Abstract | This invention relates to an improved three dimensional blade for axial steam turbine comprising leading edge (23) with an inlet flow angle (24) and a trailing edge (28) with an outflow angle (27), a pressure face (25) between the leading edge and the trailing edge, a suction face (22) between the leading edge and the trailing edge on the opposite side of the pressure face and a chord (20), which is the line connecting the leading edge and the trailing edge through a stagger angle (26) formed at the intersection of said chord (20) and a U-axis (30) coinciding with the circumferential direction of the blade characterised in that the blade is made of varying cross-sections of profiles (1 to 11) and leaned such that the center of gravity (31) in a mid-section of each varying cross-section is shifted opposite to the direction of blade rotation and the blade sections from hub (1) to tip (11) are twisted in a gradual manner, and the said blade is formed by stacking (51,52) three basic profiles (33,34,35) with lagrangian parabolic distribution and leaning them as per a design curve. |
Full Text | The invention relates to an improved three dimensional blade for axial steam turbine particularly to the aerodynamic improvement of moving blades pertaining to entry stages of axial steam turbine. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A conventional blade known as cylindrical blade, is cylindrical in shape and made of a constant cross-section throughout the blade height. The invention primarily relates to moving blade of axial steam turbines, but the principle and design procedure are applicable for also to fixed blades, known as guide or stationary blades. The term 'turbine blade' is used in the description to denote aerofoil blades. The efficiency of turbine is of paramount importance for cheaper power generation. The blades are supposed to be most crucial apart from stationary flow path components for efficiency of the turbine. The conventional blades is of constant cross section and cylindrical in shape over the blade height. The US Patent No. 5779443 which was granted in 1998 is one such belonging to prior art in this area. At any cross section the shape of the profile remains same. There are disadvantages associated with steam turbine runner blades in high and intermediate pressure cylinders are of low height and low aspect, and many a time employ cylindrical base and in such a blade row the losses due to secondary flow are significant. The secondary flow is opposed to main flow in direction and caused due to turning of boundary layer along the hub and casing. Therefore, the main object of the present invention is to propose an improved blade to reduce the losses by leaning and twisting the blade profiles so as to have aftloaded blade instead of centrally loaded one at sections near root and tip. According to this invention there is provided an improved three dimensional blade for axial steam turbine comprising leading edge (23) with an inlet flow angle (24) and a trailing edge (28) with an outflow angle (27), a pressure face (25) between the leading edge and the trailing edge, a suction face (22) between the leading edge and the trailing edge on the opposite side of the pressure face and a chord (20), which is the line connecting the leading edge and the trailing edge through a stagger angle (26) formed at the intersection of said chord (20) and a U-axis (30) coinciding with the circumferential direction of the blade characterised in that the blade is made of varying cross-sections of profiles (1 to 11) and leaned such that the center of gravity (31) in a mid-section of each varying cross-section is shifted opposite to the direction of blade rotation and the blade sections from hub (1) to tip (11) are twisted in a gradual manner, and the said blade is formed by stacking (51,52) three basic profiles (33,34,35) with lagrangian parabolic distribution and leaning them as per a design curve. The nature of the invention, its objective and further advantages residing in the same will be apparent from the following description made with reference to the non limiting exemplary embodiments of the invention represented in the accompanying drawings: Figure 1 shows the brofile geometry definition of the blade of this invention. Figure 2 shows the stacked profiles hub to tip of the blade of the invention. Figure 3 shows the blade of the invention with profile description Bezier Knots. Figure 4A shows the base profile and Bezier knots for root profiles of the blade of the invention. Figure 4B shows the base profile Bezier Knots for mean profile. Figure 5A shows the base profile and Bezier Knots for tip profile of the blade of the invention. Figure 5B shows the base profile & Bezier Knots for a typical cylindrical blade. Figure 6A shows the surface pressure distribution for profiles of 3dsl_rl midheight blades. Figure 6B shows the surface pressure distribution for profiles of 3dsl_r6 , mid height blades. Figure 6C shows the surface pressure distribution for pr.bf.ies. of 3dsl_rll mid height blades. Figure 6D shows the surface pressure distribution of cyl blade mid height. Figure 7A shows Iso-Pressure Contour plots of a 3dsl_rl blade. Figure 7B shows Iso-Pressure Contour plots of a 3dsl_r6 blade. Figure 8A shows Iso-Pressure contour plots of a 3dsl_rll blade. Figure 8B shows Iso-Pressure Contour plots of cyl blade. Figure 9A shows for 3dsl_r blade the stagger angle variation over the blade height. Figure 9B same as Figure 9A showing leaning of blade profile section. Figure 10 shows various curves and CAD view of 3dsl_r blade. Figure 11 shows Iso-metric view of various curves of a 3dsl_r blade. Figure 12 shows surface pressure distribution of a 3dsl_r blade. Figure 13 shows the surface pressure distribution of cylindrical blade. DETAIL DESCRIPTION The present invention relates to the aerodynamic improvement of moving blades pertaining to entry stages of axial steam turbines. The invented blade is made of varying cross-sections and leaned such that the centres of gravity of these sections lie in a curve instead of a straight line. Centres of gravity of mid sections are shifted to the direction opposite of blade rotation compared to those of end sections. In addition to it the blade section from hub to tip are twisted in gradual manner unlike single setting angle in case of cylindrical blades. The purpose of the setting and leaning was reduction of pressure loading at end walls. This has resulted in significant improvement in aerodynamic efficiency. The profile or section is made of two surfaces: (Figure 1) suction face (22) and pressure face (25), each joining leading edge (23) to trailing edge (28). X-axis (29) and (/-axis (30) concide to turbine axis and circumferential direction respectively. Usually the centre of gravity lies at origin of co-ordinate axies (31). The blade or profile is set at angle 'betabi' (26) or Y,tg, is also known as stagger angle (26) with respect to U-axis (30). Chord (20) is defined as profile length joining leading edge (le) (23) to traiing edge (te)(28). Axial chord (21) is the projected length of the profile on X-axis (29). Inlet (24) and exit flow (27) angles ft 1, tg and fi 2, tg are fluid flow angles (24.27) with respect to tangent (U-axis w« (30) respectively. The profile faces can be specified by various/^ e.g.; through discrete points (x,y co-ordinates), through a set of arcs and through bezier points (1-15) Figure 3. In this invention the proposed blade is made of many such profiles (Fig.l) but with varying shape and other parameters such as stagger angle (26) chord (20) axial chord (21), cross sectional areas. The centres of gravity (xcg,ycg) of the profiles do not coincide in x-y planes. The areas of cross section, stagger angles, solidity (pitch/chord) and axial chords monotonously decrease from hub to tip, whereas pitch (=2π- r/no of blades; r= radius where the profile is located) increases heightwise. A typical sketch of such set of stacked profiles for alternate 5 sections of total 11 sections are shown in Fig.2. The meridional view (x-r plane) in right side shows the blade in height with profile section locations for which the plan views (x-u plane; u= circumferential direction) are shown leftside. With such configuration of the blade the invention provides improvement in aerodynamic efficiency. Geometry Design: Fig 3 shows the base profile (stagger=90.0) and schematic location of bezier knots used to describe both the surfaces. In this investigation 3 fundamental base profiles belonging to root, mean and tip sections are proposed in terms of bezier knots (Figs 4 and 5). As an illustration Fig.5 also provides a schematic view of cylindrical blade profile and associated bezier knots. These 3 profiles of 3dsl_r family are stacked with specified stagger and interpolated parabolically (Lagrangian type)to 11 equidistant sections such that 1,6 and 11 sections coincide to original root, mean and tip profiles: 3dsl_rl 3dsl_r6;3dsl_rll; respectively (Fig.2). 2D-CFD Analysis: Each of the base profiles after staggered to values desired for 3d blade formation is analysed for aerodynamic performance by a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) solver and compared with the performance of profile of a cylindrical blade 'Cyl1, which was also analysed by same CFD solver. Surface pressure distribution with respect to axial direction say z and pressure contour plots indicate that 3dsl_r blade profiles are aft-loaded compared to that of a corresponding cylindrical blade profiles which is centrally loaded with flat top on middle region of pressure face. The 3dsl_r blade profiles has lesser acceleration and wider pressure difference between faces at inlet part (Figs 6-8). Cascade performance of individual profiles is simulated by a CFD solver using superheated steam properties (in SI Units) and the ratio of specified k=1.3. Energy loss coefficient defined as (Equation Removed) where p2 is mass - averaged static pressure at the outlet; pol and po2 are mass averaged stagnation pressure at the inlet and exit of the cascade. Each of the blade is made of single profile for desired aspect ratio h/c, h and c are the blade height and chord , respectively . The blades are set at some stagger angle Y,tg (26) with usually optimum pitch-cord ratio s/c (s is the pitch) . The stagger angle (26) is acute angle between profile chord (20) and circumferential direction (30). The incoming flow angle (24) denoted by ßl,tg; i.e; flow angle measured with respect to circumferential direction ,is specified such that the flow enters more or less normal to the leading edge (23) of the blade. From the CFD simulation relevant results needed at the flow pattern within the cascade (e.g. pressure contours streak plot, vector plot and surface loading), energy loss coefficient and nodal-averaged outlet flow angle (27) /32,tg a-t~ the mid heights. A typical result is tabulated here for h/c = 2.2 (Table Removed) Individually, the cylinder profie 'Cyl' proves to be as good aerodynamically as other profile of the proposed 3dsl_ry Blades both from lower loss coefficient and smooth surface pressure distribution point of views. 3D-Blade Design: 3dsl_r blade is formed by stacking 3 basic profile with Lagrangian parabolic distribution and leaning them as per Design Curve (Fig.9) . For an aspect ratio h/c(=blade height/chord at hub) 1.326, the cross sectional areas vary from mean section +36±2% (at hub) to -30+2% (at tip). The stagger angle variation is from + 10.5++1 to -12.2 +1 degrees with respect to mean section. Sectiona leaning (profile shifting in negative U-direction) for such a blade is shown in Fig.9. 2 Such a 3dsl_r blade with hub and tip areas 374. and 194.7 mm , of height 63.4 mm will have a mass of 0.137 Kg and cause centrifugal stress at root (of root radius 425 mm, 3000 rpm machine and 7740 Kg/m3 material density) 16.34 N/mm2 . The 3dsl_r blade is designed by inhouse software 'quick3dsl' which needs as basic inputs 2 or more input bezier profiles (data set for profiles in term of bezier knots) (usually 3 profiles); their stagger angles and radial locations (r coordinate ) along the blade height and -y-shift of centre of gravity (see Fig.9) for leaning. The isometric views of 3dsl_r blade are shown in Figs 10-11. Original blade of a given height (63.4 mm) can be reduced in height from tip side or extrapolated toward tip side. Thus blade height varies from 40 to 75 mm which root axial chord 40 mm. The aspect ratio variation found useful for loss reduction is 0.85 to 1.5. 3D-CFD Analysis: Three dimensional flow analysis by a CFD solver was carried out for a typical flow condition resemblingpigh pressure power turbine first stage; for both cylindrical blade 'Cyl' and 3dsl_r blade. Surface pressure distribution with respect to axial direction, say z, and aerodynamic efficiency are computed. The 3dsl_r blade appears to be aft-loaded showing large pressure differences between pressure and suction surface at minimum pressure points. The typical distribution is inclined trapezoid in shape; viz, the shape of pressure vaiation in the first part of suction face is somewhat parallel to that of second part of pressure face. The pressure minima is toward the trailing edge side (Fig.12). The cylindrical blade is centrally loaded with pressure minima midway (axial chord). The pressure distribution shape appears to that of a covered cup type (Fig.13). Efficiency is defined here by 2 ways, each one based on mass-averaged conditions at cascade station upstream (1) and downstream (2): 1) Total to total isentropic efficiency (Equation Removed) Tt,pt represent total absolute temperature and total absolute pressure, k = cp/cv = 1.3 for superheated steam. 2) Total - to - total efficiency Polytropic: (Equation Removed) Isentropic: (Equation Removed) For various blade heights and fixed chord 47.8 mm (axial chord = 40mm at root, the results are as follows (machine rpm=3000): both for 3dsl_r and Cyl blades, (Table Removed) and compared with the performance of a cylindrical blade 'Cyl'. The invention described herein is in relation to a non-limiting embodiment and as defined by the accompanying claims. WE CLAIM; 1. An improved, three dimensional blade for axial steam turbine comprising leading edge (23) with an inlet flow angle (24) and a trailing edge (28) with an outflow angle (27), a pressure face (25) between the leading edge and the trailing edge, a suction face (22) between the leading edge and the trailing edge on the opposite side of the pressure face and a chord (20), which is the line connecting the leading edge and the trailing edge through a stagger angle (26) formed at the intersection of said chord (20) and a U-axis (30) coinciding with the circumferential direction of the blade characterised in that the blade is made of varying cross-sections of profiles (1 to 11) and leaned such that the center of gravity (31) in a mid-section of each varying cross-section is shifted opposite to the direction of blade rotation and the blade sections from hub (1) to tip (11) are twisted in a gradual manner, and the said blade is formed by stacking (51,52) three basic profiles (33,34,35) with lagrangian parabolic distribution and leaning them as per a design curve. 2. The improved three dimensional blade for an axial steam turbine as claimed in claim 1, wherein the sectional leaning [profile shifting in (-U direction)] for the blade varies (hub-to-tip) from 0 mm (at hub) to 4.2 mm then decreases to -1.6 mm(at tip); for a blade root chord of 47.8 mm. 3. The improved three dimensional blade for an axial steam turbine as claimed in claim 1, wherein said blade has an aspect ratio h/c (blade height/chord height at hub) of 1.326, the cross sectional areas at mean section ±36±2% varies from at hub to- 30±2% at tip. 4. The improved three dimensional blade for axial steam turbine as claimed in claim 1 wherein said stagger angle rage is from +10±1.0 to -12.2±1.0 degrees with respect to mean section for effective loss reduction. 5. The improved three dimensional blade for axial steam turbine as claimed in claim 3 herein the aspect ratios for effective loss reduction varies from 0.85 to 1.5. 6. The improved three dimensional blade for axial steam turbine as claimed in claim 5 wherein an aspect ratio of h/c=0.8-1.5 provides effective loss reduction and improved efficiency with respect to a cylindrical blade. 7. An improved three dimensional blade for axial steam turbine comprising a leading edge with an inlet flow angle and a trailing edge with an outflow angle, a pressure face between the leading edge and the trailing edge, a suction face between the leading edge and the trailing edge on the opposite side of the pressure face and a chord, which is the line connecting the leading edge and the trailing edge through a stagger angle formed at the intersection of said chord and a U-axis coinciding with the circumferential direction of the blade, wherein the blade is made of varying cross- sections of profiles and leaned such that the center of gravity in a mid-section of each varying cross-section is shifted opposite to the direction of blade rotation and the blade sections from hub to tip are twisted in a gradual manner, and wherein the original height of the blade is reduced in height from tip side or extrapolated toward tip side. 8. An improved three dimensional blade for axial steam turbine substantially as herein described and illustrated with reference to accompanying drawings. |
715-del-2001-description (complete).pdf
Patent Number | 217153 | ||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 715/DEL/2001 | ||||||||
PG Journal Number | 13/2008 | ||||||||
Publication Date | 31-Mar-2008 | ||||||||
Grant Date | 25-Mar-2008 | ||||||||
Date of Filing | 27-Jun-2001 | ||||||||
Name of Patentee | BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LTD. | ||||||||
Applicant Address | BHEL HOUSE, SIRI FORT, NEW DELHI-110 049, INDIA. | ||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | F01D 11/00 | ||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||
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