Abstract | A microbial plant growth promoter composition, comprising a mixture of microbial strains in conjunction with silica powder and bio-enhancers, to boost plant growth, promote soil detoxification and enhance the biological properties of the soil. |
Full Text | FORM 2 THE PATENT ACT 1970 (39 of 1970) & The Patents Rules, 2003 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION (See section 10 and rule!3) 1. TITLE OF THE INVENTION: "MICROBIAL PLANT GROWTH PROMOTER COMPOSITION WITH BIO-ENHANCERS" 2. APPLICANT (a) NAME: ADVANCED BIOCHEMICALS LIMITED (b) NATIONALITY: Indian Company incorporated under the Indian Companies ACT, 1956 (c) ADDRESS: Above Navneet Motors, Gokul Nagar, P.O. Box 182, Thane (W) 400 601 Maharashtra, India 3.PREAMBLE TO THE DESCRIPTION The following specification particularly describes the invention and the manner in which is to be performed Technical Field: The present invention relates to a microbial plant growth promoter composition comprising i the microbial plant growth promoter in conjunction with bio-enhancers, which boost plant growth, soil detoxification and enhances the biological properties of the soil. The present invention further relates to a process for preparing the microbial plant growth promoter composition comprising the microbial plant growth promoter in conjunction with bio-enhancers. Further, the present invention relates to pest control and disease control measures for some specific pests of field crops by use of the microbial plant growth promoter composition. Background and prior art: Useful microorganisms have played pivotal role in reducing the cost of chemical fertilizers in Agriculture. Because of the world's exponentially increasing population and increasing dependence on food, there is a need to increase the present level of food production without hampering the ecology with chemicals. The use of microorganisms has been proven from a lot of trials taken in the past. The soil contains a wide variety of life forms which can interact with plants, including bacteria, fungi and nematodes. These life forms are especially abundant in the rhizosphere, the area of the soil that surrounds and is influenced by the plant roots. As used herein the term rhizosphere embraces the rhizoplane, the root-soil interface including the surface of the root. The term rhizobacteria, as used herein, refers to bacteria adapted to the rhizosphere. The interactions between these soil inhabiting life forms are complex, some being antagonistic and others being mutually beneficial. The interactions between plants and the various soil life forms are similarly complex, in some instances helpful to the plant and in other instances deleterious to the plant. International application WO03089640 discloses a biofertilizer based on Rhizobium bacteria, applied to plants in order to increase the nitrogen uptake capacity by over expressing the nitrogenase genes in the bacteria. CN1254696 discloses a biofertilizer prepared from the mixture of more than 21 useful bacteria including azotobacterium, phosphorus bacteria, potassium bacteria, actinomycetes, etc and culture medium as carrier containing repeseed cake, earthworm, or chicken droppings, phosphorus ore powder, nutritive additive, peat powder and trace elements. CN1235139 discloses an organic biofertilizer prepared from organic substances including ^ peat and leftover of agricultural and subsidiary products, deodouring agent, promoter, stabilizer, synergizing agent, ecological bacteria including azotobacterium, phosphorus bacterium and silicate bacterium and nutrition conditioner. CN1233605 discloses a biofertilizer composed of pilose, asiabell root, saliva root, / scorphularia root, adenophora etc, 25 traditional Chinese medicines and other additives. International application WO9634840 discloses a bacterial fertilizer (biofertilizer; comprising a suspension which contains cells of new strains of the micro-organisms Azotobacter vinelandii and Azospirillum brasilense in a water medium. The micro¬organisms are obtained by a process which comprises: a) plate culture of the original strain; b) treatment of the former colonies of the prior culture with another culture means; and c) culture of the isolated colonies of the prior step. CN 1107178 discloses a mixture of the fermentation liquors of A chroocuum, B.m egatherium and B polymyxa adsorbed on the carrier to form solid dry powder preparation, which is mixed with the chemical fertilizer synergist and organic matrix in accordance with a specific proportion. According to the prior art search carried out by us, no similar plant growth promoter composition which comprises combination of beneficial microbes and bioenhancer and prepared with the unique fermentative process have been found for boosting the plant growth, detoxifying soil and enhancing the biological properties of the soil. Summary of the Invention The present invention discloses a microbial plant growth promoter composition which comprises a mixture of microbial strains in conjunction with silica powder and bio-enhancers, to boost plant growth, promote soil detoxification and enhance the biological properties of the soil. In particular, the present composition of the microbial plant growth promoter comprises Bacillus polymyxa, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Propionibacterium freudenreichii, Candida tropicallis, Azotobacter vinelendi, Nitrobacter and Bacillus licheniformis bioenhancers; (sugar base) khandsari and zeolite. More particularly, the present composition of the microbial plant growth promoter comprises microbial strains selected from Bacillus polymyxa: 1-25 X 106 Cfu/Gm; Lactobacillus acidophilus: 1-35 X106 Cfu/Gm; Propionibacterium freudenreichii: 1-40 X 106 Cfu/Gm; Candida tropicallis: 1-30 X106 Cfu/Gm; Azotobacter vinelendi: 1-35 X106 Cfu/Gm; Nitrobacter 1-30 X 106 Cfu/Gm; Bacillus licheniformis: 1-35 X 106 Cfu/Gm;Bioenhancers: 1%; (Sugar Base) Khandsari: 40% and Zeolite: Qs. The present invention further discloses a process for preparing the microbial plant growth promoter compositions which comprises the steps of growing separately microbes like Lactobacillus, Bacillus spp., Propionibacter, Candida d Nitrobacter in fermentation media; mixing precipitated silica in the fermentation broth in the ratio of one part of fermentation broth to two parts of silica to get a free flowing powder of microbes; mixing all the powdered microbes together with sugar source like khandsari or sucrose in the proportion of 30 to 50% in the ratio of 1 to 40 x (1 x 106) microbes per gram along with filler like zeolite; w mixing bioenhancers in the ratio of 0.5 to 1% to the above mentioned powder of microbes with sugar to give the microbial plant growth promoter composition. Use of microbial plant growth promoter composition of the present invention as plant growth booster, soil detoxifier and the biological properties enhancer of the soil is also disclosed. Detailed Description The present invention discloses the microbial plant growth promoter composition comprising the microbial plant growth promoter in conjunction with bio-enhancers, which boost plant growth, soil detoxification and enhances the biological properties of the soil. According to the present invention, the microbial plant growth promoter composition comprises B POLYMYXA:\ L ACIDOPHILUS; P FREDENTIA; C TROPICALIS; A VINELANDI; NITROBACTER; B LICHENIFORMIS:; BIOENHANCERS; (SUGAR BASE) KHANDSARI and ZEOLITE. According to the present invention, the preferred composition of microbial plant growth promoter comprises B POLYMYXA: 1-25 x 106 CFU/GM; L ACIDOPHILUS: 1-35 x 106 CFU/GM; P FREDENTIA: 1-40 x 106 CFU/GM; C TROPICALIS: 1-30 x 106 CFU/GM; A VINELANDI: 1-35 x 106 CFU/GM; NITROBACTER: 1-30 x 106 CFU/GM; B LICHENIFORMIS: 1-35 x 106 CFU/GM; BIOENHANCERS: 1%; (SUGAR BASE) KHANDSARI:40% and ZEOLITE:QS. Azotobacter vinelandii is an aerobic soil-dwelling organism with a wide variety of metabolic capabilities which include the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen by converting it to ammonia. It fixes nitrogen in the free-living state and does not enter into symbioses with plants. Azotobacter vinelandii is capable of synthesizing not only the molybdenum-containing nitrogenase enzyme but also two alternative nitrogenases; one in which vanadium replaces molybdenum and a second which contains neither of the transition metals but only iron. Secondly, Azotobacter vinelandii has evolved a number of physiological mechanisms to allow it to fix nitrogen aerobically despite the inherent oxygen-sensitivity of nitrogenase. It has uniquely high rates of respiration coupled with specific cytochromes to ensure that nitrogenase experiences an essentially anoxic environment despite the fact that energy is being derived from aerobic metabolism. Bacillus polymyxa and Bacillus licheniformis have great diversity in physiology among members of the genus, whose collective features include degradation of most all substrates derived from plant and animal sources including cellulose, starch, pectin, proteins, agar, hydrocarbons, and others; antibiotic production; nitrification; denitrification; nitrogen fixation; facultative lithotrophy; autotrophy; acidophily; alkaliphily; psychrophily, thermophily and parasitism. Spore formation, universally found in the genus, is thought to be a strategy for survival in the soil environment, wherein the bacteria predominate. Most Bacillus species are versatile chemoheterotrophs capable of respiration using a variety of simple organic compounds (sugars, amino acids, organic acids). Propionibacterium fredenreichii are slow-growing, nonsporeforming, Gram-positive, bacteria. They can be rod-shaped or branched and can occur singularly, in pairs, or in groups. They generally produce lactic acid, propionic acid, and acetic acid from glucose. Lactobacillus acidophilus releases lactic acid along with production of additional supplies of vitamins and other trace nutrients. Lactobacillus acidophilus produces Vitamin B (including riboflavin, B-12, Thiamin, folic acid and panthenic acid) in addition to certain proteins. Generally whenever Lactobacilli comes in contact with any carbohydrates, it starts secreting enzymatic substances and converts into simple sugars, lactose into lactic acid which eventually lowers the pH of the medium in which it is growing thus preventing the growth of pathogens and harmful microorganisms. Nitrobacter is a member of the Purple Bacteria. The organism uses nitrite as an electron donor, thereby reducing the compound to ammonia. Pear-or Rod-shaped cells with buds are apparent when grown chemolithotrophically. Nitrobacter cells are facultative chemolithotrophs. When grown this way, their energy and carbon needs are fulfilled by the oxidation of nitrite to ammonia and by fixation of carbon dioxide. Candida tropicalis converts simple sugars to ethyl alcohol and acetic acid to create acidic and sterile condition, controlling the odor and also these released substances act as insect repellants. Thus the substances released by Candida tropicalis will not only be helpful for pfants but afso it checks on the overaff initial condition of the fermenting medium. The media used for growing the microbes used in microbial plant growth promoter composition is as follows : The medium used for growing Lactobacillus spp comprises Peptic Digest Of Animal Tissue: 5 gm / liter; Yeast Extract: 5 gm / liter; Glucose: 2 gm / liter; Mono Potassium Phosphate :0.5 gm / liter; Dipotassium Phosphate: 0.5 gm / liter; Magnesium Sulphate:0.3 gm / liter; and Distilled Water 1 Liter. The medium used for growing Bacillus spp comprises Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue: 5 gm / liter; Sodium Chloride: 5 gm / liter; Beef Extract: 1.5 gm / liter; Yeast Extract: 1.5 gm / liter and Distilled Water: 1 Liter. The medium used for growing Propionibacter spp comprises DEXTROSE: 1 gm / liter; Peptone:0.75 gm / liter; Di Basic Potassium Phosphate:0.2 gm / liter; Tomato Juice: 10 ml / liter; Polysorbate 80 :1 ML / liter and Distilled Water: 1 Liter. The medium used for growing Azetobacter spp comprises Burk's Media : 100 ml / liter; Mono basic potassium phosphate: 0.08 gm / liter; Di basic potassium phosphate: 0.02 gm / liter; Magnesium sulphate:0.02 gm / liter; Sodium chloride: 0.02 gm/ Liter; Calcium sulphate : O.Olgm / liter; Ferrous molybdate mixture: 0.1 gm /liter; H3BO3: 10 ugm/ liter; Zinc sulphate: 10 ugm/ liter; Manganese sulphate: 1 ugm/ liter; Copper sulphate:0.3 ugm/ liter; Potassium iodide: 0.1 ugm/ liter and Distilled water : 1 Liter. The medium used for growing CANDIDA SPP comprises Potato infusion: 200 gm/ liter; Dextrose: 20 gm/ liter and Distilled water : 1 Liter The final pH of the fermentation medium was 5.6. The medium used for growing NITROBACTER is Modified stanier's media which comprises 10 ml of PART I : Magnesium Sulphate: 0.2 gm/liter; Mono basic potassium phosphate: 1 .0 gm/liter; Ferrous sulphate; 50 mg / liter; Calcium Chloride:20 mg/ liter; Mangnese Chloride:2 mg / liter; Na2Mo04: 1 mg/liter and Distilled water: 1 Liter. The pH was adjusted to 8.5 with sodium hydroxide and sterilized at 121°C for 15 min; added asepticaly to 5 ml of PART II: NaNC^: 6 gm/liter and distilled water :100 ml / liter which was further sterilized. According to the present invention there is also provided a process for preparation of the growth promoter in conjunction with bio-enhancers. In the present invention, the process is specially designed such that the microorganisms like Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophillous, Bacillus polymyxa, Azotobacter vinelandii, Bacillus licheniformis, Propionibacter freudenia, Candida tropicalis were grown separately in a controlled fermentation medium. These media were then adsorbed on a specific matrix to get the individual powdered organisms. The schematic representation of the process is as follows: The present discloses a process of preparation of microbial plant growth promoter composition using beneficial microbes and bioenhancers which comprises growing Separately microbes like Lactobacillus, Bacillus spp., Propionibacter, Candia and Nitrobacter in specific media in fermentation vessels; mixing precipitated silica in the fermentation broth in the ratio of one part of fermentation broth to two parts of silica to get a free flowing powder of microbes; mixing all the powdered microbes together with sugar source like khandsari or sucrose in the proportion of 30 to 50% in the ratio of 1 to 40 x (1 x 106) microbes per gram along with filler like zeolite; mixing bioenhancers in the ratio of 0.5 to 1% to the above mentioned powder of microbes with sugar to give the microbial plant growth promoter ready for use. While using the microbial plant growth promoter composition of the present invention, it is added to water (taking into consideration of the area to be covered for the spraying) like dosage of 250 gm of microbial plant growth promoter in 1 acre of land. 250 gm to 400 gm depending on the area of application, the plant growth promoter is added in 5 to 10 lit of water in a plastic container and lid is fixed. After 5 to 6 days of incubation lid is opened and further diluted to 30 to 50 lit of water and spread on the area. According to the present invention, Bioenhancers were prepared by fermentation using controlled conditions with the help of pressure, adjustments in temperature and using suitable fermentation medium referring to the environment. The fermentation process is carried out by using the fermentation substrate, the carbohydrate source that is metabolized by the fermenting microorganism(s). The fermentation media includes fermentation substrate and other raw materials used in the fermentation process. In the present invention, the fermentation media can bring out liquefaction and saccharification processes or other desired processes prior to or simultaneously with fermentation. In the present invention, fermentation medium is intended to cover the medium before adding the fermenting microorganism(s), such as, the medium in or resulting from liquefaction and/or saccharification process, as well as the media which comprises the fermenting microorganisms, such media can be used in a simultaneous fermentation process with liquefaction or saccharrification or simultaneous liquefaction-saccharrification-fermentation process Fermenting microorganism referred in the present invention is intended to include any microorganism suitable for use in bio-enhancers production in a desired fermentation process. Suitable fermenting microorganisms are able to ferment, i.e., convert, sugars, such as glucose or maltose, directly or indirectly into the desired fermentation product. Any suitable substrate or raw material may be used in a fermentation process. The substrate is generally selected based on the desired fermentation product and the process employed of fermentation, as is well known in the art. Examples of substrates suitable for use in the processes of producing bioenhancers, include starch-containing materials, sugar-containing materials, sugar-containing raw materials and cellulose-containing materials. Suitable substrates also include carbohydrate sources that can be metabolized by the fermenting microorganism, and which may be supplied by direct addition to the fermentation media. The combination of bioenhancers and unique blend of synergistically acting various microbes like Azetobacter vinelandii, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Propionibacterium fredenreichii, Bacillus polymyxa, Bacillus licheniformis, Nitrobacter spp and Candida tropicalis along with cellulolytic combined with proteolytic bioenhancer. The resultant combined product can be made applicable to field on activation by calculating the amount of microbial growth promoter (containing sugar base like glucose, dextrose, khandasari sugar base) ranging from 200 to 500 gm depending on the crop and the area on which it is to be applied, in 10 to 15 times of water, mixed well and kept for 3 to 5 days in a tightly closed container till gas formation and fruity smell was observed. The resultant fermented liquid can be further diluted 60 to 80 times with water and sprayed thoroughly on the selected area of the crop. The application can be done maximum twice after interval of 3 to 4weeks time period depending on condition of soil and crop. Microbial growth promoter fastens the root growth (as is seen in example 1 to 3 of the lab pot experiments), thus enhancing nutrient uptake by giving higher yield with better crop quality. It improves soil fertility by increasing the beneficial microbial count within the soil. After the addition of the microbial growth promoter to plant soil, it is observed that lodging of Azetobacter, Propionibacter, Bacillus, Nitrobacter on the root or the seed surface is enhanced thus allowing colonizing of beneficial microbes on the seed or root surface. This dominant colonization helps to prevent the entry of disease causing microbes on to the plant root surface or rhizophere. This benefiting microbes will help the plant by various ways; nitrogen fixation by Azetobacter; release of acids like lactic and propionic acid by Lactobacillus and Propionibacter and thus directly affecting the roots by increasing root respiration and formation, increasing the availability of micronutrients, increasing the permeability of plant membranes thus the uptake of nutrients. This eventually helps in good growth of the plant. By synergistic association of bioenhancers and the microbial mixture, various positive effects have been seen on plant growth. During the initial fermentation of 5 to 6 days of the microbial growth promoter the enzymes and microbial interaction has been seen releasing the amino acid tyrosine in the liquid medium in presence of sugar base. Estimation of Tyrosine in Microbial growth promoter solutions was carried out by using standard method of amino acid estimation by Folin ciocalteau's reagent after incubating at room temperature for 5 to 6days. The results of the same are tabulated in Table 1. The powders of Candida tropicalis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Propionibacter freudenrichi, Azetobacter vinelandi, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus polymyxa, Nitrobacter were prepared at the 1 x 106 cfu/gm individually and diluted in the same way as microbial plant growth promoter solution and their individual tyrosine released was estimated. The results for the same are given in Table 1. The Population dynamics of Microbial plant growth promoter during incubation period of 5 to 6 days was estimated by standard method colony forming units (cfu) by which we can estimate the population changes occurring during the incubation of Microbial growth promoter and also pH changes and gas formation during incubation. The results for the same are given in Table 2. Table 2 : Population dynamics of Microbial growth promoter during incubation period of 5 to 6days Further, the present invention discloses pest control and disease control measures for some specific pests of field crops by use of these growth promoter compositions. The effect of commonly used pesticides on the population dynamics of the microorganisms of microbial growth promoter of the present invention was carried out which comprises the following steps : preparing the solution of pesticides like Monocrotophos(0.1%), Furadon(0.1%), Gramaxone(l%), Endosulfan (0.3%) in 100 ml quantities; adding the recommended dosage of microbial growth promoter (250 gm per 5 liter)in the pesticide solutions; preparing control sample by taking 100 ml of sterilized water, adding 10 gm of microbial growth promoter, mixing , drawing 1 ml from it and serially diluting in water blanks; preparing Luria agar autoclaving at 121°C for 20 min and pouring into petriplates; inoculating by spread plate technique, maintaining two replications for each selected dilutions; Incubating the solutions for 7 days; spread plate the cultures after dilution; incubating at 30°C for 48 hrs; and taking population counts at the end of 24 and 48 hrs. The results are given in Table 3. Table 3 : Effect of Pesticide on the population dynamics of the microorganisms of microbial growth promoter by Test for colony forming units(cfu) From the above tabular results it is observed that there was no effect of pesticides on the growth of microbial growth promoters. According to the present invention, the microbial plant growth promoter composition comprising the growth promoter in conjunction with bio-enhancers was tested for its activity by doing laboratory pot experiments on maize seeds, rice, onion variety Agrifound Dark Red, etc. The following examples are for the purpose of illustration of the invention only and are not intended in any way to limit the scope of the invention. Example 1 The effect of different beneficial microorganisms on maize plant growth was studied by carrying out Laboratory pot experiments: Maize seeds were sown in the individual pots, and the pots according to the number AO to A8 were sprayed with two doses of individual microbes as well as microbial plant growth promoter to observe the shoot length, shoot weight and root weight after 45 days of growth, the results of which are as follows : Example 2 The evaluation of the effect of microbial plant growth promoter on growth and yield of Rice (Oryza sativa Lin Variety R-24) was carried out by using following parameters i.e. TO to T7 which is given in Table 5 Soil analysis of the experiment field before and after the experiment with control (TO) and 100 % microbial plant growth promoter treatment (T2) as soil application after 15 and 30 days of plantation is given in Table 6. The table 6 indicates that Microbial growth promoter has maintained soil pH and fertility better over control while table 7 indicates that there was increase in the yield. The higher yield is might be due to more utilization of the nutrients in Microbial plant growth promoter than control. Example 3 The evaluation of effect of Microbial growth promoter on growth and yield of onion variety Agrifound Dark Red was carried out by using following parameters. Soil analysis of the experiment field before and after the experiment with control (TO) and 100 % microbial plant growth promoter treatment (T2) as soil application after 15 and 30 days of plantation is given in Table 9. The table 9 and 10 indicate that the Microbial plant growth promoter has effect on reducing soil pH as well as improving the organic carbon to some extent as also available nitrogen in addition to increase in yield. ) Table 10 : Evaluation of microbial plant growth promoter and yield enhancer on onion variety Agrifound Dark Red. Trea tme nts Gross Yield (q/ha) Marke t Yield (q/ha) Wt of 20 bulb s (kg) Bulb size index (cm)2 Total Suspe nded Solids (TSS) Dry Matter (%) Neck Thick ness (cm) No Of Leav es/pl ant Height of plants (cm) Plant Stand/plot TO 187.12 180.93 0.85 19.00 12.87 1.67 0.73 7.00 41.67 400.67 Tl 251.09 244.12 1.08 22.07 13.17 13.67 1.03 10.0 0 51.00 402.67 T2 234.63 228.95 1.03 21.00 13.33 14.00 1.23 9.67 47.00 400.67 T3 260.08 253.85 1.07 22.77 13.28 13.67 1.13 10.3 3 53.67 406.67 T4 232.17 223.76 1.04 20.73 13.36 13.67 1.17 9.33 43.00 398.67 T5 237.38 230.74 1.02 21.03 13.66 14.00 1.20 8.33 41.00 398.00 T6 269.81 265.69 1.18 23.20 13.21 13.67 1.07 8.67 53.00 410.00 T7 226.51 217.48 1.02 20.39 13.16 14.00 1.27 9.67 47.67 399.33 The microbial plant growth promoter was tested for toxicity specifically Aflatoxin Bl(by HPTLC) which was found below 1 ppb. Further no untoward symptoms were observed after 48 hrs at a concentration of 1% in oral feed in mice. The advantages of the present invention are as follows : • Microbial plant growth promoter composition improves yield and quality of the crops in combination with bioenhancers. • The present composition increases the colonization of beneficial microbes on plants as seen through laboratory pot experiments and thus improving the quality of plant. • The present composition reduces fertilizers dose by almost 50% at the field level when used on the plants like rice (Oryza sativa Lin Variety R-24) and onion. • The present composition reduces fertilizers dose by almost 50% at the field level when used on the plants like onion variety Agrifound Dark Red. • The present composition increases the gross yield of the plant. • The present composition decreases the organic carbon content of soil after harvesting of the crop thus showing optimal utilization of soil nutrients by the plant. • The present composition results in maximum utilization of phosphorus in the form of P2O5 and potassium in the form of K2O as well as calcium utilization of the soil. • The present composition does not contain any aflatoxin like Bl and no untoward symptoms are observed after 48 hrs at concentration of 1% when fed orally to mice. • The commonly used pesticides have no effect on the viability of this microbial plant growth promoter composition. WE CLAIM 1. A microbial plant growth promoter composition, comprising a mixture of microbial strains in conjunction with silica powder and bio-enhancers, to boost plant growth, promote soil detoxification and enhance the biological properties of the soil. 2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 wherein, the microbial strains selected are Bacillus polymyxa, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Propionibacterium freudenreichii, Candida tropicallis, Azotobacter vinelendi, Nitrobacter and Bacillus licheniformis. 3. The composition as claimed in claim 1 wherein the composition further comprises zeolite. 4. The composition as claimed in claim 1 wherein the composition further comprises a sugar base. 5. The composition as claimed in claim 1 and 2, wherein said composition comprises Bacillus polymyxa: 1-25 X106 Cfu/Gm; Lactobacillus acidophilus: 1-35 X106 Cfu/Gm; Propionibacterium freudenreichii: 1-40 X 106 Cfu/Gm; Candida tropicallis: 1-30 X 106 Cfu/Gm; Azotobacter vinelendi: 1-35 X 106 Cfu/Gm; Nitrobacter 1-30 X 106 Cfu/Gm; Bacillus licheniformis: 1-35 X106 Cfu/Gm;Bioenhancers: 1%; (Sugar Base) Khandsari: 40% and Zeolite: Qs. 6. A process for preparation of the microbial plant growth promoter compositions as claimed in claim 1 comprising the steps of; growing separately microbes like Lactobacillus, Bacillus spp., Propionibacter, Candida and Nitrobacter in fermentation media; mixing precipitated silica in the fermentation broth in the ratio of on part of fermentation broth to two parts of silica to get free flowing powder of microbes; mixing all the powdered microbes together with sugar source like khandsari or sucrose in the proportion of 30% to 50% in the ratio of 1 to 40 x (1 x 1Q#) microbes per gram along with filler like zeolite; mixing bioenhancers in the ratio of 0.5 to 1% to the above mentioned powder of microbes with sugar to give the microbial plant growth promoter composition. 7. A microbial plant growth promoter composition as substantially described herein with reference to foregoing examples 1 to 3. |
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Patent Number | 225918 | ||||||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 583/MUM/2004 | ||||||||||||
PG Journal Number | 07/2009 | ||||||||||||
Publication Date | 13-Feb-2009 | ||||||||||||
Grant Date | 03-Dec-2008 | ||||||||||||
Date of Filing | 21-May-2004 | ||||||||||||
Name of Patentee | ADVANCED ENZYME TECHNOLOGIES LTD. | ||||||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | A01N63/00 | ||||||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||||||
PCT Conventions: