Title of Invention


Abstract Automatic brake adjuster with flexible reference point incorporating an integrated one way lock Imd clutch mechanism positioned over die wonn shaft. wherein die position of one way lock on larger area increases die life of one way lock mechanism. The clutch cum one way lock mechanism comprises a relatable worm shaft sectnd perpendicular to the WOml wheel but meshing with die WOml wheel. The one way lock/clutch seat is en88ged widi worm shaft. is guided by a bearing retainer to form a cltKch mechanism. A one way lock sleeve engageable widl a regulator wonn wheel fonns die one way lock mechanism.
Full Text Ihls Invcndan retate to an tnrprowem«rt on AJtnmabc Brake 4d}t«ter wiCh fledbte rcr«rcnoe point wherein onft^viy lock nMchinliin and dubch mechanhm are intesratad in one pwt and kxated on the womt ^ha/t wkh the pfovWon of Isolating the one way toeknwehanbm and reyilatDr worm gear wheel from heavy clutch spring toad fay a thiust sleet« airanaement for Indcpendert function. One-wey lod( medafAan 1i iMint fv aensfns the CMcees IMng clean^^ the slack bebraen the bnite llrtng and bnke dun whereas the dutch mechanlsn is tQ Ignore the eaces atfclw of bote actuiiitor due to etaatlcfty in the Ibifidat^ bnke parts of a vehlaAar bnMng system.
m hea\y CDmmerdal vchkle, such as trucks, traUen and buses aerwraUy a
**&" shaped c«nshrftdnanbnkes Is wkMy used. The bnke^wes with the bnkc lining lest on the ^^^ shaped cam shrft and are pressed agairm the biake dnm during brake appUcatioa The sptined portion of the **5"* shaped cannshaft pnstnides out of the brake dnm.
A Mke Adjuter corvwrts the SBAA S cam shrft to a push rod oT the brake actuator. The Brake >kQuBter is fitted oito the iplbwd portion of the"S"cam ihaft at one end and at the other is connected ID the pu^ rod of the brake

> actuMor. The air pfessure apptted to the biakc actuator becomes the mecNrtot cxitput wtikh Js tjansmtttad as boMng Ibice thiau^ the puh nd to the *^"" shaped camshaft v^^kii capandt the bnke shies and prescB the ttnlng agrinBt the brake drum 9D as to appiy the brake
The >^Jtanatk: Bnke Aljuster serves the purpose as a lewr that tranmrfts the braking force from the brake aatuaftor to the S-cam sfwft and a mechamfcal de^ce to sense the eMCcss Hning deamnce and adjusts the stadt betwew the brake Unlrig end the brake drun to an cpdmbed value.
ft fs kmwn fn the prior ait, that an Autanadc Brake 4djustor is used as a lever to oomect the push Bad of the brake actuator and the apBned camshaft of *S" Cun brake The *S" cam brake conshts of a brake drum, brake shoes and *S"-camshaft The brake shoe wttl be prassed againat the br^e drum dur^ the appMcatfcy? of brakes by the"S* camshaft. The Automatic Brake Adjuster Is used to transnlt the braking force to the *S" cam brake by the brake actuator that Is operated by t6r pressure.
The sensirg of the slackness of the brake due to the tiring wear by the Aitomatic BrAe Adfuster can be etfther by Ajoke or by clearance behwecn the
llrsng and the drum.

AwonNng to the streke principle, the adjifltment endraty depends on the push lod stid« of the brrfw actuMx, or In other vmtdt Che argJUr moMment cf AuCDmiitlc Bnke Adjurtcr Is vkried by the dcarinc€ between the brake Uring and the brake drum.
^kxxxdfng to the deaiance pvlndple vMhkh Is claimed as an adwced ^■tem, the adjurtment medwdvn is «ble to senM varixs factofS such as etastkHty of brake drun and dtfTerent stfuctuml parts In the bnkes for Nwylng the pu^ md stroke and dtfTereitlBte the wear on the brake tMng to qitimlze the lining clearance Igrnring the tnAumoe of SMcess puih rod stroke due to other factors.
OBJECT or TOE ■^^gK^OIi:-
tt Is the ftesc object of the Invention far automatteriUy senring the eecMs war of Hrring and caMbrattng so as to mairtidn the cpdmum dearance. Dutig re^r operatkn of the brakes of known art, the deaiance between brake ttitng and dnm iTKreasesflue to Urirgwear resultirglnlrKreased push red strdtcofthe brake actuator to tpfAy the brake. It Is essential to malntBln optimum clearance for ePTeotlME brsMng and periodical meniflt adjusdncnt to mdntaln the clearance. Therefore It Is the main object of the Irwendon to provMc an aubomatic brake adjutter with an Intenml mecharton to serse the CMces wear of tlw lining and automatlcatty rotate, the wonn shaft en|pged wdth the worm wheel and In turn

the **5 camshaft" for nwlncaMng opdmun cleannc^ therd>y nMfntalnir« the angutar irnvoiient of the Automatk: Brate AJJutto-to the deslra^
tt k another d)ject flf the frntftion to pffwMe a N^^ brake adjuster wHch Is a safety de^e to be capable of worldne under CKtremefy bad crwifonmental conditions and aUo under severe toad and vt>ratlon oondltfans otfcfoirNns the imiftaitkn on ipaoe a^aiUbttiky.
It Is another object of the tiwmtiantD pravtde an AutDmatk BtaiwAdl^^ wherain acQurtinerA of the eccis Ui*ig daaranoe fe made durk« the return of the brake Inrtead of ad|uting the same during bfalie afvtfcation whkrh k 1^^ Inprbrart
The Irewticn wfU nnw be described wth reference to the aoomnpaivfng drawtngi» which ftUstrate by way of crannpie and not by way of Hmftatfon, a preTeiTed entodknent of this irwenctoa
« HgllsaFhntviewofanAjbamatlcBnkeAIJutterasperthelnwentJan.
• Hg21stheEhdvtcwsacdonedaU]r9theUneA-Aof Pigl.
• ng 3 ts the Efid \4ew sectioned akmg the ttne A^A** of ng 1 to show the Pinion and Cbntrol ami asseirbty.

• Hg 4 is the Ehd view aectioned akng the Une C 1- AutomatlcBiake Adjuster Body G -1^ set gif) betwam stepped faces
2- Tall Hole of oontrot womn screw (19) pinion (16) > WmnWieel
3"-Internal spUne D-Qsntrotwonn screw 0^fne#M8
4- Wkim Sh^ witti Che regMUtorwrni vihed (6) 4"-Hexagjr\ E->M)nnvitfwel(3)mei)es with worm 4»-CUibch serratians shaft (^
5- Bearing retadner
6- ReftilatorwiMTnw^ieel
7- Ihmrt Bearing S- Gastet
9- Hea\y Campresakn spring
11-Spring Retainer
12-CiDntfDl gear v^teel
13-GbntiD( ann
13*^}ntiDl amn fbdng portion
14 IVSeaUngrIng
19 20- 21-Screw
24-Torsion ^ng
26-lhTust sleeve
27-Qw way lock spring
2B-Che wey lock aieeve
29>0ne way kjck/cluldt seat
28""29"" One way toddng feces of one
29"-serratioiiKaf one wiy kxJi/clubch
30-Retainfris ring

In a tmown AjloniMtlc Bnk* Adjwtcr th* angAir mvMmcnt thereof Is sented fay die antral am andmieJ to « fbded pert on the W4d« chanls for cstaWahlng the refenence polnL But It Is aho deslnMe to prwide a fledbte i^ererce pabifc for cBsy IfstaUition on various ivoddte of viMdM 1^^ a fbded rafevenoe poiiA mourting wtth rtferance to the JtiAomaibc Bnke AdjuMr body^ toawMtheaddMtonatcarer«cM(«dfbrthefnldiA1n9taUi«fc>nandi^ easy Inttallarion for (sen during re-fltment and after servtdng. To a^maamt the abcwe praUem the conbol aim of the AJbonwdc Bnke >td)uitcr as per the invention fc derified to havo a flo^ng reference point.
GeneraUy the reduction of t|Bar ntkx bebMe«n a) Cortvol gtar and the Pinion and b) control vwnn acraw and AegUUMor wonn wheel are fboad mich that ori^ a fraction of adH^tnierit te taMrg place during ev«ry bnke afipltcatfcin wNle Gonpensating the e«ceKt\e sladc due to Uning wear.
M such wMi Che abam featufcs ft fs dertied to haw the adjuitment of excess clearance made dwing the return stroke of the brake rather then during the br*e appttcttkn stroke to reduce the wear and thereby Increase the Uf e of the parts.

4n AutomaAk Bote Ad^Bter for acQustlnB the stock b^ brake drun of a weMcutar brriclnft systan as per the Imertton oon^ foUowir«:-
a) A body (1) covwctibte to a biske actuator.
b) Aclutch mectaiifain wherein a one way lode /dutch seat (29) forms a cUJCichwith RjtKtiblewoim shaft (4) fay mtualfy ergag^ible scrrationa, the sakf woim shift (^ mcaHng with a VMinn whael (^ but paipflndkaiar to Its axb^ the sak) oneway todt / dutch seat (29) retained throu^thiutt steeve (as) against a heavy aanprea^i spring^), whtch Is preset to a dedred load. Ibe thnst sleeve (26) ensures free natation of RepLitotor worm wheel (6) byiNosIng heavy compresskm spring (9) kiad. The dubch mechsnism is to dlsenff^e norm ^1^ (4) fron the re^ilator worm wheel {6> and oneway UxfcmadanismduririathertiiftBctknstrdMSofbTAes.
c) One-way lodt iiwJunhin formed beCwasn (he faces (2ft"-29^ of orte miy lock sleeMC (28) and one way lock/dutch seat (29) enpgesble on worm shaft (^ at dutch serratfons (4"""29") and other end of oneway kxk steeve (2») whkh is ooi4)(ed with Regulatcr worni wheel (6) by means of sbts at the faces and one way todk iphng (27) is to sense eocesi lirring dearancc due to wear and make acQiAmert autonuticalV. All these parts are caged by means of retaining ring (30) on the thruit sl«ev« (26) to avoid the cwer rkkSngdutxliaenatlansaf onewaykxk /dutthseat (29) and womn #ielt (4) when dutch is dfsengtged and Ibr ease of assenMy manufacturing and servfcring the assembly

a) A connn arm aasamy indunng a retatabte oontiol afm(13) with a fixing partkn(13") secured to a wHde dnasis to pnvlde a refepenoe pdnt and a control gear whecl0 2} wfth cinuntfercntial teoth alao Uxatcd In the bore of the worm wheet, wherein the gip (G) b«bw«en stopped faces emure radial dearanoe and desired Aack fe. clearance stroke. Gonkiol worm screw meshes (D) with regulator womi wheel (6) to r^jlate the one kxk mechanlam finctton with notatlDn cf oontiol gearwheel (12) ntadon.
Axsrding to the present Invwitior^ the Automatk Bnke Adjurter Includes ati Automatic Brake Mfutter bo(V (1) provided with a hole (2) In the taft portfen for Qomectlrg to the brake actuiftor. The other end of the body Inuaes a mutable worm wheel pe^Mndlciiar «a the aad«ar the worm wheel RM-the pupoae of manust ntation by a ^lemer, one end of the worm shsft (41 hasahettagonpoitlDnHOpnatfudingautorthetxxlyO). on the hecaganat poitlon side te mourked a thrut iLeevie
thastbeat1ns(7)«KUMdtDreta(ntheonewaylod(/clubettseM (29)forfree rotation agilnsC the heny oampresslon ^ring (9) load. A one way lock mechanlsn fs fonned b«tM«en the face seiratksne (2&"-29"^ of one way lock rioeve (2&) and one way lock / dubdi seat ^29) with one way bd( spring (27) and posftkvMd between RBgiaior vwmt vfheel (6) and wonnn tfvft (^. A Seattng ring (29) fs proi/kled In the flrocNc of the wcmt shaft (4) to pr«wt the entry of Ibraign partktflb QntheathersfcleorthewDrm#iBft(4)isfnounbedthe^>ringMat(10), hea\y ujniieaekjit spring (9) and the ^ring reudner (11). Ihe spring reCMner (11) Is screwed into the faocV (1) fcr setting the derired ^sring load. A dutch mecharisn is fotmed faythesenifckin(29")anonewiylo(fc/dukhsaM (29) and the serration (4*0 of the womi shaft {4f. The iii nmwnint of tHt dutch \t enwpsd fayaheavycMHJiiBakjnspring(9)thateMBrtskiadontPthe¥Pimrfirft (4).
The contPd «m aneraUy (12-15 ft 17) is toeated in the bo^ on the same bore of the worm whed (3) and Inclepqidently operational. The rotatflbtc oortiol gearwheet (12) oT the central aim assemb^hwirig gear teeth dicunfcrxntMlyfe integrai wkhCortuol aim (13), wHchtwfbdngpoftkm (13")- The covar plat* (14) fs located In between Gontrol gear w^had (12) and concrd ami (1^ along with s«aHr« rings (15) and (17) to «oid ertryof fbrdgnpaftidesL
The GontiDl ami aaierrfaly (12-15 ft 17) is fbtad on the body (1) vtftth a Garicet (8) by means of screws (10) in the periphery hdcs of the COMBT plate {H). Qarfciol arm (13) is a rotatdste attadment of thecantratarmas9efd]ty(12-15&i7). The

ftH^ portfcxi of control arm the purpose of this Is to pravtde a refennce point for the Automatic Bnke AcQutter
as e^Jtalned bebw.
The Oantrot gear wheel (12) meshes wKh the pMon (16) and Is located In the wxm whed bore of the bcxly (1). The location of the ptnton Is rivwn In F1S.3&4.
PIrian (16) and oantrat worm screw (19) are aUyied ta0Bther by a iplndle (23) wfUv Guide (20) nf fctained by the acrwv (21). The m> (G) prosMed In between the stepped faces of pinfon (16) and the oontiol wcvm screw (19) bore face fe to give free movement Inittaily duing the ntattan of pinion (16) fay conLiol gear wheel (12) to BcHeve the desired sUck between the bnke shoe and the bnke dnm wHch Is otherwise called as the clearance stiokc of the AitDmatk: Brrite >^Jister.
One-Mvy lod( mechanlsn fbnned between the faces (2a"-29"^ one VAy lock steeve (28) and one way kxit /clutch seat (29) engageebte 0fi%MMm #uft (4) and other end of arte way loGfc slieeve t2A) wHCh Is coipled with Re^Aator worm wheel (^ by mewitcf slots at the faces and one way lock yring (27) te to sense etcess lining dearance due to wear and make adjurtment automatically. iiU these peiti are caged by means of retafnirig ring (30) on the thnot steew (26) to asoM the over riding clutch semtions of one vwy lock /dutch seat (29) and worm tfurft

^ M*Mn duch te dlMmaaed and for «»e of MMmbty manuTacturinB and servicing the assorbty.
AcoDRflng to the present fnvvntion, the Ajbomatk Brake AJJtater wfth flexJbie rerennce portrt Inooipontes an IrteBnted one way lode and dutch mechanism ower the warm shaft. Ihe ftiKtkMi of one way lock iiieJtanfain i% to sense CMUSS Vtiw% dearanoe eLlaHitaiH and caging cf aU thcae parts simpttfy the assembly mam/acttxlng In addltfon to totattrg the dutch seat from cNer rtddlrft on woim shaft, dutch seratfcms during dededfan stroke of bnke actuatorwhtehenablaitolrwnaaaethe We of dutch sellaUons on wonn shaft and one way kick /dutch seat
The GontroUed r*diai clearance bebwecn oontnl worm screw and pMon Is ensured by the gap pnwMed bebmcn stepped faces of pinfon and contiot worm screw and aBsreniiled togBther In the ^rindle with tonbn ^>rfng eraures dolred sbKk or control dlstmce for the AUtonuftk: gnk* fi^katutr for maint^nlrg the deannce between the brake tMng and the drum. Ihe pMon, contiol worm acTBAr are alibied together by spindle and IsreutiadbyaacrewwIthvidetDfadlttBte ea^ dtemmttlng and re-assembtlng as shown ti enckned drawing (Ftg-3).

lese parts are assented In Che IXKly with the caipr«ssk)n aprt rig at the boC^
How the opeiatwt of the Ajtomadc Brake /djtster is deactibed herein whose oonstfuction and functlonafity as per the invention has been described In the previous paras: -.
Wwn the Biifce H appUad w*h aoses 1M« dMnmoe to be^ the Mtial brake appfkxtion, the pinion (16) Is iDtated fay the ooitiDl a^ ^12-15 & 17)^ wHch is r10d(y rnointed on the %«hlctecha9Sis, due to thernovenient of the (ewr. During the Irltial period of this operation the pinion (16) rotates freely untt the pre-set gap fQ) betweoi dw stqaped faces of conbol %mim screw (19) and pinion (1^ is dosed. This free lotatlan of pMon (16) ensures predetemnirwd dearance stroke of the Automatic Bralie AcQuster. Stmuttaneausly the worm v^hed (3) Is rotated In the court«r dockwise dlred:1on akMng with ilutomatk: Brake Adjuster body (1); in tun the S camshaft iigMjurt with the wonn whed iptfne (3*) is rotated to (1ft the brake Unkig txiwaids die brake drun.
During the further natation (after pasting throng clearance stroke cyde) the aontrol womi screw (19) is also lotated by tiw pinfcin (16), aUmg with re^ilator worm whed (6) In turn rotating the one way kxk steem (28). As the other part of the one way kxk i.c one way lode / dutdi seat (29) is now rigkfty engaged with worm ^«ft senatkin formed as cluBch mechanism, the one way lock $tee>e (2S) has to ov«r ride over the mating faces (28"-29*) agalrst one way

iodf. spring (27) toad and cnsagins to a new location when the there Is ecess deamnce between brake dnan and brake Hnlng,
Ihk is becatse cne wiy kxk / dutch seat (29) is presented f mm nation fay vrann shaft (^ due ID eooess filctfon on the worm shaft wtth to senatlon (29*) fiily er^iaed on the wonn shaft serration (4"^.
Qxe the bnke tlnlng engages the brake drum, the om/iter force Increases and Mirm shift (4) mcnes BdatV compreBtng the hea^ oompressfcvi sprtig (9) and cUAd) te dtoergaged as the aerrritad portkm cf worm shaft f4*^ ts (na^ed MMvy from the orwway Ugk/dUtd^set sei rattan 09*).
M the clutch is rvM cHserVBed» the resistance on the one way Uxk / dutdi seaft (29) Is remcMad and panmlts the one way lock / dubdi scat (29) to rotate alangwlthonewaylock4eeve(28)and regulator worm whed (6) as a whole init retainifig the rdative positkxu. Iherdsy the lever nvwemeft durlrg this period (epansion / deflection aone) Is Ignored.
V^hen the brake Is rdeased, the pirtei (16) Is iDtated In dockwtse dfrectian by the cortnl gMr wheal (12), opposite to the diractkm or brake application and the oontTol worm screw (19) foOows the rotadon of pii^on (16) as a whote unit atangwfthpe9JlBtDr%wrmwtKd #6), one way kxit steew (28) and one vny Uxk / dutdi seat (29) coueilng the deAecdon stroke of the Automatic Brake

MJuster. HcMever tfw worm short (4) remafm static as the dutch fs dbengged between serrations (4*^ and ^0-
Once the brake UnlnB moves «vay frcm the brake drum, the force is reduced and the k>ad of the heavy oompresbn ^>Apg (^ moMi the worm shaft (4^ to engine the cb4£h prcventine the free iDtatfcm of one way kxi( / dutch seat
Ouririg the further wlewe mcMemtnt cf brake actuator, the body (1) keeps rotating in dock-wbe directkir^ the control gear w^ieal {M) oorAlnues to rotate the plr4on (16) along wtth contrat worm screw (19) until the dosed gpp between oontiDt Morm screw (19) and pMon (16) Is restDreef agidnst the tordon spring (24). This movement oowrs the dearance stnke of the Automatic Brake Adjuster, whkiiWKachieveddurfngthefnltWperiodofbnkeippVcatkin. Howevertheone way kxJc /cluGchseat (29) and the oneway bdtdecMS (2B) rtxig with regLilatt>r worm wheel During the final reteaslrv rocatfcn or Autonatic Brake Adjuster, the pMon (16) lotAed by the CG>«ial a^ar wheel (12) In turn iDtaUs the oantRA worm acn^ (19) Mong with reSJiBtor worm wheeA (^ and in turn rotates one^wy mecharism as a whdCL The worm shaft (4) that is now engaged with one wiy Uxk / dutch seat (29) is rotated and in turn rotates the wonn wheel (3) and *S"

camshaft to effect the aiQurtmene of tirtfng cteanince ^
new enaaBeiiwit taken ptooe during the brake appBcattanstidqec^
The ftnctkm e^iafned In last paragfaph k apptkdMe on^ for brake appHcaecion with ecess tfnlng dearance, where the one ynv ^oA slea« (2ft) Is en^aed In a now location and later dhergaged m aboMe. Vihenever the biake Is appUed with opt%num brake lining clearance, the ever-riding oT onewiy lodi sleeve on the one way tock / seat >vHl not take place aifter OHmictliig the clearance stiokeof the Automatic Brake Adjuster.
In the preferred errfaodlmert as dcKifeed herein and Wurtnted in the accompanying drawings* an Aitcmatic Brake Adjuster with a floatfng reference point with one way todc and chitch mechariam as per the totferllon for adjusting the Mack between brake ttning and brake dnm of a vchkxiar braking system ccHTprlstnff
a) abody (l)Gomprisingahote b) a rotatable tntemally sptfned worm wheet(3) In the other portion
of the saki body for receKfng the S cam shaft,
c) acLutchcumonewaylDCkmed«rtenoonnpflringaiDtatafalcwomn
riuft(^ secured perpcrvHculBr to worm wheel(3) but mesNng with
the worm wheetp), a one way lode/ dutch seat (29) is having

serrattorB(29") fnjigfri with senatlonsf*"^ cf worm shaft (4) and the worm diaft(4) is glided by a bearing reCainer(5)^ a n^iatar woon whed^) located on the thnist ^eewe^) nnounted on woim shdi {4^ but engiigwihie to a one way lock/clutch sleeve {28) wNch also li located on ttmotateewefK) and which Inlumlsenffieedtoanewey lodt/dutch seat (Z9) such that dutch mectamtan and one vMy lode mechanism are on the worm ihaftf4)j
d) a bearing retainer (5) alongwfth a thrust bearing(7) retains the one way lod(/duteh scat (29) engiyaNe with wcKm shafts though a thnat sleeve (2i^ agifevt a heny ooirpreBian apring(9), th«eby laolBting resubtor woim wheet(6> and one way lode sleeye(28) for free movement^
e) a retaining ring (30) pnwfded on Uie thrust sleeve (26) cages the worm shaft f4) and the regdator wonn wheel (6) for inlatlng dutch seat serrations (29") from overriding on wonn shaft dutch serrations ( f) v^wrarlnaiwwiy lode rnedwiten and duKdimechMTtern are OW0-the wonn shaft (4)^
g) wherein one way lodi ineLlwihui and dutch nieclwilsnt are integrated as slng^ part - arte W4y kxic / dutch leaL
At AJttimatIc OrAeMfusterwRh a floating refenencepdnt with one way lock and dutch mechar^sm for adjusting the sladc between brake lining

aid brake drunn c a) abo(V(1)cionprisirgah[Ae(Z)1nthetBllpo«tfcinorthesHklbody comectabte to a bnk« actiBtor,
b) araUAab(e%«ernBltyip(1nedvnnnwhccip)lntheothcrportkn safd body Ibr receMng the S cam shaft,
c) adobchcunnQnevwyiockmechaninncxnprisfng
i) a iDtaitable woim ihrft petpcnHcUar to aids of the womi wheelp) and but mesNng with the
11) a one way lock/dutch seat (29) having sermdons (^*) engaged
with semtk]ns(4"0 of the wonn shaft (4) guMed by bearing raitalner
iff) a one w^tock mechanism amprlskig:
- a regdator wonn wheelfb) engagiable by nMBns of sUAs at the
faces with a one way toA sl«ve (20) having aerations (28*) are
located on the Unat steec (26) alonBivth one-My tocfc ^ring
(27) and mounted on hecaganal end (4*) of the wonn rtwft (4) aA
one end,
1v) a heny ccmpreaiian ^ng(9) alen^fth a 4»r1ng seat (10)and
a ^ngretalner(11)moiiitedontheatherendafthewomftshift(^,
^ a seiAIng ring ^5) sectred In a ^Doveof the womv #irft(4),
v1) wherein the beartig retatnertS) abngwlth a thrust bear1ng(7)

retains (he one way tod(/ dutch seat (29) thrautfi a thnst steewe (26) agairst the heavy oompiesston sprir^ vti) wherein said sprins retafner(ll) screwed oorrespondlnBiy onto the satd faody(1) fix presetdnft the spr^ load» viii) wherein tJne one way lock/ clutch sevt (29) fisnm a dutch by the seiradorB(29") seating on seratfc)ns(4*") of wonn sNtft, h^ wherein the heavy conprasskn sprtia(9) ecerts load onto the worm shiA("^ so as to ensure the ensisement of the dutch, x) wherein one way \ock slee>« (2A) fbmB a todt l>y serratloni (2A") seating on senatlons (29*^ of one way (odt/dutch seat (29) at the other end. d) acontiDlarmassembtycomprising:
a ratatafcteoontrot arm (13)wMhafMngpoftlon (13%
a oxtfot aBarwheet(l2) havftigdicurnfcrei«iat teeth and located in
the bore of womft wheel(3) and Infcegral with the cortrel arm(1^,
a cower ptate(-t4) atongwfth sealNig rings(15 & 17) is mounted
Inbetween contiot gear wheel(12) and oontral ann(13).
wheieki a gniwt(ft) akx^vith scraws(ia) in the periphery holes of
the osver ptate(14) to ensure rigid attachment on the body(1),
wherein the fixing portionO 3*) is rigMty secured Co vehlcte chassis for
prchiding a reference poht, ml

«) apfntcnassanbtyoorinpiislng:-
fi pinion (16) meshing with the corfcnA gear wheei(12},
haN^nft stepped faces,
a oontrat wonm 9cpnv(1^ wiOi stepped feca adaptable to enf%K
wfth stepped faces of pinlon(16) ^
wherein a spindle (23), gjlde(20) and screw (21) aUgn the pinkm (16)
and control worm sciiew(19),
wherein the gap (Q between Che stepped faces of the pinion (16) and
Gontnil worm screw (19) bore face ensure radial daarance to enable
free moMvmcnt Inftfalty during the ratatton of pfnfon (16) l>y control
gear wheet(12) thus eiwiliig required radial movement to achieve
the desired slack between brske shoe and biake dnin which is kncwn
as clearance stroke of automadc brake adjuster.
tt wtlt be Apparent Oiat the preferred enixxNnwnis of the frwertlon disclosed are well desiffwd to fulfttl the objects stated, tt wiU be appredated that iriMentton ts welt mieistood to those Aftled In the art and that all cfunges and modfficatlQns ttat come withraJt dcpardng the spirit thereof is also assumed to t>e oovftred In tfie specflcaticn of the liwenckn and in the claim made fri the 1rrs«nt1oa

1. Jki AJtcmaclc flrake Adjuster wl^ a floating rtfercnce pdnt wtOi one way Uxk and ckitch i»eiiMri»m for adjutdng the stack between brake lining and bnke drun of a vshiciilar brddng system ccmprtsfng;
- a body - aratadisUlnteiiwjUysplkwdwaimwrfieeM^tatheotherportkma^ the sak) body for receiving the 5 cam shaft,
- a clutdt cum one way kxk meJiiiiaii comprisbig a ncatable woim
^uft("^ secured petpcndkulu* to worm wheel(3) but meshing with the
warm wh&ei{3), a one way kicky dutdi seat (2^ ha>4ng senadanB(29")
engsged with serratlore (4*^ of womn shaft (4) is ffJded by a bearing
reta1ner(5) to fomi a dutch mechanism, a regulator wonii v^ieel(6)
engi^edtale by meam cf irtots at the faces with a one way kxk sleevc(2fi)
having serratkire (28*) and posttkined on a thnjst slecrMe{26) akm^tth an
onc"^iy kxk ^tlng (27), and fUtiwr mounted on hoagonat wi of wonn
shaft (4) such that clutch mechanhm and one way \/xk mechanisn are on
- a bearing retainer (5) riongMth a thrust beftring(7) KAalns the one way
lock/clutch seat (29) through a thiust SIMUB (26) asrinEt a heavy
compresskin 9pring(9), therdoy kolating regUabor wotm wlieel(6) and
one w«^ tod( steeve(28) for free movemerfc.

" » reUinlr^ lire 00) prcMcJ characten7«d in one way tock mechanism and dutch mecharssn are
over the wcirm shaft, and integrated as. ^n^e part in one way lack/cUtdi
2-. ^- .^utamatx: i!-mke /Adjuster ?? claimed in ctmm ],
wherein the one way toc* ciutch seat (2^) forms e qtutch fey the £;Tat!on5(29") s?atingwiserrations(4") of VAarm shaft(4), and
wherein one vwiy lock sleeve (28) forms a lock by sematlons {28") seating on serrations (29") of one way lock/di«ch seat (1 3. An Automatic Brake Adjuster s daimed in claim 1, further havir^ a cantiol
arm assemblv comprising:
s roteta,bleo&nt;n?larm(l3)withafix(ngporcion03"), a contrDt gparwheel(12) having circunferential teeth and located in the bore of wsnn wheet^) and integral with the CGOtrolaffni13), and a cover plate(l4) atani5«ith sealing rinfl|s(15 & 17) is mounted in twtweencontiol 92arwtTeet(12)arxi contrcrt annn(13);, ajchthat
said cover ptBte (14) attached to body (1) with a gasket (B) and g^w/s {IS) atorg thie periphery holffi^ and

said control arm (13) attached to the vehicle chains in the fiding position (13") to provide reference point.
4. An Automatic Brake Adjuster as claimed in claim 1, further having a pinion
assembly comprising:
a pirion (16) having stepped faces meshing with the control gear wheel(12), and
a control wom screw( 19) with stepped faces adaptable to engage with stepped faces of pinion(16),
wherein a spindle (23), gride(20) and screw (21) align the pinion (16) and control worm screw(19), and
wherein the gap (G) between the stepped faces of the pinion (16) and control worm screw (19) bore face ensure radial clearance to enable free movement initlally during the rotation of pinion (16) by control gear wheel(12) thus ensuring required radial movement.
5. fin Automatic Brake Adjuster as claimed in claim 1, wherein said tody (1} having a hole (2) in the Uil portion of the said body oonnectable to a brake actuator.
6. fin Automatic Brake Adjuster as claimed In daim 1, wherein the heavy compression spring(9) alongwvith a spring seat (10) and a sprlng retainer(ll) is mounted on the other end of the worm 5haft(4).
7. fin Ajtomatic Brake ASJuster as claimed In daim 1, whereJn a sealing ring (25) is secured in a groove of the worm shaft(4).

8. An Automatic Brake Adjuster as claimed in claim 1, wherein said spring retaina-(11) is screwed correspondingty onto the said body(1) for presetting the spring bad.
9. fin Automatic Brake Adjuster as claimed in claim 1, wherein the heavy compression spring(9) is such that it exerts bad onto the worm shaft(4) so as to ensure the engagement of the clutch.
Dated on this 18th the day of june, 2004.


0320-che-2004 abstract.pdf

0320-che-2004 claims-duplicate.pdf

0320-che-2004 claims.pdf

0320-che-2004 correspondence-others.pdf

0320-che-2004 correspondence-po.pdf

0320-che-2004 description (complete)-duplicate.pdf

0320-che-2004 description (complete).pdf

0320-che-2004 drawings-duplicate.pdf

0320-che-2004 drawings.pdf

0320-che-2004 form-1.pdf

0320-che-2004 form-19.pdf

0320-che-2004 form-26.pdf

0320-che-2004 form-3.pdf

0320-che-2004 form-5.pdf

Patent Number 216631
Indian Patent Application Number 320/CHE/2004
PG Journal Number 17/2008
Publication Date 25-Apr-2008
Grant Date 17-Mar-2008
Date of Filing 07-Apr-2004
Applicant Address NO.14, SATHYANARAYANA AVENUE, CHENNAI - 600 028,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F16D 65/40
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA