Title of Invention


Abstract A car park, (or other storuge faslity). comprising: a pluralliy of annular parking level (16) unother simclure (14) and central core (12) for supporning the parking levels (16), and a housing mechanism wherien each of the plurislliy of parking levels (16) comprises a pluralliy of |parking compartments (24. 138) locabeil between the outer stuctuclure (14) and the inner core (12). each of the level is miatable to bring a respective compartment (24.138) aligment with the hoising mechanisth to that the respective comparment (24. 138) can be cleached from the respective level and mised or lowered by the hoishing meclanism. In one embodiment, the pluralliy of annular parking levels (16) consulutes a first parting circuit and the car park ineiudes at least one additional parking XXX comprising a luther plurnlily of anulal parking levels, wherein the firsl parking cicuit and the addirnensl
Full Text WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
The prasent invention relates to a car park or parking
5 garage, and to a storage facility.
Existing multilevel car parks provide multiple parking
compartments ot platforms, each generally accessible by
10 means of a sequence of ramps joining each level. The
ramps may be essentially straight, or, in some, existing car
parks, spijral. The tamps, however, consume a substantial
amount of epace that ideally would be devoted to parking
This problem has been addressed in some existing car parks
by providing a multilevel car park with one or more
hoists, for transporting the cats to the parking
compartments. This reduces or eliminates the need for
20 ramps. For example, CH 6 8 6,896 discloses a car park
comprising a ailo with, radiating parking compartments at
each level. The packing compartments at any particular
level form an annulus. In the centre of the ailo - within
the annulusss - is a central shafe with a hoist for
25 raising and lowering cars batwaen the different levels,
including ground level. Each car is either driven from
the hoist into a vacant parking compartment or drawn from
the hoiet by mechanical means into the parking
Another existing ayatern, the Trevipark (TM) parking
system, comprises a multi-level automated, car park that
stores cars with the aid of a stacking system and usually
underground.. A typical Trevipark (TM) packing system
35 stores up to 108 cars, with 12 parking spaces per level on
each of 9 levels. Its structure is circular, and
incorporates a central rotating lift mechanism for the

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
placement and retrieval of vehicles.
Another existing system, the Robotic Parking (TM) parking
system, comprises a generally rectangular construotion.
5 Unlike the Trevipark (TM) system, it does not have any
revolving elements. Rather, the Robotic Parking (TM)
parking system uses vertical lifts and lateral conveyor
transportation to place and retrieve vehicles, in order to
minimise the area required by access sisles. This system
10 thus resembles in many respects older, conventional
parking structures.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a car
15 park in which a higher parking density can be achieved in
an alternative to existing approaches.
The present invention provides a car park comprising:
a plurality of annular parking levels;
2 0 an outer structure and a central core for
supporting said parking levels, and
a hoisting machanism;
therein each of said plurality of parking levels
comprises a plurality of parking compartments located
25 between said outer structure and said inner core, each of
said levels is rotatabls to bring a respective compartment
into alignment with, said hoisting mechanigm so that said
respective compartment can be detached from said
respective level and raised or lowered by said hoisting
3 0 mechanism.
It will be understood that the car park of the invention
can be used to park vehicles other than care, and that the
term "car park" is regarded throughout as synonymous with.
35 "parking garage."
Thus, it is not necessary to provide separate hoist

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platforms and parking compartments as each parking
compartment acts as necessary as a hoist platform.
In one embodiment the hoisting mechanism is arranged to
5 raise or lower said compartments vertically, In another
embodiment the hoisting mechanism is arranged to raiae or
lower the parking compartments in a apiral shaped lift
10 Thue, in the former of these embodimenta each parking
compartment is moved thorough the shortest distance between
levele, but in the latter embodiment a reduced lifting
force can be used by taking advantese of the mechanical
advantage provided by employing a apiral motion.
The car park includes at least one entrance level at which
cars may enter said car park and park on an available one
of said parking compartments, whereby said available
parking compartment (now occupied) is mavable to a parking
20 location. This movement optionally inclndes either or
both, rotatioa to orgage said hoisting mechanism and
upward or downward movement by means of said hoisting
mechanism. This movement generally always - includes
rotation at a final parking level out of engagement with
25 said hoisting mechanism to a final parking location.
The entry level can be at ground level at the bottom of an
above ground car park, at ground level at the top of a
substantially underground car park, or at an intermediate
30 level of a car park (whether the car park is below ground,
above ground or partially above and below ground) . In
addition, the car park need not he a free-standing
structure. While it can be free-standing, an alternative
embodiment has the car park incorporated into another
35 structure (such as an office building). In this latter
case, the outer etructure of the car park may be or
include porbiona of that other structure.

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
In one embodiment, the car park has multiple entrance
levels so that cars may enter said car park more quickly.
Preferably the car park exit correaponds with the car park
5 entrance, but this meed not be the case; for example, the
car park exit could, be located in a different level from
the car park entrance so that a car can be moved through,
the exit for exiting while another car eatera the entrance
in anticipation of being moved to a suitable parking
10 location.
In one embodiment, the car park includes a plurality of
hoisting mechanisms.
15 thus, for example, separate hoisting mechanisms could be
located 180° apart; although this would generally reduce
the number of parking compartments, it might be deslrable
where epeed of vehicle entrance and exit is particularly
In another embodiment, at least some of the parking
compartments are adapted, to receive more than one vehicle.
Thus, especially where vehioles are parked with high
25 frequancy, more than one could be accommodated in or on a
single parkinig compartment. this would allow, for
example, two vehicles to park and be stored at the same
time. In this embodiment, when, one of such vehicles is
desired,, the other would also be moved to the exit level
30 but simply returned with a new second vehicle (if there
remains a high demand for parking) , or returned to a
parking location alone,
Preferably at least one drive segment is provided at each
35 level for rotating said plurality of parking compartments.
Generally the drive segment (or drive platform) does not

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
comprise a parking platform, and is therefore not - in use
- removed from its respective level.
in one embodiment, said plurality o£ annular parking
5 levels constitutes a first parking circuit and said car
park includes at least one additional parking circuit
comprising a further plurality of annular parking levels,
wherein said first parking circuit and said additional
parking circuit are coaxial.
The levels of the fuzther (or outer) circuit may or may
not be aligned vertically with, those of the inner (or
first) oireuit.
15 The present invention, also provides a storge facility,
a plurality of annular storage levels;
an outer stueture and a cantral core for
supporting said storage levels, and
20 a hoisting mechanism;
wherein each of said: plurality of storage levels
comprises a plurality of storage compartments located
between said outer structure and said inner-core. each of
said levels is rotatable to dring a respective compartment
55 into alignment with said hoisting mechanism so that said
respective compartment can be detached from said
respective level and raiaed or lowered by said hoisting
30 Thus, the invention provides a stotage facility for
essentially any object, in which case cars may be regarded
as aimply ane ey-ample of such etorable objecte. As will
be appreciated, the size and meclianical demands of the
facility will depend on the nature of the object or
35 objects to be stored.
Preferably each, compartment includes or comprises a

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container adapted for the intended stored, type of article
or articles.
Thue mora than one type of article could be stored, and
5 one or more types of container of suitable design for the
intended artiales.
Preferably at least one drive setgment is provided at each
level for rotating said plurality of storage compartments,
Generally the drive aegment does not comprise a storage
compartment, and is therefore not - in use - removed from
its raspactive level.
15 In one embodiment, said plurality of annular storage
levels constitutes a first storage oircuit and said
storage facility includes at least one additional storage
aircuit comprising a further plurality of annular storage
levels, wherein said first storage circuit and said
20 additional storage circuit are coaxial.
The levels of the further (or outer) circuit may or may
not be aligned vertically with those of the inner for
first) circuit.
In order that the present invention may be more clearly
ascertained, preferred embodistents will now be desoribed,
by way of examaple, with reference to the accompanying
30 drewinge, in which:
Figure 1 is a achamatic. view of a car park
according to a first preferred embodiment of the present
Figure 2 is a cross-sectional view of the car
35 patk of figure 1, in use;
Figure 3A is a cross -sectional view of a parking
plitform of the car park of figure 1,

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Figure 3B is a cross-sectional view of a parking
platform engagad with, the ho isting mechanism of the car
park of figure 1;
Figure 3C is a actematic view of a parking
5 platform engaged with, the hoisting mechanism, comparable
to figure 3B;
Figure 3D is a cross-sectional view comparable to
figure 3B of a parking platform engaged with an
alternative hoisting mechaniam of the present invention;
10 Figure 4 is a schematic view of the hoisting and
rotating mechanism of the car park of figure l;
figure 5 is a plan view of a filled level of the
car park of figure 1;
Figure 6 is a plan -view comparable to figure 5,
15 illustrating the rotation of the levels Shown, in figure 5;
Figure 7 is a schematic view of the level of
figure 6 illustrating the exiting of a car from that
Figures 8A to 8D are more detailed view of a
2O aingle parking platform of the oar park of figure 1;
Figure 9 is a schematic view of a level of a car
park according to a second, prefarred embodiment of the
present invention;
Figure 10 is a schemoatic vigw of the drive
25 platform of the level of figure 9;
Figure 11 is a achematic view of a level of a car
park according to a third preferred embodiment of the
present invention;
Figure 12 is a perspective view of a car park
30 according to a fourth further preferred embodimant of the
present invention in situ;
figures 13A to 13F are a senquenece of views of the
car park, of figure 12 at asquential phasea of its use, in
which figures 13A to 13C, 13E and 13F are plan view's and
35 figure 13D is a partial cross aectional elevation.
Figure 14 is a plan view of a variation of the
embodiment of figures 12 to 13F, comparable: to that of

figure 13E,
Figure 15 is a plan view of a further variation
of tne embodiment of figures 12 to 13 F, also comparable to
that of figure 13E;
5 Figures 16A to 16F are a sequence of views of a
double ring car park according to a fifth preferred
embodiment of the present invention, comparable to the
views of figures 13A to 13F respectively;
Figure 17 is a plan, view of a variation of the
10 embodiment of figures 16A to 16F, comparable to that of
figure 16E; and
Figure 18 is a plan view of a further variation
of the embodiment of figures l6A to 16F, also comparable
to that of figure 16E.
A car park according to a first preferred embodiment of
the present invention is shown genetally at 10 in, figure
1. In this emibodiment, the car park 10 is an above-ground
20 car park, though it will be appreciated that it could in
some embodiments be partially or wholly below ground.
Car park 10 lncludes an inner core 12 and an outer
supporting stiruatrure 14, and comprises a plurality of
25 annular parking levels 16a, 16b, 16c, etc, Each level
comprises a plurality of parking compartments in the form
of parking platforms, each of which comprises a sector of
a respective annular parking level and extending between
inner cors 12 and outer atructure 14.
Car park 10 includes a vertical lift shaft 20, generally
comprising vertically aligned, gaps, one parking platform
in width, in each of the parking levels 15a, 16b, etc.
35 In one alternative embodiment, the lift. shaft has a spiral
configuration in which the gaps are progressively offset
around the vertical axis of the car park. This

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configuration has the advantage of reducing the lifting
force required to raise vehicles.
In another alternative embodiment, each, level is offset
5 relative to its adjacent levels, so that the inner core is
not vertical. The lift well in this embodiment is
straight but slanted.
The overall dimensions of the car Park can be chasten to
10 suit the application (including expected vehicle size,
etc), but in this embodiment t:he car park 10 has 21
parking levels, each with 17 parking platforms, The outer
oircumference of each level is approximately 69, 2 m. The
height of the car park 10 is approximately 48 m.
The vertical separation 25 of the parking levels, when
used for parking passenger vehicles is approximately
2,2 m.
20 Figure 3 is an essentially cross-sectional schematic view
of the car park 10, occupied by a number of cars 32. In
use, each car is raised in lift shaft 20 on a parking
platform 24 to the desired. Ievel, as will be described in
greater detail below. Each of the packing platforms 18,
25 24 (of steel or reinforced concrete) has a thickness of
approximately 0-2 m.
Each parking level l6a, 16b, etc. is rotatable, so that
when parking platform 24 reaches the desired level, the
30 level (including the parking platforms constituting that
level and the junt raised parking platform 24) is rotated
so that the car being parked is moved out of the lift-well
20; an unoccupied, parking platform is instead located in
the lift-well 20. That unoccupied platform is than
33 lowered to the entrance level ready to teceive the next
car. Alternatively, if a driver wishes to retrieve his or
her car at the same time as another car is being parked,

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
the car being packed can be raisead to the same level as
the desired car, after which that level can be rotated to
bring the desired car Into alignment with the lift-well so
that the desired car can be lowered on its parking
5 platform to the entrance/exit level (in this embodiment,
ground level).
Detailed views of an individual parking platform are shown
in figures 3A, 3B, 3C and. 3D. Referring to figure 3A,
10 each parking platform 30 is located between Outer wall 14
and inner core 12. Each, platform 30 and the other
platforms at the same level are supported at their inner
end, by a principal inner bracker 32, which is itaelf
supported by inner core 12 and is continuous apart from a
15 gap coinciding with lift-well 20. This gap allows the
lifting mechanism to raise or lower parking platforms
within the lift-well 20. Principal inner bracket 32
includes a horizontal slot 34 for accommodating the
parking platforms 30. The outer end of each, parking
20 platform 30 is supported by a principal outer bracket 36
supported by outer wall 14 and including a slot 36 for
receiving each parking platform 30. As with inner bracket
32, principal outer bracket 36 circles the entire car park
10, apart from a, gap coincidlng with lift well 20 .
Referring to figure 3B, the lift-well 20 (shown
essentially in cross -section) can acccnmnadate a single
parking platform 40, raised or lowered by means of a
hoi-sting or lifting mechanism This mechanism includes
30 inner lift bracket 42 and outar lift bracket 44 that are
essentially identidal in cross-section with principal
inner bracket 32 and principal outer bracket 36 of each
level. Brackets 42 and 44, however, have widths
correaponding to the width of lift-well 20 at their
35 rsspective locations. Lift- bxackets 42 and 44 retained
aad move in guides (not shown) in inner and outer walls
12/ 14 and are raised or lowered by inner cables 46 and

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
outer cables 48 . The necessary lift can be provided by
any suitable hoist located above the upper most level of
car park 10.
5 This arrangement is shown more clearly, schematically, in
figura 3C in which it can be seen how inner lift bracket
42 and outer lift bracket 44 can be lifted to coincide
with, principal inner bracket 32 (principal inner bracket
44) so that parking platform 40 (being raided or lowered)
10 can be brought into coincidence with other parking
platforms already at that respective level.
An alternative configuration to that shown in figure 3B is
ahown in figure 3D , In this embodiment, the parking
15 platform 40 and the bulk of the lifting mechanism is
unchanged. However, the lifting mechanism is augmented by
a rigid tie in the form of plate 45 joining inner lift
bracket 42 and outer lift bracket 44. This plate 45 is
located beneatb the parking platform 40 and is of
20 comparable width thereto, and serves to further fix inner
lift bracket 42 and outer lift bracket 44 relative to each
during raising and lowering of parking platform 40,
particularly When carrying a vehicle. Tne plate 45 may
also be provided with rollers or other comparable
25 meohanisms to facilitate the sliding of each parking
platform onto the lifting mechanism, particularly when
loaded with a vehicle.
Optionally, the pairs of principal inner and outer
30 brackets 32, 3 6 may also be provided with such a tie or
ties, but as these brackets 32, 36 are not moved during
the operation of the car park this is regarded ad less
35 Figure 4 illustrates how the packing platforms at any
single level are rotated so that a car that has been
raised or lowered to that level can be moved out of the

lift-well and into a parking location or, alternatively,
how a parked car can be brought to a lift-well so that it
can be lowered to the ground and exit level, as explained
above, the lifting mecbanism includes inner lift bracket
5 42, the lower portion of which, is shown in figure 4. When
reised or lowered by the lifting mechanism, this bracket
42 coincides with the principal inner bracket 32.
In figure 4 is shown a representative parking platform 50,
10 whose inner end is exposed; in this figure the upper
portion of inner bracket 32 is omitted for alarity (as is
the upper portion of movable inner lift bracket 42) .
Each parking level (such as the representative level shown
15 in figure 4) is provided with a drive for rotating parking
platforms at that level. Although any suitable mechanism
may be used to rotate the parking platforms that form a
respective level, in this embodiment a continuous driven
belt 52 is employed. located within principal innar
20 bracket 32. A second, comparable belt (not shown) is also
employed, located within principal outer bracket 36, Each
of these belts has teeth corresponding to teeth along the
inner periphery and outer periphery respectively of each
parking platform 50. Each belt is driven by means of a
25 pair of drive wheels (for inner belt 52: drive wheels 54
and 56) , provided in principal inner bracket 32 and
principal outer brackat 36 respectively near the ends of
the principal brackets adjacent the lift-well gap. Drive
wheels 54 and 56 (and the corresponding drive wheels
30 driving the outer belt) are driven by means of a suitable
alectric motor, The drive balts are only operated when
the lifting mechanism is positioned such that lift
brackets 42 and 44 and a parking platform 40 are aligned
with that respective parkins level.
If a car is to be removed, the drive belts rotate the now
comlete circuit of parking platforms until the desired

cat and its respective parking platform are located in
lift-well 20. The lift mechanism is then used to lower
that parking platforst with its car to ground level. The
ampty parking platform is, in consegueace, rotated into
5 that level so that the net effect is that an occupied
parking platform has been replaced with an unoccupied
parking platform (though generally in a different location
within the parking level).
10 If, on the other hamd, a car is to be parked at that
level, which includes an unoccupied parking platform, the
raised parking platform 40 is initially occupied by the
car to ba parked, so the drive belts - when operated 0
rotate the parked car out of the lift well and Continue to
15 rotate until the unoccupied parking platform is located in
the lift-well. This unoccupied parking platform can then
be lowered by the lifting mechanism to the ground level to
await the next car to be parked. Preferably, each level
is left in a configuration where any unoccupied parking
20 platforms are adjacent the lift-well so that, in such
circumstances, a minimal amount of rotation is required in
order to translate an unoccupied parking platform to the
25 This procedure can be seen more clearly in figure 5, which
illustrates a plan view of a full parking level 60 from
which a car is to be retrieved. In this figure, innex
wall 12 and outer wall 14 have been omitted for the sake
of clarity.
Firstly, an empty parting platform 40 is raised by the
lifting machgnism (including inner lift bracket 42 and
outer lift bracket 44) to the level of parking level 60-
At that point, inner lift bracket 42 and, outer lift
35 bracket 44 coincide, respectively, with principal inner
bracket 32 and principal outer bracket 36. The drive
helts (not shown) then rotate all the parking platforms of

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
level 50 (including the unoccupied parking platform 40)
until the desired car and its respective parking platform
ate in the lift-well. In this example, the desired car is
cat B and consequently, as this embodiment is configured
5 so that each level is rotated clockwise when seen from
above, level 60 is rotated through almost a complete
Circuit until car B and its supporting parking platform
are aligned with the lift-well, This procees is shown
nearing completion in figure 6, It will be understood
10 that principal inner bracket 32 and principal outer
bracket 36 remain stationary: the parking platforms,
driven by the drive beltsr rotate within those brackets.
Referring to figure 1, when a car is to be parked at the
15 car park, it enters at the ground level onto a empty
parking platform and is raised by lilting mechanism 52 in
which there is at least one vacant parking platform 64 .
When the lifting mechanism has raised the platform 65 with
car 66 to level 62 (as shown in figure 7) the parking
20 platforms of level 62 are rotated until vacant parking
platform 64 coincides with the lift-well and loaded
parking platform 66 is out of the lift-well. At this
point the car 68 can be regarded as having been
appropriately parked, and the lifting mechanism can lower
25 vacant parking platform 64 to ground level for receiving
another car.
Refering to figure 8A, each of the parking platform 70,
as discussed above, is provided at its inner face 72 and
30 its outer face 74 with teeth that engage the drive belte
I the inner of which, is shown at 52 in figure 4) . Each
platform 70 has a size suitable to receive a single (in
this embodiment, private) vehicle such that the majority
of vehicles cen comfortably be accommodated. Referring to
35 figure 8B, in this embodiment the radial length 76 of each
platform 70 is opprorimatoly 5 m: the outer periphery 74
has a curved length of approximately 3.34 m, and the inner

periphery 72 a length of approximately 2,1m,
Referring to figures 8C and 8D, the upper surface 82 of
each parking platform 70 is provided, at a distance 84 of
5 approximately 1 m from its inner periphery 72, with a stop
buinp 86 (of height of approximately 0.1m) to stop a car
from driving too far towards inner periphery 72 and
thereby colliding with the lifting mechanism, the inner
core 12, etc. The upper surface 82 is also patterned to
10 increase traction, at lease in those regions 88 where a
vehicle's wheels are located when parked on the parking
platform 70. This patterning assieta a vehicle' s ability
to brake when entering the parking platform, and to
commcnce exiting the parking platform vrhen. desired,
The car park is generally coutrolled centrally, so that a
database in maitained of occupied and vacant parking
platforms. Consequently, when a new vehicle enters the
car park, the operation of the lifting mechanism and the
20 rotation of the correct parking level can proceed
essentially automatioally, To maximise the speed with
which a car is parked, the system will generally raise and
rotate a new car to the lowest vacant parking platform.
Once a car has been parked, as explained above each
25 packing level is rotated so that any vacant parking
platform is adjacent to the lift-well suah that rotation
of that respective level by one parking platform clockewise
will move that vacant parking platform into the lift-well.
30 It may be advantageous to provide more than one exiting
point for a, car to exit, each situated around the exit
level. In one embodiment, the driver re-onters the car
(after its retrieval from nome other level) and - while
the driver preparing for departure - is rotated with the
35 car to one of the plurality of axits.
Each of these exita in this embodiment is previded with a

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
set of traffic lights, with at least red and green
signals. If the drivet is ready to exit, he or she can
drive out when a green signal is given. if the signal
returns to red before the driver is ready (indicating that
5 the car will shortly be rotated further, perhaps owing to
the arrival or exiting of another vehicle), the driver
need only wait until his or her car haft been rotated to
the noxt of the plurality of exits.
10 As an alternative to the drive for, rotating packing
platforms at each level shown in figure 4, in a further
embodiment of the invention the platforms at each level
are instead driven by a drive plattotm. This platforms is
similar to the parking platforms, except that it has an
15 electric motor and - as it is not required to accommobate
a vehicle - is narrower than the parking platforms. The
parking platforms are pushed or pulled by the drive
platform, as is described below,
20 Figure 9 is a schematic plan view of an annular parking
level 90 according to a second preferred embodiment of the
present invention. the parking level 90, along with other
like levels, is located, (as in previous embudiments)
between the inner cote 92 and an outer supprotting
25 structure 94 of a multilevel cat park.
The level 90 comprises a plurality of parking platforms 96
and a drive platform. 98. These are all supported on a
pair of counoentric rails or tracks 100a, 100b laid around
30 the level 90 apart from the gap 102 that, along with
comparable gaps at other levels, define the lift shaft,
(The first and second raile 100a, 100b are below the
platforms 96, 98, but are shown in this figure for
explanatory purpoes.)
Figure 10 is a schematic view in cross section of drive
platform 98, Drive platform 98 has two pairs of wheela (a

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
first pair 104 being visible in this figure, joined by
axle 206) that, in use, are located in rails 100a, 100b,
The drive platform 98 also has an electric motor 108 that
obtains power by suitable conventional means. This can be
5 done, for example, by providing a live third rail between
the firat and aecond rails 100a, 100b. Drive platfrom 98
need have only three states of operation: stop, forward
and reverse, and these can be effected by controlling the
provision of power, or by communicating with, a controller
10 (not shown) provided on drive platform 98 by conventional
Vehicles are raised and lowered within the lift shaft
essentially as described above, but on a parking platform
15 identical to parking platforms 96. However, this platform
is raiced and lowered on a hoist platform provided with
further rail segments that, when aligned with level 90,
allow the raised or lowered platform or one of platforms
96 to move from or onto the hoist platform.
Thus, in use drive platform is only activated when the
hoist platform has been moved to level 90 and thereby
completed the ring of platforms at level 90- Drive
platform 98 is then activated to drive the complete
25 circuit of platforms in the appropriate direction. This
direction is determined according to whether a vehicla is
being parked or retrieved. If a vehicle is being parked,
the packing platform hoisted to level 90 will be laden and
level 90 will already include at least one unladen parking
30 platform 95, The drive platform 98 will rotate the
platforms to move the unladen parking platform 96 nearest
the lift shaft towards and into the lift shaft (and
thereby onto the lift hoist platform) . The lift can than
lower the hoist platform with, empty parking platform for
35 collection of another vehicle.
If a vehicle is being retrieved, the lift raises an empty

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parking platform, then the drive platform 98 drives the
aircuit of platforms until the requested vehicle is in the
lift shaft. The lift can then lower the hoist platform
with parking platform and vehicle to the exit level.
It will be understood that the drive platform is only
acitivited when an additional parking platform is located
in lift shaft, gap 102, so coupling between the plstforms
is unnecessary. Further, drive platform need not enter
10 the gap 102, as it can be driven in both directions.
However, it might be desirable to permit it to cross the
gap 102 (while the hoist platform is at level 90) to
reduce the time required to affect the required rotation
of the platforms.
This embodiment, provides a simpler drive mechanism. for
rotating the parking platforms, as only the drive platform
98 need be provided with a motor or, indeed, any drive
mechanism. The parking platforme 96 are merely shunted
20 into plaoe as reguired by the drive platform 98 .
In a third preferred embodiment of the present invention,
a, multi-level car park is provided in whick a plurality of
concentric patking levels, each, comparable to — for
25 example - level 50 of figure 5 or level 90 of figure 9 , A
sohematic view of suck an arrangement is ahown in figure
11, employing the drive mechanism shown in figures 9 and
10. Cars, according to the present invantion, are not
hoisted within a central core or outside the outer wall of
10 the car park, but rather within a lift shaft defined with
each, level. Consequently, the addition of one or more
further parking platforme arranged ground an innor circuit
of parking platforme need not impede the parking or
retrieval of cars. Thus, referring to figure 11, inner
35 circuit 90 of parking platforms 96 (with drive platform
98) are surrounded by furtbet circuit 90' of parking
platforms 95' (with, drive platform 98') . Vehicles to be

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
perked in or retrieved from the inner circuit 90 of
parking pltforms 96 are raised or lowered in lift shaft
110, While vehicles to be parked in or retriavad trom the
outer circuit 90' of parking platforms 96' are raised or
5 lowered in lift shaft 110'.
In this embodiment, different entry levels are used for
each circuit of parking platforms.
10 In a fourth preferred embodiment of the present invention,
the car park performs all necessary tasks to park the car,
Figure 12 is a perspective view of this car park 120 in
situ in an urban setting. The car park 120 comprises a
self-supporting cylindrical steel superstructure 122 that
15 can support cars or other vehicles, each, of up to 2500 kg,
and up to the 99 percentile vehicle dimension, The
superstructure 122 can be built within an existing
building, as a stand-alone above ground structure, or
anderground. In addition, car park 120 comprises a
20 footings (that will be dependent on the soil conditions) ,
steel support columns 124 and steel beams. A balustrade
screen 126 at each level can be provided for acethetic
purposes where required, or a full facade ocreen can be
added (not shown).
A representative level 128 of car park 120 is shown in
plan view figures 13A to 13F, togather with approach
driveway 130 (with tickst booth and book gata 132 and
exemplary car 134) and turn-table 136,
Level 128 comprises a plurality of parking compartments
(in this example sixteen) , each in the form of a vehicle
parking pallet 138, As in the above embodiments, the
vehicle parking pallets 136 fill the entire level 128,
35 with one (pallets 140) located in the lift shaft. This
pallet 140 snd the othex corresponding pallets in the
other levels together define a vertlcal lift though as

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
will now be appreciated, the identity of pallets in that
lift changes as the car park is used.
The pallets 138 in level 128 (including pallet 140) are
5 supported on a circular track 142, comprising a pair of
concentric rails, for the horizontal transport of
vehicles. Pallets 138 are moved around the circular track
142 by a motorised bar unit 144 (comparable to drive
platform 98 in the embodiment of figure 9) between a
10 particular pair of adjacent pallets 138, and impact
connections between other pairs of adjacent pallets 138,
Thus, when a vehiale 134 arrive for parking, a swipe card
is issued to the driver that identifies that vehicle
15 throaughout the stacking and retrieval process. When the
driver returns, the ewipe card will activate the system,
identify the required vehicle, and return that vehicle to
the exit point.
20 The operation of the system is fully automated via a
central control computer (not shown) and the
aforementioned swipe card system.
This vehiole 134 entars the car park driveway 130 and stops
25 at a ticket booth, and book gate 132, where a swipe card
ticket is issued to the driver. The ticket issued is
identified with the vehicle and its awaiting pallet.
Referring to figure 13B, the boom gate opens and the car
30 134 proceeds to a turn-table 136. The turn-tabls
facilitates accass to and egrasa from the car park 120 for
A tranefer pallet (not shown) has previously been located
35 on turn-table 136, this transfer pallet is identical in
all respects with other pallets 138 being in fact one of
those pallets (as will be seen below) . It should be noted

that the boom gate will not open until all previous
parking operations are complete and the access area is
clear of all ather venicles.
5 After packing the vehicle on the transfer pallet on turn-
table 136, the driver switches the engine off and all
occupants exit the vehicle 134. The driver then proceeds
to a ticket recognition booth 148 beside the turn-table
136 and swipes the card to activate the automatic parking
10 system. This provides security against activation whilst
the driver remains in the car 134. Following
recognition/acceptance of ticket, the turn-table 136 will
lock the vehicle 134 in position and rotate to align the
ear 134 with. the lift.
Referring to figure 13C, once the turn-table 136 with,
transfer pallet 146 end car 134 are, aligned, the pallet
146 and car 134 are mechanically advanced towards the lift
on rails 150, Once in position in the lift shaft, pallet
30 transfer 145 is treated as any other pallet 138, and moved
automatically onto a lifting mechanism - aligned in
anticipation of the arrival of loaded pallet 146 - within
the lift shaft.
25 The camputer system them determines the optimum stucking
location -within the car park, and elevates the pallet 146
to the appropriate level (see the partial cross sectional
elevation in figure 13D) on lift platform 152.
30 Treating level 128 as the level on which car 134 is to be
parked, when the pallet reaches the correct level (see
figure 13E) , and the pallet wheels ore aligned with, the
circular track 142, the motorized bar unit 144 is
activated, The pallets 13B on this level (including
35 loaded pallet 146) are rotated - in this example
comterolookwise by one pallet (i.e. 22. 5°) - by bar unit
144 to a selected final arrangenment (see figure 13F) .

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
Bearing in mind that there is always an empty segment on
each full level, this rotation in each case will step with
an empty pallet 154 aligned with the lift shaft (unless it
5 is desired to immediately add or retrieve a vehicle) ,
That is, when this enpty pallet 154 is aligned with the
lift platfojTm in the lift shaft, the lift platform can
return, that pallet to ground level in preparation for a
10 further lift and stack operation. Alternatively, if a
vehicle at that level is to be recovered and returned to
gfound level, that pallet and vehicle will be located on
the lift platform for roturn.
15 for vehicle retrieval, the driver returns and enters the
swipe ticket into the booth, selecte the retrieve option,
and the system automatically retrieves the vehicle from
its defined location. Between parking and retrieving any
subject vehicle, the system may have perforated a number of
20 other stacking operations.
For retrieval of the vehicles, the above-described process
is reversed.
25 All storage and retrieval activities are controlled by the
central computer, with sensors within the lift system, on
the pallets 138 and controlling the motorised bar unit
144, A system of pallet storage and control at ground
level minimises wait times for vehicles entering and
30 leaving the car park 120.
In this embodiment, horizontal (i,e. rotational) pallet
movement can be effected by other means. Referring to
figure 14, pallets 158 in exemplary level 160 can be moved
35 around the circular track 162 by a continuous runner chain
254; the chain has connector links (not shown) to the
underside of each pallet 158. The runner chain 164 is

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
contained in a guide rail (not shown) , with an electric
drive motor 166 located in the core 168 of the circular
atructurs (though optionally the drive motor could be
located in on the perimeter) . The mechanical components
5 of the system in this variation include beams for
supporting the rails of the track 162, beams for
supporting the runner chain 164, and other equipment
supporting. All ars supported on secondary steel framing.
10 In another variation, of this embodimant (shown in figure
15), the pallets 170 are moved, around the circular track
172 by powered friction wheels 174. The friction wheels
174 are located approximately 45o apart around the inner
perimeter structure 176 and the outer perimeter structure
15 178 of each level 180. Additional friation wheels 182 are
located near the lift shaft.
In another embodiment, the arrangements shown in figures
13A to 15 can be employed with a dual ring car park (as
20 described by referance to figure 11). Thus, figures 16A
to 16F are comparable to figure 13A to 13F, except that
car park 190 of figures 16A to 16F includes two rings
192a,192b of vehicle pallets 194. Each of-these rings
132a., 192b , however, opaxates in essentially the same way
25 as - for example - the ring comprising pallets 138 in the
embodiment of figures 13A to 13F.
Each pallet 194 is supported on a respective track
196a,196b; each ring 192a, 192b includee a respective
30 motorised drive bar unit 198a,l98b, Each ring 192a,192b
can therefore be rotated indspendently of the other, For
the purposes of loading a car 200, however, only the outer
ring 192b of palletn 194 is initially employed. Thus a
car 200 is loaded, onto a pallet on turn-table 202 (see
35 figures l6B and 16C) and advanced into the outer ring 192b
and described above in the context of figures 13b and 13 C.
By the approach described above in the context of figures

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
13A to 13F, it is therefore possible to locate a car 200
In a final pallet 194 in the outer ring 192b. However,
referring to figrure 16D, if the car is to be located in
the inner ring 192a, the car 200 and the pallet 204 on
5 which it is being carried are firstly raised to the final
level 206 at which, the car 200 is to be parked. The inner
ring of this level (see figure 16E) will have previously
been rotated so that an empty pallet 208 is aligned with
the lift shaft in the outer ring, Once raised to the
10 correct level 206, the car is drawn mechanically from
pallet 204 is the outer ring onto pallet 208 in the inner
ring. The lnner ring is rotated (see figure 16F) so that
an empty pallet 210 is again located adjacent to the lift
shaft 212 of the outer ring, and to carry the car 200 to
15 its final location 214.
Figures 17 and 18 are double ring versions of the
variations of the previous embodiment. shown in figures 14
and 15, In figure 17, each of inner ring 216a and outer
20 ring 216b is provided, with its own respective continous
runner chain 216a,2l8b and respective electric drive motor
220a,220b. With separate drive motors 220a,22Db, inner
and outer ringa 216a,216b can be rotated independently.
25 In figure 18, each of inner ring 222a and outer ring 222b
is provided with itd own respective set of powered
friction wheels 2243a, 224b. Again, this means that inner
and outer rings 222a,222b can be rotated independently.
30 Thus, the embodintents of figures 12 to 13 provide car park
systerns than can ha built above or below ground, eliminate
vehlole exhaust emiseions during car park access and the
parking process, and minimises land area required. The
steel-framed structure allows off-site fabrication, rapid
35 on-site installation, and hence minimal on-site labour-
These systems are relatively quiet, and provides a high
degree of security for parked vehicles.

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
Modifications within the scope of the invention may be
readily effected by those skilled in the art. It is to be
understood, therefore, that this invention is not limited
5 to the particular embodiments desecribed by way of example
It should be understood that references herein to prior
art are not intended to suggest that any such prior art is
10 common general knowledge.

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
1. A car park, comprising:
a plurality of annular parking levels;
5 an outer structure and a central core for
supporting paid parking levels; and
a hosting mechanism;
wherein each, of said plurality of parking levels
comprises a plurality of parking compartments located
10 between said outer structure and said inner core, each of
said levels is rotatable to bring a rospective compartment
into alignment with said hoisting mechanism so that said
respective compartment can be detached from said
respective level and raised or lowered by said hoisting.
15 mechanism.
2. A car park as claimed in claim 1, wherein said
hoisting mechanism is arranged to raise or lower said
compartments vertically.
3. A car park as claimed in claim 1, wherein said
hoisting- mechaism, is arranged to raise or lower the
parking compartments in a apiral shaped, lift well.
25 4. A. car park as claimed in any one cf the preceding
claims, further comprising at least one entrance level at
which ears may anter said car park and park on an
available one of said parking compartments, whereby said
respective one of said parking compartments is movable to
30 a parking location.
5, A car park as claimed in claim 4, wherein said
respective one of said parking compartments is movable to
a parking location by moans of either or both; rotation, to
35 engage said hoisting mechanism, and vertical movement by
means of said hoisting mechanism.

WO2004/041684 PCT/AU2003/001466
6. A car park as claimed in either claim 4 or 5, wherein
said entry level is at ground level at the botton of said
car park being above ground, at ground level at the top of
said car park being substantially underground, or at an
5 intemediate level at said car park.
7. A car park, as claimed in any one of the preceding
claims, wherein said car park is incorporated into another
8. A car park as claimed in claim 7, wherein said car
park has an outer structure that compriseg or includes
portions of that other structure.
15 9. A car park as claimed in claim 1, further comprising a
plurality of entrance levels so that cars can enter said
cat park more quickly.
10, A car park as claimed in claim 1, further comprising
20 an entrance and an exit that are separate from each other,
wherein said entrance and exit are either at different
points on a single level or an different levels.
11. A car park as claimed in claim 1, further comprising
25 a plurality of hoisting mechanisms.
12. A car park as claimed in any one of the preceding
alaims, wherein at least some of the parking compartments
are adapted to receive more than one vehicle.
13 . A car park as claimed in any one of the preceding
claims, wherein at least one drive aegment is provided at
each level for rotating said plurality of parking
14. A car park as claimed in any one of the preceding
claims, wherein said plurality of annular parking levels

constitutes a first parking circuit and said car park
includes at least one additional parking circuit
comprising a further plurality of annular parking levels,
wherein said first parking circuit and said additional
5 parking circuit are coaxial.
15. A storag facility, comprising;
a plurality of annular storage levels;
an outer structure and a central core for
10 supporting said storage levels: and
a hoisting mechanism;
wherein each, of said plurality of storage levels
comprises a plurality of storage compartments located
between said outer stracturs and said inner core, each of
15 said levele is rotatable to bring a respective compartment
into aligament with said hoisting machanism so that said
respective compartment can be detached from, said
respactive level and raised or lowered by said hoisting
16 . A stotage facility as clamed in claim 15, wherein
each of said storage compartments inoludes or comprises a
container adapted for the intended stored-type of article
or articles.
17. A storage facility as clamed in claim 15, whersin, at
least one drive gegment is provided at each, level for
rotating said plurality of storage compartments.
30 18. A storages facility as clawed in claim 15, wherein
said plurality of annular atorage lavels constitutes a
first, storage circuit and said storage facility includes
at least one additional storage circuit comprising a
further plurality of annular etorage levels, wherein said
35 first storage cirrouit and said additional storage circuit
are coaxial.

A car park, (or other storuge faslity). comprising: a pluralliy of annular parking level (16) unother simclure (14)
and central core (12) for supporning the parking levels (16), and a housing mechanism wherien each of the plurislliy of parking
levels (16) comprises a pluralliy of |parking compartments (24. 138) locabeil between the outer stuctuclure (14) and the inner core (12).
each of the level is miatable to bring a respective compartment (24.138) aligment with the hoising mechanisth to that the
respective comparment (24. 138) can be cleached from the respective level and mised or lowered by the hoishing meclanism. In
one embodiment, the pluralliy of annular parking levels (16) consulutes a first parting circuit and the car park ineiudes at least one
additional parking XXX comprising a luther plurnlily of anulal parking levels, wherein the firsl parking cicuit and the addirnensl


Patent Number 214255
Indian Patent Application Number 01068/KOLNP/2005
PG Journal Number 06/2008
Publication Date 08-Feb-2008
Grant Date 07-Feb-2008
Date of Filing 03-Jun-2005
Name of Patentee EMCP PTY LTD
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B65G 1/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/AU2003/001466
PCT International Filing date 2003-11-06
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2002952497 2002-11-06 Australia
2 2003903320 2003-06-27 Australia