Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a method for identification of manipulations on an arrangement comprising a sensor (S) which emits pulses and a recording unit (RM). Particularly in the case of a tachograph (DTCO), any possibility of manipulation must be overcome. For this purpose, the invention proposes that the sensor (S) transmits real time pulses (RTS) to the recording unit (RM) and, cyclically in response to first request instructions (1.0), transmits higher data signals (DS) for a measurement, and receives a number of real time pulses (RTSN) in response to second request instructions (2.0) which are offset in time with respect to the first request instructions (1.0). A data signal evaluation module (DSE) compares the number of real time pulses (RTSN) with the number of data signal pulses (DSN) and thus achieves a very high level of security against manipulation.
Full Text Description
Method for manipulation identification on a sensor
The invention relates to a method for identification of
manipulation to an arrangement comprising a sensor which emits
pulses and a recording unit.
Particularly in the field of operating data recording for a
commercial vehicle by means of a tachograph, it is essential to
avoid manipulation on the basis of the original character of
the recordings. In addition to the relevance of these
recordings as evidence in legal disputes, the safety of the
vehicle operation and labor-law aspects are also important
here. With the new generation of digital tachographs in
accordance with EU Order EU-VO 3821/85, these appliances are
being developed against the requirement to reliably prevent
manipulation of this new technology. One obvious method for
deceitful manipulation of the recordings is the capability to
modify, for example electromagnetically, the signal from a
sensor which is generally fitted in the transmission area of
the motor vehicle. For example, if the regularly pulsed signals
from the sensor which are transmitted in real time could be
delayed thus resulting in the recorded speed always being
slower than the speed of travel.
One object of the invention is thus to make it harder to
manipulate the transmission of a signal which is correlated
with the distance traveled and/or with the speed from a sensor
which emits pulses to a recording unit.
The invention proposes a method as claimed in claim 1 in order
to achieve the object. The dependent claims contain
advantageous developments of the method according to the
The method according to the invention is used particularly
advantageously for personnel-related recording of data relating
to the operation of a motor vehicle, when the recording unit is
in the form of a tachograph and the sensor which emits pulses
transmits a signal which is unambiguously correlated with the
distance traveled by the vehicle to the recording unit or to
the tachograph, since this application is subject to
particularly stringent requirements for manipulation security.
The sensor which emits pulses is in this case advantageously in
the form of a Hall probe and interacts with a rotating
transmission component which has projections and cutouts
alternately, and in this way, the permeability in the vicinity
of the Hall probe measurably changes a pulsed signal,
preferably an approximately square-wave signal. The sensor
accordingly transmits to the recording unit real time pulses
whose period duration is unambiguously correlated with the
rotation frequency of the corresponding transmission component,
and is unambiguously correlated with the vehicle speed and the
distance traveled. The method according to the invention
achieves excellent manipulation security in that the
measurement results of the sensor measurement are transmitted
to the recording unit both as real time pulses and as data
signals. For this purpose, the sensor has a corresponding
evaluation unit which translates the real time pulses into data
signals with more information content, and which are then
transmitted to the recording unit in parallel with the real
time pulses. According to the invention, such transmission is
initiated by the recording unit, in particular by a data
evaluation module in the recording unit, by means of a first
request instruction, to which the sensor responds with the data
signal. Because of the cyclic transmission of the first request
instruction to the sensor, the data signal evaluation module in
the recording unit can complete the measurement of the sensor
by means of the data signals without any gaps. The real time
pulses which are transmitted from the sensor to the recording
unit in parallel with the data signal are received by the
recording unit by means of a real time signal interface, and
the number of these pulses is added to form a number of real
time pulses. The data signal evaluation module uses a second
request instruction to request the number of real time pulses
from the real time signal interface at cyclic intervals, and
compares the difference between the number of real time pulses
relating to the current request to that of the previous request
for the number of pulses, which the data signal evaluation
determined from the cyclically transmitted data signals for the
same time period.
The data signal evaluation module thus always compares the
numbers of real time pulses associated with the correct time
interval for measurement with corresponding numbers of data
signal pulses, and in order to ensure that there is no
incorrect association during this process, the first request
instruction and the second request instruction are transmitted
offset by a specific time interval At. This time interval At is
matched to the cycle of the first request instructions and of
the time difference in the signal transmission between the real
time signal on the one hand and the real time pulses and the
data signal.
The method according to the invention is particularly
advantageous when the cyclic transmission of the data signal
from the sensor to the recording unit takes place at regular
time intervals, in particular at one-minute intervals.
Approximately one-minute intervals have been found to be
particularly advantageous since, particularly when using the
method according to the invention for the recording function of
a tachograph, with software in which the method is implemented
being configured in a modular form in layers, the software
modules can reliably complete one cycle during this time
between the interfaces and the evaluation with respect to the
processing and transmission of the real time signals and of the
data signals.
A layered structure of the method according to the invention
and a corresponding implementation in such a manner that data
signal evaluation is arranged in a layer which produces,
receives and processes raw data, result in major advantages in
the implementation and in the event of changes, with a second
layer, which communicates with the first layer, looking after
the transfer of data in such a way that data is transformed
conformally in accordance with data transmission protocols, or
is additionally also scrambled. A third layer, which
communicates with the second layer, comprising, by way of
example, a serial data interface and a real time signal
interface, in this case expediently addresses a processor
register and generates processor interrupts for processing of
data streams. One component of the second layer is expediently
a transfer module, which transforms the data signals from the
data signal evaluation module to a form which is matched to the
data transmission protocol, and accordingly transforms received
data signals which conform with the protocol from the sensor to
the recording unit back, for internal further processing in the
recording unit.
In order to prevent any manipulation, it is worthwhile for the
recording unit to transmit the data signals to the sensor and
for the sensor to transmit them to the recording unit in a
scrambled form, and for a transfer module to be a component of
the recording unit, which transfer module scrambles and
descrambles data signals from the recording unit to the sensor
and from the sensor to the recording unit, respectively. Real
time pulses can expediently be transmitted from the sensor to a
real time signal evaluation module essentially independently of
this, without scrambling and without conforming with a data
transmission protocol.
The real time signal evaluation module which converts real time
pulses (which have been transmitted from the real time signal
point) in particular to information about speed when using the
method for a tachograph, is advantageously connected for
signaling purposes to the data signal evaluation module, to
which the results of this evaluation are transmitted as a
second data signal. Such transmission and communication between
the real time signal evaluation module and the data signal
evaluation module expediently take place asynchronously by
means of a communication memory which is arranged between the
two modules.
In practice, it has been found to be worthwhile for the time
interval between the first request instruction and the second
request instruction to have a length of between 50 ms and
300 ms. A time interval of between 147 ms and 172 ms allows the
best stability to be achieved for the method according to the
invention, as well as minimal susceptibility to faults, so that
the data signal evaluation always associates the number of real
time pulses with a correct number of data signal pulses, and
arrives at the correct comparison results.
In consequence, the invention will be explained in more detail
using one specific exemplary embodiment and with reference to a
drawing for illustrative purposes, in which:
Figure 1 shows a schematic illustration of the method
according to the invention.
Figure 1 shows an arrangement comprising a tachograph DTCO and
a sensor S. The tachograph DTCO is connected to the sensor S by
means of a real time signal line RTL and a data line DL. Major
components of the tachograph DTCO are a serial data signal
interface DSI, a transfer module TM, a data signal evaluation
module DSE, a communication memory PCM, a real time signal
evaluation module RTSE and a real time signal interface RTI .
The tachograph DTCO in this case carries out the function of a
recording unit RM, according to the invention.
At the start of a signal transmission process, the tachograph
DTCO sends authentication data 70 to the sensor S, initiated by
the data signal evaluation DSE, followed by a response request
80. After successful authentication by both parties and the
interchange of a session key, the tachograph DTCO and the
sensor S start to transmit data related to the operation of the
commercial vehicle, in accordance with ISO 16844-3. Every
minute, the data signal evaluation module DSE uses a first
request instruction 1.0 to initiate transmission of the
measurement results from the sensor for the intermediate period
as a data signal DS to the data signal evaluation module DSE.
During this process, the method according to the invention
operates in accordance with a layered implementation in such a
way that the data signal evaluation module DSE transmits and
receives the first request 1.0 and the data signal DS in the
form of raw data, since the real time signal evaluation module
RTSE, the communication memory KM and the data signal
evaluation DSE are associated with a first layer l.L.
First request instruction 1.0 is passed as raw data from the
data signal evaluation module DSE to the transfer module TM,
which is associated with the second layer 2.L. As an element in
the second layer 2.L, the transfer module TM transforms the
first request instruction 1.0 to a form in accordance with a
data transmission protocol DSP.
The data signals which conform with the protocol are also
scrambled by the transfer module TM, and are passed to an
element in a third layer 3.L for implementation of the method
according to the invention, specifically to the data signal
interface DSI. The third layer 3.L addresses a process register
at the lowermost level and generates interrupts in particular
for the data interchange with the sensor S. The first request
instruction is in this way passed via the data signal interface
DSI by means of the data line DL to the sensor S. A
corresponding path in the reverse direction with essentially
inverse processes is used to take the data signal DS emitted
from the sensor to the data signal evaluation module DSE.
Essentially independently of the processes D which are
associated with the data signal DS and, illustrated
schematically, are located on a side D, which is annotated D,
of a boundary line G, processes which are associated with real
time pulses RTS take place on the side RT, which is annotated
RT, at the same time beyond this boundary line G. The sensor S
uses the real time signal line RTL to send real time pulses RTS
to the real time signal interface RTI.
The real time signal interface RTI, which is located in the
third layer 3.L, transmits corresponding signals RTS to the
real time signal evaluation module RTSE, with the number of
real time signals RTS being continuously added to the number of
real time pulses RTSN.
The data signal evaluation module DSE sends a second request
instruction 2.0 to the real time signal interface RTI, with the
interposition of the transfer module TM delayed by a specific
time interval At with respect to the first request instruction
1.0, specifically by about 147 ms to 172 ms, matched to the
processes, which take place in the second layer 2.L and in the
third layer 3.L, for transmission of the data signal DS and of
the first request instruction 1.0, respectively. The real time
signal interface RTI transmits the number of real time pulses
RTSN directly to the data signal evaluation module DSE with a
corresponding time offset with respect to the arrival of the
data signal DS from the sensor S in the data signal evaluation
module DSE.
The data signal evaluation module DSE and the real time signal
evaluation module RTSE interchange data asynchronously by means
of the communication memory KM. The data signal evaluation
module DSE compares the number of real time pulses RTSN with
the number of data signal pulses DSN and, if there is a
discrepancy between these two values that is greater than a
specific no longer tolerable amount, sets a fault flag FF in
the communication memory KM, and this fault flag FF is read
there by the real time signal evaluation module RTSE. In this
case, the fault flag FF is used as an indicator of manipulation
and is passed to a recording memory R. At the same time,
instead of the real time pulses RTS, the real time signal
evaluation module RTSE receives the information from the data
signal DS for determination of the distance traveled by the
commercial vehicle.
A discrepancy which is defined as a limit is permissible in the
comparison of the number of real time pulses RTSN and the
number of data signal pulses DSN, and the fault flag FF is set
if this discrepancy is exceeded.
Depending on the real time pulses RTS, the real time signal
evaluation module RTSE transmits a motion signal V or a stop
signal ST to the data signal evaluation module DSE.
If the real time signal evaluation module RTSE transmits the
stop signal ST to the data signal evaluation module DSE, the
data signal evaluation module DSE signals that the vehicle is
If the real time evaluation module RTSE does not transmit any
signal V to the data signal evaluation module DSE in a
situation in which the real time signal evaluation module RTSE
identifies the "stop" state, and the real time signal interface
RTI supplies an excessively low number of real time pulses
RTSN = 0 in comparison to the number of data signal pulses DSN,
the fault flag FF is set and the distance traveled, as
determined from the data signal, is used as the basis for
recording, and the state is confirmed that the connection by
means of the real time signal line RTL is faulty.
If the real time signal evaluation module RTSE transmits a
signal V to the data signal evaluation module DSE in a
situation in which the real time signal evaluation module RTSE
identifies the "drive" state, and the real time signal
interface RTI produces an excessively low number of real time
pulses RTSN in comparison to the number of data signal pulses
DSN, the fault flag FF is set and the distance traveled or
speed of travel as determined from the data signal DS is used
as the basis for recording.
If the data signal DS is completely absent for the purposes of
the cyclic request instructions 1.0, the fault flag FF is
likewise set. and the state is confirmed that the connection by
means of the data line DL is faulty.
we claim
1. A method for identification of manipulation to an
arrangement comprising a sensor (S) which emits pulses and
a recording unit (RM), in which
the sensor (S) transmits real-time pulses (RTS) from a
measurement to the recording unit (RM),
the recording unit (RM) cyclically transmits a first
request instruction to the sensor (S),
in response to which the sensor (S) transmits a first data
signal (DS), which contains information about intermediate
real-time pulses (RTS) to the recording unit (RM),
a real-time signal interface (RTI) which adds the real
time pulses (RTS) to form a number of real time pulses
a data signal evaluation module (DSE) in the recording
unit (RM) determines the number of pulses based on the
data signal (DS) to form a number of data signal
the data signal evaluation module (DSE) transmits a
second request instruction (2.0) to the real time signal
interface (RTI), in response to which the real time signal
interface (RTI) transmits the number of real time pulses
(RTSN) to the data signal evaluation module (DSE),
in which the first request instruction (1.0) and the
second request instruction (2.0) follow one another offset
by a specific time interval (At),
the data signal evaluation module (DSE) compares the
number of real time pulses (RTSN) and the number of data
signal pulses(DSN) with one another.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that
the data signal (DS) is transmitted cyclically from the
sensor (S) to the recording unit at regular time
The method as claimed in at least one of the preceding
claims, characterized in that the sensor (S) interchanges
data signals (DS) with the recording unit (RM) on the
basis of a data transmission protocol (DSP).
The method as claimed in claim 3, characterized in that a
transfer module (TM) is arranged between the data signal
evaluation module (DSE) and the sensor (S), transforms the
data signals (DS) from the data signal evaluation module
(DSE) to a form that is matched to the data transmission
protocol (DSP) and transforms received data signals (DS),
which conform with the protocol, from the sensor (S) to
the recording unit (RM) back for internal further
processing in the recording unit (RM).
The method as claimed in at least one of the preceding
claims, characterized in that the recording unit (RM)
transmits the data signals (DS) to the sensor (S) in
scrambled form, and the sensor (S) transmits the data
signals (DS) to the recording unit (RM) in scrambled form,
and one component of the recording unit (RM) is a transfer
module (TM) which scrambles and descrambles data signals
(DS) from the recording unit (RM) to the sensor (S), and
from the sensor (S) to the recording unit (RM) ,
The method as claimed in at least one of the preceding
claims, characterized in that the recording unit (RM) has
a real time signal interface (RTI) which receives real
time signals (RTS) from the sensor (S) , and has a data
signal interface (DSI) which interchanges data signals
(DS) with the sensor (S).
The method as claimed in claim 6, characterized in that
the real time signal interface (RTI) is connected for
signa] transmission purposes to a real time signa]
evaluation module (RTSE), the real time signal evaluation
module (RTSE) evaluates the real time signals (RTS), and
produces a second data signal (DS2) to the data signal
evaluation module (DSE) from the results of this
The method as claimed in claim 7, characterized in that
the real time signal evaluation module (RTSE) interchanges
data asynchronously with the data signal evaluation module
(DSE) by means of a communication memory (KM).
The method as claimed in at least one of the preceding
claims, characterized in that, the time interval (At) is
between 50 ms and 300 ms.
The method as claimed in at least one of the preceding
claims, characterized in that the recording unit (RM)
transmits a first request instruction (1.0) to the sensor
(S) every minute.
The method as claimed in at least one of the preceding
claims, characterized in that the recording unit (RM)
enters a fault flag (FF) in the communication memory as a
response to the cyclically transmitted first request
instruction (1.0) in the absence of a data signal (DS).
The method as claimed in at least one of the preceding
claims, characterized in that the recording unit (RM)
enters a fault flag (FF) in the communication memory if
there is any difference greater than a specific limit in
the number of real time pulses (RTS) in the time-related
comparison with the data signal (DS) , and the data signal
(DS) is used as the basis for recording of the distance
The method as claimed in one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that a fault flag (FF) is set and/or the
distance traveled, which is determined from the data
signal (DS) , is used as the basis for recording, and/or
the state is recorded in that the connection by means of
the real time signal line (RTL) is faulty when the real
time evaluation module (RTSE) does not transmit any signal
(V) to the data signal evaluation module (DSE) and the
real time signal evaluation module (RTSE) identifies the
"stop" state, and the real time signal interface (RTI)
produces an excessively low number of real time pulses
(RTSN =0) in comparison to the number of data signal
Method according to at least one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that a fault flag (FF) is set and the
distance traveled or the speed of travel as determined
from the data signal (DS) is used as the basis for
recording, when the real time signal evaluation module
(RTSE) transmits a signal (V) to the data signal
evaluation module (DSE) and the real time signal
evaluation module (RTSE) identifies the "drive" state and
the real time signal interface (RTI) produces an
excessively low number of real time pulses (RTSN) in
comparison to the number of data signal pulses (DSN).The method as claimed in at least one of the preceding
claims, characterized in that the fault flag (FF) is set
when the data signal (DS) is absent for the purposes of
the cyclic request instructions (1.0) and the state is
recorded that the connection by means of the data line
(DL) is faulty.
The invention relates to a method for identification of
manipulations on an arrangement comprising a sensor (S) which
emits pulses and a recording unit (RM) . Particularly in the
case of a tachograph (DTCO), any possibility of manipulation
must be overcome. For this purpose, the invention proposes that
the sensor (S) transmits real time pulses (RTS) to the
recording unit (RM) and, cyclically in response to first
request instructions (1.0), transmits higher data signals (DS)
for a measurement, and receives a number of real time pulses
(RTSN) in response to second request instructions (2.0) which
are offset in time with respect to the first request
instructions (1.0). A data signal evaluation module (DSE)
compares the number of real time pulses (RTSN) with the number
of data signal pulses (DSN) and thus achieves a very high level
of security against manipulation.




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62-kolnp-2006-granted-reply to examination report.pdf


62-kolnp-2006-granted-translated copy of priority document.pdf


Patent Number 225401
Indian Patent Application Number 00062/KOLNP/2006
PG Journal Number 46/2008
Publication Date 14-Nov-2008
Grant Date 12-Nov-2008
Date of Filing 06-Jan-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G07C 5/08
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP05/053820
PCT International Filing date 2005-08-04
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10 2004 043 052.7 2004-09-06 Germany