Abstract | An Intralock IntraVenous Cannula, is made intralock with a round shaped latex or silicon sheet (02) cut (01) in vertical or horizontal at the centre cannula size wall of soft silicon, is installed at the last end of chamber (03) of cannula near the luer lock where syringes, fluids and blood administration sets are inserted into the cannula. Because there is a cut at middle of the latex wall, syringe , fluids and blood administration sets etc can be inserted easily and when syringe come's out, latex wall or valve take's back their previous place automatically. Latex or silicon valve or sheet can be installed also into the centre part of the luer lock (04) this will also work like above mentioned intralock system if a hole (05) is made on it's centre. Valcros (08) has been connected with wings of cannula (09) on the place of tape or micropore. U shaped latex or silicon valve (15) cut (16) in centre vertical or horizontal valve can be placed at the place of (01) and (02) where syringes, fluids and blood administration sets are inserted into the cannula for intralock system. Any type of Intra Venous Cannula can be made for Intralock system as 14 to 26 numbers of cannula even then one way, two way or three way cannulas also can be made Intralock by this Intralock Technology. |
Full Text | INVENTION OF THE INTRA LOCK INTRAVENOUS CANNULA: THE FIELD OF INVENTION: This Intralock IntraVenous Cannula is related to the field of medical science which is invented by completely indegenous and new technology. It is age of technology that is why new researches and inventions are taking place regularly , object is clear they want to remove the difficulties of human being and to make easy life going of human. This invention of intralock IntraVenous cannula have important role in the field of Medical Science. By this invention all difficulties will be removed which are acquired by the simple IntraVenous Cannula. This Intralock Intravenous Cannula have a specification in it that is why it has more importance. BACKGROUND OF INVENTION: Patients used to encounter various difficulties before this invention Intralock Intra Venous Cannula. Many kinds of simple Intra Venous Cannulas were used which were opened both sides. Sometimes due to negligence of patient or meager carelessness of staffs luer lock were opened by jerk or other means. It caused much haemorrhage to body of the patient. Keeping in consideration all these things this Intralock Intra Venous Cannula has invented. Once upon a time I was working in Pushpanjali Hospital & Research Centre (PHRC), Agra as a nursing staff in I.C.U. One day I saw much haemorrhage by hand of a patient because of unlocking of IntraVenous Cannula in sleeping stage. The patient was serious due to excessive haemorrhage. So many bottles of blood was given to patient to recover. I was shocked by looking this type of happening. After this incident I remained restless for many days and I thought, there should be a fool proof method , which could save the patient from above type of incident. 1 thought lock of IntraVenous Cannula is main hurdle in it which opens outside of the instrument. The negligence of patient or by other means it opens out in some patient and fell down on ground. The other difficulty with simple IntraVenous Cannula was that it was unstable and micropore or tape was used to fix it that is why there was a great chance of skin irritation to patient. The other second difficulty was more grevious in nature the blood was clotted due to outside location of IntraVenous Cannula in so many times and it was reinjected in the veins of patients to continue the flow of blood in IntraVenous Cannula clotting in the blood vessels. This could be injurious at any time to patients it could reach in the small nerves of brain or heart of the patient. I considered all the problems of ordinary IntraVenous Cannula and purchased the IntraVenous Cannula from market , to experiments and development make it without problem. I observed curiously after some time I was successful. I was happy because the problems given by IntraVenous Cannula was removed with Intralock IntraVenous Cannula. I added soft latex rubber or silicon valve in Intralock IntraVenous Cannula internally to make more comfortable to patients, (figure no. 1,2,3) This was a new invention in the field of Medical Science. These aforesaid problems of prior available ordinary IntraVenous Cannula were never removed before this Intralock IntraVenous Cannula invention. I named this apparatus as Intralock IntraVenous Cannula after invention. PRIOR ART: 1. Before this Intralock IntraVenous Cannula's invention there v/ere so many types of ordinary IntraVenous Cannula were used which were opened by both sides like pipes. There was a luer lock which was opened outside. There was no intralock system in it. Out side lock was removed because due to negligence by patbnts themselves the blood and injectable medicines were oozing outside. There were so many problems with prior available ordinary IntraVenous cannula. That ordinary ( IntraVenous Cannula) were closed cnly with luer lock that was why the blood was clotted in lock system in the Intra Venous Cannula chamber (03) where luer lock is used to close the cannula. Actually ordinary IntraVenous Cannula was not so useful because oozing out of blood due to unlocking , use of tape, micropore and coagulating and clotting of blood in lock was so painful and dangerous to patients. These problems were to be removed because clotting of blood can give serious injury to patients if reached in brain and heart through blood veins. Use of anti coagulant like Heparin (It is a low molecular weight kind of a anti coagulant agent) was also a big problem. Heparin or anti coagulants were used in simple IntraVenous Cannula with great attention and supervision. DISADVANTAGES OF PRIOR ART: There were following problems with prior available ordinary IntraVenous Cannula. It was necessary to remove these problems. That simple IntraVenous Canrula were opened by both sides due to which it was difficult to lock the IntraVenous Cannula immediately as injectable medicines was given that was why blood and injectable medicines come out. That there was no intra lock system in prior available ordinary IntraVenous Cannula due to this problem danger to blood or injectable medicines oozing outside remained. That danger to fell down luer lock on ground suddenly and loosing of outside lock was remained after heavy precautions taken by attendants and nurses or Doctors. That there was danger of unlocking luer lock of IntraVenous Cannula by patients himself or by jerks or other means. That it was more expensive to purchase the tape or micropore to fix the IntraVenous Cannula on body of the patient. That use of tape or micropore on body of the patient to fix the IntraVenous Cannula could create other complication like skin irritation and other skin diseases. That use of tape like micropore to fix the-Intra Venous Cannula on body gave more pain to patients by damaging the skin and hair of skin. That valcro was not used previously in any ordinary IntraVenous Cannula. That ordinary (IntraVenous Cannula) were closed only with luer lock that was why the blood was clotted in lock system in the Intra Venous Cannula chamber (03) where luer lock is used to close the cannula. That there was jam of blood circulation in blood vessel due to clotting of blood in the lock of IntraVenous Cannula and gave unbearable pain if it was reinjected in to the body of patient again and again. That in so many times it was impossible to reinject the medicine and blood in the body of patient because the clot was to hard to dissolve . It was better to through it out. That Hiparen (It is a anti coagulant type agent or medicine)was used in IntraVenous Cannula as anti coagulant of blood previously but it was dangerous to use the Hiparen in all the patients. That much haemorhage by simple IntraVenous Cannula by any reason may cause death of patients. That after taking extra precaution it was possible oozing out blood from IntraVenous Cannula because the structure and working of IntraVenous Cannula was not full proof. Thai it was more dangerous to rcinjection of clotted blood in the blood veins of patients because it was impossible to reinjeqt the coagulated blood by force or pressure. This process can cause grevious damages to heart and mind (Brain) vital parts of the body of patients. That it is clear chances of damages were more then the advantages of the simple IntraVenous Cannula used in patients. ADVANTAGES OF INVENTION: These are following specification in the new apparatus named Intralock IntraVenous Cannula that is why it will be more comfortable in handling the current problems. That use of new Intralock IntraVenous Cannula will remove the problem of tape use like micropore. That valcros are used for more advantages. That there will be no clotting or coagulating of blood in Intralock IntraVenous Cannula due to Intralock technology. Figure 2, figure 3 , figure 4. That there will be no necessity to use anti coagulant like Heparin. That new Intralock Intravenous Cannula has no chance of blood clotting or coagulation. It has no touchability with external air or system. That there will be no problem if luer lock is unlocked due to negligence or other reasons and no blood comes out fiom veins. That there will be no pain to patient if injectable medicines and blood is reirjected by Intralock Intravenous Cannula. That there will be no necessity to pressing of vein constantly during inserting Intralock IntraVenous Cannula on the body of the patient. There will not a single drop of blood come out of vein if it is used properly. That if valcros are to be removed from any reason then it can be removed easily by the help of scissors or sterlised blade. That if Intralock IntraVenous Cannula is used than there will be no necessity to removed of it time to time because blood circulation is not getting clotting stage. That any type of simple Intra Venous Cannula can be made for intralock system 14 to 26 (these are different sizes and numbers of cannula) numbers of cannula which are used at present in the field of cure. Even then one way, two way or three way cannulas are made intralock system by this intralock technology. That if Intralock Intravenous Cannula is used then no patient can unlock the Intra lock system of Intralock IntraVenous Cannula without the knowledge of attendants or staffs due to its intralock technology. That there will be no chance of clotting or coagulating of blood by intra lock system in Intralock IntraVenous Cannu'a. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION: An Intralock IntraVenous Cannula in it for intralock it has been made in round manner in the shape of cannula having cut (01) vertical or horizontal 1 in between where in soft latex rubber or silicon sheet (02) which has been placed at the end of cannula chamber (03) where syringes, fluid and blood administration sets are inserted into the cannula. Luer lock (04) can be fitted with or without cut to close the cannula because the portion has been cut between vertical or horizontal (05) for intralock system. Syringes or IntraVenous sets can be easily inserted in it and once we withdraw the syringe out of it the valve made of latex or silicon sheet get into their original shape. Tape or micropore were used to fix prior available ordinary IntraVenous cannula on the body of patient. To fix the cannula on the body of patient as in alternative tape or micropore, valcros (08) are joined in the cannula's wings (09), U shape soft latex or silicon valve (15) which has been cut in centre vertical or horizontal (16) can also be fitted in it for intralock system where syringes or IntraVenous sets are inserted into the cannula. Part no. (06) Needle connector, sub luer lock (07), injection port (10), silicon valve (11), cannula's extended ahead part (12), long and thin plastic tube (13), long penetrate steel needle (14), part no. (17) this is a cut slot of valcro and cannula's wings where valcro is attached. These all parts are related to each other. (Sheet no. 1 figure no. 1). In this Intralock IntraVenous Cannula as per convenience latex or silicon sheet valve U shape and flat latex sheet can be fitted. The process for both are identical as both the portions are cut in between, both can be fitted in the end of the cannula chamber. Because any external latex or silicon valve since cut in between expands and once outer valve is removed it gets Into its original form. Luer lock can also be made for intralock if a hole is made in its centre. The invention of Intralock IntraVenous Cannula in the Medical Science is 1 st in India. It will be of great use. The idea of this type of instrument Intralock IntraVenous Cannula came in my mind when I was doing my duty as nursing staff in I.C.U. of Pushpanjali Hospital and Research Centre (P.H.R.C) Agra. One day I saw that there was much Haemorrhage through the simple IntraVenous Cannula . The patient became serious . To recover the patient so many bottles of blood was given but this incident was not new and often this type of incident take place so many times. Actually this was a serious problem in all the medical places. This was the common problem in India and the world. I thought if any problem lies in the instrument. I invented Intralock IntraVenous Cannula. It will remove all the pain and risk of coagulation, oozing out of injectable medicines and clotting of blood into the cannula. The idea of modified simple IntraVenous Cannula came to me and I was on my mission. To make reality of my ideas I purchased different types of IntraVenous Cannula from market, I experimented on them for some months. I observed through experiments a rubber valve could be fitted in its structure of prior available simple IntraVenous Cannula as intralock. Then I experimented it on patients It was successful! was very happy it was a new invention I named it Intralock Infra Venous Cannula. This Intralock Intra Venous Qnnula is different from simple and prior available IntoVenous Cannula in technology. Though superficially it is similar to new and old IntraVenous Cannula because it has been developed by the inner technology of IntraVenous Cannula through adding in it soft latex or silicon valve as intra lock system. If old IntraVenous Cannula is modified with this new technology there will be no difference in shape and size of old and New Intralock IntraVenous Cannula. Actually ordinary IntraVenous Cannula was not so useful because oozing out of blood due to unlocking , use of tape, micropore and coagulating and clotting of blood in lock was so painful and dangerous to patients. These problems were to be removed because clotting of blood can give serious injury to patients if reached in brain and heart through blood veins. Use of and coagulant like Heparin (It is a low molecular weight kind of a anti coagulant agent) was also a big problem. Heparin or anti coagulants were used in simple IntraVenous Cannula with great attention and supervision. This new Intralock IntraVenous Cannula is a only remedy to remove all the aforesaid problems. With the use of new Intralock Intravenous Cannula there will be no problem and need not pay extra attention instrument. A process of soft latex sheet or silicon valve can be fit into the cannula for making intra lock system can be made by the process of heating or by moulding machine. It can also be made with the help of plastic bond adhesive or any glue type of solution like cyclone for providing intra lock system inside the cannula to prevent the oozing out of blood and injectable medicines from the cannula. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS; This Intralock Intra Venous Cannula is related to the field of Medical Science. Which has invented by completely indegenous and new technology. Before invention of this Intralock Intra Venous Cannula many types of prior available ordinary Intra Venous cannulas were available in the disposable market. They were opened both sides like pipes and just closed by the help of luer lock only. Due to negligence of patient or concerning staff or by other means luer lock often opened and fell down. Due to this reason blood and injectable medicines were oozing outside and patient suffered difficulties and anxiety. Sometimes it caused death of the patient due to excessive haemorrhage of blood on the body of patient. Considering the aforesaid problems this Intralock Intra Venous Caimula has been invented first time in the field of Medical Science in the World. Before this Intralock Intra Venous Cannula, the simple Intra Venous Cannula that were found they had no intralock system. This type of attempt is made first time in the field of Cure. Where ordinary Intra Venous Cannulas had created many difficulties as said above. All these problems which were generated by the old and ordinary Intra Venous Cannulas are removed forever by this new invention Intralock Intra Venous Cannula. This is an Intralock IntraVenous Cannula (sheet no. 1, figure no. 1) comprising : a cut in centre 1 vertical or horizontal along with soft latex wall 2 or silicon sheet (figure no. 2) is installed near the end of the Intralock Intra Venous Cannula chamber (03) for in it intralock system where syringes and fluid administration sets are inserted into the cannula , luer lock (04) (figure no. 4) is outer closer of Intralock Intra Venous Cannula it has also can be made for intialock system (05) if a hole is made in it. This Intralock Intra Venous Cannula can be made for intralock by three methods In first aspect of Invention a plain soft latex wall or silicon sheet (02) which will be cut in vertical or horizontal in centre (01) which will be placed near Intralock Intra Venous Cannula chamber (03) where syringes, fluids and blood administration sets are inserted. Luer lock is joined to close the Intra Venous Cannula outside. This aspect has been illustrated by (figure no.2 Sheet no. land 2). In second aspect of Invention U shaped of soft latex wall or silicon sheet 15 may be used for intralock system in Intralock Intra Venous Cannula which will also be cut (16) in between vertical or horizontal this will also be placed near the Intralock Intra Venous Cannula chamber (03) where syringes, fluids and blood administration sets are inserted into the cannula, where luer lock is joined outside to close the cannula. This feature has been illustrated by (figure no. 3. Sheet no. Iand2). Both aforesaid two methods preparing for intralock system can be joined between luer lock and cannula chamber only. After remove sub luer lock (07) and needle connector (06). In third aspect oflnvcnlion Luer lock (04) in the similar manner if a hole (05) is made at the centre of the luer lock alongwith soft latex wall or silicon sheet which will also cut in between can also be fitted in it for intralock, when syringes or fluids and blood administration sets will inserted in Intralock Intra Venous Cannula this will also act automatically because latex wall or silicon sheet takes back their previous place when any external force used on latex or silicon it spreads from centre because it is cut at centre and when force remove latex valve takes its previous place and will give out the desired results as explained above. This aspect has been illustrated by figure no. 4, (Sheet no. 1 and 2). Valcros are also attached in the wings of Intralock Intra Venous Cannula in the place of use of tape or micropore. Needle connector (06) , sub luer lock (07), valcros (08), Intra Venous Cannula's wings (09), injection port (10), silicon valve (11), extended ahead part of Intra Venous Cannula's wings (12), Long and thin plastic tube (13) which bears penetrate long steel needle (14) which has joined by the other end of needle connector (06), U shaped of latex rubber or silicon sheet (15), having cut in centre (16) vertical or horizontal. A cut slot of cannula's wings (17) where valcros are attached by the help of sewing and any other adhesive like quick fix type. This Intralock Intra Venous Cannula is different from simple and prior available IntraVenous Cannula in technology. Though superficially it is similar to new and old IntraVenous Cannula because it has been developed by the inner technology of IntraVenous Cannula through adding in it soft latex or silicon valve as intra lock system. If old IntraVenous Cannula is modified with this new technology there will be no difference in shape and size of old and New Intralock IntraVenous Cannula. If a valve is added into the cannula chamber on condition that inner width and length of cannula chamber may be superficially increased. Actually ordinary IntraVenous Cannulas were not so useful because oozing out of blood due to unlocking , use of tape, micropore and coagulating and clotting of blood in lock was so painful and dangeraus to patients. These problems were to be removed because clotting of blood can give serious injury to patients if reached in brain and heart through blood veins. Use of anti coagulant Heparin was also a big problem. Heparin or anti coagulants were used in simple IntraVenous Cannula with great attention and supervision. This new Intralock Intravenous Cannula is a only remedy to remove all the aforesaid problems. With the use of new Intralock Intravenous Cannula there will be no problem and need not pay extra attention instrument. STATEMENT OF THE INVENTION An Intralock IntraVenous Cannula comprising cannula chamber (03) for intralock system where syringes, fluids and blood administration sets are inserted into the cannula, between luer lock (04) and cannula chamber (03) after removing sub ]uer lock (07) and needle connector (06), luer lock of cannula which can also be cut at the centre (05) for providing intralock system where a hole (05) is made, luer lock can also be fitted with or without cut in centre into the cannula to close the cannula from outside, needle connector (06), sub luer lock (07), valcros (08) for fixing Intralock IntraVenous Cannula on the body of patient by tape or micropore valcros which are attached with the help of sewing or adhesive in cannula's wings (09) at the cut slot of (17) where valcros are joined, injection port (10) for giving injectable medicines from upper side of cannula during running position of fluids or sleep position, silicon valve (11) which is fitted inside the cannula, ahead extended part of cannula's wings (12) attached with a long and thin plastic tube (13) through which a long steel needle (14) penetrate for inserting cannula in the body of patient, characterised in that U shaped or circular shaped soft latex or silicon sheet having vertical or horizontal cut (1516) at the centre for providing intralock system (01 02). BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ACCOMPANYING DRAWINGS:- This is an Intralock Intravenous Cannula (figure no. 01) in it for intra lock it has been made in a round manner soft latex wall or silicon sheet (part no. 02) in the shape of cannula has been cut in between longitudinal vertical or horizontal (part no. 01) figure no. 02 be placed at the end of the cannula chamber (part no. 03) near luer lock (part no. 04) the valve has been fixed because the portion has been cut in between, when syringes, fluids or blood administration sets can be easily inserted in it and once we withdraw the syringe out of it the wall made of latex or silicon wall get into their original shape. As in alternative tape or micropore Intra lock Intra venous cannula wings (part no. 09) is joined by valcros (part no. OP). U shaped valve 15 cut in longitudinal vertical or horizontal 16 (figure no. 03) can also be fitted in the similar manner for intralock near the end of cannula chamber 03. If a hole (part no. 05 ) is made in the luer lock (part no. 04) figure no. 04 when syringe inserted in it, this will also act automatically because it is cut at centre and when force remove in its, it occured at previous place and give out the desired results, a soft rubber sheet or valve can be joined with or without plastic bond quick fix type adhesive or by the process of heating or moulding in Intralock Intra Venous Cannula. Valcros are also attached in the wings of Intralock Intra Venous Cannula in the place of use of tape or micropore. Needle connector 06 , sub luer lock 07, valcros 08, Intra Venous Cannula's wings 09, injection port 10, silicon valve 11, extended ahead part of Intra Venous Cannula's wings 12 Long and thin plastic tube 13 which bear, long penetrate steel needle 14 which has joined by the needle connector 6 of its another end. U shaped of latex rubber or silicon sheet 15, having cut in centre longitudinal vertical or horizontal 16. A cut slot 17 of cannula's wings where valcros are attached. In this Intra lock Intra Venous Cannula as per convenience it can fit in flat U shape (figure no. 03) valve the process for both identical as both the portions are cut in between, this process it can be fitted in the end of the cannula chamber near and between (part no. 03&04) because any external latex, silicon or rubber valve since cut in between expands and once outer valve is removed it gets into its original form. Detail Description of Drawing :- Further feature and advantages of the invention become clear from the following description and drawings. Various parts of Intra lock Intra Venous Cannula are attached to each other as given below:- Flat, soft latex rubber or silicon sheet (02), which is cut (01) in longitudinal vertical or horizontal at centre has joined near by the cannula chamber (03) where syringes, fluid and blood administration sets are inserted into the cannula. Luer lock attached after remove needle connector (06), and sub luer lock (07), during inserting the cannula on the body of the patient. It is clear that intralock system is made only when luer lock (04) and cannula chamber (03) are joined each other in final position. Upper portion of IntraVenous Cannula injection pert (10) mainly use to give injectable medicines upper side from cannula with or without open luer lock . Needle connector (06) which has attached sub luer lock (07). Luer lock (04) which has joined sub luer lock, luer lock has also cut in centre (05) for intralock system. These are Intra Venous Cannula's wings (09), valcros (08) are joined in the cannula wings where a slot (17) is cut in wings for tie valcros. Valcros are attached in the alternative of tape or micropore for the tie to cannula on the body of patient. This is a silicon valve (11) which is fitted inside the cannula. (12) This is a extended ahead part of cannula's wings which is attached front side of tube (13) and another side joined near by the cannula's wings. (13) This is a long and thin plastic tube which bears inside the long penetrate steel needle for inserting the cannula into the veins. This is a long and penetrate steel needle (14) which is joined by the needle connector (06) of it's end where joined sub luer lock (07) . U shape of a soft latex rubber or silicon sheet (15) which has cut in centre longitudinal vertical or horizontal .This U shaped valve can also be fitted in the place of (01) and (02) for providing Intralock system same as oozing out of blood and clotting of blood into the Intralock Intravenous Cannula. U shaped cut valve (15&16) can be fitted into the cannula where syringes and intravenous sets are inserted, for intralock system. Figure No. 01 - Shows the shape and various parts of Intralock IntraVenous Cannula various labelled parts are as :- 1 - This is a centre cut part of soft latex rubber or silicon sheet 2 - This is a soft latex rubber or silicon sheet having cut in centre 3 - This is a Intralock IntraVenous Cannula chamber made up of a plastic material where (part no. 02 & part no. 01) is placed. 04 :- This is a luer lock to close the intralock intravenous cannula. 5 :- This is a luer lock's hole 6 :- This is a needle connector. 7 :- This is a sub luer lock. 8 :- These are valcros to tie Intralock Intra Venous Cannula 9 :- These are Intralock Intravenous Cannula's wings. 10:- This is a injection port. 11:- This is a another silicon valve which has already been fitted into the cannula. 12:- This is a joined part of Intralock Intra Venous Cannula wings in which long and thin plastic tube is attached. 13:- This is a long and thin plastic material tube having steel needle. 14:- This is a penetrate steel needle for inserting the cannula 15:- This is a U shaped of a soft latex or silicon sheet valve. 16:- This is a centre cut of U shaped valve vertical or horizontal. 17:- This is a cut slot of cannula's wings where valcros are attached. Figure No. 2 :- It is a flat, soft latex, rubber or silicon sheet (02) which has been cut (01) in centre vertical or horizontal Figure No. 3 :- It is a U shaped of soft latex or silicon sheet (15) which has also been cut vertical or horizontal in the centre (16) for providing Intralock system. Figure No. 4 :- It is a luer lock (04). It is made for intralock by making a hole (05) in the centre of it. Sheet No. 1 :- A complete figure of Intralock IntraVenous Cannula with its all parts and three aspects of invention. Sheet No. 2 :- Figure 01, Figure 02 , Figure 03 these are various types of aspects of Invention seperately illustrated. It will be evident to those skilled in the art that the invention is not limited to the details of the foregoing illustrated embodiments and that the present invention may be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit of essential attributes thereof. The present embodiments are therefore to be considered in all respects as illustrative and not restrictive , the scope of invention being indicated by the appended claims rather than by the foregoing description , and all changes which come within the meaning and range of equivalency of the claims are therefore intended to be embraced therein. I claim :- 1. An Intralock IntraVenous Cannula comprising cannula chamber (03) for intralock system where syringes, fluids and blood administration sets are inserted into the cannula, between luer lock (04) and cannula chamber (03) after removing sub luer lock (07) and needle connector (06), luer lock of cannula which can also be cut at the centre (05) for providing intralock system where a hole (05) is made, luer lock can also be fitted with or without cut in centre into the cannula to close the cannula from outside, needle connector (06), sub luer lock (07), valcros (08) for fixing Intralock IntraVenous Cannula on the body of patient by tape or micropore valcros which are attached with the help of sewing or adhesive in cannula's wings (09) at the cut slot of (17) where valcros are joined, injection port (10) for giving injectable medicines from upper side of cannula during running position of fluids or sleep position, characterised in that silicon valve (11) which is fitted inside the cannula, ahead extended part of cannula's wings (12) attached with a long and thin plastic tube (13) through which a long steel needle (14) penetrate for inserting cannula in the body of patient, U shaped or circular shaped soft latex or silicon sheet having vertical or horizontal cut (15 , 16) at the centre for providing intralock system (01 , 02). 2. Intralock IntraVenous Cannula as claimed in claim 1 wherein said intralock system is provided to seal the oozing out of blood and injectable medicines and to prevent clotting of blood. 3. An Intralock IntraVenous Cannula as claimed in claim 1 or 2 where in said U shaped latex or silicon valve (15) having cut (16) in vertical or horizontal direction and flat shaped cut in vertical and horizontal direction (01 , 02), both type of valve can be installed conveniently in intralock cannula near cannula chamber (03) where syringes, fluids and blood administration sets are inserted into the intravenous cannula. 4. An Intralock IntraVenous Cannula substantially as herein described with reference to the accompanying drawings. |
985-del-2005-description (complete).pdf
Patent Number | 220308 | ||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 985/DEL/2005 | ||||||||
PG Journal Number | 24/2008 | ||||||||
Publication Date | 13-Jun-2008 | ||||||||
Grant Date | 22-May-2008 | ||||||||
Date of Filing | 20-Apr-2005 | ||||||||
Name of Patentee | TREBHUWAN SINGH RAMAN | ||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | A61M 39/02 | ||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||
PCT Conventions: