Title of Invention


Full Text Background of the Invention
Field of the Invention
The invention relates to a method and apparatus for delivering electrical stimulation to pathological tissue,
and more particularly, to treating viral infections by applying a series of electrical pulses having different maximum
amplitudes to the affected skin or mucosa.
Description of the Related Art
Viruses are the smallest infectious agents being about 5 nanometers in diameter and contain single or double
strands of a single nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, which retain the information and direct the cell to construct a
series of polypeptides and enzymes. The cell, under virus direction, then assists in replication of the nucleic acid and
assembles viral proteins into a protective coat, the capsid. The mature particles, called virions, consist of the naked
nucleocapsid in some virus families, whereas in other families the virion has an outer envelope. This envelope is added
when the nucleocapsid buds through modified cell membranes in which viral proteins have replaced cell proteins. The
virion structure facilitates transmission of the informational viral nucleic acid to other cells. The capsid is about 100
nm in diameter, is extremely rigid, and contains 162 capsomers. The viral nucleic acid contains information necessary
for programming the infected host cell.
Herpes is an ancient virus that affects millions of Americans and is highly prevalent worldwide. In Greek,
the word "herpes" means "to creep." Since ancient times, herpes has crept into the lives of millions of people. The
most extensive barrier to virus entry is the skin, since the intact epidermis is covered by the stratum comeum, a layer
of dead keritonized cells that will not support viral replication. Therefore, penetration of the virus through the skin
requires that this barrier be broached by a bite, such as by an infected anthropod, or a rabid dog, or by human
injection, such as by vaccination, blood transfusion, or contaminated hypodermic needle.
There are eight identified herpes viruses that have been associated with human disease conditions. The
alpha-herpes viruses, HSV-1, HSV-2, and VZV-2, known as oral herpes, genital herpes, and herpes zoster respectively,
are neurotropic since they actively infect nervous tissue. Five other herpes viruses are lymphotropie since they
replicate in the lymphatic system. These include HCMV (human cytomegalovirus), HHV-6, HHV-7, HHV-8 (KHSV) and
EBV. HHV-6 has been associated with multiple sclerosis. HHV-8 (KHSV) and EBV have been linked to the human
cancers Kaposi"s sarcoma and Epstein-Barr disease.
Disease conditions are also caused by a variety of other viruses. Viral hepatitis is a serious liver disease of
particular concern for healthcare professionals. One form of hepatitis, hepatitis C, is considered responsible for
approximately 10,000 deaths per year. The human papilomavirus (HPV) is responsible for most of the cervical cancers
worldwide, genital warts and the formation of verrucae, warts that form on the soles of the feet. HPV has also been
associated with several oral cancers. In addition, the HIV virus has killed more than 19 million people and infected 34
million more, causing an epidemic that will continue to devastate communities around the world.
There are two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV): type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). and both types are
neurotropic because they actively infect nervous tissue. Under a microscope, HSV-1 and 2 are virtually identical,
sharing approximately 50% of their DMA. Both types infect the body"s mucosal surfaces, usually the mouth or
genitals, and then establish latency in the nervous system. Both types can recur and spread even when no symptoms
are present.
HSV-1 typically infects the lips, mouth, or nasal membranes. These sores, which are known as cold sores
and fever blisters, are not related to sexual activity, but HSV-1 can also infect the genitals and causes up to one-third
of the genital herpes cases. Usually though, HSV-2 causes genital herpes, and doesn"t cause oral lesions. The
primary difference between the two viral types is in where they typically establish latency in the body, their "site of
preference." HSV-1 usually establishes latency in the trigeminal ganglion, a collection of nerve cells near the ear.
From there, it tends to recur on the lower lip or face. HSV-2 usually sets up residence in the sacral ganglion at the
base of the spine. From there, it recurs in the genital area.
Oral Herpes: The HSV-1 Virus
HSV infections of the oral tissues are among the most common infectious illnesses involving man. Both
primary (initial) and recurrent forms of the infection occur, these being referred to as acute primary herpetic gingivo
stomatitis, and recurrent herpes labialis. Although oral herpes infections may be considered primarily nuisance
diseases, gingivostomatitis can be a very painful and debilitating illness, while recurrent oral herpes in
immunosuppressed subjects may be severe and even life-threatening (Overall, 1979; Ho, 1979; Faden et al, 1977}.
The vast majority of oral herpes infections are caused by the HSV type 1 strain. There are no precise data
for the frequency of oral herpes infections. It is estimated that there are about 500,000 cases of herpes stomatitis
each year in the U.S. Recurrent herpes labialis occurs in approximately one-third of the population and the mean
number of episodes per year in individuals with recurrent disease is 1.6 (Overall, 1979). This projects at about 100
million episodes of herpes labialis in the U.S. each year.
There are several factors that contribute to the significance of oral herpes infections. First, herpes
gingivostomatitis can be a severe illness. Fever, toxicity, and exquisitely painful mouth lesions may interfere with
fluid intake and require hospitalization for intravenous fluids. Second, frequent recurrent lesions of the lips are of
cosmetic concern, particularly in females. Third, cold sores may be the source of HSV for transmission to
immunosuppressed or other hospitalized patients. Fourth, oral herpes in the immunosuppressed patient is often a
severe, life-threatening disease. Finally, there is currently no satisfactory and effective form of therapy for either
primary or recurrent mucocutaneous HSV disease in the normal host.
Most patients develop vesicles within 12 hours, which rupture to form ulcers or crusts in 36 to 48 hours.
Most patients lose the crust and have healed ulcers by day 8 to 10. Results from clinical trials on recurrent herpes
labialis has shown that about 25% of patients had episodes one or more times a month, almost two-thirds had one
episode every 2-4 months, and less than 25% had an episode less often than every 4 months (Spraunce et al, 1977).
Genital Herpes: The HSV-2 Virus
Despite the emphasis and publicity on safe sex to prevent AIDS, a recent study by the Centers for Disease
Control has shown that genital herpes has increased fivefold among white teenagers since the late 1970"s. and
doubled among whites in their 20"s Wew Eng. J. of Medicine,October 16,1997). One in five Americans over the age
of 12 years carries the virus that causes genital herpes, with 500,000 new cases occurring each year.
It is currently standard practice in the U.S. to perform Cesarean delivery on pregnant women with recurrent
herpes to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus to newboms V. Obstetrics & Gynecology, Oct. 1996). In spite
of this, 20-30% of all infants bom via Cesarean delivery still have the herpes virus. More than 40% of newboms
infected with HSV die or suffer neurologic impairment. What exacerbates this problem is that women are 45% more
likely to be infected with HSV-2 than men. Since there has been a dramatic increase in genital herpes among the
younger generations, it means that a substantial number of women entering their childbearing years are infected with
HSV-2, or are at risk of contracting infection. Despite antiviral therapy, neonatal herpes is still a major life
threatening infection.
After inoculation and limited replication at genital sites, HSV-2 ascends along neuronal axons to establish
latent infection in the lumbosacral ganglia. During this initial phase, infectious virus is present at genital sites for days
or weeks, usually without lesions. When a new cycle of viral replication is triggered, reactivation occurs and
infectious virus is delivered back down the neural pathways to the mucosa or skin. The return of infectious virus to
genital sites during HSV-2 reactivation rarely causes any symptoms. HSV-2 is a chronic, persistent infection that
causes subclinical reaction in about 1 % of infected persons. Since about 45-50 million people in the U.S. are
infected, HSV-2 can spread efficiently and silently through the population. People who have sexual contact with
many partners will frequently have exposure to an infected person who is shedding HSV-2. As the overall prevalence
of HSV-2 infection continues to rise, contact with fewer partners will permit exposure.
The concept that HSV persists in the nuclei of cells in the sensory ganglia suggests that any topical
treatment will be ineffective in destroying the virus in these hidden locations. About 25 viruses have been placed in
the HSV group and they all contain a core of double stranded DNA surrounded by a protein coat that exhibits
isocahedril symmetry. This in turn is enclosed in an envelope that contains essential lipids. The structural proteins of
herpes simplex virus include nine polypeptides that have been found in the enveloped virion, two polypeptides that are
associated with the envelope, two arginine polypeptides within the virus core, as well as guanine and cytosine. The
virus enters the ceil either by fusion with the cell membrane or by pinocytosis. It is then uncoated and the DNA
becomes associated with the nucleus. Soon after infection the virus codes for its own DNA polymerase and other
enzymes such as thymidine kinase which is associated with the DNA replication.
A variety of treatments have been used for genital herpes but none is entirely satisfactory. No satisfactory
vaccine has been found. In superficial infections, topical agents such as ldoxuridine, Triflurothymidine, or Acyclovir
are sometimes effective. The drug of choice for the treatment of herpes simplex is Acyclovir, which is the only FDA
approved drug. Sales of Zovirax® (Burroughs Wellcome) were given at about $500M. Annual estimated sales for this
product exceeded $2 billion worldwide in 1997. Administered orally for systemic absorption, Acyclovir is limited by
several factors:
1} side effects include rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or pain, burning or itching at the site where
the drug is applied, anorexia and possible eye injuries.
2) cost; the average annual cost to a patient is around $ 1000.
3) emergence of drug-resistant virus strains.
4) presence of a large number of "early reactivation" patients for whom Acyclovir does not work.
5) a 6-10 day treatment cycle; patients with HSV-1 (oral herpes/cold sores) must decide if treatment
is worth 6-10 days use of an expensive systemic drug with potential side effects.
First episodes of the virus should all be treated as early as possible with one of three available oral antiviral
agents. Effective treatments include: Acyclovir (Zovirax™) where the usual dose is 200 mg five times daily;
Valacyclovir HCI (Valtrex™) is an improved oral formulation of Acyclovir which requires less frequent dosing at 500 mg
twice daily; Fanciclovir (FamvirTM) is the oral formulation of penciclovir and it is dosed for primary infections at 250
mg three times daily. Studies have proven all three drugs to be equally effective. In North America, first episode
treatment is generally prescribed for 10 days, but in Europe and the UK, treatment is generally prescribed for 5 days.
These antiviral medications can be taken orally very early in a recurrent episode.
Herpes Zoster
Herpes zoster, also known as shingles, is due to invasion of posterior root ganglia by the causative virus and
is characterized by severe pain followed by a rash aver cutaneous distribution of the affected nerve. The virus,
varicella-zoster (VZ), causes two diseases, varicella (chickenpox) resulting from the first exposure to the virus in
childhood, and zoster, a secondary infection due to reactivation of the latent VZ virus. Shingles is a painful and
potentially debilitating disease that affects 750,000 people each year in the U.S. The condition is most commonly
experienced by older Americans and is caused by a reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, the same herpes virus
that causes chickenpox. A major challenge for physicians in managing patients with shingles is alleviating the severe
pain associated with an active shingles rash, as well as postherpetic neuralgia (long-term debilitating pain), which may
occur following rash healing.
Herpes and Multiple Sclerosis
A strain of reactivated herpes virus may be associated with multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disorder
in which the body attacks its own tissues. Results of a study conducted by scientists at the National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) in Bethesda, Maryland, add to mounting evidence of the role of viral
triggers in MS and may serve as the cornerstone for clinical trials using antiherpetic agents as a treatment. This is
the first published large-scale study suggesting an association of a human herpes virus in the disease process of MS.
In the study, more than 70 percent of patients with the relapsing-remitting form of MS showed an increased immune
response to human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6) and approximately 35 percent of all MS patients studied had detectable
levels of active HHV-6 in their serum. Scientists believe that there may be a point in time during the progression of MS
when the virus, which lies dormant in the body for years, reactivates, accounting for its presence in a subset of MS
patents. The study appears in the December 1997 issue of Nature Medicine.
As many as 350,000 Americans are affected by MS, which is most often diagnosed in patients between the
ages of 20 and 40 and is characterized by muscle weakness, visual disturbances, and a variety of other neurological
impairments. The array and severity of symptoms varies widely from patient to patient and women are more likely to
be affected than men. The most common form of MS is the relapsing-remitting type. In this type of MS, new
symptoms appear or existing ones become more severe, followed by periods of partial or total recovery. These
flare-ups of new or intensified symptoms last for variable amounts of time. A second form of MS is a chronic and
progressive one in which symptoms steadily worsen. HHV-6 is relatively new to scientists and is known to cause a
common childhood illness, roseola. HHV-6 is known to be present in 90 percent of the adult American population as a
result of infection during the first few years of life. Scientists believe that the reactivation of HHV-6 virus may be
associated with the breakdown of the protective covering of nerves, called myelin. Reactivation is characteristic of
herpes viruses. In the study, investigators screened the serum of 102 individuals, 36 of whom had MS. Of the 22
individuals with the relapsing-remitting form of MS, 73 percent had an increase in immune response to an early
antigen of HHV-6, compared to onfy 18 percent of those participants who served as normal volunteers. In addition,
the scientists detected HHV-6 DNA in the serum {a marker of active virus infection) of 15 of 50 individuals with MS.
All 47 individuals without MS tested negative for the presence of active HHV-6 viral infection.
Human Papillomavirus
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Genital HPV
infections are widespread among sexually active adults. It is estimated that as many as 40 million Americans are
infected with HPV, and the incidence of the disease appears to be increasing. More than 1000 types of HPV have
been identified. Some cause common skin warts. Others are spread through sexual contact and result in genital
HPV often results in an infection without any visible symptoms. Thus, individuals may not be aware of the
infection or of the potential risk of transmission to others. Genital warts are spread by sexual contact and are highly
contagious. Approximately two-thirds of people who have sexual contact with a partner with genital warts will
develop warts, usually within about three months of contact.
In women, the warts occur on the outside and inside of the vagina, on the cervix, and around the anus. In
men, the warts occur on the penis, scrotum, and around the anus. Genital warts often occur in clusters, and can be
very tiny or can occur in large masses. Treatment includes the application of trichloracetic acid or podophyliin
solution. Warts can be removed by cryosurgery, electrocautery or surgery. Although elimination of the warts is
possible, the viral infection persists and warts often reappear after treatment.
To date, there are very few satisfactory treatments, vaccines, or cures for viral infection. Drug treatments,
either topical or ingested, have shown generally limited benefits. As an alternative to the pharmaceutical approach,
the electrical stimulation of infected tissues has been explored. These methods involve the application of electrodes
to the skin near the infected region. Although this technique shows promise, to date the devices and stimulation
protocols used have bean less successful at eliminating viral infection than was hoped.
Summary of the Invention
The systems and methods have several features, no single one of which is solely responsible for its desirable
attributes. Without limiting the scope as expressed by the claims that follow, its more prominent features will now be
discussed briefly. After considering this discussion, and particularly after reading the section entitled "Detailed
Description of the Preferred Embodiments" one will understand how the features of the system and methods provide
several advantages over traditional systems and methods.
One aspect includes methods of treating oral and genital viral infections. In one embodiment, such a method
comprises a treatment protocol including the application of a series of pulses of electrical stipulation to a patient"s
skin or mucosa, wherein the pulses of electrical stimulation have varying characteristics over the course of the
treatment protocol. The pulses may differ in amplitude or frequency. They may alternate between AC pulses and DC
Another aspect is an apparatus for applying electrical stimulation to treat physiological and pathological
conditions such as viral infections is also provided. In one embodiment, the apparatus comprises at least two
electrodes and a circuit configured to supply both AC and DC voltage to the electrodes. Other apparatus embodiments
include counters for displaying the number of treatments applied. Still other embodiments include replaceable and
disposable cartridges comprising electrodes and a battery. The battery may be rechargeable with an external charger.
A wide variety of rechargeable/disposable batteries are commercially available with different form factors, costs, etc.
Yet another aspect provides advantageous electrode designs for the apparatus. In one embodiment, the
electrodes comprise an elongated surface for application to the subject"s skin or mucosa.
Brief Description of the Drawings
FIGURE 1A is a perspective view of one embodiment of an electrical stimulation device.
FIGURE 2 is a block diagram of an electrical circuit that is provided in some advantageous embodiments of
the stimulation devices of the present invention.
FIGURE 3 is a perspective view of another embodiment of an electrical stimulation device.
FIGURE 4 is a perspective view of another embodiment of an electrical stimulation device.
FIGURES 5A and 5B are side views of another embodiment of the electrical stimulation device, showing the
disposable activator inserted into, and removed from, the housing.
FIGURE 5C is an end view of the distal end of the device of FIGURES 5A and 5B, showing the position of the
FIGURES 6A and 6B are side views of yet another embodiment of the electrical stimulation device, showing
the disposable activator inserted into, and removed from, the housing.
FIGURE 6C is an end view of the distal end of the device of FIGURES 6A and 6B, showing the position of the
FIGURE 7 is a flow chart of an electrical stimulation treatment protocol in accordance with one embodiment
of the invention.
Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiment
Embodiments of the invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying Figures, wherein
like numerals refer to like elements throughout The terminology used in the description presented herein is not
intended to be interpreted in any limited or restrictive manner, simply because it is being utilized in conjunction with a
detailed description of certain specific embodiments of the invention. Furthermore, embodiments of the invention may
include several novel features, no single one of which is solely responsible for its desirable attributes or which is
essential to practicing the inventions herein described.
Referring now to FIGURE 1, there is shown one embodiment of the electrical stimulation device of the
present invention, useful for treating viral infections. The device 10 includes a housing 12, which is designed to fit
comfortably in the hand of the user. At one end, two electrodes 18a and 18b are mounted. The electrodes 18a, 1 Bb,
have an elongated surface for application to the user"s skin. The elongated electrodes allow for larger electrode to
skin surface contact. As shown in Figure 1, each electrode 18a, 18b may comprise a closed contour. In some
embodiments, the electrodes 18a, 18b are concentric closed contours. In the embodiment of Figure 1, the electrodes
comprise circuit traces plated onto a printed circuit board 19 that is attached to one end of the housing 12.
It will be appreciated that the electrodes may take many forms and shapes. The electrodes 18a and 18b
can be oval or elliptical as shown in Figure 1, rectangular as shown in FIGURE 3, or circular, as shown in FIGURE 4.
They may also be square, or any other desired shape, and are preferably gold plated. However, any electrically
conductive material can be used. An on/off button or switch 20 that is manually operated is located on the device,
which also can include a first LED 22 that is activated when the device is turned on, and a second LED 23 that
indicates a low battery condition. An alphanumeric display 25 may also be provided on the device to provide the user
with a variety of information concerning device and/or treatment status.
In operation, the electrodes 18a and 18b are placed in contact with the patient"s skin or mucosa, and
electrical energy is delivered to the electrodes 18a and 18b when the device is turned on. As will be described in
additional detail below, the treatment protocol typically involves the application of a series of electrical pulses to the
affected area. In this embodiment, the display 25 may exhibit a count of the number of treatments applied, thus
indicating to the user at any given time how much of the treatment protocol has been completed.
FIGURE 2 illustrates the circuitry provided inside the housing 12 of some advantageous embodiments of the
invention. The device will generally include a battery 16, which may be rechargeable or disposable, coupled to a
logic/processor circuit 14, a signal generator circuit 17, and the display. 25. The logic/processor circuit 14 drives the
display 25 and configures the signal generator circuit 17 to output the desired electrical signal to the electrodes 18a
and 18b. Although shown as separate blocks in FIGURE 2, it will be appreciated that the logic/processor circuit 14
and the signal generator circuit 17 may be functionally combined, and will typically reside on a common printed circuit
board in the housing 12. The types of signals produced by the signal generator circuit 17 in advantageous
embodiments of the invention will be described in additional detail below.
The physical size and shape of the device will advantageously vary depending on the specific intended
application. The embodiment illustrated in Figure 1, for example, is advantageously sized for use on the legs and
genital area. In this embodiment the electrical stimulation device 10 is approximately 2-3 inches long, approximately
1-1.5 inches wide, and approximately 0.5-1 inches deep. As noted above, the device 10 is sized so as to fit
comfortably in the hand of the user. The circuit traces forming the concentric electrodes 18a, 18b shown in FIGURE
1 are approximately 2-3 mm in width, and are plated to a thickness of less than 1 mm. As illustrated in FIGURE 3, in
an alternative embodiment of the genital applicator, the end of the device 10 which mounts the electrodes is curved
so that it is easier to produce contact between the skin of the patient and the entire electrode surface.
Turning now to FIGURE 4, there is illustrated another embodiment of the electrical stimulation device 10.
The device 10 includes a housing 12 and concentric electrodes 18a and 18b at the top end of the device 10. Here,
the electrodes 18a and 18b are circular, and the center electrode 18b forms a circular pad rather than a ring. This
embodiment is adapted for oral application, and advantageously measures about 0.5 to 0.75 inches in diameter with a
length of about 2 inches. This is about the same size and shape of a lipstick or lip balm applicator, and thus is very
convenient for carrying in a pocket or purse. In this embodiment, the display 25 may be provided on the bottom flat
surface opposite the electrode surface. A cap 22 is also preferably provided for the embodiments of FIGURES 1, 3,
and 4. This cap 22 fits over the top end of the device 10 where the electrodes 18a and 18b are located. The cap 22
acts to protect the electrodes 18a and 18b after cleaning with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and not in use.
In FIGURES 5A, 5B, 6A and 6B there is shown still other embodiments of the electrical stimulation device
10 of the present invention. In these embodiments. The device 10 includes a disposable electrode cartridge 24 which
includes the battery and concentric electrodes 18a and 18b located on the contact head 26 of the device 10, which is
located at the distal end 30 of the device 10. The contact head 26 can be flat (FIGURES 5A and 5B) or hemispherical
in shape (FIGURES 6A and 6B). The disposable electrode cartridge 24 snaps into the housing 12, but can be easily
removed for disposal. As shown in FIGURE 5C, the concentric electrodes 18a, 18b can be circular. Alternatively, as
shown in FIGURE 6C, the electrodes 18a, 18b can be positioned side-by-side, each electrode comprising approximately
half of a hemispherical surface separated by a strip of insulating material 26 along an equatorial line of the
hemisphere. This embodiment is advantageous in that the electrodes can be removed and replaced without discarding
the entire unit 10.
The devices described above are used by applying the electrodes to the surface of the affected skin or
mucosa and delivering electrical energy to the affected area. It has been found advantageous for a total treatment
protocol to comprise a series of electrical pulses, with different pulses being different in signal characteristics. The
pulses may differ in one or more of amplitude, frequency, signal type, e.g. AC or DC or any other electrical signal
characteristic. It is hypothesized that the different electrical signal characteristics produce different disruptive
effects on the virus, thus preventing the survival of those viruses which may already be or which may become
resistant to any one form of electrical stimulation.
This form of treatment protocol is illustrated in FIGURE 7, and is initiated at start block 30. At block 32, an
electrical signal pise is applied. At decision block 34, it is determined whether or not the pulse just applied is the last
pulse of the treatment. If not the system moves to block 36, where the device is configured to output a pulse having
characteristics different from the previous pulse. Looping back to block 32, the pulse having the new desired
characteristics is applied. This process continues until the last pulse of the treatment is applied, and the treatment
then ends at stop block 38.
As mentioned above, the pulses may differ in any one or more of a variety of characteristics. The pulses
may change m maximum voltage or current amplitude. The pulses may change between AC waveforms and DC. AC
pulses may vary in frequency or waveform such as triangle waves, square waves, or sine waves. As described below,
in some advantageous embodiments, the pulses vary in maximum amplitude from approximately 0.1 volts to
approximately 20 volts, and vary in frequency from 5 Hz to about 10 kHz. DC pulses may vary in voltage with a rango
of 0.1 to 20 vote. A voltage range of 0.1-20 V may be preferred for oral herpes while a range of 3-20 V may be
preferred for genital herpes.
Two different specific protocols based on the principles described above have been devised. Protocol 1
involves ten 30 second applications of electrical energy, with a one hour break between each one, wherein each 30
second segment is itself divided into sub-segments, which in this embodiment may be 5, 1, and/or 0.2 second
intervals, or less. This treatment protocol is defined as follows:
If the ten applications are designated numbers 1 through 10, applications 1,3,5,7, and 9 are as follows:

Applications 2,4,6,8 and 10 are as follows, although each is shown at 9 VAC peak it is understood that
the peak voltage can range from 0.1-20 V, while 0.1-20 V may be preferred for oral herpes and 3-20 V may be
preferred for genital herpes:
In the above described protocol, the peak voltage remains constant at about 9 V. Referring to both the AC
and the DC voltage values in Table 1 and Table 2, it should be understood that this protocol is only exemplary and the
voltage used can be any voltage in the range of 0.1-20 V, although a range of 3-20 V may be preferred for genital
herpes and a range of 0.1-20 V may be preferred for oral herpes. A more complex protocol, referred to herein as
Protocol 2, has also been developed which includes variation in peak voltage as well as variations in waveform and
frequency. In this specific protocol, nineteen different pulses that have been found useful and are set forth below in
Tables 3 and 4. Twelve of the pulses are AC waveforms, and seven are DC pulses. Table 5 sets forth 10 different
pulse sequences that are applied in various combinations to the affected area during a treatment protocol. Again, the
peak voltage values are only exemplary and it is to be understood that any voltage in the range of 0.1-20 V, while the
range of 3-20 V may be preferred for genital herpes and the range of 0.1-20 V may be preferred for oral herpes.
Sequence 1 at 3V
hour break
Sequence 1 at 5V
hour break
Sequence 1 at 7V
hour break
Sequence 1 at 9V
hour break
Sequence 1 at 11V
Sequence 1 through 10 at 3V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 5V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 7V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 9V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 11V
Sequence 1 through 10 at 3V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 5V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 7V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 9V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 11V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 13V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 15V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 17V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 19V
hour break
Sequence 1 through 10 at 20V
Sequence 1,3V
Sequence 2,5V
Sequence 3,7V
Sequence 4,9V
Sequence 5,11V
Sequence 6,13V
Sequence 7.15V
Sequence 8,17V
Sequence 9,19V
Sequence 10,20V
Repeat 10 times with one hour break between each repetition.
In these treatment sequences, the peak AC and DC voltages are specified but again, are only exemplary.
Voltages utilized for treatment may vary from 0.1-20 VAC or VDC, and voltages from 3-20 V may be preferred in
treating genital herpes while the range 0.1-20 V may be preferred for treating oral herpes. Thus, in the case of the
application of a DC pulse, the maximum voltage applied may be limited by either the maximum specified in Table 4, or
by the maximum specified by the particular treatment segment being applied, or may be up to 20V. Thus, If D7 is
being applied at 7 V, the pulse applied is one second at 3V, one second at 4V, one second at 5V, and eight seconds at
7V. However, if D7 is being applied at 20V, the pulse applied is one second each at 3V, 4V, 5V, 7V, 9V, 11V, 13V,
15V, 17V, 19V, and 20V. If D1 is applied at 20 V, the pulse is one second at 3V, one second at 4V, one second at 5V,
one second at 7V, and one second at 9V. AC pulses can have peak voltages as specified by the treatment segment
being applied.
Treatment should be begun as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms, preferably in the prodromal
stage when the characteristic tingling, itching or burning sensation is felt. The distal end of the device is held to the
affected skin or mucosa where symptoms are perceived, and treatment is commenced by pressing the "on" button. A
designated treatment cycle of about 30 to 60 seconds is automatically initiated. The LED illuminates during this on
The user generally will not feel any sensation during treatment. By the end of the 10 x 30 second
consecutive treatments of Protocol 1, or by the end of Treatment 1 of Protocol 2, prodromal symptoms should cease.
If symptoms continue, or if lesions occur or are still present, it is recommended that treatment be continued. Under
protocol 1, this would involve a second course of 10 consecutive 30 second treatments. Under Protocol 2, Treatment
2 as defined above should be administered. If, after this second course of treatments, symptoms or lesions appear or
persist, a third course of ten treatments should be carried out under Protocol 1, or Treatment 3 of Protocol 2 should
be applied. Finally, if symptoms still remain, Protocol 2 calls for the application of Treatment 4 as defined above.
It will be appreciated that a wide variety of treatment protocols could be devised based on the principles of
the invention, and that the two described abova are only two specific examples of treatment protocols with the
advantageous feature of pulse variability.
A number of device electrode placement protocols can be employed with the present invention and these
involve various anatomical sites. Electrode placement sites may be in relationship to neural ganglia where viruses
establish residence. For example, the trigeminal ganglion near the ear is a site where HSV-1 (herpes labialis)
establishes residence, from which it recurs on the lower lip or face. Therefore this site is ideal for electrode
placement and is located in front of the ear (external auditory meatus), below the zygomatic arch, and over the
position of the facial nerve and parotid gland. Another neural ganglion example for electrode placement is the sacral
ganglion at the base of the spine. This is where HSV-2 (genital herpes) sets up residence from which it recurs in the
genital area.
Other electrode placement sites can be in relationship to regional lymph nodes. Examples of these sites
would be in the cervical chain of lymph nodes positioned bilaterally at the front of the neck, lymph nodes in the tonsil
bed positioned just under the angle of the jaw (junction of horizontal and ascending ramus of mandible), in the axillary
chain of lymph nodes positioned under the arms, and in the inguinal lymph nodes positioned bilaterally in the groin.
Further sites for electrode placement can be in relationship to air sinuses such as those in the facial bones of
the skull. Examples include the maxillary antrum positioned below the eyes and above the upper teeth, accessed by
placement either side of the nose level with the eyes, and the frontal sinus positioned either side of the midline on the
forehead just above the eyes.
With the treatment of viral diseases that affect the whole body, and for serious and life threatening viral
diseases such as HIV and AIDS, it will be necessary to carry out treatments using placements of the electrical device
in other additional anatomical regions using a consecutive pattern of treatments.
In one such protocol, the device is used consecutively on three different anatomical regions of the body.
These three sites are referred to collectively as The Central Location." In this, the first placement site is in the
center of the spine, slightly above the level of the shoulders, which is the position of cervical vertebra #7, referred to
as C7. The second site is also positioned longitudinally in the center of the spine but between the neck and the base
of the spine, which is at about thoracic vertebra #7 (17). The third and last position is also in the center of the spine
but positioned at the base of the lumbar spine equivalent with the 5th lumbar vertebra, referred to as L5.
In another protocol, a further seven anatomical placement sites are employed in addition to the above three
sites of The Central Location. Whereas the three previous sites are on the back, or dorsal position, of the body, the
seven additional sites are located on the front, or ventral position, of the body. These seven different anatomical
regions of the body coincide with the seven "chakras" and channels of energy. Many workers have contemplated that
in addition to a network of nerves and sensory organs, there also exists a subtle system of channels and centers of
energy (chakras) which affects the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being. These seven regions are used
as electrode placement sites and are positioned in seven specific regions of the body ranging from the crown to the
sternum, including regions such as the heart The seven regions are generally referred to as the crown, root, sacral,
solar plexus, heart, throat, and third eye chakras. These seven locations physically correspond to the locations of the
top of the head, between the anus and the genitals, between the navel and the genitals, between the navel and the
base of the sternum, in the center of the chest, centrally at the base of the throat and above and between the
eyebrows respectively.
In these two final protocol examples of treating viral infections of the entire body, the treatment sequences
shown in Table 5, and in Treatment 4, are employed whereby ten different pulse sequences are applied in various
combinations. Each of the ten separate outputs ramp up consecutively through the various voltage levels resulting in
a total treatment time of eight minutes and forty-five seconds in each anatomical site. This regimen may be carried
out on each of either the three regions in The Central Location or, additionally, the seven chakra regions as described
above, making ten anatomical sites in all.
The three Central Location sites would give a total treatment time of 3 x 8 minutes and 45 seconds, which
is 26 minutes and 15 seconds. The seven chakra regions would give a total treatment time of sixty-one minutes and
fifteen seconds. Treatment of all ten locations would give a total treatment time of 87 minutes and thirty seconds.
The entire sequence would then be repeated according to the protocol employed which could be, for example, nine
repetitions, which is ten treatments in all.
Use of a stimulation device in the treatment of various forms of viral infections are further described in the
following specific examples.
Example 1 - Oral Herpes
A female subject, date of birth 3/15/75, had a twelve year history of oral herpes infections. Outbreaks
tended to occur at the lip borders, especially the lower lip, and were more frequent during cold weather and during
times of stress. She reported approximately four to six outbreaks per year, each lasting about 10-12 days. Previous
treatments had been unsuccessful.
The subject was given an electrical stimulation device as described above that was configured to apply
Protocol 1 as described above. She was instructed to apply the device directly to the infected area or areas, and
apply the ten 30 second treatments as described in Protocol 1 above, with a one hour break between each 30 second
treatment. The device was configured to automatically step through the ten different electrical pulses as shown
above as the subject applied the device for the ten consecutive 30 second periods. Thus, the subject only had to
place the electrodes on the affected area, press the ON button, and wait for an LED display to turn off after 30
After the first treatment, the subject reported that the small veiscles that had begun to develop started to
dry up immediately after treatment. The small reddish areas indicating the onset of an outbreak disappeared
completely within three days, as did any symptoms of burning or itching.
Example 2 - Recurrent Genital Herpes
The male subject, date of birth 12/25/55, had a history of genital herpes for the past 20 years. The
outbreaks always occurred on his pens and varied from minor outbreaks to major ones. The subject reported that he
had four outbreaks on average each year. He also reported that in his opinion, they often occurred in relation to
stress and when he was working very hard physically.
The subject had an outbreak that was preceded by prodrome symptoms. The subject reported that his
thighs began to tingle and feel "funny", which is what usually happened just before an outbreak. The day following
the prodrome symptoms, the subject noticed a small raised red tump on the top of the head of his penis. The subject
started treatment with the device of the present invention on the red spot once every hour for a total of ten
treatments using Protocol 1 as described above and as in Example 1. The subject reported that the red spot did not
get any larger like ft usually did, and was not painful, also atypical since it usually was very painful by the second day.
The subject reported that the red spot did not progress to the blister stage. This was the first time in his twenty-year
history of having genital herpes flat an outbreak did not progress to a blister stage. The subject also reported that
there was no. release of fluid, which was also unusual. The outbreak dried up and disappeared completely after the
third day.
The subject had another prodrome stage where the symptoms were similar to those described previously; his
thighs started to tingle and burn. The subject noticed that a small outbreak had developed on the underside of his
penis and appeared as a raised red spot. This became larger and the subject reported that this had all of the signs of
being one of his major outbreaks that he got regularly about once a year. The subject started using the device for
treatment as soon as he noticed the outbreak. He used the device every hour as instructed, positioning the tip of the
device on the red raised lesion, in the same manner as described above. The lesion did not get any larger once
treatment started. The subject reported that after the appearance of the red spot and commencement of treatment,
there was no formation of blisters, no wetness or oozing of fluid, and no pain. The subject reported that the outbreak
started to resolve itself the day after commencing treatment with the device.
Seven months later, the subject reported that he noticed a little red colored spot appear on the upper side of
his penis which swelled and developed into a small bump. The subject reported that there were no signs of a
prodrome stage this time. He used the viral device with the same treatment regimen of once an hour, and during
treatments, the small bump did not get any larger, and disappeared after a couple of days. The subject reported that
this was the "best" outbreak he had in the last twenty years because there was no pain, no swelling, and no
discharge, and it was all over in a couple of days.
Three months later, the subject reported that he had a very small outbreak on the left rear thigh. It
appeared as a small red spot but there was no evidence of any lesion on his penis. He used the viral device on top of
the lesion employing the same protocol as described above, and the small lesion did not get any bigger. The subject
reported that there was no blistering, no discharge and no pain. The outbreak cleared up completely in a couple of
Five months later, the subject reported the appearance of a small red swelling on the side of his penis. As
soon as he saw evidence of the outbreak he started treatment with the device using the once-an-hour protocol
described above. The lesion did not progress in size, did not blister, and was not painful. It responded well to the
treatment and the lesion disappeared by day three.
Example 3 - Recurrent Genital Herpes
Christopher Allen Dxxx: San Diego, CA
Use tf the ViraCalm on Genital Herpes Outbreaks
Lengitudinal Study: 2 Years 9 months to date
Subject has been having herpes breakouts for 23 years and they always occur on the subject"s penis. They
vary from minor ones to major ones and the subject has 4 -6 outbreaks each year. The outbreaks always become a
blister and then discharge fluid, lasting anywhere from 10 days to 2 weeks. About once a year, the subject gets a
really bad outbreak that lasts for 3 weeks. The outbreaks seem to occur more often when the subject is really
stressed out at work.
Outbreak #1: February 1999
The subject has never been treated with any drugs except in February 1999 with Famvir prescribed by Dr.
Daniels. The subject had a minor outbreak and took the 10 pills but when the subject had finished them, the outbreak
came back. The subject went to see Dr. Daniels again and he gave the subject another prescription for 10 more pills,
also at a cost of about $45, a total of $90 (insurance paid $40). The subject took the second lot of 10 pills but they
still did not stop the outbreak, only slowed it down some. When the subject finished the second lot of pills, the
outbreak continued on its normal course with blisters and oozing.
First Use of the ViraCalm, May 1999
Outbreak #2: May 16.1999
The outbreak on May 16 was preceded by the prodrome that the subject usually gets where his thighs start
to tingle and feel funny. The next day the subject had a small outbreak on the top of his penis. The subject started
using the device right on that spot once every hour for a 30 second treatment as instructed. The small red spot did
not get bigger like it usually does and was not painful. It did not progress to the blister stage, and this is the first time
that the subject has had an outbreak that did not become a blister. There was no oozing or wetness, which was
unusual with the subject"s outbreaks. There was no pain or discomfort, and the outbreak dried up completely by the
third day.
Outbreak #3: May 20,1999
On May 20 the subject had another prodrome where his thighs started to tingle and burn and the subject
developed a small outbreak on the bottom of his penis. This became larger and had all the signs of being one of the
subject"s major outbreaks that he gets about once a year. The subject called the doctor because these are really bad
and last about three weeks with blistering and a lot of oozing and pain. The subject started treating it as soon as he
got the device, every hour, directly on the outbreak, just like the first time. The outbreak swelled at the beginning but
did not get any bigger, and there was no blistering, no wetness, and no pain. It then started to itch, which is what
usually happens right at the end of the normal outbreak after the oozing is over, when it begins to heal. The outbreak
started to retreat the day after treatment with the device. The subject kept using it every hour as instructed. This is
the second time in 23 years that the subject has had an outbreak without it going to a blister with oozing. The first
time was when the subject used the device before. The outbreak swelled at the beginning, then retreated, had some
itching, and it was all over. The subject feels very happy, claiming the device is like a miracle stopping the outbreaks
with no blistering, oozing or pain, and knows that this last outbreak was the major one he gets every year.
When the subject used the device, he did not feel any sensation except for one time. This was when the
subject got out of the shower, his skin was dry but his hair was still wet and he had wet feet. The subject used the
device on his penis and felt a little tingling, and could not keep it on for more than 15 seconds that time. The subject
made sure that he was not wet and just out of the shower when he used the device again.
Outbreak #4: November 26,1999 (7 months later)
The subject had no prodrome, no swelling, but a little red coloration appeared on his penis, which became a
small red bump or blister. The subject called the doctor to get the device. During treatments with the device, the
small bump did not get any bigger and disappeared after a couple of days. This was the best outbreak the subject had
in 23 years, with no pain, no swelling, and no oozing of fluid. It was allover in a couple of days.
Outbreak #5: Feb 10,2000 (3 months later)
The subject had what he describes as an early outbreak on the left rear thigh. The subject called the doctor
and used the device for treatment over the red spot. Use of the device stopped it before the subject had an outbreak
that affected his penis. It was allover within two to three days with no pain.
Outbreak #6: July 25,2000 (5 months later)
The subject had the normal prodrome with tingling of his thighs. One day later a small light red swelling
appeared on the side of the subject"s penis. The subject got the device from the doctor and used it on the red spot for
the 30 seconds treatment once every hour. After using the device there was no pain, no further spots or lesions
developed, and it responded well to the device. The lesion disappeared in about 1-2 days with no swelling, vesicles or
Outbreak #7: Oct 15,2000 (3 months later)
The subject had a prodrome in the usual way on his thighs. Since the subject"s girlfriend has very bad oral
herpes, she had Valtrex in the house so the subject took a course of ten tablets. The subject wanted to try it in case
he could not get in touch with the doctor to get the device. The subject"s girlfriend spends hundreds of dollars on her
drug for her oral herpes so there is always some around. This did very little for the subject. A lesion developed on his
penis and then turned into a blister in spite of taking the medication. The outbreak lasted two weeks as it normally
does, but was probably not as severe as it would have been if the subject had done nothing.
Outbreak #8: February 5,2001 (4 months later)
The subject developed a small red spot on his penis and called Or. Silverstone. The subjects used the device
in the normal manner and it stopped the outbreak within 1 day, and the subject claims to have felt wonderful. No
pain, discomfort, swelling or oozing. Life felt wonderful.
Outbreak #9 July 24,2001 (5 months later)
Subject had slight prodrome and some evidence of redness on his penis but very mild, unlike anything he has
had before. Called Dr. Silverstone and picked up the device. The subject told him that the subject thought he was
having an outbreak about one month ago but the feeling started and then just went away on its own.
Over a period of two years and nine months, the subject has had nine outbreaks. This number is less than
the normal number of outbreaks that the subject has had over any similar period in the previous 23 years. Before
using the device the subject would have probably had from 11 to 17 outbreaks in this past period of two years and
nine months. The subject feels certain that it was using the device that cut down on the number of outbreaks.
The subject used the drugs on two of the outbreaks because Dr. Silverstone was either not available, or the
subject wanted to see what they would do for him. They really did not do much for the subject since the outbreaks
slowed down when he took the pills, but became more severe when the pills finished. The first time the subject used
the drug (Famvir), he had to take two courses since the first course did little, and when finished, the outbreak flared
up. The second time the subject took Valtrex because his girlfriend has a supply for her oral herpes. This did not
prove very satisfactory and the outbreak lasted the normal two-week plus period.
On the other six outbreaks the subject used the device and the results were wonderful. Or. Silverstone told
the subject that the ideal time to use the device is when the subject gets his prodrome, which with him is tingling in
the thighs about a day before the outbreak starts. The subject has not been able to do this since he has to get in
touch with the doctor after he has had his prodrome and then arrange to pick up the device. By this time, the
outbreak has already started.
When the subject uses the device, the outbreak appears to stop dead in its tracks. Lesions did not get
bigger, did not increase in number, did not burst, and there was no pain or oozing of fluid. The whole episode including
healing was over in 2-3 days instead of the normal two weeks plus. If they were all like this in the future, life would
be good. The subject cannot wait to be able to buy the device, which he would carry with him so as to treat the
disease immediately when the prodrome starts. The subject"s girlfriend wants to volunteer for the oral herpes device
when it is available.
Example 4 - Human Papiloma Virus
A female subject, date of birth 6/21/51, had a history of lesions appearing on the lower part of her legs,
generally on the front aspect between the knee and the ankle. An outbreak usually consisted of 2-3 to six or more
lesions, and tended to occur during times of stress. The lesions would become larger over a period of five to seven
days, and would dry up and disappear two to three weeks after their appearance. The lesions were diagnosed as
being caused by Human Papiloma Virus, for which oral medication and topical cream was prescribed. These
treatments were not successful.
The subject then tried the electrical stimulation device of the present invention, using it directly on the
lesions for ten 30 second treatments as described above in Examples 1 and 2. She treated each lesion separately,
unless two were very close together, in which case the electrodes were placed between the two lesions.
The subject reported that the pain subsided immediately, and that the lesions haaled and disappeared within
three days.
Example S - Verruca
A male subject, date of birth 5128/49, developed a verruca wart on the sole of his right foot. The lesion was
positioned at the front and in the center of the planter surface of the foot immediately to the side of the large toe
prominence. It interfered with the subject"s walking and running. The subject had tried a number of treatments,
including 40% salicylic acid pads, but these did not eliminate the wart or the associated pain and discomfort.
The subject used the stimulation device described above for ten 30 second treatments as in Examples 1-3.
After the ten treatments, the subject reported that the pain had stopped completely. The lesion was still visible as a
raised area on the planter surface of the foot, and a second series of ten treatments was applied, commencing about
one hour after the conclusion of the first series of ten treatments. By the end of the second course of treatment, the
lesion appeared different in texture, was less swollen, and was not painful. The subject was advised to foot file the
region, which he did, after which the affected area looked normal.
Fallow up with the subject over nine months following treatment revealed that he was completely pain free,
with no evidence that the verruca had returned.
Thus, the method and device described herein were found to be effective in the treatment of viral infection.
The treatment with the device not only improved recovery time, but indications are that it also reduced the frequency
of recurrence.
The foregoing description details certain embodiments of the invention. It will be appreciated, however, that no
matter how detailed the foregoing appears in text, the invention can be practiced in many ways. As is also stated above, it
should be noted that the use of particular terminology when describing certain features or aspects of the invention should
not be taken to imply that the terminology is being re-defined herein to be restricted to including any specific
characteristics of the features or aspects of the invention with which that terminology is associated. The scope of the
invention should therefore be construed in accordance with the appended claims and any equivalents thereof.
1. Device (10) for treating viral infections with electrical stimulation comprising:
- at least two electrodes (18a, 18b);
5 - a circuit (14,17) configured to apply electrical stimulation to the skin or mucous membranes
of a patient as a series of electrical pulses, wherein at least some of the different pulses in
said series have different maximum amplitudes.
2. Device (10) according to claim 1, wherein at least some of said pulses have different
10 frequencies.
3. Device (10) according to claims 1 or 2, wherein said pulses vary in maximum amplitude
from approximately 0.1 volts to approximately 20 volts.
15 4. Device (10) according to any of claims 1 to 3, wherein said pulses vary in frequency from 5
Hz to 10kHz.
5. Device (10) according to any of claims 1 to 4 comprising first and second electrodes (18a,
18b), wherein said first and said second electrodes (18a, 18b ) each comprise an elongated
20 surface for application to a patient"s skin or mucosa.
€. Device (10) according to claim 5, wherein said elongated surface of said first electrode
(18a) comprises a first substantially closed contour, and wherein said elongated shaped
surface of said second electrode (18b) comprises a second substantially closed contour.
7. Device (10) according to claim 6, wherein said second substantially closed contour
surrounds said first closed contour. .
8. Device (10) according to claim is, wherein said first and said second closed contours
30 comprise concentric circular contours.
9. Device (10) according to claim 6, wherein said first and said second closed contours
comprise concentric rectangular contours.
35 10. Device (10) according to claim 6, wherein said first and said second closed contours
comprise concentric square contours.
11. Device (10) according to claim 6, wherein said first contour comprises an approximately
semi-circular contour having first and second ends, wherein said second contour comprises an
approximately semi-circular contour having first and second ends, wherein said first end of
said first contour is adjacent to said first end of said second contour, and wherein said second
end of said first contour is adjacent to said second end of said second contour.
12. Device (10) according to any of claims 1 to 4 comprising a surface for contact with said
patient"s skin, said surface being approximately hemispherical in shape and comprising a pair
of electrodes (18a, 18b).
10 13. Device (10) according to claim 12, wherein each electrode (18a, 18b) comprises
approximately half of said hemispherical surface, and wherein said electrodes are infulated
from one another along an equatorial line of said hemisphere,
14. Device according to any of claims 1 to 13 further comprising a housing (12), wherein said
15 circuit (14, 17) is mounted within said housing,
15. Device (10) according to 14 further comprising a means for the attachment of a disposable
cartridge (24) capable of electrically coupling to said circuit (14, 17) within said housing (12),
which said disposable cartridge (24) comprises said one or more electrodes (18a, 18b) and a
20 battery (16).
16. Device according to any of claims 14 or 15 comprising:
a counter (25) mounted to said housing (12), wherein said counter (25) is configured to display.
a count of the number of times said circuit has energized said electrodes.
17. Device (10) according to claim 16, wherein said counter (25) comprises a multi-segment
LCD display.
18. Device (10) according to any of claims 1 to 17 wherein said viral infection comprises a
30 herpes virus infection.
19. Device (10) according to any of claims 1 to 17 wherein said viral infection comprises a
human papiloma virus infection.
35 20. Device (10) according to any of claims 1 to 19, wherein said pulses progressively
increase or decrease in maximum voltage or current amplitude.
21. Device (10) according to any of claims 1 to 20, wherein said pulses vary in maximum
amplitude from approximately 3 volts to approximately 20 volts.
Device (10) for treating viral infections with electrical stimulation
comprising: at least two electrodes (18a, 18b); a circuit (14, 17) configured
to apply electrical stimulation to the skin or mucous membranes of a patient
as a series of electrical pulses, wherein at least some of the different pulses
in said series have different maximum amplitudes.





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Patent Number 214620
Indian Patent Application Number 00624/KOLNP/2003
PG Journal Number 07/2008
Publication Date 15-Feb-2008
Grant Date 13-Feb-2008
Date of Filing 14-May-2003
Name of Patentee SILVERSTONE ,LEON , M.,
Applicant Address 3248 BRANT STREET, SAN DIEGO. USA.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B01J 23/63
PCT International Application Number PCT/US01/44390
PCT International Filing date 2001-11-28
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 09/727,787 2000-11-29 U.S.A.