Abstract | "A process fbr he preparauou of an unprovtW fire exunguishma iou extinguishing A, nnd C class of fires" This invention relates to a process for the preparation of an improved fire extinguishant for extinguishing A, B and C class of fires comprising in the steps of heating separately a single bu~i~ 10 (1 0 ~j plw ~sphai.e, a filler, a dispersing agent as hurei ri , which are hen mixed and heated in a read [iowcd by cuoltng at room temperature and grinding and Q tevij)era Ii C, read rut said reacted -Th (1 std p 0 wIt 171 ('P ~oni na!ed ru bI ev fissi at. room 1.emprra it saturated steam tern peril are of '70 to I l 0~~C heeto ' 1 resulted reaction mixture from step 'b' cooling at room temper and sieving as herein described, heating said sieved ia~ on mixture of said step ~c' heated at the same temperature followed |
Full Text | FIELD_OF_INVENTION The preseri invention related or he pre an ra t( d an improved fire exil nguishari~. fo >~tin ~u>iing the A, 13 and (' class of fires, even more particularly to a dcv rhem ieW powder extinguishant forumulation for extinguishing the A, 13 and C class of fires, and any such fire. ~ACKGI~OUND OF THE INVENTION 1 he lire extuwuishan form oLtt OHS ~UI (X~ i ~v 13 and C class of fires as known in the prior art, generally cornarise ~yaphite and, or (ixidiSed grapi ite. The di sa dvai tages of 511(11 hi torinuhitions, as stated above, is that the grnphiv and/oi o~~diwd graphite makes the fire extinguishan t form rila tion cone i. ict nature at high applied voltage, which in turn mnkres the said iorrnulation unsuitable for its applies tiOr) a2 hrr exi Ii is 1 live elect nc wire or cable The another type of fire extinguish. nit lorrunia Lio s i ~r cxtinguishing he A B and C ClaSs 0 ('ir(S K 'OKTh ii dii' 10? nil r~enera fly cornpnsr of aerosil The disadvantages of such known h~e cxcmi~uis~ n: a lormulations comprising of aerosil, as stated abovc, is TAint ) ~c formulation thus resulted is very expensive, which m turn hrmn; the application of the said pro(1 ucts. Still 'another type of fire extinguishant formulations ~r extinguishing the A, B and C class of fires or any such fire, as known in the prior art, generally comprise of organic compounds, such.as ethyl vinyl, polymers, copolymers etc. The disadvantages of such known fire extinguishant formulations comprising of organic compounds, such as ethyl vinyl, polymers, copolymers etc., as stated above, is that the decomposition products of the said formulations after extinguishing the fire of class A, B and C or any such fire thus resulted are harmful and not environment friendly, and the thermal characteristics of such fomulations are not better, which in turn limits the application of the said formulation products. Still further an another type of fire extinguishant formulations for extinguishing the A, B and C class of fires as known in the prior art, generally comprise of inorganic and / or organic siloxnolates and / or siliconates, such as sodium aluminomethyl siloxanolates, sodium organosiliconates etc. The disadvantages of such known fire extinguishant formulations comprising of inorganic and / or organic silicates and / or siliconates, as stated above, is that the formulation thus resulted is very expensive, which in turn limits the application of the said formulation products. Yet another type of fire extinguishant formulations for extinguishing the A, B and C class of fires as known in the prior art, generally comprise of two active basic materials, such as sulphates and phosphates both. The disadvantages of such known fire extinguishant formulations comprising of two active basic materials, such as sulphates and phosphates both, as stated above, is that the formulations thus resulted in turn result in the decomposition products comprising of oxides of sulphur, which 1'in turn are not environment friendly. The fire extinguishant is expected to have properties, like electrical insulation, low or cold temperature resistance and as well suitable at high temperature, fire fighting efficiency and free flow characteristics, better non-hygroscopicity and still being non-toxic and resulting in the environment friendly decomposition products in addition being highly economical. The disadvantage of the fire extinguishants known in the prior art, as described here in above, is that these do not have all these properties in one end use product. The drawback of the process of preparation of known such fire extinguishant formulations is that, these generally require heavy instrumentation and still resulting in the poor recovery of the solvent. The another drawback of process of preparation of known such fire extinguishant formulations is that, the temperature of the process of preparation is as high as 160 0C or above, requiring higher amount of the energy. Still another drawbacks of known such processes having the requirements of heavy instrumentation and higher amount of energy and as well resulting in poor recovery of the solvent are that the cost of the process and hence of the end products is increased and this in turn again limit their wider applications / use of the end products among the masses. NEED OF TEE INVENTION Therefore, there is a need for a fire extinguishant, particularly for a fire extinguishant formulation, more particular for a fire extinguishant formulation for qxtinguishing the A, B and C class of fires, even more p~~rticularly for a dry chemical powder fire extinguishant formulation for extinguishing the A, B and C class of fires, and any such fire and to the process of preparation thereof, which can overcome some or most of the drawbacks and disadvantages, as known in the prior art and described herein above, of the fire extinguishants and of the processes of preparation thereof. OBJECTS OF TEE INVENTION This is the primary object of the present invention to make a complete disclosure of a fire extinguishant, particularly of a fire extinguishant formulation, more particular of a fire extingwishant formulation for extinguishing the A, B and C class of fires, even more particularly of a dry chemical powder fire extinguishant •formulation for extinguishing the A, B and C class of fires, and any such fire and of the process of preparation thereof, wherein the disadvantages and drawbacks of the prior art,~ as described herein above, are eliminated totally or reduced to the major extent. This is another an object of the present invention to make a complete disclosure of a fire extinguishant formulation for extinguishing the A, B and C class of fires and of the process of preparation thereof, wherein the use of graphite and / or oxidised graphite, and of aerosil, and of organic compounds, such as ethyl vinyl, polymers, copolymers etc., and of inorganic and / or organic siloxanolates and / or siliconates, such as sodium aluminomethyl siloxanolates, sodium. organosiliconates etc., and active basic material, that is sulphates are tota]ly eliminated. Further an object of the present invention is to make a complete disclosure of a fire extinguishant formulation f or extinguishing the A, B and C class of fires and of the .process of preparation thereof, wherein the end use product ~s non-conducting in nature even at high applied voltage, and hence the said formulation is suitable for applications as fire extinguishant even on the live electric wire or cable. Still further an object of the present invention is to make a complete disclosure of a fire extinguishant formulation for extinguishing the A, B and C class of fires and of the process of preparation thereof, wherein the decomposition products resulted after extinguishing the fires of class A, B and C or any such fire are not harmful and are environment friendly, and still have better thermal characteristics and having no limitation in the application of presently disclosed formulation. Still further an object of the present invention is to make a complete disclosure of a fire extinguishant formulation and of the process of preparation thereof, as stated herein above, wherein the decomposition of the formulation, as disclosed in the present invention, does not result in the oxides of sulphur. Yet another an object of the present invention is to make a complete disclosure of a fire extinguishant formulation and of the process of preparation thereof, as disclosed in the present invention, wherein the overall yield, particularly the percent yield of the final product is definitely improved and the purity of the final product is relatively higher, which in turn has resulted in the better performance of the final product, that is the formulation. Still another an object of the presently disclosed invention of a fire extinguishant formulation, wherein the said formulation thus resulted has all properties and required characteristics of a fire extinguishant as described herein above and the process of preparation thereof is simple and convenient to perform as the same does not require any ~ieavy instruments and high amount of the energy, and as well result in good recovery of the solvent. In addition to the advantages and objects of the present invention, as described herein above, the presently disclosed fire extinguishant comprises of the economical and commonly available reactants, which not only reduce the cost, but still have the required physical and chemical characteristics and in addition to the characteristics, stated herein above the fire extinguishant disclosed in this invention has good anticaking property and the process of the present invention still results in higher yield. This is definitely an advantage of the presently disclosed invention of a fire extinguishant formulation and of the process of preparation thereof, as described herein above and as understood from the foregoing description, is that the overall cost of the process and the cost of the final product is low, hence the process and the product proposed in the present invention is economical and are suitable for wider applications among the masses. BRIEF OF TEE INVENTION In accordance to the present invention a complete disclosure is made of a fire extinguishant, particularly of a fire extinguishant formulation, more particular of a fire extinguishant formulation for extinguishing the A, B and C class of fires, even more particularly of a dry chemical powder fire extinguishant formulation for extinguishing the A, B and C class of fires, and any such fire and of the process of preparation thereof, wherein the formulation comprises of single basic material, filler, dispersing agent and chlorinated rubber. Still in accordance to the presently disclosed invention the single basic material, as stated herein above is preferably a phosphate, more preferably it is dibasic pi~osphate, even more preferably it is monoammonium dihydrogen phosphate. The filler in accordance to the present invention is the mixture of zircon sand and of barytes rock, and both are taken in the form of the powder. The dispersing agent in accordance to the present invention, as stated herein above is silica, which essentially is micronised precipitated silica, and is commonly available and cheaper material. Still in accordance to the presently disclosed invention the chlorinated rubber is taken in the solvent, and the solvent is preferably organic solvent, more preferably is low molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbon and particularly toluene. Further' in accordance to the process of the presently disclosed invention the fire extinguishant of the present invention is prepared in accordance to the following steps a) the single basic material, filler, dispersing agent are first heated seperately, then mixed and heated in the reaction vessel followed by cooling and grinding, and again heating. b) the reacted mixture from the step 'a' is reacted with the chlorinated rubber first at room temperature then at saturated steam temperature with simultaneous solvent recovery. c) the resulted reaction mixture from the step 'b' is heated, and cooled and sieved, d) the sieved reaction mixture from step 'c' is again heated at the same temperature as above, which on cooling results in the formation of the final product, that is, fire extinguishant formulation as stated herein above. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION: According i I his iuv ci io~ there i~ provided a lire extinguishant compositin for extinguishing such as A, 13 and C class of fires, comprising 70 to 80% of a sIngle basic material ~~eh of as a phosphate, 15 to 20% of a filler ,2toSYK a chspersi og nge~ 1 11(1 12 to 5~'~ of a r~ LI on na ted ru 1 i~ The filler iri nceordafl(Q hr I he piesen ov'n~ ev~ or ~ vhe mixture of zircon sand 1)owder and ot bw vies rock pO~. der ~nW both are individually taken in 6 to 9.5% by weight of the ~ornL The total percentage of the mixture of zircon sa.ad powder and of barytes rock powder is maintained bet ween 1 - ~ weight. Further, according Ia r his 1 iflCH tier ~eess for ihe preparatiol ol an ii uproveu ire ext ja Li a extinguishing A. B and C class of fires cornpflslrfti 11) iIW ~ocps ot I heating separntel\ sirigh basie Iii aterav i 4 io:;. 'Li: I . di a dispersing agent as herein desci bed. a I ich are I. in K vi and heated in a reaction vessel followed by cooling at temperature and grinding arid again heating ni t1)U~vC temperature. i ~ reacti I) g sa i(iI r(>lci ('ci flhiXtH re iro~nr said a' I I rubber tirsi at room tempera i ta thL 1 v 58 1 VUvt( ii cv terriperatLire of 70 to 11 0'~C. c) heating said resulted reactlon mixture from step '1) cooling a room temper:: AIC allO sievii a' ye—v i'il;IflI 17'4 I vi) i-i en tiug said svi ed r cue t 101 :a~:> 1. rre .~ I the same teml)eialOYe IoiIOWe(l La c ooii a The moixture contents are essentially maintained at less than According to the preferred embodiment of the process of this invention the grinding, as stated above is prefera~)1y done by maintaining the speed of the grounding device at 50 to 60 rpm to obtain particle size of the reaction mixtur~ preferably of less than 120 rm. The grounded reaction rnixUure is reacted with homogenous solution of chlorinated rubber taken in the organic solvent, as stated above, first at room temperature preferably for 30 to 50 minutes and then at saturated steam temperature, preferably at 70 to 1100C. This reaction at saturated steam temperature is carried out under vacuum till complete dryness is obtained and simultaneous the solvent is recovered. According to the preferred embodiment of the process of this invention the 50 to 112.5 g of chlorinated rubber taken in 1.0 to 1.5 liters of the organic solvent as stated above. The resulted reaction mixture after drying, preferably under vacuum :is heated and dried further at temperature of .80 to 100 ~C. The dried reacted mass is cooled and sieved throu~jh 125 pm sieve, and again heated and dried at the sane temperature, as stated above, that is 80 to 1000C. The fiiil product, that is, fire extinguishant formulation Ln accordance to the present invention is obtained on cool' this reacted mass. The yield of the final formulation is ~J0 to 85%. The solvent recovery is observed more than 90%. The fire extinguishant obtainted according the ab ye process, when subjected to physico-chemical characterisat~on and to the trial had shown the values as shown for e1ch characteristic herein below It is clear from the foregoing description and the analytical data, as described above, the fire extinguishant, as disclosed in the present invention is definetely better and has all required characteristics. In addition it has been observed to have required free flowing and fire fighting •characteristics. The thermally degraded products were free ~om any harmful constituent and were environment freindly. The working of the present invention is explained through the following working example, which is not intended to limit the scope of this invention. Example - 1 1875 g of monoammonium dihydrogen phosphate, 225 g;of zircon sand powder mixed with 225 g of barytes rock powder and 100 g of micronised precipated silica, as stated above are taken in the reaction vessel having the arrangements of heating and cooling seperately and are heated at the temperature of 900C for 1 hour under forced air circulation and then mixed in one reaction vessel having the similar arrangements of heating and cooling, as stated above, are and heated at the same temperature, that is at the temperature of 900C for one hour under forced air circulation. The moisture contents of the reaction mixture is maintained less than 0.5% by weight. The reaction mixture after second heating is allowed to cool to room temperature and the reasulted rection mixture is again heated at 95 0C for one hour essentially after grinding at 50 to 60 rpm speed of the stirrer so as to get the particle size of the reaction mixture preferably of less than 120 um. The grounded reaction mixture is reacted with homogenous solution of chlorinated rubber, which in-turn is prepared by dissolving 75 g of chlorinated rubber in 1.5 litres of toluene, first at room temperature for 40 minutes and then at saturated steam temperature of 900C. This reaction at saturated steam temperature is carried out under vacuum tilU complete dryness is obtained and simultaneously the solvent is recovered. The resulted reaction mixture after drying under vacuum is heated and dried further at temperature of 1050C for two hours under forced air circulation. The dried reacted mass is cooled and sieved through 125 sieve, and again heated and dried at the temperature of 100 0C for 1 hour under forced air circulation. 2125 g of the final product, that is, fire extinguishant formulation is obtained on cooling this reacted mass. — WE CLAIM: 1. A process for the preparation of an improved fire extinguish aljt for extinguishing A, B and C class of fires comprisin? steps a) heating separately a single basic material of phosphate, a 1111cr, a dispersing agent as herein described, which are then mixedempe rarure. b) reacting said reacted n~ixture from ~a~d step.'a' with gh1orira wc rubber first at room temperature then at saturated steam temperature of 70 to 1 e) heating said rcsultcd reaction mixture from step 'b eoni;n room ternperatw e and sicvinu as herein described. U) 1-leating said sieved reaction mixture of said step Wd the same temperature followed by cooling. process as claimed in claims 1Wherein the said single basic material is dibasic phosphate, even more preW d bI\ inonoamrnonlu ma d ihydrogen phosphate. ~-. A process as claimed in claim I wherein the said lilkr hi the mixture of zi I('Ofl ";a iid powCler arid of baiy~es rock pnv~ ~ A process as claimed in claim 4 wherein the said zircon sand powder and of barvte s rock powder are individually taken in ~ to 9.5% by weight. A process as claimed in claim 5 wherein the total percentage ol ihe mixture of Said zircon sand powder and of said bar\ '" k powder is maintained between 15 to 200/o by weight. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the said dispersing agent is silica, preferably micron ised precipitated silica. A process as claimed in claim I wherein the said ehioiii wi~d rubber is taken in said solvent, and said solvent is prefen~b1y organic solvent. more urcferabiv is low molecular weaiit aromatic hydroc~ ~rbon, particularly toluene. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the said heating to dry is carried at 80 '.0 1 10~~C for 1 to 2 hours dry. A process as claimed in claims 1 to ~ wherein the said moisture contcn~ s of the mixture are essentially maintained at less then 0. 5'1 weight. A process as claimed in claims ~.rherein the ~aid particle siz~ of the ext!~nguishavIt is preferably cf 120 in. A process as claimed in claims wherein the said reaction with said homogeneous chlorinated rubber solution is first carried out at room temperature for 30 to 50 minutes Lnd then at saturated steam temperatu, preferably at 70 to 11 0~C preferably under vacuum with multaneous solvent recovery. |
197-del-1997-description (complete).pdf
Patent Number | 222412 | ||||||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 197/DEL/1997 | ||||||||||||
PG Journal Number | 36/2008 | ||||||||||||
Publication Date | 05-Sep-2008 | ||||||||||||
Grant Date | 08-Aug-2008 | ||||||||||||
Date of Filing | 27-Jan-1997 | ||||||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | A62C17/00 | ||||||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||||||
PCT Conventions: