Title of Invention


Abstract A reservoir production control system includes a plurality of wells for producing a reservoir linked to a central computer over a downhole communication network and a surface communication network. Both the downhole and the surface communication networks are wireless communications paths for transmitting downhole data and surface data to the central computer. Both networks include a series of interconnected tubing or pipe that allows transmission of data over electrically isolated portions of the pipe and tubing. After integrating and analyzing all relevant data and comparing the data with a reservoir model, the central computer initiates changes in a plurality of downhole control devices associated with the wells, thereby optimizing the production of the reservoir.
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Patent Number 216598
Indian Patent Application Number IN/PCT/2002/1385/CHE
PG Journal Number 17/2008
Publication Date 25-Apr-2008
Grant Date 17-Mar-2008
Date of Filing 03-Sep-2002
Applicant Address Carel van Bylandtlaan 30, 2596 HR The Hague,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 BURNETT, Robert, Rex 20711 Flagmore Court, Katy, TX 77450,
2 STEGEMEIER, George, Leo 5819 Queensloch Drive, Houston, TX 77096,
3 VINEGAR, Harold, J 5219 Yarwell, Houston, TX 77096,
4 SAVAGE, William, Mountjoy 8446 Ariel, Houston, TX 77074,
5 HIRSCH, John, Michele 1502 Cedarbrook Drive, Houston, TX 77055,
6 CARL, Frederick, Gordon, Jr 8406 Edgemoor, Houston, TX 77036,
PCT International Classification Number E21B 17/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2001/006985
PCT International Filing date 2001-03-02
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/186,505 2000-03-02 U.S.A.