Title of Invention


Abstract An apparatus (10) for use in shearing paving material applied to a surface is provided. This apparatus (10) includes a blade (80) for shearing the asphalt mixture to a desired thickness, cylinders (56) for raising and lowering the blade (80) in response to elevational changes in the surface, at least one signal generator (110) associated with each cylinder and adapted to produce a signal indicative of the elevation of the surface, and at least one signal receiver (112) associated with each signal generator (110). This blade apparatus (10) is coupled with a prime mover (14). The receiver (112) is operable to activate the cylinders (56) in response to a signal received from the generator (110). The blade (80) is raised and lowered as the elevation of the surface changes in response to signals emanating from the generator (110) allowing surface level variations to be evened out while paving.
Full Text FORM 2
THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 (39 of 1970)
[See section 10, Rule 13]

Background of the Invention
The present invention relates to an apparatus that includes a blade for leveling paving material. More specifically, the apparatus includes a signal generator for measuring the elevation of a road so that the blade can be adjusted to create a more planar-road.
Blades have not been used to level viscous asphalt mixtures such as substantially solventless and/or cold asphalt mixtures. Instead, blades are used for grading roads before mix is laid rather than being used to lay the mix.
Screeds have beenjisedjo even out paying niajtejial as it is being applied to a surface. The dispadvantage with traditional screeds is thet they do not work well for spreading solventless and/or cold mix,which can be quit visoous. While laying such mixtures, screeds
grab and pint the mix as it is being applied.
Conventional adjustment mechanisms for screeds, whether manual or electronic, change the tilt or angle of attack of the screed but do not lift the screed. In order to continue to lay a planar road when the stiffness of the paving mixture increases, the forward speed of the screed must be slowed or the angle of attack of the screed must be adjusted. Even in doing either or both, the ride of the finished pavement is compromised.
Lift cylinders adjust the downward pressure of the screed and raise it for mobilization. After the screed is lifted up by the cylinders, it floats in a downward direction being pulled by the weight of the screed. It floats on the pavement mixture because of the upward force induced by the mixture but is never in suspension.
Some screeds are manually adjusted in response to elevational changes in the road. However, this delayed adjustment merely exaggerates the elevational changes creating more severe raised sections and indentations in the road.
In order to overcome these disadvantages, a device for evening out sections of mix placed on high and low elevations of a road is needed. More specifically, this device should be significantly more responsive to changes in the elevation of the road than conventional devices. Summary of the Invention
It is an object of the present invention to provide an apparatus for laying high modulus asphalt mixtures so as to create a road surface with more desirable ridability.

It is another object of the present invention to provide an apparatus for measuring the elevation of a road so that the blade of the apparatus can be adjusted to create a more planar road.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide an apparatus with a blade that is more responsive to the elevational changes of the road so that bumps and surface imperfections of a road can be evened out.
According to the present invention, the foregoing and other objects are achieved by an apparatus for use in laying high modulus asphalt mixtures on a surface. This apparatus includes a strike blade for shearing the asphalt mixture to a desired thickness, cylinders for raising and lowering the blade in response to elevational changes in the surface, and at least one signal generator associated with the cylinders and adapted to produce a signal indicative of the elevation of the surface, and at least one signal receiver associated with the signal generator and cylinders. The blade apparatus discussed above is coupled with a prime mover. The receiver is operable to activate the proximity control device in response to a signal received from the signal generator. The blade is raised and lowered in response to signals emanating from the signal generator, as the elevation of the surface changes.
Additional objects, advantages and novel features of the invention will be set forth in part in the description which follows, and in part will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon examination of the following or may be learned from the practice of the invention. Brief Description of the Drawings
In the accompanying drawings, which form a part of the specification and are to be read in conjunction therewith, and in which like reference numerals are used to indicate like parts in the various views:
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the apparatus of the present invention;
FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the blade control device attachment of the present invention, which is part of the apparatus shown in FIG. 1;
FIG. 3 is a back elevational view of the attachment shown in FIG. 2;
FIG. 4 is a top view of the attachment shown in FIG. 2;
FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of the attachment shown in FIG. 2 taken along line 5-5 of FIG. 2;
FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of the apparatus shown in FIG. 2 taken along
line 6-6 of FIG. 2; and

FIG. 7 is a flow diagram showing how the signals is generated and received by the apparatus of the present invention are processed. Detailed Description of Preferred Embodiment
Referring to FIG. 1, an apparatus for use in applying a paving material to a surface is broadly designated by reference numeral 10. Apparatus 10 includes an attachment 12 coupled with aprime mover 14. The direction of travel of apparatus 10 is indicated by arrow 15, Prime mover 14 includes a bin 16 for receiving aggregate, which is located at the front of the vehicle. Bin 16 is coupled with a chassis 18 of the prime mover 14. Only parts of chassis 18 are shown in FIG. 1. Wheels 20 are also coupled with chassis 18. Still further, platform 22, which supports a chair 24 and railing 26, is supported by chassis 18 of the prime mover. A steering wheel 28 is coupled with wheels 20 and allows a driver sitting in seat 24 to control the direction that prime mover 14 is moved. Stairs 30, which are also supported by chassis 18, lead to platform 22. The engine (not shown) of prime mover 14 is behind access panels 32. Prime mover 14 has a second set of stairs 34 leading to a back platform 36. Back platform 36 allows a second operator to access further controls for moving the prime mover and its attachment.
An aggregate conveyor 38 transfers aggregate from bin 16 to a second bin 40. Aggregate 42 is shown entering bin 40. A fines feed bin 44 is coupled to the back of bin 40. The emulsion/water tank on the vehicle is not shown. The aggregate and emulsion are mixed together, and fines feed, such as cement and/or lime, from bin 44 may be added to the mixture before it is distributed on the ground. Pugmill 45 distributes asphalt mixture in front of the auger of attachment 12.
Referring to FIGS. 2-4, attachment 12 includes vertical supports 50 that are coupled together by crossbars 52. Slats 54 provide structural support between crossbars 52. Cylinders 56 are coupled with vertical supports 50 via brackets 58 at one end. The opposite ends of cylinders 56 are coupled with pivot arms 60, each of which has a bend in it, via brackets 61. Each pivot arm 60 is coupled with vertical support 50 via a multiple pin hinge 62. Pivot arm 60 can be adjusted by securing it to support 50 using different holes in hinge 62 so as to change the angle of attack of attachment 12 with respect to the ground. The opposite end of each pivot arm 60 is coupled with a frame 64.
Frame 64 is coupled with gear boxes 66 on each of its sides. Gear boxes 66 rest on skis 67 via L-bracket 68, as best shown in FIG. 5. A shaft 69 is coupled with gear boxes 66 and rotated by motor 71, as best shown in FIGS. 2-4. An auger 70 surrounds shaft
69 and is turned as the shaft rotates. Center support 72 helps to hold shaft 69. Brackets 74 are coupled with frame 64 and chassis 18. Signal boxes 76 extend from brackets 74. Preferably, these signal boxes 76 contain multiple sensors 78 therein. Sensors 78 are shown in FIG. 6. As shown in FIG. 6, the bottom of signal box 76 is open so that sensors 78 can send signals to the ground being paved.
A blade 80 is coupled with frame 64. Blade 80 includes a contour plate 82 and a strike blade 84. A wear strike 86 is viced to strike blade 84. Preferably, blade 80 is no more than 5 feet from pugmill 45. Cylinders 56 raise or lower blade 80 in response to signals received by sensors 78. Cylinders 56 also can change the angle of attack of blade 80.
Frame 64, shaft 69, auger 70, and blade 80 can be extended in a direction substantially perpendicular to the direction of travel so as to distribute and level more asphalt mixture in a single pass. More specifically, shaft 69 includes a shaft 69a, which is telescopically received by a shaft 69b. A first pair of shafts 69 a and b are on one side of center support 74 and a second pair of shafts 69 a and b are on the opposite side of the center support. Auger 70 includes augers 70a and 70b, which separate from each other as shafts 69a and 69b extend. As shown in FIGS. 5 and 6, blade 80 is comprised of blade 80a and blade 80b, which overlap each other in various amounts depending upon how much shaft 69 is extended. The telescoping of frame 64 is best shown in FIG. 5 and is represented by 64a and 64b.
As shown in FIG. 5, within each gear box 66, is a drive gear 88 that is coupled with an auger gear 90 via a chain 92. The auger gear turns shaft 69 so as to turn auger 70 and distribute asphalt. Cylinders 94 are coupled to ski 67 at one end and bracket 96 at the other end. Bracket 96 receives a plate 98. Plate 98 is coupled with box 66 via screws 102. Cylinder 94 provides pressure to keep skis 67 on the ground.
Gear boxes 66 serve to confine the asphalt mix from running out of the sides of attachment 12. Preferably, attachment 12 includes more than one signal box on each side of gear boxes 66. For instance, one preferable embodiment includes three signal boxes, as shown in FIG. 1. Furthermore, preferably, each signal box 76 includes a plurality of sensors 78 therein, which generate and receive signals. Most preferably, at least about five sonar sensors are within each box. Box 76 has an open bottom allowing signals from sensors 78 to be sent to detect the elevation of the ground. Sensor 78 then receives a signal in response to the signal sent, and this signal is processed. The control valve is coupled to gear box 66 and cylinder 56 and moves blade 80 in response to signals from sensors 78.

control valve is controlled by signals from sensors 78. Cylinders 56 move blade 80 downward in response to a raised section in the road so as to create a more planar road Alternatively, in response to receiving a signal that a section of the road is indented, a signal may be sent to control valve to cylinder 56 so as to move blade 80 upward to fill in the indentation. Blade 80 may be moved instantaneously while prime mover 14 is moving in
response to elevational changes of the ground. Unlike screeds, blade 80 is suspended at all times_. The apparatus of the present invention can be stopped and started without causing indentations to be created in the roadway.
The receiver controls the height and slope of the blade, based on the elevation of the ground as determined by the sensors. The blade is instantsneously and proportionally raised or lowered in response to the elevation of the surface being paved. Optionally, the generation of signals may be stopped and the blade controlled in a manual mode.
From the foregoing it will be seen mat mis invention is one well adapted to attain all ends and objectives hereinabove set forth, together with the other advantages which are obvious and which are inherent to the invention.
Since many possible embodiments may be made of the invention without departing from the scope thereof, is to be understood that all matters herein set forth or shown in the accompanying drawings are to be interpreted as illustrative, and not in a limiting sense.
While specific embodiments have been shown and discussed, various modifications may of course be made, and the invention is not limited to the specific forms or arrangement of parts and steps described herein, except insofar as such limitations are included in the following claims. Further, it will be understood that certain features and sub¬combinations are of utility and may be employed without reference to other features and sub¬combinations. This is contemplated by and is within the scope of the claims.

We Claim:
1. An apparatus for leveling an asphalt mixture on a surface, said apparatus comprising:
a blade for distributing said asphalt mixture over said surface wherein said blade is
concave with respect to the direction of travel of said apparatus and said blade is
able to be instantaneously and proportionally raised or lowered in response to
elevational changes in said surface; a proximity control device for raising and lowering said blade in response to elevational
changes in said surface; a plurality of sensors for measuring changes in said surface wherein the measurements
are averaged and used to control the raising and lowering of said blade; at least one signal generator associated with said proximity control device and adapted
to produce a signal indicative of the elevation of said surface; and at least one signal receiver associated with said proximity control device and said signal
generator, whereby said blade is raised or lowered as said surface elevation changes in response
to signals emanating from said generator.
2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, further comprising:
a prime mover for dispensing said asphalt mixture that is coupled with said proximity control device.
3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 2, wherein said prime mover includes a pugmill therein and wherein said blade is no more than 5 feet from said pugmill.
4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein said apparatus includes a plurality of signal generators and a plurality of signal receivers associated therewith.
5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein said proximity control device comprises a cylinder for raising and lowering said blade.
6. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein said signal generator is a sonar generator and said signal receiver is a sonar receiver.

7. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, further comprising:
an auger coupled with said proximity control device for distributing said asphalt mixture.
8. The apparatus as claimed in claim 7, wherein said auger is within 6 inches of said blade.
9. The apparatus as claimed in claim 4, wherein said plurality of signals received by said signal receivers are averaged.
10. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein said receiver controls the height and slope of said blade.
11. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein said blade is able to be extended in a direction that is substantially perpendicular to the direction of travel of said apparatus.
12. A method of leveling a surface using an apparatus comprised of a blade, a proximity control device for raising and lowering said blade, a signal generator, a signal receiver associated with said proximity control device, and an auger, said method comprising:

(a) moving said apparatus in a direction of travel;
(b) applying an asphalt mixture to said surface while said apparatus is moving;
(c) adjusting the height of said blade so that it is raised and lowered as the elevation of
said surface changes;
(d) leveling said asphalt mixture using said blade, wherein steps (a)-(d) are
accomplished in a single pass; measuring the elevation of said surface using a signal from said signal generator as said
apparatus moves in said direction of travel; processing said signal using a signal receiver; stopping said apparatus from moving in said direction of travel; and starting said apparatus, wherein substantially planar movement of said blade is
maintained during said stopping and starting steps.
13. The method as claimed in claim 12, wherein said asphalt mixture is substantially diluent-

14. The method as claimed in claim 12, wherein said surface is dirt, gravel, asphalt, or combinations thereof.
Dated this 19th day of October, 2005
By their Agent




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Patent Number 225398
Indian Patent Application Number 1149/MUMNP/2005
PG Journal Number 07/2009
Publication Date 13-Feb-2009
Grant Date 12-Nov-2008
Date of Filing 19-Oct-2005
Name of Patentee SEMMATERIALS, L.P.
Applicant Address 6120 SOUTH YALE, SUITE 700 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74136, U.S.A.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 GRUBBA, Bill 9693 Conner Street, Terre Haute, IN 47802 U.S.A.
PCT International Classification Number E01C19/22
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2004/009870
PCT International Filing date 2004-03-30
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10/419,421 2003-04-21 U.S.A.