Title of Invention


Abstract The Present invention is related to the branch of the Human Medicine, and with the Dermatology and in particular to a composition developed for the stimulation of the synthesis of the melanic pigment of the skin, and therefore useful in the treatment of the vitiligo. The technical objective of the present invention is to provide a composition of a product of natural origin useful in the treatment of the vitiligo, which doesn't possess toxic effects and does not cause a relapse of the illness.
Technical sector
The present invention is related to the branch of the Human Medicine, and with the Dermatology, and in particular to a composition developed for stimulating the synthesis of the melanic pigment of the skin, and therefore useful in the treatment of the vitiligo, as well as to the procedure for obtaining this composition. Prior Art
The vitiligo or leucoderm is an illness of the oldest known by the humanity, that is characterized by the loss of the cells that produce of the melanic pigment of the skin. This illness affects approximately 1% of the world's population, without distinguishing age, sex or race. It is of ethiology unknown and without a defined therapy until the moment, and it is characterized by a gradual depigmentation of the skin of patients subjected to situations of extreme nervous tension, which affects their psyche and social behavior unfavorably once their external symptoms begin, under the aspect of areas of white skin surrounded by a hyperpigmentated halo, showing fundamentally in the face, trunk or articular regions. It is known from the state of the art that certain chemical substances of vegetable origin or semisynthetically produced, denominated psoralens, can be used for the treatment of the vitiligo. These substances, when being administered by oral or topical route, concentrate on the melanocytes or dermal pigment-producing cells, absorbing the energy coming from the ultraviolet radiation and promoting the production of this pigment, the melanin (Arnold, M. J. Jr. "Psoralens and Suntan Hawaii Med. J. 1957-16391); (Becker, S.W. Jr. "Methods of increasing skin pigmentation J. Sec. Cosmetic Ehem. 1958-9-80); (Fitzpatrick, T.B. Pigmentary Diseases Current Therapy 1958-314); (Becker, S.W. Jr. "Effects of 8-Methoxy Psoralen and ultraviolet light in human skin". Science 1958-127-878); (Sidi, E.
Planat, P. Practical considerations on current treatment of vitiligo Revue ofMedicins, 1968-23 Dec).
However, the psoralens are not exempt of secondary toxic effects, producing dermatitis and necrosis fo the skin when being applied by topical route. Also, their effect is slow and reversible in most of the cases when discontinuing the medication.
On the other hand, these substances present difficulties for their application, which requires the gradual increment of the daily time of exposition of the patient to the ultraviolet radiation, causing in occasions severe toxic reactions such as burns due to their topical administration or hepatic failure, digestive, renal or nervous disorders with their administration by oral, route.
The known nearer similar technical solution to the present invention is the Melagenin Lotion®, Patent. FR 8220746.
The Melagenin Lotion® is an alcoholic extract to 50% of human placenta, which is obtained from healthy pregnat women under aseptic conditions after normal childbirths. This extract contains a lipoprotein of molecular weight among 1500 - 4000 Daltons, which constitutes its active principle. This substance stimulates the reproduction of the melanocytes and the synthesis of the melanic pigment, also accelerating the oxidation of the amino acid L-dopa in presence of solar light, which favors its transformation in melanin after internal chemical processes.
The Melagenin Lotion® has been used successfully until the moment for the treatment of vitiligo. According to the clinical trials carried out, their use has reached a remarkable effectiveness in all the patients where it has been applied (Miyares Cao C., Taboas M. y Lopez H. "Informe preliminar sobre el empleo de extracto placentario humano en la terapeutica del Vitiligo". Revista Cubana de Farmacia 10 (1). 1976; Miyares Cao C. y colaboradores. Estudio experimental y clinico del efecto pigmentante epidermico del extracto placentario humano". Revista Cubana de Farmacia. Volumeri 20, No. 6, Noviembre-Diciembre 1981; Sharma S. K... Jain R. K and Sharma A. K. Topical human placental extract for the treatment of
Vitiligo, A preliminary study; Miyares C. Y colaboradores: Estudio experimental y clinico del efecto pigmentante epidermico del extracto placentario humano. Annals Brasileiros de Dermatologia. 1986: 61: 3 (suplemento); Miyares Cao C. Melagenina Producto Cubano. Nuevo y Eficaz medicarnento para el tratamiento del Vitiligo. Serie de Resenas Nacionales. Ed. Palacio de las Convenciones. La Habana, Pag. 15. 1986). The Melagenin Lotion®, although it lacks collateral noxious effects, is a product that has to be used in three daily applications with interval among them of 8 hours, and accompanied by solar or infrared exposition in one of the applications. All this hinders the treatment compliance in most patients. Similarly it is known from the state of the art that calcium has an active participation in the process of pigmentation of the skin, by means of the stimulation of the secretory activity of the melanocytes, in connection with the concentration of this ion (Meyer, A. 1986. Influence of calcium on the melanocytes in the inner ear. Abst; 13th International Pigment Cell Conference Oct. 5-6, Tucson, Arizona, USES; and Negishi, S. 1986. The role of calcium in light response of onyzias melonophores. Abst; 13th International Pigment Cell Conference Oct. 5-6, Tucson, Arizona, USES). Disclosure of the invention
The novelty of the present invention consists on a new composition containing the same active principle of the Melagenin Lotion®, in this case an alphalipoprotein obtained from the placental human cotyledons, by means of the treatment of these with organic solvents, and their later redisolution in a solution of ethanol with calcium chloride, which allows that a product is obtained that shows a synergic effect between both components on its pigmenting effect, decreasing the number of applications of this product from 1 every 8 hours for patient, to 1 every 24 hours, being also eliminated the necessity to expose the patient to solar or infrared radiations after any of the applications.
The new product obtained, denominated from this point Melagenin Plus can be used in a single daily application, which constitutes the current practice in the world therapy.
mis product stimulates the synthesis of the melanic pigment of the skin
and the reproduction of the melanocytes as it is demonstrated by the
pharmacological trials executed, lacking any severe
secondary reactions as shown in the toxicological, teratological and clinical
trials carried out using it.
This product is of easy obtaining and application, and the re-pigmenting
begins quickly (15 to 20 days) after beginning the treatment, being
irreversible after discontinuing the application of the product. The color
acquired by the skin where it is applied is identical to that of the areas of the
patient's normal skin, which in turn don't increase the intensity of their
coloration later on.
As the matter from where the active principle of the product is
extracted is of human origin, there are no immunologic
reactions to fear, with no contraindications related to age, sex
or race for its use.
Obtaining of the active principle of the composition Melagenin Plus.
For the obtaining of the active principle of the present invention it was
carried out the following procedure:
A kilogram of placental cotyledons was used after they were let to freeze
during 7 to 10 days, then they were crushed and macerated with ethanol
from 90 to 96° to equal parts weight/volume. Then, this macerated is filtered
through dense gauze, leaving it to rest during 24 hours.
It was determined the pigmenting activity to the supernatant which was
positive after 20 to 50 days of being used in topical form on
ears of mouse Balb/C 57 BL 6.
To 200 ml of this extract with the pigmenting factor are added by means of
a hypodermic needle 10 ml of a saturated solution of benzoic acid in ethanol
from 90 to 96°, made dissolving from 2 to 8 g of benzoic acid in 5 to 12 ml
of ethanol of 90 to 96°.
The mixture was agitated from 10 to 50 minutes and it was filtered
with Whatman filter paper No. 2 to 5. Then it was washed the precipitate
obtained with 200 to 500 ml of a saturated solution of
benzole acid in distilled water, by dissolving from 2 to 10 g of benzoic acid in 300 to 1000 ml of distilled water.
Afterwards the precipitate was removed from the filter paper and they were added from 100 to 500 ml of 30% acetone. Then it was ceiitrifuged to 1500 rpm during 10 to 30 minutes, being discarded the supernatant.
The precipitate was again washed for 2 to 10 times more with 100 at 500 ml of acetone, drying off to the vacuum and to room temperature. The product was re-dissolved in alcohol from 90 to 96° containing 0.2 to 4.0 mg/ml of calcium chloride.
Five ml of the above product with biological activity was filtered through Sephadex G-30 or 100, using buffer sodium phosphate 5 x 1Q-1 to 5 x 10'6 moles, pH = 4 at 8, which was packed in a column from 1 to 3 cm width and from 18 to 40 cm of height. The flow was from 10 to 30 drops for minute and the collected fractions from 5 to 10 ml each one. Two proteic peacks were obtained, the first one of 100 to 300 jug/ml and the second one of 20 to 150 jug/ml. The pigmenting activity was positive for the second peack, appearing within the 10 to 20 days after being used topically the lyophilized mixture in the guinea pig.
The lyophilized mixtures of both proteic peacks were run in electrophoresis with polyacrilamide gel and in agarose, staining the first one with a coloring for proteins (amido black) and the second to detect lipids (sudan). In the electrophoresis of proteins it was observed a colored small band followed by another without coloring, both of little migration; a very visible band was also noticed in the region of albumin. In the electrophoresis of lipids, a band was observed in the region wherein the alphalipoproteins migrate.
Synergic pigmenting effect of the Melagenin and Calcium. The melanocitopoyetic activity of the resulting product was evaluated by topical application of the Melagenin Plus during a period of time of 5 serial days in a daily occasion on the epidermis of the ears of black mice of the strain B6 D2. For the trial 60
black mice separated in 4 groups denominated A, B, C and D were used and
integrated by 5 mice each one, to which were applied the following
Group Daily topical treatment
A 70% Alcohol, as vehicle of the Melagenin® (Control)
B 70% Alcoholic solution with addition of calcium
chloride, concentration 1 mg/ml.
C Melagenin Lotion®
D Melagenin Lotion® with addition of calcium chloride
at a concentration of 1 mg/ml (Melagenin Plus)
The alcohol at 70%, the alcoholic solution at 70% with calcium chloride 1 mg/ml, as well as the Melagenin Lotion® and the Melagenin Plus were applied by rubbing the product with the fingers of the operator on the ears of the animals.
Concluded the time of treatment is allowed to lapse 48 hours and the animals are sacrificed in order to extract them the epidermis of the ears and to subject them to the histochemical technique of the L-dopa oxidase that allows, by means of the microscopic observation, the melanocyte count for mm2 in this histologic structure.
To determines the number of melanocytes for mm2, 5 different areas were selected from the densely populated zone of each ear, and using a particular program elaborated for this end (but in this case the specific section for count of cells) the number of cells was determined by mm2 in each one of the 5 areas so that 150 melanocytes values are obtained by mm2 per each group (15 animals per group and 10 counts per animal each).
The values obtained in the melanocyte count by mm2 were subjected to analysis of variance of simple classification and with posteriority to a test of Kruskal-Wallis and test Student Newman-Keuls (SNK), in order to determine significant differences existing among these groups. The results obtained by means of this experience can be observed in the Table I, and being graphically shown in the Figure 1.
Table I
Test of Kruskal-Walk's
Quantity of melanocytes / mm2
180.66 a 150
111.29 b 150
66.83 c 150
62.79d 150 for p a= Melagenin Plus
b= Melagenin Lotion®
c= Alcohol 70 % + Calcium 1 mg/ml
d= Alcohol 70 %
It was observed that for p The increment of the melanocyte number was bigger in the animals treated with Melagenin Plus.
Other differences found were:
There is a significant difference among the results obtained using
Melagenin Plus and using Melagenin Lotion® only.
There is a significant differences among the results obtained using
Melagenin Plus and using alcohol plus calcium only.
There is a significant difference among the results obtained using
Melagenin Plus and using alcohol only.
There is a significant difference among the results obtained using
Melagenin Lotion® and using alcohol plus calcium.
There is a significant difference among the results obtained using
Melagenin Lotion® and the Control group treated with alcohol only.
It doesn't exist significant difference between the Control group and the
group treated with alcohol plus calcium.
Additionally it was proven that when the Melagenin Lotion® and the
Melagenin Plus are applied indistinctly in biological trials, it
was observed that in the case of the Melagenin Plus the pigmenting
effect in nipples of male guinea pigs is only visible in 13 days, while with
the Melagenin Lotion® this happens at day 18. Similarly, in the
tale of the black mice, a bigger melanin concentration it was observed
using Melagenin Plus when the cuts are treated by the histochemical
method, where it was observed to a bigger increment of the melanocytes in
the basal region of the epidermis.
Irritation studies in the skin of animals.
The product Melagenin Plus was applied to a group of animals in an area
of 42 cm2 with a dose of 20 mg/cm2 and in that same animal the solvent
was applied.
During the two weeks of the experiment it was not observed any type of
irritation or affectation of the skin. The histopathologic studies do not
reflect damage.
In conclusion it can be pointed out that the product Melagenin Plus
doesn't produce irritation in the skin.
Clinical trials in humans.
To carry out these trials, 30 vitiligo patients were selected randomly.
The patients were separated alternatively in two groups denominated I
and II, and integrated by 15 patients each one.
Those belonging to the group I were indicated to use Melagenin Lotion®
(Alcoholic Extract of Human Placenta at 50%) applying it topically by
means of finger rubbing on the areas of skin depigmentated by the illness,
in three daily occasions with intervals of 8 hours (6.00 am, 2.00 pm and
10.00 pm).
In one of these occasions the treated areas should be exposed to lamps of
infrared light of 250 watts of intensity, placed at a distance of 40 cm,
during 15 minutes. The application of the medication should be repeated
every 5 minutes in that interval of time.
In turn the members of the group II would use Melagenin Plus (Alcoholic
extract of human placenta at 50% containing calcium chloride) applying
it in a similar way but in a single daily occasion, without the exposure to
the infrared radiation and with intervals of 24 hours.
The participants in the trial should remain before its beginning
without any specific treatment.
The patients object of the experience were evaluated monthly during a
period of time of 6 months, fixed to compare in both groups the
repigmentation degree obtained with each product, as well as the
development of secondary reactions.
They were practiced biopsies of areas of skin depigmented to the
beginning and final of the experience in 5 patients of each group selected
Histological technique of L-dopa Oxidase (Negishi, S. 1986. The role
calcium in light response of onyzias melanophores. Abst; 13th
International Pigment cell Conference oct 5-6 Tucson, Arizona, USES) was
used to identify the melanocytes in the same ones.
Jointly the differences were determined in the consumption of flasks of the
medication in each group.
For the procedure of the statistical analysis of the percentage of reduction
of the depigmented corporal surface in each group, as well as for the
determination of the same for patient, a program was used elaborated
with such objective (Coyula, R. Automatizacion de la Creacion de Historia
Clinica de los enfermos de Vitiligo. Ira Conferencia Latinoamericana de
^.plicaciones de la Matematica y la Computacion a la Biologia. CENIC, 31
Dct. - 30 Nov. 1991, La Habana, Cuba).
Fhe results obtained by means of this clinical trial are summarized in
Fables II, III, IV and V, in which they have been considered as the patients'
iata the number of their clinical history for their identification, the age,
ihe sex, the race and the years that the have suffered of the illness.
Among the parameters that have been evaluated they are the % of
depigmentation at the beginning and at the end of the treatment, the % of
pigmentation reached and the flasks of the medication consumed during this treatment concluding. Likewise, the analyzed areas corresponding to each one of this patients treated (face, neck, trunk, extremities or genitals) are shown in the table pertaining to each treatment type.
(Table Remove) II: Results reached using the Melagenin Lotion®TABLE III: Areas analyzed in patients treated with Melagenin Lotion®

(Table Remove)TABLE IV: Results reached using the Melagenin Plus.

(Table Remove)TABLE V: Areas analyzed in patients treated with Melagenin Plus

revious tables it can be observed that after having
concluded the 6 months of treatment, an average value of 59.11% of
decrease of the body surface depigmented by the illness is appreciated in
the group treated with Melagenin Lotion® and of 50.79% in that treated
with Melagenin Plus, without being appreciated any significant difference
between both results, for a value p They didn't observed local or systemic secondary reactions in the patients
from the groups subjected to the trial.
The biopsies practiced in the 5 patients of each group showed the
reappearance of the melanocytes in the vitiligo areas selected for the
histologic study pre and post treatment.
Finally, a bigger consumption of medication flasks was observed in the
group treated with Melagenin Lotion® with a total of 264 and an average
of 17,6 flasks for patient in the 6 months that the experience lasted,
regarding the group treated with Melagenin Plus, in the one which alone
56 flasks were used, with an average of 3.7 flasks for patient in same time.
The histological study carried out demonstrated that the re-pigmenting
effect of both products on the areas affected by vitiligo is due to that they
induce again the reproduction of the melanocytes in these places.
The absence of reactions systematic local secondary reaffirms the
innocuoity of both products.
The synergic action of the Calcium and the Melagenin facilitates the
execution of the treatment on the part of the vitiligo patients, decreasing
the number of daily applications of the product and consequently the
consumption of flasks in each treatment. Also the new formulation allows
that the necessity of exposing the patient to solar or infrared radiations
after the application is eliminated.
Brief description of the drawings.
Figure 1 shows the melanocytopoyetic action obtained through an assay of
ear of black mice in 4 groups denominated A, B, C and D, to which were
applied the following treatments:
Group Daily topical treatment
A 70% Alcohol, as vehicle of the Melagenin® (Control)
B 70% Alcoholic solution with addition of calcium
chloride, concentration 1 mg/ml.
C Melagenin Lotion®
D Melagenin Lotion® with addition of calcium chloride
at a concentration of 1 mg/ml (Melagenin Plus)

We Claim:
1. A composition for stimulating synthesis of melanic pigment, said composition comprising
alcoholic extract of human placenta at 50% and calcium chloride in a concentration of 0.2
mg/ml to 4.0mg/ml.
2. A composition as claimed in claim 1, wherein the alcohol is ethanol.
3. A process for obtaining the composition as claimed in claim 1 and 2, said process
comprising the steps of:
a. treating placental cotyledons with an organic solvent to obtain concentrated extract;
b. diluting the extract with alcohol mixed with benzoic acid;
c. subjecting the diluted extract to repeated filtration and collecting the precipitate,
d. dissolving the precipitate of step(c) in acetone followed by centrifugation and
collecting the precipitate;
e. washing and drying the precipitate;
f. redissolving the dry precipitate of step(e) in alcohol and calcium chloride and drying
to obtain a composition.
4. A process as claimed in claim 3, wherein the mixture of benzoic acid in alcohol is
prepared by dissolving 2g to 8g of benzoic acid in 5 to 2ml of ethanol.
5. A process as claimed in claim in claim 3, wherein the centrifugation is done at ISOOrpm
for 10 to 30 minutes.













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Patent Number 219619
Indian Patent Application Number IN/PCT/2001/00072/DEL
PG Journal Number 26/2008
Publication Date 27-Jun-2008
Grant Date 12-May-2008
Date of Filing 29-Jan-2001
Applicant Address
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K 35/50
PCT International Application Number PCT/CU99/00003
PCT International Filing date 1999-07-28
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 CU 110/98 1998-07-28 Cuba