Abstract | Flexible Springback Container Assembly with Closing Means, provided with pairs of holder handles is a geometrically shaped Container with compressible tailor made spring back active walls made out of multi-layer and laminated polyester /nylon fabric reinforced PVC coated sheets, bonded with semi flexible adhesive. The wall forming sheets are joined by side strips, the circular wound tube modules being encapsulated within the strips, then bonded with flexible adhesive. The Closing Means, the safety locking feature of the Container consists of Upper and Lower Jaw Lock Frames fastened to their respective Flexible Sheet Backing Aprons, held at the top and bottom position, as enclosed within the Closing Support Frame. Upper Lock frame is held to the top cross piece of the Closing Support Frame and the Lower Frame at its bottom cross piece, with flexible sheet strips washer backing. Both Locking frames acting as doors, are capable of independent flexible movement when released and is provided with angular locking cross pieces, when held together will be in symmetry, the Upper frame closing behind the Lower frame and their pairs of locking holes in alignment for safety locking purposes. The angular locking part of the lower lock frame, occupies the upper position with respect to that of the lower one in the alignment. |
Full Text | Flexible Springback Container Assembly with Closing Means is versatile, multipurpose storage Container for transportation of closed packets, packed documents, packaged goods, and materials in small and intermediate bulk transportation. The innovative feature of the Springback Container lies in its spring back action of the flexible walls of the Container, which regains its geometrical shape, when squeezed by force applied on its walls and released then. This feature will enable the Springback Container, effortless empty return transportation in packed and compressed state, after delivery of the content goods at the destination, saving return space in transportation. The Container can be easily stacked in compressed state when not in use, and thus saves space. The Container can also be convertible to rigid shape with the help of inside wall holding fixtures and insulation blocks for specific requirements transportation and revertible back to its original shape when the supports are removed after use. The Container is provided with a novel Closing Means Device, which also acts as its doors, capable of opening and closing, with provisions for simple and safety locking. The Closing Means Device consists of Closing Support Frame, within which lies two other frames. The Upper and Lower Jaw Lock Frame, fixed on its Flexible Backing Sheets called Aprons, fastened and assembled, and the whole Closing Means frame, fixed at the selected opening side of the Container. The Container is provided with two pairs of holder handles at both ends of the bottom side of the Container, suitable for manual and lifting devices handling. Flexible Springback Container Assembly with Closing Means, provided with holder handles, has basically two components, consisting of Flexible Springback Container Shell, made out of resilient multi-layer flexible plastic sheets, formed into a geometrical shape, capable of spring back action, and the Closing Means Device, consisting of Closing Support Frame, two sub component fi-ame assemblies. Upper and Lower Jaw Lock Frame Assemblies, enclosed within the Support Frame. Springback Container Shell is made out of Polyester or Nylon fabric reinforced PVC coated Flexible sheets, cut to the required wall size of the Container. Multiple sheets are cut to the required width and length wall sizes, bonded and laminated by semi flexible polymer adhesive and cured then. The cured sheets show resilience when flexed or squeezed. Special type of sheet strips is used for joining cured sheets to form the walls of the container. Circular flexible wound tube modules are first prepared from flexible sheets by same method of bonding, lamination and curing. This wound circular tube is embedded, encapsulated and bonded within two similar sheet strips of required width and length suitable for joining the cut sheets forming the walls of the Container. Flexible Springback Container shell is thus made into the geometrical shape, joining the cut sheets, by these specially made sheet strips, bonded by the specially prepared flexible polymer adhesive. Opening side, selected for the Container is to be left open, for bonding sheet collar strips on which the hardware. Closing Means fi-ame is fixed. Flexible collar sheet strips to be fixed at the opening side selected for the Container, of width and length suitable to the sides of the Container are cut from the prepared multi-layer resilient flexible PVC coated sheets. Holes suitable and matching to that of Closing Support Frame of the Closing Means, is provided in these collar sheet strips. The strips thus made are joined using joining sheet strips and bonding by flexible polymer adhesive at the comer sides at the Opening View of the Container. The other main component, the Closing Means, the hardware frame assembly, which is fixed at the opening side of the Springback Container Shell, consists of Closing Support Frame within which lies two other metallic component frame assemblies, the Upper and Lower Jaw Lock Frame assembled on its flexible sheet Aprons, fastened, assembled, occupys top and bottom position within the Closing Support Frame. Closing Support Frame is made out of, metal or steel Angles, drilled with suitable holes for fastening purpose, along one plane of the angular frame, assembled and welded. The size of the Closing Support Frame exactly suits the facial area of the Opening side of the Container onto which it is fastened and fixed. The Closing Support Frame has, detachable, flexible Sheet strips Washers, provided with suitable holes matching to that of the Frame, as backing for fastening of its sub component hardware frames. Detachable sheet strip washers cut to the width and length of angular frame are made out of the same multi-layer laminated PVC coated sheets from which collar and joining side strips are made. These Sheet Strip washers, firms up the fixing of the two sub component assemblies of Upper and Lower Jaw Lock Frame, holding on to the top and bottom cross pieces of the Closing Support Frame, when the Closing Means held and fastened at the Opening side. The Upper Jaw Lock Frame is made out of cut metal or steel flats and angle, assembled to and welded to suitable size to be enclosed within the Closing Support Frame. Holes are provided along the flat sides of the flume for fastening purpose. The Angle piece of the Frame, occupies the lowest horizontal end of the frame, is its locking part. It is provided with a pair of holes, for inserting safety locking. The flume is then fixed on to the Flexible Backing Sheet Apron. The Sheet Apron suitable for the Upper Jaw Lock Frame is cut from the multi-layer laminated flexible sheets, same as that used in the construction of the container. Holes are provided in the sheet matching to the holes of the flume. Extra length allowance is provided at the topside of the sheet, for flexible hanging purpose of the assembly, when fixed to the Closing Support Frame. The Frame is fixed towards the lowest end of the sheet covering the flail firame. At the free top portion of the sheet, holes are provided matching to that of the topside crosspiece of the Closing Support frame, for fastening. Extra allowance is provided to the sheet for hanging on, inside of the topside crosspiece of the Closing Support flume. The Upper Jaw Lock Frame assembled on the backing sheet Apron occupies the top part of the sub component hardware configuration within the Closing Support Frame. As the frame resembles the "jaw", and positioned at the upper part, hence called Upper Jaw Lock Frame. Lower Jaw Lock Frame is made out of cut metal or steel angles and flats, assembled and welded to suitable size to be enclosed and occupy the lower part of the sub component configuration, within the Closing Support Frame. The angular piece locking part of the Lower Lock Frame is provided with a pair of drilled holes for safety locking purposes, is positioned at the top horizontal end of the frame. The Frame is then fixed on to the Flexible Backing sheet Apron. The Sheet Backing Apron suitable to the size of the Lower Lock Frame is cut from the laminated flexible coated sheets. Holes are provided in the sheet matching to that of the frame. Extra length allowance is provided at the bottom side of the sheet, for flexible moving purpose of the assembly, when fixed inside the bottom side cross piece of the Closing Support frame. Holes are provided at the bottom side free allowance space of the sheet matching to that of the holes at the bottom cross piece of the Closing Support frame. The frame holding on and fastened to the inside bottom cross piece of the Closing support Frame will have flexible independent movement, closing and opening and also for safety locking functioning. For Fixmg the Closing Means Device at the opening side of the Container, Closing Support Frame is fixed first. Upper Jaw Lock Frame fastened on to the Backing Sheet Apron is then fixed at the top, inside the top cross piece of the Closing Support Frame, fastened between the cross frame and the detachable sheet strip washer. Lower Jaw Lock Freime assembled on the Backing Sheet Apron is similarly fixed at the bottom side cross piece of the Closing Support Frame. Upper and Lower Jaw Lock Frame assemblies fixed in this manner at the opening side of the Container is capable of backward and forward movement, independently. They act as doors of the Container. When they are closed and held together, their angular cross piece locking part will be in perfect alignment each other and their pairs locking holes aligned and symmetrical, for inserting effortless safety locking. Locking crosspiece of the Lower Jaw Lock Frame occupies the upper part in the locking arrangement configuration. Upper Jaw Lock Frame, closes behind the Lower Frame in the alignment, when held together. Two pairs of Holder Handles are provided at the bottom-selected side of the Container. They are made of forged or cast steel, sturdy, formed and fit for manual and lifting equipment handling. The Handles are attached at both ends, of stur(fy laminated sheet strips adhesive bonded and running parallel at the bottom side of fl^ Container. In the Drawings, shows the Springback Container Assembly with Closing Means in Sheets 4 of 4. In the Sheet 1 of 4,shows the perspective view of the Springback Container with Closing Means. The bottom picture shows the bonded aftd laminated cross view of PVC coated flexible sheets using multi-layer sheets with the semi flexible polymer adhesive (7). Item Nos.2, 3,4,5,represent the components of closing Means Frame Assembly. No.2 represents the Closing Support Frame, fixed and fastened to the flexible Collar side strips at the opening side of the Container. Item No.3, is Lower Jaw Lock Frame assembled on the Flexible sheet Apron, fixed inside the bottom side cross piece of the Closing Support Frame. In the Sheet No.l of 4, No.4 represents the Upper Jaw Lock Frame assembled on the Flexible sheet Apron, fixed and fastened to the inside of the topside crosspiece of the Closing Support Frame. Item No.5 shows the pairs of locking insertion holes. Side flat piece frames and upper cross-angular frame of the Lower Jaw Lock Frame, hides the side flat pieces of the Upper Jaw Lock Frame, while in the locked position. Item No.6, shows the pairs of metallic Holder Handles provided at the bottom side of the Container. Item No.9, represents the screws, rivets, nuts and bolts, used for securing the parts of the assembly, for fixing and fastening. In the Sheet No.2of 4,shows the perspective view of the Springback Container Shell only, showing the Container Shell, Flexible Face View Side Strips, Upper and Lower Flexible Sheet Backing Aprons, Handle Holders. The middle diagram shows the bottom view of the Container, showing handle holder strips and holder handle. Circular wound tube module's diagram is at the bottom of the sheet. Item No. 10 represents the flexible Collar Side Strips provided with holes for fixing the Closing Support Frame on to it. Item No. 12 in the Sheet No.2 of 4, represents the Flexible Backing Sheet of the Upper Jaw Lock Frame provided with horizontal line of holes toward its top side end, matching to that of the top cross piece of the Closing Support Frame and of the collar side strip at the opening side. Item No. 13, shows the Flexible Backing Sheet of the Lower Jaw Lock Frame provided with horizontal line of holes down its bottom side end, matching to that of the bottom cross piece of the Closing Support Frame and of the collar side strip at the opening side. Bottom picture in the sheet shows, the Item No.l 1 the circular wound tube module. Item No.6, shows the pairs of Holder Handles attached to the support strips, bonded along the bottom side of the Container. In the Sheet No.3 of 4,diagram at the topside represent, the Closing Means hardware, the face and cross view. The Upper Jaw Lock Frame (4) and the Lower Jaw Lock Frame (3), enclosed within the Closing Support Frame (2). Item No. 14 is the detachable cut sheet strip washers. The vertical sides of the Lower Jaw Lock flame, hides the vertical sides of the Upper Jaw Lock frame, when held in close position. The lower side diagram of the Sheet No.3 of 4, shows the face and cross view holding configuration of the Upper and Lower Jaw Lock frames in alignment. Angular locking crosspieces of the frames occupy parallel when closely held, their pair of holes in vertical alignment for safety locking. The Upper Jaw Lock frame closed behind the Lower Jaw Lock Frame, is shown in the cross view. The top side diagram of in the Sheet No.4 of 4,shows the face and cross view of Ae hardware. Lower Jaw Lock Frame of the Closing Means. In the lower diagram of the Sheet No.4, is shown the face and cross view of the hardware, the Upper Jaw Lock Frame. Flexible Springback Container with Closing Means is a unique versatile, storage and transportable Container is used mainly in logistics and storage solutions. The spring back features of the Container, regain to its original form after when it is squeezed and compressed, is the unique feature of the Container. The spring back feature of the walls of the Container makes it easy for empty return transportation in a compressed and packed state, thus saving space. The Container can be used for all weather applications, the walls of which resistant to chemicals, oils and other corrosive environments. The material used m the manufacture of Springback Container, flexible PVC coated polyester/nylon reinforced sheets is used for the first time in the manufacture of transportable containers. The use of specially prepared multi-layer sheets bonded with specially formulated adhesive provides the Container the structural strength to withstand the rigors of shipment and transportation. TheContainer does not require any outer structural packaging support for shipment or transportation. Springback Container is water tight, can be transported, as identifiable and independent container The Container is reusable and repairable, giving long life service. Closing Means of the Springback Container offers the best safety locking means that make the Container stand out fi-om all the unsafe and transporting flexible containers now in general use. Springback Container offers simple and best security transportation like any other heavy-duty bulk cargo containers, but with more mobility and flexibility. The Container is custom made to store or transport the contents as small as IKg and over. The Container can be also used as knap sack, for small quantities 30Kgs.The Container can be custom manufactured to any higher capacity carrying. The Container can be used as identifiable, independent container with suitable provisions for addresses of origin and destination, contents' weight details, for specific freight transportation purposes. The Holder handles provided is capable for both manual and lifting devices handling of the Container. The Container is so flexible and can be converted in to rigid shape for specific uses with the help of wall holding inside supports and insulating blocks for specific fragile materials transportation and dismantled when the use is over and return to its original shape. There is no specific prior specification available in logistics or freight transportation, to compare with the features similar to the Flexible Springback Container Assembly with^losing Means. There is no transportable or storage container presently in use, having the spring back and the safety locking features as offered by this product. Only heavy-duty rigid freight transport bulk containers used to provide the secure locking features. The system of locking used in the Springback Container is entirely different from the system used in the rigid bulk containers. Intermediate Bulk Containers presently in use, are of single or of composite construction. Containers of single construction material are generally of rigid nature. Containers of composite construction will have inner receptacle of rigid material and outer material for structural packaging. If flexible materials are to be used as inner receptacle, it is necessary to have a strong structural outer packaging for transportation support. Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers, the Jumbo Bags, generally used in transportation of materials, are made of polypropylene materials, stitched and sewn, which cannot stand for reuse as many times as that offered by the Springback Container. They can only be transported inside the Rigid Containers and does not provide identifiable and independent features. Blow Molded Plastic Container, is another flexible Bulk Container used for hazardous chemicals transportation but they require structural outer packaging hardware support in transportation. Their main use is only fill and transport and does not have any secure locking system in place. They are inflexible for return transportation. Fiber Drum Containers is another type used in the powder material transportation. They are rigid drums with seal locking .If once broken to open the contacts, the Container loses its locking capability for further reuse for the same purpose. For transportation of packets, documents etc.. Hard Card Board Boxes are used which are susceptible to weather conditions and they do not have proper and secure locking mechanism. They need to be stacked in clean dry envirormient and gets damaged easily under moist conditions. Safety closing means will not be suitable and employable for these types intermediate bulk containers. Their closing mechanism generally is in the form of caps, lids, valves, or tying. The holder handles or the handling mechanism provided in these flexible containers would be suitable only to one mode of handling i.e. either for manual or for lifting devices. The Containers made suitable to one mode manual handling may not be suitable for lifting devices handling and vice versa. Comparing to the features of these Containers mentioned above, Springback Container has best and efficient unique safety locking features, water tight, all weather proof, capable of both manual and lifting machine handling, independently transportable reusable giving long life service. No claim is made for the primary technical specifications of the Flexible PVC sheet used in the manufacture of the Springback Container, which is procured fi"om the original manufactures, or primary specifications of other hardware items components that may be used in the assembling of the Container .The claim is on the novel product made out these materials with altogether innovative and different from existing features used in the transportation and storage solutions in general. I CLAIM: 1) Flexible Springback Container Assembly with Closing Means, comprising of a geometrically shaped flexible Container with multi-layer laminated spring back active sheet walls, provided with holder handles and Closing Means hardware frame assembly, consisting of Upper and Lower Jaw Lock Frames fastened onto their respective Flexible Sheet Backing Aprons, occupying top and bottom positions as enclosed inside the Closing Support Frame, fixed and fastened at the opening side of the Container. 2) Flexible Springback Container Assembly with Closing Means, as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the flexible Container is made out of polyester or nylon fabric reinforced flexible PVC coated sheets, cut to tailor-made wall sizes, bonded and laminated using specially made semi flexible polymer adhesive, joined with flexible side strips, the circular wound modules embedded inside those strips, using flexible polymer adhesive. 3) Flexible Springback Container Assembly with Closing Means as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the Closing Support Frame is made out of metallic angles, cut and welded, drilled holes, fastened at the flexible collar side strips at the opening side of the Container, where the top and bottom crosspieces of the Frame, hold the enclosed and fastened Upper and Lower Jaw Lock Frames. 4) Flexible Springback Container Assembly with Closing Means as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the Upper and Lower Jaw Lock Frames, are made out of metallic flats and angles, cut and welded, provided with angular cross locking parts with pair of holes, the Frames being fastened on to their respective Flexible Sheet Backing Aprons, the Upper Jaw Lock Frame closes behind Lower Jaw Lock Frame. 5) Flexible Springback Assembly with Closing Means as claimed in Claim 1,wherein the Flexible Sheet Backing Aprons of the Upper and Lower Jaw Lock Frames are made out of multi-layer laminated flexible PVC coated sheets, provided with holes, tailor made to be fastened and to hold the Frames onto the top and bottom cross pieces of the Closing Support Frame. 6) Flexible Springback Assembly with Closing Means as claimed in the Claim 1,wherein angular cross piece locking part of the Lower Jaw Lock Frame occupies the upper position over the angular locking cross piece part of the Upper Jaw Lock Frame when closely held together, their pairs of locking holes in alignment. |
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Patent Number | 216482 | ||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 153/CHE/2003 | ||||||||
PG Journal Number | 30/2008 | ||||||||
Publication Date | 28-Mar-2008 | ||||||||
Grant Date | 13-Mar-2008 | ||||||||
Date of Filing | 10-Dec-2003 | ||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | B05B11/00 | ||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||
PCT Conventions: