Title of Invention


Abstract A composition comprising: a) one or more dithiocarbamate fungicides in an amount from 1 to 95% by weight; and b) polyvinyl alcohol with a molecular weight of from 10,000 to 80,000, a hydrolysis level of 77 percent to 95 percent, and a particle size less than 800 microns, wherein the said polyvinyl alcohol is present in an amount from 0.1 to 2 % by weight.
Full Text The present invention relates to a composition comprising dithiocarbamate fungicides and polyvinyl alcohol.
This invention is relates to dithiocarbamate fungicide formulations having improved physical properties. Dithiocarbamates and derivatives thereof are a class of fungicides useful in the control of phytopathogenic fungi.
Due, in part, to their physical-chemical properties, dithiocarbamate compositions are often provided in dry form such as, for example, wettable powders, dusts, and granules and as suspension concentrates, such as aqueous flowable formulations. A number of additives have been investigated to improve the efficacy of such formulations through improvements in the composition's physical/chemical properties or to improve the availability of the dithiocarbamate after application. One such additive is polyvinyl alcohol. French Patent 1493069 discloses the use of polyvinyl alcohol ("PVA") with a molecular weight greater than 100,000 daltons and which is greater than 95% hydrolyzed to increase the affinity of a fungicide for foliage. Canadian Patent 1,328,599 discloses the use of PVA with a molecular weight greater than 80,000 to increase the rainfastness of dithiocarbamates.
Unfortunately, medium to high molecular weight PVA causes severe formulation problems with dithiocarbamates which are manifested as low suspensibility and aggregation in dry formulations such as wettable powders and dispersible granules, and gelation in aqueous suspension concentrates. It is generally accepted that medium to high molecular weight is needed for particle adhesion under wet conditions. There is a need, therefore, for dithiocarbamate formulation additives which will provide the advantages of high molecular weight PVA without degrading the physical/chemical properties of the formulation.
I have surprisingly found that even very low molecular weight PVA can impart significant adhesion in dithiocarbamate fungicide formulations while maintaining, or even improving, many physical properties. In addition I have found that low molecular weight PVA disperses dithiocarbamate particles very well on a leaf surface and allows for much better redistribution of these particles under wet conditions than does higher molecular weight PVA. Redistribution is

important for the enhanced activity and efficacy of contact fungicides such as the
This invention provides a composition comprising:
a) one or more dithiocarbamate fungicides; and
b) polyvinyl alcohol with a molecular weight of from 10,000 to 80,000,
a hydrolysis level of 77 percent to 95 percent, and a particle size less
than 800 microns.
Preferably, the dithiocarbamate fungicide is selected from mancozeb (a
coordination product of zinc ion and manganese ethylene bisdithiocarbamate),
maneb (manganese ethylenebisdithiocarbamate), zineb (zinc ethylenebisdithiocarbamate),
ziram (zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate), propineb ([[(1-
methyl-l,2-ethanediyl) bis[carbamatothioato]](2-)]zinc homopolymer, metiram
(trisfamine-[ethylene bis(dithiocarbamato)]zinc(II)] [tetrahydro-1,2,4,7-
dithiadiazocine-3,8-dithione] polymer), thiram
(bis(dimethylthiocarbamoyl)disulfide), ferbam (ferric dimethyldithiocarbamate),
metham (sodium N-methyldithiocarbamate), and dazomet (tetrahydro-3,5-
dimethyl-l,3,5-thiadiazine-2-thione). The dithiocarbamate may be in the form of
a wettable powder, a dust, a granular, or an aqueous suspension concentrate.
Wettable powder or granular formulations are preferred. Furthermore, the
composition itself may be in the form of a wettable powder, a dust, a granular, or
an aqueous suspension concentrate. The composition may contain from 1% to
95%, by weight, of the dithiocarbamate, preferably 50% to 85%, more preferably
60% to 80%.
PVA polymers useful in this invention have a molecular weight in the
10,000 - 80,000 Dalton range (i.e., 4% solution viscosity of preferably in the 10,000 - 50,000 range, and most preferably in the 15,000 -
25,000 range. The acceptable PVA hydrolysis level is in the 77 - 95% range (i.e.,
saponification index between 150 and 30), more preferably in the 80 - 90% range,
and most preferably in the 86 - 89% range. The PVA can be added at levels of
0.1 - 2.0 % based on formulation weight. The more preferred range is 0.2 - 1.0 %
and the most preferred range is 0.3 - 0.7% based on formulation weight. For
wettable powders, dispersible granules, and other dry formulations, the PVA can
be dry blended with the formulation or dissolved in water and blended with an
aqueous composition of the dithiocarbamate prior to drying. In the case of
aqueous suspension concentrates, the PVA can be dissolved in the aqueous phase
at any point in the formulation process. The preferred method is to dissolve the
PVA in the aqueous phase in order to ensure uniform distribution of the polymer
in the formulation. The average PVA particle size should be less than 800
microns in diameter, more preferably less than 500 microns, and most preferably
less than 250 microns in diameter to aid in dissolution.
For some applications, one or more other pesticides may be added to the
dithiocarbamates of the present invention, thereby providing additional
advantages and effectiveness. When mixtures of pesticides are employed, the
relative proportions which are used will depend upon the relative efficacy of each
pesticide in the mixture with respect to the fungi, weeds, and insects to be
controlled. Examples of other fungicides which can be combined with the
dithiocarbamates of the present invention include, for example, a) nitrophenol
derivatives such as dinocap, binapacryl, and 2-sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenyl
isopropyl carbonate; (b) heterocyclic structures such as captan folpet, glyodine,
dithianon, thioquinox, benomyl, thiabendazole, vinolozolin, iprodione,
procymidone, triadimenol, triadimefon, bitertanol, fluoroimide, triarimol,
cycloheximide, ethirimol, dodemorph, dimethomorph, thifluzamide, and,
quinomethionate; (c) miscellaneous halogenated fungicides such as: chloranil,
chlorothalonil, dichlone, chloroneb, dichloran, and polychloronitrobenzenes; (d)
fungicidal antibiotics such as: griseofulvin, kasugamycin and streptomycin; (e)
miscellaneous fungicides such as: diphenyl sulfone, dodine, methoxyl, 1-
thiocyano-2,4-dinitrobenzene, 1-phenylthiosemicarbazide, thiophanate-methyl,
and cymoxanil; as well as acylalanines such as , furalaxyl, cyprofuram, ofurace,
benalaxyl, and oxadixyl; fluazinam, flumetover, phenylbenzamide derivatives
such as those disclosed in EP 578586 Al, amino acid derivatives such as valine
derivatives disclosed in EP 550788 Al, methoxyacrylates such as methyl (E)-2-
benzo(l,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester: propamocarb; imazalil;
carbendazim; myclobutanil; fenbuconazole; tridemorph; pyrazophos; fenarimol;
fenpiclonil; and pyrimethanil. Examples of insecticides which can be combined
with the dithiocarbamates of the present invention include, for example,
acephate, aldicarb, alpha-cypermethrin, azinphos-methyl, binapacryl,
buprofezin, carbaryl, carbofuran, chlorpyrifos, clofentezine, cyhexatin,
cypermethrin, deltamethrin, dicofol, diflubenzuron, dimethoate, dinocap,
endosulfan, endothion, esfenvalerate, ethiofencarb, ethion, ethoate-methyl,
ethoprop, fenbutatin-oxide, fenoxycarb, fensulfothion, flucycloxuron,
flufenoxuron, fosmethilan, hexythiazox, methamidophos, methidathion,
methiocarb, methomyl, methyl parathion, mexacarbate, oxamyl, permethrin,
phosalone, phosmet, promecarb, pyridaben, resmethrin, rotenone, tebufenozide,
thiodicarb, triazamate, and vamidothion. Examples of herbicides which can be
combined with the dithiocarbamates of the present invention include, for
example; (a) carboxylic acid derivatives, including benzoic acids and their salts;
phenoxy and phenyl substituted carboxylic acids and their salts; glyphosate and
its salts, and trichloroacetic acid and its salts; (b) carbamic acid derivatives,
including ethyl N,N-di(n-propyl)thiolcarbamate and pronamide; (c) substituted
ureas, (d) substituted triazines, (e) diphenyl ether derivatives such as
oxyfluorfen and fluoroglycofen, (f) anilides such as propanil, (g) oxyphenoxy
herbicides, (h) uracils, (i) nitriles, and (j) other organic herbicides such as
dithiopyr and, thiazopyr. In the case of herbicides, care must be taken to ensure
that the crop to which the composition of the present invention is applied is
tolerant of the herbicide.
For agrochemical uses, the compositions of the present invention can be
applied as dusts, granulars, wettable powders, or aqueous sprays by methods
commonly employed, such as conventional high-volume hydraulic sprays, lowvolume
sprays, air-blast, and aerial sprays. The dilution and rate of application
will depend upon the type of equipment employed, the method and frequency of
application desired, the pesticide application rate, and the pests to be controlled.
Formulations or diluted formulations of the compositions of this invention may
also contain agronomically acceptable adjuvants. Such adjuvants include
surfactants, dispersants, spreaders, stickers, antifoam agents, emulsifiers, and
other similar materials described in McCutcheon's Emulsifiers and Detergents,
McCutcheon's Emulsifiers and Detergents/Functional Materials, and
McCutcheon 's Functional Materials, all published annually by McCutcheon
Division of MC Publishing Company (New Jersey).). In addition, the
compositions of this invention may include one or more agronomically acceptable
carriers. The term "agronomically acceptable carrier" means any substance
which can be used to aid the dispersion of the active ingredient of the
composition in water, oil, or in a formulation used for controlling pests, such as a
dust, without impairing the active ingredient's effectiveness and which by itself
has no significant detrimental effect on the soil, equipment, desirable plants, or
the agronomic environment.
The compositions of the present invention can also be mixed with
fertilizers or fertilizing materials before their application. The compositions and
fertilizing material can also be admixed in mixing or blending equipment, or the
compositions can be incorporated with fertilizers in granular, wettable powder,
dust, or solution concentrate formulations. Any relative proportion of fertilizer
can be used which is suitable for the crops to be treated. The compositions of the
invention will commonly comprise from 5% to 50% of the fertilizing composition.
These compositions provide fertilizing materials which promote the rapid growth
of desired plants, and at the same time control pests.
The following examples are illustrative of the invention:
In the following examples, suspensibility, attrition, and efficacy were
evaluated using the following general procedures:
Suspensibility Test
2.0g of the formulation is added to 250 ml water in a 250 ml graduated
cylinder (with stopper). The cylinder is inverted 30 times to disperse the
particles and then allowed to stand undisturbed for 30 min. The top 225 ml is
then siphoned off and the remaining sediment is washed into a drying dish and
dried in an oven. % suspensibility is calculated by subtracting the weight of the
sediment from 2.0 g, dividing by 2.0 g, then multiplying by 100.
Granule Attrition Test
50g of dispersible granule formulation is placed in a standard 8 inch sieve
pan with 10 steel balls of 3/8 inch diameter. The pan is covered and placed on a
Ro-Tap ™ shaker for 10 min. of shaking. After removing the steel balls, the resulting powder is poured into the top of a stack of sieves ranging from 250 micron to 45 micron screen size, with a pan at the bottom. The stack is placed on the shaker for 10 min. of shaking. The weight of the powder retained on each sieve is determined and expressed as a percentage of the original 50 g sample. Tomato Late Blight (TLB. Phytophthora infestans) Control Test
Young tomato plants are sprayed with the formulation dispersed in water at the rate of approximately 500 grams active ingredient per hectare. After a drying time of several hours, the plants are submitted to one half or one inch artificial rain. After drying, the plants are inoculated with TLB disease, incubated, and then placed in the greenhouse for 7-10 days. % disease control is assessed visually by estimating the leaf area unaffected by the disease.
The present invention relates to a composition comprising:
a) one or more dithiocarbamate fungicides; and
b) polyvinyl alcohol with a molecular weight of from 10,000 to 80,000, a hydrolysis level of 77 percent to 95 percent, and a particle size less than 800 microns.

Example 1
Mancozeb dispersible granules were prepared by spray drying an aqueous slurry of mancozeb (Dithane DF®fungicide, Rohm and Haas Company) containing no PVA (Sample A), 88% hydrolyzed PVA of 18,000 average molecular weight (Sample B) and 88% hydrolyzed PVA of 115,000 average molecular weight (Sample C). PVA levels were 0.5% based on the weight of the final product. Table I shows the physical properties of these samples. Good suspensibility was maintained with the low molecular weight PVA (B), but it was severely degraded with the higher molecular weight PVA (C). Both PVA's improved the wet-out time of the granules. For health and safety reasons, it is desirable to maintain granule integrity under stress and handling in order to minimize dust formation. Therefore, the samples were submitted to 10 min. of agitation with steel balls and they were evaluated for particle attrition using sieve analysis. The ideal granule size for the product is 100 - 250 microns in diameter. Table I shows that the low molecular weight sample (B) had better granule integrity and formed fewer fines (i.e., granules
Example 2
Two 80% mancozeb wettable powder samples were prepared by dry
blending a commercial wettable powder, (Dithane M-45®fungicide) (Sample A)
with 0.5% by weight 88% hydrolyzed PVA of 18,000 average molecular weight to
form Sample B. These samples were then evaluated for suspensibility, retention
on plastic petri dishes after 1 in. rain (visual estimate), and control of tomato
late blight (TLB) under wet conditions in the greenhouse. Table II shows the
results of the tests. The formulation containing the low molecular weight PVA
(B) had both increased rainfastness and disease control compared to the
standard formulation while maintaining good suspensibility.
Example 3
Three 37% mancozeb suspension concentrates were prepared by mixing a
commercial mancozeb suspension concentrate (Dithane F-45®fungicide, Rohm
and Haas Company) (Sample A) with 88% hydrolyzed PVA of 18,000 average
molecular weight (Sample B), and 88% hydrolyzed PVA of 115,000 average
molecular weight (Sample C). PVA levels were 0.15% based on the weight of the
final product. Samples were mixed with a standard lab mixer until all of the
polymer had dissolved. Table III shows the physical properties of these samples.
Even though viscosity decreased with increasing molecular weight of the
polymer, gel strength increased to an unacceptable level (i.e., >100 g-cm) with
increasing molecular weight. Although rainfastness increased with molecular
weight of the PVA ( C ), disease control of TLB under wet conditions was better
for the low molecular weight PVA (B). The better disease control is probably due
to the better particle redistribution observed for the low molecular weight PVA
Example 4
Three 80% maneb wettable powder samples were prepared by dry
blending a commercial wettable powder (Dithane M-22®fungicide, Rohm and
Haas Company) (Sample A) with 0.5% by weight 88% hydrolyzed PVA of 18,000
average molecular weight to form Sample B and 0.5% by weight 88% hydrolyzed
PVA of 155,00 average molecular weight to form Sample C. These samples were
then evaluated for suspensibility and retention on plastic petri dishes after 0.5
in. rain (visual estimate). Table IV shows the results of the tests. The
formulation containing the low molecular weight PVA (B) had both increased
suspensibility and rainfastness compared to the sample with high molecular
weight PVA ( C ). The PVA (B) formulation also had significantly increased
rainfastness compared to the standard formulation (A) while maintaining good

1. A composition comprising:
a) one or more dithiocarbamate fungicides in an amount from 1 to 95% by weight; and
b) polyinyl alcohol with a molecular weight of from 10,000 to 80,000, a hydrolysis level of 77 percent to 95 percent, and a particle size less than 800 microns, wherein the said polyvinyl alcohol is present in an amount from 0.1 to 2 % by weight.

2. The composition as claimed in claim 1, wherein the composition is in the form of a wettable powder, a dust, a granular, or a suspension concentrate formulation.
3. The composition as claimed in claim 1, wherein the dithiocarbamate is in the form of a wettable powder, a dust, a granular, or a suspension concentrate formulation.
4. The composition as claimed in claim 1, wherein the dithiocarbamate is mancozeb, maneb, zineb, ziram, propineb, metiram, thiram, ferbam, metham, or dazomet.
5. The composition as claimed in claim 1, optionally comprising an agronomically acceptable carrier.
6. The composition as claimed in claim 1, wherein the polyvinyl alcohol has a molecular weight of from 10,000 to 50,000.
7. The composition as claimed in claim 1, wherein the polyvinyl alcohol has a hydrolysis level of from 80 to 90 percent.

8. A composition substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to the foregoing examples.





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Patent Number 225389
Indian Patent Application Number 0505/DEL/1999
PG Journal Number 13/2009
Publication Date 27-Mar-2009
Grant Date 12-Nov-2008
Date of Filing 05-Apr-1999
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A01N 31/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/082,160 1998-04-17 U.S.A.