Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention provides a method of an improved process for cultivation of algae, including development of a fast growing variety which overcomes the decreased growth in polythene bag and yield biomass similar to that grown in open cultures without a bag. Further, semi-refined carrageenan yield and quality of the plants developed from tissue culture were similar to the control parent plant. Also describes a methodology for clonal propagation of micro-propagules on large scale through somatic embryogenesis of pigmented callus cells.
The present invention relates to an improved process for cultivation of marine algae. This
invention pertains to the field of macrophytic multicellular marine algae (seaweeds) and
more particularly to the mariculture of seaweeds.
Seaweeds are considered as an important source of phycocolloids such as agar, carrageenan
and alginate. Agar and carrageenan are structural polysaccharides present in the cell walls of
certain red algae, while alginate is derived from certain brown algae. Seaweed
phycocolloids are widely used in various industries as emulsifying agents, gelling agents,
stabilizers, thickeners and suspension agents, and thus regarded as value-added products of
seaweeds. Traditionally, phycocolloids are extracted from the raw materials harvested from
natural resources. However, the increasing utilisation of seaweeds coupled with the
unavailability of sufficient raw material hi nature eventually led to successful development of
different efficient cultivation techniques as well as domestication and selection of strains.
J.R. Waaland (Proc. of the Intl. Seaweed Symp. 9, 241 - 247, 1979) in his studies attempted
to select fast growing strains in Gigartina exasparata by comparing the growth rate of wild
plants collected from different populations in experimental tank cultures. Subsequently,
many strains with superior potential for growth and phycocolloid yield have been selected
from wild populations ofChondnts crispus, Gracilaria tikvahiae, Gracilaria verucosa, etc.
(D.P Cheney etal, Proc. of the Intl. Seaweed Symp. 10, 559 - 567, 1981; J.H. Ryther et
al, Proc. of the Intl. Seaweed Symp. 9, 1 -16, 1979; I. Levy and M. Friedlander, Botanica
Marina, 33, 339 - 345, 1990). The main drawback associated with these strains is lack of
predictability of performance as the selection is based on a specific environmental condition
and thus, optimal performance is intimately related to the culture conditions under which
selection was performed. Moreover, such selection, even if successful, yield typically only
incremental benefits.
G.C. Trono, (Seaweed Cultivation and Marine Ranching, M. Ohno and A.T. Critchley,
(eds.), JICA Publication, Japan, 75 - 88, 1993) has described the taxonomy and cultivation
of Eucheuma and Kappaphycus, and stated that growers do make a crude selection under
the field farm conditions by screening and selecting the best plants from the harvest and use
such plants as a source material for replanting for the next crop. The main drawback of
cultivating such strains is inconsistency in crop yield due to lack of adaptability to seasonal
changes in farming conditions.
C. J Dawes and E.W. Koch (J. Appl Phycology, 3, 247-257, 1991) and C. J. Dawes, G. C.
Trono and A. O. Lluisma (Hydrobiologia, 260/261, 379 - 383, 1993) made attempts to
develop suitable methods for maintenance and propagation of selected clones of different
cultivated varieties of Eucheuma through micro-propagation and tissue culture. Their
studies laid more emphasis on establishment of suitable laboratory culture techniques for
clonal propagation of farmed Eucheuma using tiny vegetative fragments. The main
drawback of such propagation using micro-cuttings is that the progeny will possess only
parental features and does not have a pronounced advantage over the parental populations
in expression of desired traits.
D.P. Cheney, Wang and Le Zhong in U.S. Patent No. 5, 585, 544, 1996 demonstrated a
method of causing somatic cell hybridization between Eucheuma cottonii and E. spinosum
by growing somatic algal tissue from each of the two species in very close proximity, in a
nutrient solution, and isolated hybrid somatic shoots with more desirable end product
features. The main limitation of somatic cell hybridization in algae is that so far it has not
been successful in introducing new traits in offspring except transferring some existing traits
from either one of the parent.
Several articles have been published on commercial farming and processing of Kappaphycus
and Eucheuma ( J. R. Lim and H. Porse, Proc. of the Intl. Seaweed Symp. 10, 601 - 606,
1981; H. Adnan and H. Porse, Hydrobiologia, 151/152, 355-358, 1987; R. Azanza-
Corrales and P. Sa-a, Hydrobiologia, 204/205, 521 - 525, 1990; G. P.B. Samonte, A.Q.
Hurtado-Ponce and R. Caturao, Aquaculture, 110, 1 - 11, 1993). G.C. Trono (Seaweed
Cultivation and Marine Ranching, M. Ohno and A.T. Critchley (eds.), JICA Publication,
Japan, 75 - 88, 1993) has described two types of cultivation methods such as fixed offbottom
mono-line method and floating raft or long line method which are followed
universally for cultivation of Eucheuma. In both the methods, selected Eucheuma apical
cuttings (50 -100 g) with profuse branches are tied to cultivation ropes at 25 - 30 cm
intervals using soft plastic tying material (in Philippines known as tie-tie method) and
allowed to grow to one kilogram or more before they are harvested. The crop is harvested
after every 60 - 90 days duration depending on the growth rate. There are several
limitations and drawbacks in common for both mono-line method and floating raft or long
line method. They are, (i) the propagules/seed material are directly subjected to grazers
which may eat away the entire material and thus, adversely affect the subsequent crop
production, (ii) as the plantings are unprotected, there will be incidences of wash off
material from cultivation ropes due to unfavourable sea conditions, (iii) epiphytes and
settlement of foreign particles during unfavourable sea conditions may require cumbersome
and time-consuming cleaning of the seaweed to ensure desired quality of the end product.
O.P. Mairh etal. (Indian J, Marine Sciences, 24, 24-31, 1995) successfully demonstrated
the feasibility of bag cultivation of Eucheuma striatum on experimental scale in field
conditions. However, the main drawback of this method is that this resulted in decrease in
their daily growth rate as compared to those grown in open waters without polythene bags.
The present invention overcomes the deficiency of attenuated growth in the bag by
developing a rapidly growing strain from the conventional seaweed through in vitro tissue
culture techniques which exhibits more or less the same growth potential in the bag as the
parent plant does in the open waters.
Figure 8 shows the comparative growth of the control parent plant and the tissue culture
plant derived therefrom.
Accordingly, the invention provides a tissue culture method for cultivation of marine algae,
said method comprising the steps of:
a) establishing axenic viable material of algae for tissue culture by sequential treatment
of the algal material in sterile sea water supplemented with domestic liquid
detergent, povidine iodine and finally incubating the treated material in Provasoli
enriched seawater (PES) medium with a broad spectrum antibiotic mixture and a
fungicide for about 24 to 96 hours followed by thorough cleaning with sterile sea
water to remove any traces of antibiotics and fungicide and blotting with sterile
filter paper to obtain axenic explants;
b) culturing the axenic explants on agar plates fortified with PES medium at a
temperature ranging between 20-25°C in the presence of cool white fluorescent
lights at about 20-50 umol photons m"2 s"1 irradiance and a 12 : 12 light and dark
cycle for induction of callus;
c) excising the callus from the explant after a period of at least 40 days and
subculturing the calli on fresh agar plates in the presence of cool white fluorescent
lights with 40-60 n mol photon m"2 s"1 irradiance and a 12 : 12 light and dark cycle
to obtain differentiated densely pigmented oval or spherical shaped micropropagules;
d) subculturing thin slices of the pigmented callus in agar plates in Provasoli Enriched
Seawater (PES) medium containing plant growth regulators, for a period of about
20 to 40 days, in the presence of cool white fluorescent lights of 40- 60 umol
photon m"2 s"1 irradiance and a 12 : 12 light and dark cycle to achieve enhanced
somatic embryogenesis and micro-propagule formation in pigmented filamentous
e) transferring the filamentous calli with somatic embryos to liquid PES medium in
agitated condition fd'r morphogenesis and development of young plantlets with
multiple shoots from propagules; and
f) cultivating algal biomass on a large scale by growing the young plantlets in enclosed
perforated polythene bags.
In an embodiment, the axenic explant is 1 to 6 mm long cuttings with 3-4 mm diameter
from the upper part or distal part of the algae.
In another embodiment, the algal material is treated in FES medium with 1-5% antibiotic
mixture comprising penicillin, streptomycin sulphate, kanamycin, nystatin and neomycin in
100 ml distilled water.
In still another embodiment, the axenic explants are cultured on agar plates containing 0.8-
3% agar fortified with PES medium at 20-25°C in the presence of 20-30 p, mol photon m"2
s'1 cool white fluorescent light, irradiation with a 12:12 light and dark cycle.
In yet another embodiment, the calli is subcultured by growing thin slices of pigmented calli
as embedded cultures in agar plates containing 0.3-0.6% agar and made in PES medium at
20-25°C in the presence of cool white fluorescent light at 20-50 u,mol photon m2 s"1,
irradiation with 12:12 dark and light cycle to obtain profusely branched filamentous
pigmented calli in each embedded block.
In an embodiment, the plant growth regulators are selected from 0.1-1.0 mg/1
naphthalenacetic acid and 0. Img I'1 each of naphthalenacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine.
In another embodiment, the axenic explants are cultured on agar plates for a period of about
40-45 days.
In still another embodiment, the apical cuttings are grown in polythene bags attached to
long floating lines in the sea and harvested after a period of about 60 days.
In another embodiment, the young plantlets are cultured in perforated bags with annual
seawater temperature ranging from 22.5°C - 28.5°C, pH from 7.81 - 8.26, salinity from
24.0% - 34.0 %, dissolved oxygen from 7.84 ml/1 -15.68 ml/1, phosphate from 0.02 u mol -
3.23 u mol, nitrate from 0.15 p mol - 2.58 p mol and nitrite from 0.01 p mol - 0.85 p mol.
In yet another embodiment, the micro-propagules are clonally propagated through somatic
erabryogenesis of pigmented filamentous callus.
In another embodiment, the young plantlets are grown in protective cultures in the sea for a
period of at least 60 days in submerged transparent polyethylene bags with perforations,
attached to floating long lines.
In still another embodiment, the process of formation of somatic embryos through somatic
embryogenesis of pigmented callus is further enhanced by addition of plant growth
regulators such as a-naphthalene acetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine.
In another embodiment, the harvesting period of at least 60 days can yield a higher biomass
or wherein the biomass yield can be maintained constant and the cultivation period reduced.
The present invention provides a method of an improved process for cultivation of algae
which comprises a method of development of fast growing variant of farmed Eucheuma
progeny through tissue culture which overcomes the deficiency of attenuated growth in the
bag, wherein the axenic viable seaweed material for tissue culture is established by
sequentially treating the selected plant material in 0.1 - 1 % domestic liquid detergent (5 -
20 min), 0.1-2% povidine iodine (0.5% weight/volume available iodine) for 2 - 7 min and
finally in PES medium with 1 - 5 % antibiotic mixture (penicillin G - Ig, streptomycin
sulphate - 2g, kanamycin - Ig, nystatin - 25 mg and neomytin - 200 mg in 100 ml distilled
water) for 24 - 96 hours and axenic explants (1 - 6 mm long cuttings preferably from distal
parts of the plant) of Eucheuma cultured on the agar plates (0.8 - 3 % agar) fortified with
In another embodiment, the young plantlets are cultured in perforated bags with annual
seawater temperature ranging from 22.5°C - 28.5°C, pH from 7.81 - 8.26, salinity from
24.0% - 34.0 %, dissolved oxygen from 7.84 ml/1 -15.68 ml/1, phosphate from 0.02 u mol -
3.23 vi mol, nitrate from 0.15 u mol - 2.58 u mol and nitrite from 0.01 u. mol - 0.85 p. mol.
In yet another embodiment, the micro-propagules are clonally propagated through somatic
erabryogenesis of pigmented filamentous callus.
In another embodiment, the young plantlets are grown in protective cultures in the sea for a
period of at least 60 days in submerged transparent polyethylene bags with perforations,
attached to floating long lines.
In still another embodiment, the process of formation of somatic embryos through somatic
embryogenesis of pigmented callus is further enhanced by addition of plant growth
regulators such as a-naphthatene acetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine.
In another embodiment, the harvesting period of at least 60 days can yield a higher biomass
or wherein the biomass yield can be maintained constant and the cultivation period reduced.
The present invention provides a method of an improved process for cultivation of algae
which comprises a method of development of fast growing variant of farmed Eucheuma
progeny through tissue culture which overcomes the deficiency of attenuated growth in the
bag, wherein the axenic viable seaweed material for tissue culture is established by
sequentially treating the selected plant material in 0.1 - 1 % domestic liquid detergent (5 -
20 min), 0.1-2% povidine iodine (0.5% weight/volume available iodine) for 2 - 7 min and
finally in PES medium with 1 - 5 % antibiotic mixture (penicillin G - Ig, streptomycin
sulphate - 2g, kanamycin - Ig, nystatin - 25 mg and neomycin - 200 mg in 100 ml distilled
water) for 24 - 96 hours and axenic explants (1 - 6 mm long cuttings preferably from distal
parts of the plant) of Eucheuma cultured on the agar plates (0.8 - 3 % agar) fortified with
PES medium at 20 - 25 °C under cool white fluorescent lights at 20 - 50 u mol photon m"2
s"1 irradiance with a 12 : 12 light and dark cycle showed induction of callus which on
subculture without explant provided darkly pigmented oval or spherical shaped micropropagules,
whose production is further enhanced by growing thin slices of pigmented
callus (2 mm x 3 mm x 2 mm) as embedded cultures hi 3mm thick agar plates (0.3 - 0.6%
agar) made hi PES medium, however, addition of plant growth regulators particularly 0.1 -
1.0 mg I*1 of naphthalenacetic acid or 0.1 mg I"1 each of naphthalenacetic acid and 6-
benzylaminopurine to agar medium further enhanced the process of formation of somatic
embryogenesis and micro-propagule production in pigmented filamentous callus, and
transfer of such callus mass with somatic embryos to the liquid PES medium hi agitated
condition facilitated morphogenesis and development of young plantlets from propagules,
which are in field cultivation exhibited superior growth with greater than two-fold increase
in biomass over the control parent plant without compromising on the yield and quality of
carrageenan derived from the seaweed, and also demonstrates a modified floating long line
cultivation method wherein Euchewna apical cuttings (preferably with branches) of 100 g
fresh weight are grown inside a closed transparent polythene bag (450 guage; 60 cm x 45
cm) with perforations of 4 mm diameter holes hi 3 rows (each with 12 numbers of holes
equidistantly placed) at 14 cm intervals on both sides, in the sea yielded a biomass of 1590
37.4 g. fresh weight (4.6 % daily growth rate) for tissue culture progeny and 846.66 ±
37.9 g. fresh weight (3.5 % daily growth rate) for control parent plant hi 60 days growth
In an embodiment, the methodology for preparing axenic viable plant material for tissue
culture is established by sequentially treating the selected plant material in 0.1 - 1 %
domestic liquid detergent (5 -20 min), 0.1 - 2% povidine iodine (0.5% weight/volume
available iodine) for 2 - 7 min and finally in PES medium with 1 -5 % antibiotic mixture
(penicillin G - Ig, streptomycin sulphate - 2g, kanamycin - Ig, nystatin - 25 mg and
neomycin - 200 mg hi 100 ml distilled water) for 24 - 96 h. The axenity of the material as
treated above is confirmed by transferring onto Zobell 2216E agar plates for two weeks at
22 - 23 °C in an incubator.
In another embodiment, development of fast growing variants of farmed Euchewna
through tissue culture. Callus induction has been found viable in axenic explants grown
aseptically on agar plates (0.8 - 3.0% agar) fortified with Provasoli enriched seawater (PES)
medium at 20 - 25° C under cool white fluorescent lights at 20 - 50 p. mol photon m"2 s"1
irradiance with a 12 : 12 light and dark cycle. After 40 days, the proliferated callus is
excised from the explant and subcultured separately on fresh agar medium as above. Some
of the subcultured calli on an agar plates, after 40 days growth, differentiated and
produced densely pigmented spherical or oval shaped micropropagules ( 2 - 5 mm in
diameter) which on transfer to liquid PES medium developed into young plantlets of
Eucheuma. The repeated testing of many cloned plants in the field cultivation consistently
showed that a sizable fraction (>90 %) of the plants not only survive but also exhibit
enhanced growth over the control parent plants.
In yet another embodiment, in vitro clonal production and propagation of micro-propagules
through somatic embryogenesis of pigmented calli cells is demonstrated. For enhancing the
production of micro-propagules, the subcultured pigmented calli is cut into several thin
blocks (2 mm x 3 mm x 2 mm) and grown as embedded cultures inside the agar plates (0. 3
0.6%) at 20- 25 °C under cool white fluorescent lights at 20 - 50 p mol photon m"2 s"1
irradiance with a 12 : 12 light and dark cycle. From each embedded block, profuse growth
of branched filamentous pigmented. callus is seen in first three weeks duration and thereafter
regeneration of densely pigmented micro-colonies similar to somatic embryos hi dark brown
colour on branches of some filaments is observed. Transfer of such filamentous callus with
somatic embryos to liquid enriched seawater medium (PES) facilitated rapid growth and
morphogenesis in micro-propagules.
In still another embodiment, the process of formation of somatic embryos in pigmented
filamentous callus is further enhanced by addition of plant growth regulators particularly
0.1 - 1.0 mg I"1 of naphthalenacetic acid or 0.1 mg I"1 each of naphthalenacetic acid and 6-
benzylaminopurine to an agar medium.
In still another embodiment,the initial plantings, preferably apical cuttings with profuse
branches, of about 100 g fresh weight are enclosed in perforated transparent polythene
bags (450 gauge; 60 cm x 45 cm) and grown by attaching the bags to floating long lines in
the sea. The cuttings are grown as above in protective bags round the year and the crop was
harvested at every 60 -75 days period. The cuttings are grown to a biomass of 394.6 ±
20.8 g. fresh weight (4.7 % daily growth rate) in 30 days, 846.66 ± 37.9 g. fresh weight
(3.5 % daily growth rate) over a period of 60 days cultivation.
In still another embodiment, a comparative yield potential of fast growing strains developed
in the present invention and control parent plant in the field conditions is carried out by
following the bag cultivation method. The fast growing variant yielded a fresh biomass of
1590 37 g. (4.6 % daily growth rate) whereas the control parent plant yielded 846 38
g. (3.6 % daily growth rate) as against 1726 g. (4.7 % daily growth rate) obtained for
open waters ones hi 60 days cultivation period.
Inventive techniques are described below in detail for an unproved process for
cultivation of algae including development of a fast growing variant from tissue culture,
mass production and propagation of micropropagules (seed stock) through somatic
embryogenesis and a modified cultivation method for growing marine macroalgae. The
desired algal organism should be photosynthetic and tolerant to various marine habitat
conditions. Algae suitable for use with the invention are non-filamentous and anatomically
complex thallophytic red (Rhodophyta) and brown (Phaeophyta) marine algae which have
cartilaginous thallus with erect or prostrate habit and consist of cylindrical or compressed
branches and form large biomass. Suitable algae may be chosen from the red algae
preferably from the order of Gigartinales. Within the order of Gigartinales preferred
genera are the genus of Eucheuma, e.g., E. striatwn, E. cottonii, E. denticulatom, E.
spinosum, E. alvarezii and E. procrusteamm; the genus ofGigartina, e.g., G. intermedia,
G. exasparata; and the genus ofChondrus, e.g., C. crispus. Suitable genera of Phaeophyta
are Laminaria, Undaria, Ecklonia, Eisenia, Macrocystis, Sargassum and Turbinaria.
For obtaining axenic material, selected plant material is sequentially treated in autoclaved
filtered seawater (sterilised seawater) with 0.1 -1 % domestic liquid detergent (5-20 min),
0.1 - 2% povidine iodine (0.5% weight/volume available iodine) for 2 - 7 min and finally in
PES medium with 1 - 5 % antibiotic mixture (penicillin G - Ig, streptomycin sulphate - 2g,
kanamycin - Ig, nystatin - 25 mg and neomycin - 200 mg in 100 ml distilled water) for 24 -
96 h at 20 - 25° C under cool-white fluorescent lamps at 25 - 30 p mol photon m"2 s"1
irradiance with a 12:12 light : dark cycle. However, the plant material treated with 0.1%
liquid detergent, followed by 1% povidine iodine and 3% of broad-spectrum antibiotics
for two days become contaminant free and did not show any bacterial growth on Zobell
medium even after three weeks of culture.
After establishing the procedure for obtaining axenic material, the explants (5 mm long
cuttings preferably from distal parts of the plant) ofEuchetana cultured aseptically on an
agar plates (0.8-3 % agar) fortified with PES medium for about a month at 20 - 25°C
under cool white fluorescent lights at 20 - 50 u mol photon m"2 s"1 irradiance with a 12 :
12 light and dark cycle. The callus induction was observed during first two weeks of
culture. After 40 days, the proliferated filamentous branched callus excised from the
explants and subcultured separately on fresh agar plates under similar conditions, except
light which was increased to 50 p mol photon m"2 s"1 irradiance, to induce morphogenesis
and differentiation in callus. Some of the subcultured calli after about 40 - 50 days culture
on agar plates did undergo morphogenesis and produced densely pigmented spherical or
oval shaped micropropagules ( 2 - 5 mm in diameter) which on transfer to liquid PES
medium developed into young plantlets of Eucheuma. The field viability and growth
performance of these plants was tested repeatedly by transferring to experimental field
cultivation site at Thoniturai (Gulf of Mannar, India). All the plants tested as above in the
field consistently showed low mortality, with several of the plants exhibiting more than twofold
increase in fresh weight over control parent plants, over the same duration of
cultivation. This trend has continued with negligible variation even for the third generation
The production of micro-propagules clonally through somatic embryogenesis of pigmented
callus has been established. The somatic embryogenesis and micro-propagule production
may further be enhanced by subculturing thin section of pigmented filamentous callus blocks
(2 mm x 3 mm x 2 mm) in 3 mm thick agar plates (0.3 - 0.6% agar) with PES medium as
embedded cultures. The callus blocks implanted in an agar medium grew rapidly in one
month and formed colored spots in an agar with abundantly growing branched filamentous
pigmented callus. The newly regenerated filamentous callus from blocks eventually
transformed to produce densely pigmented (dark brown colour) micro-colonies similar to
somatic embryos in branches of some filaments. Addition of plant growth regulators
particularly 0.1 - 1 mg I"1 of naphthalenacetic acid or 0.1 mg I"1 each of naphthalenacetic
acid and 6-benzylaminopurine to an agar medium further enhanced the formation of somatic
embryogenesis. Transfer of such filamentous callus with somatic embryos from solid (agar
plates) medium to liquid PES medium facilitated rapid growth and morphogenesis in micropropagules.
In the present invention, the selected Eucheuma cuttings, preferably with branches, as seed
material, are grown completely in closed protective bags, more preferably transparent ones
with perforations (4mm diameter), which allow light penetration and seawater circulation
needed for their sustainable growth while at the same time excluding the possibility of being
grazed and settlement of foreign particles. The surface of the bags, on which however
foreign matter settles, were cleaned weekly or whenever it is required. During the
cultivation period, the annual seawater temperature ranged from 22.5°C - 28.5°C, pH from
7.81 - 8.26, salinity from 24.0 %o - 34.0 %o, dissolved oxygen from 7.84 ml/1 15.68 ml/1,
phosphate from 0.02 y mol - 3.23 \i mol, nitrate from 0.15 ji mol - 2.58 ja mol and nitrite
from 0.01 p mol - 0.85 ji mol in farm site. A yield of 1590 ± 37.4 g. fresh weight was
harvested after 60 days period from tissue culture raised plants, 846.6 ± 37.9 g. fresh
weight from control parent plant starting with initial seed material of 100 g. fresh weight.
The present invention reveals for the first time development of fast growing strains under in
vitro conditions as well as a method of producing micro-propagules clonally on large scale
through somatic embryogenesis of pigmented callus of anatomically complex thaJlophytic
red alga. The earlier studies on tissue culture of seaweeds demonstrated the regeneration of
entire plants de novo by transferring the callus to liquid medium. But in the present
invention for the first time succeeded in producing somatic embryos like pigmented microcolonies
consisting of cells from as little as three to several hundred on agar plate itself. We
found that the pigmented micro-colonies on agar plates under dim light conditions can
ideally be preserved live for extended periods till needed. The daily growth of field grown
plants raised from tissue culture have, in several cases, exhibited more than 40% increase
over the control plants under similar conditions, At the end of 60 days, this translates to a
two-fold bcrease hi biomass over control which is more or less similar to that obtained for
open waters. The semi-refined carrageenan yield from dry tissue culture raised plants is 43
% and gel strength is 540 g. cm "2 while for the control parent plant s the yield is 43 % and
gel strength of the carrageenan is 550 g. cm "2. The inventive steps adopted in the present
invention are (i) development of a methodology for obtaining a clean and axenic plant
material for tissue culture, (ii) development of fast growing variants, with two-fold increase
in growth without change in carrageenan yield and quality, through micro-propagules of
pigmented callus, (iii) in vitro clonal propagation of micro-propagules through somatic
embryogenesis of pigmented callus by growing as embedded cultures inside the agar plates,
(iv) stimulation of process of formation of somatic embryos in pigmented callus using plant
growth regulators such as naphthalenacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine and (v)
cultivation of algae in an enclosed transparent plastic bags with perforations, which prevents
grazing and provides pure raw material, free of contaminants likely to affect adversely the
final processed product.
The following examples are given by way of illustration and therefore should not be
construed to limit the scope of the present invention.
More specifically, the improved cultivation process includes the methodology for
development of a clone with an improved trait, i.e., faster growth, through tissue culture
and cultivation by long line floating method using a transparent polythene bag with small
perforations, which prevents grazing and provides pure raw material, free of contaminants
which are likely to affect adversely the final processed product kappa carrageenan (Kcarrageenan).
The main usage(s)/ utility of the improved cultivation method includes the following: (i)
methodology for development of soma clones with an improved trait, i.e., faster growth,
through tissue culture, (ii) \n vitro clonal propagation of seaweeds through somatic
embryogenesis of callus cells, (iii) production and supply of uniform seed stock
(micropropagules) on large scale through in vitro somatic embryogenesis of callus culture
for practical farming of seaweeds, (iv) exploitation of the callus as a source for long term
storage of germplasm, and (v) cultivation in a transparent polythene bag with small
perforations, which prevents grazing and provides pure raw material, free of contaminants
detrimental to the processed product, K-carrageenan.
Preparation of Axenic explants : To develop an axenic, viable and unialgal material for
tissue culture, selective fragments (just below the apical portions with 4-5mm diameter
stem) of about 5cm length were chosen from the thallus of Euchewna striatum (=
Kappaphycus alvarezii) collected from the cultivation farm. Prior to initiation of
experiments, the plants were acclimatized to laboratory conditions by growing in PES
enriched seawater medium in aerated flasks under cool-white fluorescent lamps at 20 |i mol
photon m*2 s"1 irradiance with a 12:12 light : dark cycle for ten days. During the
acclimatization period the media in the flasks was replenished twice at five day period. After
acclimatization, first, the fragments were extensively cleaned with a brush under microscope
in an autoclaved filtered seawater (sterilised seawater) to remove any surface contaminants
and subsequently treated in sequence in sterilised seawater with 0.1% domestic liquid
detergent for 10 min, 1% povidine iodine (available iodine 0.5% w/v) for 2 min and finally
incubated in PES medium supplemented with 3% of filter sterilised broad-spectrum
antibiotic mixture (penicillin G —Ig, streptomycin sulphate - 2g, kanamycin - Ig, nystatin
25 mg and neomycin - 200 nig in 100 ml distilled water) for 48 hours at 23°C under coolwhite
fluorescent lamps, at 25 \i mol photon m"2 s*1 irradiance with a 12:12 light: dark cycle.
At each step, prior to proceeding to successive treatment, the algal pieces were rinsed with
sterilised seawater to avoid cross contamination of chemicals. All the above operations,
except the incubation of material in antibiotics, were performed on a Bioclean bench. The
plant materials as treated above become contaminant free and did not show any microbial
growth on Zobell agar plate even after two weeks of period.
Callus induction in axenic explants: Callus induction was carried out in axenic materials
obtained by following the method described in Example 1. First, the plant material to be
used for callus induction was thoroughly cleaned with sterilised seawater to remove any
traces of antibiotics, and cut into 5 mm length explants and blotted with sterile filter papers
to remove moisture as well as mucilage that exude from the cut ends which might some
times become a source of microbial contamination even after a month of explant culture. All
the explants were grown on 1.5% agar plates prepared with PES medium for about a month
at 23°C under cool white fluorescent lights at 25\i mol photon m"2 s"1 irradiance with a
12:12 light and dark cycle. The callus induction was observed during the first two weeks of
culture. After 50 days, the proliferated filamentous branched callus (Fig.l) was excised from
the plants and subcultured separately on fresh agar plates under similar conditions, except
light which was increased to" 50)4. mol photon m'2 s'1 irradiance, to enhance the growth of
callus. Some of the subcultured calli (Fig.2) after 50 days of culture on agar plates did
undergo morphogenesis and produced densely pigmented spherical or oval shaped
micropropagules (Fig.3) of 2-5 mm diameter all over the callus. Further, culture of these
propagules separately in liquid PES medium hi agitation conditions grew into young
propagules (Fig.4) which eventually developed into young plantlets with multiple shoots
(Fig. 5) within 3 weeks duration.
Somatic embryogenesis and clonal propagation: The production of micro-propagules
clonally through somatic embryogenesis of pigmented callus ofEucheuma has been carried
out. The somatic embryogenesis and micro-propagule production may be enhanced by
subculturing thin section of pigmented filamentous callus blocks (2 mm x 3 mm x 2 mm) in
3 mm thick agar plates (0.4% agar) with PES medium as embedded cultures at 23°C under
cool white fluorescent lights at 50u mol photon m*2 s"1 irradiance with a 12 : 12 light and
dark cycle. The callus blocks implanted in an agar medium grew rapidly in one month and
formed colored spots in an agar with abundantly growing branched pigmented filamentous
callus. The newly regenerated filamentous callus from blocks eventually transformed to
produce densely pigmented (dark brown colour) micro-colonies similar to somatic embryos
(Fig.6) on branches of some pigmented filamentous callus.
Enhancement of somatic embryogenesis by plant growth regulators: The process of
production of micro-propagules in pigmented filamentous callus ofEucheuma was further
enhanced by supplementing the growth medium with plant growth regulators such as
naphthalenacetic acid (auxin) and 6-benzylaminopurine (cytokinin). Thin slices of pigmented
callus blocks (2 mm x 3 mm x 2 mm) were grown as embedded cultures in 3mm thick agar
plates (0.4% agar) made in of PES medium supplemented with 0.1, 1.0 mg I*1 of
naphthalenacetic acid, or with 0.1 mg I*1 each of naphthalenacetic acid and ii 6-
benzylaminopurine. All the Petri dishes with embedded callus were maintained at 23°C
under cool white fluorescent lights at 50|i mol photon m"2 s"1 irradiance with a 12:12 light
and dark cycle. The callus blocks implanted in an agar medium grew rapidly in one month
and formed dense pigmented micro-colonies similar to somatic embryos in an agar medium.
Transfer of such pigmented callus mass from solid (agar plates) medium to liquid PES
medium facilitated rapid growth and morphogenesis hi micro-propagules. For achieving the
rapid morphogenesis of micro-propagules, agitated culture was preferred.
Cultivation ofEuceuma by floating long line method: At the beginning, the yield data of
cultivated Euchewna by traditional floating long line method in open waters was
established. In this method, selected Eucheuma cuttings, preferably apical ones with profuse
branching, of about lOOg fresh weight, as initial seed material for planting, were tied in ten
replicates directly at 30cm intervals to a polypropylene rope (8mm diameter and 30 meter
length) which hung between two bamboo poles (about 5 m length) fixed at the bottom. The
bamboo poles are arranged hi rows at 1 m intervals with the same distance to form plots.
The distance of rope from the ground is about O.S meter during low tide and 1.0-1.5 meter
during high tide. The growth of plants was determined by weighing the individual fresh
plants at 30 days interval and daily growth rate was calculated using the formula: r = (Wt /
W,,) -1 x 100, where r stands for daily growth rate in percent, Wt is the wet weight at day
t, W0 is the initial wet weight. The meari biomass and daily growth rate, over 30 days were
450 g. fresh weight and 7.3% respectively, and for 60 days were 1726 g. fresh weight and
4.7% respectively for plants grown in open waters.
Cultivation of Eucheuma in polythene bags by floating long line method: In this
method, selected Eucheuma cuttings, preferably apical ones with profuse branching, of
about 100 g fresh weight as initial seed material for planting were grown inside closed
transparent polythene bags (450 guage; 60 cm x 45 cm) with perforations (for sea water
circulation) in ten replicates till harvest. Leaving 18 cm from the open end of the bag,
perforations were made on both the sides, with 4 mm diameter holes in 3 rows (each with
12 numbers of holes equidistantly placed) at 14 cm intervals. Thus each bag consisted of 72
holes taking both sides together (i.e., 36 holes on one side). The bags were sewn with nylon
thread and attached to the floating rope (Fig.7). In total fifty bags at about 10 cm intervals
are tied to one rope as above. The crop was harvested after 60 days and weighed for
calculating the growth rate by using formula described in Example 5.
Comparative study of growth, carrageenan yield and gel properties of tissue culture
progeny and control plants: A comparative study on growth (Fig. 8), carrageenan (semirefined)
yield on dry seaweed weight basis, and carrageenan gel strength of field grown
plants raised from tissue culture progeny and control parent plants was carried out. Both
type of plants were grown in 10 replicates in closed transparent polythene bags by floating
long line method as described earlier in Example 6. An average biomass of 394.58 ± 20.8 g.
fresh weight (4.7% daily growth rate) was obtained for 30 days and 846.6 ± 38 g. fresh
weight (3.5% daily growth rate) for 60 days, while tissue culture plants had 711.6 + 13 g.
fresh weight (6.8% daily growth rate) for 30 days and 1590 ± 37 g. fresh weight 4.6% daily
growth rate) for 60 days period. Semi-refined carrageenan content was obtained by first
cooking the 10 g of pre-cleaned seaweed in 200 ml of 8% KOH solution for 1.5 h,
decanting the filtrate, neutralizing the residual material, and washed with distilled water.
Following the washing in water, the material is dried thoroughly at 40°C and weighted to
estimate yield. Gel strength was measured with gel strength tester (Nikkansui, Co. Japan)
by preparing a gel of 1% carrageenan by boiling in 1% KC1 solution. The yield for the
control parent plant as also for the plants grown from macropropagules were comparable at
43% on dry seaweed basis. The corresponding gel strengths were 550 gem'2 and 540 gem*2,
The main advantages of the present invention are:
1. A new method of improving a parent plant to introduce improved traits such as fast
2. A method of producing jarge number of micropropagules (seed material) rapidly from
desired strains.
3. A means of storage of germplasm in viable form, i.e., as somatic embryos, on agar
4. An improved method of cultivation of seaweeds which reduces adverse impact of the
vagaries of nature such as strong water current and damage to crops by grazers and
epiphytes and yet allows the same or better growth rate than what is realised with the
parent plant in open waters.
5. An improved method of cultivation which provides material of highest purity free from
all contaminants detrimental to the quality of final processed end product.

We Claim:-
1. A tissue culture method for cultivation of marine algae, said method comprising the steps of:
a) establishing axenic viable material of algae for tissue culture by sequential treatment of the algal material in sterile sea water with domestic liquid detergent, and povidine iodine and incubating the treated material in Provasoli enriched seawater (PES) medium with a broad spectrum antibiotic mixture and a fungicide for about 24 to 96 hours followed by thorough cleaning with sterile sea water to remove any traces of antibiotics and fungicide and blotting with sterile filter paper to obtain axenic explants;
b) culturing the axenic explants on agar plates fortified with PES medium at a temperature ranging between 20-25 degrees centigrade in the presence of cool white fluorescent lights at about 20-50 µmol photon m' s" irradiance and a 12:12 light dark cycle for induction of callus;
c) excising the callus from the explant after a period of at least 40 days and cutting it into thin slices and then subculturing the thin slices of the callus on fresh agar plates fortified with PES medium in the presence of cool white fluorescent lights with 40-60 µmol photon m-2 s-1 irradiance and a 12:12 light and dark cycle to obtain differentiated densely pigmented oval or spherical shaped micro-propagules;
d) subculturing the micro-propagules of the pigmented callus as an
embedded culture in agar plates in Provasoli Enriched Seawater (PES)
medium containing plant growth regulators, for a period of about 20 to
40 days, in the presence of cool white fluorescent lights of 20-60µmol
photon m-2s-1 irradiance and a 12:12 light and dark cycle to achieve
profusely branched pigmented calli in each embedded blocks of micro-
propagules leading to enhanced somatic embryogenesis and micro-
propagule formation in pigmented filamentous callus;
e) transferring the filamentous calli with somatic embryos to liquid PES medium in an agitated condition for morphogenesis and development of young plantlets with multiple shoots from propagules;
f) cultivating algal biomass on a large scale in the sea by growing the young plantlets in enclosed perforated polythene bags.

2. A method as claimed in claim 1(a), wherein the material for tissue culture is a Rhodophytic marine alga selected from the group of genera of Eucheuma, Gigartina, and Chondrus.
3. A method as claimed in claim 1(a), wherein the material for tissue culture is an alga selected from the group of Eucheuma striatum, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Eucheuma cottonii, Eucheuma denticulatum, Eucheuma spinosum, Eucheuma alvarezii, Eucheuma procrusteanum, Gigartina intermedia, Gigartina exasparata and Chondrus crispus and optionally wherein Phaeophytic marine alga selected from the group of genera of Luminaria, Undaria, Ecklonia, Eisenia, Macrocystis, Sargassum, and Turbinaria.
4. A method as claimed in claim 1(b), wherein the axenic explants comprise 1 to 6 mm long cuttings with 3-4 mm diameter and are selected from the upper or distal parts of the algae.

5. A method as claimed in claim 1(a), wherein the algal material is treated first with 0.1-1% domestic liquid detergent for 5 to 20 minutes, followed by treatment with 0.1-2% providine iodine for 2 to 7 minutes, and finally in provasoli enriched seawater with 1-5% antibiotic mixture for 04-96 hrs.
6. A method as claimed in claim 1(a), wherein the antibiotic mixture comprises penicillin, streptomycin sulphate, kanamycin, nystatin and neomycin in 100 ml distilled water.
7. A method as claimed in claim 1(b), wherein the axenic explants are cultured on agar plates containing 0.8-3% agar medium fortified with provasoli enriched seawater at 20-25 °C in the presence of cool white fluorescent light at 20-50 µmol photon m-2 s-1 with a 12:12 light and dark cycle at 20-25°C.
8. A method as claimed in clam 1, wherein the calli of step 1(d) are subcultured by growing thin slices of pigmented calli as embedded cultures in agar plates containing 0.3-0.6% agar and made in provasoli enriched seawater medium at 20-25 °C in the presence of cool white fluorescent light at about 20-50µ mol photon m-2 s-1irradiance with 12:12 light and dark cycle to obtain profusely branched filamentous pigmented calli in each embedded block.
9. A method as claimed in claim 1(d), wherein the plant growth regulators are selected from 0.1-1.0 mg/1 naphthalenacetic acid and 0.1 mg 1-1each of naphthalenacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine.
10. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the axenic explants in step (b) are
cultured on agar plates for a period of about 40-45 days.

11. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the algal biomass in step (f) are grown in 60 x 45 cm polythene bags attached to long floating lines in the sea and the crop is harvested after a period of about 60 days.
12. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the young plantlets at step (f) are cultured in perforated polythene bags with annual seawater temperature ranging from 22.5°C to 28.5°C, pH from 7.81-8.26, salinity from 24.0%-34%, dissolved oxygen from 7.84 ml/1-15.68 ml/1, phosphate from 0.02µmol to 3.23 µmol, nitrate from 0.l5µmol to 2.58 µmoland nitrite from 0.01 µmol to 0.85 µmol
13. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the micro-propagules in step (d) are clonally propagated through somatic embryogenesis of pigmented filamentous callus.
14. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the young plantlets in step (f) are grown in protective cultures in the sea for a period of at least 60 days in submerged transparent polyethylene bags with perforations, attached to floating long lines.
15. A method as claimed in claim 1(d), wherein said step of subculturing the
micro-propagules of the pigmented callus includes adding growth regulators
including alpha-naphthalene acetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine to achieve
further enhancement of formation of somatic embryos through somatic





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Patent Number 225394
Indian Patent Application Number 00269/DELNP/2003
PG Journal Number 48/2008
Publication Date 28-Nov-2008
Grant Date 12-Nov-2008
Date of Filing 28-Feb-2003
Applicant Address RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001, INDIA.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A01G 33/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/IN00/00084
PCT International Filing date 2000-08-31
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 PCT/IN00/00084 2000-08-31 PCT