Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to methods and apparatus for rendering an optically encoded medium unreadable. The method includes steps of (a) providing the media with an optically activated mechanism that degrades the reflectivity of a surface wherein information is encoded; (b) exposing the media to optical radiation for reading out the information; and during the step of exposing; (c) initiating the operation of the optically activated mechanism. In this embodiment the step of initiating includes steps of (d) generating singlet oxygen in a layer disposed on the media; and (e) reacting the singlet oxygen with a metal-containing layer for oxidizing the surface of the metal-containing layer, thereby degrading the reflectivity of the surface. In a further aspect the optically activated mechanism causes a defocusing of a readout beam, thereby degrading reflection of the readout beam from a surface wherein information is encoded. In another embodiment the method deforms a surface of the layer resulting in readout beam aberration or in an inability to correctly stay on track. In another embodiment a portion of the surface is removed to the atmosphere, such as by evaporation of sublimation. In this embodiment a layer of the media is comprised of a volatile component and at least one other component. Removing at least some of volatile component by evaporation or sublimation causes an increase in at least one of photoabsorption or scattering or surface roughness with the remaining component, thereby rendering at least a portion of encoded information of the media unreadable, or affecting the tracking operation.
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Patent Number 216409
Indian Patent Application Number IN/PCT/2000/867/CHE
PG Journal Number 13/2008
Publication Date 31-Mar-2008
Grant Date 13-Mar-2008
Date of Filing 21-Dec-2000
Applicant Address 274 Madison Avenue, Suite 1500 New York, New York 10016,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 NABIL M LAWANDY 169 Eastwick Avenue, North Kingston, Rhode Island 02852,
2 CHARLES M ZEPP 940 North Road, Hardwick, Massachusetts 01037,
3 KENNETH S NORLAND NORLAND 22 Dexter Road, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420,
PCT International Classification Number B32B 3/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US99/14528
PCT International Filing date 1999-06-25
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 USA 60/090,682 1998-06-25 U.S.A.