Title of Invention


Abstract A plurality of fluxing agent inlets (320) are provided at the lower part of a waste processing chamber (10) to enable the direct application of fluxing agents to deposited "unprocessed solids" and/or to liquid products of high viscosity therein. Means (46, 330, 600) are provided for sensing the presence of such blockages in the lower part of the chamber and for providing the fluxing agents thereto to remove the blockage.
Technical Field
The present invention relates to a system and method for decongesting waste
for a waste converting apparatus including the processing, treatment or disposal
of waste. In particular, the present invention is directed to a system and method
for decongesting a furnace in a plasma torch based waste processing plant.
The processing of waste including municipal waste, medical waste, toxic and.
radioactive waste by means of plasma-torch based waste processing plants is
well known. Referring to Figure 1, a typical prior art plasma-based processing
plant (1) comprises a processing chamber (10) typically in the form of a vertical
shaft, in which typically solid, and also mixed (i.e., generally, solid plus liquid
and/or semiiiquid), waste (20) is introduced at the upper end thereof via a waste
inlet means comprising an air lock arrangement (30). One or a plurality of plasma
torches (40) at the lower end of the chamber (10) heats the column (35) of waste
in the chamber (10), converting the waste into gases that are channeled off via
outlet (50), and a liquid material (38) (typically molten metals and/or slag) which
is periodically or continuously collected at the lower end of the chamber (10) via
reservoir (60). Oxidising fluid, such as air, oxygen or steam (70) may be
provided at the lower end of the chamber (10) to convert carbon, produced in the
processing of organic waste, into useful gases such as CO and H2, for
example. A similar arrangement for dealing with solid waste is described in
US 5,143,000, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference
Two problems are commonly encountered that prevent smooth operation of
such processing plants or fumaces:-
(a) Unprocessed solid deposition.
(b) Bridging.
Waste material may comprise many different substances, some of which may
have very high melting temperatures. Such substances may include, for
example, refractory bricks, some types of rocks and stones, and also
aluminium oxide (AI2O3). Furthermore, the waste may also contain products
having a high aluminium content, and the aluminium may be oxidised to
aluminium oxide by the hot oxidising means provided at the lower end of the
chamber (10). The melting temperature for aluminium oxide is about 2050°C,
and the melting point for other oxides that may also be found or formed
within the waste column (35) include for example about 2825°C for
Magnesium oxide (MgO), and about 2630°C for calcium oxide (CaO).
However, the temperature at the lower end of the chamber (10), i.e., of the
liquid material (38) is in the order of between about 1500°C and about
1650°C. Thus, unprocessed solid deposition occurs when certain types of
solid waste having a high melting temperature, or when some substances are
transformed into oxides having a high melting temperature, rather than
liquefy persist in a solid state during the normal operation of the furnace. The
deposition of such solids at the lower end of the chamber (10) leads to
blockage thereat, preventing run-off of liquid material (38) (typically molten
metals and/or slag) to reservoir (60), as illustrated at (C) in Figure 1. The
same problem may occur when the viscosity of molten material is increased
significantly due to a change in its composition. Thus, while this problem
does not directly affect the feed rate of the waste through chamber (10), the
flow rate of the liquid material (38) may be drastically reduced or stopped,
which indirectly results in some reduction in the flow rate of refuse through
the chamber (10). In the art, such "unprocessed solids" need to be treated
with fluxing agent, which enable the solids to dissolve therein, forming
solutions with relatively lower crystallisation temperature and of lower
viscosity than the unprocessed solids may have in the liquid state. The
resulting solutions are subsequently melted and removed from the lower part
of chamber (10) in the normal manner. For example, Calcium Oxide (CaO),
and Aluminium Oxide (AI2O3) each have relatively high individual melting
points. However, if mixed together with quartz (Silicon Oxide (SiO2)) in
appropriate proportions (e.g., SiO2 - 62%, CaO - 23.25%, A12O3 - 14.75% ),
the resulting mixture begins to melt at about 1165°C, and liquid droplets
begin to form at about 1450°C, which is well within the temperature range
existing at the lower end of the chamber (10). Similarly, while the existence
of quartz (SiO2) or Aluminium Oxide (AI2O3) each increase viscosity and
thus decrease the fluidity of liquid material "38), the addition of fluxing
agents such as CaO, MgO, MnO, FeO serve to decrease viscosity of the
liquid material (38) and thus to promote rur-off thereof. In some cases,
Aluminium Oxide can act as a fluxing agent, tr.e addition of small quantities
thereof to slag containing large amounts of CaO having the effect of lowering
the viscosity of the mixture. Unprocessed solids may be dissolved in liquid
slag if in contact therewith, since the liquid s ag comprises many different
compounds in a dissociated state, enabling many different crystal
compositions to be formed at different temperatures. The dissolving process
is accelerated if the viscosity and surface tension of the melt are low, and
these parameters will depend on the composition of the solids as well as of
the melt, and on the temperature of the melt. It is also known that raising the
temperature of the slag also serves to reduce its viscosity.
In the prior art, if and when it is determined that solid deposition has
occurred, fluxing agents are then provided at the top end of the chamber (10)
(typically manually) at the waste inlet means of the apparatus, which is
somewhat ineffective since the agents have to percolate through the whole
column of refuse, or at least pass together with the refuse to the lower part of
the chamber, which takes a lot of time. If there is also bridging within the
chamber (10), the fluxing agents cannot be applied to the solids, and thus the
furnace has to be shut down, the refuse removed from the chamber and the
bridging destroyed manually, before the solids can be accessed. Of course, by
then all of the slag at the lower end of the chamber (10) has also solidified.
French Patent No. 2,708,217 describes a plasma-torch based system in which
the plasma are is permanently submerged between the liquid products and the
torch, within a reaction zone of the material being treated. Japanese Patent
Publication Nos. JP 10 110917 and JP 10 089645 each describe a vertical
melting furnace which is externally bulged to form a combustion space,
thereby enabling continuous waste disposal and for the prevention of
bridging. Japanese Patent Application No.05346218 describes a waste
melting furnace in which a waste feed device, and air feed pipe and an
auxiliary fuel feed device are provided to monitor and control melting
conditions of the waste in order to minimise consumption of the auxiliary
fuel. US 4,831,944 describes another type of furnace wherein the plasma jets
are inclined with respect to the corresponding radius of the column.
US 4,848,250 is directed to an apparatus and method for converting refuse to
thermal energy, metal and slag devoid of particulate material. However, none
of these references are directed to the problem of unprocessed solids
deposition, nor do they provide a solution therefore, less so in the manner of
the present invention.
The bridging phenomenon relates to a blockage that occurs as a result of the
passage of solid material through a channel such as the chamber (10), the
problem being further exacerbated when some of the solids liquefy. Many
organic materials that may be found in the waste column (35) undergo a
number of transformations during processing in the chamber (10). These
transformations include, as a function of increasing temperature, the
formation of gas products, the formation of liquid and semi-liquid pitch or
bitumen, the evaporation of the pitch and charcoal or coke formation at high
temperatures. These transformations may be occurring simultaneously at
different parts of the furnace due to the temperature profile in the chamber
(10). Thus, while raw or unprocessed waste may be found at the upper end of
the waste column (35), the organic materials are converted to charcoal at the
bottom end of the waste column (35), and to bitumen in a central portion of
the waste column (35).
During the bituminisation process of the organic waste, several pieces of
bituminised waste may coalesce to form a full or partial bridge blockage in
the furnace, as illustrated at (A) in Figure 1.
Inorganic waste is normally dealt with at the lower, hotter parts of the
chamber (10). Because of the non-homogenous composition of the waste and
the temperature profile within the chamber (10), some inorganic waste may
melt at higher portions of the chamber (10), and flow downwards, adhering to
other waste and in some cases causing several pieces of waste to adhere to
one another, resulting in a blockage. In fact, the molten waste may adhere to
the walls of the chamber (10) and even crystalise there if the wall temperature
is lower than the melting point of the waste, also leading to a bridge-type
phenomenon within the chamber (10).
Another type of bridging phenomenon may occur as a direct result of the
passage of solid waste through the furnace - a bridge-type formation, similar
to a vaulted ceiling in form, can occur naturally within the refuse column,
particular when the refuse is in granulated form, as illustrated at (B) in Figure
1. The bridge-type formation provides a stable load bearing structure for the
column of refuse, redirecting the weight of the column from the centre
thereof to the edges in contact with the walls of the chamber (10), thereby
preventing the flow of refuse via gravity through the furnace. The presence of
a bridging phenomenon within the chamber (10) results in a reduction or total
stoppage of the feed rate of waste through chamber (10).
Japanese Patent Application No.__1001922 lA2- adresses a bridging
phenomenon problem by providing a number of mechanical devices which
are inserted into the column of refuse from the sides or from the top of the
furnace. These devices provide an external mechanical force to the waste in a
direction towards the inside of the furnace, accomplished by either rotating
members or axially displaceable members. While possibly effective in some
cases, the mechanical devices are subject to a great deal of wear and tear and
to high thermal stresses, and need to be replaced or serviced fairly frequently.
Further, when not needed, the devices actually represent a partial blockage
with respect to the column. The devices are also able to directly apply force
in relatively isolated points within the furnace. Furthermore, incorporation of
such mechanical devices in a furnace made from refractory material is not
In order to address either bridging or solid deposition within the processing
chamber of a plant, the first step is to identify the presence thereof. This not a
simple matter, and is in fact significantly complicated in many instances by
other factors.
For example, one indicator of the presence of bridging and/or of solid
deposition is a decrease in the flow rate of waste through the processing
chamber. However, as explained in more detail below, the changing
composition of the waste itself may also affect the waste flow rate.
The composition of waste provided to the processing chamber may vary
tremendously over any given time period, and may include any relative
proportions of organic to inorganic waste, and any relative proportion of
liquids to solids. While organic waste is converted into product gases (using
oxygen containing reagents), inorganic waste needs to be melted to a liquid,
whose viscosity will depend on the constitution of the inorganic waste and
the temperature thereof. Thus, if the waste that is fed to the processing
chamber comprises a high proportion of inorganic material, there may be a
decrease in the flow rate of waste through the chamber and/or solid
deposition, simply because the primary plasma torches cannot deal with the
large quantity of inorganic waste quickly enough. It is not generally possible
to measure the concentration of some of the inorganic components of the
waste - such as stones and glass, for example - and usually visual monitoring
of the waste by the plant operators is the only way of providing any estimate
regarding the composition of any batch of waste being fed to the plant. When
it is determined that the waste comprises a high degree of inorganic waste,
then either the waste needs to be diluted with organic waste, or the feed rate
to the processing chamber needs to be reduced.
On the other hand, a different problem is encountered when the waste
comprises high levels of organic waste. Here, carbon in the form of coke or
charcoal is produced at higher than normal amounts after drying and
pyrolysis of the waste. Correspondingly, greater amounts of oxidising agents
must be provided to convert the carbon to product gases. If the oxidising
agents include steam, then more power is needed to be provided to the
chamber since steam reacts with carbon endothermically. Unless more
oxidising agents are provided together with greater power by the primary
plasma torches, the flow rate of waste through the processing chamber will
decrease, and it will then difficult to determine if the lowering in the waste
flow rate is as a result of bridging or of coke build-up.
Thus, the waste flow rate through the processing chamber is not only affected
by the presence of bridging and/or solid deposition, but also by the actual
composition of the waste.
Another indication that there is solid deposition may be provided by an
increase in the level of liquid product within the chamber. However, high
viscosity of inorganic liquids at the lower end of the chamber also results in a
slower rate of flow of liquid product, which in turn leads to a rise in the level
thereof. It is not normally possible to determine whether the cause of a rising
level of liquid product is solid deposition, or the high viscosity of the liquid
product, or a mixture of the two. In any case, as in the case of solid
deposition, fluxing agents as well as additional power to the chamber may
help to lower the viscosity of the liquid product and thus provide a solution
when this problem is encountered. Thus, the term "solid deposition" is also
herein taken to include liquid product of relatively high viscosity, at least
sufficient to significantly slow down the flow of liquid product to the
reservoirs (60).
It is therefore an aim of the present invention to provide a first system for
dealing with solid deposition -type congestion phenomena which overcomes
the limitations of prior art devices and methods.
It is another aim of the present invention to provide such a system
incorporated as an integral part of a plasma-torch based type mixed waste
It is another aim of the present invention to provide a second system for
dealing with bridging-type congestion directly in a plasma-torch type
processing apparatus.
It is another aim of the present invention to provide such systems that are
relatively simple mechanically and thus economic to produce as well as to
It is another aim of the present invention to provide such a second system that
incorporates a fluxing agent feed system for feeding fluxing agent directly
into a plasma-torch type processing apparatus.
It is another aim of the present invention to provide a method for operating a
plasma-based waste processing plant such as to minimise blockages therein
due to bridging and/or unprocessed solids.
The present invention achieves these and other aims by providing at least one
"and preferably a plurality of fluxing agent inlets at the lower part of the
chamber such as to enable appropriate fluxing agents to be directly applied to
the deposited "unprocessed solids" and/or to liquid products of high
viscosity. The chamber may also be provided with at least one and preferably
a plurality of auxiliary plasma torches at strategic locations within the
chamber (10) and directed towards the waste column. When a bridge forms
within the chamber (10) one or more auxiliary plasma torches may be
operated such as to provide an additional heat source where needed. This heat
source serves to quickly heat the organic solids and thus pass through the
bituminsation stage and to the charcoal formation as quickly as possible. The
additional heat source may be in the neighborhood of the bridge, but may
also be near the bottom end of the chamber (10). In the latter case, the
additional temperature at the bottom of the chamber (10) effectively moves
the combustion and gasification zones for the charcoal to a higher part of the
chamber, altering the temperature profile. This helps to pass the
bituminisation stage quickly, and effectively destroys such bridges. The heat
source also enables the inorganic wastes to be heated rapidly to pass beyond
the melting stage relatively quickly. The debridging process may be further
enhanced by providing secondary plasma torches at various levels upwards of
the primary torches, the secondary torches at any level being operated as and
when needed to achieve the desired effect. Further, the heat source also
enables a thermal shock front to be directed at the bridge, disrupting and/or
destroying and/or melting the bridge, which is also useful for dealing with
bridge-type phenomena which occur naturally due to the flow of solids along
the chamber (10).
Summary of Invention
The present invention is directed to a system for decongesting waste within a
waste converting apparatus, the waste converting apparatus having a waste
converting chamber adapted for accommodating a column of waste, at least
one waste inlet means to said chamber for enabling said waste to be
introduced into said chamber, at least one primary plasma torch means for
generating a hot gas jet at an output end thereof and for directing said jet
towards a lower longitudinal part of the chamber, and at least one liquid
outlet for removing liquid product from the lower part of said chamber, said
system comprising:-
at least one fluxing agent inlet means in said chamber separate from said
waste inlet means, for selectively providing at least a quantity of at least one
fluxing agent to a lower part of said chamber for at least partially removing a
solid deposition type congestion and/or high viscosity liquid product-type
congestion from said chamber, and/or to substantially prevent occurrence or
propagation of such a congestion;
at least one said liquid product level sensing means at least for detecting a
first predetermined status of a liquid product level in said chamber;
said at least one fluxing agent inlet means being selectively operable at least
in response to said predetermined first status being detected.
Typically, the first predetermined status corresponds to a detected liquid
product level substantially greater than a predetermined maximum. The
fluxing agent inlet means may be located intermediate between said at least
one liquid products outlet means and said waste inlet means, and preferably
between said primary plasma torch means and said waste inlet means. The
fluxing agent inlet means is operatively connected to at least one suitable
source of fluxing agent.
The present invention also relates to an apparatus for converting waste
(a) a waste converting chamber adapted for accommodating a column of
(b) at least one primary plasma torch means for generating a hot gas jet at
an output end thereof and for directing said jet towards a bottom longitudinal
part of the chamber;
(c) at least one waste inlet means at an upper longitudinal part of the
(d) at least one liquid product outlet means at a lower longitudinal part of
said chamber;
said apparatus further comprising a decongesting system for decongesting
waste within said waste converting apparatus, said system comprising:-
(e) at least one fluxing agent inlet means in said chamber separate from
said waste inlet means, for selectively providing at least a quantity of at least
one fluxing agent to a lower part of said chamber for at Least partially
removing a solid deposition type congestion and/or high viscosity liquid
product-type congestion from said chamber, and/or to substantially prevent
occurrence or propagation of such a congestion;
(f) at least one said liquid product level sensing means at least for detecting a
first predetermined status of a liquid product level in said chamber;
said at least one fluxing agent inlet means being selectively operable at least
in response to said predetermined first status being detected.
Typically, the first predetermined status corresponds to a detected liquid
product level substantially greater than a predetermined maximum. The
fluxing agent inlet means may be located intermediate between said at least
one liquid products outlet means and said waste inlet means, preferably
between said primary plasma torch means and said waste inlet means. The
fluxing agent inlet means is vertically spaced from said primary plasma torch
means by a predetermined spacing such as to enable a fluxing agent provided
to said chamber via said fluxing agent inlet means to be substantially melted
by means of said primary torch means. Preferably, the fluxing agent inlet
means is operatively connected to at least one suitable source of fluxing
Advantageously, the apparatus further comprises suitable control means for
controlling operation of said first decongestion system operative connected to
said at least one liquid product level sensing means and said at least one
fluxing agent inlet. The apparatus may also comprise at least one suitable gas
flow rate sensing means for monitoring the volume flow rate of product gases
provided by said apparatus via said gas outlet means. The control means is
typically operatively connected to said gas flow rate sensing means.
Optionally, the apparatus also comprises at least one secondary plasma torch
means having an outlet in said chamber such that during operation of said
system a high temperature zone may be selectively provided within said
converting chamber such as to enable a fluxing agent provided to said
chamber via said fluxing agent inlet means to be substantially melted by
means of said secondary torch means. The fluxing agent inlet means and the
^....._,______________________...... . .. ...... .......... .......-¦..... -1
second plasma torch means may be disposed in a mixing chamber in
communication with said chamber.
The fluxing agent is provided in powdered form, or in granulated form, and
include SiO2 (or sand), CaO (or CaCO3)3 MgO, Fe2O3, K2O, Na2O, CaF2,
borax, dolomite, or any other suitable fluxing material including any suitable
composition comprising at least one suitable material.
The waste input means may comprise an air lock means comprising a loading
chamber for isolating a predetermined quantity of said waste sequentially
from an inside of said chamber and from an outside of said chamber.
The apparatus may further comprise waste composition determination means
for at least partially determining a composition of waste fed to the said
chamber, the waste composition determination means being preferably
operatively connected to said control means.
Optionally, the apparatus further comprises a second decongestion system for
decongesting waste within said waste converting apparatus, said second
system comprising:-
at least one waste flow rate sensing means at least for detecting a second
predetermined status of a flow rate of waste in said chamber;
at least one liquid product level sensing means at least for detecting a third
predetermined status of a liquid product level in said chamber;
at least one secondary plasma torch means having an outlet in said chamber
such that during operation of said system a high temperature zone may be
selectively provided within said converting chamber for at least partially
removing a bridge-type congestion from said chamber and/or to substantially
prevent occurrence or propagation of such a congestion;
said secondary plasma torch means being selectively operable at least in
response to said predetermined second status and said predetermined third
status being detected.
The secondary plasma torch means may located intermediate between said
primary plasma torch means and said upper end of said chamber.
The apparatus typically also comprises at least one gas outlet means at an
upper longitudinal part of the chamber, and at least one said secondary
plasma torch means may optionally be located within a lower third and/or a
middle third of the said chamber taken vertically between said primary
plasma torch means and said gas outlet means.
The second predetermined status corresponds to a detected waste flow rate
lower than a predetermined minimum, and the third predetermined status
corresponds to a detected liquid product level not greater than a
predetermined maximum
The apparatus may be provided with a plurality of second plasma torch
means, at least some of which may be distributed longitudinally and/or
circumferentially with respect to said chamber.
Optionally, one or more application point may be provided adapted for
selectively enabling introduction of a plasma torch means with respect to said
chamber. Each application point may comprise a suitable sleeve for
accommodating therein a said second plasma torch such that during operation
of said second plasma torch a high temperature zone provided inside the
chamber at a predetermined location correlated to said corresponding
application point, and wherein said sleeve is selectively sealable to prevent
communication between the chamber and the outside when said sleeve is not
accommodating a said second plasma torch. At least some of the plurality of
application points may be distributed longitudinally and/or circumferentially
with respect to said chamber. The waste flow rate sensing means is preferably
operatively connected to said control means.
The present invention also relates to a method for decongesting an apparatus
for converting waste, wherein said apparatus comprises
a waste converting chamber adapted for accommodating a column of waste;
at least one primary plasma torch means for generating a hot gas jet at an
output end thereof and for directing said jet towards a lower longitudinal part
of the chamber;
at least one waste inlet means at an upper longitudinal part of the chamber;
at least one liquid product outlet means at a lower longitudinal part of said
wherein said method comprises :-
(a) providing at least one fluxing agent inlet means in said chamber separate
from said waste inlet means, for selectively providing at least" a quantity of at
least one fluxing agent to a lower part of said chamber for at least partially
removing a solid deposition type congestion and/or high viscosity liquid
product-type congestion from said chamber, and/or to substantially prevent
occurrence or propagation of such a congestion, said method further
comprising the steps;
(b) monitoring the level of liquid products at a lower longitudinal part of said
apparatus via suitable liquid product level sensing means;
(c) if the level at (b) increases substantially above a predetermined maximum
value, providing a predetermined quantity of at least one fluxing agent to
chamber via said fluxing agent inlet means;
(d) continuing providing said fluxing agent until the level at (b) is
substantially restored to its predetermined maximum, whereupon steps (b),
(c), and (d) are repeated.
Optionally, the method further comprises the step of providing at least one
secondary plasma torch means having an outlet in said chamber such that
during operation of said system a high temperature zone may be selectively
provided within said converting chamber for at least partially removing a
solid deposition type congestion and/or high viscosity liquid product-type
congestion from said chamber, and/or to substantially prevent occurrence or
propagation of such a congestion, wherein steps (b) and (c) are replaced by
steps (e) to (h), comprising:-
(e) monitoring the level of liquid products at a lower longitudinal part of
said apparatus via suitable liquid product level sensing means;
(f) if the level at (e) increases substantially above a predetermined
maximum value, operating at least one said second plasma torch means at
said lower end of said chamber according to a first operating mode;
(g) continuing monitoring the level of liquid products at a lower longitudinal
part of said apparatus via suitable liquid product level sensing means;
(h) if the level at (g) has not substantially decreased at least to said
predetermined maximum value, providing a predetermined quantity of at
least one fluxing agent to chamber via said fluxing agent inlet means;
Typically, the first operating mode may comprise activating the secondary
plasma torch at the lower end of said chamber for a predetermined time
interval and then deactivating the same.
The method may further comprise the steps (i) to (k) between step (b) and
step (e), wherein steps (i) to (k) comprise:
(i) monitoring the flow rate of waste within said chamber via suitable waste
flow rate sensing means;
(j) if the volume flow rate at (i) decreases below a predetermined minimum
and the level at (b) does not substantially increase above a predetermined
maximum value, operating at least one said second plasma torch means;
(k) maintaining operation of said secondary plasma torch means until the
waste flow rate at (i) is substantially restored to its predetermined minimum
or until the level at (b) is substantially restored to its predetermined
maximum, whereupon steps (b) to (k) are repeated.
The method may further comprise the step of providing at least one said
secondary plasma torch at a lower portion of said chamber and at least one
other said secondary plasma torch is provided at an upper part of said
chamber with respect to said lower portion, wherein steps (j) and (k) are
replaced with the following steps:-
(1) if the volume. flow rate at (i) decreases below a predetermined
minimum and the level at (b) does not substantially increase above a
predetermined maximum value, operating at least one said second plasma
torch means at said lower end of said chamber according to a second
operating mode;
(m) if the volume flow rate at (k) is still below said predetermined
minimum and the level at (b) has not substantially increased above said
predetermined maximum value, operating at least one said second plasma
torch means at said upper part of said chamber;
(n) maintaining operation of said secondary plasma torch means at the
upper part of said chamber until the waste flow rate at (i) is substantially
restored to its predetermined minimum or until the level at (b) is substantially
restored to its predetermined maximum, whereupon steps (b), (i), (1), (m) and
(n) are repeated.
Typically, the second operating mode may comprise activating the said at
least one secondary plasma torch at said lower end of said chamber for a
predetermined time interval and then deactivating the same.
Figure 1 shows schematically the general layout and main elements of a
typical solid/mixed waste plasma processing apparatus of the prior art.
Figure 2 shows schematically the main elements of the first aspect of the
present invention in relation to a typical plasma processing apparatus.
Figure 3 shows schematically the main elements of the second aspect of the
present invention in relation to a typical plasma processing apparatus.
Figure 4 shows schematically a typical plasma processing apparatus
comprising a combination of the decongestion systems shown in Figure 2 and
Figure 3.
Figure 5 shows a schematic flow chart illustrating one operating procedure
for the decongestant systems of Figure 2.
Figure 6 shows a schematic flow chart illustrating an alternative operating
procedure for the decongestant systems of Figure 2.
Figure 7 shows a schematic flow chart illustrating one operating procedure
for the decongestant systems of Figure 3.
Figure 8 shows a schematic flow chart illustrating one operating procedure
for the decongestant systems of Figure 4.
Figure 9 shows a schematic flow chart illustrating an alternative operating
procedure for the decongestant systems of Figure 4.
Disclosure of Invention
The present invention will now be described by way of example with reference to the accompanying
The present invention relates to a system for decongesting waste for a waste converting apparatus,
not only, primarily by removing congestions when they occur, but also by providing preventive
action. The term "waste converting apparatus" herein includes any apparatus adapted for treating,
processing or disposing of any waste materials, including municipal waste, household waste,
industrial waste, medical waste, nuclear waste and other types of waste. The present invention is
also directed to such waste converting apparatus having the aforesaid system, and to methods of
operating such systems and apparatuses. The apparatus typically comprises a waste converting
chamber adapted for accommodating a column of waste, at least one primary plasma torch means
for generating a hot gas jet at an output end thereof and for directing said jet towards a bottom
longitudinal part of the chamber. The waste converting apparatus may further comprise at least one
gas outlet means at an upper longitudinal part of the chamber, and at least one liquid product outlet
at a lower longitudinal part of the chamber.
In its simplest form, and in a first aspect of the present invention, the system for decongesting waste
comprises : -
at least one waste flow rate sensing means at least for detecting a first predetermined status
of a flow rate of waste in said chamber;
at least one liquid product level sensing means at least for detecting a second predetermined
status of a liquid product level in said chamber;
at least one secondary plasma torcn means naving an outlet in said
chamber such that during operation of said system a high temperature
zone may be selectively provided within said converting chamber for at
least partially removing a bridge-type congestion from said chamber
and/or to substantially prevent occurrence or propagation of such a
said secondary plasma torch means being selectively operable at least
in response to said predetermined first status and said predetermined
second status being detected.
In a second aspect of the present invention, the system for decongesting
waste comprises:-
at least one fluxing agent inlet means in said chamber separate from
said waste inlet means, for selectively providing at least a quantity of at
least one fluxing agent to a lower part of said chamber for at least
partially removing a solid deposition type congestion and/or high
viscosity liquid product-type congestion from said chamber, and/or to
substantially prevent occurrence or propagation of such a congestion;
at least one said liquid product level sensing means at least for
detecting a third predetermined status of a liquid product level in said
said at least one fluxing agent inlet means being selectively operable
at least in response to said predetermined third status being detected.
Referring to the Figures, Figures 2 and 3 illustrates a preferred, embodiment
of trie" present invention according to the first aspect and second aspect
thereof, respectively. The plasma waste processing apparatus, designated by
the numeral (100), comprises a processing chamber (10), which while
typically is in the form of a cylindrical or frusto-conical vertical shaft, may be
in any desired shape. Typically, a solid or mixed waste feeding system (20)
introduces typically solid waste at the upper end of the chamber (10) via a
waste inlet means comprising an air lock arrangement (30). Mixed waste may
also be fed into the chamber (10), though generally gaseous and liquid waste
is removed from the apparatus (10) without substantial treatment. The
solid/mixed waste feeding system (20) may comprise any suitable conveyor
means or the like, and may further comprise a shredder for breaking up the
waste into smaller, pieces. The air lock arrangement (30) may comprise an
upper valve (32) and a lower valve (34) defining a loading chamber (36)
therebetween. The valves (32), (34) are preferably gate valves operated
electrically, pneumatically or hydraulically to open and close independently
as required. A closeable hop arrangement (39) funnels typically solid and/or
mixed waste from the feeding system (20) into the loading chamber (36)
when the upper valve (32) is open, and the lower valve (34) is in the closed
position. Feeding of waste into the loading chamber (36) typically continues
until the level of waste in the loading chamber (36) reaches a predetermined
point below full capacity, to minimise the possibility of any waste interfering
with closure of the upper valve (32). The upper valve (32) is then closed. In
the closed position, each of the valves (32), (34) provides an air seal. When
required, the lower valve (34) is then opened enabling the waste to be fed
into the processing chamber (10) with relatively little or no air being drawn
therewith. The opening and closing of the valves (32), (34), and the feeding
of waste from the feeder (20) may be controlled by any suitable controller
(500), which may comprise a human controller and/or a suitable computer
system operatively connected thereto and to other components of the
apparatus (100). Preferably, a waste flow sensing system (530) is provided
and operatively connected to the controller (500). The sensing system (530)
typically comprises one or more suitable sensors (33) at an upper part or level
(F) of the chamber (10) for sensing when the level of waste reaches this level.
Similarly, the sensing system (530) typically also comprises one or more
suitable sensors (33") at a level (E), vertically displaced downwards with
respect to level (F) of the chamber (10), for sensing when the level of waste
reaches this level. Level (F) may advantageously represent the maximum
safety limit for waste in the chamber (10), while level (E) may represent a
level of waste within the chamber (10) at which it is efficient to provide more
waste to the chamber (10). Thus, the volume in the chamber (10) between
level (E) and level (F) may be approximately equal to the volume of waste
that may be accommodated in loading chamber (36). Alternatively, or
additionally, the location of the sensors (33) and (331) at levels (F) and (E)
may be chosen to provide suitable datums for determining an actual flow rate
of the waste through the chamber (10) by measuring the time interval
between the time when the level of waste is at level (F) to when it reaches
level (E), for example. The controller (500) may also be operatively
connected to valves (32), (34) to coordinate loading of the loading chamber
(36) from the feeding system (20), and unloading of the waste from the
loading chamber (36) to the processing chamber (10).
Optionally, the hop arrangement (39) may comprise a disinfectant spraying
system (31) for periodically or continuously spraying the same with
disinfectant, as required, particularly when medical waste is being processed
by apparatus (100).
The processing chamber (10) is typically, but not necessarily, in the form of a
cylindrical shaft having a substantially vertical longitudinal axis (18). The
inner part of processing chamber (10) in contact with the waste column (35)
is typically made from suitable refractory material, and has a bottom end
comprising a liquid product collection zone (41), typically in the form of a
crucible, having at least one outlet associated with one or more collection
reservoirs (60). The processing chamber (10) farther comprises at the upper
end thereof at least one primary gas outlet (50) for collecting primarily
product gases from the processing of waste. The upper end of the processing
chamber (10) comprises the said air lock arrangement (30), and the
processing chamber (10) is typically filled with waste material via the airlock
arrangement (30) up to about the level of the primary gas outlet (50). Sensing
system (530) senses when the level of waste drops sufficiently (as a result of
processing in the chamber (10)) and advises controller (500) to enable
another batch of waste to be fed to the processing chamber (10) via the
loading chamber (36). The controller (500) then closes lower valve (34) and
opens upper valve (32) to enable the loading chamber (36) to be re-loaded via
feeding system (20), and then closes upper valve (32), ready for the next
One or a plurality of primary plasma torches (40) at the lower end of the
processing chamber (10) are operatively connected to suitable electric power,
gas and water coolant sources (45), and the plasma torches (40) may be of the
transfer or non-transfer types. The torches (40) are mounted in the chamber
(10) by means of suitably sealed sleeves, which facilitates replacing or
servicing of the torches (40). The torches (40) generate hot gases that are
directed downwardly at an angle into the bottom end of the column of waste.
The torches (40) are distributed at the bottom end of the chamber (10) such
that in operation, the plumes from the torches (40) heat the bottom of the
column of waste, as homogeneously as possible, to a high temperature,
typically in the order of about 1600°C or more. The torches (40) generate at
their downstream output ends hot gas jets, or plasma plumes, having an
average temperature of about 2000°C to about 7000°C. The heat emanating
from the torches (40) ascends through the column of waste, and thus a
temperature gradient is set up in the processing chamber (10). Hot gases
generated by the plasma torches (40) support the temperature level in the
chamber (10) which is sufficient for continuously converting the waste into
product gases that are channeled off via outlet (50), and into a liquid material
(38) that may include molten metal and/or slag, which may be periodically or
continuously collected at the lower end of the chamber (10) via one or more
reservoirs (60).
Oxidising fluid (70), such as air, oxygen or steam may be provided at the
lower end of the chamber (10) to convert carbon, produced in the processing
of organic waste, into useful gases such as CO and H2, for example.
The apparatus (100) may further comprise a scrubber system (not shown)
operatively connected to the outlet (50), for removing particulate matter
and/or other liquid droplets (including pitch), as well as any undesired gases
(such as HC1, H2S, HF, for example) from the product gas stream leaving the
chamber (10) via outlet (50). Particulate matter may include organic and
inorganic components. Pitch may be contained in the gas stream leaving
outlet (50) in gas or liquid form. Scrubbers capable of performing such tasks
are well known in the art and do not require to be further elaborated upon
herein. The scrubber is typically operatively connected downstream thereof to
a suitable gas processing means (not shown) such as a gas turbine power
plant or a manufacturing plant, for example, for economically utilising the
cleaned product gases, typically comprising at this stage H2, CO, CH4, CO2
and N2. The scrubber may further comprise a reservoir (not shown) for
collecting particulate matter, pitch and liquid matter removed form the gas
products by the scrubber. Such paniculate matter and liquid matter (including
pitch) require further processing.
Optionally, the apparatus (100) may further comprise an afterburner (not
shown) operatively connected to the outlet (50) for burning organic
components in the product gases and connected to suitable afterburner energy
utilisation systems and also to off-gas cleaning systems (not shown). Such
energy utilisation systems may include a boiler and steam turbine
arrangement coupled to an electric generator. Off-gas cleaning systems may
produce solid waste materials such as fly ash with reagents, and/or liquid
solutions comprising waste materials which require further processing.
In a first aspect of the present invention, and referring particularly to Figure
2, at least a first chamber decongestion system (200) is provided for the
removal of, and also for the prevention of the formation of, bridging
phenomena within the chamber (10), thereby leading to a smoother and
continuous operation of the plasma waste processing apparatus (100).
Referring to Figure 2, in the preferred embodiment of the present invention,
the first decongestion system (200) according to the first aspect thereof
comprises at least one secondary plasma torch (240) situated within the
chamber (10) between an upper portion of the chamber (10), and the primary
plasma torches (40), and preferably between the gas outlet (50) and the
primary plasma torches (40). More preferably, the system (200) comprises at
least one secondary plasma torch (240) located within a lower longitudinal
third of the chamber (10) taken vertically between the primary torch means
(40) and the gas outlet means (50). Each secondary plasma torch (240) is
operatively connected to suitable electric power, gas and water coolant
sources (245), and the secondary plasma torches (240) are typically of the
non-transfer types. The secondary plasma torches (240) are typically mounted
in the chamber (10) by means of suitably sealed sleeves (250), which
facilitate replacing or servicing of the torches (240). The torches (240)
generate hot gases that may be directed towards a bridging formation (B) or
(A) occurring within the column of waste. The secondary torches (240) are
distributed within the chamber (10) such that in operation, the plumes from
the torches (240) provide a high temperature heat blast, typically in the order
of about 1600°C or more, to the bridge formation (A) or (B) to disrupt,
destroy or melt the same. As with the primary plasma jets (40), the secondary
plasma torches (240) generate at their downstream output ends hot gas jets, or
plasma plumes, having an average temperature of about 2000°C to about
7000°C. Additionally, the air or oxygen that may be used to operate the
secondary plasma torches (240) also enable the oxidation of charcoal within
the waste column (35). This exothermic process leads to a further increase in
temperature within the chamber (10).
Typically, and in contrast to the normal operation of the primary torches (40),
the secondary torches (240) are only operated when a bridge phenomenon is
in the process of forming, or is in fact already formed. Thus, rather than being
operated continuously, the secondary torches (240) need only be used as and
when required. Thus, the secondary torches (240) are subject to relatively less
wear than the primary torches (40), and need relatively less maintenance.
Alternatively, the secondary torches (240) may also be used intermittently
preventively, providing a heat blast to the refuse column (35) at preset
intervals, which may be determined statistically, for example, thereby
preventing the formation of bridging phenomena. In any case, the secondary
plasma torches (240) are preferably operatively connected to and thus
controlled via, controller (500).
Bridging phenomena of type (A) caused by vitrification or bituminisation are
generally formed at the lower end of the chamber (10), and thus, one or more
secondary torches (240) may be provided at this end to deal with such
bridging phenomena. Bridging phenomena of type (B) are generally caused
naturally by the downflow of solids, and its most likely location along the
height of the chamber (10) may be estimated or empirically determined. The
exact location, though, may depend on the average particle size and general
homogeneity of the waste column (35). Accordingly, further secondary
plasma torches (240) may be provided at such locations to deal with such
bridging phenomena.
Thus, a plurality of secondary torches (240) may be provided to chamber (10)
at various heights disposed between the primary torches (40) and the gas
outlet (50). The secondary plasma torches (240) may be distributed within the
chamber (10) longitudinally and/or circumferentially. For example, one or
more lower secondary torches (240) may be provided near the lower end of
the chamber (10), but at a height above the primary torches (40), say at
location (L) in Figure 2, typically within the lower third of the chamber (10)
taken vertically between the primary plasma torches (40) and the gas outlet
(50). Similarly, one or more further upper secondary torches (240) may be
provided between the lower secondary torches (240) and the gas outlet (50),
say at location (H) in Figure 2, typically within the middle third of the
chamber (10). Similarly, more secondary torches may be provided at any
desired height along chamber (10). Advantageously, the plurality of
secondary torches (240) are also preferably angularly distributed with respect
to the periphery of the chamber (10), i.e., viewed along the axis (18). Such a
distribution of secondary torches (240) enables the temperature profile within
the chamber (10) to be modified when required to remove bridging
phenomena wherever they may occur within the chamber (10).
Since not all secondary plasma torches (240) are necessarily used with the
same frequency, the chamber (10) may be provided with at least one and
preferably a plurality of application points (260) which are adapted for
receiving a secondary plasma torch (240) and thus comprises a suitable
sleeve (250) which can be selectively sealed to preventing communication
between the chamber (10) and the outside when not needed. The apparatus
may be provided with a plurality of said application points (250) distributed
longitudinally and/or circumferentially with respect to the chamber (10).
Thus, application points (260) may be provided at locations within the
chamber (10) at which bridging phenomena occur relatively less frequently,
or indeed at any other desired location, such that if a bridge is formed near
such locations, a secondary plasma torch (240) may be inserted into the
chamber via the sleeve (250) at the application point (260), and subsequently
removed after dealing with the bridging phenomena. Thus, rather than
providing numerous secondary plasma torches (240), the chamber (10) may
be provided with a plurality of application points (260), each of which is
provided with a secondary plasma torch (240) only when needed. This leads
to less wear of the torches (240), as well as lower capital outlay for them. The
application points (260) may be provided with,».means for operatively
connecting the secondary torches (240) (when located therein) to the
controller (500), or alternatively to an auxiliary control system for enabling
these secondary torches to be actuated independently of controller (500).
Additionally or alternatively, some of the secondary torches (240) at least
may be adapted for swivelling within the chamber, as illustrated at (2 40") in
Figure 2, to provide a greater geometric operating envelope therefor within
the chamber (10).
Preferably, at least one of the secondary torches (240) may be provided at the
lower end of the chamber to increase the temperature thereof and thus alter
the temperature profile within the chamber (10) such inorganic waste is
melted quickly, and that organic waste is converted to charcoal quickly
without allowing it to stay as bitumen for long. While such a configuration
can thus be used as a curative feature to remove bridging phenomena, it may
also be used in a preventative fashion, the secondary torches (240) being
operated periodically (and in some cases perhaps continuously) in order to
prevent bridging phenomena from forming in the first place.
The presence of bridging phenomena within the chamber (10) may be
indicated by the detection of a significant decrease in the flow rate of waste
through the chamber (10), measured by the sensing system (530). Such a
decrease may be relatively sharp, and may be manifested by the level of
waste in the processing chamber (10) being substantially stationary or taking
too long to reach level (E), for example. Thus, when controller (500) receives
a signal from upper sensors (33) of the sensing system (530) indicating that
the level of waste is at level (F), the controller (500) then expects the level of
waste to reach level (E) within a predetermined time period after this event.
This predetermined time period is typically correlated with the rate of
processing of waste within the chamber (10) of a volume of waste
corresponding to the volume of the chamber between level (F) and level (E).
As such, the predetermined time period will depend on the composition of the
waste previously provided to the chamber (10) and which is now lower down
being processed. Determining the composition of the waste is not a
straightforward task, and may require visual inspection of the waste before it
is provided to the loading chamber (36), or, it may be decided to operate the
apparatus with certain types of waste only at certain times. Thus, the
predetermined time period may have to be quite large to take account of the
possibility that the composition of waste within the chamber (10) is strongly
biased towards inorganic waste,, for example, and this is causing a slowing
down of the pyrolysis waste disposal process in the chamber (10), longer than
In other words, the level of the waste column within the chamber (10) may
remain substantially stationary or decrease very slowly (while no new waste
is added thereto), and this is determined by the controller (500). (In some
cases, the waste level may be stuck at the upper point, i.e., at level (F), and
thus the controller (500) is also adapted to expect the level of waste to at least
fall from (F) within the same or different time period.)
The presence of bridging phenomena is generally also accompanied by a
reduction in the amount of output or product gases produced, and of the
amount of liquid product produced, since less waste is being processed due to
the congestion in the waste column (35). The decrease in production of
product gases may be determined by monitoring the flow rate of the product
gases through the gas outlet (50). However, there are a number of difficulties
associated with this. Firstly, product gases may contain high levels of tar,
paniculate solids and also liquid vapours, rendering any flow measurement
inaccurate. Secondly, while the product gas output may be down (also due to
the fact that it is also more difficult for gases to flow upwards in the chamber
(10) due to the bridging phenomena), the oxidising gases are still being
provided at the lower end of the chamber (10), and these gases are also
exhausted via the outlet (50).
The reduction in the production rate of liquid product may be determined by
detecting a reduction in the level of liquid product at the liquid product
collection zone (41). This is usually a better indicator of the presence of
bridging than monitoring the flow rate of liquid product to the reservoirs
(60), since if the liquid product has high viscosity and/or solid deposition has
occurred, the output of liquid product to the reservoirs (60) will also be
decreased or stopped altogether. However, there may also be cases in which
notwithstanding having a bridging phenomenon present in the chamber (10),
the level of liquid product in the collection zone (41) does not decrease (or at
least very slowly) due to high viscosity of the liquid product and/or the
presence of solid deposition. Moreover, a lowering of the liquid product level
may also be due to the composition of previously processed waste having a
relatively low proportion of inorganic waste. Thus, while a lowering of the
liquid product level in the collection zone (41) may indicate the presence of
bridging, the lack of such this decrease is thus inconclusive. On the other
hand, when bridging occurs, it is very unlikely that the level of liquid product
will increase. Thus, the preferred parameter in the present invention for
monitoring the liquid product for the determination of bridging is whether the
level of liquid product in collection zone (41) has increased, providing, in the
negative, a necessary though not sufficient condition therefor. For this
purpose one or more liquid level detectors (46) are provided to detect
whether or not the liquid product level has increased beyond a predetermined
level, and the detectors (46) are operatively connected to the controller (500).
Such detectors (46) may be simple visual indicators that enable the operator
to view directly the liquid level, and may be in the form of a suitable window,
for example, located near the collection zone (41).
Thus, referring in particular to Figures 5 and 6, when the controller (500)
determines that the waste flow rate through the chamber (10) has been
reduced below a predetermined limit as described above, and that the level of
the liquid products in the collection zone (41) is not above a predetermined
limit, this determination provides a high probability that bridging has in fact
occurred within the chamber (10) and corrective action is required.
Since the location of bridging phenomena within the chamber (10) may
sometimes be random or quasi-random, the corrective action is preferably by
activating the secondary torches (240), preferably in a manner such as to
maximise the effectiveness thereof. Thus, in the first instance the lower
secondary torches (240), for example as located at (L) in the Figures, are first
activated. The temperature of waste material in column (35) will be increased
not only because of the additional thermal energy provided by the secondary
plasma jets, but also because of exothermic reactions between charcoal and
additional oxygen supplied via the secondary torches. The temperature
profile within the chamber (10) is thus changed which may enable the
bridging phenomena to be overcome. If the temperature profile change is
insufficient to overcome the bridging phenomena, the secondary torches
(240) provided at the next level, say at (H), above the previous secondary
torches are then operated, in addition to or instead of, the latter, and such
sequencing of secondary torches continues as necessary up the chamber (10).
The sequencing of the secondary torches are preferably controlled by the
controller (500), but may instead be controlled by any other suitable
controlling means such as a computer for example, to each provide a heat
blast of suitable intensity and duration in a predetermined sequence such as
that described, for example, along the height and circumference of the
chamber (10). In rare cases where the bridging phenomena persist, additional
secondary plasma torches (240) may be provided and operated via suitable
application points (250). The extent of this activation, in particular how many
torches are provided, in which order they are activated, whether continuously
or in bursts, and for how long, may be decided according to any suitable plan,
which may be modified with time according to experience gained with any
particular apparatus (100).
If it is determined that while the waste flow rate through the chamber (10) is
below limits, nevertheless the level of liquid products is increasing, this may
be indicative of the presence of solid deposition and/or high viscosity liquid
If it is determined that the waste flow rate through the chamber (10) is not
below limits, i.e., nominal, but nevertheless the level of liquid products is
increasing, this is indicative of either (a) that the. waste contains a high
percentage of inorganic waste; and/or (b) that solid deposition and/or high
viscosity of the liquid product is present. Correction action for (a) is
relatively simple, requiring the primary torches (40) to be used at a higher
rating, for example, and/or for organic waste proportion of the waste to be
increased. Corrective action for (b) in addition to, and also independent from,
dealing with bridging phenomena, is discussed below. In order to assess the
likelihood of either (a) or (b) or a combination of both is the cause of the
symptoms detected by controller (500), waste composition determination
means (21) are provided to monitor the waste before., it is fed into the chamber
(10). The simplest form of such means (21) is a visual monitoring means and
a human operator thereof to visually scan the waste, which often provides a
fair indication of whether the waste is organic-rich or inorganic-rich. Another
way to enable the controller (500) to discriminate between cause (a) and
cause (b) is by analysis of the product gases flowing out via outlet (50),
and/or their flow rate. A lower than normal flow rate of product gases such as
CO?, CO, H2 or hydrocarbons, for example, indicates that there may be a high
probability of (a).
In a second aspect of the present invention, at least a second chamber
decongestion system (300) is provided for the removal of, and also for the
prevention of the formation of, unprocessed solid deposition within the •
chamber (10), and/or for dealing with high viscosity liquid product, thereby
leading to a smoother and continuous operation of the plasma waste
processing apparatus (100).
Referring to Figur 3 in the preferred embodiment of the present invention
according to the second aspect thereof, the second decongestion system (300)
comprises at least one fluxing agent inlet (320) situated within the chamber
(10) between the waste inlet means and the liquid product collection zone
(41). Preferably, at least one fluxing agent is located between the gas outlet
(50) and the liquid product collection zone (41), and more preferably between
the gas outlet (50) and the primary plasma torches (40). Each fluxing agent
inlet (320) is operatively connected to one or more fluxing agent sources
(330) such that any desired fluxing agent may be provided to the chamber
(10) at a location near to where unprocessed solids and/or high viscosity
liquid products are deposited. The fluxing agents may be provided via inlet
(320) preferably in powdered or granulated form, and thus an appropriate
feed system, such as for example a worm feed device or a pneumatic feed
device (for powdered fluxing agents), is associated with the inlet (320).
Unprocessed solids (C) such as aluminium oxide, or its refractory
compositions with other oxides, for example may be deposited at the liquid
product collection zone (41) and in fact block the outlet to the collection
reservoirs (60). The addition of an appropriate fluxing agent directly to the
unprocessed solids (C) enables the solid to be processed, typically by
enabling the unprocessed solid to dissolve in the fluxing agent and melt
together at a substantially lower melting point than the melting point of the
unprocessed solids and thus enabling the solids to melt and leave the chamber
(10) to reservoirs (60). This is particularly so if the fluxing agents are in the
molten state by the time that they come into contact with the unprocessed
solids. Thus, preferably, the fluxing agent inlet means (320) is preferably
vertically .spaced from the primary plasma torch means (40) by "a
predetermined spacing such as to enable a fluxing agent provided to the
chamber (10) via the fluxing agent inlet means (320) to be substantially
melted by means of the heat provided by the primary torch means (40). This
predetermined spacing is typically an optimal spacing - a larger spacing
provides longer time for the fluxing agent to be heated, but also slows the
rate at which the congestion (C) is removed; a shorter spacing does not
generally allow enough time for all of the fluxing agent to melt. Thus, the
optimal spacing may be different for each fluxing agent used, and thus a
practical spacing may be chosen for any given system (300). Similarly,
congestion due to slow-moving high-viscosity liquid product at the collection
zone (41) may be further processed by suitable fluxing agents and/or heating-
to reduce viscosity and enable the liquid products to flow out of the chamber
(10) and to the reservoirs (60).
Thus, preferably, a secondary plasma torch arrangement may be provided,
comprising at least one secondary plasma torch (240) operatively connected
to suitable electric power, gas and water coolant sources (245), the secondary
plasma torches (240) being typically of the non-transfer types. At least one
fluxing agent inlet (320) may be coupled to a secondary plasma torch (240) in
a suitable mixing chamber (400), particularly if the fluxing agent is provided
in powdered form. The hot plasma jets from the secondary plasma torch (240)
also melt the fluxing agents and increase the temperature of the unprocessed
solids as well as of the molten material resulting from the processing of the
waste column (35). The secondary plasma torches (240) are sufficiently
displaced vertically from the collection zone (41) to give the fluxing agent
sufficient time to melt before they act on the unprocessed solids.
Additionally, the air or oxygen that may be used to operate the secondary
plasma torches (240) also enable the oxidation of charcoal within the waste
column (35). This exothermic process leads, to a further increase in
temperature within the chamber (10).
Particularly when the fluxing agents are not provided in powdered form, but
instead in granulated form, the fluxing agent inlet (320) is provided in
chamber (10) at a sufficient height above the secondary torches (240) such
that when the latter are operated (typically in synchronisation with the
introduction of the fluxing agents), a sufficiently high temperature is
provided between them to permit the fluxing agents to melt before reaching
the unprocessed solids. Thus, at least one fluxing agent inlet (320) may be
provided between the pyrolysis and the melting zones of the chamber (10),
particularly if the fluxing agent is provided in granulated form, since the
fluxing agent has more time to fully melt before acting on the unprocessed
Suitable fluxing agent may include, for example, any one or more from
among SiO2 (or sand), CaO (or CaCO3), MgO, Fe2O35, K2O, Na2O, CaF2,
borax, dolomite, or other fluxing material, as well as compositions
comprising one or more of these materials.
While the presence of deposited unprocessed solids within the chamber (10)
that are blocking passage of liquid product to reservoirs (60) may be
accompanied by a relatively slow decrease in the waste throughput flow rate
through the chamber (10), it is characterised, rather, by a relatively sharp
decrease in the flow rate of liquid product to the reservoirs (60) and in
particular by an increase in the level of liquid product (38) within the
collection zone (41). Thus, while the presence of unprocessed solids (C) may
cause a raise in the level of liquid products in the collection zone (41), it
doesn"t generally initially affect the processing of the waste column (35), or
therefore the flow rate thereof or the amount of product gases produced.
As in the .first aspect of thjej^resent; invention, liquid level detectors (46) at
the liquid product collection zone (41) are provided for monitoring the level
of liquid product (38) thereat. Referring to Figure 3, the detectors (46) are
operatively connected to a suitable controller (600), which is similar to that
described for controller (500) of the first aspect of the present invention,
mutatis mutandis. Controller (600) is also operatively connected to the
second decongestant system (300) to activate the secondary torches (240) and
or to feed any particular fluxing agent via inlets (320) as required, to remove
the blockage to the outflow of liquid product caused by the deposited solids
and/or high viscosity liquid product. As with the first aspect of the present
invention, such detectors (46) may be simple visual indicators that enable the
operator to view directlythe liquid level, and may be in the form of a suitable
window, for example, located near the collection zone (41).
Referring to Figures 3 and 7, when the controller (600) determines that the
level of liquid products (38) in the collection zone (41) is above
predetermined limits, this determination provides a high probability that
either (a) that the waste contains a high percentage of inorganic waste; and/or
(b) that solid deposition and/or high viscosity of the liquid product is present.
As discussed in relation to the first aspect of the invention, correction action
for (a) is relatively simple, requiring the primary torches (40) to be used at a
higher rating, for example, and/or for organic waste proportion of the waste
to be increased. In order to assess the likelihood of either (a) or (b) or a
combination of both is the cause of the symptoms detected by controller
(600), waste composition determination means (21) are also provided to
monitor the waste before it is fed into the chamber (10), as described with
respect to the first aspect of the invention, mutatis mutandis. Another way to
enable the controller (600) to discriminate between cause (a) and cause (b) is
by analysis of the product gases flowing out via outlet (50), and/or their flow
rate. A lower than normal flow rate of product gases such as CO2, CO, Ho or
hydrocarbons, for example, indicates that there may be a high probability of
If it is determined that there is a high probability that (b) is the cause for the
symptoms monitored by controller (600), corrective action as follows is
provided. Firstly, no more waste is provided to the chamber (10) until
nominal conditions are achieved with respect to the liquid product level. In
embodiments such as that illustrated in Figure 3 in which secondary plasma
torches (240) are provided, these are first activated, typically via commands
received from controller (700). The temperature of waste material in column
(35) will be increased, in particular the temperature of the contents of the
collection zone (41). The higher temperature may enable any solids deposited
in the collection zone (41) to melt, and may reduce the viscosity of liquid
products, facilitating their removal therefrom and to the reservoirs (60). If
this happens, the level of liquid product drops, eventually to at least the
predetermined level, and when this is determined by the controller (600), the
secondary torches (240) are deactivated. The extent of this activation, in
particular how many torches are provided, in which order they are activated,
whether continuously or in bursts, and for how long, may be decided
according to any suitable plan, which may be modified with time according to
experience gained with any particular apparatus (100). The controller (600)
then determines whether or not the temperature increase provided by the
secondary torches (240) has been sufficient to overcome the solid
deposition/high liquid product viscosity problem. For example, if the liquid
product level has not decreased sufficiently in a given time period (which
may be variable and depend on factors such as known or suspected
composition of the waste, for example), this may be sufficient indication to
provide this determination. Thus, when the activation of the secondary
plasma torches is not completely effective, or in embodiments not comprising
the same, the controller (600) activates the introduction of fluxing agent to
the chamber (10) via one or more fluxing inlets. (320). Optionally, the
secondary torches (240) may also be activated concurrently with the
introduction of fluxing agent, in particular in embodiments comprising a said
mixing chamber (400).
As illustrated in Figure 4, a third embodiment of the present invention
incorporates the flow decongestant systems (200) and (300) according to the
first and second aspects, respectively, of the present invention in a common
waste disposal apparatus (100). Thus, the third embodiment of the present
invention comprises all the components of the preferred embodiments
according to the first and second aspects of the invention as described
hereinbefore, mutatis mutandis, except that the controller (500) and the
controller (600) are replaced by a controller (700) that serves the functions
The third embodiment may be operated for dealing with bridging phenomena
in a manner described with respect to the first aspect of the invention, mutatis
mutandis. Similarly, the third embodiment may also be operated for dealing
independently with solid deposition/high viscosity liquid products in a
manner described with respect to the second aspect of the invention, mutatis
mutandis. Preferably, the third embodiment operationally integrates the two
operating modes. Thus, referring to Figure 8, the flow decongestant systems
according to the third embodiment may be operated as follows.
In step (I), the composition of the waste is monitored and if necessary
adjusted by providing more organic or inorganic waste. In step (II), the level
of liquid product is continuously or periodically monitored, typically via
sensors (46). In step (Ilia), if the liquid product level is determined by the
controller (700) to be above nominal conditions, the controller (700) then
determines whether there is a high probability of solid deposition and/or high
viscosity liquid product, and if so the second decongestion system may be
operated as hereinbefore described with respect to the second aspect of the
present invention, mutatis mutandis,(steps (IV) to (VII)). On the other hand,
if the liquid product level is not above nominal conditions in step (IIIa), then
the waste flow rate through the chamber (10) is continuously or periodically
monitored, typically via waste flow rate sensing means (530) (step (Illb)). If
the controller (700) then determines that the flow rate is within predetermined
parameters, monitoring of the waste flow rate and liquid products level is
continued and the processing of waste continues normally. However, if the
controller (700) determines that the waste flow rate has decreased and that at
the same time the liquid product level is not above nominal conditions, the
controller (700) then determines whether there is a high probability of
bridging phenomena having occurred, and if so the first decongestion system
may be operated as hereinbefore described with respect to the first aspect of
the present invention, mutatis mutandis,(steps (IX) to (XII)).
In Figure 9, an alternative operating mode for the third embodiment is
illustrated, the main difference between this mode and the operating mode in
Figure 8 being that step (Illb), monitoring the waste flow rate, is performed
before step (Ilia), monitoring the liquid product level.
Alternatively, monitoring of the liquid product level and of the waste flow
rate may be continuous, and thus steps (Ilia) and (Illb) may be combined in a
single symptoms-evaluating step.
While the flow decongestant systems according to the first and second
aspects are best incorporated as an integral part of a plasma-type mixed waste
converter, it is clear that the systems of the present invention are each readily
retrofittable, separately or together, on any one of a large number of
plasma-based waste converters of the art.
While in the foregoing description describes in detail only a few specific
embodiments of the invention, it will be understood by those skilled in the art
that the invention is not limited thereto and that other variations in form and
details may be possible without departing from the scope and spirit of the
invention herein disclosed.
1. A system (300) for decongesting waste for a waste converting apparatus (100), the waste
converting apparatus having a waste converting chamber (10) adapted for accommodating a column
of waste (35), at least one waste inlet means to said chamber for enabling said waste (20) to be
introduced into said chamber, at least one primary plasma torch means (40) for generating a hot gas
jet at an output end thereof (50) and for directing said jet towards a lower longitudinal part of the
chamber, and at least one liquid outlet (60) for removing liquid product (38) from the lower part of
said chamber,
characterized in that said system comprises :
at least one fluxing agent inlet means (320) in said chamber separate from said waste inlet
means, for selectively providing at least a quantity of at least one fluxing agent (330) to a lower part
of said chamber for at least partially removing a solid deposition type congestion (C) and/or high
viscosity liquid product-type congestion from said lower part of said chamber, and/or to
substantially prevent occurrence or propagation of such a congestion; and
at least one liquid product level sensing means (33, 46) at least for detecting a first
predetermined status of a liquid product level in said chamber ;
said at least one fluxing agent inlet means being selectively operable at least in response to
said predetermined first status being detected.
2. A system as claimed in claim 1, wherein said first predetermined status
corresponds to a detected liquid product level substantially greater than a
predetermined maximum.
3. A system as claimed in claim 1, wherein said at least one fluxing agent
inlet means (320) is located intermediate between said at least one liquid
products outlet means and said waste inlet means.
4. A system as claimed in claim 3, wherein said at least one fluxing agent
inlet means (320) is located intermediate between said primary plasma torch
means (40) and said waste inlet means.
5. A system as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 4, wherein said fluxing
agent inlet means (320) is operatively connected to at least one suitable source
of fluxing agent.
6. Apparatus for converting waste (100) comprising :
(a) a waste converting chamber (10) adapted for accommodating a
column of waste ;
(b) at least one primary plasma torch means (40) for generating a hot gas
jet at an output end thereof (50) and for directing said jet towards a bottom
longitudinal part of the chamber;
(c) at least one waste inlet means at an upper longitudinal part of the
(d) at least one liquid product outlet means (60) at a lower longitudinal part
of said chamber; and
(e) a first decongesting system (300) as claimed in any one of claims 1
to 5.
7. Apparatus as claimed in claim 6, wherein said fluxing agent inlet means
(320) is vertically spaced from said primary plasma torch means (40) by a
predetermined spacing such as to enable a fluxing agent (330) provided to said
chamber via said fluxing agent inlet means to be substantially melted by means
of said primary plasma torch means (40).
8. Apparatus as claimed in claim 6, wherein said fluxing agent inlet means
(320) is operatively connected to at least one suitable source of fluxing agent
9. Apparatus as claimed in claim 6, comprising suitable control means (700)
for controlling operation of said first decongestion system (300) operatively
connected to said at least one liquid product level sensing means (33) and said
at least one fluxing agent inlet (320).
10. Apparatus as claimed in claim 6 or 9, comprising at least one gas flow rate
sensing means (530) for monitoring the volume flow rate of product gases
provided by said apparatus (100) via said gas outlet means (50).
11. Apparatus as claimed in claim 10, wherein said control means (700)is
operatively connected to said gas flow rate sensing means (530).
12. Apparatus as claimed in claim 6, comprising at least one secondary
plasma torch means (240) having an outlet in said chamber (10) such that during
operation of said system (300) a high temperature zone may be selectively
provided within said converting chamber (100) such as to enable a fluxing agent
(330) provided to said chamber via said fluxing agent inlet means (320) to be
substantially melted by means of said secondary plasma torch means (240).
13. Apparatus as claimed in claim 12, wherein said at least one fluxing agent
inlet means (320) and said at least one secondary plasma torch means (240) are
disposed in a mixing chamber in communication with said chamber.
14. Apparatus as claimed in claim 6, wherein at least one said fluxing agent
(330) is provided in powdered form.
15. Apparatus as claimed in claim 6, wherein at least one said fluxing agent
(330) is provided in granulated form.
16. Apparatus as claimed in claim 6, wherein at least one said fluxing agent
(330) is chosen from among SiO2 (or sand), CaO (or CaCO3), MgO, Fe2O3, K2O,
Na2O, CaF2, borax, dolomite, or any other fluxing material.
17. Apparatus as claimed in claim 16, wherein at least one said fluxing agent
(330) comprises a fluxing composition comprising at least one fluxing material.
18. Apparatus as claimed in claim 6 or 9, wherein said waste input means
comprises an air lock means (30) comprising a loading chamber (36) for isolating
a predetermined quantity of said waste sequentially from an inside of said
chamber (10) and from an outside of said chamber.
19. Apparatus as claimed in claim 18, comprising waste composition
determination means (21) for at least partially determining a composition of
waste fed to the said chamber (10).
20. Apparatus as claimed in claim 19, wherein said waste composition
determination means (21) is operatively connected to said control means (700).
21. Apparatus as claimed in claim 6, wherein said at least one liquid level
sensing means (46) comprises a visual indicator that enables an operator of said
apparatus to view directly said liquid level.
22. Apparatus as claimed in claim 21, wherein said visual indicator comprises
a suitable window.
23. Apparatus as claimed in anyone of claims 6 to 22, comprising a second
decongestion system (200) for decongesting waste within said waste converting
apparatus, said second system comprising :
(f) at least one waste flow rate sensing means (530) at least for detecting
a second predetermined status of a flow rate of waste in said chamber (10);
(g) at least one liquid product level sensing means (33, 46) at least for
detecting a third predetermined status of a liquid product level in said chamber;
(h) at least one secondary plasma torch means (240) having an outlet in
said chamber such that during operation of said system a high temperature zone
may be selectively provided within said converting chamber for at least partially
removing a bridge-type congestion from said chamber and/or to substantially
prevent occurrence or propagation of such a congestion ;
said secondary plasma torch means being selectively operable at least in
response to said predetermined second status and said predetermined third
status being detected.
24. Apparatus as claimed in claim 23, wherein said at least one secondary
plasma torch means (240) is located intermediate between said primary plasma
torch means (40) and said upper end of said chamber.
25. Apparatus as claimed in claim 23, comprising at least one gas outlet
means (50) at an upper longitudinal part of the chamber (10).
26. Apparatus as claimed in claim 25, wherein at least one said secondary
plasma torch means (240) is located within a lower third of the said chamber
taken vertically between said primary plasma torch means (40) and said gas
outlet means (50).
27. Apparatus as claimed in claim 25, wherein at least one said secondary
plasma torch means (240) is located within a middle third of the said chamber
(10) taken vertically between said primary plasma torch means (40) and said gas
outlet means (50).
28. Apparatus as claimed in claim 23, wherein said second predetermined
status corresponds to a detected waste flow rate lower than a predetermined
29. Apparatus as claimed in claim 23, wherein said third predetermined status
corresponds to a detected liquid product level not greater than a predetermined
30. Apparatus as claimed in claim 23, comprising a plurality of said secondary
plasma torch means (240).
31. Apparatus as claimed in claim 30, wherein at least some of said plurality
of said secondary plasma torch means (240) are distributed longitudinally with
respect to said chamber (10).
32. Apparatus as claimed in claim 30, wherein at least some of said plurality
of said secondary plasma torch means (240) are distributed circumferentially
with respect to said chamber (10).
33. Apparatus as claimed in claim 23, comprising at least one application
point adapted for selectively enabling introduction of a plasma torch means with
respect to said chamber.
34. Apparatus as claimed in claim 33, wherein each said application point
comprises a suitable sleeve (250) for accommodating therein a said secondary
plasma torch (240) such that during operation of said second plasma torch a
high temperature zone is provided inside the chamber (10) at a predetermined
location correlated to said corresponding application point, and wherein said
sleeve is selectively sealable to prevent.,communication between the chamber
and the outside when said sleeve is not accommodating a said secondary
• . -"¦""
plasma torch.
35. Apparatus as claimed in claim 33, comprising a plurality of said application
36. Apparatus as claimed in claim 35, wherein at least some of said plurality
of said application points are distributed longitudinally with respect to said
chamber (10).
37. Apparatus as claimed in claim 35 or 36, wherein at least some of said
plurality of said application points are distributed circumferentially with respect to
said chamber (10).
38. Apparatus as claimed in claim 23, wherein said waste flow rate sensing
means (530) is operatively connected to said control means (700).
39. A method for decongesting an apparatus (100) for converting waste,
wherein said apparatus comprises :
a waste converting chamber (10) adapted for accommodating a column of
waste (35);
at least one primary plasma torch means (40) for generating a hot gas jet
at an output end thereof (50) and for directing said jet towards a lower
longitudinal part of the chamber;
at least one waste inlet means at an upper longitudinal part of the
chamber; and
at least one liquid product outlet means (60) at a lower longitudinal part of
said chamber;
characterized in that said method comprises :
(a) providing at least one fluxing agent inlet means (320) in said chamber
separate from said waste inlet means, for selectively providing at least a quantity
of at least one fluxing agent (330) to a lower part of said chamber for at least
partially removing a solid deposition type congestion (C) and/or high viscosity
liquid product-type congestion from said chamber, and/or to substantially prevent
occurrence or propagation of such a congestion, said method also comprising
the steps ;
(b) monitoring the level of liquid products at a lower longitudinal part of
said apparatus via suitable liquid product level sensing means (46);
(c) if the level at step (b) increases substantially above a predetermined
maximum value, providing a predetermined quantity of at least one fluxing agent
to the chamber via said fluxing agent inlet means ;
(d) continuing providing said fluxing agent until the level at step (b) is
substantially restored to its predetermined maximum, whereupon steps (b), (c),
and (d) are repeated.
40. A method as claimed in claim 39, comprising the step of providing at least
one secondary plasma torch means (240) having an outlet in said chamber (10)
such that during operation of said system a high temperature zone may be
selectively provided within said converting chamber (10) for at least partially
removing a solid deposition type congestion (C) and/or high viscosity liquid
product-type congestion from said chamber, and/or to substantially prevent
occurrence or propagation of such a congestion, wherein steps (b), (c) and (d)
are replaced by steps (e) to (h1), comprising :__
(e) monitoring the level of liquid products at a lower longitudinal part of said
apparatus (100) via liquid product level sensing means (46);
(f) if the level at step (e) increases substantially above a predetermined
maximum value, operating at least one said secondary plasma torch means
(240) at said lower end of said chamber according to a first operating mode ;
(g) continuing monitoring the level of liquid products at a lower longitudinal part
of said apparatus via suitable liquid product level sensing means (46);
(h) if the level at step (g) has not substantially decreased at least to said
predetermined maximum value, providing a predetermined quantity of at least
one fluxing agent (330) to the chamber via said fluxing agent inlet means (320);
(h) counting providing said/fluxing agent until the level at (g) is substantially
restored to its predetermined maximum, whereupon steps (e) to (h1) are
41. A method as claimed in claim 40, wherein said first operating mode
comprises activating the said at least one secondary plasma torch (240) at said
lower end of said chamber (10) for a predetermined time interval and then
deactivating the same.
42. A method as claimed in claim 40 or 41, comprising the steps (i) to (k)
between step (e) and step (f), said steps (i) to (k) comprising :
(i) monitoring the flow rate of waste within said chamber (10) via suitable
waste flow rate sensing means (530);
(j) if the volume flow rate at step (i) decreases below a predetermined
minimum and the level at (e) does not substantially increase above a
predetermined maximum value, operating at least one said secondary
plasma torch means (240);
(k) maintaining operation of said secondary plasma torch means until the
waste flow rate at step (i) is substantially restored to its
predetermined minimum or until the level at step (e) is substantially
restored to its predetermined maximum, whereupon steps (i) to (k) are
43. A method as claimed in claim 42, wherein said at least one said
secondary plasma torch (240) is provided at a lower portion of said chamber and
at least one other said secondary plasma torch is provided at an upper part of
said chamber with respect to said lower portion, and wherein steps (j) and (k) are
replaced with the following steps :
(I) if the volume flow rate at step (i) decreases below a predetermined
minimum and the level at step (e) does not substantially increase
above a predetermined maximum value, operating at least one said
second plasma torch means (240) at said lower end of said
chamber (10) according to a second operating mode ;
(m) if the volume flow rate at step (i) is still below said predetermined
minimum and the level at step (e) has not substantially increased above
said predetermined maximum value, operating at least one said
secondary plasma torch means at said upper part of said chamber;
(n) maintaining operation of said secondary plasma torch means at the
upper part of said chamber until the waste flow rate at step (i) is
substantially restored to its predetermined minimum or until the
level at step (e) is substantially restored to its predetermined
maximum, whereupon steps (e), (i), (I), (m) and (n) are repeated.
44. A method as claimed in claim 43, wherein said second operating mode
comprises activating the said at least one secondary plasma torch (240) at said
lower end of said chamber for a predetermined time interval and then
deactivating the same.
There is disclosed a system (300) for decongesting waste for a waste converting apparatus
(100), having a waste converting chamber (10) adapted for accommodating a column of waste (35),
at least one waste inlet means (20), at least one primary plasma torch means (40) and at least one
liquid outlet (60) ;
characterized in that said system comprises :
at least one fluxing agent inlet means (320) in said chamber (10) separate from said waste
inlet means (20), for selectively providing at least a quantity of at least one fluxing agent (330) to a
lower part of said chamber for at least partially removing a solid deposition type congestion (C)
and/or high viscosity liquid product-type congestion from said lower part of said chamber, and/or to
substantially prevent occurrence or propagation of such a congestion ; and
at least one liquid product level sensing means (33, 46) at least for detecting a first
predetermined status of a liquid product level in said chamber ;
said at least one fluxing agent inlet means (20) being selectively operable at least in response
to said predetermined first status being detected.






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Patent Number 216340
Indian Patent Application Number 421/KOLNP/2003
PG Journal Number 11/2008
Publication Date 14-Mar-2008
Grant Date 12-Mar-2008
Date of Filing 08-Apr-2003
Applicant Address 12 HACHILAZON STREET, 52522 RAMAT-GAN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F23G 5/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/IL01/00905
PCT International Filing date 2001-09-25
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 138900 2000-10-05 Israel