Abstract | ABSTRACT OF THE INVENTION A METHOD FOR HIGH SECURITY TAMPER PROOF VENDING SYSTEM This invention relates to high security and tamper proof vending system. At present there is no vending system available with various security aspects in order to avoid tampering. Taking advantage of the chip technology and the electronic devices, the invention ensures that all possible methods of tampering are avoided. This system is a vending system whereby the secret and unique identity codes are fed in through peripheral device or devices and the system would enable the product to be vended only if the codes as found on die container are validated with the codes that are fed into the system. Further, this system would enable to vend only to the quantity pre-specified by the manufacturer or the wholesaler so that addition of any quantity is not possible. This invention would ensure that the consumer would get the right quality as well as the quantity without any adulteration. This system would enswe that the product of the manufacturer or the wholesaler is not tampered with and their product alone is vended. The unit is cost effective. Figure-3 |
Full Text | The invention relates to providing a system which would enable and ensure that the end consumer would get the goods only of his choice at the right quantity and the manufacture of the product is ensured that the channels in between would not be able to tamper with the product or its quantity and quality. At present various products are sold through various modes. However, majority of them are basic modes where there is every possibility to tamper with in order to adulterate the product or to tamper with the quality and quantity of the product. Hence the consumer is the worst affected person as he has no alternative except to cope up with what is available. The Manuf^turer or the wholesaler is also in a helpless situation since the modes for vending are not tamper proof and the security measures are not adequate. Ultimately, the manufacturer or the wholesaler is placed in a situation where his credibility is affected because of the tampering with the product. In order to overcome the situation and by exploiting the chip mechanism, this High Security Vending Machine is invented. Care is taken to ensure that all possible tamper methods have been studied and systems are imbedded to ensure that no tampering is possible. This invention can be used for vending consumer goods such as water, oil, milk, petrol, diesel, or any other goods which is in liquid form. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION; Product: - This is a high technology vending system using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and image comparison in embedded technology. This unit assures the end user regarding the quality of the product. The product quality received by end user will be of the same quality produced. This unit provides security for the manufacturer, security for the distributor, security for the retailer, security for the Consumer and also security for the mother Earth. The Tamper proof vending system proposed here is equipped with the latest state-of the-art electronic circuitry to ensure the maximum security towards the product being dispensed with using this system and hence protecting the interests of both the vendor and the consumer as well. Parts of the product: - The various parts used in this development are 1.Image Reader: A low cost image reader CMOS (complimentary metal oxide semiconductors) for acquiring vendor specific details like logo and serial number of the product. 2. System Supervisor (Micro controller): -This system incorporates scores of features to make it tamper proof Following are the features built into the system. The system supervisor is a third generation micro controller witih hundreds of features tightly packed in a small silicon chip. This controller is having a programmable hardware with dynamic run time re-configurability and a 32-bit core micro controller. This device intelligently supervises the overall functionality of the system and interacts with the image processor. A brief description of the tasks done by system supervisor is given below. System health check on power up Password validation of the vendor / user Check for security threat to system Maintain dispenser database Trigger & Sensors Image analysis Temperature Control Control Keys 2.Data input devices: - Smart cards, Control keys a) Smart card Access: The smart card contains the validation code for access to various data areas. The encrypted smart card contains the serial number of the bottles delivered particular to the vending unit along with the total number of bottles delivered. The system provides information related to the vending status of the bottles from the previous delivery. 3.Display: The display which is controlled by the System Supervisor is a 32 character alpha numeric LCD display arranged in 2 lines provides clear status of the vending system user. For better visibility the display is provided with a backlit LED option for maximum reading convenience. 4.Solenoid: The solenoid is an electro mechanical valve for controlling the vending commodity. The System Supervisor also controls this device. 5.Booster Pump: The booster pump, also controlled by the system supervisor, is provided for quick delivery of water. 6. Light Emitting Diode (LED): To illuminate the object. 7. Firmware Language C or C++: - Using this language, a programme is developed which helps in running and integrating all the parts of the product with micro controller. 8. Software: - This is for image grabbing, comparing, extracting data, and verification 9. Battery: - Standby power to the system controller, LED's, Solenoid Valve, CMOS image Sensor etc., to keep the unit fimctional even during power outages. 10. Triggers / Sensors :- Triggers are sensors to detect the insertion and removal of the containers. These are basically limit switches. The sensors are proximity detectors to detect paper cup on the delivery outlet. The system controller will sense the presence of the paper cup and will energise the solenoid. 11. Control Keys :- Control keys for controlling the dispensing volume as well to lock and deactivate the system when not in use. The above parts are integrated in a dispenser made of fibre and plastic to suit the requirement of the vending product and the vending product container. The mouth of the unit is fabricated to properly fit in the container to vend. The mouth of the container to be vended is provided with the company unique logo and unique alpha numeric code on the cap either as a sticker or on the cap itself Working of the unit; - Initial Part: The unique data of each of the vending container is fed into the smart card at the manufacturing or distribution level by the manufacturer / distributor which is e>q)ected to be kept confidential to avoid any tampering. The company/ distributor representative who delivers the vending containers to the retailer would feed the unique data to the vending unit through the smart card reader forming part of the vending unit which is stored in the memory of the micro processor. The quantity of the container is stored by way of the smart card so as to ensure that the exact quantity alone is delivered relating to the unique number so as to avoid unauthorised refill in the container. When the product to be vended is placed in the designated area of the unit, the trigger which is placed at the mouth of the unit will enable the starting sequence. A led indicator will glow and message stating the position of the container 'OK' is displayed on the LCD screen. The microcontroller after receiving the signal from the trigger will send start signal from cmos image sensor and led lights to illuminate the image. After a delay of five seconds to enable the container to settle from the vibrations, it will activate the image grabber code vvdiich triggers the cmos image sensor and grabs the data i»'ovided on the mouth of the container either by way of sticker or on the cap. This data after passing through all the filters of image processing will generate a final image, which gets stored in temporary memory of the micro controller. This image is first verified for any deviation of angle. This is corrected and then the image is divided into two parts namely, image part and code part by the software. The image part is verified with the pre-stored image. After the verification is done and the output is successful, then the alphanumeric code in code part is extracted using Optical Character Recognition Software and compared with data already entered througli the input devices namely Smart cards. If the code matches with a similar code in the database, the controller initiates the starting sequence for delivering the vending product by opening the solenoid valve placed at the mouth of the vending unit. As and when the sale is to be executed, a second solenoid valve will be opened and closed for a specific time period depending on the volume to be sold. This process is done by using the software designed for this purpose. Meanwhile during the same time two other functions to avoid misuse of code and quantity are executed. The first one is the quantity of the product sold is tracked so that the quantity sold will not exceed the actual quantity of the container. The second one is by deleting the alphanumeric code in the input database and shifting it to output database so that the container is not used for second time by refilling it with a substandard product. With the help of sensors or triggers placed in the unit, the unit further also ensures that any tampering with the outer shell of the vending unit will make the unit totally non-functional and needs to be reprogrammed to make it work again thus avoiding even a minute chances of tampering. The imit has standby battery for running even during power breakdowns. Security control and dataflow of the system: - The tamper proof and security control for this unit is done by using high-end technology with a simple code mechanism. The existing codes available in market are bar code, matrix code which are all only to identify the product but the code used in this unit unique code without any repetition with that of another container and is to identify each and every single unit in a product. This code is made of alphanumeric. Using matrix code the alignment of tiie product is done. The matrix code and the logo of the company is pre-entered into tiie micro controller flash in the hexa decimal code to make the unit as a company specific. The unit of the product afdxed with this unique code and matrix code is placed at the designated area .The moment the container is placed (the tri^er) activates micro controller to start the sequence. The Light Emitting Diodes to illuminate the object are switched on by the micro controller. The alignment is done after receiving the start string from the controller which starts to acquire the designated matrix code, which will be done manually by slowly rotating the container so that the codes imbedded on the mouth or the cap fall in the line of the CMOS image sensor. When the matrix code comes directly opposite to the sensor, the sensors sends the instruction to the controller and the controller simultaneously sends the "target acquired" string to the LCD for display and also it activates a beep signal. After the alignment is done, then the micro controller activates the CMOS image sensor. The camera is triggered to acquire the illuminated object, which has two parts. One is the logo of the company and the second one is the unique alphanumeric unit code. Once the image of the object is acquired, the cmos image sensor and led lights are switched off to conserve power. The image processing program is activated to process the data received from cmos image sensor using bayer's theory of image processing. After the image is processed, the programme will find out the deviation and correction if any in the angle is executed. Now the data generated is ready for comparison and evaluation. After the proper image is generated, it is divided into two parts i.e., picture part and code part. The picture part is the one, which contains the logo of the company, and code part is the one which contains the unique alphanumeric code. First the picture part is compared with the stored image and if both match then the verification of the code part is activated. If the images do not match then the microcontroller asks for the new container and exits out If the image part matches, then the code part is activated. Here the alphanumeric code in image is exfracted using Optical Character Recognition software developed for this particular application. The extracted code then is compared with the external code input through Smart Card. Here to make the external input devices tamper proof, the following system is followed. Data transfer is done through smart card. The codes on the containers is fed into the smart card at the distribution point itself and the role of delivery person is only to activate the codes on the container by inserting the smart card in its slot. Here download of the code takes place and also upload of the sales in different volimies, used containers and unused containers at that moment is uploaded on to the smart card. This is downloaded onto the distributors system at the end of the day for creating master database for their use. Here the level of access to the system also is regulated through different levels of access with different validation codes. The alphanumeric code entered by the above method is stored in the flash. This is compared with the extracted code and if both are identical, then the system starts the vending process. If they are not identical then the system exits. This ensures that no replacement of the product or refill can be done as the code is unique and accepts only once and only to the extent of the specified quantum. In the vending process the system first opens the solenoid valve VI for the product to enter into delivery chamber. Now the delivery chamber is ready to dispense. Based on the volumetric requirement there are three different switches for three different volumes namely Ql, Q2, Q3. On the requirement of the consumer either Ql, Q2 or Q3 are pressed. The second solenoid valve V2 opens for time Tl, T2, T3. Meanwhile the volume still left also is calculated. That is Total Volume is FQ then FQ-Qlor Q2 or Q3 (dispensed volume) is equal to TQ. The function continues until TQ =FQ.Then the vending process stops, both the solenoids close so that no further amount of product gets vended relating to the unique code to ensure that there will not be any addition to the actual quantity to be vended thereby controlling the adulteration. Once the quantity vended is equal to actual quantity then the microcontroller prompts on the LCD screen to place a new container. Once the new container is placed the process starts again. In order to ensure more safety, with the help of triggers and sensors, it is ensured that the whole unit would get locked if the door of the system is opened by any one unauthorisedly. The unit can be restored on by the Data Administrative Supervisor of the company / distributor. This security measure is to ensure that there will not be any bypass of the embedded system. The enclosed flow charts would explain the functioning of the invention in a simpler way. The following are the abbreviations used the flow charts. Abbreviations AID -> Administrator Identification Code NAID -^ New Administrator Identification Code DID -^ Delivery Identification Code NDID -^ New Delivery Identification Code MID -^ Manager Identification Code NMID -> New Manager Identification Code ID -^ Identification Code CIMG -> Captiired Still Image MIMG -> Master Image NP -> Numerical Part NUM -> Number PP -> Picture Part REP -¥ Report QTY -> Quantity FQ ^ Fixed Quantity TQ -^ Total Quantity Ql -> Quantity 1 Q2 ^ Quantity 2 Q3 ■» Quantity 3 T -> Time Tl ^ Time 1 T2 -> Time 2 T3 ^ Time 3 VI ^Solenoid Valve 1 V2 -> Solenoid Valve 2 Figure 1 is the Block Diagram which shows the int^ration of various parts of the unit MICXO CONTROLLER OR MICRO PROCESSOR: Figl parti The Micro controller or Micro processor is used to master the peripherals connected to it and to manipulate the information gathered through the sensors. SOLENOID VALVE: Figl part 2 The solenoid Valve is activated after the unique identity code is verified for delivery or rejection. IMAGE SENSOR: Figl part 3 The sensor captures the information in front of it and sends the output as a digital output and it is stored in RAM memory by the processor. And all its parameters like gain setting, image size, etc. are controlled by the processor and the output of the sensor is analyzed by the processor. PRINTER INTERFACE: Figl part 4 The printer interface is to connwt the printer, to print out the hard copy of the information gathered by the processor, on request by the user to flie processor. PERIPHERAL PORT :Fig 1 part 5 The port is used for communication and accessing external peripherals like pc smart card, magmetic card, Blue tooth, handheld kit, ir device etc . POWER SUPPLY: Fig 1 part 6 The unit is to give regulated and rectified power source to the processor and its peripherals. And a backup is provided through a batteiy on the absence of power supply from the external sources (EB or Generator). The battery is being charged when the external sources are ON and are sourced on their absence CONTROL KEYS: Fig 1 Part 7 The keys are to deliver the quantity based on the request from the vendee, to activate the smart card access and used to lock the positioning of the vendible product. SMART CARD READER: Fig 1 Fart 8 The reader is to read the information from the smart card and transfer the unique identity code to the Flash memory and it gets displayed in the led and simultaneously downloads the used bulk packing details along with the consimiption information to the smart card. LCD DISPLAYtFigl Part 9 The display serves as an output system to view the information displayed by the processor on interaction with its peripherals and also vendee. RAM MEMORY: Fig 1 Part 10 The memory is a volatile memory. It's provided to enhance wider performance on manipulation by the processor, and to store data from image sensor. FLASH MEMORY: Figl Part 11 The memory is a non-volatile memory. The firmware is embedded into the flash memory of the micro controller or micro processor.It stores the vendible product unit details from external peripheral devices. It also stores the Unique indentity Code of the Vendible product. Figure 2 is the Flow Chart explaining the process of image grabbing of the vending unit To give clarity to the same, the process is explained below. Step-1 The start of the security is initiated by a trigger. Step- 2 Once the trigger enable is received by the micro controller, it sends signal for CMOS image sensor and LED lights to switch OIL After both are switched on, the camera is made to acquire the image. Step- 3 After the image is properly aligned and acquired instructions are sent again to the CMOS sensor to acquire and transfer the data CIMG (Capture Still Image). Step- 4 After the data is totally received from the sensor, the data is processed and analysed for the angle of the image CIMG. If the CIMG is tilted than it follows next step. If it is not tilted than it goes to step 7. Step- 5 Once the CIMG is found to be tilted than the tilted angle of CIMG is calculated. Step- 6 This tilted angle is adjusted to make it ready for the next step. Step- 7 The CIMG in this step is divided into two parts. Those are PP (Picture Part) and NP (Numeric Part). Figure 3 is the Flow Chart explaining Image and Unique code validation Step 1 The PP is now compared with MIMG (Master Image) pre stored in the Flash of the micro controller. If PP is identical to MIMG then it will go for next step execution. If PP is not equal to MIMG then it exists firom the loop. Step 2 Now the NP (alphanumeric number) is extracted using OCR (Optical Character Recognition algorithm). Step 3 The extracted number NP is now verified with stored number file. If number is foimd than it moves on to next step. If it is not found, then it exists from the loop. Step 4 Once the PP and NP are verified and found to be tallied, then the number is deleted from the inbox number file and appended to the outbox file and also the valve VI is opened. The security part of the system is completed. Figure 4 is the Flow Chart explaining the Dispensing Algorithm Step 1 In this module the system is ready for dispensing the product. When the user presses for the required quantity it verifies whether the quantity needed is available. Step 2 The valve S2 is opened based on the required volume for time of Tl, T2, T3 and then dispenses. Simultaneously the quantity dispensed is reduced from the 'Available Quantity'. Step 3 Once the TQ (Dispensed Quantity) equals the FQ (Fixed Quantity) then the system exits. Figure 5 is the Flow Chart explaining the Vendor validation The password validation system has three different levels of access. They are DID (Delivery Identification), MID (Manager Identification), AID (Administrator Identification). Step 1 If the access is DID then the system gives access only to transfer the alphanumeric numbers to the inbox. Step 2 If the access is MID then the system gives access to transfer the alphanumeric numbers to the inbox and also to change the access codes of DID. Step 3 If the access is through AID then the system gives access to transfer the alphanumeric numbers to the inbox , to change the access codes of DID, MID and also AID. Figure 6 is the Flow Chart explaining the Id Change of Delivery Figure 7 is the Flow Chart explaining the Id Change of Manager Figure 8 is the Flow Chart explaining the Id Change of Administrator I CLAIM 1. A method for "High Secmity Tamper Proof Vending System " where in the method of capturing the unique Identity Code for comparison and matching using micro controller or micro processor unique Identity code for each vendible unit is fed into the micro controller or micro processor or storage device or devices the unique identity code is used to recognise the manufacturer and the vendible unit the image sensor captures the unique identity code of vendible unit and transfers to micro controller or micro processor pre loaded with the unique i^ntity code the unique identity code for each vendible product is fed into the controller or processor or storage devices by external wire or wireless .contact or contact less peripherals the unique identity code is compared with the pre loaded unique identity code and the vendible product is accepted and cleared for delivery or rejected the unique identity mark and alphanumeric code is used for identifying the manufacturer and vendible unit the multiple acceptance of the unique identity code is negated. 2. The method as claimed in claim 1 for "High Security Tamper proof Vending System" by pre loading the quantum of the vendible product where in vending system doesn't allow the tampering with the quantum 3. The claim as made in claim 1 for the method for "High Security Tamper proof Vending System " where in retailing from bulk containers or packs are secured by identification of the container or packs and their quantum and further disabling repeated or multiple use of the same container or Packs. 4. The claim as made in claim 1 where in the the method of using hand held kit, smart card, magnetic card ,blue tooth, infrared devices etc for a secured communication with micro controller or micro processor to negate the tampering of unique identity code. 5. The claim as made in claim 1 where in unit would get disabled if the door or doors of the unit is opened by unauthorised persons. 6. The claim as made in claim 1 where in tiie data of consumption is stored and retrieved for market study. 7.The claim as made in claim 1 where in the unique identity code is developed or derived from the company's logo or any other mark of the company characterised in that with the unique alpha numeric generated based on Batch number, date and time of manufacturing. |
1300-che-2004 abstract duplicate.pdf
1300-che-2004 claims duplicate.pdf
1300-che-2004 correspondence-others.pdf
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1300-che-2004 description (complete) duplicate.pdf
1300-che-2004 description (complete).pdf
1300-che-2004 drawings duplicate.pdf
Patent Number | 225867 | ||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 1300/CHE/2004 | ||||||||
PG Journal Number | 02/2009 | ||||||||
Publication Date | 09-Jan-2009 | ||||||||
Grant Date | 01-Dec-2008 | ||||||||
Date of Filing | 02-Dec-2004 | ||||||||
Name of Patentee | MENAKURU SRINIVASA MAHESH REDDY | ||||||||
Applicant Address | 80-17-07, SRINIVASA NAGAR, A.V.A. ROAD, RAJAHMUNDRY 533 103, | ||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | G06F 17/00 | ||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||
PCT Conventions: