Title of Invention


Abstract A method of combustion in a furnace into which at least one fuel and at least one oxidizer are injected separately, the stream of oxidizer comprising a stream of primary oxidizer and a stream of secondary oxidizer, the stream of primary oxidizer being injected close to the fuel so as to generate first incomplete combustion, the gases emanating from this first combustion also including at least part of the fuel, whereas the stream of secondary oxidizer is injected at a certain distance from the stream of fuel that is greater than the distance between the stream of fuel and the stream of primary oxidizer closest to the stream of fuel, so as to enter into combustion with the portion of fuel that is diluted especially by the gases from the first combustion and has not yet reacted with the oxidizer, characterized in that the stream of primary oxidizer is itself divided into at least two primary streams, namely at least one rapid-mixing first stream of primary oxidizer injected into the stream of fuel, so as to rapidly undergo a combustion reaction with the fuel that surrounds it, and at least one slow-mixing second stream of primary oxidizer injected at a distance d1 from the first stream of primary oxidizer, so as to mix less rapidly with the stream of fuel than at least one of the rapid-mixing streams of primary oxidizer.
Full Text The present invention relates to a method of combustion comprising separate injection of fuel and oxidizer and a furnace assembly.
The present invention relates to a method of combustion in a furnace into which at least one fuel and at least one oxidizer are injected separately, the stream of oxidizer comprising a stream of primary oxidizer and a stream of secondary oxidizer, the stream of primary oxidizer being injected close to the fuel so as to generate first incomplete combustion, the gases emanating from this first combustion also including at least part of the fuel, whereas the stream of secondary oxidizer is injected at a certain distance from the stream of fuel that is greater than the distance between the stream of fuel and the stream of primary oxidizer closest to the stream of fuel, so as to enter into combustion with the fuel present in the gases emanating from the first combustion. The invention also relates to a burner assembly for implementing such a method.
The performance of a combustion system in an industrial furnace is characterized by at least two factors:
the discharges of atmospheric pollutants (NOx, dust, etc.) which must be in an amount less than the limit set by the legislation;
the temperature of the walls of the furnace and of the charge to be heated, which must lie between two limits in relation to the requirements of the method in terms of product quality and energy consumption.
Changes in the legislation regarding the emissions of atmospheric pollutants, especially nitrogen oxides and dust, have recently resulted in a significant change in combustion technologies.

Over and above the need to minimize the emission of pollutants, the method of combustion in an industrial furnace must be tailored to the function of the furnace.
For example, a glass production furnace must comply with the wall and bath temperature characteristics so as to avoid any quality defects in the product (bubbles, etc.) and premature aging of the refractory surfaces.
In a steel billet reheat furnace, the billets have to be heated uniformly so as to prevent them from deforming before they enter the rolling mill.
In a melting furnace for ferrous or nonferrous metal products, uniform heating must be provided along the charge so as to limit any increase in energy consumption and premature wear of the refractories.
It is therefore essential to control the temperature field (that is to say the range of temperatures between which a temperature may vary) in an industrial furnace in order to achieve the quality of the product and the performance of the method. The temperature field for the refractory surfaces and for the charge along the main axis of a furnace depends on the number, the spacing and the power distribution of the burners placed perpendicular to this axis. This is the case, for example, of billet reheat furnaces and for glass furnaces in which burners are located on either side of the charge. The temperature field along the axis parallel to the flame depends on the length, the power and the momentum of the flame, and also on the geometry of the zone to be heated.
It is known, for example from US-A-4 531 960 and US-A-4 604 123, to vary the length of an oxygen flame by using a swirl stream of air around the axis of the

flame. This parameter has a strong influence on the length and the stability of the flame. Another parameter that may be controlled is the degree of staging of the oxidizer or of the fuel (fraction of the flow introduced separately from the primary combustion zone) . Staged-combustion burners are for example described in patents US-A-4 622 007, US-A-4 642 047, US-A-4 797 087, US-A-4 718 643 and Re. 33 464, in which the use of air and oxygen as oxidizers is in particular described.
Burners using oxygen as oxidizer, and particularly burners using a gaseous fuel, do not in general offer the possibility, for a given power and a given oxygen factor, for the flame length and momentum characteristics to be continuously varied. Such burners are described, for example, in US-A-5 772 427, US-A-5 934 893, US-A-5 984 667 and US-A-6 068 468. However, it is possible to modify the length of the flame from such burners by changing the fuel injectors. It should be noted that the use of smaller-diameter injectors results in an increase in the momentum, and therefore the shortening of the flame and the displacement of the maximum heat flux downstream (and vice versa). Figure 1, which illustrates the length of visible flame and the axial heat flux of a burner with a power of 1 MW described in US-A-5 772 427 and US-A-5 934 893, clearly shows this result. Conversely, shortening the flame and increasing the total momentum have a priori opposite effects on the displacement of the thermal profile of the flame. Combining both phenomena causes the maximum heat flux to shift downstream because one of the two effects is dominant. The origin of the x-axis in figure 1 is the internal wall of the furnace that coincides with the internal face of the burner. The downstream direction is therefore toward increasing axial lengths.

It is also known, from US-A-5 302 112, to inject gases at different velocities into a furnace, the velocity variations (both absolute and relative) allowing the flame length and momentum to be varied.
It is also known, from US-A-5 346 524, to inject the fuel and the oxidizer separately, using separate injectors placed alternately, near one another, at a distance of around 15 cm.
Patent US-A-5 601 425 discloses a staged-combustion system in which liquid fuel oil is injected into the center of a peripheral stream of oxygen, whereas air is injected quite a long distance from the oxygen.
The object of the invention is to meet the two requirements of optimizing the thermal profile along the axis of the flame and of minimizing the nitrogen oxide emissions.
The method according to the invention makes it possible in particular to adjust the performance of a flame to the environment in which it is placed, in terms of thermal profile of the furnace and of the charge, flame length and emission of nitrogen oxides and dust.
The method according to the invention is characterized in that the stream of primary oxidizer is itself divided into at least two primary streams, namely at least one rapid-mixing first stream of primary oxidizer injected into the stream of fuel or in contact with the stream of fuel, so as to rapidly undergo a combustion reaction with the fuel that surrounds it, and at least one slow-mixing second stream of primary oxidizer injected at a distance d1. from the first stream of primary oxidizer, so as to mix less rapidly with the stream of fuel than at least one of the rapid-mixing streams of primary oxidizer.

To be able, according to the invention, to control the momentum and the length of the flame independently, the combustion system according to the invention will preferably involve two regulating parameters. In addition, because it is preferably desirable for the thermal profile of the furnace in which the method is implemented to be accurately controlled, the first regulating parameter will preferably consist of the ratio of the flow of oxygen provided by the secondary oxidizer to the total flow of oxygen provided by the primary and secondary oxidizers. This flow of secondary oxidizer will be provided by an injector or a lance.
Preferably, the method according to the invention is characterized in that the distance di is less than or equal to 30 cm, preferably 25 cm.
According to another variant of the invention, the distance d1 is less than or equal to ten times the diameter d3 of the slow-mixing stream of primary oxidizer.
In general, the sum of the flow rates of primary oxidizer and of secondary oxidizer will preferably be approximately stoicheometric with respect to the flow of fuel, within a range of ± 15%.
According to another variant of the invention, the stream of secondary oxidizer itself consists of a plurality of streams of secondary oxidizer.
Preferably, the amount of secondary oxidizer will be between 0% and 90%, preferably between 10% and 90%, of the total amount of oxidizer injected.
More preferably, the total amount of secondary oxidizer is between 50% and 90% of the total amount of oxidizer injected, the primary oxidizer representing an amount between 10% and 50% of the total amount of oxidizer.

In general, the total amount of secondary oxidizer will preferably be between 60% and 80% of the total amount of oxidizer injected, the amount of primary oxidizer being between 20% and 40% of this same total amount.
According to one method of implementing the invention, the sum of the areas of the cross sections of the secondary oxidizer injection ports is greater than or equal to 2.5 cm2.
Preferably, the distance between the rapid-mixing stream of oxidizer of the primary oxidizer and the stream of secondary oxidizer will be equal to d2, where
d2 ≥ 5D and d2 ≥ d1 and preferably
10D ≤ d2 ≤ 50D,
D being the diameter of the circle with the same area as the area of the secondary oxidizer injector through which the stream of secondary oxidizer is injected. If a number i of secondary oxidizer injectors (i possibly varying from 1 to 25), placed at a distance d2i and of equivalent diameter Di, are used, then d2i and DI must satisfy the above formulae individually.
According to another aspect of the invention, the rapid-mixing first stream(s) of primary oxidizer represents (represent) from 5 to 40 vol% of the total amount of oxidizer, whereas the slow-mixing second stream(s) of primary oxidizer represents (represent) from 5 to 95 vol% of the total amount of oxidizer, the possible balance of oxidizer being provided by the streams of secondary oxidizer.
According to an implementation variant, the slow-mixing second stream of primary oxidizer itself consists of a plurality of streams.
According to another aspect of the invention, the second stream of primary oxidizer consists of two

approximately identical streams located approximately at the same distance d1 from the rapid-mixing first stream of primary oxidizer, the three streams of oxidizer lying approximately in the same plane.
According to a variant of the invention, at least one slow-mixing second stream of primary oxidizer does not lie in the plane formed by the first stream of primary oxidizer and the stream of secondary oxidizer.
When good symmetry of the combustion assembly is desired, the plurality of second streams of primary oxidizer will preferably be arranged uniformly around the first stream of primary oxidizer, another alternative being that the plurality of second streams of primary oxidizer will be arranged symmetrically with respect to a plane containing the first stream of primary oxidizer.
Of course, it is important to control the gas ejection velocities. For this purpose, the fuel injection velocity will preferably be between 20 m/s and Mach 2 and more preferably between 20 m/s and 300 m/s.
Apart from the various possibilities, well known per se, for injecting the fuel used in the method according to the invention, the fuel may be preheated before being injected. Another possibility is that the fuel may be pulsed during its injection, the frequency of these pulses being preferably between 0.1 and 3 Hz and more preferably between 0.1 and 1 Hz. For further details about the way of injecting one or more fluids in a "pulsed" mode, the reader may refer to the article entitled "Oscillating Combustion Technology Boosts Furnace Efficiency" by Eric Streicher, Ovidiu Marin, Olivier Charon and Harley Borders, published in Industrial Heating, February 2001, incorporated into the present application by way of reference.

Likewise, many variants are possible regarding the injection of the oxidizer. In general, the rapid-mixing primary oxidizer injection velocity will preferably be between 20 m/s and Mach 2.
Also preferably, the slow-mixing primary oxidizer injection velocity will be between 10 m/s and Mach 1.
According to a preferred variant of the invention, the secondary oxidizer injection velocity will be between 20 m/s and Mach 2.
To reduce the fuel consumption, at least one of the streams of oxidizer will preferably be preheated before it is injected, it being possible for its injection velocity to reach at most a velocity of Mach 2.
Within the context of pulsed combustion (with the meaning of this term as indicated above) , it is also possible for this pulsing to be carried out on at least one of the streams of oxidizer, it being understood that the fuel itself may or may not then be "pulsed", depending on the desired results. According to this variant at least one of the streams of oxidizer is injected in pulses, the frequency of these pulses being between 0.1 and 3 Hz and preferably between 0.1 and 1 Hz.
The composition of the oxidizer may vary and, depending on the conditions or the results that are desired, this composition will preferably comply with at least one of the requirements defined below:
the secondary oxidizer may consist of a mixture of air, preferably preheated air, and oxygen. In general, the oxidizer, and more particularly the secondary oxidizer, may also consist of a mixture of gases of greater or lesser oxidizing character, especially containing from 5 to 100% oxygen (preferably between 10 and 100 vol%) , from 0% to 95% C02

(preferably between 0 and 90% C02) , from 0 to 80% nitrogen (preferably between 0 and 70%) , from 0 to 90% argon, with at least 3% oxygen in the mixture. The mixture may also contain other constituents and especially water vapor and/or NOx and/or SOx;
the air will preferably provide from 5% to 85% by volume of the total oxygen flow of the secondary oxidizer, the balance being provided by oxygen-enriched air or substantially pure oxygen; and
the air will preferably constitute from 15 to 40 vol% of the total oxygen.
A variant of the invention provides for the injection of a single fuel or of several fuels, which may be of the same type (different gases for example) and/or of different type (gases and fuel oils, for example).
The invention also relates to a combustion assembly that makes it possible in particular to implement the method according to the invention. Thus, the invention relates to a separate-injection combustion assembly formed from a block having at least one fuel injection port and at least one oxidizer injection port, and which is characterized in that the fuel injection port has at least one longitudinal axis of symmetry in the direction of flow of the fuel, a first oxidizer injector, that also has a longitudinal axis of symmetry, being placed in the fuel injection port, the two longitudinal axes of symmetry being approximately parallel, a second oxidizer injection port being placed at a distance d1 from the axis of symmetry of the first oxidizer injector, where d1 ≤ 30 cm.
Preferably, this assembly will include at least one second block in which a third oxidizer injection port of diameter D is provided, which port is placed at a distance d2 from the axis of symmetry of the first oxidizer injector, where:
d2 ≥ 5D and d2 ≥ d1, and preferably

10D ≤ d2 ≤ SOD.
According to a variant of the invention, di 0.5 cm.
Preferably, the block of the combustion assembly will have a plurality of fuel injection ports and, preferably, a plurality of first oxidizer injectors and/or a plurality of second oxidizer injection ports.
According to an alternative embodiment, at least one fuel injection port will comprise a liquid fuel injector, while, according to another embodiment of the invention, the block may have several separate fuel injection ports for injecting one or more fuels.
According to an advantageous embodiment, the assembly according to the invention will preferably include a first flow-dividing valve for dividing the total flow of oxidizer, which runs, on the one hand, into a primary oxidizer line and, on the other hand, into a secondary oxidizer line connected to the third oxidizer injection port, the primary oxidizer line being connected to a second flow-dividing valve that is connected, on the one hand, to the first oxidizer injector and, on the other hand, to the second oxidizer injection port.
According to an alternative embodiment of the invention, the third secondary oxidizer injection port may be an injector having two cross sections (or multiple cross sections) so as to be able to vary the velocity and the momentum of the oxidizer without modifying the flow rate of the oxidizer.
If the same oxidizer is used as primary oxidizer and secondary oxidizer, that is to say especially when a

staged-type combustion is carried out, the cross sections of the secondary oxidizer injectors must be such that the total momentum of the various streams of oxidizer introduced by the burner for a 50% staging factor is greater than its corresponding value for a zero staging factor.
(The total momentum is calculated as the sum of the products of the velocity of each oxidizer stream multiplied by its mass flow rate, taking into account all the streams of oxidizer introduced by the burner).
The advantage of the features described above is that, for a degree of staging greater than 50%, the length of the flame and the momentum increase simultaneously with the degree of staging, unlike in the technique consisting in changing an injection pipe. If the burner uses only the same type of oxidizer, the staging factor is the ratio of the flow of the secondary streams of oxidizer to the total flow of oxidizer (primary plus secondary) . If one of the oxidizers is different from the other, for example air and oxidizer, in the ratio of the flows only the proportion of oxygen or oxidizer in each of the streams will be taken into account. The use of a parameter allowing the length of the flame and the total momentum of the burner to be increased simultaneously allows the position of maximum heat transfer to be accurately controlled.
According to the invention, it is preferable to use a second regulating parameter that consists in dividing the flow of primary oxygen between a flow that mixes very rapidly with the fuel and a flow that mixes comparatively slowly. This second regulating parameter may therefore be chosen as the fraction of primary oxygen introduced via the rapid-mixing injection.

The invention will be more clearly understood with the aid of the following implementation examples, in conjunction with the figures that show:
figure 1, curves giving the value of the heat flux along the axis of the flame of a 1 MW burner of known type according to its position in the furnace. (The x-axis in figure 1 is taken from the internal wall of the furnace, that coincides with the internal face of the burner. The downstream direction is therefore toward increasing axial lengths); and
figure 2, an axial crown temperature profile as a function of the length of the flame.
Figure 1 shows curves giving the heat flux (in kW/m2) of the flame as a function of longitudinal distance (in m) along the furnace. The oxyfuel burner (not shown) is placed on the rear wall of the furnace (x = 0) .
Curve 1 shows the heat flux for a flame of very low momentum. This corresponds to flame 4, the visible part of which is relatively long.
Curve 2 shows the heat flux of flame 5 (all other things being equal) with a low momentum, this flame 5 being slightly shorter than flame 4.
Curve 3 shows the heat flux of flame 6 (all other things being equal) having a high momentum, flame 6 being shorter than flame 5. It should be pointed out that the hot spot of these flames (A in the case of flame 4, B in the case of flame 5 and C in the case of flame 6, respectively) is far from the tip of the burner (rear wall of the furnace), whereas the length of the visible flame decreases when the momentum of the flame increases (comparative curves produced from a 1 MW burner sold by the Proprietor under the brand name ALGLASS).

Figure 2 shows three curves giving the crown temperature of the same furnace as a function of the length of the flame produced, each flame having, however, the same momentum (low momentum with a mean velocity of 30 m/s for the three flames) . The burner used is a 2 MW burner of the same type as above. For a short flame 10, the temperature maximum D is approximately 3 m from the rear wall of the furnace, while the increase in the flarne length allows the position of the maximum crown temperature to be shifted toward the front wall of the furnace (E, maximum temperature for curve 11, is located just under 4 m from the rear wall of the furnace, whereas F, the maximum temperature for curve 12, is located at about 4.50 m from the same wall).
Figure 3 shows a partial schematic top view (figure 3a) and sectional view (figure 3b) of an example of a combustion assembly according to the invention for implementing the method according to the invention.
The combustion assembly is placed here in a refractory block 33, in which two blocks 34 and 35 respectively have been placed.
The preferably cylindrical block 34 is pierced by a duct (or injector) 26, the orifice of which opens into the block at 38. This duct or injector 26 (possibly a hollow cylindrical metal injector may be slipped into the cylindrical bore 26) has a diameter (at 38) of D (if the injector is not cylindrical, D represents the diameter of the circle having the same area as the cross section of the injector at 38). This block 34 is slid into the cylindrical sleeve 36 in the block 33. The duct 26 receives the secondary oxidizer 22.
The block 35 includes a duct 28 for injecting the rapid-mixing primary oxidizer 23, the duct 28 being placed concentrically in the duct (or injector) 29 into

which the fuel 25 is injected. Placed at a distance di is the injector (or duct) 27 into which the slow-mixing primary oxidizer is injected. This injector 27 has a cross section of diameter d3 at 30, at the point where said injector 27 emerges (d3 is the equivalent diameter as defined above if the cross section is not circular). The block 35 is housed in the bore 37. The total oxidizer line 20 divides into a primary oxidizer line 21 and a secondary oxidizer line 22 in which a first control valve 42 is placed, said valve dividing the flow of oxidizer between 21 and 22 (according to, of course, the respective diameters of said lines) . It is also possible to place the valve 42 in the line 21 arm if it is desired for there to be no regulating, including the case in which the flow of secondary oxygen may be zero. The line 21 itself divides into two lines 23 and 24 with a valve 43 in one of them, according to whether it is desired to be able to eliminate the flow of oxidizer in the branch 23 or the branch 24. (Of course, it is possible to provide a valve in each of these branches, and likewise it is possible to provide a valve in the branch 21 in addition to that of the valve 42 in the branch 22).
When operating this system, the oxygen may be divided between the various lines according to the results that it is desired to obtain, said lines having respective diameters such that different or identical oxygen injection velocities are obtained in the various injectors.
Of course, the injector 27 may be placed in such a way that its end 30 is located at 39 or 40 or 41 or at any point on the circle of radius d1. It is also possible to have simultaneously several ports 30 and/or 39 and/or 40 and/or 41, the injectors of which are connected together and the slow-mixing oxygen distributed in these various injectors. It is thus also possible to create a supersonic-velocity oxidizer

burner/injector by providing an injector 28 having, close to 32, an end of convergent/divergent shape (so-called Laval nozzle), while the relative proportions of oxygen and of fuel may or may not be modified according to what it is desired to obtain. Thus, with the injector 28 fitted with a supersonic nozzle, it is possible either to inject oxidizer alone, at supersonic velocity, via 28 and 32 or to surround this supersonic stream with a flame that would be produced using a subsonic injection of fuel via 29 and of oxidizer via 27, optionally supplemented with an injection of oxidizer via 26, or to produce a subsonic flame only using 29 and 27 (plus 26 if necessary or desired).
Figure 4 shows a detail of an alternative embodiment of the injection of the rapid-mixing primary oxidizer and of the fuel when the latter is natural gas.
The refractory block 35 has a bore 51 of diameter d5 (or diameter of the circle of equivalent area). Placed in this space 51 is a preferably cylindrical natural gas injector 52 of diameter d4 inserted set back in such a way that there is a distance h between the top of this injector 52 and the surface of the refractory block 35. The injector 52 is hollow so as to be supplied with oxidizer and preferably has at least one hole 53 in its upper surface and/or at least one hole 54 in its side wall (vertical wall in figure 4).
The natural gas 56 is injected into the annular space lying between the vertical walls of the bore 51 and the vertical walls 57 of the injector 52, between which vertical walls 57 the oxidizer is injected.
(If fuel oil is used as fuel, the rapid-mixing primary oxygen will be the fluid for spraying the fuel oil, this oxygen possibly being used with air as spray fluid).

Figure 5 shows an alternative embodiment of the invention, in schematic form only.
The refractory block 100 has, in the upper part, a liquid fuel oil injection port 101, if it is desired to operate the combustion system entirely or partly with fuel oil. Arranged along a horizontal row placed beneath the port 101 are a plurality of slow-mixing primary oxygen injection ports 102, 103, 104 and 105.
Placed in the lower part of the block 100 is a row of three concentric orifice assemblies 110/111, 120/121, 130/131 (there may be more or fewer of these), for respectively injecting fuel, such as natural gas, and oxidizer, such as rapid-mixing primary oxygen (see figure 3 for more details) . Placed at a distance 6.2 on either side of the block are, for example but not necessarily, oxygen injection ports 106 and 107.
Figure 6 shows a schematic alternative embodiment of the system according to the invention, comprising two refractory blocks 200, 300 having, from the top downward, a fuel oil injection port 201 and 301 respectively, two natural gas injection ports 202, 203 and 302, 303 respectively, two coaxial injection ports, for oxygen at the center and for fuel on the periphery, 205, 204 and 305, 304 respectively, and secondary oxygen injection into an injector 206 and 306 respectively, placed at a distance d2 from the coaxial ports.
Figure 7 shows the total flame momentum as a function of the ratio representing the fraction of the amount of secondary oxygen divided by the amount of total oxygen. This momentum has a minimum for a ratio of about 30% and then increases, reaching higher values than the value of the momentum when there is no secondary oxygen injection, for a ratio of greater than 60%.

1. A method of combustion in a furnace comprising the steps of:
i) injecting at least one fuel and at least one oxidizer separately, wherein said oxidizer comprises a primary oxidizer stream and a secondary oxidizer stream, wherein said primary oxidizer stream is further divided into at least two portions, wherein the first is a rapid-mixing stream and the second is a slow-mixing stream;
ii) injecting the first rapid-mixing stream close to the fuel whereby generating a first incomplete combustion rapidly;
iii) injecting the second slow-mixing stream at a distance dl from said first rapid-mixing stream, whereby the mixing of fuel and oxidizer occurs less rapidly than that of the first incomplete combustion; and
iv) injecting said secondary oxidizer stream downstream from said primary oxidizer stream whereby entering into combustion with the portion of fuel that is diluted by the un-reactive gases from the first incomplete combustion.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said distance dl is less than or equal to 30 cm.
3. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said distance dl is 25 cm.
4. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein d3 is the diameter of the port of the slow-mixing stream and said distance dl is less than or equal to ten times d3.
5. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the sum of the primary and
secondary oxidizer streams is substantially stoichiometric with respect to the
flow of fuel.

6. The method as claimed in claim 5, wherein said sum is within a range of ±15% with respect to the stoichiometric flow.
7. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said secondary oxidizer stream itself consists of a plurality of streams of secondary oxidizer.
8. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the amount of said secondary oxidizer is from 0% to 90% of the total amount of injected oxidizer.
9. The method as claimed in claim 8, wherein the amount of said secondary oxidizer is from 10% to 90%.

10. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the total amount of said secondary oxidizer is between 50% to 90% of the total amount of injector injected, and said primary oxidizer representing an amount between 10% to 50% of the total amount of oxidizer.
11. The method as claimed in claim 10, wherein the total amount of said secondary oxidizer is between 60% to 80% of the total amount of oxidizer injected, the amount of said primary oxidizer being between 20% to 40% of this same total amount.
12. The method as claimed in claim 7, wherein the sum of the cross sectional areas of the secondary oxidizer injection ports is greater than or equal to 2.5 cm2.
13. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the distance between the rapid-mixing stream of oxidizer of the primary oxidizer and the stream of secondary oxidizer is d2, and D being the diameter of the circle with the same area as the area of the secondary injector through which 5 stream of secondary oxidizer is injected, wherein d2 is equal to or greater than 5 times the diameter D of the circle equivalent to the secondary oxidizer injection port, and
wherein said d2 is equal to or greater than the distance dl from the second primary stream to the first primary stream.

14. The method as claimed in claim 13, wherein said d2 ranges from 10 D to 50 D.
15. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the rapid mixing first stream(s) of primary oxidizer represents from 5 to 40 vol% of the total amount of oxidizer, whereas said slow-mixing second stream(s) of primary oxidizer represents from 5 to 95 vol% of the total amount of oxidizer and the possible balance of oxidizer being provided by the streams of secondary oxidizer.
16. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said slow-mixing stream of primary oxidizer itself consists of a plurality of streams.
17. The method as claimed in claim 16, wherein said slow-mixing stream has two identical streams injected at the same distance dl from the rapid-mixing stream, and wherein the three streams are located in the same plane.
18. The method as claimed in claim 17, wherein at least one said slow-mixing stream is not located in the same plane formed by the rapid-mixing and secondary oxidizer streams.
19. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein plurality of said second slow-mixing streams are positioned uniformly around said first rapid-mixing stream.
20. The method as claimed in claim 17, wherein plurality of said second slow-mixing streams are positioned symmetrically with respect to a plane comprising said first rapid-mixing stream.
21. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the fuel injection velocity is greater than 20 m/s and preferably less than or equal to Mach 2.
22. The method as claimed in claim 21, wherein the fuel injection velocity
ranges from 20 m/s to 300 m/s.

23. The method as claimed in claim 22, wherein said fuel is preheated before being injected.
24. The method as claimed in claim 23, wherein the fuel is pulsed during its injection and the frequency of said pulses ranges from 0.1 to 3 Hz.
25. The method as claimed in claim 24, wherein said frequency ranges from 0.1 to 1 Hz.
26. The method as claimed in claims 1 to 26, wherein the rapid-mixing stream injection velocity ranges from 20 m/s to Mach 2.
27. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the slow-mixing stream
injection velocity ranges from 10 m/s and Mach 1.
28. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the secondary stream injection velocity ranges from 20 m/s and Mach 2.
29. The method as claimed in claims 1 to 25, wherein at least one of streams of oxidizer is preheated before it is injected so as to generate a velocity no greater than Mach 2.
30. The method as claimed in claim 30, wherein said method further comprises pulsating at least one of said oxidizer streams during its injection, and wherein the frequency of said pulses ranges from 0.1 to 3 Hz.
31. The method as claimed in claim 31, wherein said frequency ranges from 0.1 to 1 Hz.
32. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said secondary oxidizer has a mixture of air and oxygen.
33. The method as claimed in claim 33, wherein said air is preheated.

34. The method as claimed in claim 33, wherein said air provides from 5% to 80% by volume of the total oxygen of the secondary oxidizer and wherein the balance is provided by oxygen-enriched air or pure oxygen.
35. The method as claimed in claim 35, wherein said volume of oxygen is from 15% to 40%.
36. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein only one or several fuel(s) are injected.







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Patent Number 225781
Indian Patent Application Number 1568/DELNP/2003
PG Journal Number 01/2009
Publication Date 02-Jan-2009
Grant Date 28-Nov-2008
Date of Filing 01-Oct-2003
Applicant Address 75 QUAI D'ORSAY, F-75321 PARIS CEDEX 07, FRANCE.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F23D 14/22
PCT International Application Number PCT/FR02/01170
PCT International Filing date 2002-04-04
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 01/04738 2001-04-06 France