Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention provides a method for the synthesis of geikielite, a mantle oxide by thermal decomposition of hydrous magnesium nitrate and titanium hydroxide. The method of the invention is simple and economical.
Full Text Field of the invention
The present invention relates to a method for the synthesis of geikielite, a mantle oxide. Particularly, the present invention relates to synthesis of geikielite, a mantle oxide by thermal decomposition of hydrous magnesium nitrate and titanium hydroxide. The method of the invention is simple and economical.
Background of the invention
Geikielite, MgTiO3, is the magnesium analog of ilmenite and typically occurs in solid solutions with other oxides like ilmenite (FeTiO3) pyrophanite (MnTiO3), and hematite (Fe2O3) in the Mg-rich mantle (200- 670 km depth of Earth's deep interior) rocks such as kimberlites, carbonatites. It is very rare to get a pure geikielite in nature.
Reference is made to Sheikh and Irvine (1993) J.Solid State Chemistry wherein the synthetic samples of magnesium titanates show wide variety of structures like spinel, ilmenite, perovskite, etc, The drawbacks are the requirement of very high-temperature for synthesis of these spinel system 1400°C, and the observed inhomogeneous nature of the prepared sample.
Reference is made to Cogle et al. J. Materials Research, vl, 289-291, wherein the sample preparation method is disclosed for the MgTiO4-MgTi2O4 spinel system for possible high-temperature super conducting behavior at about 30°KELVIN. The drawback is that the sample contained only traces of geikielite.
Reference is made to Yukio US patent US 4226735 (1980), wherein a method is disclosed for preparation of a dielectric ceramic containing MgTiO3 and Pb3O4, where they could obtain the dielectric with maximum concentration of MgTiO3 of only 32 mol per cent.
Reference is also made to Shibasaki et al (1999) US 5,968,248, wherein a method is disclosed about the synthesis of heat-resistant pigment, where the titanium oxide is mixed with two different divalent metal ( Fe, Ni, Co) oxides having the ratios of 95 to 5 atomic %.
This method although describes the practical application of composite oxide

system Fe-Ni-Co-Mg-TiO3. It did not discuss about the preparation method of pure MgTiO3.
Objects of the invention
The main object of the present invention is to provide an improved methodology for synthesizing geikielite, a mantle oxide (which occurs in the Earth's deep interior) by thermal decomposition of hydrous magnesium nitrate and titanium hydroxide.
Another object of the invention is to prepare geikielite using magnesium nitrate Mg(NO3)2.6H2O (Aldrich Chemical Co).
Another object of the invention is to provide a simple and economical method for the synthesis of geikielite, an important mantle oxide mineral.
Another object of the invention is to provide is to provide a method for the synthesis of pure form of geikielite in larger quantities.
It is another object of the invention to provide a method for the synthesis of geikeilite which is economical and environmentally friendly.
Summary of the invention
Accordingly the present invention provides a method for the synthesis of geikielite (Mg TiO3) a mantle oxide, which comprises mixing magnesium nitrate and titanium hydroxide in equimolar ratio in ethanol medium to obtain a homogeneous mixture, followed by thermal decomposition, at a temperature in the range of 670°C to 770°C, for a period of at least 8 hrs to obtain the desired geikielite (Mg T1O3) powder.
In another embodiment of the invention, titanium hydroxide is obtained by conversion of T1CI4
In yet another embodiment of the invention, the thermal decomposition proceeds by co-precipitation.
In a further embodiment of the invention, the geikeilite is obtained in the form of a powder having a particle size in the range of 10 to 20 microns.

Detailed description of the invention
The novelty of the present invention lies in the use of synthetic Ti(OH)4 and commercially available magnesium nitrate Mg(NO3)2.6H2O (Aldrich Chemical Co) to synthesis geikielite (Mg TiO3) a mantle oxide. The temperature of synthesis is in the range of 670 to 770°C, preferably about 720°C and is carried out for at least 8 hours. Ti (OH)4 is synthesised by converting Ti (Cl)4 into Ti (OH)4.
The product is obtained in the form a powder having a particle size of about 10 to 20 microns. Geikielite- Mg Ti03 a titanate mantle mineral was been prepared by a simple and novel method. The sample was characterized by powder x-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic methods. The proposed method is found to be less expensive than the expenses involved in purification of naturally occurring samples to obtain pure geikielite from geological samples.
Scientific Explanation:
The present invention comprises a method for the synthesis of geikeilite (MgTi O3) a mantle oxide, which usually occurs with the association with other mineral oxides at the depth of 200-670 km in the Earth's deep interior using synthetic Ti(OH)4 and commercially available magnesium nitrate Mg(NO3)2.6H2O (Aldrich Chemical Co). Understanding the thermodynamic properties like phase stability under high-pressure and high-temperature of this oxide help in better understanding about origin of kimberlites and other deep seated minerals like diamond. The present study of formation of pure geikielite at room pressure is useful in understanding physics of Earth's deep interior. The geikielite is formed by co precipitation method as shown below:

Ti(OH)4 + Mg (NO3)2.6 H20 -» MgTiO3+ NH4NO3 + H2O
The above reaction was carried out at a temperature of 720°C over 8 hours. The
ammonium salts were dissolved in double distilled water.
The following examples are given by way of illustration of the present invention
and therefore should not be construed to limit the scope of the invention
Example 1: Preparation and characterization of Ti(OH)4:
Titanium hydroxide was prepared by taking 0.1 M TiCU in deionized water. NH3
solution was added slowly (at PH=7). Under this condition TiCLj converts into Ti (OH)4.
The mixtures were washed until all the chlorine was totally removed. The presence of
any residual chlorine was detected by treatment of the product with silver nitrate solution.
Example 2: Preparation and characterization of Geikielite:
Geikielite (Mg'fiOs) powder was prepared by the thermal decomposition of
synthetic Ti(OH)4 (as mentioned in Example 1) and commercially available magnesium
nitrate Mg(N03)2.6H2O (Aidrich Chemical Co) at a temperature of 720°C over 8 hours.
The precipitate of Ti(OH)4 was filtered, washed and dried overnight at 100°C in an oven.
Magnesium nitrate and titanium hydroxide were mixed in equimolar ratio in ethanol
medium and ground together for about 30 minutes to make a homogeneous mixture. This
mixture was calcined at 720°C over 8 hours. The formation of geikielite with ilmenite
structure was then confirmed by SEM, XRD, and FTIR spectroscopic methods.
The chemical composition of the geikielite was determined by Electron
microprobe microanalysis, X-ray fluorescence and Hitachi S-520 Scanning Electron
microscopy in EDAX mode. The composition of the prepared sample was found to be
MgO = 33.58 to 33.55 and TiC^ 66.43 to 66.46 wt % indicating the presence of pure
geikielite phase.
Example 3: X-ray diffraction studies:
For powder-XRD studies, the ground sample was spread over a low-background
quartz plate and scanned over interplanar spacing 0.13 to 0.5nm range. Eleven wellresolved
Bragg reflections were observed and indexed to a hexagonal unit cell with a=
0.506 nm and c= 1.39 nm. The reflections are given below:
(Table Removed)
Example 4: Infrared Spectroscopic Studies:
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopic studies on the geikielite sample show
eight distinct vibrational modes corresponding to octahedral vibrations, which are
characteristic of oxides with ilmenite-type structure. The observed bands are 350, 378,
422, 484, 556, 624, 670, and 725 cm"1. There are no bands at 3400-3600 cm"1 , indicating
anhydrous nature of the geikielite.
The Main advantages of the present invention are
1. A simpler method for synthesizing geikielite, an important mantle oxide mineral.
2. It can be used for dielectric ceramic industries.
3. This method is useful in preparing pure form of geikielite in larger quantities.
4. Work-up procedure is very simple.
5. The present method does not involve any expensive high-pressure instrumentation
to synthesis the mantle oxide.
6. This method does not use any expensive chemical and hence economical.
7. The present method is environmentally safe.

We claim:
1. A method for the synthesis of geikielite (Mg T1O3) a mantle oxide, which comprises mixing magnesium nitrate and titanium hydroxide in equimolar ratio in ethanol medium to obtain a homogeneous mixture, followed by thermal decomposition, at a temperature in the range of 670°C to 770°C, for a period of at least 8 hrs to obtain the desired geikielite (Mg T1O3) powder.
2. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the titanium hydroxide is obtained by conversion of T1Cl4.
3. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the thermal decomposition proceeds by co-precipitation.
4. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the geikeilite is obtained in the form of a powder having a particle size in the range of 10 to 20 microns.








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Patent Number 225140
Indian Patent Application Number 2940/DELNP/2004
PG Journal Number 46/2008
Publication Date 14-Nov-2008
Grant Date 31-Oct-2008
Date of Filing 29-Sep-2004
Applicant Address RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001, INDIA.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C22B 34/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/IN03/00098
PCT International Filing date 2003-03-31
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 03816513.0 2005-10-13 EUROPEAN UNION