Title of Invention


Abstract A process for producing furfural, for forming formic acid and acetic acid, and for recovering formic acid and acetic acid in a pulping process, which utilizes an acid mixture, mainly containing formic acid and acetic acid, as the cooking chemical, the process comprising a pulping stage, separation of the cooking liquor from the pulp, washing the pulp with a washing liquid, separation of the washing liquid from the pulp, recovery of the cooking chemicals and separation of the furfural, and the process comprising (a) evaporating the spent cooking liquor obtained from the separation of the cooking liquor and the pulp, whereby the vaporized mixture obtained is a concentrated mixture of formic acid and acetic acid, which is at least partly returned to the cooking and possibly to the pulp washing, and the evaporation residue obtained is an evaporation concentrate, in which acetic acid, formic acid and furfural are formed during evaporation from the organic material contained in the cooking liquor and/or the chemically bound acids contained therein, (b) separating the evaporation concentrate, if so desired, into a volatile part and an evaporation residue, (c) separating water, acetic acid, furfural and the mixture of formic acid and acetic acid from the volatile part and possibly part of the vaporized mixtures from the evaporation (a) by distillation, whereby the distillation includes an azeotropic extractive distillation step by utilizing the furfural formed and recovered in the & process, (d) returning the water back to the processing of pulp, returning part of the furfural to the distillation of step (c) returning the mixture of formic acid and acetic acid to the pulping stage and/or washing stage and recovering the rest of the furfural and the acetic acid, wherein that the evaporation (a) is carried out at least partly as reactive evaporation by recycling the spent cooking liquor in the internal circulation of an evaporator/ evaporators, whereby more furfural, formic acid and acetic acid is formed from the dissolved organic matter contained in the cooking liquor and/or from chemically bound acids contained therein.
Full Text FORM 2
THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 (39 of 1970)
COMPLETE SPECIFICATION (See Section 10, rule 13)
The following specification particularly describes the nature of this invention and the manner in which it is to be performed : -

[0001] The invention relates to the recovery of cooking chemicals and the preparation of furfural in pulping processes based on organic chemi¬cals, particularly in formic-acid- and acetic-acid-based processes. In the proc¬ess "ISSoTding to the invention, conditions have been arranged in connection with the recovery of cooking acids that allow formation of more cooking acids and at the same time furfural from the dissolved hemicellulose and lignin con¬tained in the spent cooking liquor; At the same time, de-esterification makes it possible to release acids bound in the dissolved material to replace losses of cooking chemicals. The furfural and the acids are separated from one another by distillation. Part of the furfural is utilized in the process according to the in¬vention as an extractant in distillation and the rest of the furfural is sold as a commercial product.
[0002] Generally, furfural has been prepared from agricultural waste materials, such as maize straw and sugar cane. The production processes used are based on acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of pentosans in plant materials and acid-catalyzed dehydration of the obtained pentoses to furfural. Finnish Patent 54,923 and US Patent 4,401,514 describe production processes of fur¬fural, in which the catalyst used is either sulphuric acid or organic acids, mainly acetic acid, which is produced in the hydrolysis in situ. Also other acids, e.g. orthophosphoric acid, have been proposed to serve as the catalyst (Zeitsch, K.J., The Chemistry and technology of furfural and its many by-products, El¬sevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2000, p. 61). In a process based on sulphuric acid, the temperature is typically 153 °C and in a process based on acetic acid 180 °C (Zeitsch, K.J., The Chemistry and technology of furfural and its many by-products, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000, pp. 300-304). For improved yield of furfural, it has been proposed forth that the reaction temperature should be over 200 °C (e.g. US Patent 4,912,237). All these processes utilize acids at high temperatures (150 to 180 °C), wherefore the reaction mixtures are highly corrosive. High pres¬sures and corrosion increase the investment costs of reactors. In addition, in these processes most of raw material (cellulose and lignin) remains unutilised.
[0003] Furfural has also been produced from waste liquor of a sul¬phite pulping process. These processes are also based on acid-catalyzed hy-

drolysis of pentoses. The acids conlalned in the sulphite liquor servo as the catalyst and the reaction temperature is 180 °C, for instance. In these proc-esses the yield of furfural remains low, however, and deposits caused by inor¬ganic compounds in the liquors foul the apparatuses (Zeitsch, K.J., The Chem¬istry and technology of furfural and its many by-products, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000, pp. 61-74).
[0004] It has been suggested that furfural be produced as a by¬product from acidic organosolv-processes, in which pulp is produced by means of organic solvents. Examples of the solvents are ethanol (WO 9315261) or acetic acid (Lehnen, R, Saake, B. & Nimz, H.H., Furfural and Hydroxymethyl-furfural as By-Products of Formacell Pulping, Holzforschung 55(2), 2001, 199-204). In the cooking stage of these processes, lignin and some of.the hemicel-luloses decompose by acid catalysis and dissolve in the cooking liquor. At the same time some of the dissolved pentoses are dehydrated to furfural. It has been set forth that in these processes the recovery of the cooking chemicals is basfed on evaporation and distillation and the furfural to be productized is to be separated in connection with the distillation.
[0005] To produce furfural as a part of arvbrganosoly tvpe cooking process involves several problems. It is almost impossibe to affect the forma¬tion of furfural and the other reactions of furfural, because pulp production de¬termines the reaction conditions. If considerable quantities of furfural are pro¬duced in the cooking step, at the same time part of the produced furfural will unavoidably react further to polymers, which hamper bleaching of pulp and cause furfural losses. This has been found, for instance, when pulp is prepared by means of acetic acid (Zil'bergleit, M.A. & Glushko, T.V., Products from Po¬lymerization of Furfural and Hydroxymethylfurfural in Acetic Acid, Khimia Drevesiny (Riga), 1991(1), pp. 66-68). Polymerization reactions of furfural are slower, however, than the formation of furfural (Root, D.F., Saeman, J.F. & Harris, J.F., Kinetics of the Acid-catalyzed Conversion of Xylose to Furfural, Forest Products Journal, 9 (1959), pp. 158-165). If considerable quantities of furfural are produced in the cooking step, vapours from the evaporation of the cooking -liquor cannot be recycled as such to the cooking, but most of the va¬pours from the evaporation of the cooking liquor must be distilled so that the furfural content of the cooking liquor will not rise excessively. This increases the investment and operating costs of the distillery.
[0006] It has been set forth that in formic-acid- and acetic-acid-

based organosolv-processes the recovery of acids from the cooking liquor is based on evaporating the liquor and drying the concentrated liquor by spray drying, for instance, (Pohjanvesi, S. et a/., Technical and economical feasibility study of the Milox process, the 8th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, June 6-9, 1995, Helsinki, vol. 2, pp. 231-237); and EP 0 584 675 A1 (Nimtz H.H.H & Schone, M.). It has been set forth that the dry sol¬ids content of the evaporated cooking liquor prior to drying is 50 to 60%. In conventional alkaline pulping processes the cooking liquor is not dried sepa¬rately, but the liquor is only evaporated to the highest possible dry solids con¬tent prior to burning. The dry solids content to be achieved by the alkaline processes depends substantially on the raw material used: in practice, for nonwood raw materials the maximum dry solids content of black liquor is about 40 to 50% (Zhong, X-J., Marching onwards into the 21st century - prospective view of the Chinese pulp and paper industry. Proceedings of the 4th Interna¬tional Nonwood Fibre Pulping and Papermaking Conference, Jinan, China, 2000\ 1:43-51) and for wood about 80% (Holmlund, K. & Parviainen, K., Evaporation of black liquor, Papermaking Science Technology 6B. Chemical Pulping, ed. by Gullichsen, J. & Fogelholm, C.J., Fapet Oy, Helsinki, Finland, 1999, pp.35-93).
[0007] In all industrial production processes of furfural, the product stream of the furfural reactor contains more than 90% water and at most 6% furfural and various by-products, such as acetic acid. Typically, from this stream are separated, as specific fractions, furfural, heavy polymers, com¬pounds with low boiling point and a mixture of water and organic acids that is either treated in a biological purification installation (Zeitsch, K. J., The Chemistry and technology of furfural and its many by-products, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2000, p. 92) or separated e.g. by vacuum distillation (US 4,088,660) or by azeotropic distillation using butyl acetate as a separating agent (Hegner, B., Hesse, D. & Wolf, D., Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 45 (1973), 942-945). Separation of this kind is expensive, however, because the separation feed stream contains only small amounts of furfural and organic acids to be separated. Also in the organosolv-processes furfural is to be separated by distillation in connection with the recovery of cooking chemicals. In these processes the feed of distillation consists of chemicals to be recovered, water and a relatively small quantity of furfural. These separations are to be performed by conventional distillation.

[0008] The term "azeotrope" refers to a mixture of substances, in which the vapour and liquid compositions are identical in equilibrium. An azeotrope corresponds to an extreme point (minimum, maximum, saddle point) on the boiling temperature isobar or on the vapour pressure-isotherm.
[0009] The term "azeotropic distillation" refers either to the distilla¬tion of azeotropic mixtures or to distillation in which an azeotrope-forming component, a so-called entrainer, is added to the process.
[0010] The term "extractive distillation" refers to distillation in which a fully soluble, non-azeotropic-forming component ("entrainer") having a rela¬tively high boiling point is added to a distilling column above the actual feed stream.
[0011] The term " heteroazeotrope" refers to an azeotrope in which there are two liquid phases present in addition to the vapour phase.
[0012] The term "heteroazeotropic distillation" refers either to distil¬lation of heteroazeotropic mixtures or to distillation in which a heteroazeotrope-forming component ("entrainer") is added to the process.
[0013] The term "heteroazeotropic extractive distillation" refers to the combination of the heteroazeotropic distillation and the extractive distilla¬tion. The component to be added, having a relatively high boiling point, is se¬lective and fully soluble with one or more components, having a lower boiling point, of a mixture to be separated and forms an azeotrope with one of the re¬maining components.
[0014] The term "thermal separation processes" refers to separation of two or more components from a mixture containing them by means of heat utilizing the different boiling points of the components. Examples of thermal separation processes include evaporation and crystallization.
[0015] The term "de-esterification" refers to the ester hydrolysis, i.e. to the conversion of chemically bound, ester-form acids into free acids.
[0016] The object of the invention is thus to provide a pulping proc¬ess based on organic chemicals, for improved formation of furfural in the re¬covery of cooking chemicals and separation of furfural as a commercial prod¬uct. The invention is based on the idea that in the recovery step of the cooking chemicals more furfural and cooking chemicals are formed in the spent cook-

ing liquor by means of reactive evaporation utilizing recycling of the cooking liquor in the evaporation step.
[0017] The object of the invention is achieved with a process, which is characterized by what is disclosed in the independent claim. The preferred embodiments of the invention are disclosed in the dependent claims.
[0018] Now, it has been surprisingly found that cooking liquor ob¬tainable from a formic-acid-based pulping process utilizing nonwood raw mate¬rial can be evaporated to a dry solids content exceeding 90%, and at the same time, pentoses contained in the cooking liquor can be reacted almost com¬pletely, thus producing furfural, formic acid and acetic acid.
[0019] The process of the invention combines the recovery of the cooking acid and the dissolved dry substance in a novel manner so that fur¬fural can be prepared more effectively than before from the pentoses dissolved in the cooking liquor. In the recovery of the cooking chemicals, a catalytic ac¬tion, of concentrated formic acid is utilized, and surprisingly, it has been found that the pentoses react almost completely at 110 to 130 °C already, and the reaction products produced are furfural, acetic acid and formic acid. The for¬mation of furfural is particularly advantageous in the formic-acid-based proc¬ess, in which acetic acid can serve as an auxiliary acid. Thus, losses of cook¬ing chemicals can be eliminated within the production process and furfural and acetic acid will be obtained as by-products.
[0020] The furfural formed in the process of the invention is recov¬ered by utilizing distillation. Part of the formed furfural is utilized in distillation as a separating agent in the separation of formic acid, acetic acid and water, and part of the furfural is separated as a specific product fraction. Also acetic acid is recovered in the process. The process utilizes the dual capability of the furfural to act both as an extractant in acid concentration and as a former of azeotrppe in separating water in order to produce as pure a water fraction as possible.
[0021] Figure 1 shows a reactive evaporation unit that is useful in the process of the invention and associated with Example 5.
[0022] Figure 2 shows an alternative evaporation unit associated with Example 5.

[0023] Figure 3 shows a distillation application associated with Ex¬ample 6, in which formic acid and acetic acid and furfural are separated from the bottom of the first column and a furfural product is separated from the bot¬tom of a furfural column.
[0024] Figure 4 shows a second distillation application associated with Example 6, in which the first column is implemented as a dividing wall col¬umn, acetic acid is separated with a sidestream rectifier and a furfural product is separated from the bottom of the dividing wall column.
[0025] The invention relates to a process for producing furfural and for forming furfural, formic acid and acetic acid, and for recovering formic acid and acetic acid in a pulping process, which utilizes an acid mixture, mainly containing formic acid and acetic acid, as the cooking chemical,
the process comprising a pulping stage, separation of the cooking liquor from the pulp, washing the pulp with a washing liquid, separation of the washing liquid from the pulp, recovery of the cooking chemicals and separation of the furfural, and the process comprising
(a) evaporating the spent cooking liquor obtained from the separa¬tion of the cooking liquor and the pulp, whereby the vaporized mixture obtained is a concentrated mixture of formic acid and acetic acid, which is at least partly returned to the cooking and possibly to the pulp washing, and the evaporation residue obtained is an evaporation concentrate, in which acetic acid, formic acid and furfural are formed during evaporation from the organic material con¬tained in the cooking liquor and/or the chemically bound acids contained therein,
(b) separating the evaporation concentrate, if so desired, into a vola¬tile part and an evaporation residue,
(c) separating water, acetic acid, furfural and a mixture of formic acid and acetic acid from the volatile part and possibly part of the vaporized mixtures from the evaporation (a) by distillation, whereby the distillation in¬cludes an azeotropic extractive distillation step by utilizing the furfural formed and recovered in the process,
(d) returning the water back to the processing of pulp, returning part of the furfural to the distillation of step (c), returning the mixture of formic acid

and acetic acid to the pulp cooking and/or washing step and recovering the rest of the furfural and the acetic acid.
[0026] The process of the invention is characterized in that the evaporation of step (a) is performed at least partly as reactive evaporation by recycling the spent cooking liquor in the internal circulation of an evapora-tor/evaporators, whereby the dissolved organic matter contained in the cooking liquor and/or the chemically bound acids contained therein form more furfural, formic acid and acetic acid.
[0027] The process of the invention utilizes recycling in the reactive separation, whereby the recycling step also serves as an active reaction step.
[0028] In connection with the present invention, the term "spent cooking liquor" refers to the cooking liquor from cooking, from which the pulp is removed. In addition to the cooking chemicals, i.e. formic acid and acetic acid, and the water, the spent cooking liquor contains organic matter originating from the raw material of the pulp. The organic matter contained in the cooking liquor is mainly dissolved organic matter, but also solid fines can migrate to¬gether with the liquor. The dissolved organic matter contained in the cooking liquor mainly consists of hemicellulose and lignin, which have been dissolved during the cooking in the cooking liquor from the plant material used as raw material for pulp. The hemicellulose contains considerable amounts of xylose and/or other pentoses. The cooking liquor may also contain chemically bound acids in ester form.
[0029] The term "reactive evaporation" refers to a unit operation, in which both evaporation and chemical reactions take place. In the present in-i vention, in connection with the reactive evaporation, the dry solids content of the cooking liquor used is raised and at the same time there is formed more furfural, acetic acid and formic acid from the organic matter contained therein, and, at the same time, formed furfural is removed. The furfural is removed from the reaction mixture by evaporation.
[0030] In connection with the present invention, the term "vaporized mixture" refers to the volatile part removed by evaporation, which can be in the form of a liquid or a vapour.
[0031] In the process of the invention, chemical pulp is prepared by cooking cellulose-rich plant material in a mixture containing organic acid and N water. Organic acids usable in the invention are short-chained organic acids. Typically, the organic acid is formic acid. Part of the formic acid can be re-

placed by acetic acid, which is typically produced in the cooking step. The cooking acid typically contains 10 lo 90% formic acid, 0 to 90% acetic acid and 10 to 50% water, the cooking time is typically 10 to 90 minutes and the cooking temperature is 85 to 150 °C. In these conditions it is possible to achieve effec¬tive and selective delignification. At the same time, only a small part of pento¬ses dissolving in the cooking liquor will react to furfural.
[0032] One typical cooking chemical composition comprises 80 to 40% formic acid and 8 to 50% acetic acid, preferably 10 to 40% acetic acid, the rest being water.
[0033] The process of the invention also works with cooking acid compositions containing only either formic acid or acetic acid, i.e. the amount of formic acid and acetic acid may vary within the range of 0 to 100%.
[0034] After cooking the cooking liquor and the acids are typically separated from the chemical pulp by pressing and washing.
[0035] The pulp washing can be carried out by known methods, for instance such that the dissolved matter is first washed from the pulp with an acid, and thereafter, the acid is washed from the pulp with water. The filtrate obtained from washing with water contains 10 to 80% acids, depending on the amount of wash liquid and the washing equipment used. The acid concentra¬tion of this filtrate is lower than that of the cooking liquor.
[0036] Alternatively, the pulp can be washed such that the dissolved matter is first washed from the pulp with an acid. Thereafter, the acid is evapo¬rated from the pulp and the residual acid is washed from the pulp with water. The filtrate obtained from washing with water contains 1 to 50% acids, depend¬ing on the dry solids content of the pulp after the evaporation, the amount of wash liquid and the washing equipment used.
[0037] In one embodiment of the invention, prior to the washing with water, the pulp is washed with an acid or a mixture of acids and evaporated to a dry solids content of 30 to 95%.
[0038] The obtained washing filtrates can be utilized in the evapora¬tion step (a) of the present invention in a manner that will be described later on in the text.
[0039] In step (a) of the process according to the invention, the spent cooking liquor obtained from the separation of the cooking liquor and the pulp is evaporated. Thus is obtained a concentrated mixture of formic acid and acetic acid, which is returned at least in part to the cooking and possibly to the

pulp washing. In addition, as the evaporation residue there is obtained an evaporation concentrate that contains formic acid, acetic acid and furfural formed during the evaporation from the organic matter contained in the cook¬ing liquor and/or chemically bound acids contained therein.
[0040] The process may also contain an optional pre-concentration step prior to the evaporation step (a). In the pre-concentratidn step, most of the cooking acids are recovered by evaporating the cooking liquor, typically in par¬tial vacuum at a temperature of 45 to 110 °C. The obtained vaporized mixtures are re-used as a cooking acid. Furfural is formed thereafter in the subsequent evaporation, when the concentrated liquor is evaporated, whereby the pro¬duced furfural will not accumulate in the cooking liquor and the yield of furfural can be maximized. In this manner, it is possible to directly reuse 50 to 95% of the cooking acids and the cooking acid composition contains less than 1% fur¬fural.
, [0041] In the process of the invention, the evaporation (a) is carried
out at least partly as reactive evaporation by recycling the spent cooking liquor in the internal circulation of an evaporator/evaporators, whereby the dissolved organic matter contained in the cooking liquor and/or chemically bound acids contained therein form more furfural, formic acid and acetic acid.
[0042] The evaporation (a) may also include other, conventional evaporation steps.
[0043] In addition, the process of the invention may also include, prior to separation step (b), step (aO) in which the evaporation concentrate is allowed to react without evaporation, whereby there is formed more furfural, formic acid and acetic acid in the evaporation concentrate. The reaction of step (aO) can be carried out in connection with the evaporation (a), prior to the evaporation and thereafter.
[0044] In a preferred embodiment of the invention the additional re¬action step is performed in connection with the evaporation. For instance, it can be carried out in a separate space, such as a separate container, which is connected to the internal circulation of the evaporator(s). In this manner, the residence time of the spent cooking liquor becomes longer in the evaporator and more furfural, formic acid and acetic acid is formed in the evaporation con¬centrate.
[0045] The reaction space does not require separate heating, be¬cause the evaporation temperature can be used as the reaction temperature.

Thus, all the energy can be utilized in the recovery of chemicals. In these con¬ditions the pentoses of the cooking liquor will react to furfural, and at the same time, there is produced formic and acetic acids.
[0046] The evaporation can be carried out, for instance, in a thin-film evaporator, a falling film evaporator and a forced circulation evaporator.
[0047] The evaporation of step (a) is typically performed to a dry solids content of 20 to 95%, preferably 50 to 95%. The evaporation is prefera¬bly performed to the highest possible dry solids content, but the process works also when the dry solids content is low. In some organosolv methods, the dry solids content of the cooking liquor to be fed into the evaporation can be even less than 5%, whereby evaporation to a dry solids content of e.g. 20% is vi¬able.
[0048] The evaporation temperature of step (a) as well as the reac¬tion temperature of step (aO) are typically within the range of 50 to 200 °C. The evaporation (a) and the relating reactions (aO) are typically performed at a temperature exceeding 90 °C, preferably at a temperature of 90 to 160 °C, par¬ticularly preferably at a temperature of 100 to 140 °C. The residence time in the evaporators is typically 0.5 min to 24 h, preferably 30 min to 5 h. The lower limit of 0.5 min of the residence time may be appropriate at high reaction tem¬peratures, such as 200 °C.
[0049] If desired, it is possible to monitor the formation of furfural, formic acid and acetic acid by measuring the pentose or xylose content of the evaporation concentrate. Advantageously, the evaporation will be continued until the evaporation concentrate no more substantially contains pentoses or xylose.
[0050] The yield of furfural can be increased and acid formation can be accelerated by lowering the acid concentration of the reacting cooking liq¬uor. The efficiency of the process can thus be increased by mixing water or water/acid mixture in the liquor to be evaporated. The water/acid mixture can be the filtrate, mentioned in the above, obtained from the pulp washing. Thus, the pentoses will react more selectively to furfural and the formation of acids will speed up. The cooking liquor is concentrated to the final dry solids content (>90%) either by evaporation or by drying subsequent to the evaporation steps. When necessary, it is possible to separate lignin from the pentoses and the furfural to be produced by precipitation, for instance by cooling.

[0051] In one embodiment of the invention, water or a mixture of water and organic acids is thus mixed in the concentrated cooking liquor as a liquid or vapour. This mixture is evaporated and the components of the mixture are allowed to react to furfural and organic acids. The evaporation and the de¬sired reactions are implemented in the above-described manner, typically e.g. in a separate space between the evaporation steps, in a circulation container of the evaporator acting as a reactor or in a separate reactor after the liquor heating step of the forced circulation evaporator, or as a combination of these methods. The reaction temperature is typically 90 to 180 °C, the overall reac¬tion time is 0.1 to 10 hours, the dry solids content of the mixture is 10 to 95% and the acid concentration is 5 to 90%.
[0052] In the evaporators used for concentration of the cooking liq¬uor, the liquor is circulated in the evaporators and only a minor part of the evaporation takes place in one pass of the liquor circulation. These evapora¬tors preferably comprise a separate space, through which the liquor is circu¬lated and/or from which the liquor is conveyed to a next evaporation step. One example of these evaporators is a conventional falling-film-type evaporator. The liquor is reacted in this space and/or for making the residence time longer and for enhancing the reactions this space is alternatively increased and/or the liquor is circulated via a separate container. The reaction temperature is typi¬cally 90 to 160 °C, the dry solids content is 20 to 95% and the overall reaction time is 0.1 to 10 hours. The nascent furfural evaporates in the evaporation, so furfural is removed from the reaction system while it is being produced. This increases the yield of furfural, because further reactions of furfural will be pre¬vented.
[0053] Also in forced circulation evaporators the liquor is circulated in the evaporator and only a minor part of evaporation takes place in one pass of the liquor circulation. In the forced circulation evaporators the circulating liq¬uor is heated with a separate heater, whereafter the liquor is evaporated by flash evaporation. In the process of the invention, after heating it is possible to allow the liquor to react in a separate reactor, for instance, in a container or a tubular reactor, prior to the flash evaporation. The reaction temperature is typi¬cally 100 to 180 °C, the dry solids content is 20 to 95% and the overall reaction time is 0.01 to 5 hours. In this manner it is possible to enhance the reactions and make them proceed to a higher conversion, which increases the produc¬tion of furfural and acids. The evaporation and the desired reactions can also

be implemented as a combination of conventional evaporation, a separate re¬actor between evaporation steps, a circulation container of the evaporator serving as a reactor and a separate reactor after the heating step of the liquor in the forced circulation evaporator.
[0054] In one embodiment of the invention, pulp washing filtrate is mixed with the concentrated cooking liquor so as to reduce the acid concentra¬tion of the liquor and to enhance the reactions. The pulp washing filtrate can be obtained, for instance, from a pulp washing process, in which the dissolved matter is first washed from the pulp with an acid and thereafter the acid is washed from the pulp with water. The filtrate obtained from the washing with water contains 10 to 80% acids, depending on the amount of wash liquid and the washing equipment used. The acid concentration of this filtrate is lower than that of the concentrated cooking liquor.
[0055] The mixture containing this filtrate and the concentrated cooking liquor is evaporated and the components of the mixture are allowed to react to furfural and organic acids in the above-described manners. The reac¬tion temperature is typically 90 to 180 °C, the overall reaction time is 0.1 to 10 hours, the dry solids content of the mixture is 10 to 95% and the acid concen¬tration is 10 to 90%. When internal streams of the process are utilized in this manner, it is possible to eliminate the use of external water and/or water/acid streams, which reduces the costs of chemicals and recovery.
[0056] Alternatively, it is possible to use a washing filtrate, in which the dissolved matter has first been washed from the pulp with an acid and thereafter the acid has been evaporated from the pulp and the residual acid has been washed from the pulp with water. The filtrate obtained from the washing with water contains 1 to 50% acids, depending on the post-evaporation dry solids content of the pulp, the amount of wash liquid used and the washing equipment.
[0057] This filtrate is mixed with the concentrated cooking liquor, the mixture is evaporated and the components of the mixture are allowed to react to furfural and organic acids in the above-described manners. The reaction temperature is typically 90 to 180 °C, the overall reaction time is 0.1 to 10 hours, the dry solids content of the mixture is 10 to 95% and the acid concen¬tration is 3 to 80%. In this manner it is possible to further improve the yield of furfural and speed up the acid production without extra chemicals or process

streams. In addition, the recovery costs of the furfural and the acids are re¬duced, because the flow rate of the feed stream in the distillation step reduces.
[0058] The evaporation (a) may also comprise drying for further in¬creasing the dry solids content of the evaporation concentrate. The drying is typically performed at a temperature of over 100 °C at normal atmospheric pressure or at overpressure, or at low pressure at a temperature below 120 °C. The drying can be implemented using the known art, for instance spray drying or indirect drying methods.
[0059] In an advantageous embodiment of the invention, separate drying is omitted. The cooking liquor is concentrated directly by evaporating it to a high, 70 to 95% dry solids content. No separate dryer is needed, whereby the investment costs of the recovery decrease. Also the energy consumption decreases, because all the liquor concentration can be implemented by en¬ergy-integrated multistage evaporation. The yield of furfural increases. When the evaporation and the reactions take place as the dry solids content is high, the\furfural content of the product mixture is higher than as the dry solids con¬tent is low. Thus a larger part of the formed furfural is recovered directly as condensates and correspondingly the amount of furfural circulating in the evaporator decreases. This reduces the furfural losses, because it is less pos¬sible for the furfural to react further. Moreover, the size of the reactor is also reduced. When the reactions take place as the dry solids content is high, smaller reaction volume is required than as the dry solids content is low.
[0060] In step (b) of the process according to the invention, the evaporation concentrate is separated, if desired, into a.volatile part and an evaporation residue. Even though the furfural formed in the reactive evapora¬tion (a) evaporates naturally, furfural and acids remain in the evaporation con¬centrate and they have to be separated into a volatile part and an evaporation residue by evaporating and/or drying, for instance.
[0061] From the volatile part of the evaporation concentrate and possibly from part of the vaporized mixture of the evaporation (a), water, acetic acid, furfural and the mixture of the acetic and formic acids are separated by distillation, whereby the distillation comprises an azeotropic extractive distilla¬tion step by utilizing the furfural formed and recovered in the process.
[0062] The vaporized mixtures from the evaporation (a) have to be distilled, for instance, when the cooking requires a highly concentrated acid.

There is no other way to provide a sufficiently high acid concentration in the cooking acid mixture.
[0063] The azeotropic extractive distillation step of the distillation step (c) is typically carried out as the first step of distillation.
[0064] In one distillation alternative, a mixture of water and furfural is separated from the volatile part of the evaporation concentrate, obtained in step (b), on the column top in the first distillation column. From the bottom of the column is separated a mixture containing furfural, acetic acid, formic acid and water. In subsequent steps will be separated a mixture of formic and ace¬tic acids, acetic acid and furfural.
[0065] The distillation is typically carried out in three columns such that (1) from the bottom of the first column is separated a mixture of formic and acetic acids and furfural, and from the top is separated a mixture of water and furfural, (2) the bottom product of the first column is passed to the second col¬umn, from the bottom of which is separated acetic acid and furfural, and from the "top is separated a concentrated mixture of formic and acetic acids, and (3) the bottom product of the second column is passed to the third column, from the bottom of which is separated furfural and from the top acetic acid, and part of the furfural separated from the bottom is recycled to the first column to serve as an extractant and the rest is recovered as a furfural product.
[0066] It is also possible to proceed such that from the first column is separated a mixture of formic and acetic acids as a side stream. In connec¬tion with the present invention, the term "side stream" refers to withdrawing a stream from the distillation column from any other stage than the reboiler or the condenser, either as a liquid or a vapour.
[0067] In a second embodiment of the invention the first distillation column is implemented as a dividing wall column, and the mixture of formic and acetic acids is separated as a side stream from the first column, the fur¬fural is separated from the bottom of the second column and the furfural is re¬turned to the first column to serve as an extractant. In connection with the pre¬sent invention the term "dividing wall column" refers to a column, in which part of the column is vertically divided in two parts with a partition wall. The first part of the dividing wall column constitutes a so-called pre-fractionating section.
[0068] An alternative to the dividing wall column is a so-called Pet-lyuk concept, in which the pre-fractionating section of the dividing wall column is replaced by a separate pre-fractionation column. This column operates with-

out own reboiler or condenser. In this case the actual column is not provided with a dividing wall. The top product of the pre-fractionating column is fed to the upper part of the subsequent column and the bottom product to the lower part.
[0069] The top product of the first column of the distillation is sepa¬rated into water and furfural fractions by decantation, the furfural fraction is returned to the first column and the water fraction is conveyed to the column, whose bottom product is water and the top product is a mixture containing wa¬ter and furfural.
[0070] In one embodiment of the invention, furfural is separated from the bottom of the second column and acetic acid from the second column with a sidestream rectifier, and the furfural is returned to the first column to serve as an extractant.
[0071] In the dividing wall solution the furfural can be separated from the bottom of the dividing wall column and/or the acetic acid from the di¬viding wall column with a sidestream rectifier, and the furfural is returned to the dividing wall column to serve as an extractant.
[0072] In one additional embodiment of the invention the furfural separated from the bottom of the second or third column or from the dividing wall column is returned in full to the first column to serve as an extractant and from the furfural fraction from decantation is separated a furfural product.
[0073] The furfural fraction from decantation to be obtained from the first column can also be conveyed to the column, whose bottom product is fur¬fural and the top product is a mixture containing water and furfural. The mixture of water and furfural is returned to decantation.
[0074] The water fraction obtained from distillation is recycled to pulp processing, such as cooking, washing, bleaching or screening stage.
[0075] The pressure in the distillation columns is typically within the range of 1 to 5 bar. The distillation columns can also operate at low pressure.
[0076] It is also possible to combine e.g. pulp washing filtrates to the stream to be distilled. Separation of the furfural to be produced is combined in the distillery installation to the concentration of acids, purification of water and separation of acetic acid obtainable as a by-product. The separation of furfural, acids and water utilizes the capability of furfural to form a heterogene¬ous minimum azeotrope with water and the capability of furfural to extract ac¬ids from the water/acid mixture. The furfural is used at the same time both as

an extractant and as an azeotrope former for separating water effectively from the acids.
[0077] In the following, practical applications of distillation are de¬scribed in greater detail.
[0078] The vaporized mixtures obtained from the reactive evapora¬tion of the process according to the invention and other streams to be distilled (for instance pulp washing filtrates) containing water, formic acid, acetiG acid and/or furfural are conducted to the first column of the distillation. The total feed typically contains 1 to 30% furfural, 20 to 80% water, 5 to 70% formic acid and 1 to 70% acetic acid. Above the feed stream there is conducted a furfural-rich stream, which is obtained from the decantation of the top product of the first column and/or from the bottom of the second or third column. From the top of the first column there is obtained a mixture containing water and furfural, the composition of which approaches an azeotrope of water and furfural. The bot¬tom product of the first column is a mixture containing furfural, formic acid, ace¬tic acid and minor amounts of water.
[0079] The bottom product of the first column is conducted to the second column, the so-called acid column, whose top product is a concen¬trated acid and the bottom product is mainly a mixture containing acetic acid and furfural. The concentrated acid is typically used in the cooking stage of chemical pulping. The top product of the acid column contains only minor amounts of furfural and the bottom product only minor amounts of formic acid. The bottom product of the acid column is conducted to the third column, the so-called acetic acid column, whose top product is acetic acid and the bottom product is furfural. Part of the bottom product is withdrawn as a furfural product and part is returned to the first column.
[0080] Heavy fractions accompanying the feed and possibly pro¬duced in the distillation are accumulated at the bottom of the acetic acid col¬umn. For improved purity of the furfural product, the product stream is with¬drawn as vapour before the reboiler, for instance from the second lowest stage of the acetic acid column. Part of the bottom product of the column can thus be withdrawn for removal of heavy fractions.
[0081] Alternatively, the separation of the acetic acid and the fur¬fural can be implemented such that a steam flow is conducted from the lower part of the acid column to a separate sidestream rectifier, whose top product is acetic acid and bottom product is returned to the acid column. From the bottom

of the acid column is thus obtained a furfural stream, one part of which is sepa¬rated in the above-described manner to form a product stream, one part is re¬turned to the first column and one part is withdrawn for removal of heavy frac¬tions. If the amount of acetic acid in the acid column feed is small with respect to the amount of furfural to be separated, the use of a separate sidestream rectifier allows reduced energy consumption, in addition to a smaller number of reboilers.
[0082] The top product of the first column is separated into water and furfural fractions by decantation. The furfural fraction is returned to the first column and the water fraction is conducted to a so-called water column, whose bottom product is water and top product is a mixture of water and furfural. The purified water is used for washing the pulp, for instance, and the mixture of water and furfural is returned to decantation.
[0083] The furfural to be productized is separated, alternatively, from the top product of the first column such that part of the decanted furfural fraction is conducted to a so-called furfural column, whose bottom product is furfural and top product is a mixture containing water and furfural. The bottom product is withdrawn as a furfural product and the mixture containing water and furfural is returned to decantation. In this manner it is possible to lower the acidity of the furfural to be productized. Concentration of acids and recycling of furfural as well as separation of acetic acid and heavy fractions are imple¬mented as described above. Thus, all the furfural obtained as the bottom prod¬uct from the acid column or the acetic acid column is returned to the first col¬umn.
[0084] The process of the invention makes it possible that the op-eration of the first column is flexible in a wide pressure range, from low pres¬sures to overpressures. The first column works particularly well, however, in the vicinity of normal atmospheric pressure or at minor overpressure. The pressure has no significant effect on the operation of other columns. By chang¬ing the pressure in the columns it is possible, however, to save in investment and operating costs. For instance, if the columns operate at low pressure, the investment costs of the columns will reduce, because the reduction of pressure and correspondingly that of the temperature will decrease corrosion caused by acids, whereby the columns can be made of cheaper materials. Pressure re¬duction also reduces coloration of the furfural product. The total energy con¬sumption of the columns can be reduced by energy integration, which, in turn,

can be enhanced by raising and/or lowering the pressure in some columns. The columns can thus operate advantageously either at low pressure or at overpressure, depending on the prices of the materials used in the structures or the energy, for instance.
[0085] (n another application the distillation is alternatively imple¬mented such that lioin Iho lower pari of tho flrol column Is withdrawn, as old© stream, a stream, which contains minor amounts of water and about 5 to 30% furfural. From the bottom of the column is obtained acid- and water-free fur¬fural, part of which is returned to the top of the first column and part is with¬drawn for removal of heavy fractions. From the top of the column is obtained a mixture of water and furfural. A concentrated mixed acid, acetic acid and fur¬fural are separated from the side stream in the above-described manners. Part of the furfural obtained as the bottom product from the acid column or the ace¬tic acid column is separated into a furfural product and part is returned to the firslt column. The top product of the first column is separated into water and furfural fractions in the manner described above and the furfural fraction is re¬turned to the first column.
[0086] The furfural to be productized can also be separated from the top product of the first column in the above-described manner. Thus all the furfural obtained as the bottom product of the acid column or the acetic acid column is returned to the first column.
[0087] The above-described alternative allows reduction of energy consumption in the distillery. In addition, in this manner it is possible to prevent furfural from reacting in the reboilers. It is known that resinification of furfural is an acid-catalyzed reaction. In the reboiler of the first column there are no ac¬ids, so the reaction of furfural is prevented. In addition, the corrosive effect of the boiled liquid reduces as the liquid does not contain acids.
[0088] In an additional embodiment of the invention, the distillation is alternatively implemented such that the middle section of the first column is divided with a dividing wall into two parts. The distillation feed is conducted to the other side of the partition wall in the middle section of the column. The fur¬fural is fed to the upper part of the column, above the partition wall. From the top of the column is obtained a mixture of water and furfural. The bottom prod¬uct is a mixture of furfural and acetic acid. From the middle section of the col¬umn, on the opposite side of the dividing wall with respect to the feed, is ob¬tained a concentrated mixed acid.

[0089] The bottom product of the dividing wall column is fed into the acetic acid column, where acetic acid and furfural as well as heavy fractions are separated in the above-described manner. Part of the furfural is returned to the first column. Alternatively, this separation can be carried out using a side-stream rectifier attached to the dividing wall column and connected to the divid¬ing wall column below the partition wall. Thus, the acetic acid is obtained from the top of the sidestream rectifier and the furfural and the heavy fractions are obtained from the bottom of the dividing wall column in the same way as from the lower part of the above-described acid column. Using the dividing wall col¬umn it is possible to reduce the number of columns, which reduces the invest¬ment costs of the distillery installation.
[0090] Alternatively, the furfural to be productized is separated from the top product of the first column in the above-described manner. Thus all the furfural obtained as the bottom product from the dividing wall column or the acetic acid column is returned to the first column.
[0091] In the middle section of the dividing wall column, on the feed side, so-called pre-fractionating takes place, in which most part of the acids are separated from water and furfural. This pre-fractionating can be enhanced by conducting a small furfural stream to the upper part of the pre-fractionating section.
[0092] Alternatively, the separation to be performed in the dividing wall column can be implemented by a so-called Petlyuk concept. The pre-fractionating section of the dividing wall column is then implemented in a sepa¬rate column, in a so-called pre-fractionating column, whose top product is fed to the upper part and the bottom product to the lower part of the subsequent column. The pre-fractionating column does not comprise a condenser or a re-boiler, but to the pre-fractionating column is returned liquid from the upper part and vapour from the lower part of the column subsequent to the pre-fractionation.
[0093] The process of the invention advantageously uses herba¬ceous plants and hardwood as raw material. The herbaceous plants generally refer to non-wood fibre sources. The most important fibre sources include, for instance, straw, such as corn straw (rice, wheat, rye, oats, barley), grasses, such as esparto grass, sabai grass and lemon grass, reeds, such as papyrus, common reed, sugar cane, or bagasse, and bamboo, bast fibres, for instance, stems of fibre flax and seed flax, kenaf, jute and hemp, leaf fibres, for instance,

manilla hemp and sisal, and seed hairs, such as cotton and cotton linter fibres. An important, useful raw material that grows in Finland is reed canary grass.
[0094] In the following the invention will be described by non-restrictive examples.
Example 1
[0095] Selective delignification of cellulose-containing material with¬out furfural formation
[0096] Bagasse was delignified in a mixture of formic and acetic ac¬ids (62% formic acid and 20% acetic acid) at 120 °C for 40 minutes. The liquid ratio was 5:1. After the cooking the liquor was separated from the pulp by pressing, whereafter the pulp was washed with acid and water. The kappa number and the pentosan content of the pulp, and the furfural content of the cooking liquor were determined. The kappa number of the pulp was 25 and the pentosan content was 10%. The cooking liquor contained 0.12% furfural. Thus, the bagasse was efficiently and selectively delignified, but only small quantities of furfural were produced.
[0097] This example proves that the cooking can be carried out with organic acids without furfural being formed.
Example 2
[0098] Vacuum evaporation
[0099] Wheat straw was delignified in a mixture of formic and acetic acids. After the cooking, the separated cooking liquor contained 0.13% furfural and 7% dissolved dry matter. The liquor was concentrated with a falling-film evaporator at a pressure of 0.23 bar, at a temperature of about 70 °C, up to a dry solids content of 50%. Even though the total evaporation time was 4 hours, the average furfural content of the vapours was only 0.16% and that of the final concentrate 0.30%, so the vacuum evaporation produced only small amounts of furfural.
[0100] This example proves that the pre-concentration can be im¬plemented without furfural being formed.
Example 3
[0101] Bagasse was delignified in a mixture of formic and acetic ac¬ids. After the cooking the separated liquor was concentrated by vacuum evaporation at a temperature of about 70 °C to a dry solids content of 28%.

The liquor was allowed to react at 130 °C for 3 hours. The liquor was meas¬ured for formic acid and acetic acid contents (HCOOH and AcOH), furfural and xylose contents at the beginning of the experiments and after the reactions. The results are shown below in Table 1.
Table 1. Reaction of concentrated cooking liquor at 130 °C

[0102] This example shows that the concentrated cooking liquor re¬acts as such without additions of water or acid, for instance, between evapora¬tion steps, whereby acids and furfural are produced. These reactions can be utilized in connection with the reactive evaporation according to the invention.
Example 4
[0103] Reaction of the concentrated liquor with a water washing fil¬trate
[0104] (A) Cellulose-containing raw material was delignified with a mixture of formic and acetic acids. After the cooking, the liquor was separated from the pulp by pressing, whereafter the pulp was washed with an acid and water. After the acid and water washings, the pulp was pressed to a dry solids content of 35%. In the water washing the pulp was washed counter-currently in several washing stages, the dilution factor being 2. Alternatively, after the acid washing the pulp was evaporated to a dry solids content of 70% prior to water

Table 2. Water washing of pulp

[0105] On the basis of the values of Table 2, the amount of acid in¬troduced in the filtrate from the water washing reduces substantially, when the consistency of the pulp entering the water washing is raised by evaporation.
[0106] (B) Wheat straw was delignified and the separated liquor was concentrated by vacuum evaporation in the manners described in Exam¬ple 2 to a dry solids content of 60%. To the obtained concentrate was mixed water/acid mixture, whose composition and quantity corresponded to the fil¬trate obtained from the water washing of the evaporated pulp according to Ta¬ble 2 (mixing ratio being 3 parts concentrate and 2 parts water/acid mixture). The dry solids content of this mixture was 31% and it was allowed to react at 130 °C for 3 hours. The liquor was measured for acid, furfural and total pen¬tose concentrations at the beginning of the experiments and after the reac¬tions. The results are shown below in Table 3.

Table 3. Reaction of the concentrated cooking liquor mixed with the water washing filtrate at 130 °C

[0107] On the basis of Tables 1 and 3, the yield of furfural improves, when the acid concentration of the reaction mixture is lowered but the dry solids content of the mixture remains the same.
[0108] This example shows that the reactions of the concentrated cooking liquor can be enhanced by lowering the acid concentration of the mix¬ture. The acid concentration can be lowered by evaporating the pulp after the acid washing. These reactions can also be utilized in connection with the reac¬tive evaporation according to the invention.
Example 5
[0108] (A) Reaction of the concentrated liquor in connection with evaporator circulation
[0109] Figure 1 illustrates one example of a reactive evaporator structure useful in the process of the invention. A mixture of the concentrated cooking liquor and the filtrate from the water washing of pulp (mixing ratio 3:2) is evaporated in a falling-film-type evaporator.
[0110] The dry solids content of the feed is 50% and that of the product concentrate 85%. The liquor is circulated in the evaporator 100 (at a temperature of 130 °C) and only minor part of evaporation takes place during

one pass of the liquor circulation. The liquor 10 to be concentrated is fed to the lower part 102 of the bottom chamber of the evaporator 100 and the concen¬trated liquor 20 is withdrawn from the upper part of the bottom chamber. In connection with the evaporator circulation (15, 16) there is a reactor 200, in which the liquor reacts at a temperature of 130 °C for a time\corresponding to achieving the maximum of furfural content. The circulation ratio being 15, the furfural content has achieved its maximum in about 0.7 h.
[0111] Table 4 below shows the results as the mixture of the cook¬ing liquor and the water washing filtrate reacts in the reactor for a time that al¬lows achieving the maximum of the furfural content.
[0112] (B) Separate reactor before the evaporator [0113] For comparison, Table 4 also includes an alternative, in which the reactions mostly take place prior to evaporation. The structure of this alternative is shown in Figure 2. In this comparative solution, the liquor 30 to be concentrated is first conducted to a reactor 210 (temperature 130 °C, resi¬dence time 4 h), wherefrom the reacted liquor 31 is conducted to the lower part 112 of the bottom chamber of the evaporator 110. The liquor is circulated in the evaporator (temperature 130 °C) and the concentrated liquor 35 is with¬drawn from the upper part of the bottom chamber. The furfural 40 evaporates in the evaporator together with the acids and the water.
According to Table 4, the yield of furfural can be improved by about 30%, when the dehydration of pentoses is carried out in connection with the evaporator
Table 4. Furfural reactor as part of evaporator circulation

circulation as compared with the alternative, in which the reactions take place in a separate reactor between the evaporation units.
Example 6
[0114] Concentration of the cooking liquor to a high dry solids con¬tent, mixing with the water washing filtrate and distillation
[0115] Bagasse was delignified in a mixture of formic and acetic ac¬ids. After the cooking, separated liquor was concentrated by vacuum evapora¬tion to a dry solids content of 26% using a falling-film evaporator. The concen¬trated cooking liquor batch was further evaporated using a so-called multicoil evaporator. The heating medium used was steam with a pressure of 5 bar, the heat of which was transferred into the liquor by using a heating coil. The dry solids content of the final liquor was 95%. To the concentrated cooking liquor was mixed water washing filtrate in the same manner as in Example 4. Reac¬tive evaporation was performed on this mixture in the same manner as in Ex¬ample 5, step (A). The volatile part obtained from the evaporation and the sub¬sequent drying was conducted to distillation.
The distillation feed was as follows:

Distillation 1
[0116] The structure of a distillery installation according to this ex¬ample is shown in Figure 3.
[0117] Distillation feed 10 is conducted to a first distillation column 100, into which is also conducted furfural 30, 43 obtained from a third distilla¬tion column 300 and decantation 450. The top product 12 obtained is a mixture of water and furfural and the bottom product 14 is a mixture containing water, formic acid, acetic acid and furfural. The top product 12 of the first distillation column is decanted into a water fraction 44 and a furfural fraction 45. The wa¬ter fraction 44 is cqnducted to a distillation column, to a so-called water column 400, whose top product is a mixture of water and furfural to be returned to de-

cantation and Iho bottom product 47 Is pure water. The furfural fraction 45 Is conducted, in part (stream 43), back to the first column 100 and, in part (stream 48), to a distillation column 500, to a so-called furfural column, whose bottom product is a furfural product 55 and the top product 57 a mixture of wa¬ter and furfural to be returned to the decantation 450.
[0118] The bottom product 14 of the first distillation column is con¬ducted to a second distillation column 200, to a so-called acid column, whose top product 22 is concentrated mixed acid and the bottom product 24 is a mix¬ture of acetic acid and furfural, which is conducted to a third distillation column 300, to a so-called acetic acid column. The top product 32 of the acetic acid column is acetic acid and the bottom product 30 is furfural that is returned to the first column. The pressure in all distillation columns is about 1 bar.
Distillation 2
[0119] The structure of the distillery installation according to this ex¬ample is shown in Figure 4.
[0120] Above-described feed 11 is fed into a first distillation column 600, whose middle section is divided by a partition wall 610. To the upper part of the column, above the partition wall, and to the partition wall area, above the feed, is fed furfural 72, 62 obtained from the decantation of the top product 64 of the first column and from the bottom of the dividing wall column. The top product 64 of the column is a mixture of water and furfural, from which water 74 is separated in the above-described manner. The furfural fraction 72 from the decantation is returned to the first column.
[0121] From the first column, from the opposite side of the partition wall with respect to the feed, is withdrawn concentrated mixed acid 66 as a side stream. From the lower part of the first column is withdrawn as a side stream 68 a steam mixture containing acetic acid and furfural. This mixture is conducted to a separate sidestream rectifier 700, whose top product 76 is ace¬tic acid and the bottom product 78 is returned to the first column (to the same stage, from which the side stream was taken). The bottom product 62 of the first column is returned to the upper part of the first column. The furfural prod¬uct is withdrawn as vapour as side stream 69 from the lower part of the divid¬ing wall acid column below the side stream of the sidestream rectifier.

1. A process for producing furfural, for forming formic acid and acetic acid, and for recovering formic acid and acetic acid in a pulping process, which utilizes an acid mixture, mainly containing formic acid and acetic acid, as the cooking chemical,
the process comprising a pulping stage, separation of the cooking liquor from the pulp, washing the pulp with a washing liquid, separation of the washing liquid from the pulp, recovery of the cooking chemicals and separation of the furfural, and the process comprising
(a) evaporating the spent cooking liquor obtained from the separation of the cooking liquor and the pulp, whereby the vaporized mixture obtained is a concentrated mixture of formic acid and acetic acid, which is at least partly returned to the cooking and possibly to the pulp washing, and the evaporation residue obtained is an evaporation concentrate, in which acetic acid, formic acid and furfural are formed during evaporation from the organic material contained in the cooking liquor and/or the chemically bound acids contained therein,
(b) separating the evaporation concentrate, if so desired, into a volatile part and an evaporation residue,
(c) separating water, acetic acid, furfural and the mixture of formic acid and acetic acid from the volatile part and possibly part of the vaporized mixtures from the evaporation (a) by distillation, whereby the distillation includes an azeotropic extractive distillation step by utilizing the furfural formed and recovered in the & process,
(d) returning the water back to the processing of pulp, returning part of the furfural to the distillation of step (c) returning the mixture of formic acid and acetic acid to the pulping stage and/or washing stage and recovering the rest of the furfural and the acetic acid,

wherein that the evaporation (a) is carried out at least partly as reactive evaporation by recycling the spent cooking liquor in the internal circulation of an evaporator/ evaporators, whereby more furfural, formic acid and acetic acid is formed from the dissolved organic matter contained in the cooking liquor and/or from chemically bound acids contained therein.
2. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein that the process also comprises, prior to the separation step (b), step (aO), in which the evaporation concentrate is allowed to react without evaporation, whereby more furfural, formic acid and acetic acid is formed in the evaporation concentrate.
3. A process as claimed in claim 2, wherein that step (aO) is performed in connection with the reactive evaporation of step (a).
4. A process as claimed in claim 3, wherein that step (aO) is performed in a separate space, which is connected to the internal circulation of the evaporator (s).
5. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein that the reactive evaporation of step (a) is performed to a dry solids content of 20 to 95%, advantageously 50 to 95%.
6. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein that the reactive evaporation of step (a) is performed at a temperature of 50 to 200°C.

7. A process as claimed in claim 6, wherein that the evaporation is performed at a temperature over 90°C.
8. A process as claimed in claim 7, wherein that the evaporation is performed at a temperature of 90 to 160°C, advantageously 100 to 140°C.
9. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein that the residence time in evaporator is 0.5 min to 24 h, advantageously 30 min to 5 h.
10. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, characterized by further comprising a pre-concentration step prior to the reactive evaporation of step (a).
11. A process as claimed in claim 10, wherein th^t the pre-concentration is performed at a temperature of 45 to 110°C.
12. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein that prior to or during the reactive evaporation (a) the process comprises step (al), in which water or an acid/water mixture is added in the form of a liquid or a vapour to the evaporation concentrate.
13. A process as claimed in claim 12, wherein that the acid/water mixture is filtrate from water washing of the pulp.
14. A process as claimed in claim 13, wherein that prior to the water washing the pulp was washed with an acid or acid mixture and evaporated to a dry solids content of 30 to 95%.

15. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein that an azeotropic extractive distillation step of the distillation step (c) is carried out as the first step of distillation.
16. A process as claimed in claim 15, wherein that the distillation is performed in three columns such that (1) from the bottom of the first column is separated a mixture of formic and acetic and furfural and from the top is separated a mixture of water and furfural, (2) the bottom product of the first column is conducted to the second column, from the bottom of which is separated acetic acid and furfural and from the top is separated a concentrated mixture of formic and acetic acids, and (3) the bottom of which is separated furfural and from the top acetic acid, and part of the furfural separated from the bottom is returned to the first column to serve as an extractant and the rest is recovered as a furfural product.
17. A process as claimed in claim 15 or 16, wherein that the mixture of formic and acetic acids is separated from the first column as side stream.
18. A process as claimed in claim 15, wherein that the first distillation step is performed using a dividing wall column, from which the mixture of formic and acetic acids is separated as side stream, furfural is separated from the bottom of the subsequent column and acetic acid from the top, and the furfural is returned to the dividing wall column to serve as an extractant.
19. A process as claimed in claim 18, wherein that the pre-fractionating section of the dividing wall column is replaced by a separate pre-fractionating column.

20. A process as claimed in claim 19, wherein that the top product of the pre-fractionating column is fed to the upper part and the bottom product to the lower part of the subsequent column.
21. A process as claimed in any one of claims 15 to 20, wherein that the top product of the first column is separated into a water fraction and a furfural fraction by decantation, the furfural fraction is returned to the first column and the water fraction is conducted to a column, whose bottom product is water and top product is a mixture of water and furfural.
22. A process as claimed in claims 16 to 17 or 21, wherein that the furfural is separated from the bottom of the second column and the acetic acid from the second column by a sidestream rectifier, and the furfural is returned to the first column to serve as an extractant.
23. A process as claimed in claim 18 or 21 wherein that the furfural is separated from the bottom of the dividing wall column and/or the acetic acid from the dividing wall column by sidestream rectifier, and the furfural is returned to the dividing wall column to serve as an extractant.
24. A process as claimed in any one of claims 16 to 23, wherein that the furfural separated from the bottom of the second column or the third column or the dividing wall column is returned completely to the first column to serve as an extractant and from the furfural fraction from the decantation is separated the product furfural.

25. A process as claimed in claim 24, wherein that the furfural fraction from the decantation is conducted to a column whose bottom product is furfural and top product is a mixture of water and furfural.
26. A process as claimed in claim 21 or 25, wherein that the mixture of water and furfural is returned to decantation.
27. A process as claimed in any one of claims 15 to 26, wherein that the pressure in the distillation columns is 1 to 5 bar.
28. A process as claimed in any one of claims 15 to 26, wherein that the distillation columns operate at low pressure.
29. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein that in that step (b) also comprises drying.
30. A process as claimed in claim 29, wherein that the drying is performed at a temperature over 100°C.
31. A process as claimed in claim 29, wherein that the drying is performed at low pressure at a temperature below 120°C.
Dated this 27th day of July, 2004.


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412-mumnp-2004-general power of attorney(28-07-2004).pdf


Patent Number 213928
Indian Patent Application Number 412/MUMNP/2004
PG Journal Number 42/2008
Publication Date 17-Oct-2008
Grant Date 23-Jan-2008
Date of Filing 28-Jul-2004
Name of Patentee CHEMPOLIS OY
Applicant Address KIVIHARJUNTIE 11 FI-90220 OULU,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number D21C11/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/FI03/00149
PCT International Filing date 2003-02-28
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 20020401 2002-03-01 Finland