Title of Invention


Abstract This invention relates to a shrinkable iridescent film constitutes an oriented multiplayer coextruded iridescent film having at least 10 generally parallel, very thin layers of substantially uniform thickness in which the contiguous adjacent layers are of heat shrinkable thermoplastic resinous material, each of which is heat shrinkable in at least one dimension in the plane of the film, the continuous adjacent layers being substantially uniformly shrinkable so as to have refractive indexes which differ by at least 0.03. The shrinkable film is made by selecting appropriate thermoplastic resinous materials, coextruding them into a thick film and then subjecting the film to orientation below the heat set temperature of the resinous materials.
The present invention relates to films that posses an adequate level of elastic
memory activated through the application of heat energy which can be utilized in
a variety of packaging applications, such as shrink labels and decorative shrink
wrap . Hereinafter, such film will sometimes be referred to as "shrink film".
The customary films used for this purpose are made of polyvinyl alcohol, glycol
modified polyethylene terephthalate made from ethylene, glycol and
cyclohexanedimethanol and terephthalic acid and polypropylene structures,
depending on the degree of desired shrinkage required and the particular
application. It has been possible to obtain shrinkages of up to 50 or 60%. Often
the shrink film is preformed into a tube and then cut into the appropriate size for
application to a container or some other object. It is frequently desirable for the
film to shrink around the object in such a manner that it conforms exactly to the
shape of that object.
Multilayer coextruded light reflecting films which have a narrow reflection band
due to light interference are known. When that reflection band occurs in the
range of visible wavelengths, the film appears iridescent. It would be desirable to
employ such iridescent films as shrink film for shrink packaging applications but it
has not been possible to achieve that object heretofore.
The multilayer coextruded iridescent films are composed of a plurality of
generally parallel layers of transparent thermoplastic resinous material in which
the contiguous adjacent layers are of diverse resinous material whose index of
refraction differs by at least about 0.03 . These films contain at least 10 layers,
but are more usually composed of at least 35 and preferably at least about 70
Commercially available films often contain between 50 and 100 repeating pairs of
polymers, which generate the optical effect known as iridescence. Each of the
individual layers is very thin and is usually on the order of about 30-500mm. The
quality of a iridescent multilayer coextruded film is dependent on the individual
layers being, and remaining, generally parallel and of substantial uniform
thickness. Deviations from these requirements interfere with the desired optical
The traditional multilayer coextruded iridescent films possessed a minor degree
of elastic memory and will shrink somewhat when exposed to heat. However, the
amount of shrinkage of which these films are capable is not sufficient for us of
the films for shrink packaging applications and is also accompanied by changes
in the optical characteristics of the individual layers so that the iridescence is'
altered or lost and/or the interlayer bonds between joining layers are disturbed
leading to internal delamination or separation of the layers.
Efforts have been made in the past to improve the mechanical properties of the
multilayer coextruded light reflecting films, although not for the purpose of
achieving a shrink film. U.S.Patent 4,310,584 describes the use of thermoplastic
terephthalate polyester or copolyester resins as one component of the two
adjacent polymer films and another improvement is described in U.S.Patent
5,089,318 in which a thermoplastic elastomer is employed as one of the resinous
material. Despite these improvements, the films still have inadequate mechanical
and optical properties for shrink packaging applications when compared to
conventional film structures.
US Patent number US 5149578 discloses a multilayer film including contiguous
layers of two or more diverse thermoplastic materials of differing refractive
indices whereby the film retains a permanent color change as evidence of
tampering or an attempt at tampering when the yield point of at least one of the
diverse materials has been at least equalled by the strain associated with such
tampering or with such an attempt at tampering, and where before such yield
point is at least equalled the wavelength of an unsuppressed reflectance of
normally incident light is not within the visible spectrum while after such yielded
point is at least equalled the reflectance is retained in the visible spectrum.
US-5089318 discloses a method and system for improvements in multilayer light
reflecting film which is effected by the use of a thermoplastic elastomer resin in a
system in which two or more resinous materials form a plurality of the layers.
It is now been discovered that by appropriately selecting the different
thermoplastic resinous materials and by orienting the coextruded film made from
the selected materials, a shrinkable iridescent film having acceptable properties
can be achieved.
It is accordingly the object of the present invention to provide a shrinksble
iridescent film suitable for shrink packaging application. This and other objects of
the invention will become apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art of the
following detailed description.
This invention relates to a shrinkable iridescent film suitable for shrink packaging
applications and to the method for the production of that film. More particularly,
a shrinkable iridescent multilayered coextruded film composed of at least 10
generally parallel, very thin layers of substantially uniform thickness with
the contiguous adjacent layers being of different heat shrinkable thermoplastic
resinous materials, each of the materials being heat shrinkable at least one dimension
in an amount of at least 10% in response to applied heat, the coextruded contiguous
adjacent layers being substantially uniformly shrinkable in response to applied heat
so as to have refractive indices which differ by at least about 0.03 after the shrinkage
to produce an optical effect. The film is made by selecting the appropriate
thermoplastic resinous materials, coextruding them into a relatively thick film,
followed by orientating the film at a temperature using temperature profiles to
achieve the desired color and shrink properties.
In accordance with the present invention, a shrinkable iridescent multilayer
coextruded film is produced by varying the conventional production process with
respect to the selection of the resinous materials employed, the thickness of the film
coextruded, and by imparting elastic memory to the film by orientation.
Multilayer coextruded iridescent film per se is known in the art. It is
described in U.S. Patent No. Re 31,780 to Cooper, Shetty and Pinksy and U.S.
Patents 5,089,318 and 5,451,449, both to Shetty and Cooper, all of which are
incorporated herein by reference, and in other patents. The iridescent film is, as there
described, a transparent thermoplastic resinous coextruded laminated film of at least
10 very thin layers, preferably at least about 35 layers and more preferably at least
about 70 layers, each of which is usually in the range of about 30-500 nm and more
preferably about 50-400 nm, with the layers being generally parallel and the
contiguous adjacent layers being of different transparent thermoplastic resinous
materials differing in refractive index by at least about 0.03, and more preferably, at
least about 0.06. The outermost layers of the film constituting a skin, when present,
are each at least about 5% of the total thickness of the film.
The thermoplastic resinous materials used in the present invention are
required to meet several characteristics. First, when formed into a thin film having a
thickness of about 12-150 urn, preferably about 15-75 mm, the film must be heat-
shrinkable in one or more of the dimensions lying in the plane of the film in an
amount of at least 10%, preferably at least about 20%, and more preferably about 40-
50%, in response to the application of heat of about 70-300 °C. Preferably, the
resinous material as a film is heat shrinkable in all directions in the plane of the film
in a degree which is substantially the same throughout. Second, the resinous
materials must also, when formed into contiguous adjacent film layers, shrink at a
rate which is substantially uniform throughout the layers. The rate of shrinkage in
different dimensions in the plane of the film need not be the same, but the rate for
any given dimension should be substantially the same for both contiguous layers.
For example, the longitudinal shrinkage can be different than the transverse
shrinkage as long as both longitudinal shrinkage rates and both transverse shrinkage
rates are substantially the same. Finally, the resinous materials must be selected such
mat the refractive indices after shrinking differ by at least about 0.03, and preferably
at least about 0.06. The refractive indexes need not differ by these values before
orientation because orientation can alter the index of refraction of a given layer and
therefore orientation of two layers whose indices differ by less than 0.03 before
orientation can result in a difference which exceeds 0.03 after orientation. In most
instances, the difference in indices of refraction after orientation but before shrinkage
and that after shrinkage will be approximately the same.
Any of the thermoplastic resinous material used to prepare iridescent film
heretofore can be used in the present invention as long as the individual materials
have the characteristics set forth above and likewise, the combination of selected
resinous materials has the characteristics detailed above. Typical non-limiting
examples of usable combinations include polystyrene and ethylene vinyl acetate,
polystyrene and polyethylene, PETG-copolyester (a glycol modified polyethylene
terephthalate made from ethylene glycol and cyclohexamedimethanol) and acrylic,
and PETG-polyester and ethylene vinyl acetate.
The selected resinous materials are made into a multilayer film using
convention technology modified such that each ply of the film is thicker in order to
allow for thickness reduction during orientation. For example, the films can be made
by a chill-roll casting technique using a conventional single manifold flat film die in
combination with a feedblock which collects the melts from each of two or more
extruders and arranges them into the desired layer pattern. Suitable feedblocks are
described, for instance, in U.S. Patent Number 3,565,985 and 3,773,882. The
feedblocks can be used to form alternating layers of either two components (i.e.
ABAB...); three components (ABCABCA... or ACBACBC.) or more. The very
narrow multilayer stream flows through a single manifold flat film die where the
layers are simultaneously spread to the width of the die and thinned to the final die
exit thickness. The number of layers and their thickness distribution can be changed
by inserting a different feedblock module. Usually, the outermost layer or layers on
each side of the sheet are thicker than the other layers. The thicker skin may consist
of one the components which makes up the optical core or may be a different
polymer which is utilized to impart desirable mechanical, heat-sealing or other
Any conventional process of orientation of films can be employed in the
process of the present invention as long as the substantially uniform thickness and
parallel orientation of the layers is maintained. The orientation may be uniaxial or
multiaxial. For example, the film can be stretched by tension applied in the required
direction and the stretching may occur between a cooling roll and a take-up unit, with
the tension applied by draw rolls or a combination of draw rolls.
Another process which can be used to affect orientation is compression
rolling. Here, the multilayer film is passed between rollers positioned so as to
decrease the thickness to about 20-50% of the original multilayer film thickness. A
lubricant is used on the film as it passes through the nip between the two rolls, and
this can be applied directly to the film or to the roller surface so that it is transferred
to the surface of the film as it passes between the rollers. The lubricant can be any
liquid or material which acts as a liquid in the area where the pressure from the rolls
is applied to the film. It acts to form a full or partial fluid film between the roll and
the film so that the roll surface and the film surface are separated by the liquid
lubricant thereby preventing contact and increasing mobility as the laminate enters a
nip. Water can be used as a lubricant and it is also desirable to include a surfactant
within the water.
During orientation, the film being oriented is usually heated to a temperature
which is below the crystalline melting point of the resinous materials by roll contact
and/or air. The processing temperature will depend on the particular iridescent sheet
being oriented and can range from about ambient up to about 145 ° C. or more.
Orientation imparts elastic memory to the resinous film so that it will shrink upon
application of heat. Heat setting, or constrained high-temperature annealing, is
required to regulate the activation range of the particular iridescent shrink film. If the
heat set temperature of the resinous materials is exceeded, the film of that material
will not shrink as desired.
Various examples are given below in order to illustrate the present invention.
In those examples, as throughout this specification and claims, all parts and
percentages are by weight, and all temperatures in °C unless otherwise specified.
Example 1
Polystyrene and ethylene vinyl acetate were selected for use as the
thermoplastic resinous materials. The resinous materials were coextruded to prepare
a film sample with an optical core containing approximately 100 alternating layers in
dimensions suitable for subsequent stretch orientation to a pre-determined thickness.
The surface layer in the sample was a polyolefin. The coextruded film was produced
in thicknesses ranging from 35 to 70 mm and exhibited virtually no reflected color.
The colorless extruded film was then processed using a two stage Marshall-
Williams equipment and stretched at various orientation temperatures ranging from
110-115 ° C. The effective draw ratios varied from 1.8 to 2.6:1 and a predetermined
ultimate gauge within the range of 12 to 25 mm was employed. Iridescence
developed as a result of the orientation. Color measurements were taken across the
web to determine the uniformity of the iridescent color which had developed. There
was no indication of non-uniform draw of the individual microlayers in the plane
perpendicular to the moving web.
A sample of the oriented multilayer film wrapped around a glass bottle was
exposed to a hot air stream at a temperature of 200 °C for 5 seconds. Uniform
iridescence was observed in the film even though it shrank by about 15 % in the
orientation direction, conforming to the contour of the glass bottle. Similar results
were obtained by placing the glass bottle in an oven at 225 °C for 5 minutes.
Example 2
Co-polyester and polymethylmethacryate were coextruded to prepare a film
sample with an optical core containing approximately 200 alternating layers in
dimensions suitable for subsequent stretch orientation to a pre-determined thickness.
The surface layer in the sample was copolyester. The coextruded film was produced
in thicknesses ranging from 40 to 120 mm and exhibited virtually no reflected color.
The colorless extruded film was then processed using a single stage Marshall-
Williams MDO and stretched at various orientation temperatures ranging from 80-
125° C. The effective draw ratios varied from 1.8 to 3.5:1 and a predetermined
ultimate gauge within the range of 25 to 40 mm was employed. Iridescence
developed as a result of the orientation. Color measurements were taken across the
web to determine the uniformity of the iridescent color which had developed. There
was no indication of non-uniform draw of the individual micro layers in the plane
perpendicular to the moving web.
A sample of the oriented multilayer film wrapped around a glass bottle was
exposed to a hot air stream at a temperature of 200°C for 5 seconds. Uniform
iridescence was observed in the film even though it shrank by about 25 % in the
orientation direction, conforming to the contour of the glass bottle. Similar results
were obtained by placing the glass bottle in an oven at 225 °C for 5 minutes and
175°C for 3 minutes.
Example 3
Example 2 is repeated except that the co-polyester is coextruded with
ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer to prepare a film having about 100 and 200 layers
in the optical core and a thickness of the total film of between 75 to 100 urn. The
film is processed via biaxial orientation in stretch ratios ranging from 2:1 up to 5:1 or
more. The resulting films possesses iridescent properties which are retained when
exposed to thermal energy which induces shrinkage between 15-50%.
Example 4
Example 3 is repeated except that the coextruded film has about 200 layers in
the optical core and a thickness of the total film of between 125 to 300 urn.
Various changes and modifications can be made in the process and products
of this invention without departing from the spirit and scope thereof. For example,
incorporation of dyes, pigments and processing aids into any of the polymer streams
is an obvious extension of the targeted optical effects. Ultimate film thickness prior
to shrink can be adjusted to virtually any practical film or sheet dimension. The film
could also be surface coated or laminated to another material. The various
embodiments which have been disclosed herein for the purpose of illustrating the
invention only and were not intended to limit it.
1. An oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film having a thickness of
about 12 to 150 urn, said film comprising at least 10 very thin layers of
substantially uniform thickness of about 30-500 mm each, said layers
being generally parallel and the contiguous adjacent layers being of
different heat shrinkable thermoplastic resinous materials, each of said
thermoplastic resinous materials being heat shrinkable in at least one
dimension in the plane of the film in an amount of at least 10% in
response to applied heat in the range of about 70-300°C, and wherein the
co-extruded contiguous adjacent layers of different heat shrinkable
thermoplastic resinous materials are substantially uniformly shrinkable in
response to the applied heat in said range and have refractive indexes
which differ by at least about 0.03 after said shrinkage and result in
2. An oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as claimed in claim 1,
wherein said film comprises at least 35 very thin layer of substantially
uniform thickness, and each of said thermoplastic resinous material is heat
shrinkable in at least one dimension in the plane of the film in an amount
of at least 20% in response to applied heat.
3. An oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as claimed in claim 2,
wherein said thermoplastic resinous materials have refractive indexes
which differ by at least about 0.06 after said shrinkage.
4. An oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as claimed in claim 3,
wherein said film comprises at least 70 very thin layers of substantially
uniform thickness of about 30-500 mm each, and each of said
thermoplastic resinous materials is heat shrinkable in at least one
dimension in the plane of the film in an amount of about 40-50% in
response to applied heat.
5. An oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as claimed in claim 4,
wherein said film has a thickness of about 15 to 75 urn.
6. An oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as claimed in claim 1,
wherein said thermoplastic resinous materials have refractive indexes
which differ by at least about 0.06 after said shrinkage.
7. An oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as claimed in claim 1,
wherein said film comprises at least 70 very thin layers of substantially
uniform thickness of about 30-500 mm each, and each of said
thermoplastic resinous materials is heat shrinkable in at least one
dimension in the plane of the film in an amount of about 40-50% in
response to applied heat.
8. An oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as claimed in claim 7,
wherein said film has a thickness of about 15 to 75 urn.
9. An oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as claimed in claim 1,
wherein said film has a thickness of about 15 to 75 mm.
10. A method of making an oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film
which comprises selecting a pair thermoplastic resinous materials, each of
which when formed into an oriented thin film having a thickness of about
12-150 urn, are heat shrinkable in at least one dimension in the plane of
the film in an amount of at least 10% in response to applied heat in the
range of about 70-300°C, and the pair of which are substantially uniformly
shrinkable in response to the applied heat in said range to have refractive
indexes which differ by at least about 0.03 after shrinkage; coextruding
said pair of materials into a film having a thickness of about 24 to 750 urn
to form a film comprising at least 10 generally parallel, very thin layers of
substantially uniform thickness of about 30-500 mm each and in which the
contiguous adjacent layers are of different heat shrinkable thermoplastic
resinous materials; and imparting heat shrinkability by orienting said film
having a thickness of about 24 to 750 mm while reducing the film
thickness to about 12 to 150 mm.
11. A method of making an oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as
claimed in claim 10, wherein said pair of thermoplastic resinous materials
are selected are heat shrinkable in at least one dimension in the plane of
the film in an amount of at least 20% in response to applied heat in the
range 70-300°C, and the pair are coextruded into a film comprising at
least 35 generally parallel, very thin layers of about 30-500 mm each.
12. A method of making an oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as
claimed in claim 11, wherein said pair of thermoplastic resinous materials
are selected to have refractive indexes which differ by at least about 0.06
after said shrinkage.
13. A method of making an oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as
claimed in claim 12, wherein said pair of thermoplastic resinous materials
are selected are heat shrinkable in at least one dimension in the plane of
the film in an amount of about 40-50% in response to applied heat in the
range of about 70-300°C, and the pair are coextruded into a film
comprising at least 70 generally parallel, very thin layers of about 30-500
mm each.
14. A method of making an oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as
claimed in claim 13, wherein said coextruded film thickness is about 30 to
375 urn and is reduced to about 15 to 75 mm.
15. A method of making an oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as
claimed in claim 10, wherein said pair of thermoplastic resinous materials
are selected to have refractive indexes which differ by at least about 0.06
after said shrinkage.
16. A method of making an oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as
claimed in claim 10, wherein said pair of thermoplastic resinous materials
are selected are heat shrinkable in at least one dimension in the plane of
the film in an amount of about 40-50% in response to applied heat in the
range of about 70-300°C, and the pair are coextruded into a film
comprising at least 70 generally parallel, very thin layers of about 30-500
mm each.
17. A method of making an oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as
claimed in claim 16, wherein said coextruded film thickness is about 30 to
375 mm and is reduced to about 15 to 75 mm.
18. A method of making an oriented multilayer co-extruded iridescent film as
claimed in claim 10, wherein said coextruded film thickness is about 30 to
375 urn and is reduced to about 15 to 75 mm.
This invention relates to a shrinkable iridescent film constitutes an oriented
multiplayer coextruded iridescent film having at least 10 generally parallel, very
thin layers of substantially uniform thickness in which the contiguous adjacent
layers are of heat shrinkable thermoplastic resinous material, each of which is
heat shrinkable in at least one dimension in the plane of the film, the continuous
adjacent layers being substantially uniformly shrinkable so as to have refractive
indexes which differ by at least 0.03. The shrinkable film is made by selecting
appropriate thermoplastic resinous materials, coextruding them into a thick film
and then subjecting the film to orientation below the heat set temperature of the
resinous materials.






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390-kolnp-2004-granted-examination report.pdf

390-kolnp-2004-granted-form 1.pdf

390-kolnp-2004-granted-form 18.pdf

390-kolnp-2004-granted-form 2.pdf

390-kolnp-2004-granted-form 3.pdf

390-kolnp-2004-granted-form 5.pdf


390-kolnp-2004-granted-reply to examination report.pdf


Patent Number 224152
Indian Patent Application Number 390/KOLNP/2004
PG Journal Number 40/2008
Publication Date 03-Oct-2008
Grant Date 01-Oct-2008
Date of Filing 23-Mar-2004
Applicant Address 101 WOOD AVENUE, P.O. BOX 770, ISELIN, NJ
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B32B 27/08
PCT International Application Number PCT/US02/27446
PCT International Filing date 2002-08-28
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 09/963,232 2001-09-26 U.S.A.