Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to the CAPD bags with Y medication port (Fig l), which enables any medicant or other type of fluid to be injected in to or withdrawn from the CAPD bag. It consists of an injection site(7) and main port (4). The injection site is connected to the main port in Y shape, where at the joining portion, an inbuilt membrane (6) is attached which prevents the leakage of the fluid. The injection site consists of a washer (3) and injection site cap (1) and the washer is attached inside the injection site cap.
Full Text Y Medication Port for transfusion and perfusion
Field of Invention:
Present invention relates to Y medication port which enables any medicant or other type of fluid to be injected in to or withdraw from theCAPD bags.
More particularly the invention relates to the Y medication port with inbuilt membrane which prevents the contamination during injection of any type of medicant in to the CAPD bag through the needle guide.
Back Ground
The CAPD system relies upon the delivery of dialysate from a flexible bag, which the patient rolls up and wears during the time the dialysate is dwelling in the peritoneal cavity. During this dwell time the patient is having full freedom of movement even though the bag remains connected to the tubing inserted in to the patient. When the dwell time has completed, the patient allows the peritoneal cavity to drain with the used dialysate once again being collected in to the flexible bag, which the patient has unrolled. Once this dialysate collection is

completed, the patient disconnects the used bag and starts the cycle again.
Intravenous delivery system generally employs a length of tubing having means through which additional fluids or medication may be introduced. In the past there have been a number of approaches for introducing additional fluids or medication to the intravenous tubing. For this purpose many types of ports were designed and used. Conventionally a medication port is provided with a membrane at the center, which is filled into port tube of the primary/ drainage bag.
The conventional membrane port is provided with a washer component and a cap is spread out in circle to the top portion of the port. To hold the washer component in its position, tube is shrink wrapped on the outer surface of the same. The disadvantage of this type of medication port is that the needle puncture surface is exposed and is liable to get contamination during use. Also the needle penetrated into the washer does not have any guide and is liable to be punctured on to side of the port resulting into leakage of the bag, which will have to discard.
Therefore there always existed a need to provide a medication port for use in the process of Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis, which can remove the existing drawbacks.

The invented medication port attached to the CAPD bag enables the medicant or other type of fluids to be injected in to or withdrawn from the CAPD bags with the use of needle and syringe.
Prior Art
US Patent No: 3994293: describes an extemporaneous injector assembly for use in transfusions and perfusions comprises a tubular conduit for passage there through of a transfusional or perfusional liquid, which is provided with a tubular branch communicating with the conduit for feeding a nourishing solution, a medicinal solution or a like solution into the transfusional or perfusional liquid. A pre-perforated normally impervious diaphragm, which becomes, however, pervious under the action of a prefixed minimum pressure, is positioned in the tubular branch.
US Patent No : 5049128: describes a valved infusion port of an infusion system comprising an injection unit having a primary infusion port and at least one secondary infusion port, characterized by the improvement to the secondary infusion port comprising: a bi directional valve means disposed about the secondary infusion port; whereby the bi directional valve means is capable of opening and closing the secondary infusion port to permit the administration of a secondary infusion without the use of a needle.

U.S Patent No: 4,915,687 describes a needleless injection port arrangement (10) for intravenous fluid systems wherein the arrangement (10) includes a valving unit (12) disposed in a valve housing unit (11) having a dual port upper valve housing member (13): wherein, the valving unit (12) includes a valve head member (50) mounted on a resilient biasing member (40) to control the introduction of medicant fluids through a medicant fluid port (18) formed in the upper valve housing member (13).
Y medication port is an integrated system where the direct contact of the solution inside the bag with the cap of the Y medication port is not possible, owing to a membrane there by there is less chance of contamination of the solution.
The object of the present invention is to provide an improved
medication port, which has cured all defects, and to provide a
medication port, which is not liable to be contaminated.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a CAPD bag
system, which is safe for the patient and easy to handle.
Another object of the present invention is to provide medication port,
which prevents leakage, or out flow of the fluid from inside by
It is the other object of the present invention to provide a new hybrid
port with multi flow injection site.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a port with
washer, which prevents the leakage of fluid.
It is still another object of the present invention to provide a port with
needle guide, which guides the needle without puncturing the bag.
It is yet another object of the present invention to provide a
medication port in which needle puncturing inside does not puncture
the port.
Yet another object of the present invention is that there is no direct
contact of the latex with the solution inside the bag and the tube and
hence the contamination of the liquid is prevented.
Description of the invention
The present invention consists of injection site and main port. The ports are made of medical grade material and through the injection site medicant can be introduced using a needle and a syringe.
The injection site i.e., the side arm is attached to the main port as shown in the figure 1. The Y medication port is attached to the CAPD bag in the center vial and the front end of the main port is connected to the PVC tube. Inside the joining portion of the injection site and main port, there is a unique inbuilt membrane. The injection site- side arm - consists of injection site cap, innovative washer and an inbuilt membrane as shown in figures 2 and 3. The

injection site is capped with injection site cap in which washer is
The cap consists of a needle-locating hole at the top, which guides the
needle via the washer, into an innovative needle guide tract and to the
main bag via the membrane.
The Y medication port is sealed in to the vial or the like of the CAPD Bag. When the needle of 1 inch is inserted in to the Y medication port through the needle locating hole on the injection site cap, the needle is guided towards the center of the port through the needle guide so that the port and the bag is not punctured.
Also the washer inside the cap through which the needle penetrates eliminates the chances of contamination of the fluid inside the bag during its usage.
Brief description of the drawings
Figure 1 describes the view of the main port and the injection site.
Figure 2 shows the cross sectional view of the Y medication port.
Figure 3 shows the cross sectional view of the injection site cap,
washer and Y medication port.
Figure 4 shows the cross sectional view of the Y medication port with
membrane inbuilt.
Figure 5 shows the cross sectional view of the injection site cap.
Figure 6 shows the washer of the injection site cap.

Detailed description of the invention
The present invention is as shown in the figure 1 which shows the way in which the Y medication port is attached to the CAPD bag. Fig 2 shows the detailed description of the invention. It consists of main port (4) and injection site (7) and the injection site is attached to the main port at 35° to 50 ° .The injection site and main port are cylindrical in shape and the injection site is covered with a cap(l) at the top. A washer (3) is fitted inside the cap of the injection site, which prevents the leakage of the fluid from the bag. The main port is connected to the tube.
In Figure 2, the washer (3) and the injection site cap (1) is attached to the injection site. There is a needle-locating hole (2) on the top of the injection site cap and through the needle guide (5) needle is guided in to the bag. The inbuilt membrane (6) as shown in the figure prevents the leakage of fluid from the bag.
Figure 3 shows the assembly process of the Y medication port.
As shown in the figure 5, the injection site cap (1) is circular in shape
and is provided with a needle-locating hole.
Figure 6 shows the top and side view of the washer of the CAPD new
medication port which is circular in shape, prevents the leakage of the
fluid and hence chance of contamination to the solution inside is very less.

I claim
1. Y shaped medication port for use in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis bags which comprises of a main port and an injection site; injection site is connected to the main port in Y shape; at the joining portion, an inbuilt membrane is attached; the injection site consists of an injection site cap, a washer; the injection site cap consist of a needle locating hole which guides the needle to the needle guide and to the center of the port.
2. A Y shaped medication port as claimed in claim 1 where in the injection site is connected to the main port in "Y" shape at 35° to 50 °
3. A Y shaped medication port as claimed in claim 1 where in at the joining portion of the main port and injection site, an inbuilt membrane is provided.
4. AY shaped medication port as claimed in claim 1 where the injection site consists of an injection site cap and a washer.
5. A Y shaped medication port as claimed in claim 4 where in the washer is attached inside the injection site cap.
6. A Y medication port as claimed in claim 1 where in a needle locating hole is provided at the top of the injection site cap, which guides the needle to the needle guide and to the center of the port.
7. A Y shaped medication port as claimed in claim 1 where the membrane, the main port and the injection site are made of medical grade material.
8. A Y shaped medication port as claimed in claim 1 where the tube is attached to the main port.

9. AY shaped medication port as herein described with reference to the accompanying drawings.








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Patent Number 225357
Indian Patent Application Number 1002/DEL/2007
PG Journal Number 48/2008
Publication Date 28-Nov-2008
Grant Date 11-Nov-2008
Date of Filing 08-May-2007
Name of Patentee MAHAJAN; NITIN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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