Abstract | The invention relates to a method for determining whether a double-headed toothbrush is contour adaptive, said method comprising the step of : providing a double-headed toothbrush composed of a pair of handles, necks, and heads each having a bristle body mass composed of bristles extending therefrom, each handle connected to respective necks, that connect to respective heads, each head having a tip on an end opposite the respective neck and handle, the handles of the double-headed toothbrush being rigidly connected to each other; securing the handles in a fixed position; applying a fIrst force (Y) onto a fIrst neck or head parallel to the bristles to deflect the tip to a fIrst predetermined distance from a resting position; measuring the fIrSt force (Y) applied to cause the tip to be deflected to the predetermined distance; applying a second force (Z) to a bristle body mass extending from a head perpendicular to the extended direction of the bristles to deflect the bristle body mass to a fIrst predetermined bend percentage from a resting position; measuring the second force (Z) applied to cause ~e bristle body mass to be bent to the first predetermined bend percentage; applying a third force (X) to the bristle body mass extending from a head at a non- perpendicular direction to deflect the bristle body mass to a second predetermined bend percentage from a resting position and the tip to a second predetermined distance from a resting position; measuring the third force (X) applied to cause the bristle body mass to bend to the second predetermined bend percentage and to cause the tip to the second predetermined distance; applying a fourth force (L) to a head perpendicular to the direction of the bristle body masses to cause the tip to be deflected to a third predetermined distance from a resting position; measuring the fourth force (L) " applied to cause the tip to be deflected to the third predetermined distance; and determining if the toothbrush is contour adaptive based on the measured forces. Figure I |
Full Text | TWIN HEAPED TOOTHBRUSH Tliis is a continuation-in-part of Serial No. 09/596,081, filed June 16,2000. BACKGROUND Tliis invention relates to toothbrushes. More particularly, this invention relates to contour adaptive toothbrushes. A:; disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,121,520 and 5,499,421 issued to the present inventor, Miciiael 1 trice, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference, to effectively clean teeth and gum areas complex maneuvering of a toothbrush is necessary. It is generally acknowledged that the great majority of individuals brush their teeth and gum surfaces primarily in a horizontal and semi-circular manner, even though this particular technique is not deemed to be the be ;t way of cleaning the teeth and gum surfaces. There are two reasons why most individuals resort to this ineffective technique. First, conventional brushing heads are not paniculaily designed to follow the contours of the teeth and gum surfaces, and as an extension of the human arm do not permit complicated and exact maneuvers to be performed. Second, most brushing takes place in the early morning when one first arises and in the evening just prior to retiring. This is a factor, as demanding complicated procedures for this time of day and night are beyond the tolerance of most individuals. For these reasons, most individuals resort to a simple natural horizontal or semi-circular conventional brushing technique. Numerous attempts have been made in the past as shown, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 860,840 LO Strassburger, 3,742,549 to Scopp et al., and 4,67;360 to Marthaler et al. to improve the design of the toothbrush such as the bristles and/or the head. U.S. Fat, No. 860,840 to Strassbu»ger discloses a toothbrush having two rows of bristles sloped in opposite directions relative to each other, and a central section of bristles arranged parallel to and located between the two outside rows. However, these prior toothbrushes do not simultaneously and/or independently accommodate different contours of the teeth. In other patents, adjacent head portions of a toothbrush are made to pivot or flex relative to the han.tle portion so that the bristles are better able to conform to the contours of the teeth and gum surfaces. Such an arrangement is shown in U.S. Pat. Nos. 928,32S to Carpentier, 2,266,195 to Hallock, 3,152,349 to Brennesholtz, 4,333,199 to Del Rosario, 4,488,328 to (iyman, 4.691,405 to Reed, and 4,776,054 to Rauch. More particularly, U.S. Pat Nos. 4,333,199 to Del Ro: ario and 4,488,328 to Hyman disclose a toothbrush having a single discreet brushing head that. an be pivoted about the handle. The Del Rosario patent, in addition, discloses a orushing head that can rotate about three planes. - U.S. Pat Nos. 1,928,328 to Carpentier, 2,266,195 to Hallock, 3,152,349 to Brennesholt2 and 4,691 405 to Reed show a toothbrush head capable of flexing or articulating relative to the aandle. Specifically, the brushing head comprises a plurality of serially arranged flexing head segments, wherein the segments flex in union or relative to each other. Finally, U.S. Pat. No. 4,776,054 to Rauch discloses a toothbrush head having three arranged 1-rushing segments, whereby the central segment is aligned with the handle and the two segments on either side are symmetrically arranged relative to the central segment. The bristles an the outer sides of the Rauch patent have narrow, blade-like, contact points which are likely to induce excessive pressure to the gum due to the narrow contact points. In other words, the narrow Wide-like bristles inherently place higher excessive concentrated pressure on the gum nore so than bristles with a larger contact area. None of these toothbrushes are directed to overcoming ineffective brushing techniques, >r the individual's anatomically limited abilities to effectively clean the curvilinear surfaces of he teeth and provide for gentle stimulation of the varying gum tissues without harm or iiscomfort for the user, for example, by utilizing side-by-side arranged brushing heads. In addition, none of these toothbrushes provide for the discreet functioning of one or nore brushing heads as separate elements by addressing the force exerted by the user hereinaftei "the X Value"), the resistance/resiliency characteristics of the molecular density of he material used in conjunction with the structural dimensions of the toothbrush (hereinafter 'the Y Value"), in concert with the resistance/resiliency of the bristle body as separate functioning elements of the uniform bristle body mass (hereinafter "the Z Value"), as well as the ateral resistance characteristics of the one or more necks (hereinafter "the L Value"). Moreover, none of these toothbrushes enables the vanring of the brushing pressure, in lccordanct with the proclivity of the user, in order to prevent excessive pressure from being ipplied to i he gums and/or gingival tissue or from injury to the tooth enamel. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PRAWINGS Fig 1 shows a top view of the left and right side handles of one embodiment of a oothbrush. Fits. 1A and IB show the insert of the toothbrush in Fig. 1; Fif. 2 shows a side view of the left and right side handles in which the handles are slightly tui ned to enable a partial view of the top of the left and right side handles of the oothbrush in FIG. 1; Fit, 3 shows a top view similar to Fig. 1; Fi[*. 4 shows a view of another embodiment of a toothbrush, with the left and right handles being slightly separated; Fig. 5 shows a view of the toothbrush in Fig, 4; Fi$, 6 shows the Certificate of Calibration supplied by the Mark 10 Corporation for model No EG20, Serial No, 41629, dated October 11, 2002; . Fii'.s. 7-9 shows force diagrams to address and understand the Y, Z, and L values; and Fij.'. 10 shows the contour-adaptive-functioning of the toothbrush in Fig. 1. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Presently, it is only generally known that a neck or a head of a toothbrush can be "resilient. ' To achieve full contour-adaptivity of a toothbrush, however, specific forces, resistance:, and resiliencies of the toothbrush have to be addressed and understood. As a result, full "functioning" of a toothbrush has not been possible as the dynamic-interaction between a user and the toothbrush, as well as the forces, resistances and resiliencies of the toothbrush, have not been addressed, appreciated and/or understood. One embodiment of a toothbrush includes one or more necks and/or uniform bristle body mass o£fei ing resistance and then providing resiliency as to brushing forces as may be applied to achieve full contour-adaptivity of (he toothbrush. One can appreciate the toothbrush from the standpoim of a machine having moving parts wherein the force and/or energy of the user is harnessed (the power source) and the moving parts of the toothbrush are dependent upon the understanding of degree of force over a range of user variants and what is required to resist such force and at what point or value of such force in which such resistances incorporated into the toothbrush become resilient. Full functioning of the toothbrush is not possible without this knowledge and the lack of such knowledge prevents any toothbrush from realizing dynamic contour ad aptivity that provides workability and full functionality for the user in the application and use oi the toothbrush. Therefore, merely stating that a toothbrush is resilient does not provide any degree of knowledge as to what is required on the part of the toothbrush to function. Th*s embodiment of toothbrush may provide resistance to the brushing force by the flexible neck portions to the degree that such one or more necks resist such force and then become resilient to such force based upon the resistance/ resiliency characteristics of the neck structures meeting obstructions. The separate and combined neck structures also provide contour-ad aptivity by being directly related to the resistance and resiliency characteristics of the one or moj e bristle body heads. The resistance/resiliency of the bristle body heads is related to the neck structures, and may correspond to the force( s)*exerted by the user. The bristle body heads may be configured to provide resistance to the changing curvilinear structures encountered during brushing. Th concert wiih the one or more discreet and combined bristle body mass offering resistance and resiliency The toothbrush may include: a handle to be grasped by a human hand; a first neck extending irom the handle; a second neck extending from the handle parallel to the first neck; a first bristle support attached to the first neck; a second bristle support attached to the second neck; a plurality of first bristles extending from the first bristle support; and/or a plurality of second bristles extending from the second bristle support. The plurality of first and second bristles may be formed of a stiffness. The first and second necks may be formed of a predetermined resiliency, flexibility and bending resistance. The value of the stiffness relative to the predetermined resiliency, flexibility and bending resistance may be set in accordance with a predetermined brushing force to be applied by the bristles to achieve the full functioning of the one or moje articulating heads in making and maintaining contact with the dento-gingival lunction. TV embodiments described herein have been included for purposes of illustrating the principals «>f the present invention. Accordingly, the present invention is not limited to the :onfigurations and constructions as illustrated and/or set forth herein. Also, throughout the illustrations of different embodiments, the same or equivalent elements have been identified with the same reference numerals. Figs. 1-3 show one embodiment of the left (L) and right (R) handles of a dual headed .oothbmsh 10, Conventional molding equipment may be used to form the integral right handle R) and integral left handle (L). The right and left handles may include handles 12L and 12R, leek portions 13L and 13R and/or the brushing heads 14L and 14R. The right and left handles nay be m held flat to drill holes for the brushes and plug bristles 15 into the holes (see Fig, 3). The bristles have a stifihess, which can range from soft to hard to vary the resiliency and resistance presented by the brisiles to the teeth and gums during brushing. The bristles may be cut to any desired length, shape and/or profile, and polished in accordance with commercially known techniques. Thr left and right handles may be brought together and welded along the handles 12L and 12R by conventional bonding and welding techniques. For example, the Branson Ultrasonic Corporation, manufactures and sells commercial vibrational and ultrasonic welding machines capable of welding various types of plastics. As discussed above, the toothbrush is configured to be dependent upon understanding and addressing the force exerted by the user in brushing his or her teeth ("the X Value"), meeting the resistance, resiliency characteristics of the molecular density of the material used in injunction with the structural dimensions of the neck elements ("the Y Value"), achieving iltemate functioning of the brushing heads in concert with the resistance/resiliency :haracterisiics of the discreet and combined uniform bristle body mass ("the Z Value") in naintamini; contact with the dento-gingival junction with the inside and adjacent rows of bristles )f each independently articulating brushing head. Addressing each of these factors (values), and he elemenis for carrying out each of these factors, provides for the proper functioning iharacterisi ics of the toothbrush. The toothbrush is dependent on characteristics of necks 13L and 13R7 and brush heads 14L and 14 R to achieve the proper functioning of the toothbrush. Moreover, the toothbrush can vork (funciion) with the use of a cushioned insert 16 in the handle (see Figs, 1A and IB). The anbodimeuts of Figs. 4 and 5 illustrate the toothbrush without the use of a cushioned insert 16. The inclusion of the cushioned insert, which can be made of a rubber having a stiffness which varies from soft to hard can increase the sensitivity for the user. The increase in sensitivity occurs as ;* result of the pressure transmitted by the user through the thumb being totally or partially absorbed by said insert. The insert can be of any shape or design which fits into a similarly suaped cavity provided in the left and right handles. The insert 16 is shown to have an oval top. Moreover, the oval shaped inset 16 is provided with a rectangular base 16B. The rectangulai base 16B slides into a rectangular cavity 16C formed during the molding operation of the left and right handles. A suitable adhesive may be used to hold the rectangular base 16A of insert 16 in cavity 16C of the handles. Thereafter the bonding of the left and right handles may insure the permanent retention of insert 16 in the finished toothbrush. Also, the insert may be made of rubber and shaped to accommodate the thumb of the user. The resiliency characteristics of the rubber can be varied to accommodate the pressure exerted on the brush through the thumb of the user. Thus the stiffness of the-rubber insert can be varied from soft to hard to provide a range of cushioning characteristics. Fui [her, the polymers used to make the left and right handles can be selected to increase or decrease the flexibility, resiliency and resistance of the necks 13L and 13R of the left and right handles. Similarly, the stiffness of the bristles 15 of the brushing heads 14L and 14R can be selected to range from soft to hard to vary the resiliency and resistance presented by bristle to the teeth and gam of the user. Thi- embodiments of the toothbrush provide for the adaptation of the toothbrush to the changing surfaces of the differing tooih/teeth/gingival structures of the user encountered during brushing by the one or more self-responding, self articulating brushing heads (see Fig. 10). Addressing and understanding the X, Y, Z and L values allow for the full, proper and safe functioning ■ of the toothbrush. Thi- independent contour-adaptivity of the one or more brushing heads is dependent upon critical and exact understanding of the forces involved during brushing; • X-Value - force of the user; • Y-Value = resistance/resiliency of the one or more necks (resistance to force/load); • Z-Value »the resistance/resiliency of the one or more bristle heads working in conjunction with the one or more necks; and/or • L~\ aiue - Lateral resistance characteristics of the one or more necks combined. Method of Determining Forces, Resistances & Resiliencies All laboratory testing utilized the Digital Fore© & Torque Gauge supplied by the Mark 10 Corporation of Hicksville, New York, The model use Calibration offerees (1): (Y Value) Initial resistance, then subsequent resiliency of the deck structures. The method employed here concerned having the handle portion of the toothbrush fixed in a holding fixture replicating the handle being grasped by a human hand and, allowing the necks (unsupported, as it would be in normal brushing) to deflect and/or flex to a degree of i/8ths of an inch off of rheir "natural" fixed and/or molded position upon such force that would yield their deflecting to this 3/8ths of an inch (see Fig. 7). Such deflecting (3/Sths of an inch) allows ihe toothbrush to achieve optimum contour-adaptivity of all surfaces encountered during brushing and, in particular, the achieving of contacting and removing plaque from the dento-gin^ival junction of all individuals using the toothbrush. Calibration of forces (2): (Z Value) Vertical deflecting to 50% of fixed (without any pressure b^ing applied) venical orientation of such bristle body mass and/or structure(s) wherein such pressure was applied to deflect such bristle body mass(es) to 50% off of vertical. This method provides the degree of resistance necessary to derive the degree of force required to produce such deflection. The bristle-body mass, upon 50% of deflection, provides the Z Value (see Fig. 81 Calibration of forces.(3): (X Value) All calculations here utilized establishing the average force applied by the average user of toothbrushes, single-headed or otherwise. These calculations incorporated gauging what force was required to deflect such bristle stnicture/masses to 50% off their "natural" vertical orientation. Additionally, the same method as described in (1) above was used where each different handle was constrained in said fixture replicatint. the same holding orientation of the average user of a toothbrush allowing the necks and/or neck element of the toothbrush to deflect the sane 3/Sths of an inch off of their normal fixed posii ions to replicate the average movement range occurring during "normal" brushing. Calibration of forces (4): (L Value) Lateral resistance/resiliency of the individual and/or combined neck structures of the toothbrush. These calibrations were determined having the individual neck segments/structures fixed as described in (1) and (3) above wherein such force was applied allowing each segment to deflect laterally, again, 3/8th$ of an inch replicating the movement of the brush head(s) combined as the individual uses the 'upward and downward" movemenl during brushing (see Fig. 9). (This movement being distinct from the individual crushing into and out of the oral cavity in a fashion horizontal and parallel to the tooth/teeth/gum structures) The 'upward and downward" movement of the average individual incorporates asing the toothbrush going from the top of the palatal structures of teeth and to the bottom of the lower jaw looth/teeth/gum structures in such "upward and downward" motion. Force, Resistance & Resiliency Values Th*; average force exerted by the user on a toothbrush is from LOS to 2,35 kg of brushing force. Such pressure force exerted deflects the bristle body mass to 50% of vertical orientation. Thi; following values were derived from deflecting the neck structures (Y*Value) 3/Sths if an inch crom their fixed molded position. The heads and necks combined (Z-Value) were also deflected ?.-'$ths of an inch from their fixed positions. The lateral calculations (L-Value) also -were deflected 3/Sths of an inch from their fixed positions. Th Y-Value Z-Value L-Value Ist Variation 2nJ Variation 1.80kg 1.95kg 1.42 kg 1.63kg •68kg ■84kg .35kg •55kg .83 kg 1.05kg 1.93kg Resistant Value 1.47kg rd Variatii »n J .78kg ** Variation 5th Variation •65kg 1.19kg While the above values represent embodiments of the toothbrush establishing the ranges of full-funciioning, contour-adaptivity, the following stated values represent the additional ranges in which the toothbrush can still operate and achieve full range contour-adaptivity. Vah Les for resiliency follows: Y~Value Z-Value L* Value 3.68kg 3.89kg 3.77kg The range of X, Y, Z, and/or L values of one embodiment of a toothbrush may be: • X-V alue ~ 1,70 kilograms of pressure force exerted by user (Average); • Y-Value * resist above 35kg of pressure force and are resilient below 3.68kg pressure forcvt; • Z-V.ilue = resist above .55kg of pressure force and are resilient below 3.89kg pressure fore* s; ■ L-V.Uue = resist above .65kg of pressure force and are resilient below 3.77kg pressure , foreo. The foregoing presentation of the described embodiments is provided to enable any person skilled in the art to make or use the present invention. Various modifications to these embodiments are possible, and the generic principles presented herein maybe applied to other embodiments as well. As such, the present invention is not intended to be limited to the embodiments shown above, and/or any particular configuration of structure but rather is to be accorded iht widest scope consistent with the principles and novel features disclosed in any fashion heivin. What is Claimed, is: 1. A toothbrush comprising: a handle shaped and dimensioned to be grasped by a human hand; a Jirst neck coupled to the handle; a second neck coupled to the handle; a inst bristle support coupled to the first neck; a second bristle support coupled to the second neck; a plurality of first bristles coupled to the first bristle support; and a plurality of second bristles coupled to the second bristle support, wherein the toothbrush, through the bristles coupled to the bristle supports and the necks, is coniigui ed to adapt to a dento-gingival junction and all other changing surfaces encountered during brushing to disrupt plaque, wherein the necks provide (i) resistance above 0.35 kilograms of brushing pressure force and (ii) resiliency below 3.77 kilograms of brushing pressure force, and wherein the bristles, the necks, and the bristle supports, in combination, provide (i) resistance ;ibove 0.55 kilograms of brushing pressure force and (ii) resiliency below 3,89 cilograms of brushing pressure force, I. Th • toothbrush of claim 1, wherein the first bristle support and the second bristle support ire twin aniculating heads. S. Tiv toothbrush of claim 2, wherein the brushing pressure force is between 1.05 kilograms itid 2.35 kilograms. 4. The toothbrush of claim 2, wherein the necks provide (i) resistance above 0.35 kilograms of brushing pressure force and (ii) resiliency below 3.6S kilograms of brushing pressure force. 5. The toothbrush of claim 2y wherein the necks provide (i) lateral resistance above 0.65 kilograms of brushing pressure force and (ii) lateral resiliency below 3.77 kilograms of brushing pressure foi ce. 6. The toothbrush of claim 2, wherein the necks provide resistance above 1.8 kilograms of brushing pressure force, and wht rein the bristles, the necks, and the bristle supports, in combination, provide (i) resistance c.bove 1.95 kilograms of brushing pressure force, 7. The tooihbrush of claim 2, wherein the necks provide (i) lateral resistance above 1,93 kilograms f brushing pressure force and (ii) lateral resiliency below 3.77 kilograms of brushing pressure foice. 5. The toothbrush of claim 2, wherein the necks provide resistance above 1.42 kilograms of brushing pressure force, md wherein the bristles, the necks, and the bristle supports, in combination, provide (i) 'esistance above 1,63 kilograms of brushing pressure force. 9. The toothbrush of claim 2, wherein the necks provide (i) lateral resistance above 1.47 kilograms«>f brushing pressure force and (ii) lateral resiliency below 3.77 kilograms of brushing pressure force. 10. Thr toothbrush of claim 2, wh rein the necks provide resistance above 0.68 kilograms of brushing pressure force, and whtxetn the bristles, the necks, and the bristle supports, in combination, provide (i) resistance ;.bove 0.84 kilograms of brushing pressure force. 11. The toothbrush of claim 29 wherein the necks provide (i) lateral resistance above 0.78 kilograms wherein the necks provide resistance above 0.83 kilograms of brushing pj and whc rein the bristles, the necks, and the bristle supports, in combination provide (i) resistance s!)ove 1.05 kilograms of brushing pressure force. 13. The toothbrush of claim 2. wherein the necks provide (i) lateral resistance above 1.19 kilograms of brushing pressure force and (ii) lateral resiliency below 377 kilograms of brushing pressure foioe. 14. A t« >othbrush comprising: a handle shaped and dimensioned to be grasped by a human hand; a fij st neck coupled to the handle; a second neck coupled to the handle; a fn st bristle support coupled to the first neck; a sc-cond bristle support coupled to the second neck; a plurality of first bristles coupled to the first bristle support; and a plurality of second bristles coupled to the second bristle support, wh wherein the plurality of first and second bristles have a stiffness, and the first and second necks have a resiliency, a flexibility and a bending resistance, and wh- rein the resiliency, flexibility and bending resistance of the necks are set depending upon both (i) a brushing force and (ii) the stiffness of the bristles, such that the^ toothbrush, through flu bristles coupled to the necks, adapts to a dento-gingival junction and all other changing surfaces encountered during brushing to disrupt plaque. 15. The toothbrush of claim 14 wh. rein (i) the plurality of first and second bristles have the stiffness, and (ii) the first and second necics and the first and second bristle supports have the resiliency, the flexibility and the bending resistance, and whi-rein the resiliency, flexibility and bending resistance of the necks and the bristle supports aio set depending upon both (i) the brushing force and (ii) the stiffness of the bristles, such that the toothbrush, through the bristles coupled to the bristle supports and the necks, adapts to the dent*'-gingival junction and all other changing surfaces encountered during brushing to disrupt plague. 16. A toothbrush comprising: a handle shaped and dimensioned to be grasped by a human hand; a fn .st neck coupled to the handle; a second neck coupled to the handle; a fust bristle support coupled to the first neck; a sa ond bristle support coupled to the second neck; a plurality of first bristles coupled to the first bristle support; and a plurality of second bristles coupled to the second bristle support, wherein the first bristle support and the second bristle support are twin articulating heads, whei ein the plurality of first and second bristles have a stiffness, and the first and second necks have a resiliency, a flexibility and a bending resistance, and whei ein the stiffness of the bristles is set depending upon both (i) a brushing force and -(ii) the resiliency, flexibility and bending resistance of the necks, such that the toothbrush, through the bristles coupled to the necks, adapts to a dento-gingtval junction and all other changing suifaces encountered during brushing to disrupt plaque. 17. The loothbrush of claim 16, wherein (i) the plurality of first and second bristles have the stiffness, and (ii) the first and second neck - and the first and second bristle supports have the resiliency, the flexibility and die bending resistance, and wherein the stiffness of the bristles is set depending upon both (i) the brushing force and (ii) the resiliency, flexibility and bending resistance of the necks and the bristle supports, such that the toothbrush, through the bristles coupled to the bristle supports and the necks, adapts to the dento-}gingival junction and all other changing surfaces encountered during brushing to disrupt plaque. 18. A toothbrush comprising: a handle shaped and dimensioned to be grasped by a human hand; on on a plurality of bristles coupled to the one or more bristle supports; wherein the toothbrush, through the bristles coupled to the one or more bristle supports and the one or more necks, is configured to adapt to a dento-gingival junction and all other changing >urfaces encountered during brushing to disrupt plaque, wherein the one or more necks provide (i) resistance above 0.35 kilograms of brushing pressure fv.rce and (ii) resiliency below 3.77 kilograms of brushing pressure force, and wherein the bristles, the one or more necks, and the one or more bristle supports, in combination, provide (i) resistance above 0.55 kilograms of brushing pressure force and (ii) resiliency below 3.S°'^ ";L",,NU: ~— *~™ \ I |
1403-henp-2005 abstract duplicate.pdf
1403-henp-2005 claims duplicate.pdf
1403-henp-2005 description (complete) duplicate.pdf
1403-henp-2005 pct search report.pdf
Patent Number | 220949 | |||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 1403/CHENP/2005 | |||||||||
PG Journal Number | 31/2008 | |||||||||
Publication Date | 01-Aug-2008 | |||||||||
Grant Date | 11-Jun-2008 | |||||||||
Date of Filing | 24-Jun-2005 | |||||||||
Name of Patentee | BRICE, MICHAEL, F. | |||||||||
Applicant Address | 2 Ava Drive, Syosset, New York 11791 | |||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | A46B 9/04 | |||||||||
PCT International Application Number | PCT/US2003/040936 | |||||||||
PCT International Filing date | 2003-12-19 | |||||||||
PCT Conventions: