Abstract | A New Design, comprising a machine to weave mats from bamboo slivers for further processing into bamboo mat board and other products, the said machine having a set of longitudinal sliver feed coils mounted on a common shaft for continuous supply of longitudinal slivers for the mat weaving process, longitudinal sliver lifting assembly, cross sliver pull in assembly, cross sliver pressing and tightening assembly, cross sliver feed magazine assembly and a base frame upon which is mounted a set of rollers operated by a suitable pneumatic indexing mechanism AND a proccss, to supply the longitudinal sliver for weaving a continuous mat by end joining longitudinal slivers, received in various lengths by suitable splicing and gluing with a quick set glue, so that long continuous slivers are produced which are coiled on to rings with the same width as the sliver, which slide on to the common shaft. |
Full Text | This invention basicalfy relates to a new desig^ of machine in the field of weaving bamboo shvcrs into high quality bamboo mats which can be, after further processing, used as bamboo mat board and other products. The invention focuses on a new des^n of machine capable of high production rates at economical costs as cc^apared to haml woven mate where production i)er operator is voy limited. The mats woven in the machine will be of unifi^m high qualily. BACKcawpiiD ow mvEmriom rnnHKEOhBD TO THE muk^^ OTKIIOWIIART B ACKQROUHD OF HIVBirnOK: At present, a ku^^ number of fectories have been set up in various parts of the countiy to manufacture bamboo mat board which is an excellent substitute for conventional ptywood of all types. Bconboo mat board being based on an easi^ renewable raw material is eco-fiiendly^ and results in preservii^( natural timber. The cutting down of forests to extract natural timber is resulting in environnfeental degrEidation. The Qovemment of Iwlia, as wefl as Qovcmmcnts in oibcr countries, have therefore strongjty supported the substitution of conventional pty woods with Bamboo mat board producte. DRAWBACKS OT THB BZUmilQ STttTBM: At present, mat weaving machines me not available and the weaving is done manually by artteans skilled in that woxk. As the number of such artisans is dwixkUing due to sevo^l reasons, the supi^ position for high quality bamboo mats is unsatisfoctory and severed baamboo mat board foctories have been afiBscted advtsmeiy. My Invention for a high production, automatic mat weaving machine will result in plentiful sup|^ of quality mats to consumers at afiEbrdabk cost The machine is unique and a boon to manufacturers. OBJECTS or THB mVBRTKMI: Accordingty» it » a primaxy object of the invmtion to invent a unique special purpose machixie in which bamboo mats can be woven at high speed from k>ngitudin£d and cross sHvers to form a light emd uxuform mat It is another object of the invention to invent a special puxpose machifwt for easy adaptation for manual operation. It is another ob:^ct of this invention to pxovide a machine in which, for the first time, bamboo xnato made from longitudinal axid cross divers can be woven in continuous lengths as a continuous xuat It is another object of the invention to maximize production with mifihniim operator inputs. nvent this special ^n^^iged in weaving mats can increase their pioductivily several times and earn a substantially higher monthfy income. It is anoHier object of the invention that the machine can be easily adapted for operation manually, without the need of external power or with less power consiunption, which win make it possible to install the machine in remote areas. SUMMARY OF ISVBIITIOH: The novel invention^ consisting of a special purpose machine invented alter years of research and development in the industiy^ m a result of extensive research, investigation, constant study, meticulous labour and unstinted effort In the design of the weaving machine, the longitudinal slivers as obtained in vaxying lengths are joined by end gluing of spliced or tapered surfeces by the use of a quick-settii^ ghie. Thereafter, the stiver of reqturcd length is coiled onto a ring with the same width as the sliver, which slides on to the common shaft in spiral form. The required number of such wound coils are then mounted on a common shaft to make up the width required to be woven with spacer discs mounted between successive coils as separators. The cmnmon shaft is mounted on a suitable bracket, fixed at the starthig end of the machine, with axis at rq^ht angles to the machine. The bractet is fitted with bearings in which tiic shaft can rotate. A braking anangement is also provided on the shaft to create the required tension in the slivi^rs during weaving of the mat Individual rings hoklix^; coils of sliver and witti the same width as the sliver, which slide on to the common shaft, are l^^ed on to the common shaft to prevent rotation on the shaft. Hie free ends of each sliver is passed throt^ the buckle in the lifti]:]^ fever and then clamped in position between the two feed rollers at the exit end of the machine. The sliver lifting mechanism, by means of which altnnate sets of stivers can be lifted to provide sp&cc for threading the cross sfiver to jform the desired weave pattern, is bolted on the frame betwerai the feed and exit ends. A mechanism he^ been provided whereby the cross sliver is automatical^ pulled in from a cross sliver mc^^azine and drop|>ed in the correct position tor weavk^ A mechanism has been incorporated in the design by means of which each cross sliver, after insertion, is pushed tightfy into the woven mat by means of a combing actton of fingers (attached to a sliding fiamc) and str^dhng the mat under process. DSTAILBD DBSCSIPnOK or THE HCWLT UiVKWimD MACWnB: The machine consists of the foUowii^ main ekments: • B£^e Frame Assembty^ • Longitudinal sliver coils assembly support bracket • Sliver Lifting Aastmbfy • Cross Silver Pull-in Assembly • Cross Sliver Pressing and Tightening Assenibfy^ • Cross Sliver Peed Magazine Assembfy The invention will now be deacribed wtOi reference to the enclosed drawings: 06Mnn^poon DIAWIHK MIUBIIWL Front Vkw of Assembled Machine with Cross Sliver Tighten fingers 1 Side Elevation of the Machine 2 Plan view of the McK^hine 3 Longitudinal Sliver Sphdng and Gluing system detail 4 Cross SUver PUH inuA^Kmbly^ 5 Cross Sliver Pressing and Tightening Assembfy 6 Detedl of SHver lifting Mechanism and operating push rods 7 Sliver Magazine 8 A detailed description of the Machine follows:- Referring to Drawings 1, 2 & 3, it wiU be seen that the main operating mechanisms are mounted on a base ftame BP. Loc^fitudinal slivers received in various lengths are splice-jointed by using a quick-setting glue and wound into coils SRL on rings with the same width as the sliver, which slide on to the common shaft. Several of such wound coils are mounted on a conunon shaft LSCS. The number of such coils placed side by side will depend on the width of mat to be woven. As will be seen in Drawing Number 2, the conunon shaft LSCS is placed on bearings housed in a fiamc, fixed LS ia the longitudinal sliver. SP is the support plate and HC a heating cartridge POM4 a pressure cylinder to appty light pressure on the spliced joint, after application of glue QSG. The firee ends of the coils are passed through a spUcing unit SP & POM4 and light pressure applied to at the heated glue. The sliver is then threaded through buckles at Hie lower end of the sliver lifting levers SLL. After treatii^ all the loi^tudinal slivers similarfy, the ends of the sUvers are then clamped between the upper and lower woven mat fised-out roUers FRT & PRB. FRT is a rubberized roller to grip the slivers. As will be seen in Drawing 2, the sliver lifting assembly is mounted at the entxy end of the machine, providing adequate clearance for the operation of the cross sliver tightenii^ mechanism. The number of hfttog levers provided will be equal to the number of longitudinal slivers being processed, as one lever is required per longitudinal sliver. The sliver lifting levers arc guided by guide rotters OR to ensure smooth parallel movement in the fiame SLLF. Depending on the required weave pattern, some of the levers will &ce the entiy aid of the machiiK and the others the exit end of the machine. As can be seen in Drawing 2, bars have been provided (SLLCI^ across the wid^ of the machine, one bar to engage the sliver lifting levers &cing the entxy end of tihe machine and the other bar to engage with the sliver hflix^ levers &cing the exit end of the machine. As either bar is lifted up by means of a {meumatically operated mechanism POMl and push rod PR, the slivers which have been threaded throi^ the buckles attached to those levers arc lifted up while the remaining slivers lemain flat on the machine table. A gap is thus created between selected levers> depending on the required weave pattern to be achkved. Details of the sliver lift bars SLL, bnckjes at lower end LB, SLLCB cross bar and push rod PR are shown in Drawing 7. As can be seen fix>m Drawings 1 & 3, a mechanism has been provided to introduce the cross sliver in the gap created between the slivers. The mechanism consists of a long pull rod CSPR which is guided between rollers and driven by a motor MO» rotating the lower guide wheel The movnnent of the pull rod is controlled by limit switches so that at the eml of the strolK, it giips the end of the projecting cross sliver^ fed fix>m the cross sliver feed magazine. Details of the system can be seen in Drawii^ 8. The sliver to be gripped is pvusdled out slightfy £rom tt^ m^azine by a pneumaticalfy operated mechanism POMS to feciiitate gripping of the end by the cross shver pull rod clamp. Hie return stroke of the pun rod» achieved by changing the motor drive direction, then draws the cross sliver throi^^h the weave of the mat and limit switches at the starting end automatical^ open the clamp and the cross sliver is released in position to be woven into the mat. The entire ss shvcr feed assembfy is mounted on a side extension to the Base Frame BF. As soon as the cross sliver is so released in position, a set of steel fingers mounted on a cross bar and firame STF, STL & STM as can be seen in Drawings 1,3 & 6, comb the sliver t^tfy into the mat weave. The action is controlled by a pneumatically operated mechanism POM2, which pushes the fiame STM foiward and back. Details of fbc system can be seen in Drawing 5. Lifting of selected lox3^tudinal slivers as per a gii^n pattern to create a gap for insertion of cross sliver^ the mechanical introducticm of the cross sUver and the tightening of the cross sliver into the weave, are veiy important and unique features of this machine* As wiU be seen in Drawings 1 & 2, the rollos at the exit end of the machine are rotated by a predetermined angfe^ after each cross sliver is introduced and tightened into the weave, so diat the woven part of the mat is drawn out to the required leng^. The loi^tudincQ slivers are thereby repositioned for the next cross sliver to be introduced. In other words, the movement will be equal to the centre distance between successive cross slivers. This procedure is continued until the full length of mat is woven. The imlexing of the feed rolkr is achieved by memis of a pneumaticalfy operated mechanism POM3. Becai^e the loi^^tudinal slivers are spliced into continuous lengths, a contimious mat can be woven. It can be chopped to required leI^^s, as it comes out of the exit rollers on the machine, by a cross cut blade not shown in drawings. This can be done when the mat is stationaxy at the time of insertion of the cross sliver. The crux of the entire invention is: 1. As the selected longitudinal slivers are lifted by the sliver lifting mechanism as per tiie desired weaving pattern, a gap is created between such lifted slivers and slivers which are fying flat A cross sliver is inserted in the gap by means of the Cross Sliver Puller Assembly and the cross shver is tightened by pressing into the woven line, by means of the Cross Sliver Pressing and Tightening Assembly. 2. The lifted slivers arc lowered over the cross shver, the semi-woven mat is indexed to the next position by the feed rollers and a second selected set of longitudinal slivers hfted and the process continued until the full kngth of the mat has been woven. 3. The scissor action of the Vertical Shver Lifting Assembly and the Cross Shver Pressing and Tightening Assembly results in a tight weave of longitudinal and cross slivers into a mat. The invention therefore primarily comprises a machine to weave mats from bamboo shvcrs for further processing into bamboo mat boaxd and other products, the said machine having a set of longitudinal sliver feed coils moxmted on a common shaft for continuous suppfy of longitudinal sHvers for the mat weaving process characterised by the provision of longitudinal shver lifting assembly^ cross shver pull in assembly, cross sliver pressing and tightening assembfy, cross shver feed magazine assembfy and a base firame upon whKh is mounted a set of rollers operated by a siutable pneumatic indexing mechanism. The purpose in description of the embodiment of this invention is to amplify and illustrate the invention and not to hmit the invention to any particular specification. The invention woukl include variation of modification of the invention also as known to persons sldlled in the art. 1. A machine to weave mats from bamiboo slivers for forther processing into bamboo mat board and other products, the said machine having a set of longitadinal sliver feed coils mounted on a common shaft for continuous supply of longitudinal slivers for the mat weaving process characterised by the provision of longitudinal sliver lifting assembly, cross sliver pull in assembly, cross sliver pressing and t^tening assembly, cross sliver feed magazine assembly and a base fi^ame upon which is mounted a set of rolters operated by a suitable pneumatic indexing mechanism. 2. A machine to weave mats from bamboo slivers for further processing into bamboo mat board and other products, as claimed in ckdm 1, wherein the sliver lifting assembfy comprises a sUver lifting lever, sliver lifting lever opei^ting cjnoss bar moxuited on a sliver lifting assembly, being operated by a push rod coupled to a pneiunatic operating system, the sliver lifting assembly fitted on to the base frame, the sliver hfting lever, having buckles fitted at the bottom end to pick up individual slivers and lift such sUvers being guided by sliver lift lever guider tx)llcrs, to ensure smooth and parallel movement without fouling, 3. A machine to weave mats fix>m bamboo slivers for further processing into bamboo mat board €md other products, as claimed in claim 1, wherein the cxoss sliver puH in assembly comprises a cross sliver pull rod extending into the motorised cross sliver pull rod operating system, for automatically gripping and rapid drawing in of the cross sliver from a cross sliver feed magazine and insertion of the cross sliver into position and automatic release of the same> controlled by limit switches at both ends. 4, A macbine to weave mats &om bamboo slivers for further processing into bamboo mat board and other products, as claimed in claim 1, wherein the cross sliver pressing and tightening assembly comprises of metal fingers ^vhich push the cross sliver tightly into the weave by a combing action and which is actuated by pneumatic operating system* 5. A machine to weave mats from bamboo slivers for further processing into bamboo mat board and other products, as claimed in claim 1, wherein the cross sliver feed magazine assembly comprises stacked cross slivers, and means to push out a cross sliver at the bottom of the stack for gripping by the pull rod clamp. 6 • A machine to weave mats fix)m bamboo slivers for further pixx^essing iato bamboo mat board and other products, as claimed in claim 1, wherein the set of longitudinal sliver feed coils is provided for weaving a continuous mat by end joining longitudinal slivers, received in various lengths by suitable splicing and gluing with a quick set glue like hot melt glue, so that long contiauous slivers are produced which are coiled on to rings with the same width as the sliver, which slide on to the common shaft, 7. A machine for weaving mats from bamboo slivers for further processing into bamboo mat board and other products substantially as dcsci'ibcd hereinabove witli reference to enclosed |
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Patent Number | 214386 | ||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 1216/CHE/2004 | ||||||||
PG Journal Number | 13/2008 | ||||||||
Publication Date | 31-Mar-2008 | ||||||||
Grant Date | 11-Feb-2008 | ||||||||
Date of Filing | 18-Nov-2004 | ||||||||
Name of Patentee | S. V. KRISHNAMURTY | ||||||||
Applicant Address | FLAT 03, 3, COLES ROAD, FRASER TOWN, BANGALORE - 560 005 | ||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | B65H 59/38 | ||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||
PCT Conventions: