Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a non-hazardous brominating reagent from an aqueous alkaline bromine byproduct solution obtained from bromine recovery plant and containing 25 to 35 % bromine dissolved in aqueous lime or sodium hydroxide containing alkali bromide and alkali bromate mixture having bromide to bromate stoichiometric ratio in the range of 5:1 to 5.1:1 or 2:1 to 2.1:1 and a pH ranging between 8-12 and also relates to a method for borminating aromatic compounds by using the above brominating agent
The present invention relates to the preparation of non-hazardous brominating reagents.
The invention particularly relates to suitable mixtures of alkali bromide and alkali bromate
salts that can be prepared in stable form from inexpensive raw material and can be used as
a substitute for liquid bromine in aromatic bromination reactions and also bromine addition
in unsaturated compounds.
Liquid bromine is used to prepare a variety of brominated compounds through addition- or
substitution reactions. The latter includes commercially important products such as:
tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA)—a flame retardant, eosin—a pigment used in personal
care products, bromoacetanilide—an analgesic and antipyretic agent, tribromophenol—an
intermediate used in the manufacture of antiseptic, germicide, fungicide, fire extinguishing
fluids, and fire retardant, and 2-bromo-4-nitro acetanilide—a drug intermediate used in the
preparation of nimenslide. Likewise, there are a number of addition compounds of bromine
that have utility as intermediates or products. However, liquid bromine is hazardous by
nature and requires extreme care in its production, transportation, and utilization.
Moreover, for substitution reactions depicted by equation 1, half of the bromine atoms end
up in the effluent as hydrobromic acid.
R—H + Br2 -> RBr + HBr(l)
Bromine atom efficiency of liquid bromine can be 100 % for addition across olefins
(equation 2) but the need to handle the hazardous liquid bromine remains.
R—CH=CH2 + Br2 -> RCHBrCH2Br(2)
Z. E. Jolles (Bromine and its compounds, Ernest Benn Limited London 1966, p352)
describe the preparation of a number of dibromo compounds through addition of liquid
bromine across unsaturated organic compounds. Such products are obtained in high yields
but an important disadvantage is the hazards of handling liquid bromine.
C. A. Buechler and D. E. Pearson, (Survey of organic syntheses Wiley -Inter science, New
York 1970 Chapter?) have reported the preparation of tribromophenol using liquid
bromine as brominating agent. The drawbacks of this method are that it requires special
devices for handling corrosive liquid bromine and at least half of the bromine atoms in the
reagent end up in the effluent in the form of hydrobromic acid.
Reference may be made to S. Armstrong in US 5,475,153, Dec. 12, 1995 who brominated
Bisphenol-A with liquid bromine to get 98 % pure tetrabromobisphenol-A (m.p, 180 °C)
and where hydrogen peroxide was combined with the reactants to reuse the HBr produced
as in equation 1 and thereby reduce the amount of bromine required. However, the
principal difficulty of the hazardous nature of liquid bromine remains.
Brominating agents that are easy to handle are known but are used mainly for more
selective transformations or those where bromine is less effective. A. Groweiss in Organic
Process & Development 2000, 4, 30-33, described the use of sodium bromate for
bromination of aromatic compounds that contain deactivating substituents such as
nitrobenzene, benzoic acid, benzaldehyde, 4-nitrofluorobenzene and 4-fluorobenzoic acid.
In this process, the addition of a strong acid such as sulfuric acid into a stirred aqueous
solution or slurry of the substrate and stoichiometric quantity of bromate salt at 40-100 °C,
leads to the decomposition of the bromate ions and production of active brominating
species. The drawback of sodium bromate is that it is costly and its use cannot be justified
in more conventional bromination reactions that can be effected by liquid bromine as such.
Z. E. Jolles (Bromine and its compounds, Ernest Benn Limited London 1966, p394) has
added a mixture of 356 g (2 moles) of N-bromosuccinimide and 4 g (0.0165 moles) of
benzoyl peroxide over 20 min to a solution of 220 g (2.24 moles) of 3-methyl thiophene
and 4 g (0.0165 moles) benzoyl peroxide in 700 ml of dry benzene under stirring at reflux
conditions. After all the succinimide is added, the reaction mixture is cooled to below 5°C.
The benzene is distilled at 75-78°C under reduced pressure to give 280 g of 3-
bromomethyl- thiophene. Although N-bromos- nide is a useful reagent for specific
bromination reactions, it is a costly brominatinfe, -i,ent and its use cannot be justified in
those bromination reactions where liquid bromine would suffice; even more so since its
preparation involves use of liquid bromine in any case (N-bromosuccinimide is prepared by
reacting succinimide with bromine liquid below 0 °C in potassium hydroxide solution).
P. C. Merker and J. A. Vona (J Chem. Ed. 1949, 26, 613) prepared p-bromoacetanilide by
reacting 31.5 g (0.232 mole) of acetanilide in 50 ml of glacial acetic acid with 38 g (0.119
mole) of pyndinium bromideperbromide in hot 40 ml glacial acetic acid. The mixture was
allowed to stand at room temperature for 30 min. To it, 2 ml of saturated sodium bisulfite
solution was added. The resulting mass was filtered, washed with water and finally
recrystallized from hot 95% aqueous ethanol to yield 13 g of/7-bromoacetanilide having
m.p. 168 °C. The drawbacks of this method are that the brominating agent requires liquid
bromine and hydrobromic acid in its preparation (L. F. Fieser and M. Fieser, Reagents for
Organic Chemistry Vol. 1, John Wiley, New York, 1967, p967) and the reagent is costlier
than liquid bromine.
G. Rothenberg and J. H. Clark (Organic Process & Development 2000, 4, 270-274) have
claimed the catalytic bromination of various aromatic compounds using an alkali bromideor hydrobromic acid and hydrogen peroxide in the presence of 1-2 mol % vanadium
pentoxide catalyst. The drawbacks of this method are that more than stoichiometric
quantities of hydrogen peroxide are required and the reaction needs a catalyst.
G. Ramachandraiah, P. K. Ghosh, A. S. Mehta, R. P. Pandya, A. D. Jethva, S. S. Vaghela,
S. N. Misra (pending US Pat. Appln. No. 09/767,667 [2001]) have prepared
tetrabromobisphenol-A from bisphenol-A using 2:1 molar ratio of bromide and bromate
salts as brominating agent. To 0.50 kg (2.19 moles) of bisphenol-A in 1.50 liters of
methylene chloride, a solution of 0.63 kg (6.14 moles) of sodium bromide, 0.44 kg (2.93
moles) of sodium bromate and 1 g of sodium lauryl sulfate in 2.5 liters of water was added.
The flask was cooled to 10 °C by placing it in'a cold water bath. To it, 0.90 liters (10.8
moles) of 12 N hydrochloric acid was added over 3 h under stirring. The contents were
stirred for another 0.5 h and the separated solid product was filtered, washed twice with
deionized water and dried in oven at 100 °C to give a yield of 0.85 kg of TBBPA. The
organic layer was recycled in subsequent batches. The isolated yield of TBBPA (m.p. 178-
180 °C) over three batches was 85.4 %. Although the method has several advantages in
that the brominating reagent is easy to handle, no catalyst is required, the bromine atom
efficiency for the aromatic substitution reaction studied is as high as 95-100 %, the main
drawback of this method is that alkali bromide and bromate salts are individually much
costlier than liquid bromine. Moreover the 4:2 stoichiometry of bromide:bromate is
suitable for substitution reactions but not for addition of bromine across double bonds.
According to the present invention, the main drawback of pending US Pat. Appln. No.
09/767,667 (2001) has been overcome by using a mixture of alkali bromide and alkali
bromate salts of the desired ratios that can be prepared inexpensively from the intermediate
of bromine recovery plants, the said mixture being easy to handle and stable under storage
while, under the conditions of bromination reaction, the bromide and bromate salts self
annihilate one another to create reactive species of bromine that are useful in the safe
preparation of several organo bromine compounds as demonstrated through working
The main object of the present invention is the preparation of suitable mixtures of alkali
bromide and alkali bromate salts that are easy to handle, stable on storage, and can replace
corrosive liquid bromine in bromination reaction. 4
Another object of the invention is to prepare a non-hazardous brominating reagent from an
aqueous alkaline bromine byproduct solution obtained from bromine recovery plant.
Another object of the present invention is to utilize the intermediate of bromine recovery
plants that are based on the "Cold Process" which typically contains 25-35 % (w/v)
"bromine" dissolved in lime or sodium hydroxide.Yet, another object of the present invention is to alter the composition of the industrial
alkaline bromine mixture to maximize bromine atom efficiency in the reactions of
equations 1 and 2 and minimize discharge in effluent.
Yet, another object of the present invention is to adjust appropriately the bromide:bromate
ratio of the intermediate by adding alkali bromide salt to achieve a precise stoichiometry of
5:1 bromide:bromate suitable for equation 2.
Yet, another object of the present invention is to adjust appropriately the bromide:bromate
ratio of the intermediate by adding alkali bromate salt to achieve a stoichiometry of 2:1
bromide:bromate suitable for equation 1.
Yet, another -:oject of the present invention is to appropriately the bromide:bromau:
ratio of the intermediate by utilizing inexpensive oxidizing agents such as sodium
hypochlorite that can oxidize bromide ion to bromate ion to achieve a stoichiometry of 2:1
bromide:bromate suitable for equation 1.
Yet another object of the present invention is to make the brominating reagent in the
desired physical form.
Yet another object of the present invention is to activate the brominating agent with a
suitable acid during bromination reactions of organic substrates.
Accordingly, the present invention provides an non-hazardous brominating reagent from an
aqueous alkaline bromine byproduct solution obtained from bromine recovery plant and
containing 25 to 35 % bromine dissolved in aqueous lime or sodium hydroxide containing
alkali bromide and alkali bromate mixture having bromide to bromate stoichiometric ratio
in the range of 5:1 to 5.1:1 or 2:1 to 2.1:1 and a pH ranging between 8-12. This invention
also provides a process for producing the above said brominating agent and use of said
brominating agent for brominating organic substrate.
Accordingly, the present invention provides a stable non-hazardous brominating reagent
from an aqueous alkaline bromine byproduct solution obtained from bromine recovery
plant, said bromine byproduct solution containing 25 to 35 % bromine dissolved in
aqueous lime or sodium hydroxide in the form of alkali bromide and alkali bromate
mixture, said reagent having a pH ranging between 8.5 - 10.5 and containing 100-350 g/L
bromine or in a solid form having 45-55% (w/w) bromine.
In an embodiment of the invention relates to a cost-effective process for the preparation of
a stable and non-hazardous brominating reagent which comprises treating aqueous alkaline
bromine containing 25-35 % bromine dissolved in aqueous lime or sodium hydroxide as an
alkali bromide and alkali bromate mixture at a pH ranging between 8-12 with alkali
bromide to increase the stoichiometric ratio of bromide to bromate in the range of 5.1:1 to
5:1 or adding an oxidizing agent to decrease the stoichiometric ratio of bromide to bromate
in the range of 2.1:1 to 2:1 to obtain the desired brominating reagent solution having pH
ranging between 8.5-10.5 and containing 100-350 g/L bromine, optionally evaporating the
above said brominating reagent solution to obtain the desired brominating reagent in a
solid form possessing 45-55 % (w/w) bromine.
In another embodiment of the invention, wherein the bromide to bromate ratio is increased
to 5:1 by adding appropriate quantity of alkali bromide salt to the aqueous alkaline bromine
In still another embodiment of the invention, wherein the bromide to bromate ratio of 2:1 is
achieved by treating the aqueous alkaline bromine solution with 1-10% concentration of
aqueous sodium hypochloride for a period of 6-24 hours at a temperature in the range of
range of 25-30°C and more preferably by adding alkali into the aqueous alkaline bromine
solution followed by passing chlorine gas to generate hypochloride in situ to convert
bromide salt to bromate salt by an oxidation process.
Yet another embodiment of the invention, wherein the bromide to bromate ratio of alkaline
bromine mixture is decreased by adding appropriate quantity of alkaline bromate salt,
preferably sodium or calcium bromate while ensuring that pH of the solution remains
between 8-10 and there is no rise in temperature.
Yet another embodiment of the invention, wherein the solution of brominating reagent is
evaporated by conventional techniques, preferably in solar pans for large scale production
to obtain solid brominating reagent which is finally ground'to get a homogenous mixture of
salts having bromine content in the range of 90-100%.
Yet another embodiment of the invention, wherein the said brominating reagent is
activated in situ during the bromination reaction through addition of stoichiometric
quantity of a mineral acid, preferably hydrochloric acid.
One more embodiment of the invention provides a method for brominating aromatic
compounds by using brominating reagent as claimed in claim 1, wherein the aromatic
compound used is selected from group consisting of bisphenal A, bromophenol and olefin
selected from styrene and cyclohexene and other class of aromatic compounds, the said
method comprising: treating aqueous alkaline bromine containing 25-35 % bromine
dissolved in aqueous lime or sodium hydroxide as an alkali bromide and alkali bromate
mixture at a pH ranging between 8-12 with alkali bromide to increase the stoichiometric
ratio of bromide to bromate in the range of 5.1:1 to 5:1 or adding an oxidizing agent to
decrease the stoichiometric ratio of bromide to bromate in the range of 2.1:1 to 2:1 to
obtain the desired brominating reagent solution having pH ranging between 8.5-10.5 and
containing 100-350 g/L bromine, optionally evaporating the above said brominating
reagent solution to obtain the desired brominatin :nt in a solid form possessing 45-55
% (w/w) bromine with active bromine content tnuv ^ 90-100 % of total bromine content
and activating the brominating agent in situ during bromination reaction by adding 9-12 ml
of 12N hydrochloric acid into the reaction vessel containing l-3g of organic substrate and
1-20 g of said brominating reagent or alternatively by adding 1-20 g of brominating reagent
into the reaction vessel containing 1-3 g of organic substrate and 9-12 ml of 12N
hydrochloric acid.
The present invention provides a cost-effective process of preparation of a stable and nonhazardous
brominating reagent containing 5:1 to 2:1 stoichiometric ratio of alkali bromide:
alkali bromate which comprises treatment of aqueous alkaline bromine containing 25-35 %
bromine dissolved in aqueous lime or sodium hydroxide as an alkali bromide/alkali
bromate mixture in the pH range 8-12 with an appropriate quantity of alkali bromide to
increase bromide:bromate ratio or with an oxidizing agent to decrease bromide/bromate
ratio, as appropriate, yielding the desired brominating reagent solution with pH 8-10 and
containing 100-350 g/L bromine, optionally evaporating the solution to yield a solid form
of brominating agent possessing 45-55 % (w/w) bromine with active bromine content that
is 90-100 % of total bromine content, and activating the brominating agent in situ during
bromination reactions by controlled addition of appropriate quantity of mineral acid into
the reaction vessel containing organic substrate and brominating reagent or alternatively
through controlled addition of brominating reagent into reaction vessel containing organic
substrate and mineral acid.
In an embodiment of the present invention, the alkaline bromine having 29.3% (w/v)
bromine dissolved in sodium hydroxide (37.2 °Be, pH 8.73) and 28.1% (w/v) bromine
dissolved in lime (37.2 °Be, pH 10.25) are obtained from bromine recovery plants based on
"Cold Process" technology.
In another embodiment of the present invention, alkaline bromine may be obtained from
other sources than bromine recovery plants based on "Cold Process" technology.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention bromide salt is added to the alkaline
bromine having bromide to bromate ratio less than 5:1 to adjust the bromide to bromate
ratio to 5:1.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the alkaline bromine is reacted with
required quantity of sodium hypochlorite in a i vessel over a period of 6-24 h to
obtain the brominating reagent with 2:1 ratio of bioaude to bromate.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the alkaline bromine may be mixed
with required quantity of a bromate salt over a period of 10-30 min to obtain the
brominating reagent with 2:1 stoichiometry of bromide:bromate.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the reaction/mixing is conducted
typically in the temperature range between 25-30 °C.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the treated alkaline bromine solutionscontaining 5:1 and 2:1 bromide to bromate are used as reagents for bromine addition and
substitution reactions, respectively.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the brominating reagent solution is
evaporated and dried to obtain a solid, which can be used as brominating reagent.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the brominating agent can be activated
during bromination reactions addition of a suitable acid.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention the acid used during the bromination
* reaction is preferably an inexpensive mineral acid and more specifically an acid which
produces soluble calcium salts which is advantageous when the brominating agent is based
on alkaline (lime) bromine and/or calcium hypochlorite.
Bromine is manufactured commercially by the "Steaming Out" and "Cold" Processes. In
the latter process, bromine liberated from the feed by sparging with chlorine gas is initially
trapped in aqueous solution in concentrated form wherein it reacts with the alkali and
disproportionate as per the reaction of equation 3 to produce five parts of bromide ion and
one part of bromate ion. The medium is then acidified to re-liberate bromine as per the
reaction of equation 4. This bromine can then be collected.
3Br2 + 60FT -» 5Bf + BrO3' + 3H2O(3)
5Bf + Br03" + 6H+ -> 3Br2 + 3H2O (4)
whereas, the mixture of bromide and bromate is unstable under acidic conditions, it
is stable over many months under alkaline conditions. It has been found in the course of
this invention that it is possible to apply the knowledge of equation 4 and convert the
it duct mixture of equation 3 into a reagent to carry out the reaction of equation 2 as
shown below:
5Bf + BrCV + 6H+ -> [3Br2] + 3H2O (5a)
R— CH=CH2 + [Br2] -> RCHBrCH2Br (equation 2)
Care must, however, be taken to ensure that sufficient time is given for equation 5a so that
molecular bromine can be generated prior to the reaction of equation 2. Otherwise,
tendency to form side products is higher as demonstrated later in the examples.
The reagent can also be used to carry out equation 6, as described in pending US Pat.
Application No. 09/767,667 (2001), when the reaction mixture containing such
brominating reagent and organic compound is acidified whereupon active bromine is
generated. Alternatively, the brominating agent can be added into a solution of the organic
compound and desired quantity of acid.
3R—H + 5Br" + BrO3'+ 6H+ -» 3RBr +3HBr +3H2O(6)
Pending US Pat. Appln. No. 09/767,667 (2001) states that the bromide/bromate
stoichiometric ratio should be 4:2 instead of 5:1 for maxirmim bromine atom efficiency,
6R—H + 4Bf + 2BrO3'+ 6H+ -> 6RBr + 6H20(7)
It occurred to us in the course of the invention that the desired bromide:bromate
stoichiometric ratio can be achieved in cost-effective manner as shown by equations 8 and
9. Hypochlorite is generated as in equation 8 and used in the reaction of equation 9 to
attain the desired 4:2 stoichiometry of bromide:bromate.
3C12 + 6 OH' -» 3CICT+ 3d' + 3H2O (8)
5Br' + BrO3' + 3CIO' -» 4Br" + 2BrO3" + 3C1'(9)
The preparation of hypochlorite involves handling alkali and chlorine, both of which are
used by manufacturers of bromine by the "Cold Process". Moreover, hypochlorite is
among the cheapest oxidizing agents, which can effect the desired oxidation reaction of
equation 9, and, therefore, is an ideal choice although other oxidizing agents could also be
The reaction of equation 9 is carried out in the L ory in a stoppered 0.25-5.00 L rounu
bottom flask. Alkaline bromine containing 3-265 g of dissolved bromine in lime or sodium
hydroxide was mixed with calculated amount 0.8-63.0 g of sodium hypochlorite under
thorough stirring. The reactants were allowed to react for 6-24 h to obtain the desired
brominating reagent in solution form. The temperature of the vessel during the reaction
was in the range of 27-30 °C. It is advisable to conduct the reaction of sodium hypochlorite
with alkaline bromine in a closed vessel for at least 12 h.
In the second method, the alkaline bromine containing 3-265 g of dissolved bromine was
mixed with a solution of calculated amount (1.5-118 g) of sodium bromate in a 0.25-5.00 L
flask to give liquid brominating reagent or solid on evaporation and drying of it under
Better brominating reagent for equation 7 is obtained if the bromide:bromate ratio is
maintained between 2.0-2.1. Brominating agent with bromide:bromate > 2.1 leads to
decrease in bromine atom efficiency whereas undesired products tend to be produced when
bromide:bromate In the preferred form of the invention, the aqueous brominating agent with pH in the range
8.5-10.5 and the desired stoichiometry of bromide:bromate was evaporated on a steam bath
and dried under vacuum to get the reagent in solid form. Bromine manufacturers generally
have access to solar evaporation ponds that can be used to produce the solid reagent costeffectively
on large scale. Apart from the advantage of higher bromine content, such form
of the reagent would be easier and cheaper to transport than the solution.
The brominating reagent (solid and solution) was characterized by determining its bromate
and bromide contents. 1 g of solid or 1 ml of liquid brominating reagent was
dissolved/diluted with water to a volume of 100 ml and used as stock in the estimation of
bromate and bromide. To estimate bromide, 1-4 ml of the stock was taken in a 25 ml
volumetric flask and 2 ml of 9 M sulfuric acid was added and the solution was diluted up
25 ml volumetric flask and into it was added a large excess (1 g) of sodium bromide and
ml of 9 M sulfuric acid and the volume made up to the 25 ml mark. The liberated bromine
as a result of the reaction between bromide and bromate in presence of acid was estimated
spectrophotometrically (K. Kumar and D. W. Margerum Inorg. Chem. 1987 26, 2706-
by measuring the absorbance at 390 nm and using the appropriate molar extinction
coefficient (e, 167 NT1 cm"1 in absence and 522 M~l cm"1 in the presence of large excess
of bromide) values. The homogeneity of solid brominating reagent was confirmed by
estimating bromate and bromide composition in 1 g samples drawn from different parts of
the sample.
Since the bromide:bromate stoichiometry was always maintained slightly higher than the
theoretical ratio of 4:2 as per the requirement of equation 7, the active bromine was always
less than 100 % and was estimated with the help of equation 10:
{3x[BrO3']/([Br03'] + Br"]}xlOO %(equation 10)
The following examples illustrate the method of preparation of the brominating agent and
its application in organic bromination reactions.
The important inventive steps involved in the present invention are that (i) the brominating
reagent can be prepared from mixed salts of alkali bromide and bromate, either as a
solution or solid as desired, (ii) such mixed salt can be prepared cost-effectively from the
alkaline bromine intermediate produced in the process of bromine recovery through the
"Cold Process", (iii) the ratio of bromide to bromate can b'e suitably adjusted for aromatic
bromination reactions through oxidation with inexpensive hypochlorite which can be
prepared, in rum, using chlorine gas and alkali, both of which are used routinely in the
"Cold Process", and (iv) the brominating agent can be activated in presence of acid for
carrying out organic bromination reactions with high yields and atom efficiency.
One more embodiment of the invention provides a cost effective process for the
preparation of a non-hazardous brominating reagent from an aqueous alkaline bromine
byproduct solution obtained from bromine recovery plant and containing 25 to 35 %
bromine dissolved in aqueous lime or sodium hydroxide containing alkali
bromide/bromide mixture having a pH range of 8-12.
Another embodiment of the invention, wherein the aqueous alkaline bromine solution with
bromide: bromate ratio typically in the range of 4.5:1 to 5.5:1 and preferably in the range of
5:1 to 5.1:1.
In another embodiment of the invention, wherein the aqueous alkaline bromine solution
with bromide: bromate ratio typically in the ranj. 1 to 2.1:1.
Still another embodiment of the invention, wherein bromide to bromate ratio is increased
to 5:1 to 5.1:1 by adding appropriate quantity of alkali bromide salt to the aqueous alkaline
bromine solution.
Yet another embodiment of the invention, wherein bromide to bromate ratio of 2.1:1 to2:l
is achieved by treating the aqueous alkaline bromine solution with 1-10% concentration of
aqueous sodium hypochloride for a period of 6-24 hours at a temperature range of 25-30°C
and more preferably by adding alkali into the aqueous alkaline bromine solution and
passing chlorine gas to generate hypochloride in situ which can convert bromide salt to
bromate salt by the process of oxidation.
Yet another embodiment of the invention, wherein ratio of bromide to bromate is decreased
by addition of appropriate quantities of alkaline bromate salt sodium or calcium bromate
maintaining the pH of the final solution between 8-10 and without any rise in temperature
of the solution.
Yet another embodiment of the invention, wherein the solution of brominating reagent is
evaporated by conventional techniques, preferably in solar pans for large scale production
to yield solid brominating reagent which is finally ground to get a homogenous mixture of
salts having bromine content in the range of 35-70%.
Yet another embodiment of the invention, wherein the said brominating are used to
brominate aromatic compounds selected from group comprising bisphenal A,
bromophenol, olefms such as styrene, cyclohexene and other class of compounds by
activating in situ by the addition of stochiometric quantities of suitable mineral acid and
preferably hydrochloric acid.
The following examples are given by way of illustrations and therefore should not be
construed to limit the scope of the present invention.
To 9.2 ml of alkaline bromine solution containing 3.03 M Br" and 0.64 M BrOs", 1.25
mmol (0.129 g) solid NaBr was added to obtain a 5:1 ratio of Br ": BrO3". The active
r nine content in the mixture was > 99 %.
To 1.818 g (17. 456 mmol) of styrene dissolved in 5ml of dichloromethane in 250 ml
round bottom flask, 5ml of 12 N hydrochloric acid and 10 ml of water were added. A
mixture of (3.035 g, 29.47 mmol) NaBr and 0.879 g (5.819 mmol) of NaBrO3 dissolved in
20 ml water was added under stirring at room temperature over a period of 90 min. The
organic layer was evaporated to get 39.3% of styrene dibromide, 60.6% styrene epoxide
and 0.01% benzaldehyde.
0.909 g (8.73 mmol) of styrene dissolved in 5ml of dichloromethane in 250 ml was taken
in a round bottom flask fitted with a dropping funnel. In to the dropping funnel, 20 ml of
1.8 M hydrochloric acid and 20 ml of an aqueous solution containing 1.517 g (14.73 mmol)
NaBr and 0.439 g (2.91 mmoles) of NaBrO3 were added simultaneously at the same flow
rate over a period of 30 mins and passage through the dropping funnel outlet insured
uniform mixing cf the solutions to generate Br2 transiently, as per the reaction of equation
4, before falling into the stirred round bottom flask containing dissolved styrene at room
temperature. After completion of addition, stirring was continued for an additional 15 min.
The organic layer was then separated and evaporated and the crude solid dissolved in 25 ml
methanol at room temperature. 25 ml of water was then added into the methanol and fine
white solid separated. The solid which weighed 1.258 g after filtration and drying, was
identified as styrene dibromide (mp 68 - 70°C) with isolated yield of 54.6 %.
5.0 g (21.93 mmol) of bisphenol-A, 50 ml of methanol and 18.4 ml of 12 N HC1 were
taken in a round bottom flask. 15.75 g NaBr (152.9 mmol) and 4.64 g (30.73 mmol)
NaBrOs" (were dissolved in 50 ml water and the solution added gradually into the flask
over 1.5 h under stirring at room temperature. After completion of the reaction the white
crystals that formed at the bottom were filtered and dried to yield 10.68 g (89.5%) of
tetrabromobisphenol-A (mp 180 °C). The bromine atom efficiency with respect to desired
product was 42.8 %.
62.08 g or iodium hypochlorite was added t ilkaline bromine mixture contain g
261.7 g dissolved bromine in sodium hydroxide. The contents were mixed thoroughly and
allowed to react for 24 h in a closed 5 L round bottom flask to give brominating reagent
containing 241.85 g (92.4%) of active bromine in solution form.
0.8 g of sodium hypochlorite was added to the alkaline bromine mixture containing 3.542
of dissolved bromine in sodium hydroxide. The contents were mixed thoroughly and
allowed to react for 12 h in a closed 250 ml round bottom flask. The reaction mixture was
evaporated completely on a steam bath. The residue was dried under vacuum to give 9.65
of solid brominating reagent containing 3.317 g (93.6%) active bromine.
12.77 g (0.085 moles) of sodium bromate dissolved in 50 ml of water was added to the
alkaline bromine mixture containing 28.54 g of dissolved bromine in sodium hydroxide.
The contents were mixed thoroughly for 30 min in a one L flask. The resulting solution
was evaporated on a steam bath and dried under vacuum to give 67 g of solid brominating
reagent containing 35.095 g (99.4%) of active bromine.
1 g (4.386 mmol) of bisphenol-A, 4.075 g of the brominating agent of Example 6 dissolved
in 14.5 ml water (containing 17.511 mmol of reactive bromine) and 5 ml of
dichloromethane were taken in a round bottom flask and a solution of 12 ml of 2 N
hydrochloric acid was added over a period of 40 min under stirring at room temperature.
Stirring was continued for another 30 min. 1.55 g of fine crystals were obtained on
filtration and a further 0.67 g was obtained after evaporation of the organic layer to give a
total product amount of 2.22 g (93 .2%) tetrabromobisphenol-A (mp 176-182 °C)
characterized by spectroscopic techniques. The bromine atom efficiency based on desired
product and active bromine content was 93.2 %.
4.3 ml of alkaline (lime) bromine (containing 0.242 g bromide and 0.051 g bromate per ml
of solution) and 0.52 g sodium bromate in 10 ml water were taken in a round bottom flask
with total bromine content of 19.135 mmol. Into this was added 2.5 g (18.517 mmol) of
..anilide in 12.5 ml dichloromethane. 25 ml of 3.6 N hydrochloric acid was added over a
period of 13 min under stirring at room temperature. Stirring was continued for another 30
min. The precipitate was filtered, washed with water and dried to give 3.689 g (92.7 %) of
p-bromoacetanilide (m.p. 164-168 °C) characterized through spectroscopic techniques.
To 2.5 gm (26.596 mmoles) of phenol dissolved in a mixture of 30 ml water and 9 ml of 12
N hydrochloric acid, 18.568 g of the brominating agent of Example 6 (containing 79.788
mmol of reactive bromine) dissolved in 66 ml water was added over a period of 60 min
under stirring at room temperature. Stirring was continued for another 30 min. The
precipitate was filtered, washed with water and dried to give 8.495 g (96.5%) of
tribromophenol (mp 84-89 °C) which was characterized through spectroscopic techniques.
1 g (7.407 mmol) of acetanilide, 1.724 g of the brominating agent of Example 6 dissolved
in 6,2 ml water (containing 7.408 mmol of reactive bromine) and 5 ml of dichloromethane
were taken in a round bottom flask and a a solution of 12 ml of 2 N hydrochloric acid-was
added over a period of 15 min under stirring at room temperature. Stirring was continued
for another 30 min. The precipitate was filtered, washed with water and dried to give 1.402
g (88 %) of /7-bromoacetanilide (m.p. 164-168 °C) characterized through spectroscopic
The main advantages of the present invention are:
(i) Inexpensive method of preparation of non-hazardous brominating reagents that are
stable under storage and can be formulated either in solution or solid forms.
(ii) The brominating reagents can be prepared as a mixture of alkali bromide and
bromate salts by utilizing the aqueous alkaline bromine mixture produced as
intermediate in bromine recovery plants based on the Cold Process,
(iii) The alkaline bromine mixture with 5:1 bromide: bromate is a substitute for liquid
bromine in bromine addition reactions and can be used for aromatic bromination
(iv) The brominating reagent with 2:1 bromide: bromate can be prepared from the
alkaline bromine mixture through oxidation with inexpensive oxidizing agents and
is especially suitable for aromatic bromi" -actions with high Br atom efficiency
that ivoids the formation of HBr.
(v) The brominating reagents are activated by simple addition of mineral acid and no
catalyst is required for the bromination reactions,
(vi) Bromination reaction can be carried out with the present brominating reagents
under ambient conditions.

1. A stable non-hazardous brominating reagent from an aqueous alkaline bromine byproduct solution obtained from bromine recovery plant, said bromine byproduct solution containing 25 to 35 % bromine dissolved in aqueous lime or sodium hydroxide in the form of alkali bromide and alkali bromate mixture, said reagent having a pH ranging between 8.5 - 10.5 and containing 100 - 350 g/L bromine or in a solid form having 45-55% (w/w) bromine.
2. A cost-effective process for the preparation of a stable and non-hazardous brominating reagent, which comprises treating aqueous alkaline bromine containing 25-35 % bromine dissolved in aqueous lime or sodium hydroxide as an alkali bromide and alkali bromate mixture at a pH ranging between 8-12, with alkali bromide to increase the stoichiometric ratio of bromide to bromate in the range of 5.1:1 to 5:1 or adding an oxidizing agent to decrease the stoichiometric ratio of bromide to bromate in the range of 2.1:1 to 2:1 to obtain the desired brominating reagent solution having pH ranging between 8.5-10.5 and containing 100-350 g/L bromine, optionally evaporating the above said brominating reagent solution to obtain the desired brominating reagent in a solid form possessing 45-55 % (w/w) bromine.
3. A process as claimed in claim 2, wherein the bromide to bromate ratio is increased to 5:1 by adding appropriate quantity of alkali bromide salt to the aqueous alkaline bromine solution.
4. A process as claimed in claim 2, wherein the bromide to bromate ratio of 2:1 is achieved by treating the aqueous alkaline bromine solution with 1-10% concentration of aqueous sodium hypochloride for a period of 6-24 hours at a temperature in the range of range of 25-30°C and more preferably by adding alkali into the aqueous alkaline bromine solution followed by passing chlorine gas to generate hypochloride in situ to convert bromide salt to bromate salt by an oxidation process.
5. A process as claimed in claim 2, wherein the bromide to bromate ratio of alkaline bromine mixture is decreased by adding appropriate quantity of alkaline bromate salt, preferably sodium or calcium bromate while ensuring that pH of the solution remains between 8-10 and there is no rise in temperature.
6. A process as claimed in claim 2, wherein the solution of brominating reagent is evaporated by conventional techniques, preferably in solar pans for large scale production to obtain the solid brominating reagent which is finally ground to get a homogenous mixture of salts having bromine content in the range of 90-100%.
7. A process as claimed in claim 2, wherein the said brominating reagent is activated in situ during the bromination reaction through addition of stoichiometric quantity of a mineral acid, preferably hydrochloric acid.
8. A method for brominating aromatic compounds by using brominating reagent as claimed in claim 1, wherein the aromatic compound used is selected from group consisting of bisphenol A, bromophenol and olefm selected from styrene and cyclohexene and other class of aromatic compounds and, said method comprising:
treating aqueous alkaline bromine containing 25-35 % bromine dissolved in aqueous lime or sodium hydroxide as an alkali bromide and alkali bromate mixture at a pH ranging between 8-12 with alkali bromide to increase the stoichiometric ratio of bromide to bromate in the range of 5.1:1 to 5:1 or adding an oxidizing agent to decrease the stoichiometric ratio of bromide to bromate in the range of 2.1:1 to 2:1 to obtain the desired brominating reagent solution having pH ranging between 8.5-10.5 and containing 100-350 g/L bromine, optionally evaporating the above said brominating reagent solution to obtain the desired brominating reagent in a solid form possessing 45-55 % (w/w) bromine with active bromine content that is 90-100 % of total bromine content and activating the brominating agent in situ by the addition of mineral acid.
9. The method as claimed in claim 8, wherein aromatic compound used is selected from group consisting of bisphenol A, bromophenol and olefin selected from styrene and cyclohexene and other class of aromatic compounds.
10. The method as claimed in claim 8, wherein the mineral acid is selected from hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid and preferable hydrochloric acid.
11. The method as claimed in claim 8, wh ic quantity of 12N hydrochloric a, d used is 9 to 12 ml to activate 1 -20 g of said brominating agent to brominate 1 - 3 gms of an organic substrate.
Preparation of non-hazardous brominating reagents substantially as herein described with reference to the examples and drawings accompanying the specification.







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Patent Number 225718
Indian Patent Application Number 63/DEL/2003
PG Journal Number 01/2009
Publication Date 02-Jan-2009
Grant Date 21-Nov-2008
Date of Filing 23-Jan-2003
Applicant Address RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001, INDIA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C01B 009/04
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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