Abstract | This invention relates to a process for the preparation of fertilizers comprising in the step of analyzing and drying any agricultural wastes, crushing the dried waste to the size of 30 to 100 mesh and feeding the waste into the bio-reactor, adding Mesophilic and Thermophilic bacteria into said bio reactor and sealing the same, keeping said sealed bio-reactor for a period of 48 to 96 hours for the decomposition of the waste, passing steam through said bio-reactor in order to sterile the compost, removing the composte waste from the reactor and subjecting the same to the step of homogenization, feeding the homogenized mixture into peddle mixture and nutrients and/or additives being added therein, operating said peddle mixture for a period upto 45 minutes and then mixture so obtained being subjected to the step of pelletization or tablating followed by the step of drying so as to keep the moisture between 10 to 15% weight by weight herein described being added therein. |
Full Text | This invention relates to a process for the preparation of digested organic supplements (DOrS) and an apparatus therefore. Composting of the raw material like agricultural waste and poultry droppings, mushroom spent waste, rock phosphate and other garvage, is as such known in the art. The composting process comprises in dropping the agricultural waste or other qarvaqe into a pit or in the form of a heap which is being allowed to be decomposed to a natural manner. The other process is a mechanical composting wherein the raw material is passed through a mechanical device consisting of maqnets and conveyor belt to separate out metallic objects from the agricultural waste or other qarvaqe. The waste after removing the metallic objects is subjected to the step of crushing so as to get powder which is sieved and packed. There are disadvantages associated with the process as such known in the art. The main disadvantage is that the technology is of high standard and the initial investment is high for a small volume of compost product ion. Another disadvantage is that the skilled persons are required to operate the plant and the maintenance thereof is very costly. Yet another disadvantage is that the cost of the product prepared by using th* conventional technology and apparatus is very high. Still another disadvantage is that decomposition of the raw material is incomplete and also th* process is time consuming. Still another disadvantage is that the conventional process produces pollution to the en v i r on men t. Still further disadvantage is that the final product (compost) is of a poor quality and contaminated with harm and humane* pathogens which causes harm. Therefore, the main object of this invention is to provide a process and apparatus for use for the preparation of digested organic supplement (fertilizer). Another object of this invention is to provide a process for the preparation of digested organic supplement (DOrS) by usinq bacteria, funqi and other micro organism. Yet another object of this invention ia to provide a process for the preparation of digested organic supplement wherein the sanitary standards are maintained and the nitrogen conservation is high. Still another object of this invention ia to provide a process for the preparation of digeated organic supplement having maximum quantity of the nutrient like nitrogen, phosphorus and other traced elements required for the growth of the crops. According to this invention there is provided a process for the preparation of digested orqanic supplement comprising analyzing and drying agricultural waste, crushinq the dried waste to the size of 30 to 100 mesh and feeding the waste into the bio-reactor of the device, adding selected cellulotytic bacterias into said bio-reactor and sealing the same keeping said sealed bio-reactor for a period of 48 to 96 hours for the decomposition of the waste, passing steam through said bio-reactor in order to sterile the compost, removing the composte waste from the reactor and subjecting the same to the step of homogenization, feeding the homogenized mixture into peddle mixture and nutrients and/or additives being added therein, operating said peddle mixture for a period upto 45 minutes and then mixture so obtained being subjected to the step of pelletization or tablatinq followed by the step of drying so as to keep the moisture between 10 to 15X weight by weight. Further according to this invention there i« provided a device for the preparation of digested organic supplements comprising a vessel/bio-reactor for containing the raw material, a plurality of wiper brush being secured with a central shaft disposed into said vessel such that to remove decomposed material deposited on the inner valves of said bio-reactor, steam inlets are provided with said vessel for the supply of the steam into the said vessel for facilitating decomposition of the waste, an outlet being provided at the bottom of the vessel, for the exit of decomposed material from the vessel, motive means being provided above the top end of said vessel for rotatina said central shaft being supported on a lid provided at the top end of said vessel for sealing the vessel after filling the waste into said vessel. In accordance with this invention semi decomposed raw material like agricultural waste and poultry droppings, mushroom spent waste, rock ohosphate and other garvage are analysed and, dried to have a moisture of 10-15X. The raw material is then crushed to the size of 88-100 mesh before putting into the container/bio-reactor of the thumbi plant, selected cellulotytic bacterias are then put into the container of bio—reactor and the container is sealed. The sealed container is kept for 48 to 9& hrs. for the decomposition of the raw material fed into the bio-reactor. The steam is then passed through the bio-reactor at a pressure of 20 to 50 psi and temperature of 100 to 140%. The steam is passed through the container/bio reactor upto 2 hrs. for the sterilisation of the compost depending upon the quality of the waste. The composed waste is then taken out from the container/bio reactor and is subjected to the step of crushing and homogeni nation. The homogenized mixture so obtained is then fed into a peddle mixture and neutrants and/or additives are added therein. The additives are biological as well as chemical additives. The peddle mixture is ihen operated for a period upto 45 min. The mixture so obtained is then subjected to the step of pelletizer to form the pellets or is subjected to the step of extrusion or to the step of tablating machine to prepare the tablets of the mixture. The pellets or tablets nr extrudates are subjected to the step of drying so as to keep thf? moisture between 10 to weight by weight. Further , in accordance with this invention the plant used for the preparation of digested organic supplement has a vessel /container for containing the raw material therein. A plurality of wiper brushes are secured with a central shaft disposed into the vessel of the plant. Steam inlet are provided through out the vessel /bio- reactor for supplying steam into the vessel. An outlet heing provided above the bottom end of said vessel on the other side thereof for draining out the steam from the vesstl . An outlet being provided in the bottom of the vessel for the exit of the material from the vessel /rontainer . Motive means are provided above the top end of said container for rotating central shaft disposed into the VESSEL /container of the plant. A peddle mixture is also provided by this invention, which comprises a drive shaft disposed into a truff shaped body. A driven shaft adapted to be rotated by the drive shaft is also provided within the trnff shaped body. Bear inqs are provided in the respective bearing housings provided on either ends of the truff shaped body for supporting the drive and driven shaft therein. A spacer is provided between the bearing housing and the truff shaped body of the peddle mixture. A gear beinq provided at one side of said truff shaped body interconnectinq the drive/driven shaft for rotating the driven shaft. Motive means like an electric motor or a diesel engine is provided for rotating the drive shaft through a gear box assembly. A process and a device for the preparation of digested organic supplement according to a preferred embodiment is herein described and illustrated in the accompanying drawings wherein:- Fig.l shows sectional view of the device. Referring to the drawings particularly fiq.l, the device for use for the preparation of digested organic supplement has a vessel /bio-reat: tor 1 for containing and decomposition of the waste therein. A plurality of wiper brush 2 are secured with a shaft 3 at equal intervals and different angles such that to remove the decomposed waste deposited on the inner valves of the vessel/bio—reactor 1 and also to agitate the waste inside the vessel .1. Shaft 3 is disposed within the vessel/bio-reactor I and the lower end of the shaft 3 is supported on a guide bush 4 provided at the centre of the bottom end of the vessel/bio-reactor 1. The bottom end is dished bottom bolted to the lower end of the vessel 1. The upper end of the shaft 3 is connected with a qear box 5 through a connect and disconnect coupling. The gear box 5 is connected with a motor 6 through a V-belt 7. Steam inlets 8 are provided through e3nt the length of the vessel 1 for supplying the steam into the vessel 1 for facilitating the decomposition of lite waste contained insidn the vessel 1. A steam outlet 9 is provided near the hot torn end of the vessel J for draining out the steam from the vessel 1. An outlet 10 is provided at the centre of the bottom of the vessel 1 for the exit of the decomposed material from the vessel 1. A lid 11 is provided at the upper end of the vessel 1 for supporting the gear 5 and motor & thereon and close or seal the upper end of the vessel after filling the vessel 1 with the waste. A lifting arrangement 12 is provided above the lid 11 for lifting the lid as and when required so as to feed the next batch of the waste into the vessel 1. According to the process the waste consisting of agricultural residue (20-27.5%), Coir pith (15-22.5%), Poultry droppings (30-37.5%), Mushroom Spent waste (17.5-22.5%), Rock Phosphate (2.5-4%) and Micronutrlent (1.5-2.5%) are first dried in sun so as to have the? moisture? ranging between 10 - 157.. The dried waste IB then crushed into a crusher to get the mixed waste of the "size of 60-100 mesh. The crushed mixed waste is fed into the vessel/bio-reactor 1 and then selected eellulolytic bacterias are put into the vessel/bio-rear tor. The upper end of thp vessel is sealed and the sealed vessel i the decomposition purposes of the waste. The steam is then passed through the vessel at a pressure of 20-50 psi and temperature of 100 to 140^*0 for 1-2 hours for facilitating the sterilisation of the waste under slow agitation. After the step of sterilisation decomposed waste is taken out and cooled. The cooled decomposed waste is subjected to the step of the homogenization and the homogenised waste is fed into a paddle mixture wherein the additives are mixed with the decomposed waste. The additives are for example biological additives and chemical additives. The biological additives comprises clay, bentonite, kaoline and bacteria broth of nitrogen fixure and phosphors solubiligers, antagonistic fungus, rhizo bacteria and other bio control agents for examples bacillus subtili» etc. The chemical additives are trace elements like iron, zinc, magness, boron, copper, magnesium, molibidrum, sulphur in their salphate form. The bacteria comprises Meaophilic and Thermophilic bacteria. The fungies are Mesophilic. The process is further illustrated in the following examples:-EXAHPLE s I Agricultural residue (225 kgs), coir pith (200 kgs), poultry droppings (350 kgs), mushroom spent waste (175 kgs), rock phosphate (30 kgs) and micronutrient (20 kgs) were dried to have a moisture content of 12X. The dried mix was crushed in a crusher to get the mixture of the size of 65 mesh. The mixture BO obtained was fed into the vessel of the device and the hacterias were put into the vessel. The vessel Mas kept for a period of 70 hours for the decomposition purposes. Subsequently, the steam was passed through the vessel at a pressure of 20 psi and at a temperature of 120 *£ for a period of 1.75 hours in order to sterilisied the decomposed waste. The sterilised waste is fed into a paddle mixture wherein the nutrients 20 kgs of the micr onutrients were mixed with the steri1ised waste in order to get 990 kgs of digested organic supplement. EXAMPLE : 2 Agricultural residue (250 kg^), coir pith (175 kgs), poultry dropping (325 kgs), mushroom spent waste (200 kgs), rock phosphate ( 30 kgs) and micronutrient (20 kgs) were dried to have a moisture content of 12%. The dried mix was crushed in a crusher to get, the mixture of the size of 75 mesh. The mixture so obtained was fed into the vessel of the device and the bacterias were put into the vessel. The vessel was kept for a period of 80 hours for the decomposition purposes. Subsequently, the steam was passed through the vessel at a pressure of 30 psi and at a temperature of 130°C for a period of 2 hours in order to sterilise the decomposed waste. The sterilised waste is fed into a paddle mixture wherein the nutrients 20 kqs of the micronutr i,ents were mixed with the sterilised waste in order to cjet 990 kqs of digested organic supplement. WE CLAIM: 1. A process for the preparation of digested organic supplement comprising analyzing and drying agricultural waste, crushing the dried waste to the size of 30 to 100 mesh and feeding the waste into th« bio-reactor of the device, adding selected cellulotytic bacterias into said bio-reactor and sealing the same, keeping said sealed bio-reactor for a period of 48 to 96 hours for the decomposition erf the waste, passing steam through said bio-reactor in order to sterile th» compost, removing the composte waste from the reactor and subjecting the same to the step of homogenization, feeding the homogenized mixture into peddle mixture and nutrients and/or additives being adrlred therein, operating said peddle mixture for a period upto 45 minutes and then mixture so obtained being subjected to the step of pelletization or tablating followed by the step of drying so as to keep the moisture between 10 to 15% weight by weight. 2. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the waste is dried to get the moisture between 10-15"/.. 3. A process as r: I aimed in claim 1, wherein the steam is passed through the bio-reactor at a pr ensure of 20-50 psi and temperature of 100-140°C for a period of 1-2 hours. 4. A process as claimed in claim 1, the nutrients and or additives are bio-logical additives and chemical additives. 5. A process as claimed in claim 4, wherein nutrients and/or bio-logical additives are clay, bentonite, kaoline and bacteria broth of nitrogen fixure and phosphors solubiligers, antagonistic fungus, rhizo bacteria and other hio control agents for example* bacillus subtil is etc. 6. A process as claimed in claim 4, wherein the chemical additives are sulphate of iron, .r i nc , magness, boron, topper, magnesium, molibidrum, sulphur. 7. A device for the preparation of digested organic supplements comprising a vessel/bio-reactor for containing the raw material, a plurality of wiper brush being secured with a central shaft disposed into said vessel such that to remove decomposed material deposited on the inner valves of said bio-reactor, steam inlets are provided with said vessel for the supply of the steam into the said vessel for facilitating decomposition of the waste, an outlet being provided at the bottom of the vessel for the exit of decomposed material from the vessel, motive means being provided above the top end of said vessel for rotating said central shaft being supported on a lid provided at the top end of said vessel for sealing the vessel after filling the waste into said vessel. 8. A device as claimed in claim 7, wherein said wiper brushes are provided at the equal distance and different angles on the central shaft such that tt i remove the waste deposited on the inner surface of the bio-reactor and to rotate the contents therein during the process of decomposition . 9. A device as claimed in claim 7, wherein the lower end of said central shaft is supported on a guide bush provided in the centre of the bottom end of the bio-reactor . 10. A device as claimed in claims 7 and 9, wherein said bottom end comprises a dish type end. 11. A device as claimed in claim 7, wherein said motive means comprises a gear box adapted to be connected with a motor through a V-belt, Hie upper end of the central shaft is connected to the gear box through a quick connect and disconnect coupling. 12. A device as claimed in claim 7, wherein a lifting arrangement is provided above the top end of the bio-reactor such that to lift said lid so as to feed the waste material into the bio-reactor 3"=. and when required, 13. A process for the preparation of digested organic supplement substantially as herein described and illustratert, 14. A device for the preparation of digested organic supplements substantially as herein described and i1lustrated. |
1624-del-1998-description (complete).pdf
Patent Number | 221487 | ||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 1624/DEL/1998 | ||||||||
PG Journal Number | 31/2008 | ||||||||
Publication Date | 01-Aug-2008 | ||||||||
Grant Date | 24-Jun-2008 | ||||||||
Date of Filing | 12-Jun-1998 | ||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | C05F 11/08 | ||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||
PCT Conventions: