle in spherical
coordinates - In particular, on decoding, it. is assumed
that the loudspeakers , on playback, are far removed.
This results in a distortion (or a curving) of the
shape of the reconstructed wavefronts. Specifically, as
15 indicated hereinabove, the components of the sound
signal in the base of spherical harmonics, for a near
field, in fact depart also on the distance of the
source and the sound frequency. More precisely, these
components may be expressed mathematically in the form
20 of a polynomial whose variable is inversely
proportional to the aforesaid distance and to the sound
frequency. Thus, the ambisonic components, in the sense
of their theoretical expression, are diveigent in the
low frequencies and, in particular, tend to infinity
25 when the sound frequency decreases to zero, when they
represent a near field sound emitted by a source
situated at a finite distance. This mathematical
phenomenon is known, in the realm of ambisonic
representation, already for order 1, by the term
30 "bass boost", in particular through:
- M.A. GERZOH, "General Meta theory of Auditory
Localisation", preprint 3306 of the 92nd AES Convention,
1992, page 52.
This phenomenon becomes particularly critical for high
35 spherical harmonic orders involving polynomials or high

- 5 -
The following document:
SONTACCH1 and HOLDRICH, "further Investigations on 3D
Sound Fields using Distance Coding" (Proceedings of the
COST G-6 Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-01),
5 Limerick, Ireland, 6-8 December 2001),
discloses a technique for taking account; of a curving
of the wavefronts within a near representation of an
ambisonic representation, the principle of which
consists in:
10 - applying an ambisonic encoding {of high order) to
the signals arising from a (simulated) virtuai sound
capture; of WFS type (standing for "Wave Field
Synthesis') ,
- and reconstructing the acoustic field over a zone
15 according to its values over a zone boundary, thus
based on the HUYGENS-FRESNEL principle.
However, the technique presented in this document,
although promising on account of the fact that it uses
20 an ambisonic representation to a high order, poses a
certain number of problems:
- the computer resources required for the
calculation of all the surfaces making it possible to
apply the HUYGENS-FRBSNEL principle, as well as the
25 calculation times required, are excessive;
- processing artifacts referred to as "spatial
aliasing" appear on account of the distance between the
microphones, unless a tightly spaced virtual microphone
grid is chosen, thereby making the processing more
30 cumbersome;
- this technique is difficult to transpose over to a
real case of sensors to be disposed in an array, in the
presence of a teal source, upon acquisition;
- on playback, the three-dimensional sound
35 representation is implicitly bound to a fixed radius of
the playback device since the ambisonic decoding must
be done, here, on an array of loudspeakers of the same
dimensions as the initial array of microphones, this

- 6 -
document proposing no means of adapting the encoding or
the decoding to other sizes of playback devices.
Above all, this document presents a horizontal array of
5 sensors, thereby assuming that the acoustic phenomena
in question, here, propagate only in horizontal
directions, thereby excluding any other direction of
propagation and thus not representing the physical
reality of an ordinary acoustic field.
More generally, current techniques do not make it
possible to satisfactorily process any type of sound
source, in particular a near field source, taut rather
far removed sound sources (plane waves), this
15 corresponding to a restrictive and artificial situation
in numerous applications.
An object of the present invention is to provide a
method for processing, by encoding, transmission and
20 playback, any type of sound field, in particular the
effect of a sound source in the near field.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a
method allowing the encoding of virtual sources, not
25 only direction-wise, but also distance-wise, and to
define a decoding adaptable to any playback device.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a
robust method of processing the sounds of any sound
30 frequencies (including low frequencies) , in particular
for the sound capture of natural acoustic fields with
the aid of three-dimensional arrays of microphones.
To this end, the present invention proposes a method of
35 processing sound data, in which:
a signals representative of at least one sound
propagating in a three-dimensional space and arising
from a source situated at a first distance from a

- 7 -
reference point are coded so as to obtain a
representation of the sound by components expressed in
a base of spherical harmonics, of origin corresponding
to said reference point, and
5 b) a compensation of a near field effect is applied
to said components by a filtering which is dependent on
a second distance defining substantially, fox a
playback of the sound by a playback device, a distance
between a playback point and a point of auditory
10 perception.
In a first embodiment, said source being far removed
from the reference point,
- components of successive orders m are obtained for
15 the representation of the sound in said base of
spherical harmonics, and
- a filter is applied, the coefficients of which,
each applied to a component of order an, are expressed
analytically in the form of the inverse of a polynomial
20 of power in, whose variable is inversely proportional to
the sound frequency and to said second distance, so as
to compensate for a near field effect at the level of
the playback device.
25 In a second embodiment, said source being a virtual
source envisaged. at said first distance,
- components of successive orders m are obtained for
the representation of the sound in said base of
spherical harmonics, and
30 - a global filter is applied, the coefficients of
which, each applied to a component of order m, are
expressed analytically in the form of a fraction, in
- the numerator is a polynomial of power m, whose
35 variable is inversely proportional to the sound
frequency and to said first distance, so as to
simulate a near field effect of the virtual
source, and

- 8 -
- the denominator is a polynomial of power m,
whose variable is inversely proportional to the
sound frequency and to said second distance, so as
to compensate for the effect of she near field of
5 the virtual source in the low sound frequencies.
Preferably, one transmits to the playback device the
data coded and filtered in steps a) and b) with a
parameter representative of said second distance,
as a supplement or as a variant, the playback device
comprising means for reading a memory medium, one
stores on a memory medium intended to be read by the
playback device the data coded and filtered in steps a)
15 and b) with a parameter representitive of said second
Advantageously, prior to a sound playback by a playback
device comprising a plurality of loudspeakers disposed
20 at a third distance from said point of auditory
perception, an adaptation filter whose coefficients are
dependent on said second and third distances is applied
to the coded and filtered data.
25 In a particular embodiment, the coefficients of said
adaptation filter, each applied to a component of order
m, are expressed analytically in the form of a
fraction, in which:
- the numerator is a polynomial of power m, whose
30 variable is inversely proportional to the sound
frequency and to said second distance,
- and the denominator is a polynomial of power m,
whose variable is inversely proportional to ths sound
frequency and to said third distance,
Advantageously, for the implementation of step b),
there is provided:
- in respect of the components of even order m,

- 9 -
audiodigital filters in the form of a cascade of cells
of order two; and
- in respect of the components of odd order m,
audiodigital filters in the form of a cascade of cells
5 of order two and an additional cell of order one.
In this embodiment, ths coefficients of an audio-digital
filter, for a component of order m, are defined from
the numerical values of the roots of said polynomials
10 of power m.
In a particular embodiment, said polynomials are Bessel
15 On acquisition of the sound signals, thfere is
advantageously provided a microphone comprising an
array of acoustic transducers arranged substantially on
the surface of a sphere whose center corresponds
substantially to said reference point, so as to obtain
20 said signals representative of at least one sound
propagating in the three-dimensional space.
In this embodiment a global filter is applied in step
b) so as, on the one hand, to compensate for a near
25 field effect as a function of said second distance and,
on the other hand, to equalize the signals arising from
the transducers so as to compensate for a weighting of
directivity of said transducers.
30 Preferably, there is provided a number of transducers
that depends on a total number of components chosen to
represent the sound in said base of spherical
35 According to an advantageous characteristic, in step a)
a total number; of components is chosen from the base of
spherical harmonics so as to obtain, on playback, a
region of the space around the point of perception in

- 10 -
which the playback of the sound is faithful and whose
dimensions are increasing with the total number of
5 Preferably, there is furthermore provided a playback
device comprising a number of loudspeakers at least
equal to said total number of components,
As a variant, within the framework of a playback with
10 binaural or transaural synthesis-.
- there is provided a playback device comprising at
least a first and a second loudspeaker disposed at a
chosen distance from a listener,
- a cue of expected awareness of the position in
l5 space of sound sources situated at a predetermined
reference distance from the listener is obtained for
this listener for applying a so-called "transaural" or
"bintaural synthesis" technique, and
- the compensation of step b) is applied with said
20 inference distance substantially as second distance.
In a variant where adaptation is introduced to the
playback device with two headphones;
- there is provided a playback device comprising at
25 least a first and a second loudspeaker disposed at a
chosen distance from a listener,
- a cue of awareness of the position, in. space of
sound sources situated at a predetermined reference
distance from the listener is obtained for this
30 listener, and
- prior to a sound playback by the playback device,
an adaptation filter, whose coefficients are dependent
on the second distance and substantially on the
reference distance is applied to the data, coded and
35 filtered in steps a) and b).
In particular: within the framework of a playback. with
binaural synthesis:

- the playback device comprises a headset with two
headphones for the respective ears of the listener,
and preferably, separately for each headphone, the
coding and the filtering of steps a) and b) are applied
5 with regard to respective signals intended to be fed to
each headphone, with, as first distance, respectively
a distance separating each ear from a position of a
source to be played; back in the playback space.
10 Preferably, a matrix system is fashioned, in steps a)
and b), said system comprising at least;
- a matrix comprising said components in the base of
spherical harmonics, and
- a diagonal matrix whose coefficients correspond to
15 filtering coeffecients of step b),
and said matrices are multiplied, to obtain a result
matrix of compensated components.
By preference, on playback;:
20 - the playback device comprises a plurality of
loudspeakers disposed substantially at one and the same
distance from the point of auditory perception, and
- to decode said data coded and filtered in steps a)
and by and to form signals suitable fat feeding said
25 loudspeakers;
* a matrix system is formed comprising said result
matrix of compensated components and a
predetermined decoding matrix, specific to the
playback device, and
30 * a matrix is obtained comprising coefficients
representative of the loudspeakers feed signals by
multiplication of the result matrix by said
decoding matrix.
35 The present invention is also aimed at a sound
acquisition device, comprising a microphone furnished
with an array of acoustic transducers disposed
substantially on the surface of a sphere. According to

- 12 -
the invention, the device Eurtheraoce comprises a
processing unit arranged so as to:
- receive signals each emanating from a transducer,
- apply a coding to said signals so as to obtain a
5 representation of the sound by components epressed in
a base of spherical harmonics, of origin corresponding
to the center of said sphere,
- and apply a filtering to said components, which
filtering is dependent, on the one hand, en a distance
10 corresponding to the radius of the sphere and on the
other hand, on a reference distance.
Preferably, the filtering performed by the processing
unit consists, on the one hand, in equalizing, as a
15 function of the radius of the sphere, the signals
arising from the transducers so as to compensate for a
weighting of directivity of said transducers and, on
the other hand, in compensating for a near: field effect
as a function of said reference distance.
Other advantages and characteristics of the invention
will become apparent on reading the detailed
description hereinbelow and on examining the figures
which accompany same, in which:
25 - figure 1 diagrammatically illustrates a system for
acquiring and creating by simulation o£ virtual
sources, sound signals, with encoding, transmission,
decoding and playback by a spatialized playback device,
- figure 2 represents more precisely an encoding of
30 signals defined both intensity-wise and with respect to
the position of a source from which they arise,
- figure 3 illustrates the parameters involved in
the ambisonic representation, in spherical coordinates;
- figure 4 illustrates a representation by a three-
35 dimensional metric in a reference frame of sphetical
coordinates, of spherical harmonics Y0mn of various
- figure 5 is a chart of the variations of the

- 13 -
modulus of radial functions jm(kr), which are spherical
Bessel functions, for successive values of order m,
these radial functions coming into the ambisonic
representation of an acoustic pressure field;
5 - figure 6 represents the amplification due to the
near field effect for various successive orders m, in
particular in the low frequencies;
figure 7 diagrammatically represents a playback
device com-prising a plurality of loudspeakers HPi, with
10 the aforesaid point {reference P} of auditory
perception, the first aforesaid distance (referenced p)
arid the second aforsaid distance (refernced R);
-- figure B diagraininatically represents the
parameters involved in the ambisonic encoding, with a
l5 directional encoding, as well as a distance encoding
according to the invention;
- figure 9 represents energy spectra of the
Compensation and near field filters simulated for a
first distance of a virtual source p = 1 m and a pre-
20 compensation of loudspeakers situated at a second
distance R = 1.5 m;
- figure 10 represents energy spectra of the
compensation and near field filters simulated for a
first distance of the virtual source p = 3 m and a pre-
25 compensation of loudspeakers situated at a distance
R - 1.5 m;
- figure 11A represents a reconstruction of the near
field with compensation, in the sense of the present
invention, for a spherical wave in the horizontal
30 plane,
- figure 11B, to be compared with figure LlA
represents the initial wavefront, arising from a source
- figure 12 diagrammaticalLy represents a filtering
35 module for adapting the ambisonic components received
and pre-compensated to the encoding for a reference
distance R as second distance, to a playback device
comprising a plurality of loudspeakers disposed at a

- 14 -
third distance R2 from a point of auditory perception;
- figure 13A diagrammatically represents the
disposition of a sound source M, on playback, for a
listener using a playback device applying a binaural
5 synthesis, with a source emitting in the near field;
- figure 13B diagrammatically represents the steps
of encoding and of decoding with near field effect in
the framework of the binaural synthesis of figure 13A
with which an ambisonic encoding/decoding is combined;
10 - figure 14 diagraimatically represents the
processing of the signals arising from a microphone
comprising a plurality of pressure sensors arranged on
a sphere, by way of illustration, by ambisonic
encoding, equalization and near field compensation in
15 the sense of the invention.
Reference is firstly made to figure 1 which represents
by way of illustration a global system for sound
spatialization A module la for simulating a virtual
20 scene defines a sound object as a virtual source of a
signal, for example monophonic, with chosen position in
three-dimensional space and which defines a direction
of the sound. Specifications of the geometry of a
virtual room may furthermore be provided so as to
25 simulate a reverberation of the sound. A processing
module 11 applies a management of one or more of these
sources with respect to a listener (definition of a
virtual position of the sources with respect to this
listener). It implements a room effect processor for
30 simulating reverberations or the like by applying
delays and/or standard filterings. The signals thus
constructed are transmitted to a module 2a for the
spatial encoding of the elementary contributions of the
In parallel with this, a natural capture of sound may
be performed within the framework of a sound recording
by one or more microphones disposed in a chosen manner

- 15 -
with respect to the real sources (module lb) , The
signals picked up by the microphones are encoded by a
module 2b. The * signals acquired and encoded nay be
transforced according to en intermediate representation
5 format (module 3b), befits being mixed by the module 3
with the signals generated by the module la and encoded
by the module 2a (arising from the virtual sources).
The mixed signals are thereafter transmitted, or else
stored on a medium, with a view to a later playback
10 (arrow TR) . They are thereafter applied to a decoding
module 5, with a view to playback on a playback device
6 comprising loudspeakers. As the case may be, the
decoding step 5 may be preceded by a step of
manipulating the sound field, for example by rotation,
15 by virtue of a processing module 4 provided upstream of
the decoding module 5.
The playback device may take the form of a multiplicity
of loudspeakerst arranged for example on the surface of
20 a sphere in a three-dimensional (periphonic)
configuration so as to ensure, on playback, in
particular an awareness of a direction of the sound in
three-dimensional space. For this purpose, a listener
generally stations himself at the center of the sphere
25 formed by the array of loudspeakers, this center
corresponding to the abovementioned point of auditory
perception. As a variant, the loudspeakers of the
playback device may the arranged in a plane
(bidimensional panoramic; configuration) , the
30 loudspeakers being disposed in particular on e circle
and the listener usually stationed at the center of
this circle. In another; variant, the playback device
may take the form of a device of "surround" type (5.1).
Finally, in an advantageous variant, the playback
35 device may take the form of a headset with two
headphones for binaural synthesis of the sound played
back, which allows the listener to be aware of a
direction of the sources in three -dimensional space, as

- 16 -
will be seen further on in detail. Such s. playback
device with two loudspeakers, fox awareness in three-
dimensional space, may also take the form of a
transaural playback device, with two loudspeakers
5 disposed at a chosen distance from a listener.
Reference is now made to figure 2 to describe a spatial
encoding and a decoding for a three-dimensional sound
playback, of elementary sound sources. The signal
10 arising from a source 1 to N, as well as its position
(real or virtual 1 are transtimtted to a spatial encoding
module 2. Its position may equally well be defined in
terms of incidence (direction of the source viewed from
the listener) or in terms of distance between this
15 source and a listener. The plurality of the signals
thus encoded makes it possible to obtain a multichannel
representation of a global sound field. The signals
encoded are transmitted (arrow TR) to a sound playback
device 6, for sound playback in three-dimensional
20 space, as indicated hereinabove with reference to
figure 1.
Reference is now made to figure 3 to describe
hereinbelow the ambisonic representation by spherical
25 harmonics in three-dimensional space, of an acoustic
field. We consider a zone about an origin 0 (sphere of
radius R) devoid of any acoustic source. We adopt a
system of spherical coordinates in which each vector
from the origin 0 to a point of the sphere is described
30 by an azimuth qr, an elevation dr and a radius r
(corresponding to the distance from the origin O) .
The pressure field ptr) inside this sphere (r R is the radius of the sphere) may be written in the
35 frequency domain as a series whose terms are the
weighted products of angular functions Y°mn (q,d) and of
the radial function jm(kr) which thus depend on a
propagation term where k=2pf/c, where f is the sound

- 17 -
frequency and c is the speed of sound in the
propagation medium.
The pressure field, may then be expressed as:

The set of weighting factors B0mn, which are implicitly
dependent on frequency, thus describe the pressure
10 field in the zone considered. For this reason, these
factors are called "spherical harmonic components" and
represent a frequency expression for the sound (or for
the pcessuce field! in the base of spherical harmonics
The angular functions are called "spherical harmonics"
and are defined by:

20 where
Pmn(sind are Legendre functions of degree m and of
order n;
dp,q is the KrÖnecker symbol (equal to 1 if p=q and 0
Spherical harmonics form an orthonormal base where the
scalar products between harmenic components and, in a
general manner between two functions F and (G, are
respectively defined by:

- 18 -

Spherical harmonics are real functions that are
5 bounded, as represented in figure 4, as a function of
the order m and of the indices n and s. The light and
darks parts correspond respectively to the positive and
negative values of the spherical harmonic functions.
The higher the order m, the higher the angular
10 frequency (and hence the discrimitation between
functions). The radial functions jw(kr) are spherical
Bessel functions, whose modulus is illustrated for a
few values of the order m in figure 5.
15 An interpretation of the ambisonic representation by a
base of spherical harmonics may be given as follows.
The ambisonic components of; like order m ultimately
express * derivatives" or "-moments" of order m of the
pressure field in the neighborhood of the origin 0
20 (center of the sphere represented in figure 3).
In particular, B+111=W describes the scalar magnitude of
the pressure, while B+111 = X, B111 = Y, B+110 = 2 are related
to the pressure gradients (or else to the particular
25 velocity) at the origin 0, These first four components
W, X, Y and 2 are obtained during the natural capture
of sound with the aid of omnidirectional microphones
(for the component W of order 0) and bi-directional
jnicrophonea (for the subsequent other three
30 components). By using a larger number of acoustic
transducers, an appropriate processing, in particular
by equalization, makes it possible to obtain further
ambisonic components higher orders m greater than 1) ,
35 By tilting into account the additional components of
highet order (greater than 1) , hence by increasing the

- 19-
angular resolution of the ambisonic description, access
is gained to an approximation of the pressure field
over a wider neighborhood with regard to the wavelength
of the sound wave, about the origin 0. It will thus be
5 understood that there exists a tight gelation between
the angular resolution (order of the spherical
harmonics) and the radial range (radius r) which can. be
represented. In short, on moving spatially away from,
the origin, point 0 of figurs 3, the higher is the
10 number of ambisonic components (order M high) and the
better is the representation of the sound by the set of
these ambisonic components. It will also be understood
that the ambisonic representation of the sound is
however less satisfactory as one moves away from the
15 origin O. This effect becomes critical in particular
for high sound frequencies (of short wavelength). It ia
therefore of interest to obtain the largest possible
number of ambisonic components, thereby making it
possible to create a region of space around the point
20 of perception end in which the playback of the sound is
faithful and whose dimensions are increasing with the
total number of components.
Described hereinbelow is an application to &
25 spatialized sound encoding/transmission/playback
In practice, an ambiscnic system takes into account a
subset of spherical harmonic components, as described
30 hereinabove. one speaks of a system of order M when the
latter takes into account ambiscnic components of index
m with*loudspeakers, it will be understood that if these
loudspeakers are disposed in a horizontal plane, only
35 the harmonics of index m = n are utilized. On the other
hand, when the playback device comprises loudspeakers
disposed over the surface of a sphere ("periphony") , it
is in principle possible to utilise as many harmonics

- 20 -
as there exist loudspeakers,
The reference S designates the pressure signal carried
by a plane wave and picked up at the point o
5 corresponding to the center of the sphere of figure 3
(origin of the base in spherical coordinates) . The
incidence of the wave is described by the azimuth q and
the elevation d. The expression for the components of
the field associated with this plane wave is given by
10 the relation:

To encode (simulate) a near field source at a distance
p from the origin O, a filter Fm(1p/c) is applied so as to
15 "curve" the shape of the wavefronts, by considering
that a near field emits, to a first approximation, a
spherical wave. The encoded components of the field

20 and the expression for the aforesaid filter F0(p/c) is
given by the relation:

where w = 2pf is the angular frequency of the wave, f
being the sound frequency.
These latter two relations [A4] and [A5] ultimately
show that, both for a virtual source (simulated) and
for a real source in the near field, the components of
the sound in the ambisonic representation are expressed
30 mathematically (in particular analytically) in the form
of a polynomial, here a Bessel polynomial, of power m
and whose variable (c/2jwp) is inversely proportional

- 21 -
to the sound frequency.
Thus, it will be understood that;
- in the case of. a plane wave, the encoding produces
5 signals which differ from the original signal only by a
real, finite gain, this corresponding to a purely
directional encoding (relation [A3]);
in the case of a spherical wave (near field
source), the additional filter Fm(p/c)(w) encodes the
l0 distance cue by introducing, into the expression for
the ambisonic components, complex amplitude ratios
which depend on frequency, as expressed in relation
[AS] .
15 It should be noted that this additional filter ia of
"integrator" type, with an amplification effect that
increases and diverges (is unbounded) as the sound
frequencies decrease toward zero. Figure 6 shows, fore
each order in, an increase in the gain at low
20 frequencies (here the first distance p = 1 m) . One is
therefore dealing with unstable and divergent filters
when seeking to apply them to any audio signals . This
aivergence is all the more critical for orders m of
high value.
It will be understood in particular, from relations
[A3], [A4] and (A5] , that the modeling of a virtual
source in the neat field exhibits divergent ambisonic
components at low frequenciee, in a manner; which is
30 particularly critical for high orders m, as is
represented in figure 6. This divergence, in the low
frequencies, corresponds to the phenomenon of
"bass boost" stated hereinabove, it also manifests
itself in sound. acquisition,, for real sources,
For this reason in particular, the ambisonic approach,
especially for high orders mf has not experienced, in
the state of the art, concrete application (other than

- 22 - -
theoretical) in the processing of sound.
It Is understood in particular that compensation of the
neat field is necessary so as to comply, on playback,
5 with the shape of the wavefronts encoded in the
ambisonic representation. Referring to figure 7, a
playback device comprises a plurality of loudspeakers
HP1, disposed at one and the same distance R1 in the
example described, from a point of auditory perception
10 P. In this figure 7:
each point at which a loudspeaker HP1 is situated
corresponds to a playback point stated hereinabove,
- the point P is the above-stated point of auditory
l5 - these points are separated by the second distance
R stated hereinabove,
while in figure 3 described hereinabove:
- the point 0 corresponds to the reference point,
stated hereinabove, which forms the origin of the base
20 of spherical harmonics,
- the point M corresponds to the position of a
source (real or virtual) situated at the first distance
p, stated, hereinabove, from the reference point O.
25 According to the invention, a pre-compensation at the
near field is introduced at the actual encoding stage,
this compensation involving filters of the analytical
from and which are applied to the aforesaid
ambiaonic components B0mn .
According to one of the advantages afforded by the
invention, the amplification Fm(p/a)(w) whose effect
appears in figure 6 is compensated for through the
atternation of the filter applied subsequent to the
35 encoding - In particular, the coefficients of

WO 2004/049299 - 23 - PCT/FR2003/003367
this compensation filter increase with sound
frequency and, in particular, tend to zero, for low
frequencies. Advantageously, this pre-compensation,
performed tight from the encoding, ensures that the
5 data transmitted are not divergent for low frequencies.
To indicate the physical significance of the distance R
which comes into the compensation filter, we consider,
by way of illustration an initial, real plane wave
10 upon the acquisition of the sound signals. To simulate
a near field effect of this far source, one applies the
first filter of relation [A5], as indicated in relation
[A4]. The distance p then represents a distance between
a near virtual source K and the point O representing
15 the origin of the spherical base of figure 3. A first
filter for near field simulation is thus applied to
simulate the presence of a virtual source at the above-
described distance p. Nevertheless, on the one hand, as
indicated hereinabove, the terms of the coefficient of
20 this filter diverge in the low frequencies (figure 6)
and, on the other hand, the aforesaid distance p will
not necessarily represent the distance between
loudspeakers of a playback device and a point P of
perception (figure 1) . According to the invention, a
25 pre-compensation is applied, on encoding, involving a
filter of the type as indicated hereinabove,
thereby making it possible, on the one hand, to
transmit bounded signals, and, on the other hand, to
choose the distance R, right from the encoding, for the
30 playback of the sound using the loudspeakers HP1, as
represented in figure 7 . In particular, it will be
under stood that if one has simulated, on acquisition, a,
virtual source placed at the distance p from the origin
0, on playback (figure 7) , a listener stationed at the
35 point p of auditory perception (at a distance R from
the loudspeakers HP1) will be aware, on listening, of

- 24 -
the presence of a sound source S stationed at the
distance p from the point of perception P and which
corresponds to the virtual, source simulated during
Thus, the pre-composition of the near field of the
loudspeakers Stationed at the distance R) , at the
encoding stage, may be combined with a simulated near
field effect of a virtual source stationed at a
10 distance p. on encoding, a total filter resulting, on
the one hand, from the simulation of the near field,
and, on the other hand, from the compensation of the
near field, is ultimately brought into play, the
coefficients of this filter being expressable
l5 analytically by the relation:

The total filter given by relation [All] is stable and
constitutes the "distance encoding" part-- in the spatial
ambisonic encoding according to the invention, as
20 represented in figure 3, The coefficients of these
filters correspond to monotonic transfer functions for
the frequency, which tend to the value 1 at high
frequencies and to the value (R/p)m at low frequencies.
By referring to figure 9, the energy spectra of the
25 filters Hm NPC(P/c,R/c) convey the amplification of the
encoded components, that are due to the field effect of
the virtual source (stationed here at a distance
p = 1 ml, with a pre-compensation, of the field of
loudspeakers (stationed at a distance R = 1,5 m) . The
30 amplification in decibels is therefore positive when
p R (case
of figure 10 where P = 3 m and R = 1.5 m). In a
ofspatialized playback device, the distance R between a
point of auditory perception and the loudspeakers HP1
35 is actually of the order of one or a few meters.

- 25 -
Referring again to figure 8, it will be understood
that, apart from the customary direction parameters q
and d, a cue regarding the distances which are involved
5 in the encoding will be transmitted. Thus, the angular
functions corresponding to the spherical harmonica
Y°mn(q,d) are retained for the directional encoding.
However, within the sense of, the present invention,
10 provision is furthermore made for total filters (near
field compensation and, as the case may be, simulation
of a near: field} HmNFC(p/c,R/c)(w) whish are applied to the
ambisonic components, as a function of their order m,
to achieve the distance encoding, as represented in
15 figure 6 An embodiment of these filters in the
audiodigital domain will he described in detail Later
It will be noted in particular that these filters may
20 be applied right from the very distance encoding (r)
and even before the direction encoding (6, 5) . It will
thus be understood that steps a) and b) hereinabove may
be brought together Into one and the same global step,
or even be swapped (with a distance encoding and
25 compensation filtering, followed by a direction
encoding). The method according to the invention is
therefore not limited to successive temporal
implementation of steps a) and b).
30 Figure 11A represents a visualization (viewed from
above) of a reconstruction of a near field with
compensation, of a spherical wave, in the horizontal
plane (with the same distance parameters as those of
figure 9), for a system of total order M = 15 and a
35 playback on 32 loudspeakers. Represented in figure 11B
is the propagation of the initial sound wave from a
near field source situated at a distance p from a point.
of the acquisition space which corresponds, in the

- 26 -
playback space, to the point p of figure 7 of auditory
perception. It is noted in figure ll A that the
listeners symbolized by schematised heads J may
pinpoint the virtual source at one and the same
5 geographical location situated at the distance p from
the point of perception P in figure 11B,
It is thus indeed verified that the shape of the
encoded wavefront is complied with after decoding and
10 playback. However, interference on the right of the
point P such as represented in figure 11A is
noticeable, this interference being due to the fact
that the number of loudspeakers (hence of ambisonic
components taken into account} is not sufficient for
15 perfect reconstruction of the wavefront involved over
the whole surface delimited by the loudspeakers.
In what follows, we describe, by way of example, the
obtaining of an audiodigital filter for the
20 implementation of the method within the sense of the
As indicated hereinabove, if one is seeking to simulate
a near field effect, compensated right front encoding, a
25 filter of the form:

is applied to the ambisonic components of the sound.
From the expression for the simulation of a near field
30 given by relation [A5], it is apparent that for far
sources (p - µ), relation [All] simply becomes;

- 27 -
It Is therefore apparent from this latter relation
[A12] that the case where the source to be simulated
emits in the far field (far source) it is merely a.
particular case of the general expression for the
5 filter, as formulated in relation [All] .
Within the realm of audio digital processing, an
advantageous method of defining a digital filter from
the analytical expression of this filter in the
10 continuous-time analog domain consists of a.
"bilinear transform".
Relation [A5] is firstly expressed in the form of a
Laplace transform, this corresponding to:

- 28 -

10 and are expressed in table 1 hereinbelow, for various
orders m, in the respective forms of their real part,
their modulas (separated by a comma) and their (real)
value when m is odd.

- 29 -
Table_l: values Re(Xm,q) , (Xm,q)\ and(Xm,n) when m is
odd) of a Bessel polynomial as calculated with the aid
of the MATLAB© computation software.

- 30 -

The digital filters are thus deployed using the values
of table 1, by providing cascades of cells of order 2
5 (for m even), and an additional cell (for m odd) , using
relations [A14] given hereinabove,
Digital filters are thus embodied in an infinite
impulse response form, that can be easily parameterized
10 as shown hereinbelow. It should be noted that an
implementation in finite impulse response form may be
envisaged and consists in calculating the complex
spectrum of the transfer function from the analytical
formula, then in deducing therefrom a finite impulse
15 response by inverse Fourier transform. A convolution
operation is thereafter applied for the filtering.
Thus, by introducing this pre-compensation of the near
field on encoding, a modified ambisonic representation
20 (figure 5) is defined, adopting as transmissible

- 31 -
representation, signals expressed in the frequency
domain, in the form:

5 As indicated hereinabove, R is a reference distance
with which is associated a compensated near field
effect and c is the speed of sound (typically 340 m/s
in air). This modified ambisonic representation
possesses the same scalability properties (represented
10 diagrammatically by transmitted data "surrounded" close
to the arrow TR of figure 1) and obeys the same field
rotation transformations (module 4 of figure 1) as the
customary ambisonic representation.
15 Indicated hereinbelow are the operations to be
implemented for the decoding of the ambisonic signals
It is firstly indicated that the decoding operation is
20 adaptable to any playback device, of radious R2,
different from the reference distance R hereinabove-
For this purpose, filters of the type HmNFC(p/c,R/c) (w), such
as described earlier, are applied but with distance
parameters H and R2, instead of p and R. In particular,
25 it should be noted that only the parameter R/c needs to
be stored and/or transmitted between the encoding and
the decoding.
Reffering to figure 12, the filtering module
30 represented therein is provided for example in a
processing unit of a playback device- The ambisonic
components received have being pre-compensated on
encoding for a reference distance R1 as second
distance. However, the playback device comprises a
35 plurality of loudspeakers disposed" at a third distance
R2 from a point of auditory perception P, this third

- 32 -
distance R2 being different from the aforesaid second
distance R1. The filtering module of figure 12, in the
form HmNFC(R1/c,R2/c) (w) , then adapts, on reception of the
data, the pre-compensation to the distance R1 for a
5 playback at the distance R2, Of. course, as indicated
hereinabove, the playback device also receives the
parameter R1/c.
It should be noted that the invention furthermore makes
10 it possible to mix several ambisonic representations of
sound fields (real and/or virtual sources), whose
reference distances R are different (as the case may be
with infinite reference distances corresponding to far
sources). Preferably, a pre-compensation of all these
15 sources at the smallest reference distance will be
filtered, before mixing the ambisonic signals, thereby
making it possible to obtain correct definition of the
sound relief on playback.
20 Within the framework of a so-called "sound focusing"
processing with, on playback, a sound enrichment effect
for a chosen direction in space (in the manner of a
light projector illuminating in a chosen direction in
optics), involving a matrix processing of sound
25 focusing (with weighting of the ambisonic components),
one advantageously applies the distance encoding with
near field pre-compensation in a manner combined with
the focusing processing,
30 In what follows, an ambisonic decoding method is
described with compensation of the near field of
loudspeakers, on playback.
To reconstruct an acoustic field encoded according to
35 the ambisonic formalism, from the components Bn and by
using loudspeakers of a playback device which provides
for an "ideal" placement of a listener which
corresponds to the point of playback P of figure 7, the

- 33 -
wave emitted by each Loudspeaker is defined by a prior
"re-encoding" processing of the ambisonic field at the
center of the playback device, as follows-
5 In this "re-encoding" context, it is initially
considered for simplicity that the sources emit in the
far field.
Referring again to figure 7, the wave emitted by a
10 loudspeaker of index i and of incidence (q1 and d) is
fed with a signal S1. This loudspeaker participates in
the reconstruction of the component B'mn through its
contribution Si.Y0mn (q1.d) .
15 The vector ci of the encoding coefficients associated
with the loudspeakers of index i is expressed by the

20 The vector S of signals emanating from the set of N
loudspeakers Is given by the expression:

25 The encoding matrix for these N loudspeakers (which
ultimately corresponds to a "re-encoding" matrix), is
expressed by the relation:

- 34 -
where each term ci represents a vector according to the
above relation [Bl].
Thus, the reconstruction of the ambisonic field B' is
defined by the relation:

Relation [B4] thus defines a re-encoding operation,
prior to playback- Ultimately, the decoding, as such,
10 consists in comparing the original ambisonic signals
received by the playback device, in the form;

with the re-encoded signals it , so as to define the
15 general relation:
B' = B [B6]
This involves, in particular, determining the
coefficients of a decoding matrix D, which satisfies
20 the relation:
S = D.B [87]
Preferably, the number of loudspeakers is greater than
or equal to the number of ambisonic components to be
25 decoded and the decoding matrix D may be expressed, as
a function of the re-encoding matrix C, in the form:

- 35 -

where the notation C corresponds to the transpose of
the matrix C.
5 It should be noted that the definition of a decoding
satisfying different criteria for each frequency band
is possible, thereby taking it possible to offer
optimized playback as a function of the listening
conditions, in particular as regards the constraint of
10 positioning at the center Q of the sphere of figure 3,
during playback. For this purpose, provision is
advantageously made for a simple filtering, by stepwise
frequency equalization, at each ambisonic component,
15 However, to obtain a. reconstruction of an originally
encoded wave, it is necessary to correct the far field
assumption for tine loudspeakers, that is to say to
express the effect of their near field in the re-
encoding matrix C hereinabove and to invert this new
20 system to define the decoder. For this purpose,
assuming concentricity Of the loudspeakers (disposed at
one and the same distance R from the point P of
figure 7) all the loudspeakers have the same near
field effect Fa(r/c) (w), on each ambisonic component of
25 the type Bsmn . By introducing the near field terms in
the form of a diagonal matrix relation [B4]
hereinabove becomes:

30 Relation [B7] hereinabove becomes:

- 36 -
Thus, the matrixing operation is preceded by a
filtering operation which compensates the near field on
each component Bmn, , and which may be implemented in
digital form, as described hereinabove, with, reference
5 to relation [A14] .
It will be recalled that in practice, the "re-encoding"
matrix C is specific to the playback device, Its
coefficients may be determined initially by
10 parameterization and sound characterization of the
playback device reacting to a predetermined excitation,
The decoding matrix D is, likewise, specific to the
playback device. Its coefficients may be determined by
relation [B8] . Continuing with the previous notation
15 where B is the matrix of precompensated ambisonic
components.. these latter may be transmitted to the
playback device in. matrix form B with:

20 The playback device thereafter decodes the data
received in matrix form is (column vector of the
components transmitted) by applying the decoding matrix
D to the pre-compensated ambisonic components, so as to
form the signals S1 intended for feeding the
25 loudspeakers HP1, with:

Referring again to figure 12 if a decoding operation
has to be adapted to a playback device of different
30 radius R2 from the reference distance R1, a module for
adaptation prior to the decoding proper and described
hereinabove makes it possible to filter each ambisonic

- 37 -
component Bmn, so- as to adapt it to a playback device
of radius R2, The decoding operation proper ia
performed thereafter, as described hereinabove, with
reference to relation [B11].
An application of the invention to binaural synthesis
is described hereinbelow.
We refer to figure 13A in which a listener having a
10 headset with two headphones of a binaural synthesis
device is represented. The two ears of the listener are
disposed at respective points oL (left ear) and OR
(right ear) in space. The center of the listener's head
is disposed at the point 0 and the radius of the
15 listener's head is of value a. A sound source must be
perceived in an auditory manner at a point M in space,
situated at a distance r from the center of the
listener's head (and respectively at distance rR from
the right ear and rL from the left ear) . Additionally,
20 the direction of the source stationed at the point M is
defined by the vectors r, fB, and rL.
In a general manner, the birnaural synthesis is defined
as follows.
Each listener has his own specific shape of ear. The
perception of a sound in space by this listener is done
by learning, from birth, as a function of the shape of
the ears (in particular the shape of the auricles and
30 the dimensions of the head) specific to this listener.
The perception of a sound in space is manifested inter
alia by the fact that the sound reaches one ear before
the other ear, this giving rise to a delay  between
the signals to be emitted by each headphone of the
35 playback device applying the binaural synthesis.
The playback device is parameterized initially, for one
and the same listener, by sweeping a sound source

- 38 -
around his head, at one and the same distance R from
the center of his head. It will thus be understood that
this distance R may be considered to be a distance
between a "point of playback" as stated hereinabove and
5 a point of auditory perception (here the center 0 of
the listener's head).
In what follows, the index L is associated with the
signal to be played back by the headphone adjoining the
10 left ear and the index R is associated with the signal
to be played back by the headphone adjoining the right
ear. Referring to figure 13B, a delay can be applied to
the initial signal 3 for each pathway intended to
produce a signal for a distinct headphone. These delays
15 t and tr are dependent on a maximum delay t MAXwhich
corresponds here to the ratio a/c where a, as indicated
previously, corresponds to the radius of the listener's
head and c to the speed of sound. In particular, these
delays are defined as a function of the difference in
20 distance from the point O (center of the head) to the
point M (position of the source whose sound is to be
played back, in figure 13A) and from each ear to this
point M. Advantageouslyt respective gains gj, and gR are
furthermore applied, to each pathway, which are
25 dependent on a ratio of the distances from the point O
to the point M and from each ear to the point M.
Respective modules applied to each pathway 2L and 2R
encode the signals of each pathway, in an ambisonic
representation, with near field pre-compensation NFC
30 (standing for "Near Field Compensation") within the
sense of the present invention. It will thus be
understood that, by the implementation of the method
within the sense of the present invention, it is
possible to define the signals arising from the source
35 M, not only by their direction (azimuthal angles qL and
qa and angles of elevation dL and dR) , but also as a
function of the distance separating each ear rL and rR
from the source M. The signals thus encoded are

- 39 -
transmitted to the playback device comprising ambisonic
decoding modules, for each pathway, 5t and 5R. Thus, an
ambisonic encoding/decoding is applied, with near field
compensation, for each pathway (left headphone, right
5 headphone) in the playback with binaural synthesis
(here of “B-FORMAT" type), in duplicate form. The near
field compensation is performed, for each pathway, with
as first distance p a distance rL and m between each
ear and the position M of the sound source to be played
10 back.
Described hereinbelow is an application of the
compensation within the sense of the invention, within
the context of sound acquisition in ambisonic
l5 representation.
Reference is made to figure 14 in which a microphone
141 comprises a plurality of transducer capsules,
capable of picking up acoustic pressures and
20 reconstructing electrical signals Si,...rSN. The capsules
CAPi are arranged on a sphere of predetermined radius r
(here, a rigid sphere, such as a ping-pong ball for
example), The capsules are separated by a regular
spacing over the sphere. In practice, the number N of
25 capsules is chosen as a function of the desired order M
of the ambisonic representation.
Indicated hereinbelow, within the context of" a
microphone comprising capsules arranged on a rigid
30 sphere, is the manner of compensating for the near
field effect, right from the encoding in the ambisonic
context. It will thus be shown that the pre-
compensation of the near field may be applied not only
for virtual source simulation, as indicated
35 hereinabove, but also upon acquisition and, in a more
general manner, by combining the near field pre-
compensation with all types of processing involving
ambisonic representation.

- 40 -
In the presence of a rigid sphere (liable to introduce
a diffraction of the sound waves received) , relation
[A.1] given hereinabove becomes:

The derivatives of the spherical Hankel functions h-m
Obey the recurrence law:

We deduce the ambisonic components B0mn of the initial
field from the pressure field at the surface of the
sphere, by implementing projection and equalisation
operations given by relation:

In this expression, EQm is an equalizer filter which
compensates for a weighting Wm which is related to the
directivity of the capsules and which furthermore
20 includes the diffraction by the rigid sphere.
The expression for this filter EQm is given by the
following relation:

The coefficients of this equalisation filter are not
stable and an infinite gain is obtained at very low
frequencies- Moreover, it is appropriate to note that
the spherical harmonic components, themselves, are not
30 of finite amplitude when the sound field is not limited

- 41 -
to a propagation of plane waves, that is to say ones
which arise from far sources, as was seen previously.
Additionally, if, rather than providing capsules
5 embedded in a solid sphere, provision is ciade for
cardioid type capsules, with a far field directivity
given by the expression;
G(q) = a+(1-a) cosq [C5]
10 By considering these capsules mounted on an
"acoustically transparent" support, the weighting term
to be compensated becomes:

15 It is again apparent that the coefficients of an
equalization filter corresponding to the analytical
inverse of this weighting given by relation [C6] are
divergent for very 1OW frequencies.
20 In general, it is indicated that for any type of
directivity of sensors, the gain of the filter EQm to
compensate for the weighting Wm related to the
directivity of the sensors is infinite for low sound
frequencies. Referring to figure 14, a near field pre-
25 compensation is advantageously applied in the actual
expression for the equalisation filter EQm, given by
the relation;

30 Thus, the signals Si to SM are recovered from the
microphone 1-41- As appropriate, a pre-equalization of
these signals is applied by a processing module 142.
The module 14 3 makes it possible to express these
signals in the ambisonic context, in matrix form. The

- 42 -
module 144 applies the filter of relation [C7] to the
ambisonic components expressed as a function of the
radius r of the sphere of the microphone 141. The near
field compensation is performed for a reference
5 distance R as second distance. The encoded signals thus
filtered by the module 144 may be transmitted as the
case may be, with the parameter representative of the
reference distance R/c.
10 Thus, it is apparent in the various embodiments related
respectively to the creation of a near field virtual
source, to the acquisition of sound signals arising
from real sources, or even to playback (to compensate
for a near field effect of the loudspeakers) , that the
15 near field compensation within the sense of the present
invention may be applied, to all types of processing
involving an ambisonic representation. This near field
compensation makes it possible to apply the ambisonic
representation to a multiplicity of sound contexts
20 where the direction of a source and advantageously its
distance must be taken into account. Moreover, the
possibility of the representation of sound phenomena of
all types (near or far fields) within the ambisonic
context is ensured by this pre-compensation, on account
25 of the limitation to finite real values of the
ambisonic components.
Of course, the present invention is not limited to the
embodiment described hereinabove by way of example,- it
30 extends to other variants.
Thus, it will be understood that the near field pre-
compensation may be integrated, on encoding, as much
for a near source as for a far source. In the latter
35 case (far source and reception of plane waves), the
distance r expressed hereinabove will be considered to
be infinite", without substantially modifying the
expression for the filters Hm which was given

- 43 -
hereinabove. Thus, the processing using room effect
processors which in general provide uncorrelated
signals usable to model the late diffuse field (late
reverberation) may be combined with near field pre-
5 compensation. These signals may be considered to be of
like energy and to correspond to a share of diffuse
field corresponding to the omnidirectional component
W=B+1on (figure 4) , The various spherical harmonic
components (with a chosen order M) can then be
10 constructed by applying a gain correction for each
ambisonic component and a near field compensation of
the loudspeakers is applied (with a reference distance
R separating .the loudspeakers from the point of
auditory perception, as represented in figure 7).
Of course, the principle of encoding within the sense
of the present invention is generalizable to radiation
models other than monopolar sources real or virtual)
and/or loudspeakers, Specifically, any shape of
20 radiation (in particular a source spread through space)
may be expressed by integration of a continuous
distribution of elementary point sources.
Furthermore, in the context of playback, it is possible
25 to adapt the near field compensation to any playback
context. For this purpose, provision may be made to
calculate transfer functions (re-encoding of the near
field spherical harmonic components for each
loudspeaker, having regard to real propagation in the
30 room where the sound is played back) , as well as an
inversion of this re-encoding to redefine the decoding.
Described hereinabove was a decoding method in which a
matrix system involving the ambisonic components was
35 applied. In a variant, provision may be made for a
generalized processing by fast Fourier transforms
(circular or spherical) to limit the computation times
and the computing resources (in terms of memory)

- 44 -
requited for the decoding processing.
As indicated hereinabove with reference to figures 9
and 10, it is noted that the choice of a reference
5 distance R with respect to the distance p of the near
field source introduces a difference in gain for
various values of the sound frequency. It is indicated
that the method of encoding with pre-compensation may
be coupled with audiodigital compression making it
10 possible to quantize and adjust the gain for each
frequency sub-band.
Advantageously, the present invention applies to all
types of sound spatialization systems, in particular
15 for applications of "victual reality" type (navigation
through virtual scenes in three-dimensional space,
games with three-dimensional sound spatialization,
conversations of "chat" type voiced over the Internet
network), to sound rigging of interfaces, to audio
20 editing software for recording, mixing and playing back
music, but also to acquisition, based on the use of
three-dimensional microphones, for musical or
cinematographic sound capture, or else for the
transmission of sound mood over the Internet, for
25 example for sound-rigged "webcams'.

- 45 -
1. A method of processing sound data, in which:
a) signals representative of at least one sound
5 propagating in a three-dimensional space and arising
from a source situated at a first distance (p) from a
reference point (O) are coded so as to obtain a
representation of the sound by components (Bmns)
expressed in a base of spherical harmonics/ of origin
10 corresponding to said reference point (O),
b) and a compensation of a near field effect is
applied to said components (Bmns) by a filtering which
is dependent on a second distance (R) defining
substantially, for a playback of the sound by a
15 playback device, a distance between a playback point
(HPi) and a point (P) of auditory perception.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, in which, said
source being far removed from the reference point (O),
20 - components of successive orders m are obtained for
the representation of the sound in said base of
spherical harmonics, and
- a filter (1/Fm) is applied, the coefficients of
which, each applied to a component of order m, are
25 expressed analytically in the form of the inverse of a
polynomial of power mf whose variable is inversely
proportional to the sound frequency and to said second
distance (R) , so as to compensate for a near field
effect at the level of the playback device.
3. The method as claimed in claim 1, in which, said
source being a virtual source envisaged at said first
distance (p),
- components of successive orders m are obtained for
35 the representation of the sound in said base of
spherical harmonics, and
- a global filter (Hm) is applied, the coefficients
of which, each applied to a component of order mt are

- 46 -
expressed analytically in the form of a fraction, in
- the numerator is a polynomial of power m, whose
variable is inversely proportional to the sound
5 frequency and to said first distance (p), so as to
Simulate a near field effect of the virtual
aourcs, and
- the denominator is a polynomial of power m,
whose variable is inversely proportional to the
10 sound frequency and to said second distance (R) ,
so as to compensate for the effect of the near
field of the virtual source in the low sound
15 4. The method as claimed in one of the preceding
claims, in which the data coded and filtered in steps
a) and b) are transmitted to the playback device with a
parameter representative of said second distance (R/c).
20 5. The method as claimed in one of claims l to 3, in
which, the playback device comprising means for reading
a memory medium, the data coded and filtered, in steps
a) and b) are stored with a parameter representative of
said second distance (R/c) on a memory medium intended
25 to be read by the playback device.
6, The method as claimed in one of claims 4 and 5, in
which, prior to a sound playback by a playback device
comprising a plurality of loudspeakers disposed at a
30 third distance (R2) from said point of auditory
perception (P) , an adaptation filter (Hm(H1/c, k3/c) whose
coefficients are dependent on said second (R1) and
third distances (R2) is applied to the coded and
filtered data.
7. The method as claimed in claim 6, in which the
coefficients of said adaptation filter (Hm(H1/c, k3/c) ,
each applied to a component of order TO, are expressed

- 47 -
analytically in the form of a fraction, in which:
- the numerator is a polynomial of power m, whose
variable is inversely proportional to the sound
frequency and to said second distance (R),
5 - and the denominator is a polynomial of power m,
whose variable is inversely proportional to the sound
frequency and to said third distance (R2) ,
8. The method as claimed in one of claims 2, 3 and 7,
10 in which, for the implementation of step b) , there is
- in respect of the components of even order m,
audiodigital filters in the form of a cascade of cells
of order two; and
15 - in respect of the components of odd order m,
audiodigital filters in the form of a cascade of cells
of order two and an additional cell of order one.
9. The method as claimed in claim 8, in which the
20 coefficients of an audiodigital filter, for a component
of order m, are defined from the numerical values of
the roots of said polynomials of power m.
10. The ntethod as claimed in one of claims 2, 3, 7, 8
25 and 9, in which said polynomials are Sessel
11. The method as claimed in one of claims 1, 2 and 4
to 10, in which there is provided a microphone
30 comprising an array of acoustic transducers arranged
substantially on the surface of a sphere whose center
coresponds substantially to said reference point (Q) ,
so as to obtain said signals representative of at least
one sound propagating in the three-dimensional space.
12. The method as claimed in claim 11, in which a
global filter is applied in step b) so as, on the one
hand, to compensate for a near field effect as a

- 49 -
5, In which:
- there is provided a playback device comprising at
least a first and a second loudspeaker disposed at a
chosen distance from a listener,
5 - a. cue of awareness of the position in space of
sound sources situated at a predetermined reference
distance (R2) from the listener is obtained for this
listener, and
- prior to a sound playback by the playback device,
10 an adaptation filter (Hm(R/c, Ra/c) , whose coefficients are
dependent on the second distance (R) and substantially
on the reference distance (R2) f is applied to the data
coded and filtered in steps a) and b).
15 18. The method as claimed in one of claims 16 and 17,
in which:
- the playback device comprises a headset with two
headphones for the respective ears of the listener, and
separately for each headphone, the coding and the
20 filtering of steps a) and b) are applied with regard to
respective signals intended to be fed to each
headphone, with, as first distance (p), respectively a
distance (rRt rL) separating each ear from a position
(M) of a source to be played back.
19. The method as claimed in one of the. preceding
claims, in which a matrix system is fashioned, in steps
a) and b), said system comprising at least:
- a matrix (B) comprising said components in the
30 base of spherical harmonics, and
- a diagonal matrix (Diag{l/Frt) ) whose coefficients
correspond to filtering coefficients of step b) ,
and said matrices are multiplied to obtain a result
matrix of compensated components (B) .
20. The method as claimed in claim 19, in which:
- the playback device comprises a plurality of
loudspeakers disposed substantially at one and the same

The invention concerns the processing of' audio data,, characterized in
that it consists in; (a.) reading signals representing a sound propagated in
three-dimensional space and derived from a source located a I first
distance(P) Prom a reference point, to obtain a representation of the sound
through components expressed in a. spherical harmonic base, of origin
corresponding to said referencc point, (b) and applying, to said
components compensation of a near-field effect through filtering based
on a. second distance R defining, for sound reproduction, a distance
between a reproduction point (HP, ) and a point (P) of auditory
perception where a listener is usually located.


Patent Number 213635
Indian Patent Application Number 00905/KOLNP/2005
PG Journal Number 02/2008
Publication Date 11-Jan-2008
Grant Date 09-Jan-2008
Date of Filing 17-May-2005
Name of Patentee FRANCE TELECOM
Applicant Address 6,PLACE D'ALLERAY,75015 PARIS,FRANCE
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G10H 1/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/FR03/03367
PCT International Filing date 2003-11-13
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 02 14444 2002-11-19 France