Title of Invention


Abstract A digital rights management method and system for items having usage rights. A first activation device defines a first trust zone. A first license device associated with the first trust zone generates an open license having usage rights associated with a first item. A second activation device defines a second trust zone and is adapted to issue a software package that enforces usage rights. A user device associated with the second trust zone is adapted to receive the software package from the second activation device, to receive the open license associated with the first item, and to use the first item in accordance with the open license. In addition, a method is provided for enforcing a license granting usage rights associated with a protected item, and for classifying a license, the license being an open license or a closed license.
Field of the Invention
The present invention is directed to systems for controlling the distribution of items, such as digital content. In particular, the present invention is directed to such systems that support multiple trust zones.
Description of Related Art
One of the most important issues impeding the widespread distribution of digital works (i.e. documents or other content in forms readable by computers), via electronic means, and the Internet in particular, is the current lack of ability to enforce the intellectual property rights of content owners during the distribution and use of digital works. Efforts to resolve this problem have been termed "Intellectual Property Rights Management" ("IPRM"), "Digital Property Rights Management" ("DPRM"), "Intellectual Property Management" ("IPM"), "Rights Management" ("RM"), and "Electronic Copyright Management" ("ECM"), collectively referred to as "Digital Rights Management (DRM)" herein. There are a number of issues to be considered in effecting a DRM System. For example, authentication, authorization, accounting, payment and financial clearing, rights specification, rights verification, rights enforcement, and document protection issues should be addressed. U.S. patents 5,530,235, 5.634.012, 5,715,403, 5,638,443, and 5,629,980, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference, disclose DRM Systems addressing these issues.
In the world of printed documents and other physical content, a work created by an author is usually provided to a publisher, which formats and prints numerous copies of the work. The copies are then sent by a

distributor to bookstores or other retail outlets, from which the copies are
purchased by end users. While the low quality of copying and the high cost of
distributing printed material have served as deterrents to unauthorized
copying of most printed documents, it is far too easy to copy, modify, and
redistribute unprotected digital works with high quality. Accordingly,
mechanisms of protecting digital works are necessary to retain rights of the
owner of the work.
[0004] Unfortunately, it has been widely recognized that it is difficult to
prevent, or even deter, people from making unauthorized copies of electronic
works within current general-purpose computing and communications
systems such as personal computers, workstations, and other devices
connected over communications networks, such as local area networks
(LANs), intranets, and the Internet. Many attempts to provide hardwarebased
solutions to prevent unauthorized copying have proven to be
unsuccessful. The proliferation of high band-width "broadband"
communications technologies and the development of what is presently
known as the "National Information Infrastructure" (Nil) will render it even
more convenient to distribute large documents electronically, including video
files such as full length motion pictures, and thus will remove any remaining
deterrents to unauthorized copying and distribution of digital works.
Accordingly, DRM technologies are becoming a high priority.
[0005] Two basic DRM schemes have been employed, secure containers
and trusted systems. A "secure container" (or simply an encrypted document)
offers a way to keep document contents encrypted until a set of authorization
conditions are met and some copyright terms are honored (e.g., payment for
use). After the various conditions and terms are verified with the document
provider, the document is released to the user in clear form. Commercial
products such as CRYPTOLOPES™ and DIGIBOXES™ fall into this
category. Clearly, the secure container approach provides a solution to
protecting the document during delivery over insecure channels, but does not
provide any mechanism to prevent legitimate users from obtaining the clear
document and then using and redistributing it in violation of content owners'
intellectual property.
[0006] In the "trusted system" approach, the entire system is responsible
for preventing unauthorized use and distribution of the document. Building a
trusted system usually entails introducing new hardware such as a secure
processor, secure storage and secure rendering devices. This also requires
that all software applications that run on trusted systems be certified to be
trusted. While building tamper-proof trusted systems is a real challenge to
existing technologies, current market trends suggest that open and untrusted
systems, such as PC's and workstations using browsers to access the Web,
will be the dominant systems used to access digital works. In this sense,
existing computing environments such as PC' s and workstations equipped
with popular operating systems (e.g., Windows™, Linux™, and UNIX) and
rendering applications, such as browsers, are not trusted systems and cannot
be made trusted without significantly altering their architectures. Of course,
alteration of the architecture defeats a primary purpose of the Web, i.e.
flexibility and compatibility.
[0007] U.S. patent 5,634,012, the disclosure of which is incorporated
herein by reference, discloses a system for controlling the distribution of
digital documents. Each rendering device has a repository associated
therewith. A predetermined set of usage transaction steps define a protocol
used by the repositories for enforcing usage rights associated with a
document. Usage rights persist with the document content. The usage rights
can permit various manners of use such as, viewing only, use once,
distribution, and the like. Usage rights can be contingent on payment or other
[0008] Conventional implementations of DRM Systems work well in a
single activation server system, where the activation server provides one or
more clients with a public and private key pair, or other identification
mechanism, during activation to allow the client to access and use the
protected content based on provisions specified by a license issued by one or
more license servers. The single activation by a single activation server
system allows the same activation to be used to enforce usage rights for all
the content protected with the DRM System. By allowing the activated client
to discern cryptographic signatures, signatures by license servers that have
not been activated by the same activation system will be rejected which
means that there will be interoperability problems if more than one activation
system is provided in the DRM System. However, the multiplicity of parties to
electronic transactions and various business models in use today often results
in multiple activation systems and the resulting multiplicity of activations for
content from various systems. Such multiple activations complicate the user
experience because different sets of keys, or other identification mechanism,
are required to use different content.
[0009] A first aspect of the invention is a rights management system for
managing use of items having usage rights associated therewith. The system
comprises a first activation device defining a trust zone and adapted to issue
a first software package that enforces usage rights, a second activation
device defining a second trust zone and adapted to issue a second software
package that enforces usage rights, and at least one first license device
associated with said first trust zone. The first license generates a license
associated with the items and including usage rights specifying a manner of
use. The license also specifies one or more trust zones in whjch the license
is valid. At least one user device is associated with the first trust zone and
receives the first software package and the license to use the items in
accordance with the license.
[0010] A second aspect of the invention is a rights management system for
managing use of items having usage rights associated therewith. The system
comprises a plurality of activation devices, defining trust zones and being
adapted to issue a software package that enforces usage rights to control use
of the items, at lease one license device associated with each of the trust
zones, the license devices being adapted to generate a license associated
with the items and haying usage rights specifying a manner of use. The
license also includes a designation as one of an open and closed license. A
plurality of usage devices are associated with one of the trust zones and
receive the software package and the license to use the items in accordance
with said license.
[0011] A third aspect of the invention is a rights management system for
managing use of items having usage rights associated therewith. The system
comprises a first activation device defining a first trust zone, a first license
device associated with the first trust zone and adapted to generate an open
license having usage rights associated with a first Hem, a second activation
device defining a second trust zone and adapted to issue a software package
that enforces usage rights to control use of the first item, and a user device
associated with the second trust zone and adapted to receive the software
package from the second activation device, and the open license to use the
first item in accordance with the open license.
[0012] A fourth aspect of the invention is a method for managing use of
items having usage rights associated therewith. The method comprises
defining a first trust zone and a second trust zone, each trust zone having an
activation device associated therewith and adapted to issue a software
package that enforces usage rights to control use of said items, and
generating a license associated with the items in the first trust zone, wherein
the license includes usage rights specifying a manner of use and a
specification of at least one of an open license and a dosed license that
determines whether the items are usable in at least one of the first trust zone
and the second trust zone.
[0013] A fifth aspect of the invention is a method for enforcing a license.
The method comprises granting usage rights associated with a protected item
to control use of the protected item within a trust zone, determining whether
the license was issued in the trust zone or outside of the first trust zone, and
determining whether the license is an open license or a closed license. If the
license is a closed license issued outside of the trust zone, use of the
protected item within said trust zone is prohibited and if the license is an open
license issued outside of the trust zone, use of said protected item within the
trust zone is permitted.
[0014] A sixth aspcet of the invention is a license adapted to be associated
with a protected item to control use of the protected item. The license
comprises usage rights that specify a manner of use for the protected item;
and, license classification indicating whether the license is an open license a
permitting use of the protected item outside of the trust zone or a closed
license prohibiting use of the protected item outside of the trust zone.
[0015] The invention is described through a preferred embodiments and
the attached drawing in which:
[0016] Fig. 1 is a schematic illustration of a DRM System;
[0017] Fig. 2 is a schematic illustration of a rights label;
[0018] Fig. 3 is a schematic illustration of a DRM system with a plurality of
activation servers that each define a trust zone in accordance with one
embodiment of the present invention;
[0019] Fig. 4 is a schematic illustration of another DRM system having a
top-most activation server in accordance with another embodiment of the
present invention;
[0020] Fig. 5 is a schematic illustration of a license in accordance with the
preferred embodiment; and
[0021] Fig. 6 illustrates a method of generating licenses in accordance with
the preferred embodiment.
[0022] A DRM system can be utilized to specify and enforce usage rights
for specific content or other item. Fig. 1 illustrates a DRM system 10 that can
be used to distribute digital content. DRM System 10 includes a user
activation device, in the form of activation server 20, that issues public and
private key pairs to content users in a protected fashion, as is well known.
Typically, when a user goes through an activation process, some information
is exchanged between activation server 20 and client environment 30, and
client component 60 is downloaded and installed in client environment 30.
Client component 60 serves as a security component and preferably is tamper
resistant and contains the set of public and private keys issued by activation
server 20 as well as other components such as any necessary engine for
parsing or rendering protected content 42.
[0023] Rights label 40 is associated with protected content 42 and
specifies usage rights that are available to an end-user when corresponding
conditions are satisfied. License Server 50 manages the encryption keys and
issues licenses 52 for exercise of usage rights in the manner set forth below.
Licenses 52 embody the actual granting of usage rights to an end user based
on usage rights selected from rights label 40. For example, rights label 40
may include usage rights for viewing protected 42 upon payment of a fee of
five dollars and viewing or printing protected content 42 upon payment of a
fee of ten dollars. Client component 60 interprets and enforces the usage
rights that have been specified in license 52.
[0024] Fig. 2 illustrates rights label 40 in accordance with the preferred
embodiment. Rights label 40 includes plural rights offers 44. Each rights
offer 44 includes usage rights 44a, conditions 44b, and content 44c. Content
specification 44c can include any mechanism for referencing, calling, locating,
or otherwise specifying protected content 42 associated with rights offer 44.
[0025] Usage rights specify manners of use. For example, a manner of
use can include the ability to use protected content 42, in a specified way,
such as printing viewing, distributing, or the like. Rights can also be bundled.
Further, usage rights can specify transfer rights, such as distribution rights, or
other derived rights. Such usage rights are referred to as "meta-rights".
Meta-rights are the rights that one has to manipulate, modify, and/or
derive other usage rights. Meta-rights can be thought of as usage rights
to usage rights. Meta-rights can include rights to offer, grant, obtain,,
transfer, delegate, track, surrender, exchange, and revoke usage rights
to/from others. Meta-rights can include the rights to modify any of the
conditions associated with other rights. For example, a meta-right may
be the right to extend or reduce the scope of a particular right. A metaright
may also be the right to extend or reduce the validation period of a
[0026] In many cases, conditions must be satisfied in order to exercise the
manner of use in a specified usage right. For, example a condition may be
the payment of a fee, submission of personal data, or any other requirement
desired before permitting exercise of a manner of use. Conditions can also
be "access conditions" for example, access conditions can apply to a
particular group of users, say students in a university, or members of a book
club. In other words, the condition is that the user is a particular person or
member of a particular group. Usage rights and conditions can exist as
separate entities or can be combined. Rights and conditions can be
associated with any item including, objects, classes, categories, and services,
for which use, access, distribution, or execution is to be controlled, restricted,
recorded, metered, charged, or monitored in some fashion to thereby define a
property right.
[0027] Protected content 42 can be prepared with document preparation
application 72 installed on computer 70 associated with a content distributor,
a content service provider, or any other party. Preparation of protected
content 42 consists of specifying the rights and conditions under which
protected content 42 can be used by associating rights label 40 with protected
content 42 and protecting protected content 42 with some crypto algorithm or
other mechanism for preventing processing or rendering of protected content
42. A rights language such as XrML™ can be used to specify the rights and
conditions in rights label 40. However, the rights and conditions can be
specified in any manner. Accordingly, the process of specifying rights refers
to any process for associating rights with protected content 42. Rights label
40 associated with protected content 42 and the encryption key used to
encrypt protected content 42 can be transmitted to license server 50.
Protected content 42 can be a human readable or computer readable content,
a text file, a code, a document, an audio file, a video file, a digital multimedia
file, or any other content.
[0028] A typical workflow for DRM System 10 is described below. A user
operating within client environment 30 is activated for receiving protected
content 42 by activation server 20. This results in a public-private key pair
(and some user/machine specific information) being downloaded to client
environment 30 in the form of client software application 60 in a known
manner. This activation process can be accomplished at any time prior to the
issuing of a license.
[0029] When a user wishes to obtain a specific protected content 42, the
user makes a request for protected content 42. For example, a user might
browse a Web site running on Web server of vendor 80, using a browser
installed in client environment 30, and request protected content 42. The user
can examine rights offers 44 in rights label 40 associated with protected
content 42 and select the desired usage rights. During this process, the user
may go through a series of steps possibly to satisfy conditions of the usage
rights including a fee transaction or other transactions (such as collection of
information). When the appropriate conditions and other prerequisites, such
as the collection of a fee and verification that the user has been activated, are
satisfied, vendor 80 contacts license server 50 through a secure
communications channel, such as a channel using a Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL). License server 50 then generates license 52 for protected content 42
and vendor 80 causes both protected content 42 and license 52 to be
downloaded. License 52 includes the selected usage rights and can be
downloaded from license server 50 or an associated device. Protected
content 42 can be downloaded from a computer associated with vendor 80, a
distributor, or another party.
[0030] Applicant 60 in client environment 30 will then proceed to interpret
license 52 and allow the use of protected content 42 based on the rights and
conditions specified in license 52. The interpretation and enforcement of
usage rights and related systems and techniques are well known. The steps
above may take place sequentially or approximately simultaneously or in
various sequential order.
[0031] DRM System 10 addresses security aspects of protected content
42. In particular, DRM System 10 may authenticate license 52 that has been
issued by license server 50. One way to accomplish such authentication is for
application 60 to determine if licenses 52 can be trusted. In other words,
application 60 has the capability to verify and validate the cryptographic
signature, or other identifying characteristic, of license 52. Of course, the
example above is merely one way to effect a DRM System. For example,
license 52 and protected content 42 can be distributed from different entities.
Clearinghouse 90 can be used to process payment transactions and verify
payment prior to issuing a license.
[0032] DRM system 10 shown in Fig. 1 works well in a single activation
server implementation, I.e. a system in which one or more devices, such as
activation server 20 of Fig. 1, comprise a single activation system.
[0033] Activation by a single activation system is desirable because the
same activation process can be used to control use of all protected content
42. However, when client component 60 discerns cryptographic signatures,
signatures by license devices other then activation server 20 will be rejected.
This means that there will be interoperability problems if more than one
activation server system is used. However, the multiplicity of parties and
complex business models in use today often result in multiple activation
server systems and a multiplicity of activation processes. For example, a user
may wish to use items such as protected content from different unrelated
sources. In such a case, each source would require a unique activation
process. Such multiple activations would complicate the user experience
because different sets of keys are required to use different content, even
when the content is protected with the same DRM system. On the other
hand, it is often desirable to restrict use of content only to parties activated by
a specific activation system.
[0034] In accordance with one preferred embodiment of the present
invention, trust zones are associated with an activation device. Open licenses
allow the protected items, such as digital content, to be used in any trust zone
and closed licenses allow the protected items such as digital content, to be
used only within a designated trust zone or plural designated trust zones.
[0035] Fig. 3 illustrates DRM system 200 of the first preferred embodiment
which is described in further detail below. Initially, it should be understood
that whereas the term "server" and "client" are used below to describe the
devices for implementing the present invention in the embodiments discussed
herein, these terms should be broadly understood to mean any appropriate
device for executing the function described. For instance, a personal
computer, laptop, PDA or other hand held device, or any other general
purpose programmable computer, or combination of such devices, such as a
network of computers may be used.
[0036] DRM system 200 includes first and second activation devices such
as two activation servers 210 and 250 that define trust zones 212 and 252,
respectively. It is understood that system 200 can have more than two
activation servers and corresponding trust zones. Activation server 210
issues public and private key pairs, or another identification mechanism, to
user devices such as clients 216 within the trust zone 212. The key pairs
allow clients 216 to use protected content in the manner further described
below. In addition, in the present example, license device(s) such as license
servers 220 are associated with trust zone 212 and are operative to generate
licenses 253 in a known manner. Similarly, activation server 250 provides
private and public key pairs to clients 256 to allow use of protected content
based on the provisions of a license. License servers 260 are associated with
trust zone 252 are operative to generate licenses 253.
[0037] Activation servers 210 and 250 provide unique private and public
key pairs as well as other elements in a software package which is
downloaded during an activation procedure by the respective clients in trust
zones 212 and 252, respectively. The software package may possess
information such as identification or user information, and may be adapted to
perform certain functions, for example, rendering and cryptographic functions.
The software packages provided to respective clients are used by the clients
as a security component to enforce licenses and thus control use of protected
[0038] In the preferred embodiment, two different types of licenses 253 are
issued by the license servers 220 and 260: an "open license" and a "closed
license". Licenses '253 contain the rights and conditions that have been
granted to a usage device, such as a client, and are digitally signed by the
issuer, namely the license servers 220 and 260, in the present example.
License 253 is deemed authentic if the signature of the issuing license server
can be trusted and verified. License 253 may be an XML or XrML™ file that
grants rights and specifies conditions for the use of the protected content.
[0039] Fig. 5 illustrates a license 25e, in accordance with the preferred
embodiment. The structure of license 253, whether it be an open license or a
closed license as discussed below, consists of unique ID 255a and one or
more digital signatures 253c. Grant 253b includes usage-rights, a principal,
conditions, state variably an a content specification designating the
associated protect content.
[0040] The integrity of license 253 is ensured by the use of digital
signature 253c, or another identification mechanism. Digital signature 253c
can include the signature code itself, the method of how the signature is
computed/the key information needed to verify the signature and also issuer
identification information.
[0041] An open license is a license 253 that allows protected content to be
used by a client using the software package received from any activation
server. In other words, content having an open license associated therewith
can be used in any trust zone, in accordance with grant 253b. Thus, referring
to Fig. 3, protected content 218 in trust zone 212 may be used by a usage
uevice such as client 216 in the same trust zone 212 has been issued. In
addition, protected content 218 in trust zone 212 may also be used by client
256 in trust zone 252 as long as an open license associated with protected
content 218 is issued to client 256. Likewise, protected content 258 in trust
zone 252 may be used by client 256 in the same trust zone 252 as long as
client 256 has an open or closed license to the content. In addition, protected
content 258 in trust zone 252 may also be used by client 216 in trust zone 212
as long as an open license associated with protected content 258 is issued to
client 216. Thus, protected content in one trust zone may be used in
accordance with the preferred embodiment by a client in a different trust zone
(as well as a client of the same trust zone) if an open license is issued to the
user, thereby avoiding interoperability problems of having more than one
activation process.
[0042] In contrast, a closed license is a license 253 that restricts use of
protected content to users which have been activated by an activation server
in the same trust zone as the issuing license server and/or other designated
trust zones. In other words, protected content associated with a closed
license can only be used inside designated trust zones. Thus, in such an
instance, referring again to Fig. 3, protected content 218 in trust zone 212
may only be used by client 216 of the same trust zone 212 as long as client
216 is issued a license to do so. In contrast to an open license discussed
above, the protected content 218 in trust zone 212 is not consumable by client
256 in trust zone 252 unless trust zone 252 is specifically designated in
license 253. Likewise, protected content 258 in trust zone 252 may only be
used by client 256 in the same trust zone 252 as long as client 256 is issued a
license to do so. As illustrated in Fig. 5, license 253 also includes trust zone
indicator 253d. Trust zone indicator 253d can indicate whether license 253 is.
open or closed. In the case of trust zone indicator 253d indicating a closed
license. Trust Zone indicator 253d can indicate one or more predetermined
trust zones in which license 253 is valid. Therefore, closed licenses can be
used in one or more trust zones while open licenses can be used in all trust
[0043] As noted above, different business and security models often
require multiple activation servers thereby necessitating a multiplicity of
activations. However, having numerous activation procedures and resulting
software packages creates confusion and problems for the end users and
applications utilized by the client to use protected content. For example, if an
activated client loses data in an associated software package(s), the client
must then go back and reactivate with each of the corresponding activation
systems. As can be appreciated, remembering or tracking which activation
server(s) were used in activation of a given software package will likely
become a significant problem if more than one activation server is present
Thus, DRM system 200 resolves this problem by establishing trust zones,
each with an activation server system, and further utilizes two different types
of licenses to effectively manage and utilize multiple activation server
[0044] In one implementation of the preferred embodiment, two different
types of software packages are provided to clients 216 and 256 by activation
servers 210 and 250 during activation. A first type of software package,
hereinafter referred to as a "commercial" package, typically allows use of only
open licenses. A second type of software package, hereinafter referred to as
an "enterprise" package, typically allows use of both open and closed
licenses. Commercial software packages and enterprise software packages
may merely be considered to be different classes of software packages or
separate modules of the same software package that can be selectively
activated or enabled in an enterprise application situation so different security
policies may exist and one activation system may be used. The commercial
software package allows enterprise users the capability to use protected
commercial content within the enterprise. The class distinction between a
commercial software package and an enterprise software package may be
attained using a unique number identifier such as QUID, an XML tag, a flag or
another indication.
[0045] The process of using content in accordance with a license is
described in further detail below. In the single activation environment such as
DRM system 10 shown in Fig. 1, client environment 60 would "honor" a
license if it can determine that the license is valid, and can trust the signature.
In accordance with the preferred embodiment, the process of validating and
trusting the signature of a license is enhanced with the capability to discern
open licenses and closed licenses, based on trust indicator 253d, to allow
operation in the manner described above relative to the DRM system 200 of
Fig. 3.
[0046] Client device 216 or 256 utilizes the software package obtained
during the activation process via activation 210 or 250 server to 1)
successfully validate that, through digital signature 253c and trust zone
indicator 253d, license 253 is an authentic open license that has been issued
in any trust zone or an authentic closed license that has been issued within its
own trust zone ; or 2) fail the validation e.g., if the license is not authentic or
is a closed license that has been issued outside of its own trust zone.
[0047] The process of granting license 253, whether it be an open or
closed license, also includes signing of license 253 with the keys of the
software package obtained during the activation process. In the preferred
embodiment of the present invention/well known crypto algorithms and public
key infrastructure methods may be used to validate digital signatures.
Alternatively, any secure mechanism for identification and/or validation can be
used. The preferred embodiment leverages the fact that within the same trust
zone, the software package for the license server 220 or 260 and the software
package for corresponding client 216 or 256 are issued by the same
activation server 210 or 250. Therefore, digital signature 253c of license 253
can be verified by recognizing that the certification authority is the same as
the one that certified the software package or client 216 or 256. Likewise, if
an open license is issued in one trust zone and used in another trust zone,
client 216 or 256 recognizes the fact that the certification authority is not the
same. Logic in the software package of client 216 or 256 can implement such
a decision process, and either accept or reject license 253 depending on
which trust zone it was issued from and which trust zones are designated in
trust zone indicator 253d. License 253 that is not authentic, i.e. a license
which has been tampered with or signed with a signature not issued within the
hierarchy of activation servers, is always rejected. License authentication
generally is well known. As previously noted, the above operation of an open
license and dosed license is implemented by the use of digital signature 253c
and trust zone indicator 253d as an element of the structure of the license.
[0048] In accordance with the preferred embodiment of the present
invention, the process of issuing licenses is enhanced by issuing the open
licenses and closed licenses described previously. A policy may be
implemented and followed to specify whether the license server would issue
an open license for the protected content that allows the content to be used in
any trust zone, or issue a closed license for the protected content that is
specified to be used within a predetermined trust zone or zones. For
example, an administrator of an organization may implement a policy in which
use of certain content having a predetermined security level or higher is
restricted to only within the organization, while other content having a lower
security level may be used outside of the organization. Correspondingly, the
administrator may implement a policy in which closed licenses are issued for
content having higher security levels while open licenses are issued for
content having lower security levels. It should also be understood that in
accordance with the preferred embodiment, the protected content is neither
open nor closed but is merely encrypted and inaccessible without a proper
[0049] Moreover, the method used for determining the type of license
issued regarding a particular protected content could be any appropriate
means or process using any specified rules or logic. For example, a system
may decide that all the protected content within a corporation can only be
used internally so that all licenses issued are closed licenses. A system may
also decide that the protected content can be used externally and thus, an
open license may be issued.
[0050] Fig. 6 illustrates a method of granting licenses in accordance with
the preferred embodiment. In step 600, a request for license, to specific
content is received by license server 220 or 260. In step 602, the identity
and/or location of the source, such as clients 216 or 256, of the request is
determined by license server 220 or 260.
[0051] In step 604, the identity of the type and/or location of the requested
content is determined. Logic is executed in step 606 to determine the type of
license 253 to be generated based on the results of the steps 602 and 604 as
well as the identity of the license server receiving the request to thereby effect
a license policy For example/rules can be applied to the results. Possibly, all
licenses requested by specific users are closed. Licenses to users having a
specified security clearance can be open or licenses for certain content can
be open. Any set of rules or other logic can be applied in step 606. In step
608, license 253 is generated, either as an open or closed license based on
the results of step 606.
[0052] For example, the logic of step 606 can specify that commercial
license server would issue open licenses while an enterprise license server
would issue closed licenses. Additionally, a commercial license server would
typically not issue closed licenses, and an enterprise license server would
typically issue open licenses only to authorized users outside of the
enterprise's trust zone. An enterprise would typically issue closed licenses for
protected content designated for internal use, and open licenses for protected
content designated to be shared outside of the trust zone. Of course, the
above logic is an example only, and it should be understood that enterprise
any logic can be used to determine whether a license should be open or
[0053] In accordance with another implementation of the preferred
embodiment a typical client 216 or 256, such as a client device within an
enterprise, is activated twice. In particular, client 216 is activated once by
activation server 210 within the enterprise (e.g. an enterprise activation
device), and a second time by an activation server 250 as a commercial
activation device outside of the enterprise. Client 216 can optionally be
activated by other activation servers outside of the enterprise. Activation with
other activation servers would allow client 216 to use closed licenses from
trust zones other than trust zone 212 as well. By establishing trust zones and
utilizing open and closed licenses, together with multiple activations, access
and use of protected content can be tailored to various applications and
based on various conditions and logic.
[0054] In one implementation of the preferred embodiment, enterprise
users will only be activated by the enterprise activation server so that they
cannot obtain an enterprise software package from an activation server
outside of its trust zone. This again, allows the enterprise system
administrator to set the policy, i.e. logic, for activation. For example, the
system administrator can then determine who gets activated and how many
times they can be activated. The enterprise can also set an expiration date in
the software package, and even revoke the software package, i.e., deactivate
the user, if desired. However, the same enterprise user could be able to
obtain a commercial software package from any commercial activation server
to use protected content with open licenses.
[0055] In addition, although any user can obtain a commercial software
package from any commercial activation server, the user can be directed to
the particular activation server preferred by the protected content provider.
Moreover, a default commerce activation server may be provided which
activates clients when no particular activation server is requested so that the
activated client is able to use any open license.
[0056] Fig. 4 is a schematic illustration of DRM system 300 in accordance
with another embodiment having an optional top-most activation server 310.
As shown, top-most activation server 310 is coupled to a plurality of activation
servers 320, 330 and 340. Activation servers 320 and 340 define separate
trust zones 322 and 342 respectively. Each trust zone 322 and 342 includes
a license server and clients of a specific enterprise in the manner previously
described. Activation server 330 is in an open commerce zone, e.g. is a
commerce server.
[0057] The illustrated embodiment of the present invention provides a
hierarchy of trust where top-most activation server 310 serves as an
intermediary trusted server that is trusted by activation servers 320, 330, and
340. The provision of top-most activation server 310 allows, for instance,
clients in trust zone 322 to use various protected content with an open license
in trust zone 342 through activation server 320, without the need for activation
server 320 to directly transact with activation server 340 of trust zone 342.
For instance, activation servers 320, 330 and 340 may correspond to on-line
storefronts, while top-most activation server 310 may be a trusted third entity
to which the activation servers 320, 330 and 340 allow access to a particular
protected content. Thus, clients in trust zone 322 may use protected content
with open licenses in trust zone 342 via activation server 310, although
activation server 320 and activation server 340 have not transacted or
exchanged information with one another. This hierarchy concept allows
protected content with an associated open license in one trust zone to be
used by a much larger base of clients since the clients may be in another trust
zone, and the activation servers of the trust zones need not directly transact
or provide information to one another regarding a key pair and license.
[0058] It should again be understood that whereas terms "server" and
"client" are used to describe the devices for implementing the present
invention in the illustrated embodiments above, these terms should be broadly
understood to mean any appropriate device for executing the described
function, such as a personal computer, hand held computers, PDAs, or any
other general purpose programmable computer or combination of such
devices, such as a network of computers. Communication between the
various devices can be accomplished through any channel, such as a local
area network (LAN), the Internet, serial communications ports, and the like.
The communications channels can use wireless technology, such as radio
frequency or infra-red technology. The various elements of the preferred
embodiment such as the various devices and components are segregated by
function for the purpose of clarity. However, the various elements can be
combined into one device or segregated in a different manner. For example,
the software package can be a single executable file and data files, or plural
files or modules stored on the same device or on different devices. The
software package can include any mechanism for enforcing security and need
not include a rendering application or the like. Any protocols, data types, or
data structures can be used in accordance with the invention. Moreover, any
appropriate means of expressing usage rights and conditions may be used in
implementing the present invention. For instance, as previously noted, a
rights language grammar such as XrML™ can be used. The varies disclosed
components, modules and elements have separate utility and exit as distinct
[0059] While various embodiments in accordance with the present
invention have been shown and described, it is understood that the invention,
as defined by the appended claims and legal equivalents, is not limited
thereto. The present invention may be changed, modified and further applied
by those skilled in the art Therefore, this invention is not limited to the detail
shown and described previously, but also includes all such changes and

A rights management system (10; 200; 300) for managing use of items having usage rights associated therewith, said system being characterized by:
a plurality of activation devices (210; 250; 310; 320; 340), each activation device defining a trust zone and being adapted to issue a software package that enforces usage rights to control use of said items;
at least one license device (50) associated with each of said trust zones, each of said license devices being adapted to generate a license (253) associated with said items and having usage rights specifying a manner of use; and
a plurality of user devices (30; 216; 256) each of said user devices being associated with one or said trust zones and being adapted to receive said software package, receive said license associated with said items, and to use said items in accordance with said license.
2. A rights management system for managing use of items having usage rights
associated therewith as claimed in claim 1, said system (10; 200; 300) comprising:
a first activation device (20; 210; 320) defining a first trust zone (212; 322) and being adapted to issue a first software package that enforces usage rights;
a second activation device (20; 250; 340) defining a second trust zone (252; 342) and being adapted to issue a second software package that enforces usage rights;
at least one first license device (50) associated with said first trust zone; said first license device being adapted to generate a license (253) associated with said items and comprising usage rights specifying a manner of use;
at least one user device (30) associated with said first trust zone, said user device (30) being adapted to receive said first software package, receive said license associated with said items, and to use said items in accordance with said license; and

a top-most activation device (310) that provides a top level software package to said first and second activation devices (20; 210; 320; 250; 340).
3. The rights management system as claimed in one or more of claims 1 and 2, wherein said items are digital content.
4. The rights management system as claimed in one or more of the preceding claims, wherein said license (253) specifies one or more trust zones in which said license is valid and/or includes a designation of one or an open and closed license.
5. The rights management system as claimed in one or more of the preceding claims, wherein said license associated with said items is an open license that allows said items to be used in any of said trust zones.
6. The rights management system as claimed in one or more of the preceding claims, wherein said license associated with said items is a closed license that allows said items to be used only in a predetermined trust zone.
7. The rights management system as claimed in one or more of the preceding claims, wherein said predetermined trust zone comprise a trust zone of the license device that generated the license.
8. The rights management system as claimed in one or more of the preceding claims, wherein said license (253) is one of an open license that specifies that said items can be used in accordance with the usage rights by user devices (30) having said first software package or said second software package; a closed license that permits said items to be used in accordance with the usage rights only by user devices (30) having said first software package; and a closed license that permits said items to be used in accordance with the usage rights only by user devices (30) having said second software package.
9. The rights management system as claimed in one or more of the preceding claims, wherein said software package comprises a public and a private key pair.

The rights management system as claimed in claim 9, wherein said software package comprises a content rendering application.
11. The rights management system as claimed in claim 10, wherein said at least one license device is a plurality of license devices that are each associated with one of said first trust zone and said second trust zone, each of said plurality of license devices being adapted to generate a license associated with said items.
12. The rights management system as claimed in one or more of the preceding claims, wherein said at least one user device (30) is a plurality of user devices each associated with one of said first trust zone and said second trust zone, each of said plurality of user devices (30) being adapted to receive one of said first or second software packages, receive said license associated with said at least one items, and to use said items in accordance with said license.
13. The rights management system as claimed in claim 8, wherein said license associated with said items is a closed license that allows said items to be used only by user devices (30) having the first software package and by user devices (30) having a software package from specified trust zones.
14. The rights management system as claimed in one or more of the preceding claims, wherein said at least one license device comprises a second license device associated with said second trust zone and wherein, the software package is a commerce software package that allows said at least one user device (30) to use said items having an open license that was issued by either of said first license device or said second license device.
15. The rights management system as claimed in one or more of the preceding claims, wherein at least one of said first software package is an enterprise software package that allows said at least one user device (30) to use said items having a closed license only in said first trust zone or only if said license was granted in said first trust zone.

A rights management system (10; 200; 300) for managing use of items having usage rights associated therewith such as herein described with reference to the accompanying drawings.





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Patent Number 225751
Indian Patent Application Number 02287/DELNP/2003
PG Journal Number 01/2009
Publication Date 02-Jan-2009
Grant Date 27-Nov-2008
Date of Filing 29-Dec-2003
Applicant Address 103 FOULK ROAD, SUITE 200-M, WILMINGTON, DE 19803, U.S.A.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G06F
PCT International Application Number PCT/US02/17610
PCT International Filing date 2002-06-05
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/296,115 2001-06-07 U.S.A.