Title of Invention


Abstract The Invention relates to a method for transmitting digital data representing a content from a source (1, 10) to a receiver (2, 12) through a digital communication channel, the digital date being scrambled by at least one control word (ON), comprising the steps of: generating an ephemeral encryption key (KCW, R) stored temporarily by the source (1,10); encrypting said control word (CW) using said encryption key; transmitting to the receiver (2, 12); the scrambled digital date; and the encrypted control word, the letter being transmitted through an envryptod communication channel (21) between the source and the receiver; responding to an operation (22) of authentication of the source by the receiver, when the source is authenticated by the receiver, transmitting said encryption key to the receiver; erasing the encryption key (KCW, R).
Field of the invention
The present invention relates in a general manner to the field of copy protection
of digital data. It is more particularly concerned with a method of transmitting digital data
representing a content from a source to a receiver, in particular in a digital network, making
it possible to prevent copying of these data, or at the very least, rendering any copy
Background art
It is known practice to associate with digital data representing a content, in
particular a video or audio sequence, copy control information items commonly denoted
CCI (standing for "Copy Control Information") or else CGMS (standing for "Copy
Generation Management System").
These information items, which are inserted into the data by the content
provider, generally define four possible states for the data:
- copying authorized ("copy free");
- a single generation (or a given number of generations) of copying authorized ("copy once"
or "copy N times");
- no more copying authorized ("copy no more");
- copying never authorized ("copy never").
When the data belong to the last two categories, they may not be copied. That
is to say they may only be viewed and/or listened to, when dealing with video and/or audio
data, for example but they may not be recorded, or if a recording is made illicitly, it must
not be possible to reuse it later.
A first approach for guaranteeing this result consists in having any recording
apparatus verify the aforesaid control data and, should data whose copying is unauthorized
be detected, in disabling the recording.
However, this type of approach has restrictions since it can only operate with
compliant (non "pirated") recording apparatus.
Moreover, another method has been proposed in order that, when data are
broadcast in a digital network such as a domestic digital network, they can only be copied
within the network. To do this, the data which are broadcast in the digital network are
scrambled with control words and these control words are encrypted with the aid of keys
specific to the digital network around which the data flow. Thus, if copies of these data are
made, they can only be played back within the digital network in which they have been
copied. Refer to the French Patent Application of THOMSON multimedia, published as No.
FR-A-2 792 482, for further details with regard to this matter.
However, this method does not allow the complete prevention of copying.
There are in fact cases where content providers desire data to be broadcast in "live" in a
digital network but do not want it to be possible to make copies in order to replay this
content later in the network. A typical example relates to the broadcasting of films by digital
television operators.
Summary of the invention
An aim of the invention is therefore to propose a method making it possible to
broadcast a content, in particular in a digital network, without it being possible to copy it.
The invention accordingly relates, according to a first aspect, to a method of
transmitting digital data representing a content from a source to a receiver through a digital
communication channel, the digital data being scrambled by at least one control word. The
method includes the following steps implemented by the source.
The first step consists in generating an ephemeral encryption key stored
temporarily by the source.
The second step consists in encrypting the control word with this ephemeral
encryption key.
The third step consists in transmitting to the receiver:
- the scrambled digital data; and
- the encrypted control word, the latter being transmitted through an encrypted
communication channel between the source and the receiver.
The fourth step consists in responding to an operation of authentication of the
source by the receiver and, when the source is authenticated by the receiver, transmitting
the encryption key to the receiver.
The fifth step consists in erasing the encryption key.
According to a particular characteristic of the invention, a new ephemeral
encryption key is generated randomly by the source for each content transmitted.
According to a particular embodiment of the invention, an information item
relating to the period of validity of the digital data to be transmitted is affixed to the data
and the fifth step is performed after the expiry of this period of validity.
According to another particular embodiment, an information item indicating the
number of times the content can be transmitted to a receiver is affixed to the data. This
information item is stored temporarily by the source in a counter of access to the content
and, before the fifth step, the counter of access to the content is decremented; and a test is
performed to verify whether the counter of access to the content is equal to zero. The fifth
step is executed only in the case of a positive response to the test.
According to a particular characteristic of the invention, the method
furthermore includes, before or after the first step, a step consisting in generating an
ephemeral authentication key, the authentication key being transmitted to the receiver, in
the third step, through the encrypted communication channel.
Preferably, a new ephemeral authentication key is generated randomly by the
source for each content transmitted.
According to a particular embodiment of the invention, in the fourth step, the
authentication operation comprises the substeps consisting in receiving a random number
from the receiver; performing a calculation on the basis of the random number and of the
authentication key; and transmitting the result of the calculation to the receiver.
According to a particular characteristic of this embodiment, the encryption key
is transmitted to the receiver with the result of the calculation in the third subset above.
According to another particular embodiment of the invention, the encryption
key is transmitted to the receiver, in the fourth step, through the encrypted communication
The invention also relates, according to a second aspect, to a method of
transmitting digital data representing a content from a source to a receiver through a digital
communication channel, the digital data being scrambled by at least one control word. The
method comprises the following steps implemented by the receiver.
The first step consists in receiving the scrambled digital data.
The second step consists in receiving the encrypted control word encrypted
with an encryption key, the encrypted control word being transmitted through an encrypted
communication channel between the source and the receiver.
The third step consists in performing an operation of authentication of the
source and, when the source is authenticated by the receiver: receiving and temporarily
storing the encryption key; decrypting the control word with the encryption key;
descrambling, with the aid of the decrypted control word, the digital data so as to transform
them into a signal able to be presented to a user; and erasing the encryption key.
According to a particular embodiment of the invention, an ephemeral
authentication key is furthermore received in the aforesaid second step, the authentication
key being transmitted through the encrypted communication channel.
According to a particular characteristic of this embodiment, the authentication
operation performed in the aforesaid third step comprises the subsets consisting: in
generating a random number; in sending the random number to the source; in receiving
from the source the result of a calculation performed on the basis of the random number
and of the authentication key; and in verifying the result of the calculation, on the basis of
the random number generated in the first substep and of the authentication key received in
the second step.
According to another particular characteristic of this embodiment, the
encryption key is received by the receiver with the result of the calculation in the third
subset above.
According to another aspect of the invention, copy control information items
are fixed to the digital data to be transmitted and the steps of the methods described above
are only implemented when the copy control information items indicate that the digital data
are of "copying unauthorized" type.
According to yet another aspect of the invention, the methods described above
are implemented in a domestic digital network between a device for access to a content and
a device for presentation of the content. The digital communication channel is formed of a
digital bus to which the access device and the presentation device are attached.
Preferably, steps 1 to 5 of the method according to the first aspect of the
invention are implemented in a removable security module attached to the source. Likewise,
steps 1 to 3 of the method according to the second aspect of the invention are implemented
in a removable security module attached to the receiver.
Brief description of the drawings
The invention will be better understood upon reading the following description
of particular, nonlimiting embodiments thereof given with reference to the appended
drawings, in which:
- Fig. 1 diagrammatically illustrates a first embodiment of the invention;
- Fig. 2 is a diagram in the form of functional blocks of a domestic digital
network in which the invention is implemented according to a second embodiment of the
- Fig. 3 diagrammatically illustrates the form of the data representing a digital
content in the second embodiment of the invention; and
- Fig. 4 illustrates the exchanges involved between elements of Fig. 2 during the
implementation of the second embodiment of the invention.
Description of the preferred embodiments
Fig. 1 diagrammatically represents a source 1 capable of sending digital data
representing a content to a receiver 2. The source 1 is a device, which receives digital data
from a content provider so as to transmit them, through a digital communication channel, to
a receiver device 2 capable of presenting them to an end user.
The method of the invention aims to prevent the illicit copying of data when the
latter travel through the digital communication channel between the source and receiver. It
is aimed more precisely at preventing, should the data be recorded, the possibility of their
being "replayed" by the receiver device so as to be presented to a user.
More specifically, the source 1 is for example a digital decoder receiving digital
television programs from a broadcaster and the receiver 2 is a digital television while the
communication channel is a domestic digital network.
The content is transmitted from the source 1 to the receiver 2 in the form of
scrambled data 3 scrambled by a control word commonly denoted CW. It will be noted that
the data are scrambled either at the level of the source 1, or by the content provider.
To guarantee security of transmission and prevent the data from being recorded
then replayed by the receiver 2, the following measures are adopted.
Firstly, the source 1 generates, for each content transmitted, an ephemeral
encryption key KCW which in the subsequent description will be referred to as the content
key and which is stored temporarily in a memory 7 of the source. This content key KCW is
produced by a pseudo-random number generator located inside the source 1. This generator
is the closest possible approximation to a truly-random number generator ("True Random
Number Generator" as described in "Handbook of applied cryptography, Alfred J.
Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone, 1997, pages 165-173") so that the
probability of generating the same content key value twice is very low.
In the same manner the source 1 also generates a secret identifier I for each
content and stores it in its memory 7. This identifier I will subsequently serve to
authenticate the source 1 as will be seen hereinbelow.
The control word CW is then encrypted with the content key KCW. Next, the
encrypted control word Ekcw (CW) 4 as well as the secret identifier I 5 are transmitted
from the source to the receiver through an encrypted communication channel 21.
It will be noted that throughout the description, the following notation is
- Ek(M) represents an operation of encrypting data M with a key K irrespective
of the encryption algorithm used;
- Dk(M) represents an operation of decrypting data M with a key K irrespective
of the decryption algorithm used; and
- [ represents a data concatenation operation.
The encrypted communication channel 21 from the source 1 to the receiver 2
can be created, in a manner known per se, by performing symmetric or asymmetric
encryption of the information which travels through this channel.
In a first variant embodiment using symmetric encryption, it is assumed that the
source 1 and the receiver 2 already possess a pre-shared secret key S. The source 1 (but
possibly the receiver 2) randomly generates a session key SSK. The source 1 encrypts SSK
by using its key S and transmits the result Es(SSK) to the receiver 2. The receiver 2
decrypts Es(SSK) by using the preshared secret key S and retrieves SSK. Then, the
encrypted control word Ekcw (CW) 4 and the secret identifier I 5 are encrypted with this
session key SSK at the level of the source 1 before being transmitted to the receiver 2
which decrypts them with the aid of the same session key SSK.
To summarize, the following operations are performed:
- by the source: ESsk (EKcw(CW)|I);
- by the receiver: Dssk(Essk(EKcw(EKcw(CW)|I)) = EKCw(CW)|I.
In a second variant embodiment using asymmetric encryption, it is assumed that
the receiver 2 possesses a private key KprI_r and public key Kpub r pair and that it has
previously transmitted its public key, certified, in a manner known per se, by a certifying
authority, to the source 1.
The source 1 therefore performs the following operation for encrypting the
information to be transmitted (which comprises the encrypted control word 4 and the secret
identifier I 5) with the public key of the receiver Kpub_r:
EKPUB (Ekcw (CW) II)
On receiving these information items, the receiver 2 then performs the inverse
operation for decrypting, with its private key KPRi R, the information items received:
It will be noted that the transmission 20 of the scrambled data 3 is not
necessarily synchronous with the transmission 21 of the encrypted control word 4 and of
the secret identifier I.
When the receiver 2 has received the scrambled data 3 corresponding to a
content as well as the secret identifier I 5 and the encrypted control word 4 relating to this
content, it stores the identifier I in its memory 8 and it performs an operation 22 for
authenticating the source 1.
This operation, known in the literature and by the person skilled in the art as the
"identification" operation or "entity authentication" operation (see in particular the work
"Handbook of applied cryptography, Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A.
Vanstone, 1997, pages 24-25"), is aimed at assuring the receiver 2 that the device which
has just sent it a content is indeed the source 1 and that the latter is active at the time that
the authentication operation takes place.
In practice, the receiver 2 authenticates via a protocol, known to the person
skilled in the art as the "challenge-response protocol", the fact that the source 1 knows the
secret identity I associated with the content received. For example, the receiver 2 sends a
random number n, (also called "challenge") to the source 1 so that the latter performs a
calculation F(I, n;), where F is a function such that it is impossible to calculate F(I, ru),
knowing F, n, and not knowing I. Stated otherwise, only an entity knowing I can calculate
F(I, n). It will in particular be possible to use the function HMAC-SHA-1, described in
particular in "Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication, RFC 2104, February 1997,
Krawczyck et ah", available at the following Internet address: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-
The result F(I, rij) is sent to the receiver 2 which can thus verify, by calculating
F(I, n,) at its end and by comparing the result with the value received, that the source 1
knows I and is indeed the entity which sent it the content as well as the information
It will be noted that if an illicit recording of the streams which travel between
the source 1 and the receiver 2 is performed, the apparatus which will perform the
recording will not have access to the secret identifier I (transmitted by the encrypted
communication channel 21) and will therefore be unable to respond correctly to the
authentication operation 22. The receiver will in this case refuse to descramble the
scrambled data 3.
If the source 1 is authenticated by the receiver 2, then the content key KCW 6 is
transmitted to the receiver in step 23 and it is stored temporarily by the latter in its memory
8. The receiver is then able to decrypt the control word CW by performing the following
Dkcw (Ekcw(CW));
then to descramble the data 3 so as to present them to a user.
Once the content has been presented to the user, the receiver no longer needs
the secret identifier I and the content key KCW and it erases them from its memory 8.
At the level of the source 1, when the content key KCW 6 has been sent to the
receiver 2 (step 23), it is erased from the memory 7 as is the secret identifier I. It is
therefore no longer possible to transmit these items of information for possible subsequent
playback of the data corresponding to the content transmitted.
Thus, the aim of the invention is achieved and the data representing the content
are read only once by the receiver.
As a variant, in order to further increase the security of the method proposed, it
is possible to transmit the content key KCW via the encrypted communication channel 21.
In this case, it will be noted that when the first variant embodiment of the encrypted channel
is used, the session key SSK is stored by the source 1 and by the receiver 2 in their
respective memories 7 and 8 until the content key KCW is transmitted, after which the
session key SSK is erased from the memories of the source and of the receiver.
In the embodiment just described, the content key KCW and the secret identifier
I are erased from the memory 7 as soon as the content has been transmitted from the source
1 to the receiver 2.
However it is also possible, in a preferred variant of this embodiment, for the
content to have a period of validity during which it can be transmitted to the receiver or for
it to be possibly transmitted a specified number of times from the source to the receiver.
In the case where the content has a certain period of validity, the information
item relating to this period of validity is affixed to the data representing the content and this
information item is stored by the source 1 at the same time as the content key KCW and the
identifier I. Next, when the key KCW 6 has been sent by the source 1 to the receiver 2 in
step 23, a check verifies whether the period of validity of the corresponding content has or
has not expired (for example by comparing this period with an internal clock of the source)
and, only in the case where the period of validity has expired, the key KCW and the
identifier I are erased from the memory 7 of the source. It will also be noted that when the
first variant embodiment of the encrypted channel is used, the session key SSK is stored by
the source 1 and by the receiver 2 in their respective memories 7 and 8 until the period of
validity of the content has expired.
In the case where the content can be transmitted a specified number of times to
the receiver, this number is affixed to the data representing the content and is stored by the
source 1 in a counter, at the time that the key KCW and the identifier I are stored in the
memory 7 of the source. This counter will then be decremented each time the key KCW is
sent (step 23) to the receiver 2. When the counter is at zero, the key KCW and the identifier
I are erased from the memory 7 of the source. Moreover, as above, when the first variant
embodiment of the encrypted channel is used, the session key SSK is stored by the source 1
and by the receiver 2 in their respective memories 7 and 8 until the aforesaid counter is
equal to zero.
We shall now describe, in conjunction with Fig. 2 to 4, a second embodiment of
the invention.
Represented in Fig. 2 is a domestic digital network containing an access device
10 linked by a bidirectional digital bus 40, preferably a bus according to the IEEE 1394
standard, on the one hand to a presentation device 12 and on the other hand to a digital
recording device 13.
The access device 10 constitutes the source of the data in the network or the
point of entry of any content 30 to the network. It is for example a digital decoder which
receives digital data broadcast by satellite, over the airwaves (or terrestrially) or by cable. It
may also be an optical disc reading apparatus broadcasting over the digital network data
read from a disc, in particular a DVD (standing for "Digital Versatile Disc"). It may also be
an apparatus adapted to receive data from the Internet by real-time downloading (also
known as "streaming"), that is to say while viewing the content as and when loaded.
Naturally, even if just one access device is represented in Fig. 2, a domestic
digital network can contain several devices of this type which each constitute sources
broadcasting digital contents over the bus 40.
The presentation device 12 makes it possible to transform the digital data
received from the bus 40 into a signal representative of the content intended to be presented
to an end user. It is for example a digital television or a loudspeaker.
The digital recording device 13 is, for its part, capable of recording the data
streams which flow around the bus 40 so as to replay them subsequently. It is for example a
digital video recorder, a hard disk type storage device or an apparatus capable of recording
optical discs of the DVD type.
Naturally, the domestic digital network can also contain several presentation
devices as well as several recording devices.
Moreover, even if the three types of devices mentioned above have been
represented separately, it is entirely possible for one and the same apparatus to contain two
types of devices, or even three. For example, a digital television can contain a built-in
decoder able to directly receive a content from outside the network. In this case, the
invention will apply in the same way except that the digital data will travel via an internal
bus to the apparatus (between the part of the apparatus constituting the access device and
the part constituting the presentation device) instead of travelling via the bus 40.
Preferably, the access device 10 and the presentation device 12 each possess a
smart card reader adapted to receive a card 14 and a card 15 respectively. Each of the smart
cards 14, 15 includes a secure processor which, as is well known to the person skilled in the
art, allows secure storage of data such as cryptographic keys. The usefulness of the smart
cards 14 and 15 will be explained subsequently.
The content 30 which is received by the access device 10 preferably consists of
packets of digital data scrambled by control words denoted CW as is commonly used in the
broadcasting of pay-per-view digital television programmes. The control words CW are
periodically renewed and are stored in control messages denoted ECM (standing for
"Entitlement Control Message"), which are affixed to the corresponding scrambled data
Fig. 3 diagrammatically illustrates the content of a data packet 300 representing
the content 30. This data packet includes scrambled digital data 302 and a control message
ECM 301 which contains the control word CW used to scramble the data. Naturally, a
content, in particular a video sequence belonging to a televised programme, is formed of a
succession of data packets of the type of the packet 300. It will also be noted that generally,
the messages ECM containing the control words which served to scramble digital data are
transmitted in advance, in the data stream, relative to the data scrambled with these control
If the content 30 received by the access device 10 is not already in the form
described above, it is converted by the access device so as to consist of data packets as
illustrated in Fig. 3.
It will be noted, moreover, that the digital data representing the content 30
contain copy control information items defining the status of the data with regard to
copying. These information items are preferably inserted into the ECM messages and
define, as was seen above, four possible states:
- copying authorized ("copy free");
- a single generation (or a given number of generations) of copying authorized
("copy once" or "copy N times");
- no more copying authorized ("copy no more");
- copying never authorized ("copy never").
The protocol according to the invention, as described below in conjunction with
Fig. 4, makes it possible to guard against data belonging to the last two categories above
(data of the "copying unauthorized" type) from being copied when they are transmitted
from the access device 10 to the presentation device 12.
Moreover, other information items may be affixed to the data representing the
content 30:
- an information item relating to the period of validity of the data, that is to say
the period during which they can be transmitted from the access device 10 to the
presentation device 12; and/or
- an information item relating to the number of times the data can be transmitted
from the access device 10 to the presentation device 12.
Represented in Fig. 4 by two downward vertical axes t is the time axis so as to
illustrate the processing operations performed by the access device 10 and the presentation
device 12 as well as the exchanges between these devices when a new content 30 is to be
broadcast over the domestic digital network.
During a first step 100, the access device 10 detects, as a function of the copy
control information items inserted into the data, whether the content is such that copying is
If copying of the content is authorized, then the data are transmitted in a
conventional manner over the network. If, on the other hand, the content received is of the
"copying unauthorized" type, then the access device generates, in step 101:
- a first random number R which constitutes an ephemeral encryption key which
will be referred to as the "content key" in the subsequent description, and
- a second random number K which constitutes an ephemeral authentication key
which will be referred to for greater convenience as the "authentication key" in the
subsequent description.
K and R are generated, for each content 30 received, by a pseudo-random
number generator such that the probability of generating the same content key value R or
authentication key value K twice is very low.
The content key R and the authentication key K are stored temporarily by the
access device 10 which erases them, as will be seen below, once the content has been fully
transmitted to a presentation device, possibly after the expiry of a period of validity of the
content or after the latter has been transmitted a specified number of times to a presentation
device 12.
If an information item relating to the period of validity of the content is affixed
to the data, this information item is also stored by the access device 10 before or after step
Likewise, if an information item indicating the number of times the content can
be transmitted to a presentation device is affixed to the data, this information item is stored
in a counter by the access device 10 before or after step 101.
Then, for each message ECM included in the data stream constituting the
content, the access device 10 extracts the control word CW and performs, in step 102, the
following operation for encrypting this control word with the content key R:
CW © R; where © represents the "exclusive OR" operation (or "XOR").
The encrypted control word CW © R as well as the authentication key K are
inserted into the message ECM in place of the initial control word. The message ECM thus
transformed is denoted LECM. The message LECM comprises in particular the copy
control information items which, in the present case, indicate that this content is of the
"copying unauthorized" type.
The message LECM is then encrypted, in step 103, so as to be transmitted in a
secure manner to the presentation device 12.
In a first preferred variant, asymmetric encryption will be used. It is assumed
that as is described in the aforesaid French Patent Application FR-A-2 792 482 from the
applicant, the domestic digital network possesses a private key KprI res and public key
Kpub_res pair and that each access device 10 of the network contains the public key
Kpub_res of the network and each presentation device 12 contains the private key Kpri res of
the network. The recording device 13 contains neither the public key nor the private key of
the network.
According to this preferred embodiment, the message LECM is encrypted by
the access device 10 with the public key of the network by performing the following

The presentation device 12 can then decrypt this message with the private key
of the network by performing the operation:
It is also possible, in a second variant, for each presentation device 12 of the
network to possess its own private key KPRi Pd and public key Kpub.pd pair. In this case, the
presentation device 12 which wishes to receive a content of the "copying unauthorized"
type from an access device 10 sends its public key Kpub_pd to this device beforehand. The
message LECM is then encrypted, in step 103, with this public key KPUb_pd by performing
the operation:

The presentation device 12 then decrypts this message by performing the

In a third variant, it is possible to encrypt the message LECM by using
symmetric encryption. For example, each access device 10 and each presentation device 12
of the network contains a secret key of the network Ks res- The message LECM is in this
case encrypted by the access device with the secret key of the network by performing the

It can then be decrypted by the presentation device 12 by performing the

Finally, it is furthermore possible, in a fourth variant, to encrypt the message
LECM according to a symmetric encryption algorithm by using a pre-shared secret key.
In the subsequent description it will be assumed that the message LECM has
been encrypted, in step 103, with the public key KPub_res of the network as this is described
in the first preferred variant above.
In the next step 104, the data packet 305 containing the encrypted message
LECM and corresponding scrambled data is despatched on the bus 40 of the domestic
network in the synchronous channel of the IEEE 1394 bus, which channel customarily
transports the data compressed according to the MPEG 2 standard (ISO/IEC 13818-1).
This despatch is a broadcast over the network, that is to say all the presentation
devices 12 which are attached to the bus 40 are able to receive the data packet 305.
When a presentation device 12 receives the packet 305, in step 105, it decrypts
the message LECM with the private key of the network KPRi_res as was seen above
according to the first preferred variant embodiment of the invention.
This having been done, it detects whether the scrambled data belong to a
content of the "copying unauthorized" type and, in this case, obtains the encrypted control
word CW © R as well as the authentication key K which it stores temporarily.
In the next step 106, with the aim of authentication of the access device 10
which has despatched the packet 305 over the network, the presentation device 12
generates a random number RI and it despatches it to the access device 10 (step 107) using
the asynchronous channel of the bus 40 (the despatch via the asynchronous channel of the
bus 40 is represented by a dashed arrow in Fig. 4). The communication via the
asynchronous channel of the bus is a communication of the "point-to-point" type, that is to
say between two aforesaid devices of the network. Moreover, the asynchronous channel of
the bus 40 exhibits the particular feature of not being able to be recorded by the
conventional recording devices such as the device 13.
In step 108, when the access device 10 receives the number R,, it performs the
following calculation:
hi = MACK(R,),
where "MACk(x)" represents a "Message Authentication Code" for the message
x using a key K. For further details regarding "MACs" refer to the work "Handbook of
applied cryptography, Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone, 1997,
page 325".
The function alluded to previously HMAC-SHA-1 will preferably be used for
the calculation of h,.
In the next step 109, the access device 10 despatches, via the asynchronous
channel of the bus 40, the content key R as well as the result of the calculation hi =
MACk(Ri) to the presentation device 12.
The latter then performs, in step 110, the following calculation:
h'i = MACk(Ri) using the number RI generated in step 106 and the
authentication key K obtained by decrypting the message LECM in step 105.
If h'i is different from the number hi received from the access device 10, then the
presentation device 12 does not continue any further with the process. A message is for
example displayed for the attention of the user (if the presentation device comprises a
display screen) so as to forewarn the latter that the content cannot be viewed (or listened
If on the other hand h'I = h, then the access device 10 is authenticated. In this
case, the presentation device 12 uses the content key R received to decrypt the control
word CW by performing (step 111) the operation:
CW©R©R = CW.
The presentation device 12 can then descramble the data with the control word
CW (step 112) and present the data to the user.
Steps 102 to 112 are repeated so as to transmit each data packet 300 forming
the content. Next, in the following step 113, the presentation device 12 erases from its
memory the content key R and the authentication key K which it had stored temporarily so
as to perform the above calculations.
Once all the data packets (and the corresponding control words CW) forming
the content have been transferred from the access device 10 to the presentation device 12,
three variant embodiments are possible.
According to a first variant embodiment, the content key R and the
authentication key K are immediately erased, in step 115, from the memory of the access
device 10 so that these data can no longer be transmitted to a presentation device for
possible "replay" of the content.
According to a second variant embodiment, it is assumed that an information
item relating to the period of validity of the content was affixed to the data representing the
content and has been stored by the access device 10 before or after step 101. In this case,
during step 114a, a test is performed to verify whether the period of validity of the content
has expired. If the response to the test 114a is positive, then the content key R and the
authentication key K are erased from the memory of the access device 10 during step 115.
If conversely the response to test 114a is negative, then the content key R and the
authentication key K are preserved in the memory of the access device 10 until the expiry of
the period of validity of the content.
According to a third variant embodiment, it is assumed that an information item
indicating the number of times that the content can be transmitted to a presentation device
was affixed to the data. This information item has been stored (before or after step 101) by
the access device 10 in a counter which will be denoted as the "counter of access to the
content". In this case, during a step 114bl, the counter of access to the content is
decremented. Next, during a step 114b2, a test is performed to ascertain whether the
counter of access to the content is at zero. If the response to this test 114b2 is positive, then
the content key R and the authentication key K are erased from the memory of the access
device 10 during step 115. If conversely the response to test 114b2 is negative, then the
content key R and the authentication key K are preserved in the memory of the access
device 10 in such a way as to allow a presentation device to access the content
It will be noted that an advantage of the invention is that it allows several
presentation devices attached to the domestic digital network to simultaneously access a
content broadcast by an access device over the bus 40. In this particular case, the protocol
just described in conjunction with Fig. 4 is executed in parallel between the access device
and the various presentation devices (which share in particular the content key R and the
authentication key K).
It will also be noted that, preferably, the operations performed in steps 100 to
115 just described are not implemented directly by the access device 10 or by the
presentation device 12 but by the secure processors of the smart cards 14 and 15 which are
inserted into respective card readers of the access device 10 and of the presentation device
This solution offers enhanced security since it is almost impossible to access the
data (such as the keys K and R in our example) contained in a smart card.
We Claim
1. Method for transmitting digital date representing a content from a source
(1,10) to a receiver (2,12) through a digital communication channel, the
digital date being scrambled by at least one control word (CW),
characterized by comprising the steps of:
a) generating an ephemeral encryption key (KCW, R) stored
temporarily by the source (1,10);
b) encrypting said control word (CW) using said encryption key;
c) transmitting to the receiver (2,12);
- the scrambled digital date; and
- the encrypted control word, the latter being transmitted
through an encrypted communication channel (21)
between the source and the receiver;
d) responding in an operation (22) of authentication of the source by
the recaiver, when the source is authenticated by the receiver,
transmitting said encryption key to the receiver;
e) erasing the encryption key (KCW, R).
2. Method as claimed in claim 1, wherein a new ephemeral encryption key
(KCW, R) is generated randomly by the court* (1,10) for each content
3. Mtthod at claimed in one of claims 1 or 2, wherein an Information item
relating to the parted of validity of the digital date to be transmitted is
affixed to said date and wharain step (a) is performed after tha expiry of
said pariod of validity.
4. Mtthod as claimed in claims 1 or 2, wharain an information item Indicating
tha number of times tha content can be transmitted to a receiver is
affixed to said data the information from being stored tomporarily by the
source in a counter of access to the content and wherain before step (a):
- the counter of access to the content is decrementad; and
- a test is performed to verify whether the counter of access
to tha content is equal to zero;
step (e) being executed only in the case of a positive
response to the test.
5. Method as claimed in one of the preceding claims comprising before or
after step (a), a step consisting in generating an ephemeral authentication
key (I, K)f the authentication key being transmitted to tha receiver, in
step (c), through tha encrypted communication channel.
6. method as climed in claim 5 wherein a new sphemeral authentication
key (I, K) is generated randomly by the source (1,10) for each content
7. Mothod as claimed in one of claims S or 6, wherein step (d) comprises the
substaps consisting In:
(d1) receiving a random number (n1,R,) from the receiver (2,12);
(d2) performing • calculation (F (I, n1), MACk(Ri)) on the basis of said
random number and of said authentication toy (I, K); and
(d3) transmitting the result of the calculation (F (I, n,), MACk(Ri)) to the
receiver (2,12).
8. Method as claimed in claim 7, where* the encryption key (R) is
transmitted to the receiver with the result of the calculation (MACk(RO) to
substep (d3).
9. Method as claimed in one of the preceding claims wherein the encryption
key is transmitted to the receiver, in step (d) through the encrypted
communication channel.
10. Method for receiving digitel date representing e content from a source (1,
10) in e receiver (2, 12) through e digital communication channel, the
digital date being scrambled by at least one control word (CW),
characterized by comprising the steps in the receiver (2,12):
(i) receiving the scrambled digital date;
j) receiving the control word encrypted using an encryption key
(KCW, R)f said encrypted control word boing transmitted through
an encrypted communication channtl (21) bttwttn tht tourct and
the receiver;
(k) performed an operation (22) of authentication of Iht source
and, when the source is authenticated by the receiver:
- receiving and temporarily storing said encryption key;
- decrypting said control word with the encryption key;
- descrambling, with the aid of the decrypted control word, said
digital date so as to transfer them into a signal able to be
presented to a user; and
- erasing said encrypted toy.
11. Method as claimed in claim 10, wherein an ephemeral authentication key
(I, K) is received in step (j), said authentication key being transmitted
through the encrypted communication channel.
12.method as claimed in claim 11, wherein that authentication operation
performed in step (k) comprises the substepc consisting in:
(kl) generating a random number (n1, R1);
(k2) sending said random number (n1, R1) to the source (1,10);
(k3) receiving from the sourch the result of a calculation (F (I, n1),
MACK(Ri)) performed on tht basis of random number (nI, RI) and of tht
(k4) verifying tht result of said calculation (F (I, nl), MACk(Ri) on tht
basis of the random number generated in step (kl) and of the
authentication received in step (j).
L3.Mtthod as claimed in claim 12, wharain tht encryption kay (R) is received
by the receiver with the result of said calculation (MACkRI)) in substep
14.Method as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein copy control
information items are fixed to the digital data to be transmitted and
wherein steps (a) to (e) of the method as claimed in claims 1 to 9 and
steps (i) to (k) of the method as claimed in claims 10 to 13 arc
implemented only if the copy control Information Items indicate that the
digital data are of "copying unauthorized'type.
IS.Method as claimed in one of the preceding claims wherein the method b
implemented in a domestic digital network between a device (10) for
access to a content end a device (12) for presentation of the content, and
wherein the digital communication channel is formed of a digital bus (40)
to which said access device (10) end said presentation device (12) are
16.method as cleaned in clean 15, wherein in step (c) of that method as
claimed in claims 1 to 9 and in steps (i) and (k) of the method as claimed
in claims 10 to 13, tht scrambled digitei date and the ancryptod control
word travel via the synchronous channel of said digitei bus (40), the
encrypted control word being contained in a message (LECM) which is
encrypted with a public key of the domestic digital network.
17.Method as claimed in cleims 7,12 and 15, wherein in substeps (dl) and
(d3) of the method as claimed in claim 7 or in substept (k2) and 0(3) of
the method as claimed in claim 12, the random number (Ri) and the result
of the calculation (MACk(R,)) travel vie the asynchronous channel of said
digital bus (40).
18.Method as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein steps (a) to (e)
of the method as claimed in cleims 1 to 9 are implemented in a removable
security module (14) attached to the source (10) and steps (i) to (k) of
the method as claimed in claims 10 to 13 are Implemented In a removal
security module (15) attached to the receiver (12).
The Invention relates to a method for transmitting digital data representing a
content from a source (1, 10) to a receiver (2, 12) through a digital
communication channel, the digital date being scrambled by at least one control
word (ON), comprising the steps of: generating an ephemeral encryption key
(KCW, R) stored temporarily by the source (1,10); encrypting said control word
(CW) using said encryption key; transmitting to the receiver (2, 12); the
scrambled digital date; and the encrypted control word, the letter being
transmitted through an envryptod communication channel (21) between the
source and the receiver; responding to an operation (22) of authentication of the
source by the receiver, when the source is authenticated by the receiver,
transmitting said encryption key to the receiver; erasing the encryption key
(KCW, R).





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661-kolnp-2003-granted-examination report.pdf

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661-kolnp-2003-granted-form 5.pdf

661-kolnp-2003-granted-priority document.pdf

661-kolnp-2003-granted-reply to examination report.pdf


661-kolnp-2003-granted-translated copy of priority document.pdf

Patent Number 223065
Indian Patent Application Number 661/KOLNP/2003
PG Journal Number 36/2008
Publication Date 05-Sep-2008
Grant Date 03-Sep-2008
Date of Filing 26-May-2003
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04L 29/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP01/14156
PCT International Filing date 2001-12-04
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA