Title of Invention


Abstract There is disclosed a method for preparing a beverage or a liquid foodstuff from a capsule containing a product with a substance to be extracted, the capsule having a shell (8, 11) forming a rigid container and a flexible membrane (17) closing the open side of the shell and capable of significant elastic or permanent deformation, involving the steps of perforating a plurality of smooth holes (26) distributed over the flexible membrane by means of an injection head (3) having a perforating surface (24) provided with a plurality of perforating spikes (25) distributed over the perforating surface, the perforating spikes having a tapered and smooth shape without any sharp edges; and of injecting water onto the flexible membrane such that the membrane deforms in the direction of the product contained inside the capsule and the water penetrates into the capsule via the smooth holes without them tearing.
The present invention relates to a method for preparing a beverage or a liquid foodstuff from a
capsule, a capsule containing a substance to be extracted, and a device for carrying out the method.
It is already known how to prepare a beverage from a capsule containing a product to be extracted,
for example coffee, such as is described in the international patent application WO 92 07775. The
capsule is received inside a capsule carrier or housing of the device, which can be pressed sealingly
against an injection head designed as to inject hot water into the capsule. The bottom of the capsule
carrier or of the housing is provided with means for perforating the bottom of the capsule, in order to
allow coffee or some other extracted beverage to flow out from the capsule.
In the known devices, different systems are available for injecting water into the capsule. Some
systems include a grid provided with multiple orifices for distributing the injected water over an
upper porous membrane of the capsule, such as those described in the European Application EP 0
006 175. The injection heads can also be provided with multiple spikes, such as those described in
the US Patent 3 607 297, for perforating a membrane closing sealingly the capsule. Tn some systems,
the injection head includes one or several injection spikes, which are each provided with a water
injection channel and which perforates the upper membrane of the capsule, in order to inject water
directly inside the capsule, via the injection channels provided in the injection spikes. The injection
heads provided with perforating means offer the advantage that they make it possible to provide the
capsules with an upper sealing membrane, which does not need to be removed before use.
The injection systems with a single spike and in which the water injection orifice is arranged inside
the capsule, have the drawback of not distributing the injected water in a uniform manner through the
product contained in the capsule and this is conducive to the formation of preferential flow channels
through the substance to be extracted. The result is an extraction of the product to be extracted,
which is not complete and a strong decrease of the extraction pressure inside the capsule during the
process, owing to the low resistance offered by the preferential flow channels.
In systems with an injection head with multiple performing spikes, such as those described in US 3
327 614, EP 604 615 or EP 1 203 554, the problem of preferential channels forming is decreased by
comparison with the use of a single injection spike, without however being eliminated.
In all the known systems, during the extraction, the resistance to the flow of the water injected
through the product contained in the capsule tends to decrease, in particular in the last phase of the
In view of the drawbacks cited above, one objective of the invention is to provide a method for
preparing a beverage or a liquid foodstuff, from a capsule containing a product with a substance to be
extracted, which is efficient and which makes it possible to optimize the extraction of said substance.
Another objective of the invention is to provide a device and a capsule containing a product with a
substance to be extracted, for the preparation of a beverage or of a liquid foodstuff, which makes it
possible to optimise the extraction of said substance.
It is advantageous to provide a method for preparing a beverage or a liquid foodstuff and a device
with a capsule for carrying out the method, which are capable of improving the taste and the texture
of the beverage or of the liquid foodstuff obtained.
It is advantageous to provide a method and a device with a capsule for carrying out the method, in
particular for the preparation of hot coffee or chocolate, which make it possible to generate a thick
Accordingly, the present invention provides a method for preparing a beverage or a liquid foodstuff
from a capsule containing a product with a substance to be extracted, the capsule having a shell
forming a rigid container and a flexible membrane closing the open side of the shell and capable of
significant elastic or permanent deformation, said method comprising the steps of perforating a
plurality of smooth holes distributed over the flexible membrane by means of an injection head
having a perforating surface provided with a plurality of perforating spikes distributed over the
perforating surface, the perforating spikes having a tapered and smooth shape without any sharp
edges; and of injecting water onto the flexible membrane such that the membrane deforms in the
direction of the product contained inside the capsule and the water penetrates into the capsule via the
smooth holes without them tearing.
The invention further provides a device for preparing a beverage or a liquid foodstuff from a capsule
containing a product with a substance to be extracted, the capsule having a shell forming a rigid
container and a flexible member closing the open side of the shell and capable of significant elastic
or permanent deformation; said device having an injection head comprising a perforating surface
having a shape which is substantially curved and convex, when viewed from outside, provided with a
plurality of perforating spikes distributed over the perforating surface and at least one water supply
channel opening upon the perforating surface, the perforating spikes having a smooth tapered shape
without sharp edges and an average cone angle less than 60°.
Advantageously, the method, the device and the capsule according to the invention
make it possible to ensure a good distribution of the injected water in the capsule
and to retain a counter pressure within the capsule, in order to optimise the
extraction of the product to be extracted, inside the capsule.
Furthermore, the method, the device and the capsule according to the invention
make it possible to avoid the formation of preferential flow channels. In the case of
products leaving behind spent material in the capsule, such as ground coffee, the
pressure exerted by the upper membrane of the capsule against the product to be
extracted, makes it possible, on the one hand, to avoid the formation of preferential
flow channels and, on the other hand, to retain a counter pressure to the injection
pressure, so as to ensure that the extraction proceeds during the entire extraction
cycle at a high pressure, which optimises the extraction, and makes it possible to
achieve a richer flavour and a more thorough extraction of the whole of the product
contained in the capsule. Moreover, the high pressure applied during the entire
extraction cycle makes it possible to obtain a very good froth.
The recovery of the froth can be further improved by providing, on the bottom of the
capsule carrier, a collector portion with a wall defining an upwards protruding orifice
provided with partial outflow slots for evacuating the liquid extract, with one portion of
the froth flowing through the upwards protruding orifice of the collector portion.
In the case of products which do not leave behind any spent material, i. e. which are
extracted completely, such as powdered chocolate or powdered milk, the method,
the device and the capsule, according to the invention, enable an extraction which is
complete while allowing for the formation of a good froth.
Other advantageous objects and features will become apparent from the claims,
from the description and from the appended drawings, in which :
Fig. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a part of a device for preparing a beverage or a
liquid foodstuff, showing a portion of an injection head and of a capsule carrier in
which is nested a capsule filled with a product with a substance to be extracted, the
injection head and the capsule carrier being in an initial position, awaiting extraction ;
Fig. 2 is a view similar to Fig. 1, however with the injection head in its "ready for
injection" position, i. e. pressed sealingly against the upper face of the capsule in the
capsule carrier;
Fig. 2a is a detailed partial view illustrating the penetration, by a perforating spike of
the injection head, into a flexible membrane of the capsule ;
Fig. 3 is a view similar to Fig. 2, in an early initial phase of the water injection ;
Fig. 4 is a view similar to Fig. 3, in a more advanced phase of the water injection ;
Fig. 5 is a cross-sectional view of an alternate version of the injection head and of
the capsule; and
Fig. 6 is a cross-sectional view of another alternate version of the injection head and
of the capsule according to the invention.
Referring to the figures, a device for preparing a beverage or a liquid foodstuff from a
capsule 1 containing a product 2 with a substance to be extracted, comprises an
injection head 3 and a capsule carrier 4 which can be tightly pressed against the
injection head, as illustrated in figures 2 to 4, by a bayonet system or some other
system. The capsule carrier 4 has a side wall 5 and an intermediate bottom wall 6,
forming together an upper cavity portion 7a, into which is nested the capsule 1. The
side wall 5 has a slightly conical shape which matches the also substantially conically
shape of a side wall 8 of the capsule. Advantageously, the intermediate bottom wall
6 can also be provided in the form of a filtering wall carrying a plurality of perforating
spikes 9 and having outflow orifices 10 extending through said wall, wherein the
spikes are designed for perforating the bottom wall 11 of the capsule.
Advantageously, the bottom wall 11 of the capsule can have a concave shape (when
viewed from outside), which bulges outwards when a certain pressure is reached in
the capsule during the injection, in such a manner as to make it possible for the
perforating spikes 9 to perforate the bottom wall 11 and for the extracted beverage to
flow out via the outflow orifices 10 of the filtering wall 6. The liquid flows into a lower
cavity portion 7b of the capsule carrier located between the intermediate bottom wall
6 and a bottom wall 12.
The bottom wall 12 of the capsule carrier 4 has an outflow channel 13 which is
surrounded by a lip 14 protruding upwards with respect to the lowest point 15 of the
bottom wall 12, wherein the lip 14 includes one or several slots 16 extending to the
lowest point 15 of the lower cavity portion 7b, in order to allow a full evacuation of the
liquid from the capsule carrier. The upwards protruding lip 14 makes it possible for a
portion of the froth 27 floating on the surface of the liquid 28 in the lower cavity
portion to enter the evacuation channel 13 and be emptied at the same time as the
liquid without froth, via the upwards protruding orifice. This system makes it possible
to retain a larger amount of the froth than a conventional system in which the
evacuation channel has a plain orifice at the position of the lowest point.
The capsule 1 includes a flexible membrane 17 welded or bonded to an annular
flange section 18 extending radially from one end 19 of the side wall 8 of the capsule
1. Both the flange section 18 and the welded portion of the flexible membrane 17 are
held between an annular seal 20 provided on the injection head and the upper flange
section 21 of the capsule carrier 4. The side wall 8 and the bottom wall 11 of the
capsule are preferable provided as a single piece made by the injection moulding of
a polymer, such as polypropylene or any other plastic material capable of being
recycled. The side wall 8 and the bottom wall 11 form a thin shell, which is relatively
rigid by comparison with the flexible membrane 17. The flexible membrane 17 is
preferably also made from one or more polymers selected for their capacity to
undergo significant elastic deformations and / or permanent deformations.
Preferably, the flexible membrane is made of a material related or identical to that of
the shell 8,11, which advantageously facilitates the recycling of the capsule.
Advantageously, the flexible membrane 17 can be formed from a multiple layer
sheet, such as a multiple layer polypropylene sheet, in order to improve its tensile
strength and its deformability (elastic and / or permanent). This is important, in view
of the fact that the membrane, subjected to the high pressure of the water injected
during the extraction, deforms considerably. The multiple layer membrane can
advantageously be formed with more than five layers. It was found that seven layers
make it possible to achieve the elasticity characteristics and the tensile strength
characteristics, which are optimal for specific applications.
During the extraction, the annular flange section 18 functions as a support capable of
withstanding the tensile force exerted by the membrane, non only because the flange
section is highly rigid in the radial direction R, but also because the flange section is
pressed and retained between the capsule carrier and the annular seal 20 of the
injection head.
The injection head 3 comprises a body 22 having a water supply channel 23 opening
on a perforating surface 24 provided with a plurality of perforating spikes 25, which
are spaced apart from one another and distributed over the perforating surface 24. In
this embodiment, the water supply channel opens substantially at the centre of the
perforating surface 24, but it is also possible to provide several supply channels
opening at different locations on the perforating surface. The diameter of the
perforating surface 24 is approximately equal to or smaller than the diameter of the
flexible membrane 17 of the capsule.
The perforating spikes 25 have, preferably, a conical shape, i. e. they have a cross-
section, which is substantially circular. The perforating spikes could also have an
elliptic cross-section or any other smooth shape (i.e. without any sharp edges),
which is tapered and which ends with a perforating spike. The generator 29 of the
shape of the perforating spikes is preferably a straight line, but it could also be a
curved line.
Advantageously, the surface without sharp edges of the perforating spikes makes it
possible to obtain a hole 26 formed through the elastic membrane 17 having an edge
26 (see Fig. 2a) which is smooth, even and devoid of sharply angled portions, in
order to avoid a rupture of the membrane when a tensile force is applied to the
The angle of the cone of the perforating spikes is, preferably, between 30 and 50 °.
The angle of the cone and the depth of penetration of the spike into the membrane
17 determine the diameter of the perforated hole 26. The depth of penetration of the
perforating spikes through the membrane 17 will depend, in particular, on the
resistance offered by the product 2 from within the capsule, when the injection head
is in its "ready for injection" lowered position, as illustrated in Fig. 2.
Accordingly, the elastic and permanent deformation properties of the membrane 17,
in combination with the shape of the perforating spikes (having a smooth surface and
a cone with a certain angle), make it possible to form holes 26 which have a shape
making the membrane resistant to tear and of which the bigger or smaller size is
dependant upon the amount of the product filling the capsule and upon the
compactness thereof. Accordingly, the less the capsule is filled with a product 2, the
smaller will the holes perforating the membrane be. In a situation where the product
offers no counter resistance during the perforation, the diameter of the holes 26 will
depend upon the shape of the perforating surface 24, the elastic and the plastic
properties of the flexible membrane 17 and upon the shape of the perforating spikes.
When water is injected under pressure via the supply channel 23, the flexible
membrane deforms under the pressure, as is illustrated in Fig. 3, and moves away
from the perforating surface 24 of the injection head. The water under pressure flows
through the flexible membrane via the plurality of perforations 26 distributed over the
surface of the membrane and wets the product, which is inside the capsule. The
increase in the pressure in the capsule causes the wall of the bottom 11 to bulge
outwards and said wall is, accordingly, projected rapidly against the perforating
spikes of the filtering wall 6 and perforated, thus enabling the liquid 28 to flow into the
lower cavity portion 7b, as illustrated in Fig. 4.
The pressure exerted by the flexible membrane on the product inside the capsule
during the extraction makes it possible for the product to remain relatively compact
and prevents the formation of preferential flow channels. On the other hand, the
pressure exerted by the membrane makes it also possible to ensure that the counter
resistance to the flow of liquid through the product remains high during the entire
extraction cycle, thus improving the wetting of the product, its extraction and the
generation of froth.
The extent of the deformation of the flexible membrane 17 is determined by the
hydraulic pressure differential AP between the surface 7a thereof onto which the
water is injected and the surface 7b thereof facing the inside of the capsule. The
pressure differential AP is dependent upon the size and the number of the holes 26.
The size of these holes 26 is function, amongst others, of the resistance offered by
the membrane 17 to its perforation by the spikes 25. This resistance will depend, in
particular, on the amount of product 2 contained in the capsule 8. This situation
ensures an automatic adjustment of the compression of the product 2 contained in
the capsule 8. The less product there is in the capsule, the greater will the
deformation of the membrane be and the lower will the flow of water be, which also
restricts the formation of preferential channels.
The preferred shape of the perforating surface 24 is a convex one, as illustrated in
Fig. 6, to engage with a flexible membrane 17 of the capsule, which is substantially
planar. The curvature of the perforating surface 24, 24', 24" can be more or less
pronounced and, in the case of the perforating surface 24" having a strong
curvature, the flexible membrane could even be concave (when viewed from
outside), such as indicated by the reference number 17'. The injection heads with
perforating surfaces 24" with a strong curvature can be very useful, when the
capsule 1 is filled with a small amount of product, as the case may arise with tea.
The perforating surface can also have a shape which is concave (when viewed from
outside) 24'", in the case where the capsules are filled entirely and the flexible
membrane 17" has a convex shape (when viewed from outside). In this case, the
flexible membrane 17" itself can even be semi-rigid and shaped by thermoforming,
owing to the fact that it is not subjected to a tensile deformation in an initial phase of
extraction or exhibit no rigidity at all, if the compressed spent material remaining in
the capsule has a volume greater than the volume defined by the shell of the capsule
and the membrane in the "concave" position (symmetrical with respect to the
"convex" position).
1. A method for preparing a beverage or a liquid foodstuff from a capsule containing a product
with a substance to be extracted, the capsule having a shell (8, 11) forming a rigid container and a
flexible membrane (17) closing the open side of the shell and capable of significant elastic or
permanent deformation, said method comprising the steps of perforating a plurality of smooth holes
(26) distributed over the flexible membrane by means of an injection head (3) having a perforating
surface (24) provided with a plurality of perforating spikes (25) distributed over the perforating
surface, the perforating spikes having a tapered and smooth shape without any sharp edges; and of
injecting water onto the flexible membrane such that the membrane deforms in the direction of the
product contained inside the capsule and the water penetrates into the capsule via the smooth holes
without them tearing.
2. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the flexible membrane of the capsule has a shape
which is substantially planar and the perforating surface of the injection head has a shape which is
convex, when viewed from outside, said perforating surface urging the flexible membrane against the
product inside the capsule or applying a tensile force to the membrane.
3. A method as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein the size of the holes perforated by the
perforating spikes is controlled by, amongst others, the level to which the capsule is filled or by the
compactness of the product inside the capsule, so as to influence the hydraulic pressure differential
AP between the two sides of the flexible membrane in such a manner as to obtain an automatic
adjustment of the compression of the product, contained in the capsule.
4. A method as claimed in any of claims 1 to 3, wherein the shell is formed by a side wall (8)
and a bottom wall (11), and comprises an annular flange section (18) extending substantially in a
radial plane R, to which the flexible membrane (17) is bonded or welded, the said flange section (18)
and the welded portion of the flexible membrane being held between an annular seal (20) provided
on the injection head and an upper flange section (21) of the capsule carrier.
5. A method as claimed in any of claims 1 to 4, wherein the shell and the membrane are made
from polypropylene.
6. A method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, wherein the flexible membrane is made
from a sheet comprised of at least five layers.
7. A method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, wherein the flexible membrane (17) has
a shape, which is substantially planar, before the use of the capsule.
8. A method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, wherein the side wall (8) of the shell of
the capsule has a shape, which is substantially conical, whereby the diameter of the cone decreases
from the annular flange section (18) in the direction of the bottom wall (11).
9. A device for preparing a beverage or a liquid foodstuff from a capsule containing a product
with a substance to be extracted, the capsule having a shell (8, 11) forming a rigid container and a
flexible member (17) closing the open side of the shell and capable of significant elastic or
permanent deformation; said device having an injection head (3) comprising a perforating surface
(24) having a shape which is substantially curved and convex, when viewed from outside, provided
with a plurality of perforating spikes (25) distributed over the perforating surface and at least one
water supply channel (23) opening upon the perforating surface, the perforating spikes having a
smooth tapered shape without sharp edges and an average cone angle less than 60°.
10. A device as claimed in claim 9, wherein the perforating spikes have an average cone angle
between 30° and 50°.
11. A device as claimed in claim 9 or 10, wherein the perforating spikes have substantially the
shape of cones with substantially straight line generators.
12. A device as claimed in any of claims 9 to 11, wherein the water supply channel (23) opens
substantially at the centre of the perforating surface.
13. A device as claimed in any of claims 9 to 12, wherein the device has a body or a capsule
carrier (4) comprising a bottom wall (12) and an intermediate bottom wall (6) in the form of a
filtering wall having a plurality of perforating spikes (9) and outflow orifices (10), a lower cavity
portion (7b) being arranged between the filtering wall (6) and the bottom wall (12), the bottom wall
comprising an outflow channel (13) surrounded by lips (14) which protrude upwards with respect to
the lowest point (15) of the lower cavity portion (7b).
14. A device as claimed in the preceding claim, wherein the upwards protruding lips (14) have
openings (16) in the form of slots or of holes enabling the liquid, at the lowest point, to flow out from
the capsule carrier.
15. A device as claimed in any of claims 9 to 14, wherein the shell (8, 11) of the capsule has an
annular flange section (18) extending substantially in a radial plane R from the side wall (8) of the
shell to which the flexible membrane (17) bonded or welded, the flexible membrane and the shell
being made from one or several polymers and the flexible membrane being made from a multiple
layer sheet.
16. A device as claimed in the preceding claim, wherein the shell and the membrane are made
from polypropylene.
17. A device as claimed in any of the preceding claims, wherein the flexible membrane is made
from a sheet comprised of at least five layers.
18. A device as claimed in any of claims 15 to 17, wherein the flexible membrane (17) has a
shape, which is substantially planar, before the use of the capsule.
19. A device as claimed in any of claims 15 to 18, wherein the side wall (8) of the shell of the
capsule has a shape, which is substantially conical, whereby the diameter of the cone decreases from
the annular flange section (18) in the direction of the bottom wall (11) of the shell.
There is disclosed a method for preparing a beverage or a liquid foodstuff from a capsule
containing a product with a substance to be extracted, the capsule having a shell (8, 11) forming a
rigid container and a flexible membrane (17) closing the open side of the shell and capable of
significant elastic or permanent deformation, involving the steps of perforating a plurality of smooth
holes (26) distributed over the flexible membrane by means of an injection head (3) having a
perforating surface (24) provided with a plurality of perforating spikes (25) distributed over the
perforating surface, the perforating spikes having a tapered and smooth shape without any sharp
edges; and of injecting water onto the flexible membrane such that the membrane deforms in the
direction of the product contained inside the capsule and the water penetrates into the capsule via the
smooth holes without them tearing.


Patent Number 224149
Indian Patent Application Number 02744/KOLNP/2005
PG Journal Number 40/2008
Publication Date 03-Oct-2008
Grant Date 01-Oct-2008
Date of Filing 28-Dec-2005
Name of Patentee MONODOR S.A.
Applicant Address CHAMP-CADET, CH-1041 ST. BARTHELEMY
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A47J 31/40
PCT International Application Number PCT/IB2004/002016
PCT International Filing date 2004-06-10
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 03016753.0 2003-07-23 EUROPEAN UNION