Title of Invention


Abstract A method of detecting an encephalotoxin in a biological sample of a subject wherein said detecting comprises contacting a biological sample of said subject with neurons both in the presence of and in the absence of an encephalotoxin inactivator and comparing neuron survival in the presence of said encephalotoxin inactivator relative to neuron survival in the absence of said encephalotoxin inactivator, a decrease in neuron survival in the absence of said encephalotoxin inactivator being indicative of a neurological disease, the encephalotoxin being an oligosaccharide comprising at lease one glucosamine having N-sulfation and O6-sulfation; and encephalotoxin lacking peptide bonds; and said encephalotoxin having a molecular weight of less than 2000 daltons; the encephalotoxin inactivator being heparin lyase I, N sulfaminidase, glucosamine-6-sulfatase, or nitrous acid solution.
[0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Serial No.
60/443,219, filed January 27, 2003. The contents of that application are incorporated in their
entirety herein by reference.
[0002] Portions of the disclosure herein may have been supported in part by grants from the
National Institutes of Health, Grant No. AG12548. The United States Government may have
certain rights in this application.
[0003] The invention relates to the correlation of clinical manifestations of
neurological disease with a neurotoxin produced by affected brain
mononuclear phagocytes. The invention also relates to methods for detecting
a neurotoxin in a biological sample of a subject. The neurotoxin,
encephalotoxin, has been found to be released by an inflammatory cascade
that chronically damages neurons in neurological disease, for example, HIV-
1-associated dementia (HAD), neuro-AIDS, Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease, Mild
Cognitive Impairment, prion disease, mild cognitive/motor dysfunction, acute
stroke, acute trauma, and Alzheimer's disease (AD). The inflammatory
cascade involves activation of mononuclear phagocytes and loss of synaptic
connections and neurons, thus
Vesulting in a decline in information processing, attention, learning, and information retrieval
with overall loss of intellectual function.
[0004] Loss of cognition and dementia associated with neurological disease results from
damage to neurons and synapses that serve as the anatomical substrata for memory, learning, and
information processing. Despite much interest, biochemical pathways responsible for progressive
neuronal loss in these disorders have not been elucidated.
[0005] Alzheimer's disease (AD) accounts for more than 15 million cases worldwide and is the
most frequent cause of dementia in the elderly (Terry, R.D. et al. (eds.), Alzheimer's Disease,
Raven Press, New York, 1994). AD is thought to involve mechanisms which destroy neurons
and synaptic connections. The neuropathology of this disorder includes formation of senile
plaques which contain aggregates of AbM-42 (Selkoe, Neuron, 1991, 6:487-498; Yankner et al,
New Eng. J. Med., 1991, 325:1S49-1857; Price et al, Neurobiol. Aging, 1992, 13, 623-625;
Younkin, Ann. Neurol., 1995, 37:287-288). Senile plaques found within the gray matter of AD
patients are in contact with reactive microglia and are associated with neuron damage (Terry et
al, "Structural Basis of the Cognitive Alterations in Alzheimer Disease", ALZHEIMER'S Disease,
NY, Raven Press, 1994, Ch. 11, 179-196; Terry, R.D. et al. (eds.), Alzheimer's Disease, Raven
Press, New York, 1994; Perlmutter et al, J. Neurosci. Res., 1992, 33:549-558). Plaque
components from microglial interactions with Ab plaques tested in vitro were found to stimulate
microglia to release a potent neurotoxin, thus linking reactive microgliosis with AD neuronal
pathology (Giulian et al., Neurochem. Int., 1995, 27:119-137).
[0006] Several lines of evidence now support the concept that microglia-derived neurotoxins
contribute to AD pathology. First, microglia-derived toxins can be extracted from AD brain
regions laden with plaques but not from identical brain regions in age-matched control or ALS
brain tissues (Giulian et al. (1995) Neurochem. Int., 27: 119-137; Giulian et al. (1996) J.
Neurosci., 16: 6021-6037). Second, regional distributions of toxic activity show the greatest
concentrations of microglia-derived neuron poisons in neocortical tissues and hippocampi of AD
(vs. controls or ALS), areas containing large numbers of reactive microglia. In contrast,
cerebellum, white matter, and neocortical tissues from normal or ALS patients, which had few, if
any, reactive microglial clusters, show little neurotoxic activity. Moreover, the relative number
of reactive microglial clusters in each brain region is significantly correlated to the level of
neurotoxic activity extracted from that region (p synthetic human A01-40 or Ab1-42 peptides are found to activate human microglia to release
neurotoxins in culture (Giulian et al. (1995) Neurochem. Int., 27: 119-137; Giulian et al. (1996)
. Neurosci., 16: 6021-6037). No neurotoxic effects, however, are detected when plaques or
peptides were placed directly atop neurons or when microglia are exposed to fractions lacking
plaques isolated from AD, ALS, or normal, aged control brains (Giulian et al. (1995)
Neurochem. Int. 27: 119-137; Giulian et al. (1996)7. Neurosci. 16: 6021-6037). Thus, the toxic
effects of isolated plaques on neurons are indirect and mediated by a neurotoxic activity released
from plaque-stimulated microglia. Fourth, there is neurotoxic activity found in CSF from AD
patients, but not detected in samples from disease controls (U.S. Patent 6,043,283 to Giulian;
Giulian et al. (1999) Am. J. Hum. Genet., 65:13-18). Fifth, infusion of AP-coupled microspheres
into hippocampus produces inflammatory responses at the site of infusion in rats (U.S. Patent
No. 6,043,283 to Giulian). Together, these data indicate that plaque-activation of microglia
through contact with Ab peptides produces neuron-killing factors in discrete areas of AD brain
(Giulian et al. (1995) Neurochem. Int., 27: 119-137).
[0007] Although most patients developing AD will go through a transient period of mild
cognitive impairment (MCI), they will often not present to a physician during this early phase of
the disease. There is a consensus among research groups that subjects with MCI are at increased
risk for progressing to AD (Grundman et al. (1996) Neurology 46:403; Flicker et al (1991)
Neurology 41:1006-1009; Masur et al. (1994) Neurology 44:1427-1432; Tierney et al. (1996)
Neurology 46:149-154). Memory impairment is commonly the most prominent feature of MCI
but might include other patterns including defects primarily in language or visuomotor
performance (Hughes et al. (1982) Br. J. Psychiatry, 140:566-572; Berg (1988)
Psychophannacol. Bull., 24:637-639; Morris (1993) Neurology, 43:2412-2414; Rubin et al.
(1989) Arch. Neurol, 46:379-382; Grundman et al. (1996) Neurology, 46:403; Flicker et al.
(1991) Neurology, 41:1006-1009; Masur et al. (1994) Neurology, 44:1427-1432;Tierney et al.
(1996) Neurology, 46:149-154). Attempts at characterizing mild cognitive impairment have been
carried out using the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) Scale, which rates the severity of
dementia as absent, mild, moderate, or severe. Rubin et al. ((1989) Arch. Neurol., 46:379-382)
concluded that individuals with a CDR of 0.5 likely have "very mild" AD in the majority of
cases [The CDR 0.5 classification is characterized by consistent forsetfulness. which is mild
with little if any impairment in other functions such as orientation, community affairs, home, and
hobbies, judgment, and personal care.] Other measures also have been used to identify MCI
subjects. For example, poor delayed recall has been shown to be the best predictor of
progression, the best predictor of subsequent dementia in non demented elderly subjects, and the
best discriminator between normal aging and mild AD (Flicker et al. (1991) Neurology, 41:1006-
1009; Masui et al. (1994) Neurology, 44.T427-1432;Tierney et al. (1996) Neurology, 46:149-
154). The time required for subjects with MCI to develop a clinical diagnosis of AD has been
estimated by the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS) at about 30% at 2 years and
45% at 3 years.
[0008] HTV-1 infection and neuro-AIDS produce devastating effects upon the brain and spinal
cord. Although the underlying anatomical basis for impaired cognition during HTV-1 infection
remains obscure, there is a reduction of up to 40% of large neurons scattered throughout the
neocortex in advanced disease with dementia (Masliah et al. (1992) J. Neuropath Exp Neurol..
51: 585-593) and a striking early loss of synapses (Asare et al. (1996) Am J Path 148: 31-38;
Everall et al. (1993) J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol. 52: 561-566).
[0009] HTV-1 associated dementia (HAD) is characterized by cognitive dysfunction, declining
motor performance, and behavioral changes. It occurs primarily in the more advanced stages of
HIV infection when CD4 cell counts are relatively low. While the progression of dysfunction is
variable, it is regarded as a serious complication with fatal outcome. The diagnosis of cognitive
loss due to HTV is by process of exclusion — no approved marker exists to monitor HTV-specific
injury to the CNS. Without such a marker, there are no clinical indications to evaluate patients
until significant functional loss appears and there are few opportunities to develop new treatment
strategies to prevent HTV brain damage. Therefore, it is very desirable to identify patients at
early pre-symptomatic stages.
[0010] Prior to HAART (defined here as combination therapy using 3 or more anti-retroviral
agents), 60% of those with AIDS developed dementia. This incidence appeals to have fallen to
about 10 to 15%, but cognitive dysfunction remains a problem for over half of the HTV/AIDS
population (Giulian et al. (1990) Science, 250.-1593-1596; Giulian et al. (1993) Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci., 90:2169-2113; Giulian (1995) In: Neuroglia (H Kettenmann, B Ransom Eds)
Oxford University Press, pp. 671-684: Giulian et al. (1998) In: Inflammatory Mechanisms of
Neurodegeneration and Its Management (P. Wood, ed.); Humana Press, Vol 4, pp. 109-
[0011] HIV-1 brain pathology involves diffuse synaptic damage in the neocortex, the loss of
cortical neurons, and a population of infected, reactive mononuclear phagocytes, including
invading blood monocytes, microglia, and multi-nucleated giant cells. These giant cells represent
a fusion of HTV-infected monon uclear phagocytes that are coated with gp120, the retro viral
envelope protein; presence of giant cells has been correlated with cognitive impairment during
HIV-1 infection. Currently, most research groups in the field agree that poisons released by
infected mononuclear phagocytes are a primary cause of cognitive loss in the HIV-1 (+)
population (Vitokovic et al. (1998) Medical Sciences, 321: 1015-1021; Morgello et al. (2001)
Neuropath. App. Neurobiol, 27: 326-335; Lawrence et al.. (2002) Microbes and Infection, 4:
301-308; Masliah et al. (1992) J. Neuropath. Exp. NeuroL, 51: 585-593; Maslliah et al. (1995) J.
Neuropath, and Exp. NeuroL, 54: 350-357; Asare et al. (1996) Am. J. Path., 148: 31-38; Everall
et.al. (1993) J. Neuropath. Exp. NeuroL, 52: 561-566).
[0012] Several lines of evidence now support the concept that mononuclear phagocyte-derived
neurotoxins contribute to the neuron injury within brain during HTV-1 infection. First, HTV-1
neither infected neurons nor showed a direct toxic effect upon neurons (Giulian et al. (1996) j.
Neurosci., 16:3139-3153, Giulian etal, (1990) Science 250: 1593-1596; Le.vine etal. (1976)
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 452: 458-467). Second, HTV-1 mononuclear phagocytes (THP-1, U937,
human blood monocytes, and human brain microglia) released neurotoxins when infected in
vitro with HTV-1; in contrast, lymphocytes (H9, human blood lymphocytes) did not (Giulian et
al. (1996) J. Neurosci., 16:3139-3153; Giulian etal. (1990) Science, 250: 1593-1596). Third,
human mononuclear phagocytes (blood monocytes and microglia) isolated from infected donors
released the same neurotoxin as recovered from in vitro experiments; again, isolated infected
lymphocytes did not (Giulian et al. (1996) J. Neurosci., 16:3139-3153). Fourth, neurotoxic
activity can be recovered from brain tissues of infected individuals (Giulian et al. (1993) Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci., 90:2769-2773; Giulian (1995) In: Neuroglia (H Kettenmann, B Ransom, Eds,)
Oxford University Press, pp. 671-684; Giulian et al. (1998) In: Inflammatory Mechanisms OF
Neurodegeneration and Its Management (P. Wood, ed.); Humana Press, Vol 4, pp. 109-
128). Fifth, gpl20, the viral envelope glycoprotein, can stimulate neurotoxin release from human
blood monocytes and microglia; other viral proteins including tat did not (Levine et al. (1976)
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 452: 458-467). Sixth, high concentrations of neurotoxin were found in
the cerebrospinal fluid of HTV-1(+) individuals. And seventh, a family of neurotoxic heparan
oligosaccharides can be isolated from HTV-1 infected cells and from HTV CSF.
[0013] Although reactive mononuclear phagocytes release a number of bio-active substances,
few of these compounds are actually able to harm neurons at concentrations found to exist in
neurodegenerative disease (Hardy et al. (2002) Science, 297:353; Mourdian et al., (1989)
Neurosci. Lett., 105: 233; Milstein et al. (1994) J. Neurochemistry, 63,1178; Giulian et al.
(1990) Science, 250:1593). Moreover, few of such candidate neuron poisons are present in both
AD and HAD. For example, increased tissue concentrations of "toxic" forms of Ab1-42 are
characteristic for AD (Hardy et al. (2002) Science, 297:353), but do not occur in HAD.
Similarly, elevated quinolinic acid levels occur in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of subjects with
HAD (Mourdian et al. (1989) Neurosci. Lett., 105:233), but not in those with AD (Milstein, et al.
(1994) J. Neurochemistry, 63: 1178). In contrast, both AD and HAD brain tissues contain a
heterogeneous group of small stable molecules with potent neurotoxic actions (Giulian et al.
(1990.) Science, 250:1593; Giulian et al. (1995) Neurochem. Int., 27:119; Giulian et al. (1996) J.
Neuroscience 16: 6021). Cultured mononuclear phagocytes activated by exposure to amyloid
plaques, synthetic b-amyloid peptides. HTV'-l, or gpl20, produce these same neurotoxins
(Giulian, et al. (1993) Proc. Nad. Acad. Sci. USA, 90: 2769; Giulian et al. (1998) J. Biol. Chem..
273: 29119). Such observations suggest that a common, though unidentified, pathway mediates
immune-driven neuron pathology in both AD and HAD.
[0014] As the clinical expression of neurological disease may occur only after a significant
degree of neuron loss and synaptic damage beyond a critical threshold necessary for adequate
adaptive function, early pre-symptomatic detection of disease pathology offers the opportunity to
slow disease progression. The present invention provides methods for diagnosis of neurological
disease and risk for Joss of cognition, including, for example, Alzheimer's disease, HTV-1
associated dementia (HAD), neuro-AIDS, Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment
(MCI), prion disease, mild cognitive/ motor dysfunction, acute stroke, or acute trauma. The
methods of the invention allow early detection of neurological disease and risk for loss of
cognition, thereby allowing earlier intervention in the progression of disease. Also provided are
methods for monitoring the progression and treatment of neurological disease by monitoring
encephalotoxin levels in a subject.
(9015] The present invention provides various embodiments of methods for detecting
an encephalotoxin in a biological sample of a subject with neurological disease or facing
risk for loss of cognition. In some embodiments of the invention; detection of the
encephalotoxin involves contacting a biological sample of the subject with neurons both
in the presence of and in the absence of an inactivator of the enoephalotoxin and
comparing neuron survival in the presence of the encephalotoxin inactivator relative to
neuron survival in the absence of the encephalotoxin inactivator. A decrease in neuron
survival in the absence of the encephalotoxin inactivator is indicative of the neurological
disease or risk for loss of cognition. In some embodiments of the invention,
encephalotoxin is detected by measuring light absorbance of the biological sample in the
both the presence of and in the absence of a encephalotoxin inactivator, an increase in
absorbance in the absence of the encephalotoxin inactivator being indicative of
neurological disease or risk for loss of cognition. Preferably, light absorbance is
measured at a wavelength of 232 nanometers (nm).
[0016] In some embodiments of the invention, the encephalotoxin is an
oligosaccharide having at least one glucosamine having N-sulfation and O6-sulfation;
lacking peptide bonds; and having
a molecular mass of less than about 2000 daltons. Preferably, the encephalotoxin has 4 to 8
saccharide units. Preferably, the molecular mass of the encephalotoxin is between about 700 and
1900 daltons.
[0017] In some embodiments, the encephalotoxin inactivator is heparin lyase I, nitrous acid,
glucosamine-6-sulfatase, or N-sulfamidase. Preferably, the nitrous acid solution has a pH of
about 1.5.
[0018] In some embodiments of the invention, the biological sample is cerebrospinal fluid,
spinal cord tissue, or brain tissue.
[0019] Neurological diseases that may be diagnosed or monitored by the methods of the
invention include neurodegenerative and neuro-inflammatory diseases and disorders such as, but
not limited to, Alzheimer's Disease, Creutzfeld-jakob Disease, Human Immunodeficiency Virus-
1 (HlV-l)-associated dementia (HAD), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), prion disease, mild
cognitive/ motor dysfunction, acute stroke, acute trauma, and neuro-AIDS. In various
embodiments, the methods of the invention may be used in the diagnosis or monitoring of
human, primate, bovine, equine, canine, feline, porcine, or rodent subjects.
[0020] In some embodiments of the invention, comparison of neuron survival comprises
comparison of the ED50 of the encephalotoxin in the presence of the encephalotoxin inactivator
relative to the ED50 of the encephalotoxin in the absence of the encephalotoxin inactivator,
wherein a lower ED50 of the encephalotoxin in the absence of encephalotoxin inactivator relative
to the ED50 of the encephalotoxin in the presence of encephalotoxin inactivator is indicative of
neurological disease or risk for loss of cognition.
[0021] In further embodiments of the invention are provided methods of monitoring treatment
of a neurological disease in a subject. In some embodiments, the method of monitoring involve
comparing the encephalotoxin levels in a first and second biological sample of a subject, wherein
the first biological sample is taken from the subject at an earlier timepoint than the second
biological sample, wherein the second biological sample is taken from the subject following
treatment of the neurological disorder, and wherein encephalotoxin level is measured by light
absorbance of the biological sample, an increase in absorbance of the second biological sample
being indicative of progression of the neurological disease. In some embodiments, the first
biological sample is taken, removed, or extracted from the subject following a treatment (e.g.,
administration of a drug) of the neurological disease.
[0022] In further embodiments of the invention are provided methods of monitoring
progression of neurological disease in a subject comprising detecting an increase in
encephalotoxin level in said subject over time, wherein detecting the increase in encephalotoxin
level comprises measuring an increased light absorbance of an encephalotoxin in a first
biological sample of the subject relative to light absorbance of an encephalotoxin of a second
biological sample of the subject, wherein the second biological sample is taken from the subject
before the first biological sample, increased light absorbance being indicative of progression of
the neurological disease.
[0023] Also provided by embodiments of the invention are methods for monitoring progression
of neurological disease in a subject comprising detecting an increase in encephalotoxin level in
the subject over time, wherein detecting the increase involves contacting a first biological sample
of the subject with neurons, contacting a second biological sample of the subject with neurons,
and detecting decreased neuron survival in the presence of the second biological sample, wherein
the second biological sample is taken at a later timepoint than the first biological sample; and
wherein decreased neuron survival in the presence of the second biological sample is indicative
of progression of the neurological disease.
[0024] In some embodiments of the invention, one of the biological samples is taken during the
prodromic phase of said neurological disease.
[0025] In another embodiment of the invention, methods of monitoring treatment of a
neurological disease in a subject by detecting an increase in encephalotoxin level in a subject
over time, wherein detecting the increase in encephalotoxin level involves contacting a first
biological sample of the subject with neurons, contacting a second biological sample of the
subject with neurons, and detecting decreased neuron survival in the presence of the second
biological sample, wherein the second biological sample is taken at a later timepoint than the
first biological sample and following a treatment of the neurological disease; and wherein
decreased neuron survival is indicative of progression of the neurological disease.
[0026] Figure 1 illustrates inactivation of encephalotoxin by various methods specific for
heparan sulfate and heparin. As shown in Fig. 1 A, encephalotoxin released by BV2 microglia
was inactivated by nitrous acid pH 1.5, by heparin lyase I (E.C., and by sulfatases that
cleave at O-6 and from N-sulfated glucosamine (GIcNS) (glucosamine-6-sulfatase (E.C. and N-sulfarninidase (E.C. As shown in Fig. IB, encephalotoxin found in
ventricular CSF of AD brain was inactivated by nitrous acid pH 1.5, by heparin lyase I, and by
sulfatases that cleave at O-6 and from GlcNS. As demonstrated in Figure 1C, encephalotoxin
recovered from lumbar CSF of subject with AD was inactivated by nitrous acid pH 1.5, by
heparin lyase I, and by sulfatases that cleave at O-6 and from GlcNS.
[0027] Figure 2 illustrates the determination of molecular mass of encephalotoxin using a
TSK-GW2500PXL with a linear sieving range from 300 to 3000 daltons. Commercially
available heparan oligomers were used as standards. CSF samples (100 ml) from probable AD
showed a minor peak and major peak of neurotoxic activity that range in size from about 700 to
1,900 daltons. These estimated molecular masses suggest that at least some forms of
encephalotoxin comprise about 4 to 8 saccharide residues.
[0028] Figure 3 shows dose response curves for encephalotoxin isolated from probable AD,
MCI, and normal elderly subjects. Increasing amounts of toxin are found in those subjects with
greater cognitive impairment.
[0029] Figure 4A shows the results of anion-exchange HPLC (ProPAK PA1, 0.0 to 0.7 M
NaCl, UV @ 232 nm) separation of encephalotoxin from microglial BV2 cells stimulated with
Ab1-42. Three peaks (PEAK 38, 48, and 53) corresponding to the encephalotoxin were detected.
The encephalotoxin of PEAKS 38, 48, and 53 was 1) sensitive to heparin lyase I, 2) sensitive to
nitrous acid pH 1.5 and 3) toxic to hippocampal neurons (data not shown). As demonstrated in
Figure 4B, these same peaks were absent from conditioned media recovered from control BV2
cells that were not exposed to Ab1-42.
[0030] Figure 5A illustrates the presence of encephalotoxin in ventricular and lumbar CSF
recovered from autopsy cases. Figure 5B illustrates the presence of encephalotoxin in
ventricular and lumbar CSF recovered from autopsy cases living subjects. Data are expressed in
terms of CSF volumes required to elicit death of cultured hippocampal neurons. As shown in the
dose response curves (Figure 5A), small volumes of high toxin concentrations shift curves to the
left, as found in those subjects with definite AD (diagnosis confirmed by autopsy). These data
can also be expressed as ED50S (volumes of CSF required to give 50% maximal killing). As
shown in Figure 5B, a similar pattern was found in those subjects with probable AD (clinical
diagnosis) who have small ED50S (0.1 to 10 m1), followed by those in the MCI group with
moderate values (10 to 200 ml). Importantly, various other diagnostic groups showed no
detectable encephalotoxin (ED50S > 1000 ul).
[0031] Figure 6 shows PEAKs 38, 48, and 53 in CSF of AD (Panels A,B) and MCI (C), but
not in normal elderly control (D) in anion exchange HPLC. These peaks were heparin lyase I
sensitive (data not shown). As shown in Figure 6E, bioassays of these HPLC fractions confirm
the same peaks are neurotoxic.
[0032] Figure 7 shows that, in anion-exchange HPLC (linear gradient of 0 to 2.0 M NaCl over
90 min), 3 discrete peaks of neurotoxic activity are found in 100 ml of CSF from definite AD
(Figure 7A), probable AD (Figure 7B), and HAD (Figure 7C). No toxic activity is recovered
fripm vascular dementia (Figure 7A). Heparin lyase I and N-sulfaminidase, but not heparin lyase
II, eliminate all toxin peaks.
[0033] Figure 8 illustrates the CSF Neurotoxicity Index, [calculated as value of equivalent
volume of CSF to yield'50% of total killing effect upon a standardized rat hippocampal neuron
culture assay] from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from a variety of neurological disorders.
As shown in Figure 8A, samples from definite Alzheimer's disease (AD) and FIV-1 infection
contain encephalotoxins. Cerebrospinal fluid obtained during routine lumbar myelogram
(Myelograms) were from subjects without memory complaints. Neuropathy refers to subjects
with cranial or peripheral nerve disorders while subjects with psychiatric diagnoses had no
evidence of neurological disease. Other neurological diseases included fungal meningitis, neuro-
syphilis, multiple sclerosis (MS), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Figure SB compares
CSF index scores with HTV-1(+) volunteers with no cognitive loss, mild cognitive motor
dysfunction (MCMD), or HAD. Significant differences exist among MCMD and HAD, again
supporting the pattern that more toxin is associated with greater degrees of cognitive impairment.
Figure 8C compares CSF index scores for elderly volunteers with no cognitive loss, with MCI,
with probable AD, or with non-AD dementia (caused by traumatic, vascular, or ethanol injury).
MCI shows a consistent and significantly elevated level of encephalotoxin above other forms of
dementia. Bars show median values. Figure 8D compares Neurotoxicity Index values vs. T
scores for the paced auditory serial-addition test (PASAT, a sensitive measure of information
processing.) As shown, a significant linear relationship exists between CSF Neurotoxicity Index
and this cognitive measure (n=26; p [0034] Figure 9 shows a comparison of CSF Neurotoxicity Index scores of CSF from elderly
subjects. Probable AD and MCI show significant toxin levels with an overlap in distribution of
values. CSF neurotoxin levels clearly separate AD pathology from other categories common to
the aged. (Bar = mean values.)
[0035] Figure 10 shows two examples of drug effects upon CSF encephalotoxin levels. Single
drug treatment (identity of drugs remains coded) failed to offer full suppression of toxin (i.e.,
shifted Index scores to a normal range of >100 as noted in Table 1) after a 6-week trial. In
contrast, DAP/HCQ for 6 weeks provided complete inhibition of toxin production in all subjects
tested to date (5 of 5).
[0036] The referenced patents, patent applications, and scientific literature referred to herein
are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. Any conflict between any reference cited
herein and the specific teachings of this specification shall be resolved in favor of the latter.
likewise, any conflict between an art-understood definition of a word or phrase and a definition
of the word or phrase as specifically taught in this specification shall be resolved in favor of the
[0037] As used herein, the term "about" refers to an approximation of a stated value within an
acceptable range. Preferably the range is +/-10% of the stated value.
[0038] Definite AD was diagnosed at autopsy using consensus neuropathological criteria (The
NIA-Reagan Working Group. Consensus recommendations for the postmortem diagnosis of
Alzheimer's disease. (1997) Neurobiol. Aging, 18:S1). The clinical definition for probable AD
followed consensus recommendations (McKhann et al. (1984) Neurology 34:939) with
impairment defined as psychometric performance falling at least 2 standard deviations (SD)
below mean normative mean values in Learning/Memory [measured by the Wechsler Memory
Scale-El Logical Memory Subtest, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised, or Brief Visual
Memory Test-Revised, and 2 SD below normative mean on at least one test within the following
cognitive domains: Attention/Information Processing [Verbal Sustained Attention Test, Symbol
Digit Modalities Test, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test-Ill Digit Span, Trails A Test, and Paced
Auditory Serial-Addition Test (PASAT)], Orientation (Orientation questions), Language
[Naming and Category Fluency, FAS Test], Executive Function [Wisconsin Card Sort Test and
Trials B Test]. Subjects with MCI are defined as those without dementia but who show amnestic
features including a memory complaint confirmed by an informant and a memory impairment
measured at least 1.5 SD below normative mean values using the same testing battery as for AD.
[0039] The clinical definitions for HTV-related cognitive impairments followed consensus
recommendation (Working Group of American Academy of Neurology AIDS Task Force (1992)
Neurology, 41:778) with subjects showing no evidence for other etiologies. Measured
impairment for HTV-associated dementia (HAD) fell 2.5 SD below normative means in one
domain or 2 SD in at least two domains on any of the following tests: Learning/Memory,
Language, Attention/Information Processing, Abstraction/Problem Solving, and Motor Abilities
[Grooved Pegboard]. Subjects with mild cognitive-motor dysfunction (MCMD) are defined as
those falling 1.5 SD below mean normative values in any test in at least two cognitive domains
or 2.0 SD below mean values in a single domain.
[0040] As used herein, "loss of cognition" or variants thereof refer to a decline in at least one
of information processing, attention, learning, information retrieval, and overall loss of
intellectual function. Loss of cognition may be measured by any method known in the art,
including, for example, Attention/Information Processing [Verbal Sustained Attention Test,
Symbol Digit Modalities Test, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test-III Digit Span, Trails A Test,
and Paced Auditory Serial-Addition Test (PASAT)], Orientation (Orientation questions),
Language [Naming and Category Fluency, FAS Test], Executive Function [Wisconsin Card Sort
Test and Trials B Test], Learning/Memory, Abstraction/Problem Solving, Motor Abilities
[Grooved Pegboard], and Hopkins Verbal tests. A subject at risk for loss of cognition has no
measurable loss of cognition but has a greater chance for loss of cognition than the average
population. For example, a first-degree relative of an Alzheimer's disease patient is at risk for
loss of cognition.
[0041] As used herein, the term "contact" or "contacting" means bringing together, either
directly or indirectly, a compound into physical proximity to a molecule of interest. Contacting
may occur, for example, in any number of buffers, salts, solutions, or in a cell or cell extract.
[0042] The term "peptide bond" means a covalent amide linkage formed by loss of a molecule
of water between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of a second amino
[0043] The term "saccharide" or "saccharide unit" includes oxidized, reduced or substituted
saccharides. Saccharides of this invention include, but are not limited to, ribose, arabinose,
xylose, lyxose, allose, altrose, glucose, mannose, fructose, gulose, idose, galactose, talose,
ribulose, sorbose, tagatose, gluconic acid, glucuronic acid, glucaric acididuronic acid rhamnose,
fucose, N-acetyl glucosamine, N-acetyl galactosamine, N-acetyl neuraminic acid, sialic acid, N-
sulfated glucosamine (GlcNS), 2-sulfated iduronic acid (IdoA2S), derivatives of saccharides
such as acetals, amines, and phosphorylated sugars, oligosaccharides, as well as open chain
forms of various sugars, and the like. "Oligosaccharide" refers to a molecule having two or more
saccharide units.
[0044] The term "purified", when used to describe the state of the neurotoxin of the invention,
refers to a neurotoxin substantially free of other cellular material. "Substantially free" refers to
at least about 60% or about 70%, more preferably at least about 80% or about 90%, and most
preferably at least about 95%, about 98%, or about 100% free of other cellular materials.
[0045] The prodromic phase of pathology of neurodegenerative or neuro-inflammatory disease
is defined herein as that stage in the disease during which the clinical manifestations of
cognitive, behavioral, or social impairment have not yet reached a diagnostic threshold for MCI
(amnesic features with memory testing 1.5 SD below normative mean) or AD (2 SD below
normative means in memory and at least one other cognitive domain). By this definition, the
prodromic phase would encompass, for example, the clinically-defined Cognitive Impairment, -
No Dementia (CIND) population (Toukko et al. (2001) Int. Psychogeriatr., Supp. 1:183-202),
the at-risk asymptomatic population described by Horn ((1994) J. Clin. Exp. Neurol., 16: 568-
5,76), the Age-Associated Memory Impairment (AAMI, Goldman er al. (2001) Alz. Dis. Assoc.
Dis., 15: 72-79), the subclinical cohort of the Farmington study (Elias et al. (2000) Arch. Neurol.
57: S08-S13) or a preclinical AD population defined identified at autopsy (Price et al (2001)
Arch. Neurol., 58: 1395-1402). In general, all these groups show memory test values (verbal,
episodic memory) at about 1 SD below normative mean scores adjusted for age, education, and
ethnicity. Overall, populations at-risk for AD showed longitudinal declines at a rate of about 0.3
to 0.6 SD per year from normalized memory test scores tests.
[0046] The signaling cascade involved in the neurodegenerative diseases addressed by the
present invention comprises events including (1) mononuclear phagocyte activation; (2)
mononuclear phagocyte release of encephalotoxin; and (3) the toxic effect of encephalotoxins on
neurons. Neurotoxicity of a mononuclear phagocyte induced by a mononuclear phagocyte
activator may be inhibited or inactivated by an agent referred to herein as a neurotoxin inhibitor
or inactivator.
[0047] A mononuclear phagocyte is an immune cell which has a single nucleus and the ability
to engulf particles, also known as phagocytosis. Mononuclear phagocytes are found in blood and
body tissues, including the central nervous system and brain, and include, for example, microglia
cells, monocytes, macrophages, histiocytes, dendritic cells, precursor cells of microglia,
precursor cells of monocytes, precursor cells of macrophages, microglia-like cell lines,
macrophage-like cell lines, or cell lines modified to express microglia-like surface molecules that
are active in accordance with the above definition of mononuclear phagocyte. A neuron as
defined in accordance with the present invention includes a neuron and neuron-like cell, which is
a cell modified to.express a N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor which neuron exhibits neuronal
activity under typical normal, non-diseased state, conditions.
[0048] Mononuclear phagocyte activation initiates a process that causes the release of
neurotoxins. Mononuclear phagocyte activation is also referred to herein as immune activation,
markers of which are any process that renders a mononuclear phagocyte more dynamic and
characterized by activities such as and not limited to increased movement, phagocytosis,
alterations in morphology, and the biosynthesis, expression, production, or secretion of
molecules, such as protein, associated with membranes including complement, scavengers, Ab,
and blood cell antigens, histocompatibility antigens for example. Production of molecules
includes enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of bioactive agents such as nitric oxide synthetase,
superoxide dismutase, small molecules such as eicosanoids, cytokines, free radicals and nitric
oxide. Release of factors includes proteases, apolipoproteins such as apolipoprotein E, and
cytokines such as interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor as well as other molecules such as
encephalotoxin and hydrogen peroxide.
[0049] Mononuclear phagocyte neurotoxicity or neuron toxicity refers to a process that leads to
the injury, destruction, or death of neurons, which is measured by loss of metabolic function,
release of intracellular material, penetration of impermeant dyes, reduction of cell number
measured by biochemical or histological methods. For example, changes in biochemical markers
such as loss of neurofilaments or synaptophysin or release of lactate dehydrogenase, or other
evidence of cell injury such as penetration of impermanent dyes, including fluorescent nuclear
dyes and trypan blue. These and other strategies for identifying cell injury, destruction or death,
or measuring neuron function, are known to one skilled in the art and are contemplated by the
present invention.
[0050] Neurotoxin is defined herein as a substance that injures, damages, or kills a neuron
while sparing other central nervous system cells such as glia, for example. A neurotoxin interacts
with neurons in such a way as to disrupt neuron function and survival. The possible actions of a
neurotoxin on neurons, also referred to herein as neuronal damage, include inhibition or
disruption of normal cell metabolism, including metabolism of glucose, the production of ATP,
and maintenance of ion gradients across cell membranes including Na+, Ca2+, and K+ ion
channels, the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, and mitochondrial respiration, and cell
[0051] Encephalotoxin as used herein refers to a class of neurotoxins having low molecular
mass ( to nitrous acid, N-suIfamidase, glucosamine-6-sulfatase, and heparin lyase I. Encephalotoxins
comprise at least one GlcNS residue. An encephalotoxin preferably has a molecular weight
between about 700 and 1,900 daltons. The encephalotoxin preferably has 4 to 8 saccharide
[0052] Encephalotoxin inactivators or inhibitors are agents which inactivate neurotoxin or
inhibit the effects of neurotoxins that are released from activated mononuclear phagocytes. For
purposes of the present invention, inhibit, inhibition, inactivate, inactivation, and variations
thereof are used synonymously with reduce, suppress, retard, slow, and suspend. Inactivation or
inhibition also refers to complete inhibition of the neurotoxin cascade such that the cascade is
arrested, stopped, or blocked. Encephalotoxin inactivation includes reduction of neurotoxic
activity by about 10%, 20%, 50%, more preferably about 80%, 90%, or 95%, and most
preferably about 98%, 99%, or 100%. By way of example, a compound is an encephalotoxin
inactivator if it reduces the neurotoxic activity of the encephalotoxin or increases neuron survival
$uch that neurons otherwise at risk of damage upon exposure to the encephalotoxin are not
damaged in the presence of the encephalotoxin and the compound. Preferably, more than about
10%, 20%, or 50% of the neurons at risk are not damaged by the encephalotoxin in the presence
of the encephalotoxin inactivator. Even more preferably, about 80%, 90%, or 95%, and most
preferably, about 98%, 99%, or 100% of the neurons at risk are not damaged by the
encephalotoxin in the presence of the encephalotoxin inactivator. Preferable encephalotoxin
inactivators of the invention include heparin lyase I, N-sulfaminidase, glucosamine-6-sulfatase,
and nitrous acid. Nitrous acid preferably has a pH of about 1.5. More preferably, exposure to
nitrous acid occurs at room temperature.
[0053] An effective amount of a mononuclear phagocyte and an activator is the amount of each
normally resulting in an event in the cascade, but for the addition of an encephalotoxin
inactivator. An effective amount will be known to a skilled artisan in view of the present
disclosure and will vary depending on the use of a mononuclear phagocyte, neuron, activator or
components, and the mammalian origin of the cells.
[0054] In vitro neurotoxicity assays of the invention detect the presence of encephalotoxin and
inactivation thereof and employ cultures of neurons or neuron-like cell lines which have been
modified to express N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. The presence of neurotoxic activity, or a
measure of neuron function or measure of neuron survival, will be determined by reduction in
cell number, changes in biochemical markers such as loss of cell metabolic function, release of
intracellular material, penetration of impermeant dyes, such as and not limited to fluorescent
nuclear dyes and trypan blue, loss of neurofilament or synaptophysin, release of lactate
dehydrogenase, or other evidence of cell injury. Other methods of measuring neuron function
include detecting the inhibition of normal cell metabolism including the disruption of glucose
metabolism, ATP production, ion gradient maintenance across cell membranes, and protein
synthesis, nucleic acid synthesis, and mitochondrial respiration. Reductions in an inflammatory
marker or injury to a neuron by a test biological sample may be compared to a control. These and
other strategies for identifying cell neurotoxicity or measuring neuron function, which may be
displayed as cell injury, are known to one skilled in the art and are contemplated by the present
[0055] Using the assay systems of the invention, it is possible to diagnose subjects at early, for
example, pre-symptomatic or prodromic, stages of neurological disease. It is further possible,
using the methods of the invention, to identify subjects or populations at risk for loss of
cognition by detecting the encephalotoxin in a biological sample of a subject. The methods of
the invention also allow monitoring of progression of neurological disease by detecting increases
in encephalotoxin levels of a subject over time. The patients or subjects to be diagnosed in
accordance with the present invention include and are not limited to mammals such as humans,
primates such as and not limited to monkey, chimpanzee, and ape, rodents, such as and not
limited to rat and mouse, guinea pig, dog, cat, rabbit, and pig. Biological samples in accordance
with the methods of the invention include central nervous system tissue, such as brain or spinal
cord tissue, or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The neurological diseases to be identified or monitored
according to the invention include neurodegenerative and neuro-inflammatory diseases such as,
but not limited to, Alzheimer's disease, Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, HTV-1 associated dementia
(HAD), Mild Cognitive Impairment, prion disease, mild cognitive/ motor dysfunction, acute
stroke, acute trauma, neuro-AIDDS, and immune-mediated brain inflammation.
[0056] The methods of the present invention include a neurotoxin assay of a biological sample
of a patient, which can be used to diagnose a neurological disease or disorder or risk for loss of
cognition in the subject. The methods of the present invention also may be used as an early
detection method to identify individuals who are at risk for developing neurological diseases or
disorders in view of their age, family history, early symptoms or other risk factors. For example,
a biological sample, such as blood, spinal cord tissue, cerebrospinal fluid, or brain tissue, may be
taken from a patient and evaluated with the encephalotoxin inactivators of the present invention,
as described herein, to identify the presence of encephalotoxins in the patient or to identify
patients who may suffer from a neurological disease. The patient's sample may be compared to a
control to determine whether elevated levels of neurotoxins are present.
[0057] Similarly, the methods of the present invention employ the neurotoxin inactivators of
the invention to monitor a patient's treatment or the rate of progression of a disease by
determining the amount of neurotoxins that are present in the patient's system before and
throughout treatment. The methods may also be used to monitor neurotoxin levels to allow for
the adjustment of drug doses.
[0058] For example, the present invention provides methods for assaying the presence and
level of encephalotoxin in a patient by contacting a biological sample of the patient with an
encephalotoxin inactivator, such as heparin lyase I, N-sulfaminidase, glucosamine-6-suIfatase, or
nitrous acid. Thereafter, the amount of inhibition in the presence of the inactivator is compared
to a measured control. There is an increase of encephalotoxin in the subject when there is an
increase in the encephalotoxin level compared to the control.
[0059] The present invention offers strategies for early detection of neurodegenerative disease
or risk for loss of cognition, thereby allowing early intervention in disease progression. The
following examples are illustrative only and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention.
Purification of encephalotoxin
[0060] Encephalotoxins were isolated from cerebrospinal fluid by HPLC sieving chromatrophy
(TSK-GEL G2500PWXL column; 7.8 x 300mm from Tosoh Bioscience; Montgomeryville, PA)
eluted with 2 M NaCl; by anion exchange HPLC (tandem ProPac PA1 columns 4 x 250 mm
from Dionex Corp.; Sunnyvale, CA) with a linear gradient of 2 M NaCl over 180 min; or by
adsorption chromatography (Oasis Cartridges, Waters) using the manufacturer's protocol.
Structural characterization and inactivation of encephalotoxin
[0061] Structural characterization and inactivation of encephalotoxin (isolated by organic
extractions, gel filtration, and sequential CIS HPLC from Ab-stimulated microglial cell line
BV2) was performed by various nitrous acid cleavage protocols. Neurotoxic activity was
eliminated by nitrous acid treatment at pH 1.5 but not by other acid treatments at pH 4.0 or with
h3'drazinolysis (Figure 1). The results indicated that the internal structure of encephalotoxin
contained at least one GlcNS residue. Encephalotoxin chemical structure was further examined
by treatments with highly selective enzymes that attack heparin or heparan sulfate (HS)
polymers. Traditionally, heparin lyase I acts primarily on heparin-containing
GlcNS(l->4)IdoA2S sequences and heparin lyase in on HS primarily at a GlcNAc(l->4)IdoA
or GlcNAc(l->4)GlcA sequence. (Generally, these enzymes require oligomers of at least 4
residues.) Finally, encephalotoxin was treated with sulfatases that are highly selective for O-
sulfation sites at positions 2, 3, or 6 (found in HS and heparins) as well as N-sulfamidase which
cleaves the N-sulfation site (Figure 1). Heparin lyase I [GlcNS(l->4)IdoA2S], but not heparin
lyase HI, inactivated encephalotoxin as did sulfatases that removed groups from O-6S and
GlcNS. Additionally, chemical methods to modify terminal amines (acetylation, PFPA
modification, etc.) suggested the presence of terminal amines, such as unsubstituted GlcN
residues. Accordingly, encephalotoxin contains heparin-like oligosaccharides of at least 4
residues with GlcNS, IdoA2S, GlcN residues plus O-linked sulfation at position 6.
[0062] Molecular mass of the neurotoxin was estimated using a TSK-GW2500PXL with a
linear sieving range from 300 to 3000 daltons. Commercially available heparan oligomers were
used as standards. CSF samples (100 ml) from probable AD showed a minor peak and major peak
of neurotoxic activity having low molecular weight ranging in size from about 700 to 1,900
daltons. These estimated molecular masses suggest oligosaccharides from about 4 to 8 residues
in length (Figure 2).
Neurotoxin bioassay
[0063] Cultured neurons prepared from rat hippocampus were used in toxicity studies. These
cultures consist of process-bearing neurons (10-20% of total cell population) atop a bed of
astroglia (>70%) mixed with microglia (5-10%). In order to eliminate microglia, cultures were
exposed to saporin coupled to acetylated LDL at 10 mg/ml for 18 hours. At the end of 72 hrs, the
cultures were fixed in 3% paraformaldehyde at room temperature for 12 hours and immuno-
stained by overnight incubation with a mixture of anti-neurofilament antibodies (SMI-311,
1:150; RT-97, 1:150; Sternberger Monoclonals, Inc.;) plus anti-MAP-2 (1:200; Boehringer
Mannheim, 184959;) at 4°C in the presence of 2% horse serum and 0.3% Triton X-100 to
delineate both neuronal cell bodies and neurites. Immuno-labeled cells per field were scored at
200X magnification using fluorescence microscopy. Neuron killing was expressed as % mean
survival expressed in terms of parallel untreated control cultures after scoring at least 8 randomly
selected fields for each of 3 coverslips.
[0064] 1 ml of CSF was fractionated by adsorption chromatography, dried under vacuum, and
reconstituted in artificial CSF comprising electrolytes, such as NaCl, and glucose . Increasing
amounts of fractionated toxin (range 0.1 to 500 ml equivalents of original sample volume) were
added to triplicate cultures. Results were plotted as volume vs. % neuron kill (with kill
calculated as % loss of immuno-stained hippocampal neurons against untreated control cultures).
Inactivation, for example, by heparin lyase I, N-sulfaminidase, glucosamine-6-sulfatase, or
nitrous acid treatment, was used to confirm the presence of encephalotoxin for each CSF sample
tested. As shown in Figure 3, high levels of toxin (curves shifted to left) for AD, intermediate
levels (curve shifted to right) for MCI, and toxin-free (flat line) profiles were noted for samples
taken from disease controls. In order to compare different populations, a CSF Neurotoxicity
Index was developed to assign scores that reflect level of neurotoxin. This index was calculated
as an ED50 (the equivalent CSF volume that yields 50% of the maximal level of neuron killing).
Using this measurement, high neurotoxin levels have low Index scores; for example, high toxin
concentrations have low Index scores of about 1, intermediate levels at about 5 to 100, and
normal elderly show values of 1000.
Encephalotoxin chemical assay
[0065] Anion-exchange HPLC conditions for the detection of encephalotoxin were established
(0.0-0.7 m NaCl gradient; ProPAK PA-1 column; 232 nm UV monitoring). The microglial cell
line BV2 was exposed to human Api-42 for 48 hr and the conditioned media fractioned by
absorption chromatography. Three biologically-active peaks (PEAKs 38, 48, and 53) were
recovered that corresponded to 3 peaks detected by 232 nm (Figure 4A). All 3 peaks were
sensitive to nitrous acid pH 1.5 and to heparin lyase I (data not shown). Importantly, none of
these peaks were recovered from control cultures of unstimulated BV2 cells (Figure 4B).
Encephalotoxin as CSF Biomarker for Neurodegenerative Disease
[0066] Using ventricular CSF from rapid autopsy cases, encephalotoxin was determined to be
present in high concentrations in all CSFs from AD cases (confirmed by pathology), but not in
cases from age-matched normals or ALS (Figure 5). Importantly, lumbar CSF taken from
subjects with a clinical diagnosis of probable AD also showed a striking pattern, with very high
Encephalotoxin concentrations measured as ED50S of between 0.1 to 5 ul.
[0067] A research protocol was established to evaluate samples not only from elderly subjects
with cognitive impairment, but also from other groups seen by our clinic neurologists. The latter
populations consisted of various diagnostic categories, with the largest groups suffering from
headache variants, multiple sclerosis, or non-AD dementia (vascular, trauma). [Neurotoxin
assays on these latter populations were performed with subject consent on remnant aliquots of
CSF acquired for other clinical indications.] Data obtained thus far from subjects show that all
patients with probable AD have high levels of neurotoxin, with ED50S for equivalent CSF
volumes ranging from 0.5 to 15 ml (note that lower ED50 volumes indicate higher toxin
concentrations); elderly subjects with MCI had ED50 of between 50 and 200 ml. The non-
parametric Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA for ranks showed neurotoxin levels significantly
differed (as measured by ED50S) among tested disease groups (probable AD, MCI, non-AD
dementia, headache, and MS; p=0.000001). The Kruskal-Wallis multiple-comparison test
showed that both AD and MCI neurotoxin levels were significantly greater than these levels
found in MS, headache, or non-AD dementia (p [0068] Overall, these observations revealed several important trends. First, subjects with
probable AD had the highest toxin concentrations, falling within a narrow range, similar to that
of ventricular CSF from AD autopsy cases. Second, severe cognitive impairment or dementia
secondary to non-inflammatory mechanisms (vascular, post-trauma) did not show detectable
amounts of encephalotoxin in the CSF. [While neurotoxin can be found in tissues damaged
acutely after stroke or trauma, these neurotoxin levels dissipate as the acute inflammatory
response dissipates (about 3 to 7 days post injury; Giulian et al. (1990) Ann. NeuroL, 27: 33-42;
Giulian et al. (1993) Stroke, 24: 84-93; Giulian (1993) Glia, 7: 102-110)]. And third, there
appeared to be a trend of MCI subjects showing significant amounts of encephalotoxm, but only
1/10 to 1/100 as much total toxic activity as found in AD CSFs (Figure 5).
[0069] To determine whether oligosaccharides associated with encephalotoxin were also found
in human CSF, encephalotoxin was isolated from CSF by adsorption chromatography and treated
with the same heparin lyases, nitrous acid treatments, and sulfatases as used for microglia culture
media. Ventricular CSF from AD cases and lumbar CSF from probable AD subjects
demonstrated the same inactivation profiles (Figure 1), indicating that encephalotoxin in human
disease contained heparin-like oligomers. Confirmation of the presence of such neurotoxic
oligosaccharides came from anion-exchange HPLC, showing the presence of a neurotoxic PEAK
38 recovered from microglial encephalotoxin fractions. There were similarities between the CSF
samples from AD and MCI by anion-exchange profiles (PEAKS 38 and 48) with an additional
PEAK 53 in the MCI group (Figure 6) as noted in microglial cultures (Figure 4).
[0070] HPLC-profiles for ventricular cerebrospinal fluid of cases of definite AD were nearly
identical to lumbar fluid samples from volunteers with probable AD (Figure 7B) and from those
with HAD (Figure 7C). Enzymatic treatments by heparin lyase I and by N-sulfarnindase
eliminated all these peaks of neurotoxicity. Neuron-killing activity recovered by anion-exchange
HPLC was insensitive to heparin lyase n (Figure 7B), proteases, or heparin lyase HI treatments
(data not shown).
[0071] In order to survey the prevalence of neurotoxin production in neurological disorders,
the cerebrospinal fluid of subjects from various disease populations was examined. Neurotoxin
concentrations, expressed as CSF Neurotoxicity Index scores [expressed as equivalent volume of
CSF which yields 50% of a total neuron killing effect in a standardized rat hippocampal culture
assay], show that only those subjects with definite AD (postmortem diagnosis; n=7) or HTV-1
infection (n=52) had detectable levels of CSF neurotoxin (Figure 8A). Neurologic disorders that
can elicit chronic reactive immune responses, such as multiple sclerosis (MS; n=20),
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; n=8), or neuropathies (n=14), had no CSF neurotoxin.
Similarly, subjects with psychiatric illness (n=5), with headache (n=6), or a variety of other
neurological diseases (n=21; including fungal meningitis and neurosyphilis) are free of
detectable neurotoxin. And finally, CSF samples obtained from volunteers undergoing routine
myelography (n=20) contained no neurotoxin activity.
Neurotoxicity Index values for CSF in cases of definite AD ranged between 1 and 10 whereas a
broader distribution appeared for the HTV(+) population (0.1 to 1000). To investigate the wider
distribution of neurotoxin levels for the HTV-1(+) cohort, 7 coded lumbar CSF samples from the
HIV-1(+) volunteers who had undergone extensive medical, neurological, and
tieuropsychological evaluations were obtained through the Texas unit of the National Neuro-
AIDS Tissue Consortium (Morello et al. (2001) Neuropath. Appl. Neurobiol, 27:326-335).
Neurotoxins are detected in those subjects with cognitive dysfunction (n=4) but not in those
found to have normal cognition (n=3; Fisher's Exact Test, p=0.02S). Low CSF Neurotoxicity
Index scores were detected in HIV(+) subjects with HAD (range from 0.1 to 4.0); high Index
scores were detected in HTV(+) subjects with little or no cognitive impairment (all > 200), and
intermediate Index scores (1.0 to 21.0) were associated with HIV(+) subjects identified with mild
cognitive-motor disorder (MCMD;Working Group of American Academy of Neurobiology
AIDS Task Force (1992) Neurology, 41:778; Figure 8B). Significant differences between
MCMD (median 7.3; mean +/- SE, 9.0 +/- 2.7; n=8) and HAD (0.1 median; 0.8 +/- 0.3; n=14)
for Index values show a high confidence level (p=0.0001; Kruskal Wallis). The separation
between HTV-1(+) subjects with MCMD group and those without cognitive impairment (median
1000.0; mean 900 +/- 99.7 ul; n=8) is also significant (p=0.001). The degree of HIV injury to the
CNS reflects levels of CSF neurotoxin, implying causal relationships among cognitive
impairment, stage of brain pathology, and the production of neuron poisons.
[0072] In order to determine whether neurotoxin levels also reflect cognitive decline in the
aged population, CSF was obtained from elderly volunteers with Mild Cognitive Impairment of
the amnestic type (MCI; objective memory deficit, but without dementia; Bischkopf et al. (2002)
Acta Psychiatr. Scand., 106:403-414; n=6), a condition of impaired memory thought to reflect an
early stage of AD (DeKosky et al. (2003) Science, 302:830). Comparison of subjects with MCI
to elderly volunteers serving as controls (>70 years old and free of memory complaints; n=8)
showed marked differences between the groups (Figure SC). The Neurotoxicity Index scores for
MCI ranges from about 7 to 20 (median 10.0; mean 11.5 +/-1.6; n=6) and are significantly lower
than those measured for elderly controls (all > 1000; n=8; Kruskal-Wallis; p=0.0005). Index
scores for volunteers with probable AD (defined by clinical criteria) show a range of values from
0.1 to 10 (median 1.7, mean 3.0 +/- 0.8; n=21). Probable AD and MCI values are also
significantly different (p=0.0lll; Kruskal-Wallis), further evidencing an association between
levels of CSF encephalotoxin and stage of brain pathology underlying cognitive dysfunction.
Importantly, other forms of dementia lacking chronic brain inflammation, such as those
secondary to trauma, alcoholism, or vascular injury, produce little or no detectable CSF
neurotoxin (median 1000; mean 933.0 +/- 66.6; n=12). These observations are in agreement with
CSF encephalotoxin values found in autopsy-confirmed cases for definite AD (Figure 8A) and
for vascular dementia (Figure 8A).
[0073] In order to classify groups according to CSF neurotoxin concentrations, discriminant
analyses were applied to three diagnostic categories for HIV(+) subjects and three categories for
the elderly. As shown in Table 1, the CSF Neurotoxicity Index accurately predicts which HIV(+)
volunteers will have little or no impairment in cognition (cut-off >100) from among those groups
with MCMD (1-100) or HAD ( Alzheimer's dementia (cut-off >100) from the elderly with MCI or AD. A cut-off value of >100
also predicts with 100% accuracy those elderly without memory complaints (see Figure 8C).
CSF Encephalotoxin as a Biomarker for Progression of Disease Pathology
[0074] Data from 164 subjects showed that all patients with AD have high levels of neurotoxin
in the CSF with ED5Os for equivalent CSF volumes ranging from 0.5 to 15 ml Elderly subjects
Iwith mild cognitive impairment had levels between 50 and 200 ml. Subjects with various other
neurological disorders, including neurodegenerative diseases, had no detectable toxicity (ED5Os >
1000 ml); vascular and post-trauma non-AD dementia also had no toxic activity. HIV-1 (+)
subjects demonstrated,a wide range of toxin concentrations (ED5Os ranging from 0.6 ul to >1000
[0075] CSF from 40 HTV-1 (+) individuals was examined. The level of toxicity was associated
with the degree of cognitive impairment. For example, HTV-l (+) subjects with normal
cognition showed ED50s>1000 ml, while those with moderate to severe cognitive defects
produced neurotoxin levels of 0.6 to 5 ml, similar to the range found for AD subjects with
established dementia.HIV-1 (+) subjects with mild to moderate cognitive impairments had
intermediary levels of CSF neurotoxin with ED50S ranging from 10 to 300 ml.
[0076] The Neurotoxicity Index in a variety of diagnostic groups was measured and compared
against definite AD (n=7; defined by neuropathologic diagnosis using ventricular CSF obtained
post mortem). As shown in Figure 8A, there is a striking difference between AD and other
diagnostic categories lacking measurable toxin (Index scores of 1000), thus evidencing the value
of the Neurotoxicity Index across a broad population. Furthermore, as shown in Figure 9, CSF
encephalotoxin levels are clearly different among elderly without memory complaints or non-AD
dementia (vascular, post traumatic, neurosyphillis) when compared to MCI (with amnestic
features) or probable AD populations (using NINCDS-ADRDA diagnostic criteria).
Discriminant analyses (Table IB) established cut-off Neurotoxicity Index values for AD at and for MCI at 4 to 100, providing the ability to correctly assign diagnosis based upon toxin
values for MCI or probable AD against other groups. The underlying pathological process
advances as a subject moves from a pre-symptomatic state to mild impairment (MCI with a 1.5
SD drop below norms of a standardized memory test) and then to a more advanced stage with
dementia (AD with a 2 SD drop below norms in memory and at least one other domain). Earlier
stages of disease prior to significant memory loss (stages before diagnosis of MCI) involve the
neuron-damaging immune cascade which is detectable by the presence of CSF encephalotoxin.
This subclinical stage is the prodromic phase of AD pathology.
[0077] Correlation between toxin levels and clinical manifestations of disease progression has
been elucidated. MCI and mild AD subjects (MMSE > 20; CDR encephalotoxin were subjected to a detailed neuro-cognitive battery. Simple linear regression
analyses were carried out comparing Neurotoxicity Index values with T scores from sets of
standardized tests representing major cognitive domains. (T scores are normalized to 50 with 10
as SD; raw scores are adjusted for age, gender, ethnicity, and education level). As shown in
Table 2, a highly significant correlation exists between Index scores and abnormal memory; that
is, higher concentrations of toxin are found in those subjects with greater memory deficits while
other cognitive domains (abstraction, language, processing speed) are not.
[0078] Table 3 compares CSF Neurotoxin Index values and T scores for specific cognitive
tests among HIV-1(+) volunteers (n=33). Confidence levels are based upon linear regression
analyses and show that cognitive defects with domains of attention/information processing and
learning/memory are closely associated with the amount of CSF encephalotoxin, while language
and motor function are not. Prior to analysis, the Neurotoxicity Index was log transformed so
that data would follow an approximate normal distribution.
Examine effects of suppressive agents for microglia upon CSF encephalotoxin levels
[0079] Use of encephalotoxin as a biomarker for monitoring drug treatment and disease
progression was examined in a 6-week double-blind randomized study comparing several drugs
against placebo with the primary endpoint as change in encephalotoxin levels in the CSF.
Despite the masking of group assignments, a striking pattern was identified, as shown by
representative data in Figure 10. Although some subjects receiving coded drugs showed
reduction in toxin levels by about 10-fold, such decreases did not shift subjects into the range of
Index scores found among normal elderly (that is, Index scores remained below the MCI cut-off
values of 100). These data suggested that none of the active drugs used in this trial were
adequately dosed to provide complete neuroprotection. The persistence of significantly abnormal
encephalotoxin concentrations made it unlikely that a single drug trial would alter the clinical
course of AD.
[0080] A secondary endpoint was used to assess the ability of drug treatments to reduce Ab-
induced toxicity in cultured blood monocytes. It was found in animal studies that blood
mononuclear phagocytes reflect brain microglial responses to Ab. Accordingly, drug responses
in cultures of blood monocytes having a baseline toxicity measure in enrolled subjects prior to
drug treatments were examined after entry into the masked single drug trial. Study of 76
monocyte samples with measurement of Ap-induced toxicity have shown the following:
1) in some cases a single drug (identity masked) completely suppress
AP-activation of blood monocytes;
2) single drugs that suppress blood monocytes offer only a partial
inhibition of CSF encephalotoxin levels;
3) ex vivo studies using blood monocytes from subjects without
evidence of drug suppression demonstrated exquisite sensitivity to
DAP/HCQ combinations at 1/10 doses.
[0081] The disclosure of each patent, patent application and publication cited or described in
this document is hereby incorporated herein by reference, in its entirety.
[0082] Various modifications of the invention in addition to those shown and described herein
will be apparent to one skilled in the art from the foregoing description. Such modifications are
also intended to fall within the scope of the appended claims.
We Claim:
1. A method of detecting an encephalotoxin in a biological sample of
a subject wherein said detecting comprises contacting a biological
sample of said subject with neurons both in the presence of and in
the absence of an encephalotoxin inactivator and comparing
neuron survival in the presence of said encephalotoxin inactivator
relative to neuron survival in the absence of said encephalotoxin
inactivator, a decrease in neuron survival in the absence of said
encephalotoxin inactivator being indicative of a neurological
disease, the encephalotoxin being an oligosaccharide comprising at
lease one glucosamine having N-sulfation and O6-sulfation; and
encephalotoxin lacking peptide bonds; and said encephalotoxin
having a molecular weight of less than 2000 daltons; the
encephalotoxin inactivator being heparin lyase I, N sulfaminidase,
glucosamine-6-sulfatase, or nitrous acid solution.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein said neurological
disease is HIV-1-associated dementia (HAD), neuro-AIDS,
Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, prion
disease, mild cognitive/motor dysfunction, acute stroke, acute
trauma, or Alzheimer's disease (AD).
3. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein said biological sample
is cerebrospinal fluid, spinal cord tissue, or brain tissue.
4. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein said encephalotoxin has
a molecular weight of 700 to 1900 daltons.
5. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein said subject is human,
primate, bovine, equine, canine, feline, porcine, or rodent.
6. The method as claimed in claim 5 wherein said subject is human/s
7. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein said nitrous acid
solution has a pH of 1.5.
8. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein said step of comparing
neuron survival comprises comparison of the ED50 of said
encephalotoxin in the presence of said encephalotoxin inactivator
relative to the ED50 of the encephalotoxin in the absence of said
encephalotoxin inactivator, wherein a lower ED50 of the
encephalotoxin in the absence of said encephalotoxin inactivator
relative to the ED50 of the encephalotoxin in the presence of said
encephalotoxin inactivator is indicative of said neurological
9. A method of detecting an encephalotoxin in a biological sample of
a subject, wherein said step of detecting comprises comparing light
absorbance of said biological sample in the presence of an
encephalotoxin inactivator to light absorbance of said biological
sample in the absence of said encephalotoxin inactivator, an
increased absorbance in the absence of said encephalotoxin
inactivator being indicative of a neurological disease, the
encephalotoxin being an oligosaccharide comprising at least one
glucosamine having N-sulfation and O6-sulfation, lacking peptide
bonds, and having a molecular weight of less than 2000 daltons.
10. The method as claimed in claim 9 wherein said light absorbance is
measured at a wavelength of 232 nanometers.
11. The method as claimed in claim 9 wherein the encephalotoxin
inactivator is heparin lyase 1, N-sulfaminidase, glucosamine-6-
sulfatase, or nitrous acid solution.
12. The method as claimed in claim 11 wherein said nitrous acid
solution has a pH of 1.5.
13. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein said encephalotoxin
comprises 4 to 8 saccharide units.
14. The method as claimed in claim 9 wherein said encephalotoxin has
a molecular weight of 700 to 1900 daltons.
15. The method as claimed in claim 9 wherein said encephalotoxin
comprises 4 to 8 saccharide units.
16. The method as claimed in claim 9 wherein said neurological
disease is HIV-1 associated dementia (HAD), neuro-AIDS,
Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, prion
disease, mild cognitive/motor dysfunction, acute stroke, acute
trauma, or Alzheimer's disease (AD).
17. A method of comparing encephalotoxin level in a first and second
biological sample of a subject, wherein said first biological sample
is taken from said subject at an earlier time point than said second
biological sample, wherein said second biological sample is taken
from said subject following treatment of said neurological
disorder, and wherein said encephalotoxin level is measured by
light absorbance of said biological sample, an increased
absorbance of said second biological sample being indicative of
progression of said neurological disease, the encephalotoxin being
an oligosaccharide comprising at least one glucosamine having N-
sulfation and O6-sulfation; said encephalotoxin lacking peptide
bonds; and said encephalotoxin having a molecular weight of less
than 2000 daltons.
18. The method as claimed in claim 17 wherein said encephalotoxin
has a molecular weight of 700 to 1900 daltons.
19. The method as claimed in claim 17 wherein said encephalotoxin
comprises 4 to 8 saccharide units.
20. The method of claim 17 wherein said light absorbance is measured
at a wavelength of 232 nanometers.
21. The method as claimed in claim 17 wherein said first biological
sample is taken from said subject following treatment of said
neurological disease.
22. The method as claimed in claim 17 wherein said neurological
disease is HIV-1-associated dementia (HAD), neuro-AIDS,
Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, prion
disease, mild cognitive/motor dysfunction, acute stroke, acute
trauma, or Alzheimer's disease (AD).
23. The method as claimed in claim 17 wherein said subject is human,
primate, bovine, equine, canine, feline, porcine or rodent.
24. The method as claimed in claim 23 wherein said subject is human.
25. A method of detecting an increase in encephalotoxin level in a
subject over time, wherein said step of detecting comprises
measuring an increased light absorbance of an encephalotoxin in a
first biological sample of said subject relative to light absorbance
of an encephalotoxin of a second biological sample of said subject,
wherein said second biological sample is taken from said subject
before said first biological sample, and wherein said
encephalotoxin comprises an oligosaccharide comprising at least
one glucosamine having N-sulfation and O6-sulfation, lacks
peptide bonds, and has a molecular weight of less than 2000
daltons, said increased light absorbance being indicative of
progression of said neurological disease.
26. The method as claimed in claim 25 wherein said neurological
disease is HIV-1-associated dementia (HAD), neuro-AIDS,
Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, prion
disease, mild cognitive/motor dysfunction, acute stroke, acute
trauma, or Alzheimer's disease (AD).
27. The method as claimed in claim 25 wherein said light absorbance
is measured at a wavelength of 232 nanometers.
28. The method as claimed in claim 25 wherein said encephalotoxin
has a molecular weight of 700 to 1900 daltons.
29. The method as claimed in claim 25 wherein said encephalotoxin
comprises 4 to 8 saccharide units.
30. A method of comparing encephalotoxin level in a first and second
biological sample of a subject, wherein said step of detecting
comprises contacting a first biological sample of said subject with
neurons, contacting a second biological sample of said subject with
neurons, and detecting decreased neuron survival in the presence
of said second biological sample, wherein said second biological
sample is taken at a later timepoint than said first biological
sample; wherein said encephalotoxin comprises an oligosaccharide
comprising at least one glucosamine having N-sulfation and 06-
sulfation, lacks peptide bonds, and has a molecular weight of less
than 2000 daltons; and wherein said decreased neuron survival is
indicative of progression of said neurological disease.
31. The method as claimed in claim 30 wherein said neurological
disease is HIV-1-associated dementia (HAD), neuro-AIDS,
creutzfeld-Jakob Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, prion
disease, mild cognitive/motor dysfunction, acute stroke, acute
trauma, or Alzheimer's disease (AD).
32. The method as claimed in claim 30 wherein said encephalotoxin
has a molecular weight of 700 to 1900 daltons.
33. The method as claimed in claim 30 wherein said encephalotoxin
comprises 4 to 8 saccharide units.
34. The method as claimed in claim 30 wherein said biological sample
is cerebrospinal fluid, spinal cord tissue, or brain tissue.
35. The method as claimed in claim 30 wherein said subject is human, /»
primate, bovine, equine, canine, feline, porcine, or rodent.
36. The method as claimed in claim 30 wherein said subject is human.
37. The method as claimed in claim 30 wherein one of said biological
samples is taken during the prodromic phase of said neurological
38. The method as claimed in claim 30 wherein said decreased neuron
survival is detected by comparing the ED50 of said first biological
sample with the ED50 of the second biological sample, wherein a
lower ED50 of the second biological sample relative to the ED50 of
the first biological sample is indicative of progression of said
neurological disease.
39. A method of comparing encephalotoxin levein in a first and second
biological sample of a subject, wherein said step of detecting
comprises contacting a first biological sample of said subject with
neurons, contacting a second biological sample of said subject with
neurons, and detecting decreased neuron survival in the presence
of said second biological sample, wherein said second biological
sample is taken at a later timepoint than said first biological sample
and following treatment of said neurological disease; wherein said
encephalotoxin comprises an oligosaccharide comprising at least
one glucosamine having N-sulfation and O6-sulfation, lacks
peptide bonds, and has a molecular weight of less than 2000
daltons; and wherein said decreased neuron survival is indicative
of progression of said neurological disease.
40. The method as claimed in claim 39 wherein said neurological
disease is HIV-1-associated dementia (HAD), neuro-AIDS,
Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, prion
disease, mild cognitive/motor dysfunction, acute stroke, acute
trauma, or Alzheimer's disease (AD).
41. The method as claimed in claim 39 wherein said encephalotoxin
has a molecular weight of 700 to 1900 daltons.
42. The method as claimed in claim 39 wherein said encephalotoxin
comprises 4 to 8 saccharide units.
43. The method as claimed in claim 39 wherein said biological sample
is cerebrospinal fluid, spinal cord tissue, or brain tissue.
44. The method as claimed in claim 39 wherein said subject is human,
primate, bovine, equine, canine, feline, porcine, or rodent.
45. The method as claimed in claim 39 wherein said subject is human.
46. The method as claimed in claim 39 wherein said decreased neuron
survival is detected by comparing the ED50 of said first biological
sample with the ED50 of the second biological sample, wherein a
lower ED50 of the second biological sample relative to the ED50 of
the first biological sample is indicative to progression of said
neurological disease.
47. The method as claimed in claim 9, 17 or 25 wherein said biological
sample comprises cerebrospinal fluid, brain tissue, or spinal cord
48. The method as claimed in claim 9 or 25 wherein said subject is
human, primate, bovine, equine, canine, feline, porcine, or rodent.
49. The method as claimed in claim 48 wherein said subject is human.
A method of detecting an encephalotoxin in a biological sample of a subject
wherein said detecting comprises contacting a biological sample of said
subject with neurons both in the presence of and in the absence of an
encephalotoxin inactivator and comparing neuron survival in the presence of
said encephalotoxin inactivator relative to neuron survival in the absence of
said encephalotoxin inactivator, a decrease in neuron survival in the absence
of said encephalotoxin inactivator being indicative of a neurological disease,
the encephalotoxin being an oligosaccharide comprising at lease one
glucosamine having N-sulfation and O6-sulfation; and encephalotoxin
lacking peptide bonds; and said encephalotoxin having a molecular weight
of less than 2000 daltons; the encephalotoxin inactivator being heparin lyase
I, N sulfaminidase, glucosamine-6-sulfatase, or nitrous acid solution.


Patent Number 225422
Indian Patent Application Number 01657/KOLNP/2005
PG Journal Number 46/2008
Publication Date 14-Nov-2008
Grant Date 12-Nov-2008
Date of Filing 18-Aug-2005
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2004/002236
PCT International Filing date 2004-01-27
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/443,219 2003-01-27 U.S.A.