Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a system for calibrating plurality of pressure transducers, said system comprising plurality of pressure transducers (13.1 to 13.n) mounted on a mounting means (12) which receives pressure input from a pressure source (11) via a hollow cylinder (14) and distributes the pressure evenly to all the pressure transducers, said plurality of pressure transducers are mounted on the mounting means and placed inside a vessel (15) so as to vary the temperature of the pressure transducers, said pressure source is also connected to a standard pressure transducer (17) whose temperature is maintained at the same level as that of pressure transducers(13.1 to 13.n).
Technical Field
The present invention relates to a system for calibrating plurality of pressure
transducers, said system comprising plurality of pressure transducers (13.1 to 13.n).
More particularly, the present invention relates to a system which facilitates the study
of temperature-dependence sensitivity of a plurality of pressure transducers, said
system improves the calibration accuracy by providing a means to circumvent the
temperature sensitivity of a standard pressure transducer against which the pressure
transducers are calibrated. The system also improves the calibration resolution by
providing a means to calibrate the pressure transducer at close pressure intervals said
system also minimizes the stabilization time for the pressure input at the transducers
and thereby reducing the time duration required for calibration.
Background Art
Hitherto known systems for calibration of pressure transducers [P.N. Modi and S.M.
Seth. "Fluid Pressure and Its Measurement", Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics. 1392
pp. (1981)] describe a Dead-Weight Pressure Gauge wherein a cylindrical plunger
slides within a vertical hollow cylinder, which is filled with oil. A pressure transducer,
which is to be calibrated, is set in parallel with the dead-weight gauge. Viscous oil is
slowly pumped into the cylinder (and the pressure inlet of the said pressure transducer
to be calibrated). The oil, which enters the cylinder under pressure, exerts a force on
the plunger, thereby lifting the plunger and balancing it against the oil pressure. This
force is balanced by the weights loaded on the top of the plunger. When the oil
pressure and the weights balance, the oil pressure is known from the weights and the
diameter of the plunger. The pressure of the oil being thus known, the attached
pressure transducer can be calibrated. The plunger can be loaded with various known
weights, and the pressure transducer can be calibrated against the corresponding
pressure values. The disadvantage of this arrangement is the error involved in the
estimated oil-pressure due to frictional resistance offered to the motion of the plunger
in the cylinder. This error can be minimized if the plunger is carefully ground, so as to
fit with the least permissible clearance in the cylinder, but not completely removed.
Moreover, the whole mass needs to be rotated by hand before the readings are taken.
Another drawback is that the number of calibrated weights available with a deadweight
tester is limited, thereby impeding the calibration of the pressure transducer at
close pressure intervals.
An alternate system. [T.G. Beckwith and N.L. Buck, "Measurement of Pressure",
Mechanical Measurements, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 642 pp. (1969)],
describes a dead-weight tester commonly used as a source of static pressure for
calibration purposes, and is basically a pressure-producing and pressure-measuring
device, wherein the resulting pressure is estimated from knowledge of the applied
weights and the piston area. In this device, the pressure transducer to be calibrated is
connected to a chamber filled with a fluid (oil) whose pressure can be adjusted by
some type of pump and bleed valve. The chamber also connects with a vertical pistoncvlinder
to which various standard weights may be applied. The pressure is slowly
built up until the piston and weights are seen to "float", at which point the fluid
"gage"' pressure (i.e.. pressure above atmosphere) must equal the deadweight
supported by the piston, divided by the piston area. A drawback of this methodology
is that a number of refinements and corrections are necessary to achieve highly
accurate results. The frictional force between the cylinder and piston must be reduced
to a minimum and/or corrected for. Another drawback is that corrections are needed
for temperature effects on areas of piston and cylinder, air and pressure-medium
buoyancy effects, local gravity conditions, and height differences between the lower
end of the piston and the reference point for the pressure transducer being calibrated.
Further, as the piston assembly itself has weight, conventional dead-weight gages are
not capable of measuring pressures lower than the piston weight/area ratio.
Another system, [E.O. Doebelin, "Pressure and Sound Measurements", Measurement
Systems: Application and Design (3rd Edition, International Student Edition), pp. 404-
462 (1983)], describes a U-tube manometer whose operation is based on the
comparison of the unknown pressure (P) with the gravity (g), based on the wellknown
expression; P= hpg, where h is the height of the liquid column in the tube, and
p is the density of the liquid. The cross-sectional area of the tubing (even if not
uniform) has no effect. At a given location i i value of g) the sensitivity depends
on only the density of the manometer fluid. An advantage of this device is that it is
self-balancing and has a continuous rather than stepwise output. However, a
disadvantage of this device is that it becomes unwieldy at high pressures because of
the long liquid columns involved. Further, to realize the high accuracy possible with
manometers, often a number of corrections need to be applied. When visual reading
of the height h is employed, the engraved-scale's temperature expansion must be
considered. The variation of the value of p of the manometer fluid with temperature
must be corrected and the local value of g determined. Additional sources of error
are found in the non-verticality of the tubes and the difficulty in reading h because of
the meniscus formed by capillarity.
Yet another system [S. Varnagy, "Pressure Calibration Systems and Control Valve
Assemblies'. U.S. Patent No. 4,698,998 {assigned to Consolidated Controls
Corporation} describes a pressure calibration system for calibrating high-pressure
transducers and gaging systems. The said pressure calibration system incorporates a
pressure cylinder, which is filled with compressed nitrogen gas through a fill port.
The pressure cylinder is filled, from an external tank of compressed nitrogen, by
pneumatically connecting them through a "pressure cable" hose and a plurality of
pressure regulator valves, pressure isolation valves, vent valves, vent isolation valves,
side ports, end ports, vernier balancing conduits, and knobs. A "supply pressure" gage
mounted on the front-panel of the pressure calibration system indicates the pressure in
the internal storage tank. A test port provided on the front panel of the calibration
system provides a means for connection of the pressure equipment that is to be
calibrated. The calibration of the pressure transducer/gauge is performed against a
self-calibrating pressure transducer. An advantage of the system of this invention is
that it is self-contained and portable, and incorporate control valves and isolation
valves, thereby providing positive shutoff, combined with extremely low torque
operation, permitting fine manual adjustment of calibration pressure. Another
advantage of this system is that it is capable of providing pressure calibration over a
working range extending from a vacuum to 10,000 psi. A disadvantage of this system,
however, is that its calibration accuracy is limited by the temperature-sensitivity of
the pressure-standard against which the pressure calibration is performed. Another
limitation of this system is that it does not provide a means to study the temperaturedependence
of the pressure transducers being calibrated. Yet another disadvantage of
this system is that the number of pressure transducers that can be calibrated
simultaneously is limited to two.
Objects of the invention
The main object of the present invention is to provide a system for calibrating a
plurality of pressure transducers simultaneously.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a mounting means having the
facility for uniform pressure distribution so that all the pressure transducers to be
calibrated are simultaneously subjected to the same pressure.
Still another object of the present invention is to provide a system that facilitates study
of temperature-dependence sensitivity of pressure transducers by locating the said
pressure transducers together with their common mounting means in a medium
whose temperature can be maintained constant at a given desired value during a given
set of input pressure values, and altered to a different constant temperature value
during a subsequent set of input pressure values as required during calibration.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a system wherein a means is
provided to circumvent the temperature-sensitivity of the pressure-standard against
which the pressure transducers are calibrated, thereby improving the calibration
accuracy of the system.
A further object of the present invention is to provide a system wherein a means is
provided to calibrate the pressure transducers at close pressure intervals, thereby
improving the calibration resolution.
One more object of the present invention is to provide a system wherein a means is
provided to minimize the time taken for the input pressure to get stabilized, thereby
increasing time duration taken for calibrating.
Detailed description of the present invention
Accordingly, the present invention provides a system for calibrating plurality of
pressure transducers, said system comprising plurality of pressure transducers (13.1 to
13.n) mounted on a mounting means (12) which receives pressure input from a
pressure source (11) via a hollow cylinder (14) and distributes the pressure evenly to
all the pressure transducers, said plurality of pressure transducers are mounted on the
mounting means and placed inside a vessel (15) so as to vary the temperature of the
pressure transducers, said pressure source is also connected to a standard pressure
transducer (17) whose temperature is maintained at the same level as that of pressure
transducers(13.1 to 13.n).
In an embodiment of the present invention, the means for mounting (12) the pressure
transducers ( 1 3 . 1 to 13.n) comprises of a cylindrical body having an input channel
(30) connected to the hollow cylinder (14) via a link 31 and an adapter (32) to receive
the pressure, said cylindrical body is cast with a plurality of channels (26.1 to 26.n)
along its radius and terminating at its periphery for distributing the pressure equally to
all the pressure transducers, said channels are provided with slots (29.1 to 29.n) at
equidistant points from the center of the cylinder to accommodate the inlets of the
pressure transducers and said channels are closed at the periphery using plugs (27.1 to
27.n) and leak-protected washers (28.1 to 28.n).
In another embodiment of the present invention, the inputs of the pressure transducers
( 1 3 . 1 to n) are located such that pressure being applied by the pressure source (11)
gets equally transmitted to all transducer inlets in the minimum possible time via the
channels (26.1 to 26.n).
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the inlets of the pressure
transducers to be calibrated (13.1 to 13.n) intersect at the bottom of the slots (29.1 to
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the pressure being applied to the
pressure transducers is directed first towards the center of the cylinder via channel
(30) and then directed via the channels (26.1 to 26.n) to the inputs of the pressure
transducers (13.1 to 13.n) to enable all transducers to be stabilized simultaneously,
after a change in the input pressure.
In a further embodiment of the present invention, the pressure source (11) comprises a
chamber holding a pressure transmission medium, said chamber is loaded with
standard weights from top to build pressure in the pressure transmission medium, an
adjustable piston attached with a bleed handle at its one end through a handle is
attached to said chamber at the other end for fine adjustment of the pressure in the
pressure transmission medium.
In one more embodiment of the present invention, the pressure transmission medium
is a liquid.
In one another embodiment of the present invention, said liquid is oil or water.
In an embodiment of the present invention, the plurality of transducers (13.1 to 13.n)
are connected to a display or recording medium (20) for displaying or recording the
pressure output from the pressure transducers.
In another embodiment of the present invention, the display or recording medium (20)
is a computer or any other conventional display mechanism.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the vessel (15) is provided with
means for supplying hot/cold water to vary the temperature of the pressure
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the vessel (15) is optionally
provided with a temperature measuring means (16) to measure and a display means
(22) for displaying the temperature of the water accurately.
In a further embodiment of the present invention, the temperature measuring means
( 1 6 ) is thermometer.
In one more embodiment of the present invention, the display means (22) may be a
digital or an analog display unit.
In one another embodiment of the present invention, the standard pressure transducer
is already calibrated.
In an embodiment of the present invention, the standard pressure transducer is a piezo
electric transducer or any other conventional transducer having high accuracy.
In another embodiment of the present invention, the standard pressure transducer is
kept inside a vessel (18) and is connected to the pressure source through a hollow pipe
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the vessel (18) is provided with
means for supplying hot/cold water to vary the temperature of the standard pressure
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the vessel (18) is optionally
provided with a temperature measuring means (23) to measure and a display means
(24) for displaying the temperature of the water accurately.
In a further embodiment of the present invention, the temperature measuring means
(23) is thermometer.
In one more embodiment of the present invention, the display means (24) may be a
digital or an analog display unit.
In one another embodiment of the pre invention, the standard pressure
transducer( 17) is connected to a display or i,~urding medium (19) for displaying or
recording the pressure output.
In an embodiment of the present invention, the length of the pipes 14 and 21 are such
that the pressure being applied to the pressure transducers (13.1 to 13.n) that are to be
calibrated is also applied to the standard pressure transducer (17).
In another embodiment of the present invention, the total distance of the pressure
channels from the dead weight tester to the standard pressure transducer and the
transducers to the calibrated are same.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the length of the pipes 14 and 21
are such that minimum stabilization time is achieved after a step change in the input
The improved system for calibration of pressure transducers of the present invention
provides for:
1. A means for simultaneous calibration of a multiplicity of pressure transducers
by locating them on a mounting means having the facility for uniform pressure
distribution so that all the pressure transducers to be calibrated are
simultaneously subjected to the same pressure. The system of the present
invention provides for a circular mounting means wherein a number of equally
spaced slots provided on its flat surface are used for locating the pressure inlet
of the pressure transducers to be calibrated. These slots are hydraulically
connected to the central axis of the said circular mounting means via internal
channels drilled radially from the side wall of the said system into its central
axis, which in turn is hydraulically connected to a pressure source via a
separate internal channel.
2. Study of temperature-sensitivity of a multiplicity of pressure transducers by
locating the said pressure transducers together with their common mounting
means in a medium whose temperature can be maintained constant at a given
desired value during a given set of input pressure values. The pressure
transducers together with their common mounting means are located in a
vessel of suitable size wherein a sufficient quantity of water is preserved to
immerse the pressure transducers to the desired level thereby maintaining the
transducers at a desired constant temperature. The temperature of the water
medium that surrounds all the pressure-transducers is monitored with a
calibrated digital thermometer for temperature reading without parallax errors,
and the desired constant temperature is maintained throughout a given
calibration by addition of appropriate quantity of cooled/heated water
followed by vigorous stirring. Different sets of calibration can be performed at
various desired constant temperatures.
3. Improving the calibration accuracy by providing a means to circumvent the
temperature sensitivity of the pressure-standard against which the pressure
transducers are calibrated. Amongst the currently available pressure standards,
those that provide the finest pressure resolution are the quartz pressure
transducers that are operated at the optimum constant ambient temperature as
reported by J.M. Paros [in "Digital Pressure Transducer", U.S. Patent No.
4.455,874(1984)], and further reported by R. B. Wearn, Jr., and J.M. Paros [in
"Measurements of dead weight tester performance using high resolution
quartz crystal pressure transducers", Instrument Society of America. 8pp,
[(1988)]. The calibration accuracy of the system of the present invention is
improved by locating the quartz pressure transducer (pressure-standard) in a
fluid medium (water) whose temperature can be maintained constant at the
optimum temperature at which it provides the best results.
4. Improving the calibration resolution by providing a means to calibrate the
pressure transducer/transducers at close pressure intervals. In the system of the
present invention, the pressure-standard is a quartz pressure transducer whose
output is in digital format and provides fine pressure resolution as reported
by J.M. Paros [in "Digital Pressure Transducers", Measurements & Data, Vol.
10, No.2, 6p (1976)]; D.W. Busse [in "Digital Quartz Pressure Transducers for
Air Data Applications", pp. V-7-1 to V-7-15 (1978)]; R.B. Wearn and N.G.
Larson [in "Measurements of the Sensitivity and Drift of Digiquartz Pressure
Transducers", Deep-Sea Res., Vol. 29 A, pp. 111-134 (1982); D.W. Busse [in
"Quartz Transducers for Precision Under Pressure", Mech. Eng., Vol. 109, No.
5, 5p. (1987)]; and T. Schaad [in "Eleven-Year Test of Barometer Long-Term
Stability", www.paroscientific.com/llyeartest.htm (2000)] and a capability for
digital display of its output.
Brief description of the accompanying drawings
in the drawings accompanying this specification:
Fig. 1 represents a conventional system for calibration pressure transducers.
Fig. 2 shows the isometric view of the improved system for calibration of pressure
transducers of the present invention.
Fig. 3 illustrates the mid-planar cross-sectional view of the pressure-transducermounting
means of the present invention.
Fig. 4 indicates the temperature-sensitivity of two pressure transducers as obtained
from their simultaneous calibration at 6 different ambient temperatures using the
calibration system of the present invention at ascending input pressure steps.
Fig. 5 demonstrates the temperature-sensitivity of two pressure transducers as
obtained from their simultaneous calibration at 6 different ambient temperatures using
the calibration system of the present invention at descending input pressure steps.
The present invention will now be described in detail with reference to the
accompanying drawings which are given solely for the purpose of understanding the
invention and hence, should not be construed to limit the scope of the invention in any
Fig. 1 represents a typical design example, showing a conventional dead-weight tester
system of the prior art used for calibration of a pressure transducer, which consists
primarily of a chamber [1], a vertical cylinder [2], a piston [3] to which various
standard weights [4] are applied to build up pressure in the oil [5] that is the common
pressure transmission medium, a dial gage [6] that indicates the pressure of the oil, a
pressure transducer [7] to be calibrated, an adjustable piston [8] with a handle [9,]
and a bleed valve [10] for fine adjustment of the oil-pressure.
Fig. 2 is an isometric view of the improved system for calibration of pressure
transducers of the present invention, which consists primarily of a dead-weight tester
[11] with its dial-gauge [25], which is similar to that shown in Fig. 1, a pressuretransducer-
mounting means [12] that can accommodate a multiplicity of pressure
transducers [13.1], ...[13.n], hollow cylinder [14] for pressure transmission to the
mounting means [12], vessel [15] that holds temperature-controlled water around the
multiplicity of pressure transducers to be calibrated, a thermometer [16] for sensing
the temperature of the water in the said vessel [15], temperature display unit [22] for
digital display of temperature of the water in the vessel [15], precision pressure
transducer [17] that is used as a pressure-standard, vessel [18] that holds temperaturecontrolled
water around the pressure-standard [17], a display/recording medium [19]
that displays/records the pressure output of the pressure-standard, a thermometer [23]
for sensing the temperature of the water in the vessel [18], temperature display unit
[24] for digital display of temperature of the water in the vessel [18], and a computer
means [20] that displays/records the outputs of the multiplicity of pressure transducers
that are to be calibrated simultaneously. In the system of the present invention, the
dead-weight tester [11 ], is used merely as a tool for varying the fluid pressure, and not
as a pressure-calibrator. The lengths of the tubes [14] and [21], which form the
pressure channels to the pressure-transducer-mounting means [12] and precision
pressure transducer [17] that is used as a pressure-standard (i.e., the pressurecalibrator)
respectively, are such that the total distance of the pressure channels from
the dead-weight tester to the pressure-calibrator and the transducers to be calibrated
are close to each other, thereby achieving minimal stabilization time after a step
change in the input pressure.
Fig. 3 is a mid-planar cross-sectional view of the pressure-transducer-mounting means
[12] of the present invention, shown in an isometric style, wherein a multiplicity of
pressure transducers [13.1], ...[13.n] can be located such that pressure is equally
transmitted to all the said transducers in the minimum possible time, via channels
[26.1. ..26.n], thereby achieving minimal stabilization time after a step change in the
input pressure. These channels are closed at the periphery of the pressure-transducermounting
means [12] using plugs [27.1],.... [27.n], which are leak-protected using
copper washers [28.1], .... [28.n]. The pressure inlet of the pressure transducers
[13.1],..[13.n] to be calibrated intersect at the bottom of the slots [29.1],..[29.n] that
are located on the pressure-transducer-mounting means [12]. The link [31] and
adapter [32] together facilitate an excellent pressure-tight joint between the pressure
tube [14] and the pressure-transducer-mounting means [12]. In the pressuretransducer-
mounting means [12], the pressure is diverted first into its central portion
via channel [30] and then diverted into the pressure port of the transducers that are
equidistant from the central portion of the mounting means, thereby enabling all the
transducers to be stabilized simultaneously.
Fig. 4 shows a typical example illustrating the usefulness of the improved system for
calibration of pressure transducers of the present invention, wherein the temperaturesensitivity
of two pressure transducers have been obtained from their simultaneous
calibration at 6 different ambient temperar it ascending input pressure steps.
These transducers are of the strain-gauge type ,; described by A. Joseph [in "Modern
techniques of sea level measurement", Encyclopedia of Microcomputers. Marcel
Dekker, Inc., New York, Vol. 23, pp. 319-344 (1999)], and temperature-compensated
partially, although use of any other type of pressure transducers does not limit the
scope of the present invention.
Fig. 5 shows the temperature-dependence of two strain-gauge pressure transducers as
obtained from their simultaneous calibration at 6 different ambient temperatures using
the calibration system of the present invention at descending input pressure steps.
The present invention provides an improved system for calibration of pressure
transducers, which comprises of a dead-weight tester [11] with its dial-gauge [25], a
pressure-transducer-mounting means [12] that can accommodate a multiplicity of
pressure transducers [13.1], ...[13.n], hollow cylinder [14] for pressure transmission
to the mounting means [12], vessel [15] that holds temperature-controlled water
around the multiplicity of pressure transducers to be calibrated, a thermometer [16]
for sensing the temperature of the water in the said vessel [15], temperature display
unit [22] for digital display of temperature of the water in the vessel [15]. precision
pressure transducer [17] that is used as a pressure-standard, vessel [18] that holds
temperature-controlled water around the pressure-standard [17], a display/recording
medium [19] that displays/records the pressure output of the pressure-standard, a
thermometer [23] for sensing the temperature of the water in the vessel [18],
temperature display unit [24] for digital display of temperature of the water in the
vessel [18], and a computer [20] that displays/records the outputs of the multiplicity
of pressure transducers that are to be calibrated simultaneously.
The dead-weight tester [11] is used merely as a tool for varying the fluid pressure, and
not as a pressure-calibrator.
The lengths of the tubes [14] and [21], which form the pressure channels to the
pressure-transducer-mounting means [12] and precision pressure transducer [17] that
is used as a pressure-standard (i.e., the pressure-calibrator) respectively, are such that
the total distance of the pressure channels from the dead-weight tester to the
pressure-calibrator and the transducers to be calibrated are close to each other, thereby
achieving minimal stabilization time after a step change in the input pressure.
A multiplicity of pressure transducers [13.1], ...[13.n] can be located such that
pressure is equally transmitted to all the said transducers in the minimum possible
time, via channels [26.1, ..26.n], thereby achieving minimal stabilization time after a
step change in the input pressure. These channels are closed at the periphery of the
pressure-transducer-mounting means [12] using plugs [27.1],.... [27.n], which are
leak-protected using copper washers [28.1], .... [28.n]. The pressure inlet of the
pressure transducers [13.1]...[13.n] to be calibrated intersect at the bottom of the slots
|29.1],..[29.n] that are located on the pressure-transducer-mounting means [12]. The
link [31] and adapter [32] together facilitate an excellent pressure-tight joint between
the pressure tube [14] and the pressure-transducer-mounting means [12].
In the pressure-transducer-mounting means [12], the pressure is diverted first into its
central portion via channel [30] and then diverted into the pressure port of the
transducers that are equidistant from the central portion of the mounting means,
thereby enabling all the transducers to be stabilized simultaneously.
The device of the present invention has been successfully implemented to calibrate
strain-gauge pressure transducers that are used in sea level gauges, although use of
any other type of pressure transducers does not limit the scope of the present
invention. In this, each '-et of calibration was performed at various preplanned
temperatures to study the temperature-sensitivity of these transducers. It was observed
that the device of the present invention worked efficiently and without any problems.
1. It provides a means for simultaneous calibration of a multiplicity of pressure
transducers by locating them on a mounting means having the facility for
uniform pressure distribution.
2. It facilitates the study of temperature-sensitivity of pressure transducers by
locating the said pressure transducers together with their common mounting
means in a medium whose temperature can be maintained constant at a given
desired value during a given set of input pressure values, and altered to a
different constant temperature value during a subsequent set of input pressure
values as required during calibration.
3. It improves the calibration accuracy by providing a means to
circumvent the temperature sensitivity of the pressure-standard against
which the pressure transducers are calibrated, by locating the said pressurestandard
in a medium whose temperature can be maintained constant at the
optimum temperature at which it provides the best results.
I. It improves the calibration resolution by providing a means to calibrate the
pressure transducers at close pressure intervals, by the use of an accurate
pressure-standard having fine pressure resolution and a capability for digital
display of its output.

1. A system for calibrating plurality of pressure transducers, said system
comprising plurality of pressure transducers (13.1 to 13.n) mounted on a
mounting means (12) which receives pressure input from a pressure source
(11) via a hollow cylinder (14) and distributes the pressure evenly to all the
pressure transducers, said plurality of pressure transducers are mounted on the
mounting means and placed inside a vessel (15) so as to vary the temperature
of the pressure transducers, said pressure source is also connected to a
standard pressure transducer (17) whose temperature is maintained at the same
level as that of pressure transducers( 13.1 to 13.n).
2. A system as claimed in claim 1. wherein the means for mounting (12) the
pressure transducers (13.1 to 13.n) comprises of a cylindrical body having an
input channel (30) connected to the hollow cylinder (14) via a link 31 and an
adapter (32) to receive the pressure, said cylindrical body is cast with a
plurality of channels (26.1 to 26.n) along its radius and terminating at its
periphery for distributing the pressure equally to all the pressure transducers,
said channels are provided with slots (29.1 to 29.n) at equidistant points from
the center of the cylinder to accommodate the inlets of the pressure
transducers and said channels are closed at the periphery using plugs (27.1 to
27.n) and leak-protected washers (28.1 to 28.n).
3. A system as claimed in claim 2, wherein the inputs of the pressure transducers
(13.1 to n) are located such that pressure being applied by the pressure source
(11) gets equally transmitted to all transducer inlets in the minimum possible
time via the channels (26.1 to 26.n).
4. A system as claimed in claim 2, wherein the inlets of the pressure transducers
to be calibrated (13.1 to 13.n) intersect at the bottom of the slots (29.1 to 29.n).
5. A system as claimed in claim 2, wherein the pressure being applied to the
pressure transducers is directed first towards the center of the cylinder via
channel (30) and then directed via the channels (26.1 to 26.n) to the inputs of
the pressure transducers (13.1 to 13.n) to enable all transducers to be stabilized
simultaneously, after a change in the input pressure.
6. A system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the pressure source (11) comprises a
chamber holding a pressure transmission medium, said chamber is loaded with
standard weights from top to build pressure in the pressure transmission
medium, an adjustable piston attached with a bleed handle at its one end
through a handle is attached to said chamber at the other end for fine
adjustment of the pressure in the pressure transmission medium.
7. A system as claimed in claim 6, wherein the pressure transmission medium is
a liquid.
8. A system as claimed in claim 7, wherein said liquid is oil or water.
9. A system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the plurality of transducers (13.1 to
13.n) are connected to a display or recording medium (20) for displaying or
recording the pressure output from the pressure transducers.
10. A system as claimed in claim 9, wherein the display or recording medium (20)
is a computer or any other conventional display mechanism.
11. A system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the vessel (15) is provided with
means for supplying hot/cold water to vary the temperature of the pressure
12. A system as claimed in claim 11, wherein the vessel (15) is optionally
provided with a temperature measuring means (16) to measure and a display
means (22) for displaying the temperature of the water accurately.
13. A system as claimed in claim 12, wherein the temperature measuring means
(16) is thermometer.
14. A system as claimed in claim 12, wherein the display means (22) may be a
digital or an analog display unit.
15. A system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the standard pressure transducer is
already calibrated.
16. A system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the standard pressure transducer is a
piezo electric transducer or any other conventional transducer having high
17. A system as claimed in claim 1, whc the standard pressure transducer is
kept inside a vessel (18) and is conn^icd to the pressure source through a
hollow pipe (21).
18. A system as claimed in claim 17, wherein the vessel (18) is provided with
means for supplying hot/cold water to vary the temperature of the standard
pressure transducer.
19. A system as claimed in claim 18, wherein the vessel (18) is optionally
provided with a temperature measuring means (23) to measure and a display
means (24) for displaying the temperature of the water accurately.
20. A system as claimed in claim 19, wherein the temperature measuring means
(23) is thermometer.
21. A system as claimed in claim 1 9, wherein the display means (24) may be a
digital or an analog display unit.
22. A system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the standard pressure transducer(lV)
is connected to a display or recording medium (19) for displaying or recording
the pressure output.
23. A system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the length of the pipes 14 and 21 are
such that the pressure being applied to the pressure transducers (13.1 to 13.n)
that are to be calibrated is also applied to the standard pressure transducer
24. A system as claimed in claim 23, wherein the total distance of the pressure
channels from the dead weight tester to the standard pressure transducer and
the transducers to the calibrated are same.
25. A system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the length of the pipes 14 and 21 are
such that minimum stabilization time is achieved after a step change in the
input pressure.
26. A system for calibrating plurality of pressure transducers A system for
calibrating plurality of pressure transducers substantially as herein describe
with reference to examples accompanying this specification.





00026-delnp-2004-description (complete).pdf












26-DELNP-2004-Description (Complete)-(14-03-2008).pdf





Patent Number 219655
Indian Patent Application Number 00026/DELNP/2004
PG Journal Number 28/2008
Publication Date 11-Jul-2008
Grant Date 13-May-2008
Date of Filing 02-Jan-2004
Applicant Address RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04
PCT International Application Number PCT/IB02/01124
PCT International Filing date 2002-03-25
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10/104,220 2002-03-22 U.S.A.